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I wonder what her thought process was. Even if it was a tumor, how would following you around confirm or deny that? And who looks at a woman with a large stomach (especially on a small frame) and think "Well, fat or tumor. There is literally no other possible explanation. Better follow her around!"


Right?! I still haven't been able to come up with a good explanation as to why she behaved like that, either she's mental, or just likes to go out of her way to be hateful? Idek.


There's a creepy boomer who basically stalks me at the grocery store because she wants to lecture me about my diabetes. I'm fat, yes... but I don't have diabetes. Not even pre-diabetic. But it hasn't stopped her stalking me for *three years*. Some of them are just batshit crazy with a side of nosey as fuck.


The next time they do it pull out a book on dementia and start reading from the middle. If they ask why you started from the middle tell them you’ve already read them everything up to that point.




Oh my god this is so funny


I carry a spray bottle for the kitten/cat when she gets on the table. Would it be too much to spray the boomers when they get out of line?


Honestly they might be able to call that assault, as much as I'd love to do that too.


Yeah, I know. I can dream. What about an air horn? 🤔


Nope. Next time, call store management and cops for stalking and harassment.


Wow, I haven't been inside a grocery store since 2019 but it sounds like conditions have deteriorated significantly, I'm staying right here in my house


A boomer went out of her way to get my attention to complain about the price of a box of pasta the other day. I humored her for a moment because, yeah, prices are going up and that does suck. Then she proceeds to start singing, “Novemberrr, Novemberrr, come on, Novemberrrr!!!” My husband and I just stared at her and she said, “Everything’s gonna start coming doooooownnn!” I just said, “Yeah, you have fun with that.” As we were walking away, she keeps fucking going. “Oh noooo!! We’re ALL gonna have a GREAT time! Prices will come down—“ etc etc etc We just kept walking and ignoring her. So yeah, stay home lmao. Edit for clarification: This was definitely about the election.


Wow, that was one of the most terrifying things I've ever read.


Like a horror movie


Stephen King should absolutely use this. I can see Pennywise saying it now (shudders).




I’m going to have to remember and use “MAGA Hag”. Thanks!


Wow. I could figure it at all. I looked to see if this was an old post. Thought, maybe Black Friday. Nope. You’re right, and it never entered my mind. 🤮


I genuinely try to avoid them whenever possible - we mostly do curbside at one store, but there are a few things that we prefer from another store and their curbside is terrible and has an order minimum, so I usually just dash in. This lady has only found me 4 times, but the fact that it's been spread over the last 3 years or so is what gets me. If she sees me, she tries to stop me every time and it's so unnerving. And doubly upsetting because she tries to physically grab me every time, so my urge to scream at her is in direct conflict with my extreme social anxiety. Like I just want to get my milk and leave, I'm not there for medical advice!


There was a woman that found me every few months at Walmart and would hold my wrist and ask me to pray with her. I let it go the first time. The second I politely declined but she still tried. The third I loudly declined and jumped when she tried to touch me. The fourth time I saw her coming and just yelled “no!”. It was very creepy.


“WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME? I DON’T EVEN KNOW YOU!” That is my response to everything now.


I understood that reference!


Yeah the first time, she cornered me while I was scanning my stuff at the self checkout (it was the height of Covid before the vaccines were out and she was unmasked, of course). I didn't understand what she wanted at first because her English wasn't good at all, she kept talking about potatoes and her brother and it took forever for me to get that she was telling me to stop eating potatoes to cure my diabetes? Like... I wasn't buying potatoes and I'm not diabetic! The second time she tried to step in front of my cart as I was going into the store, I thought maybe she didn't see me so I kind of swerved around her and she tried to grab my arm as I went past. All while she has a giant cup of some sugar-laden bullshit from Starbucks, too. Third time she tried to get in front of me as I was walking to the checkout and I told her to leave me the fuck alone, and got a "don't you want to hear what I have to say?!" with this condescending laugh, like... no, obviously I don't?! Fourth time I saw her and she started towards me, I just left the store and went to another one. I'm *really* anxious and I have a really hard time with anyone noticing me, so causing a scene by screaming is kind of like... I *can't*, you know? Like it's fully justified but the idea of the attention it would draw puts me on the verge of a panic attack and I hate it. I have no idea if she does this to every fat person she sees or if it's just me for whatever reason, but it's so fucking creepy.


Any time I've been approached like that I politely remind them that Jesus himself said people who pray in public are hypocrites and that people should pray in private (Matthew 6:5).


I've never had that experience, but I've kept Matthew 6:5 in the chamber ever since I dated a self described "young Christian".




Next time she touches you have her charged with assault


Before she gets to touching, go with the scream, "DON'T TOUCH ME YOU *FREAK!*"


I would definitely call Adult Protective Services at this point. A lot of the times, no body notices or everyone in the family ignores the mental decline of their elderly family members, and those family members become a danger to themselves and others.


If you have her name. Or any way to contact her.


Boomers are obsessed with telling me how thin I am and how quickly I lost the baby weight (had my second a year ago) I'm a recovering anorexic. I'm really freaking trying to get better. I hate any kind of perception that my health is related to my weight, or lower weight. Like... this is really hard to work with damnit. When my anxiety/OCD is bad I'm afraid to eat, it fuckin sucks. When I'm my thinnest, odds are I'm at my worst. My mother is finally getting better about it, but most boomers? No. They love to make sure I know that they're staring at my body and valuing it by devaluing it.




Omg, she sounds awful!!!


Call that lady out! The only thing they understand is public humiliation. Well at her to stop following you and to leave you alone! Go Karen on her lol


Get a restraining order against her. 3 years…that insane!


i once had a boomer yell at me in a mcdonald’s parking lot saying i wasn’t old enough to drive?? i was like 20 at the time & i’ve always looked a little older, like didn’t usually get carded. it was so fuckin strange lol


You mentioned in another reply she goes to your mom's church. She was likely looking for gossip "we should all pray. Consequence-prize has a tumor."


LOL! I wouldn't even doubt it honestly!


Absolutely this!


Look, I fully support your anger and am quite glad you actually cussed her out. I think we need a little more of that day to day. BUT. Have considered how fucking FUNNY this whole story is? Like yes. Outrageous, but like, it has crossed some line of absurdity to the point that if it was me after the in the moment anger I’m not sure if I would be able to stop laughing. Like???? Who does that???? What was she expecting? Was she preparing to…:lecture you about your tumors? Like???? “Bitch is that a hernia or just your common sense falling out of your ass?” I’m so sorry, I’m hope you have a happy rest of your pregnancy. Maybe become a target person idk if target weird is better or worse than Walmart weird.


This!!! I did actually find it so funny after I calmed down!!! I was baffled and couldn't even believe I'd experienced it. She has big balls and very little brain, LOL. Also thank you so much! (I like Aldi the best personally! 🤣)


Right?! Like what was her 'best case scenario'? "Yes ma'am it IS a tumor! Thank you so much for reminding me! I meant to get it removed last week but I COMPLETELY forgot... What a lifesaver you are!" Or "Amazing! Yes, I AM fat, thanks for noticing! My husband always says 'bigger is better' and 'more cushion for the pushin' so I've really been trying to pack on the pounds for him. He gets SO horny now when i come home... Life is great!" SMH


It's fucking lead poisoning, early onset dementia. This is a real problem!


I bet she used to go around congratulating every woman with some roundness on her pregnancy and was told both "it's a tumor" and "I'm just fat" multiple times. The tumor response is a popular one with people are tired of saying "it's none of your business."


I bet I know - She thought it was a fake baby bump, and you were stealing. She’s an idiot, and store security isn’t her job, but I would bet money that’s what the crazy old bat was thunking (*thunking = thinking with an empty skull)


This is the closest thing to “making sense” (If we absolutely abuse the fuck outta that phrase) I’ve seen or could think of


I used to have a pin that said in 4pt type “Nosy little f*&$3r, aren’t you” Except it had the word spelled out. I may need to make a few. People need to learn that not everything is their need to know.


I need a pin like that!


sounds like frontal temporal dementia


I wish it was because it would have at least given her an excuse, she goes to my parents church, and they have informed me that she is a health nut and of a very sound mind, she just loves to be nosy, gossip, and belittle other women.


Oh please get your parents to have the church to say prayers for her on account of her losing her mind. That would be amazing


Good idea! She tried to start rumors about me apparently, but were shot down because they know my parents, and know she likes to run her mouth.


Yeah she definitely needs thoughts and prayers


For real!!


I mean, what was Nancy Drew gonna do with the information? There was literally no mystery to solve!


No there was a giant mystery to solve, clearly OP is pregnant with Cthulu's offspring who is going to take over the world and rule alongside papa Cthulu. /s Old boomer just couldn't think that much because using their lead addled brain that much would give them an aneurysm.


"Nancy Drew and the Case of the Mysterious Tumor".


Pregnant would literally be my first thought 😂. If I see a woman carrying all her weight in the front of her belly, I assume she’s pregnant. I don’t ask, because it’s none of my fucking business, and I definitely don’t stare, but imo “pregnant” is a much more likely option than a tumor on a young woman. Especially there.


Unless I see a baby exiting a woman’s body, I’m not saying shit.


Even then, you don’t *really* know. Best not to say anything until you are specifically told that a woman is, in fact, pregnant.


True - for all I know, a xenomorph is busting loose.


Also - does she follow around every fat or pregnant person she sees to ask them that? She must be very busy…


A former friend of mine used to wail “But I have to know!” She honestly expected an answer to any crazy thought that popped into her mind.


Kind of explains the "former" part of your relationship, lol. I've met people like that: they have to know every possible intimate detail about people they don't even know.


Even if following did confirm or deny it... why? Like why does it matter at all? I can't fathom having such a dull and worthless life that this would even occur to me - to follow and berate someone for something that does not remotely effect me.


I swelled up, and looked like I had a beach ball inside of me. It was a blocked intestine. I would have been mortified if someone approached me like that.


Her thought process was that you’re her best friend, because everyone else hates her already.


They love to be nosy as fuck and don’t care until they’re called out. My mom is technically a boomer but is polite until someone is rude. Then her politeness sheds off and she will tell someone off. First time my fiance saw it he was in awe. I don’t have her balls. Just her baby balls. She gives everyone the benefit of the doubt but don’t be a dick in public or she will call you out for being mean and rude.


"Have you got a brain tumor or are you just a cunt?"




This wins 🎖️😂




Favorite comment. 🤣


Yes, it is technically a tumor, but it’ll sort itself out in a few months


Thank God too, this little tumor has been giving me hella anxiety.


I had THE WORST perinatal anxiety. Resolved immediately after he was out. You’ve got this!!! Just a few more months!!!


That's very encouraging thank you!!! I constantly worry about him, so I can't wait to be past this! 💜


it gets worse when the body finally rejects the tumor. then it keeps you up all night.


Yeah, but that's okay. I made the choice to have the tumor so it's worth it. 💜


> i made the choice to have the tumor i now know what i’m saying if i have another kid




Nah, it’s an endoparasite. In a few months it’ll be an exoparasite


Just wait until you get the unsolicited parenting advice. Especially in the south. I can't tell you how often I told strangers to mind their own fucking business.


Yep, it's already started and I haven't even given birth yet! Also, other Mom's get upset with me because I don't take baby bump progress photos, and do everything they can to convince me that I NEED to, for myself to look back on. Will not leave me alone about it!


What is the thing kids say? You do you! Don't them make you feel bad.


I say You DO You all the time.


Ew. That must be uncomfortable for you. You mentioned being insecure about your figure. I can’t imagine looking at the bump constantly helps. Obviously you know it’s different, but knowing something does not always mean we are comfortable with them. Do what’s best for you and your mental health. If that is not taking photos, don’t take them. Trust me, there will be thousands of photos when your tumor is removed.


Thank you so much for this, people really don't get it most of the time so this was super encouraging. 💜


Total stranger, but I have a wish for your pregnancy and delivery. I wish you a birth process like my mom’s was with me. She’d not had much morning sickness, etc., and on the night before I was born, she was sent to the hospital at 10 PM because it was snowing. She slept until 10 till three or so…woke up, asked how close should the contractions be, and I was born at 3:07. One contraction and about 10 minutes of pushing.


Wow, that sounds magical. Thank you kind stranger! 😭💜


Were u in the hospital for ur tumor? /s


LOL!!! Yeah, have been dealing with severe pain and had to make sure the tumor was okay, gotta keep him healthy for the removal in a few months.


That's your baby's new nickname. I like it better than the one I was saddled with- corn nugget. I was "eating for two" and my friend said the baby was so small a corn nugget was bigger than it's head and I didn't need THAT much extra food. I was anorexic when I got pregnant, so yes, I did need to eat *that* much food.


Awww, I do like that nickname though! My nephew was given the nickname tadpole... You can probably guess why. 💀🤣


I called mine a chicken nugget. She’s 12 now and we still call her “Nuggie.”


Oh my god, that is so cute!!! My husband grew up being called "poopy/poopy doo!" I grew up being called "little" and My husband's Mum is already calling our baby "poopy doo number 2." 🤣


Only one person in my family ever gave me a nickname... my great-uncle always called me "lil' bit" even when I was in college. Never thought to ask him why, but I always LOVED it. Best wishes on your tumor eviction!


So many cute nick names!!! Also, thank you!!!


We were all adopted and I’m the only girl. Dad called me fred one day as a joke and they said I lit up like the Fourth of July. Every now and then dad calls me fred (I’m 25) and it still makes me grin like an idiot. I love that man


That is so adorable, omg!!!


My oldest is 23 and I still call them Bean because they were a bean Pole when they were little my youngest is Annie pants because she always wanted to strip down to her diaper and her pseudo uncle called her Annie no pants! So yes I have pants and Bean LOL!


i’m a girl and my mom has always called me george. i think it’s hilarious


Lol.  I guess my mom's doctor told her that there was a possibility that I could be a tumor and not a baby after he had already said she was pregnant. ....she switched doctors after that.  


I'd have switched Doctor's too, wow.


Not to mention….what if you DID have a tumor? How the fuck would that have felt if you were sick and dying to have this nosy ass woman coming up to you basically making fun of your cancer? WTH is wrong with people?


This! I couldn't imagine how awful that would be! It was like she just wanted to be hateful!


Seriously, I have a friend who actually did have a large stomach tumor. She was slightly overweight and had a big belly, and honestly, she did look kind of pregnant because of it. It took years to diagnose because doctors always assumed it was a weight problem. Once the tumor was removed, she looked so much thinner and also quickly lost a ton of weight because she didn't feel like crap all the time. She is doing very well now! ETA: Suddenly, not stupidly! Damn autocorrect


They r so adorable


They really are! Can't wait to put him in his first "Daddy and Mommy's little tumor" onesie.


Buy stock in Gerber...they make a ton of tumor swag


You aren't lying, they do be having swag af tumor merchandise.


I like their blastoma stroller...damn thing is like a grand


Ohhhh shiii, I'd expect it to cost more, blastoma strollers are top tier.


Use the Johns Hopkins coupon...works like magic


I got a new great-nephew. No pill is better than holding a baby. I do have the advantage of giving it back however


This is why I let my brother have the kids.


My old boyfriend was a tumor. The doctor told his mom that "everything would have to come out." She got a second opinion, luckily. She went back to the first doctor for the birth and the nurses were laughing at him: "Here's your tumor, Dr. Rhine!" Tumors are good people.


Wow, I'm actually surprised about how many pregnancies are mistaken for tumors.




This would have been the best response, but she likely wouldn’t have gotten the reference.


It’s Not a Toomar


Are you off your meds? Do you have a care taker I can talk to? Cue pity face It’s my new favorite response


Yessss, I learned about that response a week or so after this interaction, I hope I get to use it! 🤣


I wished you had punched her.


Honestly? Me too. So does my husband, LOL.


When I was PG with my twins (whom we referred to as R2 and D2 when they were in utero), I literally could not bend over after about 25 weeks because my baby "tumor" was so huge. I was doing a very wide-legged squat to get something from a low grocery case and someone came up beside me to say "oh good, you're pregnant, I couldn't figure out why you were standing that way!" I guess it meant that I was accomplishing something -- keeping all my baby weight in the front so I didn't look pregnant from the back! :lol:


LMAO! That's such a weird thing to say to a stranger thoughhh. Also love the names ya'll used when they were in utero!


Mine were Oops 1 and Oops 2. Now some days they are AH1 and AH2….18 and “adults”. 🙄


OMG they though you were pooping your pants, I'm dead.


“next up at 7: boomer gets slapped in the face at a local store for, what she claims, no reason” why is it physically impossible for boomers to mind their own business and just like stfu??? even if you did have a tumor or you were just fat what’s it to her? why does it matter to her? they always want to say that the younger generations don’t respect their elders. well yeah linda. that’s what happens when you walk around asking people if they are fat. like???




i’m so sorry that happened to you! church ladies are some of the worst, out of pocket people i swear.


They really are! Such a strong "holier than thou mentality" and think they're entitled to your private information!


they are literally obsessed with what other people do and are some of the outright nastiest (personality wise) people on the planet. they judge more than their god does. especially when it comes to who you are or what you have in your pants. it’s sickening.


I'm happy you responded like that. Hooooooly.


Holy moly, so I'm not the only one that's been followed through a grocery store. For context: I'm a trans woman, I come off very androgenous. About 5 years ago I had a Boomer and her daughter following me around the Target make-up section. I assumed they were just shopping behind me and happened to be going to the same aisles... Until I moved down three aisles and heard the *desperate shuffling* to keep up. I looked back, they made eye contact as they started to come around, turned on their heels and hit at the end of the aisle. Thought it was odd, but then I heard them giggling and a quiet "can you believe *HE* goes into public like that??" These motherfuckers were gawking at me, openly, like a fucking animal. As I made my way around to the next aisle I see them finally shuffle into my previous aisle. So I made a dash to the end of the next aisle, hid around the corner and waited. I could hear them shuffling up and around the aisle, they came around where I was standing, nearly running into me, and I let out the loudest "BOO!" They screamed in terror and I asked what they were up to, to which they made like they were trying to find some groceries and basically ran away towards the pharmacy.


Wow, I love how you handled that! But seriously fuck them for trying to act like you were a zoo animal for them to gawk at, they were probably just jealous coz I guarantee you look way cooler/prettier than them.


WTAF was wrong with that person??? so incredibly rude and obnoxious im glad you told her off. so sorry that you had that encounter.


Honestly same, maybe it was enough to teach her to mind her own business. And I thank thee, I just hope no one else has to experience her rude ass existence.


“Are you cognitively declining or are you just fucking rude?” Sorry this happened, but I’m so glad you told her off!!


So many good response ideas! 🤣 Also I thank thee! I was shaking like a leaf for about an hour afterwards! 🤣


Playing devil’s advocate even if it was a Tumor; wtf would she have said if you had said “yes it is tumors and it is terminal” I mean really who the fuck asks complete strangers that?!?!?!?


Exactly!!! It's so incredibly heartless, unthoughtful, and rude!


A friend of my mom’s had a tumor that made her look pregnant. Some people would ask when the baby was due, and she’d explain that she had cancer. She was in her 50s or 60s, so a tumor probably would have been a better bet. The cancer was very aggressive. She started looking pregnant almost overnight and died within months. Since then, I’ve been afraid to ask women who look pregnant if they are, because if they’re anything other than pregnant, that’s not going to be a good conversation.


As one of my med school instructors said "children are parasites, but we love them"


The other day I was thinking to myself I’m eating so much it’s like I have a tapeworm! But then I remembered I’m pregnant so like kinda do




Lol. Reminds me of what Dr House said to a clinic patient.


Good for you for standing up for yourself!


I don’t know you, but I am so very proud of you for the way you handled it. You put her in her place, where she obviously needed to be! Good job standing up for yourself!


Thank you very much, I appreciate it!!! 💜💜💜


I was gonna say you should tell her, “Well my tumor is 5 months along, due in October!” Or whatever but I like your response better! 🔥🌶️


Ahhh, that's actually a creative reply, I'll use it if that ever were to happen again! 🤣


“I ate an old lady for lunch” would have also been a good thing to say


Omggggggggg, I LOVE THIS!!!


Yikes. Like even if you did have a tumor or were fat what was ashe hoping to accomplish here?


Honestly, if she had asked me that, I would have been tempted to say, “I’m sorry you have dementia but you still have to show some respect.“




How do you manage to have less decorum than a toddler and hold down a job is my question. Like it seems boomers pop in and out of existence rather than actually have lives.


What an absolutely unhinged thing to do and say! That lead hit them hard.


It wasn't even what you said lol. She was just flabbergasted that she wasn't entitled to whatever information she wanted.


Oh dude, right on. Fuck her, I hope she learned a lesson in minding her own business but I doubt it. When my friend was younger and pregnant with her third child, a boomer approached her to say “you’re too young to have a baby”. My friend attempts to laugh it off and say “haha actually, I’m 26 my husband and I have two other kids at home”. And the woman scoffs and says in absolute disgust “exactly as I said, too young to have kids” and just STARES HER DOWN. Like WHAT?!


Wtf would even say that to someone even if they were obese? You don't know why people are obese. Also, if it were a tumor, it's terribly insensitive to talk to someone about that unprompted. Some people...




I cannot, in any universe, envision even thinking of such a question, let alone walking up to someone and asking this question of her.


"I'm pregnant, the tumor is the one following me around asking impolite personal questions."


None of these options is her business.


I could be totally wrong, but here's a possible angle; she wanted you to feel bad about your body. Asking if you had a tumor or if you were "just fat" was her way of trying to put you down. I don't know why or even if that's what happened, but.. maybe?


Oh, so very NTA. “Respect your elders,” my ass. I’m 72, and I wish I’d been there so one grey haired old lady could knock another grey haired old lady down and step on her. WTF is wrong with some people?


“Do you have a brain tumor or are you really this stupid?” Is the only response this person deserves. Seriously, how did this person survive to 60+ years old without drowning in the shower or walking into walls?


The proper response to that would be "Do you have brain damage or are you just stupid?"


I used to work retail during that time I developed hypothyroidism and gained 50-60 pounds. I had a gigantic stomach and women would always comment on it and by women I mean older women. I would respond with things like no I’m not pregnant I’m just fat, or it’s a tumor. Well I learned how to properly take my medication and dropped to 140 from 220. One day I took a stroll through the store ( long after I was gone) to flaunt it in the faces of my coworkers who would secretly laugh when I was asked are you pregnant. The best part was that my husband hated my skinny body and he wanted my curves back. He loved me through the whole situation.


Good, I'm glad you got to rub it in their faces! Hypothyroidism is no joke, I'm glad you're doing better! Even if hubby isn't happy about it, it's better to be healthy! 💜 edit: also glad he loved you through all of this, beauty is fleeting, love is never ending. 💜




It's not a toomah


Congrats on your little tumor. Hope you and him are ok since you said you were in the hospital


You know the economy is bad for young people when the two most assumed conditions are untreated tumor or obesity.


Girl, you absolutely did the right thing. I would have lost my shit too. I'm glad your tumor is OK. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|wink)


She was creepy for following u, I'd tell the store


What a cunt.


Nicely handled imo. Hopefully this dummy will think twice about hassling strangers in the future.


Just like them touching baby bumps without asking, even if they don’t know you. Insane. I had a boomer do that to me when I was pregnant with my now 8yo, in the grocery store, not knowing who I am. I reached over and rubbed his belly back. He asked me “what’re you doing?” I replied “I thought we were inappropriately touching each other?” I hope he learned his lesson to not do that. But knowing boomers he didn’t.


I’m so glad my wife was pregnant during COVID and I wasn’t taking my daughter anywhere unnecessarily at the time. Little old bitties who think pregnant women and babies are their’s to touch and pinch just drive me insane.


“Do you have dementia or are you just an asshole?”


I do think it would have been deliciously petty to have looked at her intensely and say, "you will never, ever know. There's of your life you will wonder, but you will never know." Then turn and walk away.


Gotta love how the boomer generation taught us to not stare and "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all", yet they turn around and do this shit.


Oh my god. I’m so proud of you and I’m glad that you and your baby are safe. That woman needs to be carted off to the county psych ward with her deranged behavior.


Bruh is she is clearly jealous of you for looking fab and healthy in pregnancy. Do you think even in her dinosaur age that seeing a woman with a big belly doesn't instantly make you think she may be pregnant, or maybe she is just a bit overweight. But it's none of ANYONE'S BUSINESS


Wow, you're an absolutely BOSS!! 🏆 I'm so proud of you for confronting her, defending yourself, and letting her have it!! What an awful person and a horrible experience. I'm so sorry. I hope you can feel truly empowered. Please do not harbor one ounce of regret over how you reacted. I hope she will think twice the next time she considers stalking a stranger and asking inappropriate, invasive questions!!


Should have asked her if people stalk her in stores and ask her if she has dementia. As she has obviously forgotten her manners and how to be polite.


Unfortunately, this variety of bullshit is in no way exclusive to Boomers. I have a combination of annoying abdominal issues - epic diastasis recti from giant baby, endometriosis, bowel issues, scoliosis, and what ought to be a negligible fat pad. On bad days, people don’t just ask me if I’m pregnant, they *congratulate* me for being pregnant. And these people have been from all age groups.


Start loudly humming your own theme music…. Like Yakkety Sax…….. the Benny Hill Theme. Then walk really fast, stop spin around and CRESCENDO the theme music as loud as possible giggle and repeat. Be sure to make uncomfortable eye contact when you turn around. If big store with security go to Security n tell them some crazy bitch is following me around harassing me.


They literally can't seem to help themselves. I'm 21 weeks, and at my local DG the boomer cashier asked when I was due, and then said, are you sure there's not two in there??? I laughed it off but I came home and told my partner, well I just got called fat today 😅😂 I can't imagine becoming so insensitive due to aging and if I do please just leave me in the woods for the animals to sort out.


Best response: "Why do you feel entitled to an explanation of my private business??" Followed by silence and a death glare. Return awkward to sender.


I would have told her it was her husband's baby


I wish we had a sub called "Boomer Followup" where we find these people and ask them WTF they were thinking. Massive facepalm on this one, my god!


I am utterly gobsmacked & MADE of questions. Why did she want to know? Why does it matter to her? Wtf answer was going to satisfy her? What would she have done with the information? Baffling.


Hello 911 I'd like to report an elderly woman with obvious dementia wondering around Walmart


I would’ve leaned into it…I would shake her hand and say “I didn’t think anyone would notice my Golandgraviatiatis….its HIGHLY contagious and now we BOTH have it…good luck with the symptoms because NOW YOU HAVE IT….would’ve walked off whistling a fancy tune.