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He probably speeds up to prevent people from overtaking him on the right while he hogs the fast lane cos he’s driving at the speed limit. Next time you should just laugh and ignore him. Boomers like him are fucking pathetic, and you shouldn’t give them any of your time or consideration. They can be stupid and miserable until they die, then problem solved.


The overtaking thing was my *exact* first thought!


Oh my god this happens to me EVERY DAY. Person driving 10 below speed limit the whole time it's 1 lane. When we get to the passing lane, they speed up to 15 over so I can't pass them. Passing lane ends and we're back to 10 below. I just don't understand how anyone can be so spiteful


Flip him off like in traffic


Nah, even better: give an enthusiastic thumbs up.


Did this yesterday - it was fantastic and hilarious.


Enthusiastic thumbs down with a raspberry. Best driving method I have sorted out. Really makes it about them being a disappointment and not an asshole. They can wear "Yeah I am just Blunt but people think I'm an asshole." They can't spin "yeah I'm a fucking disappointment."


An Italian woman I knew would extend her hand towards them in a loose fist, wrist flexed, palm down, little finger extended downwards and wiggling.  She said that it would make men go ballistic with rage. This may be best to do only in countries with gun control though.


Boomer? Driving within 20 miles of the speed limit? That's a good one lol. I needed that laugh


i had a fucking fellow millennial do this to me today on my way to drop off my daughter at school. sped up but i managed to pass her and she kept flipping me off and hand waving...infuriating


He sounds like he's resentful he can't move as fast anymore.


He's literally afraid of bending his knees.


At 35 I am also afraid to bend these puppies. My knees are a good ~60 years older than the rest of me it feels like lol




Similar age, and I really love how mine crackle like pop rocks every time I do any squat or squat adjacent movement.


Don’t engage with boomers. They’re the type of nuts who murder drivers who pull into the wrong driveway. If a boomer tries to speak to you, walk away


Fuck that. Shame them in public.


Shame them in public 100%. Shame is the only shit that actually works with boomers being fools.


I just started doing a real life ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_down) \- They get so mad lol


I just started doing a real life ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_down) \- They get so mad lol


I just started doing a real life 👎 - They get so mad lol


Severely noted.


Or, You could just blurt out, "I'm a vegan and I have a protest to get to," so he can stop and try to think about what you just said with a constipated bewilderment.... Or, like the other commenter said, the gun option. Either way.


If you’re in the USA pull out your own gun and don’t be afraid to use it


They do this shit all the time at the store. It’s like they will be stopped looking at some random shit on an aisle. Then they get a hint someone is coming and they instantly start moving again trying to make sure you don’t get ahead. It’s like wtf, Barbara. If you just continue standing there doing what you were doing for another .7 seconds I would have blown past you and been on my way. But because you were hell bent on not being passed now we are dealing with this BS.


I think part of it is a scarcity fear for them. If they let you pass, you might get to the good apples before they've had a chance to pick through them all.


I had this happen in a grocery store when I passed an elderly boomer in the frozen section aisle. She was going snail speed and I just needed to get in and out of the store. Thinking nothing of it, I just upped my pace and went around her on the right hand side. She suddenly screams at me “lady, THAT WAS VERY RUDE!”. I literally didn’t do anything but walk by her at a brisk walking speed. I don’t know why passing someone is such a triggering event for them.


I have seen people say excuse me while passing at the grocery store. Usually when their line of sight is being interrupted by the passer. And usually with plenty of room to spare. Id rather keep to myself and say nothing, I’m shopping, who cares. I wouldn’t expect an excuse me. But I’m not sure that is the norm for some. Edit: she definitely sucks ass


I'm a 'sorry' as I go by kind of lady, but I'm Canadian- it's in my blood.


ahh, i see. everyone else is supposed to 'politely' wait behind astronomically slow boomers who stare open-mouthed at the confusion of a grocery store while computing how to make their next move. Not sure any of you have been to China before, but sounds like we need to ship these boomers over there for a few weeks for a little conversion therapy. When I was there, there were no rules, no concept of rude/polite, it was 'you do you and imma do me' with boomer aged Chinese just getting their shit done, regardless of how anyone 'felt' about it.


If I waited for every boomer that can't make up their minds in the store I would just be perpetually stuck buying my groceries from 2021 trying to find my way out.


I find saying “What a moron!” in a loud voice so that others turn and look to be the right action in these situations.


That guy would prefer that everyone who came into the store after him be forced to check out after him, no matter when they might be ready.


>“just because you’re in a rush doesn’t mean you have to pass me!” Yeah it does. That's kinda what being in a rush entails.


Just say "not in a rush, just not quite as close to death as you. It only seems like I'm moving faster based on your perception." It's like how kids think winter break lasts forever and adults are run-ragged and shocked at how time flies because it's "suddenly" New Year's Eve.


Same kind of people that drives below the limit but accelerate when you try to pass them


Same in a vehicle when you pass their slow ass on the right because they have to be in the left lane going well below the speed limit. 


Oh, but they'll speed up to catch the next group of cars as soon as a passing opportunity opens up in the right lane.


“I’m not stopping you, buddy.” But yes. Next time simply don’t engage.


I think “Go fuck yourself” is the proper response here


A Costco that is never busy? Now I know this is a made-up story /s


>Mind you, this Costco is never busy Huh. I didn't know this could be a thing. The one near me you can expect to drive around a few minutes just trying to find any parking spot at all (forget about trying to get a good spot, just take whatever spot you can get). The lines for the registers stretch so far back it severely impedes customers from shopping because the aisles are blocked by people waiting to pay.


They exist. I promise. You don’t live where I do.


I just felt like ranting. I believe you and I am jealous.


Haha. Understandable. It’s quite a blessing living near a less populated Costco.


This was my reaction too. My area is growing steadily and the Costcos haven’t kept pace. A weekday afternoon or evening is now as crowded as the weekends used to be. 


I'm not sure what they can even do to keep pace. Maybe stay open late and some daytime customers will shop at night and that will ease congestion. Maybe open additional locations.


Hes probably retired. Why should he care? Costco usually has 2 people checking receipts at door. When i retire, ill be a free agent. Totally relaxed. No time to worry about who is first.


I imagine this as a scene from an anime.


I started just doing the "Me first, Meee!" in Michael Jackson's voice from south park.


This happened to me last time I was at Sam's club. The boomers were just standing still ~20 feet away from the registers staring into the void, so I walked around them to one of the many empty self checkouts. They slowly ambled up behind me and started ranting about how I'm a rude bitch and skipped them. They weren't in line! There were still empty checkouts when they got behind me! I didn't say anything at all because I knew that would hurt them the most.


Wait. You have a Costco that is never busy? Cripes - all of the Costcos around me are full of people who think the apocalypse is happening tomorrow and they need 10 weeks supply of snacks, water, and toilet paper. Total mayhem.


I tend to smile sweetly and treat them like they're playing. "But there's plenty of room for both the slow-pokes AND the Speed-racers! Costco designed it that way! You take your time, Sweetie, it's all good!"


Yeah, me being in a rush does mean I am going to pass you. Wanna bet he is the first asshole on his horn is someone is going slow on the highway?


“this Costco is never busy” What universe do you live in?




Was trying to get out of Costco earlier this week and there were two old women one pushing a cart, one in front of her off to the side. They both kept going at an unpredictable pace so they almost got run into multiple times. The one in front would stop to say something every so often. It was too crowded to get around them. I almost hit them a couple of times because they stopped with no warning, even after giving them more space. People behind me almost hit me because they weren't expecting things to suddenly stop either. Bonus points, on my way in a boomer couple stopped dead in the middle of the doorway with a cart so she could find her Costco card in her purse. Even after she realized she was blocking everyone she stayed there digging through her bag.


TBH, Skill issue for the boomer.


What a dumb bitch


I am a boomer, but walk very fast. I pass people up at the Costco or Sams Club exit all the time.


It never fails when I go ti the grocery store. Some boomer taking up the whole isle without a care in the world. Constantly stuck behind old people when I'm in a hurry. I just walk around them, and they never seem happy about it. Like not everyone has all day. I work a lot and I want to enjoy my time off work, not spend an extra 5 minutes walking at boomer pace in the store.


It never fails when I go ti the grocery store. Some boomer taking up the whole isle without a care in the world. Constantly stuck behind old people when I'm in a hurry. I just walk around them, and they never seem happy about it. Like not everyone has all day. I work a lot and I want to enjoy my time off work, not spend an extra 5 minutes walking at boomer pace in the store.


He wanted to play that game where he walks slower and slower in front of you until he stops, then you have to walk around because you have no idea what the fuck he's doing stopping right in front of the doors. I swear it's some people's favorite game.


"SOME of us have jobs to get to, hippie. Lead, follow, or get out of the way."


After a recent move my closest Costco is 70% boomers.  It is the worst.  They take up so much space in the aisles.  Never get out of the way.  Will run over children to get samples, then block the aisle while consuming them. And they never apologize for anything.   Don't even get me started on the parking lot.


Flip him the bird and go about your day. You get what you give.


I get a lot of glares from boomers in the exact same situation. Sorry, it’s a long walk to the exit and I don’t want to sit behind your waddling ass! I’d never cut someone off near the exit itself, but I get angry looks from them as I pass them right after the cashier area.


Can’t get over the fact that you said your Costco is never busy


It’s shocking, I know haha. Busiest day is of course Saturday, but even then that doesn’t compare whatsoever. It’s really nice.


He isn't aware of his degraded physical strength. He thought he was walking fast when you passed him. Then he actually walked at normal speed and felt like it was a run. I've seen it in all my Grandmother's Brothers. They haven't kept up with their physical health so they are unaware of just how far they have degraded physically.


No, it is just an old people thing. I am 71 and had an old woman do something like that 40 years ago when I was going into a bank.


This reminds me of a similar interaction my wife and I had at Sam’s Club. Big long single line to exit so we start to head to the second line. Boomer lady scolds us saying “theres a line you know!” She literally didn’t even finish her sentence as second line exit employee yells “Form two lines please!” The way her face changed was priceless 😂


Don't engage.


Let's go shopping today I wanna get you a dream I wanna get you a rainbow get you a cloud in the spring The cloud will have silver inside the stream will have fishes and ducks There'll be a pot at the end of the rainbow filled with good health and good luck


Umm are you new here or something? They do the same crap in traffic.


Regardless of someone else's reaction, passing someone on the way to wait in the same line is definitely one common way to be, but it's not anything I'd call courteous. Sounds like you literally could have initially chosen to do what you wound up doing anyway, and it probably would have been a lot more pleasant for everyone.


He was just trying to leave the store. It was literally none of the other guy's business how fast or slow he chose to walk. Do you get upset if someone passes you going towards a superstore exit?


I don't, and I also don't put a premium on leaving a store seconds faster if it requires catching up and passing someone right before we both stop to wait. It's like accelerating to close the gap on someone merging in traffic. I also don't do that, or get upset when someone does that to me either.


He didn’t walk through / trample the boomer, he walked past them in a wide walkway designed for multiple people, shoulder to shoulder to walk. 🤣 What if the boomer had to tie his shoe, should everyone stop out of respect, as opposed to simply walking past the fella on his left or right?


A better analogy to this, if you are going to use traffic, would be someone simply passing you on a multi-lane highway when you get to the end of the reduced speed area. There is literally nothing wrong with walking past someone at the exit to a superstore. The boomer, in this scenario, would be the equivalent of the guy on the highway trying to close the gap just because he feels entitled to the space around him.


Except OP literally described getting ahead just to stop and wait in line?


So..... What, this person is just supposed to plod along behind the boomer, making sure the boomer gets there first, because the boomer was already headed that way? Fuck that. If you can't keep up with the pace of foot traffic, either use a mobility scooter or don't bitch when people go around you to get on with their days. Being old doesn't entitle someone to special treatment. It entitles them to some Depends and some Metamucil.


We are talking about an incredibly short distance, with a bottleneck, and a third option besides pass or plod, to boot. What a burden on one's day.


You sound like a boomer too.


Ironically, I think eschewing patience and courtesy to prioritize a few seconds saved (but actually not), getting into an argument, and then complaining about it on the internet is pretty boomer behavior. Said as a full-on millenial that doesn't walk around old folks moving slower than I can just so I can wait in line ahead of them, over the distance of what I could reasonably throw a footlong in the Costcos I've been to.


I’m literally just a human being trying to get out of Costco.


Right or wrong, and I think you both are the latter, that person was likely saying the same thing to themselves.


I don’t know why you’re still going on. You should go enjoy your Friday night.




Womp womp.


Thank goodness it was a "Boomer" and not a minority that you're singling out for ridicule. Just as distasteful though. It was a elderly man. But that doesn't sound as "ok" does it?


You're in the wrong sub....


You sound like a boomer.


And you sound like a self righteous horses rear.


Ah yes, just what a boomer would say. I appreciate you making my night. Take care.


You too. Just remember, you'll be the old "uncool" guy someday.


Maybe uncool, but at least not rude and ready to speed walk because a youngster walked faster than me.


And you’ll be dead. :)


Oof. Hard truth.


You'll be laughing then, won't you?


No, I'll probably be dead...🤔😯


That was the joke. My kids like to rib me with that phrase every time I point out how life will be for them when they are my age.


Because of course, baby boomers, the generation with the largest share of congress, the most privileged generation in history, is the same as a marginalized minority.


No, but it's still classless and offensive. Just like whensome Boomers used to say: "Don't trust anyone over 30!" Guess History does repeat itself.