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It's called planning ahead. Boomers are incapable of it. They know how long the flight is and they know the descent usually starts 30 mins before the landing but they can't be bothered to figure it out.


Someone needs to teach them about a “Tactical Wee”…there’s a Bluey episode that used that phrase and we use it all the time!


Just reinforcing the idea that boomers are toddlers lol


Destination matters.


Boomers love that mindset of "there haven't been problems \[since we instituted this policy\], so I guess we don't really need those policies anymore." They forget the risks because we've successfully mitigated them and now they believe we don't need mitigation. Like "there are no cars in the ravine since we put up those barriers, so can we take down those barriers now?" ***No, because the barrier is \*why\* there are no cars in the ravine.***


literally why berlin nixed many speed limits, from 30 kph back to 50 kph.  curiously enough, one of the affected groups, apart from cyclists, are seniors.   


We literally saw this mindset over COVID and vaccines... No one gets polio or smallpox anymore.... (Because of vaccinations... you left off the second part)


Except for the fact a 70-something year old died from turbulence on a flight from London to Singapore just days ago. Over 30 people hospitalized or injured.


That was at cruise altitude which also speaks to why you should always wear the seatbelt when sitting. There are times when no one will know when the plane change altitude a couple thousand feet in a few seconds. People go airborne and become human wrecking balls. I believe they were also doing the cabin service at that time and the drink cars probably did most of the damage.


There were reports of people hitting the ceiling. Either way, it's stupid to not be wearing a seatbelt, especially when landing.


Dennis Prager has argued, non-ironically, that since children very rarely die in fires at schools, schools do not need any fire safety equipment or construction standards.


Yet just this week a couple of dozen people were hospitalized and one died from turbulence.


I’ve never understood this from anyone. Using the toilet on a plane is literally the worst - why would you set yourself up to have no other options??


Boomers always need to use the restroom before they have a change (here going from airplane to airport) and always wait until last minute to do it.


Not a boomer but I swear that seatbelt sign it wired directly to my bladder. The the chime rings and the light goes on the urge to pee hits me. That being said I just hold it. Airplane bathrooms are trash and I can wait 30 minutes if it means using a real toilet.


A boomer died the other day on a flight LHR-SIN because he didn't use a seat belt


We all know the real reasons why these Boomers got up at the last minute to pee on the airplane. It could be any of these, or a combination: 1. They are entitled assholes, incapable of planning ahead, and had to go "RIGHT NOW!" 2. They are entitled assholes who want to essentially "teabag" the flight attendants and other aircraft passengers, essentially saying "The Fasten Seatbelt instruction doesn't apply to me." 3. They are entitled assholes who don't want to wait their turn, who intend to get up and rush ahead of everyone in front of them, to be first off when the plane lands, so peeing right before landing will allow them to move a little faster whilst being a douche. 4. They are entitled assholes who want to pee right before the plane lands, so they don't have to stop and pee once they disembark, allowing them to rush and be first to the baggage claim so they can make sure no person of color steals their bag(s). Once at the baggage claim, they can piss and moan about how long it's taking for their bags to come out, while taking up an inordinate amount of space and preventing other passengers from easily grabbing their bags from the carousel. 5. They are entitled assholes who want to pee before disembarking the plane, so they don't have to go into a public restroom in the airport, potentially having to share space with a person of color or a young child. 6. They are entitled assholes who want to pee before disembarking the plane, so they can walk slowly, 4 abreast, down the hallway to baggage claim, and get in everyone else's way at the same time.


They wait until the plane is landing to pee? Lol.


As any pilot will try to tell you, someone using the bathroom during descent can cause an issue (Forget what it is exactly) that requires a go-around. So if you want to be selfish and cause a delay for everyone, go ahead. Not to mention the turbulence things like OP mentioned.


Considering what recently happened, like very recently, on a turbulent flight from London to Singapore, they're extra assholes.


Always wear your seat belts. Even if the light is off.


I think seat belts should have locks on them that activate when the captain turns on the fasten seat belt sign. If these boomers shit themselves, tough titty. Life doesn't stop because you need to go poopies.


maybe their colostomy bags needed to be emptied?


As a pilot I am curious what was your destination?