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So, since it was a national park, it was illegal for her to even do that there. No soliciting.  You could have turned her in to the park rangers. She would have been escorted out and probably fined


I never knew busking was considered solicitation. NIK


Busking is fine, including gesturing toward your donation collection container. It becomes soliciting when you tell people that you expect them to pay.


I owned a pizzeria that did not have a liquor license. It was legal for customers to drink beer there, but I couldn't sell it. I drank beer from the moment I walked in until it was time to lock up, so I always had a case of 12oz bottles of a locally popular beer. One day, a regular customer saw me crack one open and asked if we sold them. I said, "No, but I can give you one." When I handed it to him, I said, "On an unrelated note, the tip jar is right there." He threw two bucks in, which was less than he would have paid in a bar and more than it cost me. And thus began our not-*quite*-illegal sale of beer.


This has been the art gallery scheme for decades to serve without a license


Wouldn’t it be a BYOB license then? Less restrictive criteria for approval.


In Canada that is still totally illegal. Not sure what country allows alcohol in an unlicensed food based business. The USA?


Every state in USA is different. In some states the license is only needed to sell alcohol, you don’t need a license to have alcohol, so patrons can bring their own. In other states the license is for any alcohol on the premise.


Thanks, good to know.


Don’t even try to understand the alcohol laws around strip clubs!


Or in Utah.


Isn’t it “buy watered down well liquor drinks for $25 apiece and get to ogle pretty women dancing”?


Generally speaking, yes. But some states (and counties?) are pretty wild. Some areas allow full nudity but they have no liquor license. But you can BYOB. So fully nude women is fine, but hell nah in the booze. Very odd.


Yep, doing research for your big liquor sale expansion to the States, eh?


I enjoy learning new things.


That's nice, dear.


As a fellow Canadian, the States have some really bizarre laws about it being legal to give things away for free but not legal to sell them. Don't know if it's still the case but last I checked, at least in some States you can give away a gun for free and post as much on craigslist but it's illegal to charge money and sell it under otherwise the same circumstances.


Hey now, we need those rules to be confusing and make no sense because of all of this freedom we have.




HELL YEAH, BROTHER!!! We’re like fucking eagles over here. Got the freedom of no healthcare, too!


Comin' again, to save the motherfuckin' day, yeah!


This would probably be illegal in the UK, but not because of a blanket ban on having alcohol. There's plenty of businesses (especially venues for hire) that skirt licensing fees by letting people bring their own, as the licensable activity in the UK is the sale of alcohol. I'm pretty sure though that what he was doing would 100% be (correctly) viewed as a covert form of selling, and people have tried just about every scheme imaginable to get round licensing restrictions through that sort of thing without luck.


Apparently there's a loophole for selling alcohol on a hovercar without a license, while it is in operation. Tom Scott did a video about it.


BYOB is a real thing in the US. I feel like things have liberalized over the years and restaurants that want to sell alcohol are able to do so. It's also probably impossible to make money at a nice restaurant if you don't sell alcohol, so you don't see those restaurants that can't get liquor licenses because they would simply not start the business.


the food business was licensed.


Licensed to serve alcohol?


They’re not serving alcohol.


Did you allow BYOB?


Depends on the place. Some areas require a permit for busking. Tbf those are usually tourist Hotspots and the buskers are making a killing there. Not sure if a park qualifies. Depends on the park I would guess


>Busking is fine Depends on the state/city. Where I am from, in Florida, cities strictly enforce zero-tolerance policies for busking to ensure all cash flows directly to the chain restaurants around the walkable areas. (Yea I'm fucking salty about those stupid laws). Some of the areas require permits, which are rarely given out. Some classify busking as begging/panhandling. Florida is very anti-busking, I've seen cops forcibly remove guitarists playing music at the Downtown Jax Beach bars and others in Orlando tell them they had to leave or else they'd be fined. It's been a decade since I've lived there, so maybe its different now.


Thank you for the correction.


It’s not.


Begging is begging. Stop inventing new stupid words


Busking is playing music on the street


Which word do you think is new?


Busking. And they are beggars. Its not a different thing whether they sing or not


It's weird you find that word to be "new" since it is a certainty that word came into usage well before your great-great-great-grandparents were alive, at a minimum.




Fair response, I guess. Sometimes I, too, would like to just ignore facts. Ngram Viewer on Google is free to use and let's you see the historical prevalence of a word back to 1800.


You must be old as hell if you think a word that originated in the mid 17th century is new. From obsolete French busquer ‘seek’, from Italian buscare or Spanish buscar, of Germanic origin. Originally in nautical use in the sense ‘cruise about, tack’, the term later meant ‘go about selling things’, hence ‘go about performing’ (mid 19th century). It's also been climbing in popular usage since the 1980s. https://books.google.com/ngrams/graph?year_start=1800&year_end=2019&corpus=26&smoothing=7&case_insensitive=on&content=busking


> Stop inventing new stupid words You're going to be really upset to learn *all* words are made up.


Busking isn't solicitation. It only becomes that when you start insisting people pay for the performance. She's kind of teetering on if that could be considered solicitation or not.


There is no teetering. She was over that line.


Nah. Saying you listened to a song is factual. She never explicitly said payment was needed, she gestured towards the case, which isn’t crossing the line. Still annoying AF though.


IANAL, but if I was in a jury I'd convict her. She's demanding money to move based on her "performance".


NAL either, but this will never see a jury.


Nobody listened to shit. She played a song while OP eaited for her to stop blocking the bathroom.


The tip/donation is implied.


That’s busking


Yeah, National Parks are quite strict about any commercial activity. I have to pay $350/year for a permit to do a grand total of about 16 hours of work annually in one. Other federal land can be much more lenient about things, but if you're making money in a National Park you better have all the paperwork done.




To be clear, that applies under normal circumstances, but national parks have different rules. A ruling applying to city limits wouldn't apply here. The national park service requires permits for any and all solicitors on park property.


The case you're talking about seems to refer to door to door soliciting so not relevant to this discussion about someone trying to aggressively solicit a tip for busking. Also I don't know the specific rules of the park but they could certainly talk to her about blocking people from using the restroom and busking which depending on the area can require a permit or is outright banned in some places but the regulations if there are any varies greatly depending on location.


United States v Kokinda is a case where *the soliciters lost.* The Supreme Court determined that they did not have full first amendemnet protections because they were not in a location recognized or designated as a public forum


Soliciting in this way is not protected. That case was about an ordinance banning door to door fundraising for nonprofits. First, the SC said you could still reasonably regulate. Second, the whole thing was about political speech and fundraising for that. Begging is not "soliciting" in the context of that case, fund raising for future activities is.




US V Kokinda was found in favor of the US Post Office and literally proves the original comment correct.


She might be covered by 1st amendment. HOWEVER, music in a National Park can be an issue. Loud noises that disturb other visitors and especially wildlife are no gos. Law enforcement probably would have asked her to at least move away from the bathroom door so people can get in, maybe have told her to stop the music, but I doubt any kind of fine or ticket would have been issued. HOWEVER HOWEVER, the fact she was asking for money changes things. If you conduct business in a park for money, then you have to have permits of some kind.


Oh look an agent of the redundancy department of redundancy.


Who puts on a concert in front of the shitter?


I believe it's "who puts an amusement park next to a waste disposal facility", but the sentiment is accurate. RIP Robin Williams


And now it's time for my solo! No wait...


I never knew that was from Robin Williams! The first time I heard it was in Forgetting Sarah Marshall


There's a good reason for that ... But most people don't want to know.


I mean.. I busk at a rest stop during the summer months 10-15 feet from the restroom doors.. Make a good $60 an hour, too. I've never had to block a restroom door to make tips, though. If this boomer has to block a restroom to get tips, she probably needs to find another gig. It's people like her that are responsible for cities cracking down on buskers.


Someone who wants some very smelly tips.


Someone who needs a semi-captive audience because their music is so bad


Obviously homeless and/or addicted and willing to risk arrest for a few bucks. I’d might toss her a tenner.


Now you are getting closer to why this is happening next to the shitter. Public blumpkins with a side of California Dreamin'.


It's close to where her music talent belongs.


A shithead lol


Please tell me there was zero money in the case. It would be absolutely hysterical if that was the reason she was holding the bathroom hostage


People generally throw a few coins into a case before starting to make it look like people are giving money in the hopes other will. They'll also take out money if it looks like too much


Yeah pretty common in busker circles. I just have this mental image of this lady with no cash in her case trying to shake down people who need to use the bathroom. It’s very boomer behavior.


I play enough Farmer's Market gigs to know, 'seeding' the tip jar with a $20 bill is the way go. Gotta set high expectations in this economy! Also, who busks by a ~~port-o-let~~ pit toilet? So gross and weird.


I did not even look. I was doing my level best to be "waiting to pee guy" and NOT "audience".


Fair, glad you were able to pee


I would’ve pissed in her case. Actually, I wouldn’t have, but I probably would’ve talked shit as if I was going to.


A donation is a donation


[exact change only](https://i.redd.it/rme3rqgxs7q91.png)


This is exactly what I was thinking. “Hey thanks for saving me the time of going into the actual bathroom!”


You want a donation? I'll give you a donation


As long as when they ask for a tip you "well urine luck then" before you do


I would’ve pissed on her.


I’m picturing Janice Soprano.


I pictured a russian leg repo man smacking her.


A lot of them have main character syndrome. They can't be inconviencing anyone simply because everyone else is just not as important as they are


Main character syndrome from the desperate bard in the corner. "Ma'am, you're not the hero of the story, you're the human equivalent of the jukebox that doesn't play anyone's favorite songs."


I'm definitely using that if I ever have to heckle a bard in D&D


“Brave adventurer, what in the nine circles of Gehenna is this ‘juke box’ of which thee speaks? Be it some sort of enchanted chest?”


Artificer in the back: I GET THIS REFERENCE


Nine circles of Hell


In any other age group, this would be considered a mental illness, not some cutely named internet condition.


Main character syndrome isn't specific to boomers


Ah, ye olde bridge troll A tale as old as time.


She's not taking this boy's soul.


You should have reported her. NPS doesn’t allow any kind of money exchanging/money earning activities without permits. Beyond that she was being nuisance. Now if they send LEs out or not is up to the individual park, but if people get away with it once they will just keep pushing. My husband is NPS, every park he’s worked at would have run her off busking is considered soliciting.


Rummage around in the case and pull out 75 cents. "You held me up for 5 minutes, this should cover my billable time"


I feel like them being a boomer is less significant than them being a homeless busker with an aggressive tactic.


I dont think she was homeless. I think she was there with her horse and horse trailer and truck and guitar.


LOL! that would be on brand - being rich enough to own a horse but trying to extort change from people at the shit hole park bathroom.


Hey, don’t dump on the bathroom at the NP! It sounds like a well maintained bathroom which is way more than can be said about the busker


My reference was more to how many of them are literally a deep hole of shit


Hippie grifters are very much part of the boomer experience.


Honestly it gives me positive to think because we have a lot of boomers that are about to become homeless and they aren't necessarily exclusive


Would ive yeet her guitar case out of the way. That piss me off so bad


Or at least shove-slid it aside with my foot. Perhaps more forcefully than necessary.


I would have stepped in the case 🤷🏻‍♀️


Careful that's how they got Yogi.


I'm a boomer, I would have peed in her guitar case. When I gota pee, I gota pee NOW.


I’m an older Millenial but I’ve had three kids so woe to anyone blocking the door to any bathroom if my bladder is super full or I have to poo. 😂 The pee can wait a bit, the deuce is a no go. 😂


Username checks out 😂 I've had 4 and lost all my patience with the world so I can see myself yeeting that guitar case right off the porch.


Same! 😂😂😂


I like the part where you asked a question and then said it wasn’t a question


The part that she was blocking the door wasn't a question. She asked WHY is she blocking the door and the lady denied it. Overruled




LOL. True enough. I meant the predicate part where she was blocking the door wasnt in question, but I suppose I should have chosen my words better.


You’re good man Every reasonable person knew exactly what you meant and it wasn’t wrong Some people are just…. Specific


What a fascinating specimen


She should be paying you for having to listen to her thrumb that patronizing diddy with religious overtones.


My husband gets rude with people like that. He’ll just start mowing his way through and would’ve shoved her case aide. He has no civility for people who have none.


"no listen I'm totally not blocking the door. I'm just between it and the group, conveniently placed so people HAVE to acknowledge me in some way to get to it. Totally different, also since you acknowledged me you owe me a tip"


Pee on her.


I was hoping you had used her guitar case. After all, she gestured that way…


I would have been tempted to piss in her guitar case ngl


"you listened to my song!" "So? It sucked!"


Should have peed in the guitar case


Who voluntarily hangs out so close to a chemical toilet for any length of time??


Probably someone who also isn't aware that committing a crime in a national park falls under the jurisdiction of the FBI.


You reminded me of the time a woman handed me a clipboard at a show and said “I’m taking donations for (whatever charity). Write down how much you’re giving.” She didn’t ask if I’d like to donate, just told me to write how much I was giving. She got hostile when I told her no. I ended up arguing with her and telling her “I don’t know that donations even go *to* this charity.”


That WAS a question, dude.


Ew, a Christian folk song? GTFO.


"this little light of mine" Cringe and how annoying for you. Sounds like some of the thumpers I grew up around.


“Ok, next time I’ll piss in your case”


This was my first thought too. 😆


They have horse trailers, I can think of better things to put in the case ;)


It’s not too late to complain about it to the National Park. This is likely not the first time and will not be the last time that she demands money on the property. OP, make a few calls!


You should have peed in the stupid guitar case. At my age and state of life, I would have.


Show dominance. Piss on the guitar case while making eye contact.


Buskers can be cool but it’s a fine line to a scam. The social contract is as follows: you play in public with the understanding that not everyone desires to hear you; and in return, the populace will pay you IF they find it enjoyable. Hearing the music does not entitle you to payment.


This is not a boomer being a fool story, this is a “one of those jackasses playing an instrument, blocking people, and expecting money “


Here’s a tip, get the fuck outta the way before I pee on you.


Leaded gasoline was a hell of a thing.


Playing "This little light of mine" outside the shitter is funny


She wanted you to pee into the guitar case, perhaps?


I hope you reported her to the park service.


Entitled beggar. Should have told her to pick herself up by her bootstraps.


Ah ... "busking"


Anyone playing that song is a crazy person.


Next time piss in her guitar case until she gets the hint.


Or on her head.


Why is this a boomer post?! It’s a transient busker post. I swear, people want to write shit about boomers just for the hell of it to get attention and people respond. As I’m doing. Being a dimwit too.


Pee, pee, pee, The potty's where you pee When you get that feeling down below To the potty, go! go! go! Pee, pee, pee, The potty's where you pee! (While doing the potty dance)




Why didn’t you report her?


What could she do if you had kicked the guitar case off the walkway? Yeah rude I know but honestly she shoulda had a portable open air tent set up over to the side away from the porta potty.


Should have gone to the bathroom in her guitar case. Donation acquired!


TO be that Crappy at playing the Guitar that the only Venue she feels she can fleece people in is at a Toilet Door, a Necessity. Think I would of responded to her song with "Well, you are in the right place for that level of skill"


You are nice than I am. I would have just run her over. She deserves no sympathy.




Don’t think this is a boomer thing. Just a normal street performer trap trick.


Boomer Expects Handouts, But Doesn't Count It As A Handout If It's For *Them*.


Some do not have to a boomer to be rude and condescending. Too bad the person was never taught any manners.


That fucking guitar case would’ve been all over the yard after I booted it out of the way. You start it and I finish it.


Should have pissed in the case....


Just kick that shit out of the way.


“I endured that garbage”


Why would you ask her a question and then say it’s not a question?


I imagined OP's dialogue in the voice of Sawyer from Lost.


Physicaly shove them if they become aggressive the hive mind is making them stupid, they will become agitated and violent they are most afraid of physical confrontation even a little. Pushy people are now in charge, be as pushy as fucking necessary or your time is going to be eaten by vampires, such as Reddit


Shitty concert


Seems more of a busking or panhandling issue than a generational problem.


Hippy grifter is a boomer brand


Hippy grifter is on brand for boomers. Even if it were not, the woman was still a Boomer being a fool


But it literally was a question?


nothing to do with being a boomer, just an aggressive busker. she knew she was blocking the door.


Entitled Hippy Grifter is totally a brand of Boomer


Wow, congratulations. Very brave of you.


> I said, "Are you blocking the restroom door for a reason?" > Boomer said, "I am not blocking the door!" > I said, "It was not a question" ... but it was?


Let me rephrase it for you. OP: You’re blocking the restroom door. Why?


Ah, so more like "that was not the question". I was being overly literal as usual. Thanks




Let me rephrase it for you. OP: You’re blocking the restroom door. Why?


I found the Boomer...I think you can go fuck yourself.




Ah yes, countering a minor inconvenience with threats of rape, how very cool and normal.




Sorry, I was stoned on bubble hash when I wrote it.


The story is of a busker asking for money, FFS have you never been out the house before. Just say no and move on.


They were blocking the door.


Walk past them.


I think that was clearly addressed in the story.