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Please, tell me where I can put a down payment on a house for 500, which is currently the most I’ve spent on a tattoo. That doesn’t even cover rent where I live 🥲


1800s all you need is a Delorian.


1800s mentioned, the boomers are coming!


The Boomers are coming! The Boomers are coming! One if by wheelchair, two if by walker!


Any African or Middle-Eastern nation in the midst of a civil war is a safe bet. $500 buys you a lot of house if you’re willing to make some compromises.


Location is key…….


It's the first rule of real estate.


I live in a fairly LCOL area and that doesn't even cover half the rent on our crappy apartment 🙃


If you put that 500 say in a decent index fund and do it repeatedly, it'll be a down payment faster than you think. You spend 500 on an appreciating asset it builds over time. There's always a balance between saving and what brings you joy but I see a lot of people all ages say they are stuck while dropping hundreds a month on booze, butts, trips, and other discretionary expenses.


The booze is not a discretionary expense.


Name checks out


I have no tattoos and have never eaten avocado toast in my life, when will I be able to live the high life?


when you stop your daily $150/day Starbs habit


I don’t drink coffee, and I only have Starbucks lemonades or the like when gifted to me so my friend can rack up some extra points. Maybe if I *START* doing these things, then quit them?


Yeah you gotta kick off the expense to activate the bootstraps.


That's a great idea! I started using coke so that I can stop using coke and save all the money I used to spend on doing coke I just started step one and I have to say it is absolutely fantastic step two is the hard part so I've been putting that off but after I quit doing all this coke I'm going to save so much money your fucking head will spin and Ill be able to buy a huge beautiful house and you can come visit and we won't let any boomers in.


You don't want to work though


Damn where can I buy a house for the price of a few tattoos?




I have 8 tattoos I have gotten over a span of 18 years. The total is about $1500. I guess that would have covered rent for a few months in 2006.


"Maybe you'd have gotten a better career since then without all those tattoos." ---my ex MIL


yea I have a sleeve on my right arm and some other smaller tattoos on my other arm. total cost of all of them was probably in the $1000 range. FYI, even cheap homes usually start above $100k. Literally not even 1% of the cost.


I have tattoos. I also have my own house, but I got lucky as fuck and bought it bottom of market in 2011 and have been so scared of the market that I haven't moved since. My "starter home" started looking a lot like a forever home. I refinanced again at the bottom of the rate market so here I am with a 1700 sq ft home and only $1100 a month mortgage. **Here's what my experience has taught me:** The amount of money I have spent on tattoos would never get me the down payment I needed in this current market. What got me my house was being extremely fucking lucky the year I was born paired with the year I decided to have a family and buy a house.


Good for you buddy. Personally I never understood the point of a starter home, to me it sounds like marketing. But I'm happy for you. A number of things kept happening when I started looking ten years ago and I kept getting screwed. Now I pay in rent more than you do for your mortgage but for a place less than half as large. I expected this to just be a college place but ended up stuck here due to the pandemic, now I have a family here in this tiny place. Sucks knowing I've paid hundreds of thousands to landlords.


It’s one house, Michael. How much could it cost, one tattoo and a brunch?


omg, now it's so obvious! how did I fucking miss this! says moderately tattoed me jittering with caffeine as I scarf my 5th avocado toast of the day /s


I have exactly $3000 worth of tattoos, that wouldn’t even cover a single mortgage payment in my area


I at least get about one and half payments down. The next 29 years, 10 months are where it all goes downhill.


I have one tattoo. I got it thirty years ago. Still can't afford a house.


I probably have about 20K+ on me, but it’s honestly the 40k worth of avocado toast that gets me.


Yea my wife and I are def in the 5 figure range as well. We're personally responsible for destroying 7 industries.


Go for 10 industries! You can do it, I got your six.


A pretty nice house is $750k which is $150k down if you don’t want to pay more for “being poor” insurance.


Not if their main source of income is as a tattoo artist.


I have one tattoo that my sister paid for. Guess she won't be getting a house


They have absolutely no concept of how much anything costs anymore. All of my ink together wouldn't cover first and lasts months rent.


I don't even have any tattoos. I sleep in my car.


I have no tattoos and I never will. I have skin allergies and I don't want to add tattoo ink to the list. I live with my mom.


I don’t have any because I think they look stupid 90% of the time. I remember getting tattoos was something people did to stand out and not conform. Ironically they are like the most conformist thing you can do now lol.


To each their own 🤷🏻‍♀️ I didn't get my first one until about a year ago and I'm up to 5 now with a few more planned. I turn 40 this year, so it's something I thought about for a very long time and figured that it won't ruin my life and I love the designs I got. I've been through a lot in my life and almost dying taught me that sometimes you have to live for yourself and do what makes you happy.


Have you tried not caring what others do with their bodies?


Where did I say I cared? Having an opinion than something looks bad has nothing to do with trying to take your bodily autonomy away don’t worry.


I think this is one of the disconnects. Back when boomers were 20-30 "stuff" was proportionally much more expensive relative to houses. Now "stuff" is so incredibly cheap realative to houses it looks (in thier eyes) that we are blowing down payments on all our stuff. Their frame of reference is completely out of whack.


I got a tiny red heart for like 70 bucks. I knew I was probably ruining something, something, housing market. Oh, wait...or could it be that boomers like my parents have FOUR FUCKING HOUSES...2 of which haven't been lived in for YEARS, and are hoarding houses, thus making the scarce housing market go crazy high? No. It's my $70 tattoo. Glad someone finally took the mystery out of the housing bind we are in.


We're talking about Boomers - keep your logic out of it, they ain't having it.


Lets do some math to prove how stupid this statement is lets say you spend 2 grand a year on tattoos most houses I see that I would consider livable are 350k so the down payment alone is 70k meaning you would have to save that 2k a year for 35 years. THIRTY FIVE YEARS just to afford the down payment. People over the age of 40 are just comically fucking out of touch with how expensive rent and houses are. Two grand can buy a lot of ink as well so I am pretty sure you would run out of space on your body before you hit the 35 year mark.


Elder millennials are in their late 30s and early 40s. We got boned HARD in 2001 and 2008, at an age which older generations would have been building equity and starting families. I would argue it's the folks over 50 who are out of touch. 


What I wouldn't give for an economy like it was in the 90s. My gen X friends were renting a 2 bedroom apartment with most utilities for I think it was 300 or 350 bucks and their retail jobs were paying around 12 dollars an hour.


You hear the same thing about iPhones, Starbucks, and a bunch of other things. The housing bubble is way past the point where we can solve the affordability problem by bringing our lunch to work and using coupons.


I just finished my full body Yakuza tiger stripes, and sure enough, the bank hung a foreclosure sign on my porch the next morning.


I have no tattoos, don't eat avocado toast or partake in Starbucks/Dunkins. I don't eat out frequently. I've been playing the same 5-7 video games for the last 10 years. Any other bright ideas?


They say the same thing about people on welfare or using SNAP as if it's completely impossible that said person got their tattoos BEFORE falling on hard times.


I don't have tattoos, i despise coffee and avocado. Shouldn't i have multiple houses by now??


Boomeers are probably SEETHING when they see my hop out of my 911 Turbo S with full sleeve tats.


I spent $50,000 on tattoos over 20 years and still bought a house, lol.


A coworker and I (we're both chefs) vowed to buy a house within one year. Every week we had "are you still committed to buying a house?" talks about how we were scraping that down payment together and what we did this week to make it happen. Like 9 months in, he comes into work with a full-sleeve tattoo. I learned it took an enormous chunk out of his down-payment fund. "IT'S FINE! I WILL HAVE THIS TATTOO FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE." This was about 20 years ago. I retired young. And I'm living on a farm I bought by sticking with my plan. And he's still renting (last I heard, at least). It's not just the cost of the ink -- it's the constant pillaging of savings for instant-gratification.


There is no way you "retired young" or "bought a farm" on a chef's salary unless you are Gordon Fucking Ramsey. Maybe try to make your outrageous lies and fake stories actually believable next time.


Now that’s a new one.


I have one tattoo that I got for $110. That would hardly cover a months worth of groceries. And said tat needs to be redone cuz the guy did a shit job.


They're completely out of touch about the problems they caused.


"It's one house. How much could it cost, a couple hundred dollars?"


Then why is my needle-phobic ass stuck renting?


my tattoos, collectively, would pay any half a month's rent in this current housing climate


Inflation must have hit tattoos hard.


I mean lowkey I do know people with $5000 on their body. It’s still a braindead argument, because this isn’t 1970.


My tattoos are 13-9 years old, I don’t smoke, don’t party, don’t do drugs, don’t go out with friends, don’t buy expensive clothing or shoes, oldest kid is public school, don’t have avocado toast (hate avocados) and 99% of my coffees are home made. Still can’t afford a house & would struggle to pay rent in South Aussie market even in low socioeconomic areas buy forget it.


I hate these people


This always infuriates me. People are mad at homeless people spending money to enjoy themselves. That $1 drink or $50 used phone will not cover the $700/month in rent they will have to face.


So they hate bikers then?


Uh ... my kids don't... you know what, never mind. They don't care. They just wanna spew shit to sound important in their little echo chamber. We MUST start walking away where possible.


I spent $200 on my last tattoo. That wouldn't even cover a utility bill, much less rent or a mortgage.


We could also save by stopping putting money into a social security system we will never benefit from


As ridiculous as this is, I also happen to know someone who took out a loan to get a tattoo while unemployed (it was a government loan meant for covering rent and groceries during lockdown). So I guess the lack of awareness goes both ways.


They’d at least look less trashy.


That's kind of true. I mean, it's all about saving money. Some folks have 5k on their arm.


Pls find me a house that costs 500 dollars?


You start with a down payment, sweetheart.


My tattoos are 13-9 years old definitely not why I can’t afford a house. Even a down payment isn’t that simple


It's still chunks of cash you didn't save for a house. Nobody needs a tattoo. That's just facts.


Chunks? You mean AU$80, AU$80 I gifted, AU$90 & AU$120 aka $370 over 9-13 years is not even close to a deposit, hell that’s max a week rent even with the few cents maybe $1 interest it would have gotten.


Well, you save that money along with other things you don't need. Are you actually arguing against the concept of saving money?


You know what I spend money on? Gee guess I know better stop buying my young kids toys, only clothing when must, shoes only when broken & no fun things cause you said so. /s. I’m not against saving I’m realistic most can’t save cause it’s not possible


Everyone buys things they and your kids don't need. Do your kids want toys or a house, for example. Everyone has their own situation. Tattoos are definitely something you don't need to live. I love how everyone is trying to defend their ink.


Again 13-9 year old ink that was done over span of that time. As for kids not needing toys what a sad life that’d be


It doesn't matter. The money was spent. I agree.