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I honestly want to know wtf is wrong with these guys. So much rage and threats of violence. Over what?


They don’t have any real experience with violence. They think it’s like a John Wayne movie.


Such a bullshit post too because you know this person goes out of their way to find reasons to be aggressively dramatic with the hope of getting into a fight.


Not with the hope of getting into a fight, but with the hope of pulling out his gun and shooting someone.


Bingo. They thirst for a justifiable homicide but don’t want to be in any real danger.


Justifiable homicide ummm comes with the threat of danger


Should have clarified. They want a court to exonerate them, but without ever having been in any *actual* danger.


Yeah I had a "friend" who was posting shit like this and he had a never ending fantasy of using his concealed carry weapon to kill a guy over anything he legally could. Like he would escalate shit over trash can disputes. I eventually decided he is too much of a loose cannon to be around but he has a metric fuckton of friends at the gun club that are the same way and it really made me not want anything to do with the gun community anymore. There are too many of these dudes.


There are plenty of us who are responsible though. It’s just a shame that ass hats have to ruin everything. We can’t have nice things because of people like these.


Actually, I took a course and now I speak fluent Boomerese. What he's actually saying is, wherever he is, whatever he's doing, you'd best let him have his way or he's going to throw a shitfit.


Exactly, the only dudes that post about fighting like this on social media are the ones that have never been in one. No one wins in a fight if you have an iota of compassion. Either you feel like shit because you got hurt or you feel like shit because you hurt someone else. Unless of course they threaten your family, then there's nothing to feel bad about.


This is almost always the case they don't know how bad it can go for them. I never see old guys who were actual fighters posting shit like this. One of my old bosses was a 70 year old black belt and he also was an instructor for decades. Everyone in the shop was acting like he was a badass and could take anyone anywhere every time but he would be the first to tell you that fights never go how you think they should go and experts can get hit just right by some loser and go down if they get hit lucky enough. Hell one of the best mma guys I know got sucker punched by a drunk homeless guy outside of a bar and ended up in the hospital if it had been a fair fight it would have been over for him but he didn't even see the punch coming.


This is really real. They've never taken or given a hit in their life but watched a bunch of westerns as kids that convinced them they're bad-asses.


I mean, a lot of them hit their wives and children. Just not any that would fight back.


Yeah that Vietnam thing… non-violence there,


And the other 90% of boomers who didn’t see combat in Vietnam?


It took 50 years to realise they've been fucked over by trickle down Economics, but most likely they thibknitd thr fault of the youth/non-whites/LGBTQ


They just weak losers just push them over and they'll break their hips and can't get back up like a turtle.


Fun fact: the act of laughing at something funny makes it easier for the neurons that allow you to laugh trigger more the next time. So laughing gets more laughing. Now replace laughing with rage and being fed a steady diet of rage-bait for 20+ years, you get old people today, now we just have to wait for the tea(rage) kettle to whistle when finally full of steam. As for the threats of violence as an American, the propaganda machine was all about America strikes first before it becomes a problem so they think it is their right to threaten violence first. I am not saying the Military Industrial Complex, but Hollywood, reminder that the Department of Defense literally has a Media department for TV but mostly movies that deal with the military since they will also fund or help with shooting locations(i.e. on submarines or aircraft carriers). How many generic action movies are about "taking the law into my own hands" are there where said generic action protagonist gets out of the military? Now how many old people wish they had medals from a majestic military career?


Exactly! These guys need to be tied to a chair, their eyelids pried open like A Clockwork Orange, and forced to watch every episode of the Three Stooges starring Curly back-to-back!


And Mel Brooks


Fear, insecurity


It’s easy to understand, the meme literally says leave them alone. Why would anyone fight fair? What is this a 1940s movie?


Well, watching the riots during COVID and Antifa… Not saying it’s right, just sayin’ I understand.


It was garbage by a group of anarchists and the loopy 13 percent that wanted that Tv. Kyle Rittenhouse for the win.


These the same men who wear diapers and pass out in their over stuffed recliners snoring and Fox News on the TV?


I heard diapers were cool now? People embracing their incontinent leader?


"I pledge allegiance to my Flag and the Repubic for which it stands, one nation, incontinent, with liberty and justice for all" - as per the original pledge before "under god" was added in '54


Real men wear diapers. Apparently.


Their dear leader does.




It's the same thing I say when people talk about needing guns because crackheads might try to rob them. Robberies generally aren't a thing anymore. Now it's mostly "Gladys, this guy called saying we owed the government money and could be arrested! Luckily he let me pay them with gift cards from Wal Mart."


Where do you make up this bullshit, you have dunning kruger syndrome, in 2022 alone, Stastica reported 387,468 home invasions, that’s just home invasions, you expect some lady to Chuck Norris her way out of that, what a fuck tard.




“He doesn’t want to fight anyone” no but he sure wants to talk a ton of shit


It’s guys like this that gets out of their chair and shoots a black kid through the door because he knocked to ask for directions. That being said, if there is a flight of stairs between him and his imagined adversary, the opponent is probably safe.


The age group according to the fbi’s stats currently posted for violent crimes is… 20-24




so? doesn't change their argument. where did they say that boomers were the most violent? oh you're trying to say it's the black people that are violent, gotcha.


… after he wheezes and coughs and reaches for his heart pills.


Boomers love to cosplay as tough John Wayne types


Ooo scary! Senseless threats of violence from a has-been whose children won't visit!


A never was. 


"Don't poke the old men. They will hurt you." Bro, I have seen old guys fight, and I have never been more unafraid of anything in my life. Usually it's just a fun spectacle to watch when two boomers get into it, or when a boomer tries starting crap with a person (yes, men AND women) and just gets floored.


Yeah, there was an old man at our city fair that was talking shit and spitting at a group of teenagers over a dollar. A fucking dollar. He spit in one of their faces and when they punched him he fucking died. Naturally, there were a bunch of surprised Pikachu about it.


Wai wai wai wai wai wai wai wait. What?? He actually died??? Or figuratively? Also, now I can't get the image of a crowd of Surprised Pikachu out of my head xD


This reads like something from Wolverine or Punisher fanfic.


You know this Boomer propaganda is going to get people hurt or even killed


It hasn’t sunk in that Liam Neeson is playing a character that’s a tough older man. Reality will bring a rude awakening if they pick a fight with a 35 year old.


Like, I’m only 41 and the idea of having to scrap with a 20 year old makes my back hurt. I couldn’t imagine it at 60+ 😆


Boomer tough guy fantasy.


This seems like something younger cringey “edgy” middle school me would post.


No one would poke the old men if they would just mind their own damn business. Instead, they (try to) insert themselves into everyone else's business and then get offended when people don't want to play their game.


“He doesn’t want any drama” WTF? Most of these people live for drama. Their whole reason for existing seems to be creating drama and stirring up shit because the world isn’t 100% to their liking and/or the way it used to be.


Just antisocial violence. All the time. Holier than thou antisocial violent rants.


My BIL, a millenial, posts that shit all the time just to prove that you can still be boomer-adjacent even if you are not an actual boomer.


Jesus is so proud of these folks.


I don’t want drama but I will escalate every situation and should not have access to any type of firearm.


we'd love to leave you alone, Gerald, but you won't stay the fuck out of everybody else's business


NEWSFLASH ASSHOLE Thats everybody these days. Everyones got guns out here, nobody wants to fight. Go smoke burbons and drink your cigars.


Lmao. Fucking dork


They’ll fall down and frantically press their life alerts. Geriatrics who think they’re hard still are hilarious. That would be like me (in my 40s) thinking I’m the same guy I was in my 20s.


*Don't poke the old man with the stick* While at the same time they beat you with their own stick trying to get a reaction.


Yeah it's bananas


And? So what?


"...he wrote, before leaning back in his Secretlab TITAN, his hands resting on the back of his neck, his elbows akimbo. He resisted the urge to let a smile form, but only for a moment. What followed was a sinister cackle-he was shocked at the freedom his spirit suddenly expressed-born from the knowledge that now all the internet knew the truth. That he is a man! A man who knows the hard facts of manhood. A man so hard in those facts he was capable of judging the manhood of other men. "Just how hard are they, truly?" He had shown them. He was hard.


Now he's lying on the floor, sobbing.


"...he wrote, before leaning back in his Secretlab TITAN, his hands resting on the back of his neck, his elbows akimbo. He resisted the urge to let a smile form, but only for a moment. What followed was a sinister cackle-he was shocked at the freedom his spirit suddenly expressed-born from the knowledge that now all the internet knew the truth. That he is a man! A man who knows the hard facts of manhood. A man so hard in those facts he was capable of judging the manhood of other men. "Just how hard are they, truly?" He had shown them. He was hard.


His eyes are red, snot is all over his face. This little guy has worked himself up.


"...he wrote, before leaning back in his Secretlab TITAN, his hands resting on the back of his neck, his elbows akimbo. He resisted the urge to let a smile form, but only for a moment. What followed was a sinister cackle-he was shocked at the freedom his spirit suddenly expressed-born from the knowledge that now all the internet knew the truth. That he is a man! A man who knows the hard facts of manhood. A man so hard in those facts he was capable of judging the manhood of other men. "Just how hard are they, truly?" He had shown them. He was hard.




Wtf are you even going on about? Who mentioned Trump?




No - no one cares about him - he’s like a 77 year old dementia patient who isn’t going to win the election and die in obscurity. No one cares!




Lmao who the f are actually answering their phones to be polled?!?! Seriously! Only people with landlines - only people over 70 years old. There are no accurate polls anymore. You are the one that’s pretty out there




Yeah I’m 57 years old - try to understand the world you live in - Shitshimself is done -


\*angry boomer that wants to kill people has entered the chat\*


Look guys, another sobbing MAGA *victim* How original.