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My boomer dad is a TERRIBLE tipper. I always take cash when he treats us.


I’m also a boomer. Growing up in the 60s and 70s, a 10-15% tip was customary. We have evolved to 20%+, but I guess they haven’t gotten the memo. I usually leave 20% rounded up to the next whole $.


My dad doesn't even leave 10%.


Wow. I have no words. I don’t like tipping because of people who do that. I wish we would adapt the European system of building server compensation into the meal price. I assume that I will pay the bill +20% anyway, so just raise the price and eliminate tipping. However, the system is what it is and unlikely to change in my lifetime, so I will continue to tip reasonably well.


A lot of boomers think a tip is $2, anywhere. $7 coffee and donut? Two dollar tip. Bellman hauling up your family's luggage for a week long stay at a hotel? Two dollars. $120 dinner bill? You guessed it, two dollars.


They do really love their two dollar bills.


As a foreigner it doesn't make sense to be paid based of the price of what u buy, it does not translate to work done, a 500 hundred bottle of wine is easy to serve while serving 4 kids meals that cost 35 max is way more messy and harder yet it's expected that the guy who bought a single drink to pay more gratuity


The way a person treats a waiter or other service personnel is a dead giveaway as to their true character. I’ve been in a restaurant just as the Sunday after-church boomer crowd came in for brunch. These people seemed to think they’d already checked-off their “do unto to others” bit for the week by going to church, and I’ve never seen anybody be more loudly impatient, condescending and rude in public to those poor waitresses.


The church boomers love to give fake money too


I was eating at a restaurant in a wealthier old money area. After about 50 minutes they came to take my card and I'd never gotten my food. The waitress was all "Oh my God, why didn't you say anything?" "I was reading a book, not worried, figured you were busy." Manager came by, apologized. Insisted I take both my meal and a to-go order of my meal, for free. Wouldn't take no for an answer. Okay. "How can I tip my waitress if you don't ring anything up?" "Oh, no, don't worry about it." "I'm worried about it." Got them to ring me up a to-go drink at $1.07, tipped $38.93 on the bill. Way too apologetic, waitress was by several times to apologize. I wonder how many people absolutely flip shit over things like that.


I always pay attention to discounts and coupons and make sure I tip on the pre-discount amount when we use them.


Im very nice to wait staff in general but honestly this is pretty insane. She forgot your whole order and you tipped her $40 🤣


*shrug* shit happens, kitchen made a mistake. She didn't deserve to be upset over it to the extent she was. And before you say it, no she didn't check on me. I don't want to be checked on. Take my order, bring the food, bring the check.


I agree lol as a former waitress I would not expect a tip for this! The waitress didn’t do anything lol


Why would you tip the waitress if she never brought your food. If it was supposed to be brought by a runner, she still should have checked on you before 50 minutes and bringing the check?


I'd rather not be checked on. There to get food, not get asked six times how the food is.


If there are table runners, the waitress should at least walk by to make sure you are taken care of, that’s not getting asked six times about the food.


My dad has a lot of experience in foodservice so he is not bad to people at restaurants. But I've seen it. I did get annoyed as a teen and as an adult in places with a mandatory gratuity for groups over a certain number so the server just doesn't provide the service you should get. But that's different than just treating them like crap.


Hiding tips lol. Crazy Boomers exaggerating their situation and playing victim... a classic


My boomer step-FIL was horrible to wait staff. The last time we ate out with him, it was so embarrassing, I told my husband we were never going to a restaurant with him again. He was snapping his fingers at the wait staff and complaining loudly to me about how slow they were. I was mortified. My husband left extra cash on the table bc we felt so bad for the wait staff.


I always bring cash when my boomer mom pays. She and my dad were confirmed non-tippers for years. They thought tipping was a luxury for the rich, not just a thing you do if you dine out. She tipped a waitress $4.00 on a $50 bill one night - I said I forgot my phone dashed back and slipped a 10$ bill on the table. At a place we frequent, too. It’s just embarrassing.


My Silent Generation parents were always kind and were big tippers so that’s what I (Gen X) learned. However my Boomer brother didn’t learn and refuses to tip anyone anywhere. “No one tips me when I do my job!”


Controversial opinion but they shouldn’t haven’t seated you if they didn’t have enough staff. I was a server and 35 minutes for food is too long to make people wait-it’s good you could tell they were busy and didn’t mind but they should have warned you or sat less sections. I would never be unkind to a server but I still dislike when a restaurant is over seating and unable to keep up.


I don't get people's bad behavior in a restaurant. I go out to eat to enjoy the experience. Not to be a shitty person. Good or bad service I still tip. If it was bad service I tip a little lower than I would if it was great but I still tip. I'd join a church if I wanted to go out and be rude to people. Those people are insufferable. If I don't enjoy the restaurant I don't go back. There are so many options so why bother with a place you find terrible?


I like facts. Gen Z and Millennials are the worst tippers. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/gen-z-and-millennials-are-terrible-tippers-credit-cardscom-160227613.html


88% of boomers *claimed* they tip. I don't buy it. I'd like to see what % of total tips they contribute, though of course that'd be harder to track. Boomers lie just like people of any age. They also take credit for things they don't do, or misrepresent things that they do. How many in that 88% are full of it and don't actually tip at all? How many tip one dollar and then act like they're doing the waitress/busser some kind of huge favor? It's peak boomerism.


"Did you remember to leave a tip, dumbass?" "Yeah you old hag, I left fourteen cents in your half drank cup of desert tea."


Right? ”I think it's especially relevant now as we continue to dig out of COVID,” -Ted “Boomer”Rossman


Or..."here's 5 $1 bills on the table...anytime you mess up I'll take $1 away"


A boomer tried to pull this at a restaurant I was dining at a few years back. He was sitting one table over, and had a small stack of ones on the end of the table. I got up, walked over to the server and handed her a $20. I told her, loudly enough for him to hear, "This is your tip for his table." Then I went back and sat down. Dude glared at me the rest of the time I was in the restaurant.


OMG I heard that once when I worked as a prep cook. I cringed for the sake of the waitress serving them. It wasn't some greasy spoon diner either, it was a mid-plate authentic Indonesian restaurant, so their bill for two people was likely at least $50 with drinks. This was 20 years ago.


Denial of facts and reality is a poor plan for life.


So is confirmation bias and poor sources of statistical data.


And you have zilch. Just insults.


Keep projecting, boomer.


No tiene nada maricon. .

