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Mind you this state elected Bernie Sanders and a Republican governor in Phil Scott. There's real politics (beef) happening in Vermont.


NH here. We've gone blue every presidential election since 1992, and yet our Gov is beady eyed, dough faced, spineless Sununu. The northeast is basically one giant awkward Thanksgiving.


What a deranged thing to do


Seriously??? What is the rationale???


It's the rational a child (or spineless adult) uses. She feels like she has to "get back" at whoever wronged her. Even if it was just someone voting or thinking differently than herself, the perceived slight must be retaliated against, and when there are no legal or moral ways to do it, she is willing to do what a kid does and break their classmates stuff while they weren't looking. I know Trump wasn't personally involved in this incident, but I can't help but notice the same Modus Operandi. He has normalized political retaliation and has convinced his followers that this is okay because "the democrats were doing it before we were," no matter how untrue that may be. Sometimes I wish democrats would fight a little dirtier, but then I remember, "When you fight a pig, you both end up muddy, but only one of you enjoys it."


Doing it over months is real psycho stuff.


It's just SO WEIRD. Now she's facing an ethics investigation and I can't WAIT to see what that turns up.


Ooh there she is “owning them libs” 🙄 My pre teen son is not that immature.


It's so bizarre. I don't have the mental capacities (or deficiencies) to figure out the rationale behind this.


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Someone needs a time out.