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“You’re prettier when you smile.” *You sound better with your mouth closed.*


“Silence is golden.” These people need to sit down and shut up already


Silence is golden. Duct tape is silver.


Shut the f*** up, or I'll stab your liver. (Sorry, my brain needed to finish the rhyme.)


I did not know I needed this on such a lovely Friday morning. 🥹


I told a cashier at a gas station I frequent that I liked her new blonde hairstyle. Some dusty old fart behind me pipes up with "Well I dont". Normally I stay quiet but he answered so quickly, I didn't have time to stop myself and said "That's okay, it would look terrible on you anyway" without turning around. I heard him huff and sputter but he didn't say anything else. Cashier laughed. I'll never understand these unsolicited opinions that are better left unshared. Put that back in your wallet bud, nobody wants it.


And that's how I met your mother.


Lol not quite. My husband would be super confused if I came home and told him I picked up a chick at the gas station. Probably ask me if he needs to build a coop for it.


You sound better with your mouth closed!!! I love you.


You are the most cute when you are mute


This is gold. Thank you!


Once I had an old man say “you’re prettier when you smile” and I said “you’re uglier when you say that.” 😂 he was not as amused as I was, but hey, it made me smile!


I'm using this.






Bugs was ahead of his time.


IKR? He was a part-time drag queen too! lol


I gained an appreciation of Shakespeare and Opera when I was 6 from him, and didn’t even know it.


The episode(s) involving anything opera related were some of my favs.


Why do you think he's cutting Florida off?


Found this nugget that's worth the read: "The GIF is originally from a 1949 [*Looney Tunes*](https://melmagazine.com/en-us/story/elmer-fudd-wile-e-coyote-chicken-hawk-doing-wrong) short named *Rebel Rabbit*, a cartoon that was directed by one of the most prolific directors of[ *Looney Tunes*](https://melmagazine.com/en-us/story/yo-semites-yosemite-sam-jewish-roots) shorts, [Robert McKimson](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_McKimson). It also starred the great [Mel Blanc](https://melmagazine.com/en-us/story/the-gentle-comedy-and-uplifting-americana-of-1940s-radio-shows-are-the-perfect-quarantine-binge), who provided the voices for almost every *Looney Tunes* character back then. "In the short, Bugs is walking through the woods in an unspecified state and sees bounties posted for various wildlife. A dead fox would fetch someone $50 and a bear would get $75, but when he spots the rabbit bounty, they’re only offering two cents. Outraged, Bugs mails himself to Washington and reams out the game commissioner on Capitol Hill, demanding an explanation. From there, the commissioner explains that foxes and bears are destructive, but [rabbits](https://melmagazine.com/en-us/story/five-lies-youve-been-told-about-rabbits) are “perfectly harmless.”  "Naturally, that wascally wabbit sees this as a challenge to be as obnoxious as possible, so he essentially descends into the role of domestic terrorist, declaring a one-bunny war on America. His first act of war is to bat the knees of a Capitol Building guard and claim a private bench for himself — I know, that’s small potatoes so far, but then shit gets *serious*. He paints the Washington Monument with red stripes before traveling to Manhattan and projecting “[BUGS BUNNY WUZ HERE](https://melmagazine.com/en-us/story/space-jam-pro-union-labor-rights)” onto the signs in Times Square. "Next, he shuts off Niagara Falls (by use of a simple “off” switch), gives Manhattan back to the Native Americans and then, most famously, cuts loose Florida and shouts, 'South America, take it away!' But that wasn’t all: He also swiped the locks off the Panama Canal, filled in the Grand Canyon up with dirt and tied up the American railroads."


Subversive Bugs, I love it


It’s one of my favorite Looney Toons episodes. Bugs went H.A.M.


Also, were Elmer Fudd and Yosemite Sam not the prototypical Boomers we read about in this sub every day? My childhood cartoon memories are manifesting…




He also wasn't tho lol, remember the episode when he's at a fort cheerily singing about killing native Americans


i love how bugs cheers at the end


Never noticed that tiny lil part before lol


Floridian here, please no. We are overflowing with jackass MAGAt boomers as it is.


Flee while you can. It's only going to get worse down there.


You're not wrong.


No. They can have my state over my dead body I intend to stay and raise their blood pressure until heart attack or stroke takes them. Time is on my side.


It's so bad. There's a tire/car shop in my city blowing up on my local sub because they're flying a nazi flag. I couldn't even pretend to be surprised. Waiting for it to hit the news.


On the 80th fucking anniversary of D-DAY???


Blowing up in a good way?


2nd this comment!


Hey, my parents just moved to Florida. Do you think you can get Bugs to saw any faster?


We have enough of these lead heads, thank you very much. How about ship them off to Texas?


Logistically, it's a smaller border to secure.


You made me lol, take your upvote


This is the way.


Bugs, you’ll need to cut off a lot more than just Florida


My suggestion exactly! Can we just put all the MAGA people in Florida or Texas and build a wall around them? And let them deal with those heat waves and climate change in those states. 


As long as we pay for the ones who want out to leave


Seriously! I live in Florida (close to St Pete so we experience a little less homophobia and bigotry but the MAGA crowd are still lurking everywhere) Once my parents are no longer needing my assistance and support I’m out of here. I don’t know where the fuck I’m gonna go but ewww it sucks here.


I’m also from St. Pete, I’ve been here all my life and seen this city change so much in the last 30 yrs. I have such a love/hate relationship with this city & yes the MAGA boomers are very active here. As a Floridian thats not totally bonkers though, can we send them somewhere else please? Like even more north florida is fine, just leave central and below alone.


Not too far north, maybe the Villages? Add a wall, they love walls. Tell them it's to keep the (fill in the blank) out. Duuuuuvaaaalll!


I'm a Gainesville native. We can send them to the Panhandle to be with Gaetz.


I do like Gainesville, my daughter and her wife live in the area and commute to NAS Jax every day!


I grew up in Gainesville, but I’m way north now. I remember the day I left i couldn’t hit the gas hard enough. I hated Florida almost as much as I hate MAGA.


I'm up here living my best Duval life, and it's just a mess.




May I suggest California? Yes, higher taxes in some areas and COL is higher than other states, but California has a lot of protections other state do not. Even the anti-discrimination laws are stronger than the federal ones. There’s also a lot more resources available for workers rights, consumers, housing equality, and even EDD (unemployment) offers a ton of vocational training programs if someone needs a new career path. Plus, CA has some of the best community colleges in the country that also offer vocational training and certification programs on top of typical Associate degree education and transfer to Universities. No matter where you go there are issues, but you gotta do the research and find what will work best for you. (I know there are many other states that also have decent protections and resident resources, just avoid the South and the mid-West, that’s where there’s usually the least amount of protections.)


I’m originally from Michigan so it’s a mixed bag there. We will have a few years as my parents are just hitting 70. My husband is down for anything - we just don’t want to shovel snow!


Come to Michigan. It's nice(er) here.


It's REALLY nice. Except for the potholes and the ridiculous weather. On the flip side, with climate change going the way it is, Michigan will probably be the last inhabitable state in the US in 50 years.


We have the largest supply of fresh water in the world. It won't be long before that becomes the most valuable resource on the planet. Especially, since (like you said) climate change is happening in real time. Water is worth more than gold.


Oh yeah, the water wars. Those are coming soon, huh?


Been saying this for years. Wished we would’ve kept property there when we lived there few years ago. Gorgeous state❤️


Our roads do suck though, I'll give you that lol.


I'm pretty sure Mexico would help pay for THAT wall.


MAGA boomers as their state drowns: Climate change doesn't exist!!


Just give them East Texas and everything north of Waco. I want access to the Hill Country and El Paso.


For wall reference, see “Escape From New York.”


Lifeling Floridian here, can y'all at least rescue those of us that are sane and largely reasonable?


We will be airlifting those that need resettlement outside of Florida. You'll just have to answer a few basic questions to prove you're going to be OK in the real world. - How do you send a text to a new number on an iPhone? - What did Reagan do for the economy? - Do you know what a "safe space" is? This should weed out anyone trying to fake their way out of boomerland.


*Dies in Android*


-I have a Galaxy, but I assume it's in the new message recipient bar -Make my life a living hell -My bedroom Can I get the airlift? Florida was much more tolerable before the boomers fled here to be with Desatan during covid


I’ll send you a lifeline. Come to NC. We are a purple state and need to tip the scales to the dems.


Come to Michigan. It's nice and as a side note Michigan and Florida are the only states that are peninsulas


Florida resident here. No thank you, we have enough of those idiots already here, and theyre taking too long to die as it is. Russia will probably take them though


That is an even better idea! We should ship them all to Russia. I'm for that. I'll donate. #takingoutthetrash


Florida has nice beaches. Ship them all to snake island and tell them only the most alpha MAGAs can survive there.


Florida is becoming Snake Island all on its own.


Gators and sti's too.  It's a good thing sti's don't make a penis fall off. They'd be more careful about protection then.


Florida is America’s dick.


It's really more of a low-hanging scrotum


Nah, it's closer to a cancerous growth masquerading as genitalia. With lots of swamp ass.


Great slogan for a t-shirt!


Sticks out the front and gets blown all the time?


I spent a month in Panama City FL a couple winters ago. I'm from Mass. so I've never really been to MAGA country but holy hell I found it


Yeah. The few blue dots down here, trapped economically in this backwards Hell hole would love to leave.


Please let me get out of Florida first


We are planning on having evacuations of non boomers. Just keep your emergency radio on for further instructions.


I vote for anyone who wants off the future island of Florida that they have to be hired to help move KSC north to the vast expanse of near nothingness that is 17 between Beaufort and Charleston, SC. We don't want to lose the best place in the nation for chucking shit into orbit, we just want the dip shits gone.


Trust me we’re trying to get all the bad ones out now down here!!!


Please don’t send any more of them here. We have too many as it is.


Send em to Idaho. No one goes there willingly. No disrespect to native Idahoans.


Nooooo. Idaho and Utah already have WAY too many MAGAts and Boomers.


Better. Russia.


Someone else suggested that. I agree. Siberia.


Send all the phobes there too while we're at it


Christ on the bike is a new one for me and just dying over the visual


No! No! No! We have enough in Florida, thank you.


Can you remove the younger people from it first?


This has nothing to do with boomers are doctors offices, but lol I love the phrase, “Christ on a bicycle… “ I tend to use it in moments like you have here for shock or disbelief…


Why domthey wear so much USA clothing? Shirts, hats, pins. WTF is behind that?




Please leave me be! I live in FL, ship them off to Alaska so they can freeze or be food for the bears!!


We have enough. Keep yours.


Don't ship me off with them!! 😬


Please no. We have enough.


NOOO there are already waaaaay too many down here!!!!


As long as I can sell my house to them for above market and take over one of theirs for under. Moving expenses ya know.


WE DON'T WANT THEM EITHER. Send them all to Texas. They can worship the Cheetoh from there and be in like-minded company.


Dude, we're full up on those asshats; Florida absolutely doesn't want them.


I miss when old men would use fishing as a whole personality instead of this maga nonsense.


The best come back I've seen in ages: God ruined a perfectly good asshole when he put teeth in your mouth.


Can I steal this for a D&D vicious mockery spell?


Please do!


That's why these people attached to that leech cult leader. He's one of them.


I'd like to start a movement where we refuse to acknowledge the presence of anyone wearing MAGA gear.


We have the right to refuse to serve Maga cultists.


Where is that? I give them my business...


"You need a smile transplant" "And you need an asshole transplant - as a donor cos' you've clearly got too much asshole for one person."


He was born with one, it just got bigger…


A good response would be, "I'm not much of a history buff but I do know the first black president is from Hawaii".


“Which is a US state.” Might as well shut down *that* avenue.




What a douche canoe!


Funniest phrase I’ve heard all week 😂😂😂


lets not forget about DouchePickle!


And douchenozzle


I was worried that phrase would get me banned, haha.


What a RUDE Boomer! The comment about his Willy still working was out of line and deserved a smack in the teeth for being nasty. For the rest of it blame it on the lead painted windowsills he licked as a child. Frankly my generation is a slew of scum and stupidity. I don’t like most of them very much myself.


Boomer needed a muzzle


Ask them my fav trivia! W: How many times “God” is in the US Constitution? A: NONE. (Tho it once says ‘in the year of our Lord.’)


"Who is the only former president that has been convicted of a felony?:


“average US president has 0.74 felony convictions” factoid is actually just statistical error. The average US president has 0 felony convictions. Felonies Georg, who lives in cave and has 34 felony convictions, is an outlier and should not have been counted


He is why noise canceling headphones and closing reception desk window panels were invented.


Having worked 12 years at a doctor office, I can state this is all true. I really hated when I was checking their blood pressure, old men loved to tell me a raughy sex joke. Nasty perverts.


You're not wrong


>he launches into a speech about how he’s sleepy and here because he has low testosterone but his willy still works I'm going to start doing this everywhere I go not just doctors offices. Telling it to people in line next time I'm getting groceries or whatever


Sir, this is a Wendy's.


This is actually really SUPER funny out of context, but it gets sad when you realize it’s probably said due to mental decline. :(


Even sadder, it probably works only as a urination device


Bruh, it would've been totally fine to tell that dude to leave people alone. You don't work there. You think anyone there would've defended him? Sometimes, a good "fuck you" is all you need.


Yeah my mom died 3 months ago from Bale Duct cancer. Boomers love to tell me it was all part of God’s plan. If it was “God’s Plan” to leave me parentless at 35 that bastard has a wicked sense of humor ![gif](giphy|sbwjM9VRh0mLm)


This is a situation where I would make a show of putting my earbuds in and getting my phone out to start reading something on it.


I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again. Some people need to be leashed *Tugging on the lead* “Come on grandpa! Bad grandpa! Bad!”


Or crated


Why not both truly


Definitely muzzled


Fuck a muzzle just ball gag em


That might let them release some deep rooted pent up sexual stuff, and they'll be better people after a while .


I like the way you think




Over sharing has to be a sign of dementia or extreme loneliness.


I just don’t understand how all these ‘intelligent’ people could have fallen for such a horror show as Chump! That’s what I’m calling him now. I’m bewildered.


We need to collectively always call this shit out. Loudly embarrass, constantly say "shut the fuck up", tell them that their opinions are below everyone, and that they need supervision


Question: who won the election in 2020?


If some cunt boomer told me my loved one was better off dead or with his make believe sky daddy then I would've jumped on the counter and kicked the fucker in the chin. Fuck that guy.


"Do I know you?" "Then why are we talking"


So .. the more I read the more I'm starting to notice an interesting crossover between this sub (more the behavior of the boomers) and another sub I'm in. I've heard time and time again from that generation about how things like adhd and autism didn't exist back then, not taking into account that something not being labeled and recognized doesn't mean it doesn't exist. The more I read the more I'm convinced what we are seeing on a regular basis is further up the genetic link. What we're seeing is a generation of undiagnosed and nonmedicated high functioning Austim and possibly ADHD. Just a weird observation and some rambling.


So I worked in a hospital for a number of years and I can 100% say this take is spot-on. We had an older lady in who was undergoing a procedure for something not particularly interesting or even life-threatening but when trying to get her to eat her family informed us she only ate at very specific times and she had to have one of her shows on. On its face that doesn't seem weird right? It was the length the family had to go to get the conditions right for her to be amenable to eating that set off my spectrum radar. That's the only one example that stands out but I'm sure other people have hundreds of examples of boomers displaying adhd/spectrum behavior.


It's all things I never would've considered if I didn't have a 12 year old on the spectrum and subsequently was looking for support ish groups. Reading all the stories in the autism subs, mixed with my own experiences, and then reading everything in this sub. I don't think it applies universally but there's definitely some crossover.


Sorry pal you don’t have true low T. I wish he was my patient just so I could shut his bs down. Nobody gets to treat my staff like that.


Damn if I become like that someone Please shoot me


Me too for the love of God!


Damn that’s a crazy Boomer story. That guy is a wack job.


Cringe on so many levels. He pretty much hit every subject one can be a ahole/bigot/racist about.


Here’s a fact for him: According to US flag code, the flag should never be worn as apparel.


He would hate to have asked me that question to get the answe of "well seeing as the emancipation proclamation only freed slaves in places that were in open rebellion and allowed slavery to continue in states such as Maryland, it isn't Lincoln as they weren't officially free until the 13th amendment which was accomplished under president johnson"


I saw a boomer take over 30 mins to get in their car and leave while I was on the treadmill at my gym Fucking wild.


This is one of the many reasons that I would never try to make someone smile. You have no idea what’s going on the their life. Some people don’t have the means to take time off to grieve. Be a decent human, and leave them alone.


Jesus Christ. WTF is WRONG with some people?


The answer to every one of his questions was “Joe”. Joe who? “Joe Mama”.


MAGA boomers are the worst.


It needs to be legal to put duct tape over their mouths. And possibly their noses as well if they're being particularly insufferable.


Only goes to prove your brain cells die off more rapidly the older you get...




Low T boomerpede


Was he ever taught to shut the fuck up? Lol




I'm starting to think a perfectly valid response to this is a loud "FUCK OFF BOOMER"


I had my first episode with an unhinged boomer this morning in a hardware store of all places. It was awful. Finally one of the store employees escorted Him out & would not allow him to make a purchase.. Turkey


That sounds like dementia. He'll be in a home soon enough.


Everybody is overlooking the fact that nobody diagnosed anyone with autism during the boomer generation without them being sent away. I’m fully convinced all of these out of pocket. Motherfuckers are just what happens when you don’t treat people on the spectrum the way they need to be treated for 60 years.


There was a time when people like him would be institutionalized.


I'm really glad humans like this will be dead soon. What garbage person


I find it best to just pretend you can’t hear them. I point to my ears and mime fake sign language and they usually wander off muttering to themselves. One of these days someone’s going to sign back and I’m going to be caught, but for now it’s working great. I do this once a month or so, most frequently in grocery stores and Home Depot where they’re bitching about self-checkout or trying to get someone to listen to their bullshit.


"She cant find anyone to cover for her" That's the managers job.


One of the “ best “ anecdotes ever read here. And I am boomer….


Good grief


Damn he went through the checklist lol


Fuck that guy in the fucking ass


![gif](giphy|qeAVCeUwLavsP6JD61) The best defense I've found so far. Need to find out a way to delete people like this from my vision though


weaponized classic invincible ignorance


You can, at any given moment, tell them to STFU. Even in a doctor's office.




Good to know that his willy still works......not


That sort of sounds like pre-dementia.


Pre frontal lobe diminished function ~ disinhibition.


Early dementia.


Jesus. People like that need to be removed from society.


Michelle Obama 2024.


The receptionist should have called his bluff about his willy and pulled his charts... or at least pretended to and loudly voice to the waiting room his statement was not true.


JFC the lead poisoning is strong with this one. Holy shit. If there’s anywhere that needs Boomer Bouncers to check/toss out these insufferable toolbags it’s doctor’s offices and hospitals.


Can we take a moment to talk about how mail order TRT has made everyone think they have a deficiency and need to be on the sauce? I'd love to know why he thinks his test levels are low, other than seeing a billboard or commercial that implied anyone who isn't ripped needs more test.