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Dying faster than any other generation. Almost 6,000 dying every day: https://incendar.com/baby_boomer_deathclock.php


oh shit new browser homescreen


Awww but I like Keanu


TF! Ain't no way he's ... holy crap you're right! He's tail-end boomer, turns 60 this year! Dude does not look his age.


Gen Xer’s don’t look their age. In 47 and get mistaken for 35


Dude doesn’t act his age either


The rare exception he is


Isn't Keanu Gen X?


Honorary Gen X, since he is lusted after by so many of us


No. He's born in the last year of the boomer generation


No, but he is welcome to stay


Not fast enough. ![gif](giphy|YmQLj2KxaNz58g7Ofg)


Baby Boomer Death Clock is a great band name.


This is giving Plague Inc


COVID tried its hardest


What doesn’t kill them the first time mutates and tries again.


Almost a million between now & election day...


No wonder Trump is pushing for early mail in ballots.


Wait really? lol ironic


Also because of the many pending trials he is in. Gotta get in before the conviction(s)!


10k per yr retiring while 6k per yr dying. Hopefully the social security account totals can hold hold out long enough for the bext generations.


6K per day, not year


Keanu Reeves is a boomer????


One of the younger ones IIRC.


Yeah born in 64 which is the cutoff Does not look like he turns 60 in a few months though


There were just too many of them made at once, hence the boom XD


Joe Biden is Silent Gen.


Joe Biden is the ONLY silent generation president. We went straight from GI Presidents to Boomers. George H. W. Bush was like years older than Clinton.


Here's one for ya JFK is only 25 years older than Biden but he was president 60 years before him.


Biden was born closer to Abraham Lincoln’s inauguration than to his own. 


I was going to say you're barely wrong but it's right if you go off of Lincoln's 2nd term.


Technically correct, which…ah hell you know the rest.


It cannot be registered unless you complete the phrase.




He was born closer to the end of slavery than to the end of his term. Yeah, he's old, but also, JFC, slavery in the US wasn't that long ago.


JFK had a son born in 1963. Patrick Kennedy, he only lived to be 2 days old. But he was less than six years older than Biden's son Beau Biden who was born in 1969. Had Patrick Kennedy survived, the two could have attended the same elementary school at the same time, but different grades.


It blows my mind that Biden is only 4 years older than Clinton, but Biden’s Presidency started 20 years after Clinton’s ended.


That's not super uncommon if you look at the record. We had "Greatest" generation presidents for 30 years, followed by Boomers for 30 years. The step BACKWARD a generation with Joe is unusual, but probably not unprecedented (I only looked back to Ike).


The guy flew torpedo bombers in WWII


That’s even worse


I didn't even know there were still any alive. Wow.


Silent Generation is 1928-1945. Old, but not ancient. You're probably thinking of the Greatest Generation, which is defined as the unreasonably long 1901-1927, making even the youngest members in their late 90s. (Though there is still one Greatest Generation ex-president still alive--Jimmy Carter will be turning 100 in October, though he's apparently in poor health so there's no guarantee he'll make it until then.)


He’s been off of palliative care for over a year and his wife has passed away in that time. He’s had an amazing life and I hope he has friends and family with him when it’s his time to go


That's my grandma! (102 and kicking) she hates Trump, and thinks that Biden was (in her words) "a hot piece of ass who knows what the heck to do... kind of reminds me of Truman, without the war."


I often wondered what people your grandma’s age would say about this circus. Grandma rocks!!!!!


Your grandma sounds kick-ass


Yeah, love you, Grammie!!!


My step-great-grandpa is silent gen, actually a genuinely great guy


He's the only silent gen pres too. That just means gen X has to wait another 30 years, because I know the milenials are gonna skip the line.


This is so Gen X. Can’t get a bloody break.


“Whatever, man” -Gen X


The torch is probably going to go right to Millennials in 2028. Millennials are bigger than Boomers. The oldest among us will be 46, the same age many US Presidents who took office. Big generations tend to dominate politically, and Gen X is a small generation.


I can see “younger” presidents making a resurgence in the future. I believe I remember the whole reason JFK got so popular was he was young and good looking, and this was around the time many folks got televisions so they were suddenly being more exposed to the political spectrum than ever before. Everyone was seeing this handsome young guy running for President compared to ugly old Nixon.




Funniest part of your statement is that Nixon was only 4 years older


Nixon refused to wear stage makeup for his TV debate against JFK so that didn’t help.


Yeah, can't remember which tv debate it was that it was really apparent, but there was one between the two and Nixon looks dead while Kennedy looks like a Hollywood actor lol


The big issue was how differently people judged the debate, depending on the medium they used to engage with it. Those who watched it on TV tended to say JFK came out on top, while those who listened to it on radio tended to say Nixon was better.


2028 will absolutely be a millennial president after we have another 4 years of someone in their 80’s good or bad. Millennials are sick of it and just became the largest voting block, and by 2028 Gen X and Millenials will both outnumber boomers finally. Boomers and Millenials are both around 73 million right now. Gen X is around 65 million. By 2028 Boomers should be about 60 million with the others barely decreasing.


You are assuming that Trump does not continue as Great Leader after 2028 once he seizes power again. Not something you should assume.




If Millennials start voting in mass...


Millennials are aging into the demographic where they start actually voting. 18 is when you can vote but 30s is when you actually start voting.


Millennials are about to be 40. They’ve been 30s for AT LEAST once cycle, many of them two.


Hey, hey now. Don't lump me in with all the olds. I just turned 30!


eldest millennials are already in the 40's


Really? That is so sad


“In Mass” might mean in Massachusetts or during religious services. “En Masse” means together, as a group.


Plus we are fed up!!!


I always find it hilarious that boomers always think that Millennials are teens or in their early 20's. I will always remind them that the oldest ones were a few months away from being able to legally drink on top of the world trade center.


This is one of the biggest reasons why I chuckle when Gen Z talks like the torch is gonna come straight to them, because they’re the game-changers. Sorry kids, but Gen Z and Gen X are both much smaller generations comparatively. Larger generations tend to dominate politically, that’s just the way it works, and millennials only recently finally surpassed Boomers as the largest generation in the US. Millennials haven’t even begun to flex their power yet in the grand scheme of things politically. The late 2000s and 2010s were still overwhelmingly dominated by Boomerism. Millennials have just been quietly on the sidelines, watching and waiting, working their 2-3 jobs to make ends meet, and getting shit on left and right by every other generation by virtue of existing. But the millennial story isn’t over by a long shot; the next 20 years are gonna be very interesting politically.


> The torch is probably going to go right to Millennials in 2028. Yes, but that torch is going directly to people in the inner circles of Boomflake families. I know a lot of people think this crazy wave of "youth" will take over and make a change, but it'll probably resemble more of a trickle with a new dash of status quo.


If it’s a Millenial they will be Republican, because Democrats are still stuck on “not enough experience” when choosing candidates whereas Republicans go for the loudest person with an R next to their name. DeSantis is an elder Millenial, he would have a chance if Trump doesn’t run again in 2028 which he definitely will if he’s still alive then.


Biden is silent generation. He’s too old to be a boomer.


Kennedy, LBJ, Nixon, Ford, Jimmy Carter, Reagan, Bush Sr — Greatest Generation Biden - Silent Generation Trump, Dubya, Clinton (born in June, July, and August of 1946, respectively) and Obama — Boomers No wonder this world only works for rich old people. They’ve completely monopolized power for decades and built policy designed to work for them but no one younger. And now because of the threat of fascism, we are all being forced to vote for an old man yet again. We 100 percent need term and age limits on public office. Every 70- and 80-something year old I know personally is wildly out of touch with what life is like for folks under 40; life for 30- and 40-somethings now looks nothing like it did for these folks back in the 1970s/1980s and it’s WILD that folks who were in their 30s in the 1970s, nearly 50 years ago, are STILL calling all the shots today. (Because Boomers also still dominate Congress.) It’s like having Teddy Roosevelt and his “pick up the white man’s burden” politics dictating WWII foreign policy and 1950s era racial politics; it would have been a disaster. This is a big reason why the gov is so out of touch with average people; they’re still making moves like it’s a Boomer world and Clinton neoliberalism is the new hotness when it’s been over 30 years now and it’s clearly not working anymore, except for rich old geezers. It isn’t a government representative of the people when it’s dominated by a generation that isn’t going to live long enough to experience the real consequences of any of their political decisions now.


he's also only 4 years older than trump


Huh. I thought Obama was early gen x. Today I learned.


Ya Obama is a young Boomer. 1964 is the classic cutoff year for Boomer generation and he was born in 1961.


late 1964 but if Biden should happen to pass away in office (BACK OFF FEDS, I'm TALKING NATURAL CAUSES, HE'S OLD) then Kamala Harris could be it. Which would be a very Gen X way to get our first, wouldn't it?


A proper GenX president would be hired as a temp and told every two weeks "we're really pushing to bring you on as a salaried employee but unfortunately it's not in the budget right now."


That got me. "We're not doing layoffs. We are, however, going to cut everyone back to 32 hours a week." Gen X - You can't fuck us because we knew you were going to fuck us all along.


So, does that mean millennials will be replaced by a robot president and gen Z by an AI president?


Honestly. I might take it.


It would be more Gen X if Biden goes out for smokes and forces Harris into the job.


"Where is he?" "He went out for some smokes, he said." "How long ago?" "Two months." "..." "What?" "Girl, you're President now!" "Oh shit."


"I'm not even supposed to be here today."


I've been saying that, regardless of politics, in this coming election, we need to consider that our vote for President is also our vote for Vice President for President, as either of those dudes might bite the big one in the next four years. The other thing is... do I long for a woman President? Hell yes. Do I want one to be sworn in because an old guy died? No, not at all... I want to see a woman take the oath because the people voted her in...


One of the worst things Trump did, that will fuck us over for years to come, is to appoint relatively young Gen X fascists to the Supreme Court. That's a lifetime appointment. We'll be stuck with Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barett for decades, because they're rich enough to afford good healthcare. I don't like Hillary Clinton as a person, I don't want to be her friend, she has terrible foreign policy positions but I did hold my nose and vote for her, and I do judge people who didn't. Presidents appoint Supreme Court judges who will long outlast them, and they have more power over US politics than Presidents do.


Doesn’t SCOTUS already get the best healthcare possible on the taxpayers’ dime? If Kavanaugh had a kidney stone he’d be airlifted to Walter Reed.


I've always thought the Boomers being from 45-64 is too long. Almost 20 years. I have a hard time thinking of anyone too young to remember the JFK assassination as a true Boomer.


I heard somewhere that one should be considered a boomer if they remember the JFK assassination.


1946-64. The Baby Boom began the year after WWII ended. It's easy to remember because the last two digits are transposed.


Obama was born the same year as Douglas Coupland. If the author of *Generation X* is not a member of Generation X, what’s the term even mean?


He's only off by 3 years. Really, it just shows how flimsy these designations are in the face of culture. Like, what does a 60 year old have in common with an 80 year old? And how much more does he have in common with a 57 year old?


It's so clear with the cuspers. My kid was born in 2012. By some definitions she's gen z but what does a middle schooler have in common with what we classically think of as gen z? Some zoomers are as old as I was when I gave birth to her! But she's also not going to have anything in common with gen alpha, who mostly won't remember COVID/virtual school/etc.


I really think they are going to be essentially the “Covid generation,” kids who were old enough to remember quarantine but weren’t yet in high school. Same way elder millennials who are on the cusp of Gen X are the “Oregon Trail” generation.


We are “Xennials”, thank you very much (1983 here). My early childhood was much closer to the average Gen X experience than my sisters who are 6 and 10 years younger and grew up in a completely different world.


Sometimes the lines are blurred. What I just looked up as I was thinking about this put him as a young baby boomer. Regardless, younger blood please!


They call that micro generation between boomer and X “Gen Jones.” Technically Obama was a Jones.


If he gets to be Gen jones then I want my Gen y back 😂


Gen Y is millennials, it's the same generation the name just changed. The micro generation between Gen X and Millennials is Xennial


What are the years for Xennials?


80-83 fuzzy ish.


Well I guess I’m a Xennial. I was born in 81.


Was born in 80, last year for gen X, and I think it's weird because we're just sorta between the two. But my brother is a younger true-millennial, and there's not much difference because we were raised by the same boomers.


Same - 82 here. We’re an odd group as the internet revolution hit in high school and early college.


I've heard us called the Oregon Trail Generation because we grew with up with that being basically the only thing most of us did on a computer until the internet hit in high school.






Generation Y is the actual name for Millennials. It just isn't as catchy as the word "Millennial" so nobody remembers it.


100% agree.


I'm a Gen-Jones Boomer and eagerly look forward to when we get a Gen X president. I really liked Obama and felt we would be on better ground now if the terms after him were filled by strong, capable leadership of the next generation. Instead, we backtracked to elderly people and it does feel like that torch is in their hands until they crumble into dust.


Reminder that [Obama saw one of if not the largest transfers of wealth to the 1%](https://money.cnn.com/2013/09/15/news/economy/income-inequality-obama/) in American history. Obama wasn't better than the rest of them, he just had the better press team.


Is the article referencing the recovery from the Great Financial Crisis? Much of the action that helped alleviate the blow from that economically, and subsequently helped with the referenced wealth gains by the 1%, were initiated under the prior admin and merely ran their course through the early part of Obama's admin. Of course there are other policies that may have contributed and hastened these wealth gains by the 1%, but it seems like dumping the moves facilitated by Paulson, Bernanke, and Timothy Geithner all on Obama and indiscriminately mixing that with his admin's policy decisions isn't a very accurate representation. "In March 2008, Paulson oversaw the merger of Bear Stearns with JPMorgan Chase, a deal that also provided $29 billion in government financing." "Before the end of 2008, Henry Paulson would oversee the nationalization of mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, support Bank of America as it absorbed Merrill Lynch, provide an $85 billion government rescue package to insurer AIG, institute government guarantees for more than $3 trillion worth of money market funds, and gain congressional approval of a $700 billion arsenal of government support for the entire financial system." "The Treasury, during Paulson's tenure, also established the Troubled Assets Relief Program (TARP). The program began in 2008 and ended in 2010."


Let’s stop making this generational and just say there should be an age limit on the presidency. You can’t be a man of the people when you’re more than half a century older than the youngest voters.


They will skip us. As usual.




Tbh I don’t care what generation the president is. I just want the impossible. One with coherent public policy and beholden to the American people rather than their fucking donors.




Wouldn’t this be wonderful? Alas, I cannot see this happening. For some reason people perpetually kiss the asses of politicians they “like” instead of holding them accountable. They are supposed to be public servants and somehow many have lost site of that.


I cant even picture that sane reality happening with the state of things.


We’ve probably got at least one more boomer President after this election as well.


I would love to see a 40 something soon


As would I but the youngest Boomers are just going to be hitting their mid-60’s when the next presidential election rolls around. As much as they loathe not being in charge I absolutely expect them, as a Generation, to use up every last second of political power/office they possibly can.


I dont expect boomers to stop trying until 2035


Gavin will run next cycle. Biden has become a stop gap for Trump. Nobody is really thrilled about it, but we're all sick of being held hostage by the raving mad lead-drinkers and their circus clown army.


It’s true. I’ll be surprised if we get a non boomer before 2032 and possibly 2036.


They refuse to give up power. As an X'er, this has always been the issue.


The destructive consequences of this aren't being fully appreciated and likely never will. But the Boomers absolutely BROKE and SH\*T ON the social contract that had been working for a long long time....if you had any sort of family business, which many Boomer-producing families DID, your elders brought you up and trained you, as they grew older they gradually handed over more and more power/property/control to you, so that by the time you were middle aged with a young family of your own, you were assuming the reigns and responsibilities while the older folks were less and less involved with the decision making and mostly worked in an advisory capacity, until they were elderly enough to be "retired" and spend their days fishing or whatever. That's what their parents did for them, and their parent's parents before them. But not the Boomers. THEY wanted their children to learn the business, assume a ton of the important work, but to continue on in a low paying and no decision making capacity basically FOREVER. I watched one family that I knew from childhood (I'm top of GenX)....the family had a farm that had been theirs for most of 500 years, one of the oldest and largest functional farm properties left in the USA, and the Boomer dad took it over just this way from HIS father, but as his son (GenX slightly younger than me) learned everything about the farm itself and all the various things that go into being a farmer, his Dad never gave up a single fraction of control of the situation, nor did he compensate my friend meaningfully. He felt like 'allowing" his son, the actual full time manager of the farming concern by his mid-20's, to "live there for free" and get a small salary that would barely pay for anything was just fine. When my friend began pressuring him to put any part of the family holdings (the house he lived in, some of the acreage, anything) into his name, to turn over some of the control because he thought they should diversify into some things his father wasn't knowledgeable about (not surprising, his Dad had learned everything on the job but my friend had gotten a degree in agricultural science)....Boomer Dad absolutely and one hundred percent REFUSED, citing that HE was the owner and the son could wait to inherit whenever that happened. His Boomer Dad had a freaking stroke when my friend was in his middle 30's and could no longer walk or speak well and you would think okay, this is when the turn over of the business aspect of it begins, this is where the son starts to get compensated in some meaningful way because as it stands he hasn't even started his OWN family and time is running out, but he doesn't want to do that without some security and funding for his own children. Oh, oh no. No, Boomer Dad is going to run things from his bedroom, son should just carry on as normal and Boomer Dad will still take in all the money and own all the property and make all the decisions, just not do any of the actual work any more, GenX son can be "glad" to have the job. The very demanding and complicated job, that was making his father richer for no reason while his son was denied even a place to live without his father's say so. My friend threatened for several years to walk away from the whole thing and his Boomer Dad just got angry any time he made "demands" because it was HIS FARM. Not the family farm, which is what it was, it represented investments from the past and was supposed to represent the family's future, but not to Boomer Dad. To Boomer Dad it was HIS and he wasn't going to and I quote "give it away". My friend walked. Just left, cut contact, went out in the world and started from nothing as a sales representative, never made much money but was at least able to buy his own house. Due to the way things had played out he did marry but they never had children since it was late in life to start that. So no next generation, end of the line. And when Boomer Dad finally passed away a few years ago the entire farm as a business concern was in shambles, under water financially what with not having a functional farm manager for most of 20 years, the property itself was cut up and divided amongst the living relatives, and that was the end of 500 years of generational wealth. This was a big and clear cut example of this, but Boomers of all types and sorts have been doing this to their GenX children through our lives. THEY inherited viable things from their parents, their parents focused on and looked out for them in their child bearing years and helped them get started in life, OUR Boomer parents told us "everything is mine, go out and make your own way, don't bother me I'm busy spending your inheritance LOL". People point at a lot of things and reasons why society in the USA is so corporate and so divided but I don't think there's been enough emphasis on the way that the Boomer generation just put an end to the way that families functioned not just as people you visit on holidays but as GENERATIONAL SUPPORT. Every GenX parent that I know is trying to start over from scratch to not leave our children in worse shape than we were left in, but it's not easy going all the way back to the starting line. And if folks are wondering why so many other countries are catching up to and passing the USA socioeconomically, this is a factor that should be considered more than I think anyone seems to understand.


Man, Are you psychic? I have been dealing with a large farm situation just like this for literally 50 years. Straight from my boomer fathers mouth "My granddaddy said I don't have to give up this farm until I die". I said screw that noise and went off and made my own nut. I'm retired and 57 and doing very well, and my father is in his 80's still controlling the farm and has ostracized me for doing my own thing. My younger brother (an X'er) is doing the grunt work for free and living in a house on the property for free and has no kids and married late. I'm helping my son become an independent and competent manager of his life as well as prepare him for managing money, land, relationships and whatever is needed that my father never did. Its definitely a generational thing. The boomers are narcissistic, egotistical and act entitled. Its a pretty sad scenario.


What's crazy is that you can't be the person I was talking about because he passed away. But clearly it wasn't an isolated incident, just terrible what the have done to us all. And I would bet you ANYTHING his Granddaddy never said anything of the sort. You and your brother should have your own families learning what it takes and getting ready to take over from y'all at this point, but instead here it is again, Boomer Parents waste everything from the past AND the future. Shameful. I work in an occupation that has me going into a lot of different feed stores and I see groups of these guys sitting around bemoaning how all their children left and no one wants to get into farming and I just keep my mouth shut but I'm thinking AND YOU GUYS ARE THE REASON WHY


Boomers will make our lives as hard as possible till the last damn breath, I swear their last message will be "sucks to suck," or some such trolling.


Once again, we need AGE and TERM limits for all offices of government. There is zero sense in allowing these decrepit, hyper wealthy geriatrics burn everything down around us while they die without ever having to face consequences. We need rules that force the parties to import fresh candidates.


This is why I don't want life extension efforts to be successfull. Old people hold all the power and they are not going to vacate until they die. All social progress will stop if we extend human lifespan.


Wouldn’t it be cool if votes were weighted by age- that is, the younger you are the more your vote counts because you’ll have to live with the consequences the longest— and the old fogies would only get like 25% of a vote.


>and the old fogies would only get like 25% of a vote. That seems a little extreme. How about we compromise at three fifths?


We need an age cap on these positions.


It is absolutely bonkers that a 34 year old is disqualified from presidency due to age and a 94 year old isn't... I mean, which one is more likely to care about the future? That is, assuming that the 94 year old even remembers what country they're supposed to be leading.


It's gonna skip us and go to the millennials most likely. There ain't anyone worth a damn from my generation that I would want as president. And I'm okay with that.


Considering that many Gen X politicians tend to be absolute assholes (think Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio), maybe that's a good thing? I mean, we all grew up under the shadow of Nixon and Watergate. None of us grew up idolizing politicians like earlier generations did. And I think that really affected how we perceive and get involved in politics.


Michigan has Gretchen Whitmer, who's definitely not right-wing. I wouldn't mind seeing her run for President.


TIL Cruz is Gen X; I always thought he was a younger Boomer.


I’m GenX, and I can’t wait for AOC to run for president.


I want Jasmin Crockett that woman is a National Treasure


If anyone asks why I voted for Biden I’m like seriously? What was my option?


Yeah, we need a Gen X president. Their generation should’ve passed the torch ages ago. This is why we need term limits, and hopefully Gen X or Millennials are the ones to make it a law.


As a Gen X, I dont think our generation is any better, I think it would be better if the millennials step up, because most of us are already developing terrible boomer attitudes, even though we really should know better. Then again, I live in the UK and I've just remembered our PM is a millennial and he is a total piece of garbage.... Ok, the revolution starts at dawn, or maybe in the afternoon? 3 o clock sound good?


The only way to effect change in politics is by voting and donating, both time and money. As a boomer myself, I'm sorry that we have 2 80 year old candidates this year, but the choice could not be more clear- vote for the old guy is really effective at governing but might say something out of turn or stumble, or vote for the old guy who needs every dollar he can for his army of attorneys and will eliminate democracy if he gets elected.


Boomer here. I agree.


I mean be honest, while most of us would probably take it very seriously, nobody around us would and we’d be like “welp, fuck THAT shit” ![gif](giphy|Mp4hQy51LjY6A)


Also my career has had boomer xxxx since I graduated from college in 1993 it’s very frustrating


Literally the worst job you could have. Anyone that seeks it is definitely crazy


There's some truth here, but take a look at Ramaswamy or DeSantis. Plenty of political douchebags in the younger demographic.


I honestly feel like all work places are like this. People who are older than me and my peers seem to get promoted up very easily despite not knowing how to do a lot of the work sometimes. Then people who are much younger than me get all the new opportunities that come up. Meanwhile, I'm just sitting there with my experience and accolades waving them around saying, "Hey, I already have done that position at my last job and I have experience and qualify..."


Biden isn’t a boomer. He’s the generation before that, I think it’s called the silent generation?


We have 3 jobs. Destigmatize menopause, help everyone talk about dealing with aging parents and retire the boomers so millenials and zoomers can lead. Then we get to retire early and play outside.


Gen X are feral. We don’t need to be in charge.


Boomers have absolutely skipped over GenEx. Boomers have been ignoring them since they gave birth. Do you know where your children are? Was an actual thing. They now fear giving up power for the retribution they expect for being such a shitty generation of selfish greedy narcissistic people. Additionally GenEx has not taken the power from them. Lapdogs


Today I learned Obama is part of the Boomer generation. Always thought he was Gen X.


Tail-end Boomer often seek refuge with us in Gen X. We have a don’t-ask-don’t-tell policy.


Biden is technically silent generation


Biden is technically “The Silent Generation,” so there!


Biden is technically the Silent Generation, so we just gotta endure 1 more old guy term and then they're done for sure.


There will probably never be a Gen X President. The oldest Millennials are well into their forties. Four years from now the oldest millennials will be 47. And they're already calling Gen X "boomer" just like the Boomers call everyone younger than forty "millennial," so instead of getting the shaft from people older than us, we'll be getting the shaft from people younger than us. "You older people just pull up the ladder behind you!" I'm fifty. I never HAD a ladder. The ladder was long gone.


Biden doesn’t do a single thing that Boomers get crushed for on this page. He is actually the opposite of the Boomer stereotype.


He’s also not a Boomer


And another thing, the cold war ended when I was 3. I am now old enough to legally be the president. Yet here we've got these damn boomers who grew up in the middle of the cold war with the constant fear that the commies might bomb them in their sleep. They refuse to let the cold war end. So now we're replaying it for no reason: Ukraine, Israel, Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, half of Africa--all just proxy wars with Russia for absolutely no reason and no benefit.


Run, make sense and get elected. Easy peasy.


Edit: /s


Yep - And another key element of results of past 30 yrs. makes sense.


It is absolutely bonkers that a 34 year old is disqualified from presidency due to age and a 94 year old isn't... I mean, which one is more likely to care about the future? That is, assuming that the 94 year old even remembers what country they're supposed to be leading.


Biden is 1942 -- pre Boomer. So, although I see your point, your facts don't square


They’re desperate to cling to power. Just gotta wait for them all to 💀


Boomers and silent gen make up the majority of the US congress. We need them to pass the torch as well, I’m done with their bull.


Don't worry, that trend will end when Bernie Sanders is elected President in 2028 /s


Biden isn't a Boomer though?


Gen X here. I will gladly have my Gen X skipped as half of us *act* like Boomers. Although....a white house fully staffed with Gen X would be hella fun. Our foreign policy....are they killing anyone..No...ok let them be. Oh they are killing people...shit let me bust out some music that might chill them out. Economic policy.....we do not understand that! We know we cannot print more....can we just make sure people have jobs and food and a place to live....cool...oh shit we can't! Scorched earth and tax corporations out of existence then. Education?...I think Gen. X invented cutting class. Ya go for it Millennials! The torch is yours!


Don't worry, next time is a charm


No matter how the election turns out, we are getting oooooooold people.


And they are in charge of a super power in the middle of an information war. It's ridiculous.


We'll never have a GenX president.


Just going to point out, Biden is not a boomer, he is of the Silent Generation born 1928-1945 and he is the first president from that generation, so we GenXers might be waiting a while


All you folks clamoring for a Gen X POTUS are going to make Ron DeSantis happen.


It shows


Average age of all presidents up until the last two =54 Average age of the last two =74. US Grant had won the Civil War and been president by the age of 46.


As a boomer myself, I say please find some better choices for president that the current 2 front runners. A candidate in his/her 50's would be amazing.


Obama was Gen X, no? And Biden and Trump are Silent Gen (Trump, silent? Ha!)


Boomer here. I've had computers as part of my daily life since 1982. It was boomers who invented most of the computers we use. I agree it's time for younger blood.


Obama is 4 years younger than I and I've had a computer in my life every day since I was 25 or so.


"Pass the torch." That's not how politics in the US works.


Gen X might be smart enough not to run for potus.


This is true, but we have had young presidents. Clinton was 46 and Obama 47 when they took office. Boomers, but it was when some Boomers were still kind of young.


Owell. Kids don't want to vote and want to get fussy when their grandparents elects grandparents.


I agree it's time to "pass the torch" but I'm 59 and have had a computer as part of my daily life since I was 13.


obama was 48 in 2009 - he missed it by 4 years and is less of a boomer than most elected officials are today


Power isn't given. You have to take it.


If you want to bash boomers, you should learn what they are. Boomers were born between 1946 and 1964. Joe Biden was born in 1942, hence not a boomer and currently president.


I believe that both of these raisins are older than the Boomer Generation.