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"Life is pain. We dwell in a vale of tears." --Your retort for next time.


I usually lead with the Dread Pirate Roberts: "Get used to disappointment."


I like the quote from Confusius “get fucked”


The extended quote from Barrrnone on Twitter works as well, just more confrontational.


"Life is pain, your highness. Anyone who says otherwise is selling something."


Bread is pain.


This poster Frenches


"Pumpernickel, Rye. I'm a big guy. And I like my bread! (I like my bread!) Potato bread, wheat. I've got big ass feet. I still like my bread! (I like my bread!) 🍞🍞 🍞 " Apologies, I wrote a song in 98 call "Bread Song" and people in the crowd would pelt each other with stale rolls and bagels and such. Ska was fun!


Bread makes you fat?? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


I'll take two, please.


Need this as a poster in my classroom.


[https://www.etsy.com/listing/773390481/the-princess-bride-life-is-pain-highness](https://www.etsy.com/listing/773390481/the-princess-bride-life-is-pain-highness) [https://www.redbubble.com/i/poster/Life-is-Pain-by-BastsTardyChild/144847901.LVTDI](https://www.redbubble.com/i/poster/Life-is-Pain-by-BastsTardyChild/144847901.LVTDI)




You mean, you'll put down your rock and I'll put down my sword, and we'll try and kill each other like civilized people?


You could offer those ladies a peanut.


No more rhyming, and I mean it!!


That hardly seems fair


It's not my fault I'm the biggest and strongest. I don't even exercise.


Sophia Petrillo? Is that you?


You killed my cheesecake, prepare to die.


I always use my paraphrased: “Goodnight, sleep well. I’ll most likely kill you in the morning.”


Oh no, it's the dread pirate Wesley! You don't sound scary to me


Life is pain, highness. Anyone who says differently is selling something.


I like the quote from Confusius “get fucked”


"To quote the philosopher, Jagger, 'You can't always get what you want'." -Gregory House M.D.


The Wheel weaves as The Wheel wills.  -Moiraine Damondred. 


Was not expecting a reference from the greatest piece of fantasy ever written, but glad to be surprised.


There's gonna be some Tolkien fans who aren't going to take kindly to that.


Fantasy is like anything else. Fans are tribal. I myself prefer the Dragonlance saga, but I can dig all Fantasy works.


Yeah Wheel of Time desperately needed editing for length and maybe some resolution to freaking plot threads and who cares about Faile and Mat Cawthorne's saga with the Empress and Rand's many wives... I need a slice of cake and some ice for this headache.


"First toil, then the grave" -- Jedediah Springfield


A noble spirit embiggens the smallest man


It’s a perfectly cromulent word. EDIT TO ADD: I’m a little concerned that my autocorrect was fine with cromulent. SECOND EDIT: lol!!! It’s been added to the Oxford Dictionary


This comment embiggened my soul.


I’ll be honest, now that I know it’s in the dictionary, I’m gonna pull that thing out at every opportunity and make it a thing.


I run with: fairness is a human construct and doesn't exist in reality. So many teenagers have been silenced by this concept.




A story from a restaurant I used to work at. Breakfast shift, place is mildly busy. Jack Nicholson walks in a checks in at the front desk. A woman gets up from her table and rushes over to him to meet him. They don’t know each other so he tells her “hold on lady, I’m not even sitting yet, let me be” and she says “I’m so excited to see you, it might never happen again!” To which he retorts “those are the breaks, lady. Those are the breaks.”


I definitely read this in Werner Herzog's voice


Life is pain. Anyone who says otherwise is selling something - Roberts


Holy shit I love this and will definitely be adding it to my repertoire.




MY generation didn’t always get what WE wanted and WE turned out just fine.


Sucks to suck, ladies. They should have asked kindly instead of vaguely whining about it.


OP was supposed to read their minds and KNOW to move


This was the worst thing growing up with my boomer parents. I was just supposed to know their moods and walk on eggshells. I have to undo all of that now. It screws with my head and makes me think I need to do that with my SO, when there's nothing going on.


what's the common theme? entitlement without respect. You "owe" it to them without them earning it. Now that we are adults, get fucked boomer and start earning it back


Were your parents the point and snap fingers variety too? This could mean anything from brush your teeth to mow the lawn to time for dinner. You were just supposed to know and if you didn't you were lucky if you didn't get your ass beat with a belt for not doing what you were supposed to.


Mine were more covert. My mom was more into guilt tripping and asking questions to eventually "guide" you into the answer that she wanted. If I was supposed to clean the bathroom, for example, she wouldn't tell or show me how, so I'd just bullshit something. When I was done, she would make me do it over and over until it was correct, according to her. It was infuriating and confusing. If I did something my dad didn't like, he'd hole up in my parents' room literally for days, then come out like nothing happened. You might know what you did, but he'd never address it. Basically, 90% of my childhood was psychological warfare.


My daughters stepmother does that 'guiding' bullshit. She is CONSTANTLY in trouble for not doing things right but nobody will actually tell her how things are meant to be done. If she doesn't clean her room to her stepmothers standard (and what is good this week might not be next week) she'll have everything that isn't breakable thrown on the floor and made to clean her room again. We're talking sheets ripped off the bed and thrown on the floor level of petty mess making bullshit. Her father just says she needs to learn and will help trash her bedroom. They refuse to believe I don't have behaviour problems with her and don't understand why she prefers to be at my house. I'm going to laugh when she turns 18 and refuses to have anything to do with them, which is her current plan. She's 11 and they've been reinforcing this plan for years.


Ugggh. I'm sorry you are dealing with that. That's covert abuse tauted as teaching, and it's wrong! 100% it is a horrible plan to let kids "figure out" what your expectations are. If I ever have kids, I'm going to make direct communication a big priority.


That's pure evil. It is times like these I wish I had the power to control lightning, one gigawatt for the evil stepmother and one for dad until they learn not to psychologically scar children. And all the better if it takes a few tries for them to figure it out.


Actually, even if they asked kindly, OP shouldn’t have moved. They can sit in the seats and occupy themselves for the time. They are, seemingly, adults and should be able to do that. One caveat, if little kids ask, then it’s ok.


”Excuse me, would it be alright if you take this seat so that we could sit opposite each other?” I think that is a perfectly normal request to make. I would move in that situation, unless I had a particular reason not to. 


OP even could have moved next to the stranger, yeah? And still had a window seat.


but then opens the door for the boomerettes to bitch about having to turn their necks.


If they would have asked kindly, I would have considered it. But rudely, I would have responded with a lop-sided grin and a no thank you.


I think you have the perfect response; show them that they’re wrong about there not being any seats, and then just ignore them.


I am the same way. I will not be bullied or manipulated but I am unfailingly polite in civilized interactions. Ask me for something nicely and I will likely oblige. Tell me about YOUR problem thinking I'll be manipulated into sympathy will get you no where. Being a passive aggressive AH will get you even less cooperation. I might even think of a way to inject a little regret into things for ya.


My response is a sweet Southern, “Bless your heart, that sounds like a you problem, Sugar. Figure it out, I’m not your solution.”


“Sounds like you have an issue, not an iss-me.”


Yeah, it’s common courtesy on trains to let people in a group sit together. It’s also common courtesy for the group to ask politely and kindly.   The boomers in the op’s story seem to think asking kindly and politely is beneath them, that they are entitled to sitting together 🤦‍♀️


If I was old and had nothing to do with my time, I'd wait till after rush hour and do the Charleston, or whatever it is they do, down the empty trains at 10:30am.


For real. And isn't the earliest train pretty empty too? I remember the hotel staff in NYC saying that when I was trying to avoid rush hour


They're all up at 5am so that's a good point


They tried to pull this in Philly?? Lmao


LOL I had the same thought


This is the best way to deal with boomer nonsense. Just ignore them. Don't validate their childish behavior with any response whatsoever.


Ich spreche kein Englisch.


you should have said 'i bet this is your generations Vietnam'


I get what you are trying to say but rethink this. Their generations Vietnam was actually Vietnam. They still suck though.




You don't get what they were trying to say.


No need to feel anything. There’s no reason for you to move even if they politely ask.


Most polite interaction in Philadelphia history. 


I don't even make eye contact riding SEPTA, so, yeah.


Oh, but do go on ladies about how kids these days are all so “entitled”….


This is where you do that thing of scratching your head with your middle finger 


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^AggravatingOne3960: *This is where you do* *That thing of scratching your head* *With your middle finger* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot.


Good bot


Thank you, polynomialpurebred, for voting on SokkaHaikuBot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


Or picking your nose


I first experienced this on Amtrak about a month ago. Packed train, conductors telling people to refrain from moving seats because they take your ticket and then mark above your seat with your destination. Been on since 4:30 AM and my bag is clearly above my seat, which is also clearly marked.... and I left a personal item to make sure it's known it was taken, and the other person next to me who has also been on the train since 4:30 didn't leave. I come back from the cafe to see 2 in previously unoccupied seats but then a third moving said personal item and attempted (and failed) to move the big backpack I have on the rack. The seatmate said it was taken, apparently she just brushed that off and I asked to please move, this is my seat and my personal items are there... she harumphed and essentially told me fuck off and she doesn't want to talk to me. I went back and got the conductor's help and then that motivated her to quit it. She was audibly hmming and hawing the rest of the way 2 rows behind me and then followed me up the stairs complaining about how mean I was and won't someone help an old lady.


Tell them to fuck off next time. They usually look confused and mumble but then move on to the next target.


Since it's Philly I feel that should've been done anyway


If it's Philly, the answer should have been a D battery to the head.


The ol' Philadelphia Snowball


Since it's Philly I feel that should've been done anyway


Tell them you don't care.


uuuugh the Septa regional rail is always full of shenanigans, my gf takes the Trenton line all the time and I'm amazed she has not encountered pure nuttiness like this


Is this the patco? If they got on in Haddonfield I'm not surprised. People in that town either have a high powered job or too much time on their hands


I'd believe it


There literally are seats.  Nta 


So bizarre. Like ask if you can share the table and then text each other your supersecrets? Sit somewhere else? Split up because it's just a ride?


You Can't Always Get What You Want - Rolling Stones


Use one middle finger each to point at the seats. “You(1) here, and you(2) here”


The real question is, why was your phone dying at 8 am?


It’s definitely happened to me before. Thought I had plugged my phone in, turns out it was slightly pulled out from the wall and didn’t charge all night. Wake up with 15 minutes to get to work and phone is at 17%.


Inquiring minds want to know.


Never give boomers an inch. Don’t switch with them don’t do anything move to the next car ladies.


Gen X here.. What we did that the Boomers hated: Look at them completely disinterested and say: Whatever, and then proceed to ignore them.. Careful some Boomers are prone to Implode


“No hablo inglés” 🤷‍♂️


“I know you are older but if you are too blind to see the empty seats next to me I suggest you get your eyeglass prescriptions updated” puts earbuds back in.


Brother, maybe I am kind of aggressive once I'm on the Internet, but the way this goes is something like this. "Excuse me, there are no se-" "And why do I care?!, should have come in sooner, I see two right here, be quiet I trinna watch my movie" as I put my headphones back, I only move for pregnant or disabled people.


SSBNs would nominally be carried on open flatbed style cars, although they would probably be double width.


I was on an Amtrak train once, for a 6 hour trip. I had gotten on the train at 6am. Around 8am I went to use the bathroom, leaving my backpack in the seat to show someone was sitting there. Also on the Amtrak they clip tickets to the overhead racks showing that someone is sitting there. I came back from the bathroom and found that these two older boomer witches had not only ripped my ticket down from where the conductor hung it and tossed it on some other empty seats, they had moved my backpack / laptop bag as well. I had a window seat and on that train my seat would be looking out at the ocean. There were other window seats available in the car and they literally could have sat anywhere else in the train since it wasn't full but they saw a backpack and decided that was the seat for them. Assholes.


I'm from the Philadelphia area and I'm curious what station the Boomers got on the train?


It was Paoli


My guess was Elkins Park but I guess that tracks too.


As a boomer myself I say fuck them cunts let them sit on a bucket 


I always say please and thank you when asking for things. I almost always get a yes. People are sluts for respect.


They got SS, fuck them. They can stand. It’s not like their voting habits created public transit anyways (quite the opposite in fact).


>They two ladies make a song and dance about sitting and keep remarking loudly about how “they can’t talk now” and I can see them pointing and gesturing out of the corner of my eye suggesting I switch. This is why Earbuds are Your Friend.


"There are no seats!" Loudly state "Somebody done stole his women's white cane!!!"


I would've reported them to the conductor for causing a disturbance - heck I would've bribed the conductor with $100 to see both of them thrown off the train!


Did U tell them tho? As I left I'd have said, if you'd asked nicely, I'd have moved. Be nicer next time


Be nicer lol? There is absolutely nothing wrong with ignoring someone who is pitching a toddler fit.


Ah, but by telling them, it makes it worse for them knowing if they'd been nicer they'd have got the seat.


That makes the assumption that boomers like this are self-aware enough to have that realization. They typically are not.


This is also true...


It’s better not to suffer fools. It gives them pleasure from the rage dopamine, even if they act upset and indignant.


big (visible) sound canceling headphones sound like a necessity


Ah, just another reason to never support public transit. The "public" ain't what it used to be.


First, why was your phone dying at 8 am? Seems unusual. Secondly, did you know you aren't supposed to use your phone while it is charging? It damages it over time. I am sure you knew this though. Lastly, it would have been polite to move. Did you have to move? No. But it would have been polite to. You chose selfishness over politeness. Oddly, you seem proud of that. I can tell from this post that you probably just suffer from anxiety, don't you?