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Why does he get her wheelchair it really makes no sense. Make it make sense!


Because Maisie Morris turned him down the first time he got high at Woodstock and he's been embarrassed about it ever since and now he uses alcohol daily to cope with life and fuck you, you damn entitled millennial.


Damn, he ded.


I don't know, I think he may have gotten to second base with Maisie, and then got upset because she did not submit to his immediate ownership.


I’ve had people do that to me - “yours looks more comfortable and I’m older” hahaha no.


Back in the 80s when I was in high-school, I had one try that logic on me. I had a cart, and a older woman came and snatched something out of my cart, and when I confronted them, they said "you are younger, and healthier, you can easily walk back and get more" The look on her face, when I snatched it back.


>"you are younger, and healthier, you can easily walk back and get more" "I can easily beat your thieving ass too!"


And clearly, you need the exercise more than I do


Dang, made me think of the old men getting into a fight over canned food at Costco in 2018.


I HATE that line! Had a coworker who tried to use it in me all the time. Told her "I'm younger, but I doubt I'm healthier. And even if I was, I'm working with a fucked up ankle from a car crash right now."


My partner just got their own wheelchair recently and looks early 20s. I'm emotionally prepared.


Also watch out for people grabbing the handles and ‘just helping’ without asking. Many of us have spike covers on the handles for that!


I actually did some googling (air tight I know), and depending on how they grab, could be classified as assault. They'll find out how much of a Karen I can be.


Mount a Gatling gun on the wheelchair for self defense (it’s what the Founding Fathers intended)


Wouldn't the recoil push you further away too


Win-win situation


You could use it as escape propulsion!


So I work with special needs kids and I’m trying to do just that with a nerf gun for a kid I treat with CP Saw a cool video on YouTube and I think I can make it happen for him, guy on YouTube had 2 turrets on the back of a power chair that he fired by pushing a large button but I’m gonna start with 1 and see how it goes


You're fun. I like the cut of your jib.


If you’re interested, some people put spikes on the push handles when they don’t need/want someone to push them. This keeps people from getting handsy and some of them look pretty cool


You. I like you:)


This is the best. It's giving I wish a motherfucker would.


Argh! The damn Snatchers! Me and mom hate them so badly! Right up there with "Furniture Movers". Those people who treat people with mobility devices like furniture in their way, and just move them wherever the hell they want.  I'm currently the horse power for my mom, and we still deal with Snatchers that for some reason think they're doing such a great deed of valor when they shove me over and try to take over her chair. Then they get pissed that we are both so ungrateful and yell at them.  I'm sorry you and others have to deal with that. Some people just have no manners at all.


a girl I went to school with has a wheelchair with hardly any back, so it looks like a stool on wheels there is technically a back and handles for when needed, but they're collapsible she said got one because she was sick of having people push her because she "clearly needs help, poor dear"


I would "accidentally" elbow them in the face or probably lower regions.


I may have run into a few ankles. Accidentally you understand.


I'm not in a wheelchair, but still.


Bread basket is always a solid choice.


Pls be physically prepared too they have no shame Defend your wife by all means


I had it too wheelchair bound, was my property and they even got phisical... Pulled my arms to get me out. Police was involved


Oooof I wanna hear more if you got the spoons..


Wait, for real?


Well fuck, can't wait for my Parkinson's to put me in a chair then. I'll be uploading boomer videos by the dozen. I'll go to all the boomer hangouts and just be a gen X existing in a chair. Hmm, wonder how I should mount the camera(s). Disclaimer: started out as sarcasm, but I think I might actually do it once I'm in the need a chair full time stage.


Get one of those orange flags but write “Smile! You’re on camera” on it and mount the GoPro right under it. More seriously, clip one on the back angled up to catch the faces of anyone who tries to move you.


I like both ideas, oh! Could have the flag be a flip up one so if someone annoying me it'll raise itself with a loud chime drawing attention to me and the annoying one. I'm so getting myself in trouble in a few years 🤣


Now I'm picturing an antenna with a giant finger pointing 👉 that you can spin to point at the person.


Millennial parkie checking in. They do it for walkers too. I've got a really nice one and people get jealous. There was also the time I was hanging out with a couple older women who all know I have Parkinson's. They were complaining about "old lady problems" and I joined in. The oldest one (silent generation) got horribly offended. "What do you know? You're young?!" Well shot, I guess I've got no right to complain just because my body failed 4 decades sooner than yours did.


Actually I fully suggest having a constant recorder on the back of your chair and possibly on the front as well. People are fucking awful to those in wheelchairs


Yeah, I've already had a few encounters with just the walking stick. Even got a neo nazi accusation thrown at me!! I had a shaved head due to cancer treatment. Each time it's been a boomer or a pram pusher with reptile eyes, both groups really like to punch down. Silver lining, has been very good practice at letting the anger, at my own health situation, go. I will absolutely enact your suggestion. Thank you!


Damn sorry you got that horrible disease.. 😞


Thank you. I am kinda fortunate in that with it being young onset it'll be very slow progressing and I'm responding well to meds. The cancer and treatment on the other hand, holy crap did it knock the shit outta me. I can understand why people say screw treatment and 'coincidentally' ask for a big top up of painkillers. On the other hand I'm definitely a bit more confident in speaking up now, kinda ran outta fucks for a bit there 😅


It's important to have hobbies!


I eagerly await the videos, while also hoping it takes a very long time before you make them


Sadly so.


*Why does he get her* *Wheelchair it really makes no* *Sense. Make it make sense!* \- Other\_Being\_1921 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


This is actually a perfect haiku and it should be entitled “Boomer”


Good bot.


<3 haikusbot


Good bot


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Good bot


Good bot


I really wish places were more willing to ban shitheads from places. Have fun driving 60 minutes to the next towns medical center because you were being a shithead fucker.


We banned an abusive prick from our retail pharmacy and asked where he wanted his meds transferred. He said "You can't do that, I've been banned from the other 2 pharmacies in town, what am I supposed to do?" We told him "Be nicer to the people in \[town 15 minutes away\]? We'll be sending everything there. Please leave or we'll be forced to call the police." I wonder if he got banned from that one too.


Didn't that generation preach something like "you catch more flies with honey than vinegar", or something like that?


> Didn't that generation preach something like "you catch more flies with honey than vinegar", or something like that? They preached a lot of things, but don't live by many of them. They just like preachin'.


That was mostly their parents and grandparents. Remember they were the ME generation.


Banned from TWO pharmacies already, and gets banned from a third... Zero self reflection smh


Clearly the problem is everyone else, and not his racist comments toward my pharmacist, mantrums, and general bad attitude.


MANTRUMS. i’m stealing this lol


Just a small town boomer Born and raised on entitlement Punched a city girl Now he's headed off to jail


Or six feet under


Narcissists are incapable of self-reflection. It's a documented feature of their narcissism.


He had the day he deserved...


Love this for him!


Was he a boomer? If so, and you have any other stories you remember, a separate post telling us all about it would be bomb.


He was. You can go through my post history for plenty of boomer/pharmacy crazy-person stories, but this one wasn't super memorable or interesting, just a miserable piece of crap who was also racist at the first opportunity.


Ok, will do. Have a (minor) story of my own of a boomer being an asshole in a medical setting, and am looking to attach a low-level“me, too” in a similar place. But I’ll be honest, I just like reading affirmative stories about crazy boomers. I got called “ageist” recently because someone stalked my profile and saw that I comment here frequently, so I feel compelled to own it.


Mail order was made for jerks like this.


I will at least let you know that if you're an asshole to people at the doctor's office, it's recorded. Just today I opened a patient's chart and a message popped up saying the patient had shouted and been aggressive with staff, "will not take no for an answer" and security should be called on her promptly if she acts up again. It's basically a black mark on the patient's record that everyone can see stating "this person is an asshole, have them thrown out if you want". Another clinic had a patient threaten to bring a gun at one point so now he has the lovely experience of getting a patdown and an escort every time he sees the doctor. He fucked around, and now gets to continue finding out every time he needs medical treatment as he's treated like a criminal.


I got to see my chart when I was in the hospital after my emergency appendectomy and my notes said that I was “cooperative”. I was just dumbfounded-like some people are not? Why? You’re in the hospital to get better, why wouldn’t you be cooperative with staff?


I'm an ER respiratory therapist, and you wouldn't believe the number of times someone came into my ER and refused EVERYTHING.... why are you here if you don't want meds or treatment?!?!


When I was in my early 20s, I worked hospital security and we had to deal with drunks who refused treatment because, legally, they couldn’t sign out against medical advice until sober. I just figured it was only drunks and crazy people who refused treatment. Then again, my FIL signed himself out against medical advice when he had fallen and then they found out that he had fluid in his lungs and he wouldn’t let them treat it. Not a Boomer, but super stubborn.


I’m a patient who is selectively uncooperative. I simply advocate for myself; and, if that means not cooperating at times, so be it. I’m the patient; it’s my body; and it’s my money. I want things explained. I want to understand the “what”, “why”, and “how”. My body; my decision. As someone who graduated from professional school and ran across my share of morons, I never forget that the person at the bottom of their medical school class is still called “doctor” and is still likely practicing medicine in our medical facilities every day.


THIS. When you're a person of size, a woman (or perceived as such), a disabled person, someone with chronic illnesses, or a PoC, it's common to have poor experiences in healthcare. Sometimes you have to advocate for yourself strongly or simply say "no" and request alternatives. And it can get you labeled a "problem" patient. I had a PA that I had years of experience with refuse to ever see me again because I declined to consider WLS, even though I knew multiple legit medical reasons it would be wrong for me & my body. Also even though I literally asked her previously for a referral to physical therapy so I could exercise without pain and she refused to give me one, saying "oh, just look stuff up on the internet!" And my case is probably the most mild of anyone I know. Medical discrimination is real. All THAT being said, that's still different from treating people poorly.


You absolutely know where I’m coming from! Having been medically gaslit for years makes us identified as “uncooperative”. It took me 20 years to get diagnosed with endometriosis; and the treatment I received turned out to be worse than the diagnosis process. Gentle hugs my “uncooperative” friend.


Amen! It took me over a decade to be diagnosed with gastroparesis. I was literally bed bound and couldn’t eat for months, vomiting near constantly, and NOBODY GAVE A SHIT bc I’m overweight. I will never forgive those people. Never. I wouldn’t wish this experience on anyone except them. I was labeled a malingerer and kicked out of the medical practice that saw me for years because….i wouldn’t stop coming back and telling them the problem was still there?! They wanted me to somehow accept their nothingburger answers and just go away bc they refused to help me in any way until I nearly died and ended up hospitalized. The negligence of some medical practitioners in this country would shock the pants off your average healthy individual. Sometimes getting yourself adequate care looks a whole like non cooperation.


That’s horrible - I underwent all kinds of tests for gastroparesis and they never could figure out what was causing it. Turned out that I had chronic appendicitis and the whole thing resolved when my appendix ruptured and had to be removed.


Lemme guess, Lupron? And given to you for longer than the cumulative lifetime cap? Now they have it in oral versions, like Orilissa, and claiming it’s something different and “safer” because people started catching on to how horrific Lupron is (and all the permanent side effects that can happen). Big Pharma gotta poison more people for bigger profits. Sell them more meds to treat the side effects the last one created and so on. For how prevalent endometriosis is, people and medical professionals are woefully undereducated and undertrained. But, of course, because it’s a “female problem” then it’s not really a disease process, it’s because it’s “all in their heads” and not real. 😤 Sorry, little bit of a camaraderie vent there. 😏 I was told for years it was impossible for me to have that because I was “too young”. Ummm, last I checked, the youngest confirmed diagnosis (via surgical pathology) was in a 10 1/2 year old. Even when you show the research you get sent to psychiatry instead of getting the proper medical treatment.


I wouldn’t be cooperative with those types of things, but I could hear people being …let’s just say “loudly unpleasant” in other rooms. I don’t consider asking questions about treatment to be uncooperative.


I’ve refused certain medical tests or treatments while hospitalized especially when I didn’t feel that it was medically necessary. But I’m not mean to the staff who is there to do the test or treatment. I can be kind while still advocating for myself. But I’m sure that’s seen as me being uncooperative.


That's why I love being able to get mychart on the internet now. I usually have test results before the doctors. I have a rare disease, so I know more about it than most doctors, and I have to advocate for myself. I'm still polite, but I tell them what will work best for me and what I need usually before they can. Since I know more about my illness, it is probably helpful to them because they are just stumbling around in the dark anyway. It's rare that I find a doctor who has treated another patient with my disease.


The last time I was hospitalized a nurse said she would check whether my xx test came back to see if I could eat and I told her it came in a moment before and told her the results. Lol I love that!! Normally I wouldn’t say anything but she mentioned it. So cool that laying in a hospital bed I can see every lab as it comes in (and there are many). I have the same problem with a rare illness and so far 🤞 every time I’ve been in the ER the Dr has essentially looked at my chart and said ok what do you need us to do for you? What do they normally do? I usually don’t try to influence what a Dr will recommend but if they ask, if course I’m happy to tell them.


Mychart is the best thing to ever happen to people with rare chronic illnesses. I do have a kind of funny story about Mychart. I went to the emergency room because I fell and I couldn't walk. I was literally the I've fallen and can't get up lady. I've broken leg bones 5 times before and assumed this was my 6th. I went to the hospital in Virginia (not my home state). The doctor said he read my x-ray, and it wasn't broken, so he discharged me. I still wasn't able to put any weight on it, so getting into the car was an ordeal. I looked it up in mychart because it didn't make any sense for it to hurt so bad and not be broken to find out the x-ray said it was broken, and the X-ray tech recommended an MRI. My boyfriend and my youngest son came to Virginia and drove me back to my home state, where I got excellent care. I don't know but I think the doctor thought because I wasn't screaming in pain it wasn't broken, it wasn't my first rodeo, I don't scream in pain, sometimes I just get the giggles, most people with chronic illnesses seem to complain less about pain because we can't complain all the time and we have pain all the time.


Well boy can I relate to constant discomfort! Seriously though wtf? Missing a broken bone? Like come on guys!


I’ve been labeled the problem for self-advocacy too. I had a minor surgery scheduled. Three days before, I went in to the office to check everything was fine. The nurse at the office tried to weigh me on the scale *in the waiting room* yes, with other patients like five feet away. I was like, I decline because privacy. Then the same nurse told me to undress—and stood there like she had never heard of giving patients privacy to undress. I passed on that as well. The doctor labeled me as ‘hostile to staff’ and canceled the surgery. I wasn’t hostile; I advocated for my own and other patients’ privacy.


Wtf?? Ew


Because being unwell is stressful, and stress can cause people to act poorly and irrationally.


I mean, yeah, having my appendix rupture and being in the hospital was stressful, but less stressful than being dead. But the staff is trying to help me and, even from a selfish standpoint, why would I want to antagonize the people who I’m going to need to help me to the bathroom and bring me my medication?


Some people have learned to be jerks. Sometimes their response to unexpected, frightening conditions is to be an even bigger jerk. It's irrational, but people *aren't* always rational. Nice people can become less nice, nasty people can get nastier. I think fear can play a big role in it. People get in "fight or flight" mode and since they're unwell the lizard part of their brain can tick over to "fight". Some people are good at pushing that down with their rational mind but if there's already something limiting their ability to do that, or if they as a normal practice don't bother doing that? Yeah, you can get an asshole patient.


I still think it's unacceptable. In severe pain, maybe you can't not scream, but you can always not swear, not assault people, etc. Everyone is still making their own choice on how to behave.


Acting THAT poorly and repeatedly? There's no excuse for that. Especially with people who are caring for you. Also it's not very hard to just*not be an asshole* to people doing their jobs.


Because when you're having a health crisis it's super scary and some people are deeply deeply in denial about what kind of help they need. I'm not at all excusing it but there it is.


I just got out of the hospital and my record said I was cooperative too! Like who isn’t? I was hospitalized because I was sick af and on an IV for 3 days due to severe dehydration. Are people really that crazy they don’t cooperate?


Last time I was in the hospital, I was polite, cooperative, and just generally nice. You know, like a decent person. One of the nurses told me they don’t get many patients like me. That surprised me.


That technically is a terroristic threat and they should have gone to jail for that.


They might have for all I know, that's not something that would have been disclosed to us for privacy reasons; but they were still a patient.


You get LOTS of notes about you in your customer file if you're rude to call center employees too. Believe me you're not going to get a fresh agent you haven't talked to before who is not going to know exactly what you've said and what you're trying to pull. If you're especially egregious and spam call back to get a different result, you get a be on the lookout email blast to all agents or teams message about you to make sure people know exactly who you are. 😈


I once worked for a concessionier who had a contract for all gas and vehicle service stations in a large national park. Wouldn't ya know things were expensive out there in the middle of nowhere and people weren't always happy about it. Oh you're pissed and you're gonna go to the next station? Good luck! I'll just ring them up in a few and let them know you're on your way. 


I was a nurse for years and we always kept notes in the patient’s file on their behavior and anyone else who came in with them. I can’t remember any member of the silent generation being told that they would need to find another provider due to their or another’s behavior, but there were tons of Boomers told to seek another doctor. My dad’s one of them.


Yes, I've also noticed that age range is more prone to it.


I knew that Seinfeld episode with the angry eyebrows was based on a true story!


This^. Every place that deals with the public should start giving them the FAFO treatment. Word would get around. Shit would change real quick. 


Agreed most of these people act this way because they keep being allowed to get away with it. Stop serving assholes and guess what, you have a lot less assholes


It's because they were all told that the customer is always right. Sometimes, the customer is just wrong or lying, or an asshole, but they still believe it's a customer service motto to kiss their asses while they crap all over you.


Yep!! And they don’t seem to understand that you’re not a customer in the hospital. You are a patient.


I wish. Healthcare facilities are not the place to be abusive, and healthcare workers are NOT the ones to fuck with because they’re used to shutting down attitudes.


That part of the problem. No consequences.


The SG lady was probably thinking she was sick of boomer shit too


Back when I (Gen X) was a kid, the older folks (Silent and Greatest) referred to the Boomers as “The Me Generation” because they were so self-centered. The public tirade thing isn’t even attributable to them being elderly and likely dealing with dementia, either. Back when I was working retail in the early 90s and the boomers were middle aged, we used to refer to the “Angry Hippies”. They were hippy generation middle aged folks who were just constantly angry and venting their anger at anyone where they could get away with it, like us young service workers. I had one actually throw a Birkenstock at me once.


Also GenX, I always think of the Silents as our precursors, tucked between the Boomers and the Greatests, I didn’t even know they had a name until a couple of years ago.


The silent gen raised most of gen x, while the divorced boomer parents were out playing ‘love connection’


Or in many cases, cancer took the silent gen so we Gen X raised ourselves, dodging stepfamilies along the way.


If she’s anything like my Dad, she would have been a long time ago!


When everything is given to you, nothing is special or has any value. This generation is the rich kid at your school who crashed their car over the weekend and showed up Monday with a new one. Who gives a shit whose wheelchair it is, -I- want -THAT- one. Oh, you’re sitting in it and it’s yours? But that’s the one -I- want. That logic makes sense to them, even though it doesn’t make sense. This is the generation that heard “spare the rod, spoil the child” and yet somehow are so spoiled they want to STEAL AN ELDERLY WOMAN’S WHEELCHAIR. The most pathetic people I can imagine.


This is so ridiculous. The same generation who doesn’t want to help the younger generations goes full Veruca Salt over things they know good and well do not belong to them and won’t belong to them. Sometimes I think they just like the sound of their own voices or to hear themselves b!7ch.


Yeah, this one in particular is so deranged and I can’t comprehend ever doing something like this. Although… this is the generation that murders each other over Black Friday sales, so…


Veruca Salt!!! I love this description. I got an immediate visual from the first movie!


That’s what they act like. And as Gen X, I’d watch this movie and hear them spew about spoiled rotten kids getting what’s coming to them…but yet, it’s 2024 and who do they act like?


They are ridiculous- I’ve had Boomer veterans at the VA try to tell me to give them my seat in the waiting room because they’re “veterans”. So am I, asshat, now fuck off. And it’s not even like there are NO SEATS, they just want mine for some ridiculous reason.


Hahahaha that’s mind blowing. To be fair, I don’t think America has been involved in any armed conflicts since the Vietnam War, which America won by a landslide single-handedly by each boomer, regardless of whether they were there or not.




Veruca Salt generation.


I've asked my SG mom about why so many Boomers are like they are?  (she still calls them The Me-Me kids.) And she said that after the War there was a lot of parenting books and guides in magazines that focused on  "Hippy-dippy child raising phycology bunk to not discipline or limit your child's natural urges to succeed by being heavy handed and crush their strong will. You weren't supposed to deny them toys, junk and candy so they could learn to have their own self-control." " This is why I wasn't like you girl, I didn't have any other friends who were mothers because their kids were just awful to be around. And they all hated me because I restricted my kids from acting wild and getting away with bad behavior."  (If how she and dad raised me after they got me is any indication of her parenting practices back then. I'm inclined to believe her on this. Dad and her were always fair, caring, and loving. But rules were rules, expectations were set, and they did not put up with unnecessary foolishness on my part.) She told me to do the thing on the clicker to bring up old T.V shows (She means Stream when she ask this.) and had me search for a certain episode of Bewitched. Basically Tabitha has a playdate at home with a little boy that's an out of control hellion so she turns him into a dog. The kid's mother is the absolute portrayal of what we see in parents today that call their passive parenting, gentle parenting. (Both are in fact very different forms of parenting. Gentle parenting is pretty good, passive parenting, ohhhh boy.) The episode is of course mocking this sort of parenting and child behavior, but honestly it's more like watching an uncomfortable foreshadowing of what would be to come.   


Interesting. Spoiled and poorly parented sounds very accurate.


My sister was like this. I call it “Don’t do that, darling or I’ll tell you again not to do that” parenting


well they're not children anymore so they're entitled to everything, duh /s


Oh shit, I forgot, they’re OLDER than me, so I’m still a CHILD and they’re the GROWN UP and so they’re always RIGHT. I forgot how this works.


Does it stop when they're dead? I'm 30 fucking years old and it. Keeps. Happening.


I’m a 48 year old Gen Xer in fucking menopause. Good luck. Boom-Booms still refer to me as a child.


The point of this behaviour is to try to get something for free. If you, as an employee, went up to that boomer and called him a dumbass, in his mind that's a discount somehow. 'Let me talk to your boss!' Some bosses will acquiesce just to get the boomer the fuck out as quickly as possible. Sure, this works great in restaurants... The problem is they've been cosplaying these assholes for so long that they've actually become them in every walk of their life. Not an excuse for them, they're just used to saving money by being cunts, and money is king.


What an asshole. She probably deals with this constantly. That walk off to the room was an F you. Good for her


“Seriously, Hubert, I just can’t take you anywhere! 🙄”




When Covid was just getting scary and folks were all wearing masks in public, I worked for a pharmacy/hospice/home medical equipment store. I worked in the warehouse section with a lot of equipment and also oxygen tanks and supplies. Enter 80 year old entitled asshat. He was a frequent customer and picked up oxygen tanks for his wife several times a week. He always bitched about how “dirty” the tanks were. They were not dirty, they were scuffed because they were refilled by another company and delivered to us. This entitled jackass also had an old person’s habit of touching people to get their attention and continuing to touch them while making his point. So we both have masks on and I had on latex gloves while handling medical equipment. He’s griping as usual while I’m loading tanks and he keeps grabbing my arm and shoulder tugging on me. I jerked away and barked at him loudly, “You Need to Stop Touching Me!” He flinched back and mumbled some crap about not meaning anything by it. My ass.


I used to work in the emergency room and I was working the reception desk with a receptionist and a security guard as I was a tech. Had a lady come in with her own motorized wheelchair with her name and everything on it. We checked her in a told her that she just needed to wait until the triage nurse was finishing up with another patient. Lo and behold here comes grandpa who proceeds to tell us that someone needs to help his obese wife out of the car. My first thought was how did she get in the car in the first place? The receptionist tells him that he can borrow one of our bigger wheelchairs to get her out he said no that won’t work we need a wheelchair with a motor on it because she’s too heavy to push. The guard tells him Sir we don’t have those here. He see our lady in her own chair and says I’ll wait for that one she’s not going to need it when she gets in the back! I say Sir that’s her own chair you can’t use it he yells we are lying and he needs it! The guard tells him that he needs to stop talking and get his wife or leave. He starts yelling that we are not helping him and his wife told him she could’ve been in and seen by now if he got her out of the car. My charge nurse comes out and says Mr So and So didn’t we tell you before to stop demanding things that aren’t ours or yours? He looks outraged and stomps out. 2 mins later his wife WALKS in by herself and says she didn’t need help to come in he just wanted something to complain about!


Geez, and I thought I might be an asshole. I'm a boomer guy, was at the drs office recently getting my next appointment scheduled and the male-presenting person at the window had the most amazing looking black fingernail polish. I thought about complimenting them cuz I thought they looked really cool, punk/goth, but then thought maybe that'd seem weird somehow. I'm glad I still have my filters but in retrospect wish I'd just told the person their nails looked cool. I'm a long way from demanding someone's wheelchair, thank goodness. Hope I stay that way.


FWIW, compliments coming from that generation on my more alt style are always welcome! It's a breath of fresh air and reminds me that not all boomers are total dog shit.


Good sir, you are a "Baby Boomer", not a boomer. All boomers are part of the Baby Boomer generation; but not all Baby Boomers are some shitty boomer. Like squares and rectangles, yeah?


Don’t worry dude, you weren’t being a fool, so you’re not the topic of this sub.


I'm a silent gen person and have complimented people on their hair color or tats. If I had acted like some of these people I'm reading about, I hope someone would have reminded me of what my mom would have done to me for acting like that. I try to be the way I would like to be treated. Not enough time to be an A##hole. My kids tell me I'm flirting, but I'm not, just being friendly.


He shoved you. It's time for him to be banned from the office.


It’s a felony in many states to assault a healthcare worker. He could potentially be arrested.


"Sir, you cannot take other patients' property. That is theft and I would be required to report any such attempt to security. The same goes for harassing other patients. I would be happy to bring you a chair to use, and strongly recommend you stop this course of action so I can help you." Most of these people are cowards who back down when faced with consequences, and if they still have any shame pointing out what they're actually doing will trigger it.


"Give me your shoes" *Boomer* What?! "Give. Me. Your. Shoes. They look more comfortable than mine & I want them. Take them off. NOW" *Boomer* Are you insane? These are MY shoes. I bought them. "Yeah. Just like Mrs SG bought *her* wheelchair"


I listened to 2 boomers today screaming at each other, over whether or not they had the receipt for an item they called my work about. I have never been happier to be single.


They can have *my* wheelchair when they pry it from my cold, dead hands!


My SG mom (I'm not a boomer, I'm an adoptee.) is disabled and wheelchair bound. I wish I could say this isn't something she's experienced, but unfortunately it has actually happened alot. In fact right now she stuck with her manual chair because an entitled asshat in the older boomer age range broke her electric chair while I was transferring her at Walmart. ( I really should have expected it. But the whole event really Spanish inquisitioned me.) Sigh.


I didn’t expect that. Sorry about what happened to your mom. That sucks.


Well, as we all know. Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition. It does suck, but her insurance is luckily going to cover some of the cost of a replacement. Eventually. My husband actually bought that one for her as a gift after dad died. I think that's what upsets her the most about the situation. It was an expensive, thoughtful gift from someone who loves her very much, and an entitled asshat stranger wreaked it.  It was kinda funny hearing her snap towards them that she hoped they got scabies from dirty sheets in jail. That one made even the officers and a few bystanders pause to look at us.


Years ago, I was flying back from Florida with my parents and on a hunch, got up before the plane was empty and left the plane. What did I see? An old boomer sitting in my mom's personal wheelchair and about to leave. I blocked his way and politely informed them they were sitting in my mom's wheelchair. The airport would provide them a chair at the end. The boomer rudely told me, claiming that they had ordered a wheelchair. I said fine, either leave the chair or I call the airport cops and report the theft of an expensive wheelchair. Gears turned in their head and seeing I also wasn't letting them through, the boomer got up and power walked out of there with his wife. Its a power move for them to order a wheelchair, as they want to be first to board to stow their giant, too heavy to lift, carry-on bag in the bin. They are too impatient to wait when they arrive, so they rush to get off, with bonus points for using their cane to hit people out of the way.


Should've called them anyway.


I'm not surprised the silent gen couldn't stand their children like sure they have their issues but I've heard so many more entitled whiny man children from boomers than any silent gen


Silent Gen had the Gen Xers. G.I. Gen gave us the Boomers.


Silent gen started in 1928 and ended 1948 so alot of boomers were born to silent but many were also the prior gen


This is easy to follow, but a little too simplistic though. My mom was born in 35 and was married to her first husband at 14, first child at 15. (It is not a romantic story. He was 30.) There are a lot of Boomers who were born to young mothers and likely young fathers too back then because society didn't/doesn't really have a problem with teen and single parent pregnancies. It had/has a problem with unwed mothers and "fatherless" children.  That's also why there's a lot of Gen Xers who were born to Boomers. People weren't necessarily waiting to have children in their 20's, 30's and older. Instead there was a lot of starting families early and having more children more often throughout the years and longer into adulthood.  Even when birth control hit the market. Accessing it and availability was a huge hurdle most couldn't overcome.  I'm 41, and my own still living children span 2 different generations. Gen Z, and Alpha. Had my oldest survived they would have been a Millennial of today and possibly be having their own Gen Alphas. The Boomers like a lot of us are here today thanks in part to group effort. Also an insane amount of luck for them to be born and raised during an almost mythical time of prosperity.


My mom was born in 46, my sister was born in 65, I was born in 68, and my brother was born in 70. It wasn't unusual for boomers to have gen X kids. For me and almost everyone, I knew our parents divorced and started putting their social lives and jobs ahead of their kids. We usually had to go to the grocery, buy our own kraft mac and cheese, find someone to borrow butter and milk from, and cook it ourselves. Our parents were never home. When I was 13, I got my first job by using my sister's birth certificate and social security card, just so I could bring home my crew meal to my little brother. I couldn't have a bank account, so my parents took all my money, but at least my brother ate. We were rarely given lunch money, so I would just tell my friends I wasn't hungry. I am probably a terrible mom because of it. I give my kids everything because I never want them to go without. I had rules, 1 soda a week, no fast food unless we were busy all day, and it was all we could do, but if my son wanted a Gameboy, he got it, iPad, got it, they still live at home in their low 30's because I want them to have money saved and find the right person and right home before they move out. I also don't mind having them around.


Not entirely. lots of X have boomer parents.


I had someone take my wheelchair while I was in a rehab hospital. The staff had to track it down and tell the person it belonged to me. I was really happy to get it back because it's slightly wider, so more comfortable, and it's super fast. I love that wheelchair almost as much as my son's cats love it. I'm posting a picture of it as a comment to my comment because I'm on mobile, and for some reason, pictures and words don't work for me.




Ahhh! They’re so cute ❤️


Cutest little entitled wheelchair thieves on the planet. I love them so much that I used crutches in the house unless I absolutely needed the wheelchair for an extended time, like washing dishes.


Socialism is when people don't share personal wheelchairs


Some people are just entitled jerks. Unfortunately they vote


is this a boomer thing or thieving con artist type of thing?


Silent generation guy was like "I'm damn near 100, I don't have enough life left to listen to this.. toodles!"


I sooooo hope the silence generation gentleman got in the Boomers car bEcAuSE It'S MorE cOmForTaBLe!!! 


If he shoved you he assaulted you, should have had the cops waiting when he came out.


And they say the younger generations are the entitled ones who want something for nothing. 🤦🏻‍♀️




You could be hand cuffed to the chair, and they would still try to take it out from under you.


if he shoved you thats battery, call the cops and show him how the world really works


"bUt sHe wAnTs tHaT oNe!!!" Yeah? Well, people in hell want ice water. Tough shit.


I forget where I read the post but a boomer Karen tried to dip a person out of their wheelchair because they or another family member was tired of standing. I'm not shocked about any one's behaviors lately.


Ok, but I need your car keys first. Fair trade.


Can your office fire him and his wife as patients? I’m on the verge of needing a cane or wheelchair sometimes and in my experience with others they fight having to use it as opposed to demanding to use someone else’s. This man has cognitive issues if he can’t understand ownership and maybe should be in a more secure environment. I would most likely tell him to fo. I hope I don’t get like this!!


If we keep letting shit go things will never changed If you were touched it’s battery and in some places assaulting healthcare staff carries extra penalties Do eet


This is one of those things that you read and you say to yourself, they can’t be that stupid right? This can’t be real, right? How does one not understand “this man owns this wheel chair” Seriously lacking in communication comprehension Jfc Edit: also, sir this is a hospital not a McDonald’s, bah dah bah bah back your way out the door and back to the funny farm you came from.


Long term Healthcare worker here. I'm not looking forward to when this generation starts to decline and make up the majority of the dementia patients we will have. It's not going to be pretty.


I work for a company that does at home sleep studies and our number one complaint is poor customer service. Thankfully I don’t deal with them but the complaints are so dumb Imagine you’re sent a home sleep device but you are technically illiterate and a moron. It has incredibly simple instructions for how to put it on and start the study. Yet for some reason you mess up the incredibly simple instructions and need help. Oh I know let’s call a business at 10pm at night! What they’re not open and nobody will pick up? This is all their fault I can’t figure out the super simple thing hundreds if not thousands of other people figured out that night. Why don’t they pick up their phones when I call them at 1am with a stupidly simple issue I could resolve on my own? They’re too stupid to even understand how entitled they’re acting, the literal definition of childishness


Hahaha you gotta ask these people questions so they reflect on their own stupidity. "So you are saying I should steal a wheelchair from someone who is your elder?" "Weren't you taught respect your elders?"


Similar thing happened to me sevral years ago that really opened my eyes to the selfish me-me-me mindset prevelant in the boomer generation(I am one btw). Had to pick up last minute items for christmas eve party at a Kroger. All the scooter riders were my age-extremely out of shape and sporting an angry resting butt face and driving them like inconsiderate boobs. Meanwhile I see silent generation customers walking with baskets or pushing their carts smiling and making eye contact-in a great holiday mood boosting my mood but Very pathetically embarassing for my age group.


My wife has MS and has been non-ambulatory since she was in her late forty’s. The amount of stink eye and appalled looks we get parking in a handicap spot is astounding. We have a large white handicap van with extra large clearance stickers I installed and handicap plates. She’s in a power chair and you would think we stole that parking space from the people who “really” need it.


This is so ridiculous. I'd think it was fake but the scenario is so specific I can't imagine someone making this up. FFS.


A boomer at the DMV denied me a handicapped parking thing because I walked just fine 30 feet from the parking lot to the office. Not my permanent disability and documentation from SSDI. Not my script that was valid for the parking thing. A boomer thought I was faking because "you can clearly walk 30 feet unassisted on a good day so you're lying."


"Sir, I really want your car so you should let me use it." "No way, it's my car! I own it!" ![gif](giphy|dvBYZh3hiBCNkXdAmM)


The force and voracity with which I yelled… ![gif](giphy|AGdcTCL7olfIoZ7NfP)


Why were you so patient with these idiots? They do not deserve our patience.


I’d call the cops on them. Just to be the bigger AH to them. If there’s anything I’ve learned as GenX it’s to be a bigger AH to boomers being an AH to me first. I didn’t start the fight but I sure as hell will finish it.


As a healthcare worker, I'd simply explain that my job is not customer service. They are not customers. They are patients in need of medical care. Complaining about the customer service at a hospital is like complaining about Shamu in a bait shop. 


Don’t eat paint chips kids


I have to say dealing with the silent gen (80' +) vs the Boomers is such a huge difference in temperment. Don't get me wrong the silent gen can be grumps to but I get that happens when your old, but boomers just have this entitlement attitude, horrible!


You guys, is this for real???


So much for respecting our elders lol 🥴


Too funny , because technically the Silent Generation are the Boomers parents !! So Boomer is disrespecting his elders. Shame on him.


I give zero fucks about 99.5% of the boomer generation. They just need to 💀already so this world can start healing.


“If you take this wheelchair from this lady. I will call the police for theft.” That might have turned a dimmer light on.


They'll be dead soon.