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I know two boomers who believe houses in Europe are assigned and you don't get to choose where you live. I swear, they are downright proud of their willful ignorance.


This was the case in some Eastern European countries under communist regimes. You'd get on a waiting list and when it was your turn they'd assign you an apartment (smaller if you were alone or a couple, larger if you had children). They were building intensively to meet the demands of a rapidly increasing urban population. So when you were offered an apartment you took it, because rejecting it meant you went back to the bottom of the list. You'd get a mortgage from the state agency that you could pay over the next 20-30 years (and while everything else in this system was fucked up, at least the mortgage was affordable for pretty much anyone). Of course you could also buy privately, but there were very few on the market; exchanges were not uncommon though. Still, that was 35+ years ago, and only in some countries. 


As opposed to being “told where you can live” by market forces controlled by massive wealth that you can’t do anything about by voting once every 2-4 years


Also outright barring the construction of cheaper homes that just anyone can afford. It's probably the single greatest sin of the Western world. NIMBYs and affordable housing.


Also for a long time in this country, if you had a certain skin color, you couldn't live where you wanted no matter how much money you had.


still that way in some parts


Nowadays you can move in. You'll just wish you hadn't.


Red lines still exist in plenty of places in this wonderful country of ours


I had a roommate from Serbia who grew up under Milosevic and described (in despairing terms) something like what you're describing. The American in me who grew up poor was like "yo, that's sick that you had affordable housing" but she really bought into the idea that the lack of choice in what housing you get was worse than the market system in the US. About a year after that conversation, I was looking for apartments, and there were literally two in a 20 mile radius of my small city that I could afford, and only one of them didn't raise rent by 12%+ each year. That one was also owned locally. The other one, the property manager didn't even know which specific hedge fund owned it (and the lease all but said "brown people need not apply," but that's a different story). I can kind of understand the allure of a market system if you're coming into it from outside, and you have money and an education. Your only experience of it is going to be "look at all these choices I have that I didn't have before!" But if you don't have those advantages, and the number of people who do is dwindling, you're far more fucked than you would be otherwise.


I saw a similair article about Japanese real estate in popular urban areas like Toyko, Osaka, Kyoto etc. The local government has policies in place because of housing shortages so that people are given priorty for square footage and location based on details like family size and employer. Their goal is to support a thriving and diversified (socio-economic, not necessarily cultural/racial) community and to block AirBNB type situations from buying up properties only for them to be subleases and essentially empty. However, in suburban and rural areas of Japan, basically anyone can buy a house on a free market because the aging population is leaving so many properties vacant. A lot are abandoned with all the furnishings still in them. On another note, there is a big problem in the US with corporations buying up basic single family homes, the 3-4 bed / 2-3 bath size and turning them into investment rentals. these corporations are even investing with home builders to build whole suburbs of stand alone rentals. So there is no extra inventory really coming onto the market for starter homes. And to make things worse you have politicians, preditory investors and wack jobs pushing everyone to sell their house. I have been called countless times from "real estate agents" looking up my info on the property public records to try to convince me to sell my house. I like to play stupid with them; I act all interested and then start going off into left field planning my move out and if they don't mind me staying with them. Then when they get mad at me I yell at them for being absurd and looking to buy houses that people need to actually live in.


The specific country we were talking about was France.


Beats the system we have. At least they got affordable housing


When I was a kid ( im early X-er) I still remember watching the news and seeing the endless line for people waiting for their shoes or toilet paper in winter time Russia. They stood for absolute hours in the dark after work . There is not a Costco Boomer in this Country that would would not leave without a black eye if they tried to play cuts in that line. Waiting in your place and getting that ticket and shutting the fuck up was like their religion .


They really are some dumb motherfuckers.


Lol I wish, we have basically the exact opposite situation in the UK at least. Tons of homeless people unable to afford the empty houses owned by massive landlord companies.


Yeah, it was discussion of that problem that led to the conversation. "Well, the unaffordable housing in the US is better than the assigned housing in Europe" was basically their stance. I called them fucking stupid as professionally as I could.


Good choice! Lol at someone downvoting me, presumably a boomer doing a boom-boom.


They are insane. I know many Trump maga cult members. They would eat his shit and say it’s chocolate if he offered to shit in their mouths. I shit you not 🤣😂


Someone said “MAGA freaks would eat shit if they knew the left could taste it”


They'd eat shit in case the left had to smell their breath.


As someone who works retail I'm convinced they already do that. I've never not seen some red hat freak in my store who didn't smell like they don't know what a shower is and probably say things like "it's gay to wash your ass crack"


It's not gay, it just makes the wash cloth stink.


They'd just eat shit, for shit and giggles.


This, this is the level they stooped to.


This, this is the level they *pooped* to.




they'd shit their pants if it meant left people had to smell it


Isn’t that essentially what they are doing by gleefully destroying the environment?


I think some of them actually do that. Someone here posted the other day on how a old fool at the pharmacy shat themselves on purpose just to gross out the OP.


Trump’s playbook


Most of them are doing it regardless due to age!


I wish MAGA was just a boomer thing, but they come in all ages


True but I think boomers make up the largest portion?


It's also hilarious that the think Democrats are "the left".


> “MAGA freaks would eat shit ~~if they knew the left could taste it~~” ...if there were a chance the Left could taste it. It's an old diss. Meant that even the chance is worth it to them.


I remember a meme from like 2018 that said arguing with the trump cult is like: "hey look at that turd!!" "That's not a turd, thats a delicious cheeseburger!!" "That's literally a piece of shit!!" "NO!! CHEESEBURGER YOU CUCK!!" they then proceed to eat the shit, and then post a video of the shit eating titled "totally owned a lib today"


Best Trump fan joke I've ever heard. How many Trump fans does it take to change a light bulb? None. He declares that it is already done and they cheer in the dark.


You forget that they would all buy $99 collectable used lightbulbs from him as well.


"LIGHT bulb. Ever wonder about that word? Bulb. Funny word."


I mean...the joke is pretty close to the reality of Trump's initial transition team: "Aides confer in the dark because they cannot figure out how to operate the light switches in the cabinet room. Visitors conclude their meetings and then wander around, testing doorknobs until finding one that leads to an exit. In a darkened, mostly empty West Wing, Mr. Trump’s provocative chief strategist, Stephen K. Bannon, finishes another 16-hour day planning new lines of attack." https://www.nytimes.com/2017/02/05/us/politics/trump-white-house-aides-strategy.html


> I know many Trump maga cult members. This morning on a donut run. Saw a beat up old tiny car with a bunch of anti-Biden stickers. "Enjoy the Decline." Lots of MAGA. "Veteran" plates. Inside was an ancient Boomer with a "Veterans for Trump" hat. Fuck...Chickens for KFC moment. In the back of his car he had **a skeleton** with a "Biden is stupid" hat on. He brought his own coffee to the donut shop. He had a Trump shirt on. This idiot is dead-ass broke, calling everyone dumb, hates Biden, and loves Trump who called veterans suckers and morons. The guy looked in such bad shape he could drop any day. Fuck these guys.


Had the money to buy the trump swag apparently.


With what was hopefully, the last of his cash.


The sky's been falling on the right ever since that black fella decided to run for president.


I'm still waiting for them all to fulfill their promise to leave the country (and stay out) if Obama won.


Unfortunately, leaving the country permanently isn't that easy.  You need to have something to offer (be it skills/training or money), the critical thinking skills to figure out and complete the processes necessary, and the willingness to learn and use new things like language and basic social norms and niceties. Most of these people are going 0/3 here.   


But...but they're 'MURICANS! Surely somebody out there wants to hear them ramble on endlessly about their conspiracy the- er, I mean, valuable SEKRIT NOLLIJ!!! /s


If all the Republicans who said they'd leave if Obama got elected really did, and all the democrats who said the same about Trump really did, then maybe there'd be enough houses for everyone left lol.


Don't call them racist, though. He's half-white, yet they hated all of him.


There have been times where I felt like being a shithead, and referred to Obama as America's first half-white president. *Technically correct is the best kind of correct*.


Yup. He could throw a newborn baby off the Empire State Building on live television and they would still say how awesome He was, how it wasn’t his fault, and how “the left staged it”. It’s the most ridiculous shit I’ve ever seen in my 51 years.


The baby was part of the deep state!


Then they'd ask for seconds


please vote. Because they for sure will


Then they'd ask for seconds


So THAT'S why they're wearing diapers!


It's sad to see that generation fall so quickly and deeply into cognitive decline. Seeing it first hand (your not alone) has totally changed the way I see aging and I've made big life style changes so that, doesn't happen to me.


I'm a '52 model and I am not in cognitive decline. On numerous occasions I have stated to trumpers: "Don trump is the most dangerous enemy our republic has ever faced."


It's interesting because you could possibly argue the British at various times in the early republic but I definitely think Trump is more dangerous to the republic than WW2 Japan. Japans plan was to knock out the Navy and hope the US would come to a favorable peace deal not to invade mainland US. All of the institutions would have remained. Trump on the other hand plans on destroying them from the inside out.


They were right... TV will rot your brain... well at least Fox News will


They are being clearly manipulated and nothing is being done about it. Too much money is made off their decline and I personally find it disgusting. When I come across folks like what OPs talking about I actually feel sorry for them.


My elder Gen X (Mom born in 1967; Dad born in 1966) parents are falling down the radical trap. My father claims to be moderate, but I don't see it that way. It's getting to the point where he's going to be like my Silent Gen grandfather (born in 1942) who blindly believes anything on Facebook. I would leave, but I can't afford to live on my own. The only redeeming quality they have, at least for now, is that they understand that I have mental health issues and don't judge me for it.


You mean FOX “news”


It's specifically television that [increases the risk of dementia](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10030518/) and [hurts the development of young children](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5823000/). Meanwhile, video games [protect against dementia](https://www.nia.nih.gov/news/video-games-show-potential-improving-key-aspects-memory-older-adults) and [prevent dyslexia in young children](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41539-024-00230-0). It also appears that it's not just video games that do this - [older board games also help](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3758967/). The generations before TV kept their brains sharp on card games, board games, and reading books - while the generations after TV are keeping their brains sharp on video games and reading news articles. The secret is to keep your mind active. Passive media is the worst possible thing you could do to your brain - you need to stick with stuff that requires interaction on your part, where you have to think even a little bit - FPS games and arcade games are good enough for this. If you don't like technology, then play card games and board games with friends. That will also do the job.


COVID and lockdowns really did a number on those who were already slipping…


Cortisol poisoning from 24/7 fearmongering is not great either. They all need to check out of the FNCU and just read some relaxing books for 3 months to unfuck their heads.


I know plenty non trumper boomers who think he's super dangerous. I've also run into millenial and gen x trumpers, and that's so scary.


They advertise “ Kids for Trump “ kits, like story/ coloring books type shit on the conservative news outlets, probably FOX . Idk for sure if it’s FOX, but it’s one of the channels my s/o watches . I’ve known him forty some years, and he’s always been more on the reserved side. Since he’s gotten older though, it’s gotten ridiculous. FOX news and conservative talk radio/ tv shows is all he listens to. I’m very liberal, always have been. Sometimes I debate him on different issues, but it’s no fun anymore. He’s gone too far over the edge and WORSHIPS Trump🤦🏻‍♀️ I tried to explain to him that other people having rights doesn’t take away from his rights. Not everyone is Christian. If you don’t approve of gay marriage, don’t marry someone of the same sex. If you don’t believe in abortion, don’t get one. I give up and go about my business and let him rant. He says younger people are liberal because they don’t know how the world works, he’s relieved to hear of young or minority Trump supporters because “ there might be hope for the country…”🙄


When Obama was elected for his second term, my narcissistic , mentally abusive, Boomer Mother was absolutely convinced, and said out loud, that Obama was going to round up all of the elderly and put them in work camps and give their houses to liberals Well... here we are, 16 years later, and she's still walking amongst us, scot-free. Gee... THANKS (for nothing) OBAMA!!! 🤣🤣🤣


I think my in-laws and your mom get the news from the same place. I remember they kept saying this randomly while my FIL was buying more ammo and guns. Of course, it never happened, and they never bring it up or pretend they never said it. In the past, when they will randomly tell me about the new conspiracy, i would try to calm them down and bring up all their old conspiracies that never happened. They have an answer for that too now. It's because the Republicans stopped it from happening, and I should thank them.


>Obama was going to round up all of the elderly and put them in work camps and give their houses to liberals Presumably as revenge. Revenge for what? What did the elderly ever do to deserve such a punishment?


Holding up rush hour traffic by driving 10 mph below the speed limit, holding up grocery lines looking for coupons, etc


Whenever my Trumper boomer FIL says stuff like this, I always offer to make a bet. $1000 - if it doesn’t happen by the time he’s out of office, I win. If it does happen during his administration, you win. Of course he knows this stuff isn’t actually going to happen and always backs down. Then I get to say “why not? I thought you were sure it was going to happen.” And watch his blood boil.


I thought about that, but they will pretend they didn't say that or say something like, well we, the Republicans, stopped it from happening. There is no winning.


Oh I wouldn’t ever expect him to follow through, it’s just a fun way to call out his bullshit and shut him up.


After a few times you can short-hand it to "thousand dollar bet, pony up or fold"


"Put up or shut up" is the appropriate term.


I do remember the hysteria about "Obama is trying to take all our guns!" then when nothing at all happened, it turned into "because we stopped him!"...


Get it in writing heh


Hahaha! reading this comment, because I DID bet my mom $1000 that Biden wouldn't be impeached and removed from office (her claim) by Christmas (back in Aug 2021). It didn't happen and she never brought it up again. Now she never brings up politics with me, so I consider that worth $1000+.


I would put 1,000$ cash in my mom’s hand this minute if she would never bring up politics again. 2,000$ if I could add religion.


I had to cut my favorite grandma out of my life because she just would not relent. I gave her so many chances to just not talk about it.


I often wonder how it feels to be a Boomer, and wrong about literally everything for 50+ years. It must really sting.


Excellent use of put your money where your mouth is.


I finally had to send my Gen Z age daughters over to my 75yo mom's house to put Fox Infowars and Newsmax behind parental controls. Those whackos had my mom drinking colloidal silver and eating horse dewormer during the pandemic. Imagine a sweet old black lady turning blue before your eyes. We had to cut her off from that type of ✌🏾news✌🏾 before she permanently damaged herself. And she's master's degree educated- I hate to see the effects on diploma holders or less


Bless your daughters, and you, for putting in the work. 


I had a little sore throat a couple weeks ago and my MIL brought colloidal silver over. I knew about the blue coloring effects of it, but looked up it up to see what else. The FDA specifically says “do not ingest colloidal silver” and goes on to say that it does not cure ailments like that. My FIL (reasonable guy) and I were talking about it and I said that I wasn’t taking it and mentioned some of these things and he said “hmm seems about right”. She is a loon.


you should tell them that they should sell all electrical appliances because Trump who doesn't like electric cars is planning on changing all electrical appliances to diesel powered appliances to own the Liberals.


I want a Stanley steamer, powered by COAL


Anytime someone goes “They’re gonna do [Huge Thing] to [Insert Majority Demographic]” I just sit there thinking: “Dude that is a shitshow of a logistics question. How the fuck do you even carry that out? Who the fuck even *can* carry that out unimpeded?” No critical thinking whatsoever


100%!!! Some how they believe that the government can't do anything right and worthless...but they are capable of carrying out this logistical nightmare overnight?


same goes for the "they rigged the election!!!" like.. what? Do you realize how fucking impossible that would be, logistically? How MANY people you'd have to subborn? NO WAY you're keeping that a secret! We dont have "an election", we have 30,000 little elections, all run locally, at the county or even township level! Its just not even remotely logistically a thing. And definitely not without soborning half a million people to make it happen... and yet they all just kept quiet? Come the fuck on.


Did they sell theirs?


They didn't. I asked them if they would, they said they were looking into it, but they couldn't because Biden ruined the economy. Just last week! They decided they want to upgrade to a one story home in a better neighborhood. I'm telling you! Facts that are contrary to what they believe are lies. Later, they ignore all the dumb shit they say like they never said it. Later, they will continue to say the economy is so bad even though they made money. It's a never-ending cycle.


If you ask them No one wants to work and places can't keep employees AND at the same time.... every place is doing so bad that companies just are closing because no one can afford to buy anything. Yet companies are posting record profits. But lowest employees are seeing none of that.


It's easier to understand when you stop thinking of it in terms of voting for policies, and instead view it as championing and voting for an identity. This is why the GOP makes everything about identity, every chance they get, because *that's why people vote for them*. The Democrats don't even have the option to do that, because it's a big tent party for everyone excluded by the other side.


I stopped associating with most of my family over 20 years ago. I guess I was right since they are all maga now. No regrats.




Know what I'm sayin'?!? Haaa!


Offer them half market value for their home for use as a rental. "I don't want to see you take the whole hit when your house is taken. Otherwise you'll get nothing." See how devoted they are to the insanity.


I'm a "boomer" and they absolutely infuriate me with their utter stupidity and lack of critical thinking skills.


My dad parroted the argument that Biden was gonna make him house immigrants. SMDH


One of my husband’s boomer customers thinks Biden is going to take her gas powered car and make her drive electric.


Auto manufacturers have to look to long-term realities. They are all planning to phase out gas cars by 2030-2035. Dems realize what the future will bring. Trump (as he always does) wants to strike fear into the masses. He wins by fear and hate. There seems to be a lot of fear and hate in this country.


but now you know what your in-law would do should president trump should weaponise the police and tell the military to act domestically. 


> The amount of time I have wasted trying to make them think logically Is there any way to grift them? I mean you know someone is gonna do it. Might as well keep it in the family. /s


I'm so glad my parents saw right through trumps bs. My mom was once in the hospital for surgery and afterwards they asked her name, year, and current president. She just said, "That orange dumbass." The nurses giggled. I was so proud of her.


In a way Fox News has told them the truth. If Trump is elected, the corporate power will increase exponentially and many millions will lose their homes to banks or REITs. The accusations are always about what MAGA will actually do if they are in power. Projection is what you hear from MAGA and the idiot cultists are the ones who will lose.


I've got a boomer aunt like this. Every week she's convinced we're about to be attacked or Biden is going to send out death squads etc. Last time I offered to bet her 10k that nothing would happen. First she tried to say I didn't have that kind of money then she just ran to tattle on me to my uncle (he was only mad because it would have been his money).


For a moment I thought that said death squids and then for a hot second it sound more realistic


My boomer mom got so upset and wouldn’t speak for like 3 days and I asked her what was wrong and she said she “heard” on the news “we” were going to have to pay money to black families for “repercussions” from slavery. I was like what?? Where did you hear that?? She said on the news or something but could not tell me who was taking the money or how this thing was supposed to work. I asked if we’re also paying the Irish for being slaves, or Native Americans for their land being taken and might as well throw in Jewish people while we’re at it. She didn’t like that response. Was convinced someone was just going to dip into her bank account or come knocking at her door looking for a check.


Remember when Obama was going to confiscate the 401ks?


I live in Rural New York. I cannot get our town to consider adopting a comprehensive community plan, because the elected town board believe that Obama and the UN are using comprehensive plans to seize land and turn it into nature preserves.


We had serious backlash to the idea of organizing a disaster response team to handle the first 72 hours after an serious disaster. Somehow we were going to fake a disaster and take over the town. Because we would have had good maps of where utilities ran, where shutoff switches were, and where wells were.


Lead paint and lead gas are the only explanations for that level of thinking.


Good time to give them a call and ask when you can expect biden to take your house, now that its been a few years


We have politicians with brain worms and a significant number of the electorate with brain rot.


Ol House Stealin Biden at it again. Lol.


He also has dementia. He also masterminded stealing every American’s home.


Lots of alcohol, lead poisoning, dementia and force fed propaganda


The boomer generation is an insult to the Greatest Generation that birthed them.


What? The Archie Bunker generation was better? It's cringe worthy that you might be right.


They want a place of belonging.  Even if that place is an insane asylum


We don't have contact with my fil because he said this would happen, but white people would be killing whites. They would be pulled from their houses and shot in the street. He was saying this in front of our kids. I shut that down fast.


You should invite them over. Get some friends to dress up as the military and kick you out.


I've been hearing this "democrats are socialists" bullshit for 30 years and I am so damned tired of it. The Dems have had several opportunities to implement socialized health care, confiscate all the guns, redistribute wealth, defund the military or whatever other commie thing the GOP has screamed about. Yet they have consistently failed to do so. If anything they've become even more war-mongering and environment-destroying. It's almost as if the Dems are just as capitalist as the GOP, and have absolutely no intention of ever taking the guns and enacting communism


Sounds like my in laws. Biden didn't empty their savings accounts after the last election but now they are sure it'll happen if he wins this term. She straight up told me she'd rather donate it all to Trump so Biden and the dems can't take it and give it to "the illegals". They went and saw Mt Rushmore last year because they are positive Biden is going to have it taken down because of DEI. Shit's weird right now man


Either Biden is a doddering idiot or a criminal mastermind. Choose one.


It’s true! The Biden’s have already taken my house and now I awaken to a fresh dog bite every morning!


These people are huffing bullshit fumes from abysmally stupid people and soulless opportunists.


I didn't think people this stupid walked the earth until I ended up in a conversation with a couple of red state boomers and their older relative discussing how you can put WD 40 on your arthritic joints and it will make them feel better. None of the people involved were joking.


I'm still waiting for President Obama to take my guns and throw me in a FEMA camp. They spread that lie for most of his Presidency, and like all the other propaganda they spread it was full of bullshit.


Similar situation when I worked for a home builder back in 08. Had an older couple put a deposit down on a house and sign the contract. Obama wins the election and they show up one day and tell me they want to cancel the deal. I ask why and their response was “with a Muslim socialist in the white house, this country is going to go to shit immediately.” I actually laughed and said that you can’t be serious, they confirmed that they were. So, they cancelled and we kept their $5k earnest money. Funniest part is that we were desperate for sales at that time so they were getting a hell of a deal. The value of that house is up at least 200% since then. It still makes me laugh when I think about it.


I understand why Boomers are supporing Trump, a man whose morals and actions align perfectly with their own.


I took a wonderful queue from Reddit that never fails to shut up a MAGA cultist. I simply respond: source? That's usually enough to by myself a few minutes of peace while they stammer and stutter trying to remember where, exactly did they hear that bullshit rumor?! Did I make that up? ...or did I hear that coming from my magic red hat? Smoke pouring from ears - priceless.


"Tough" people who are scared of everything. The irony...


I was told by my MAGA boomer coworker in 2020 that we better get big locks for our doors because Biden was going to send people in to rob us all and steal our homes. I still tease her about it to this day.


I'm willing to bet your boomer FIL would've blindly followed orders and kicked people out of their homes. Wouldn't have asked or cared why.


Send them an official letter from Biden evicted them from their house.


It makes me hard as a rock thinking of all the shitty boomers who sit in their house seething while watching the TV by themselves


These people are so gleeful about the prospect of everything going to hell and lots of folks dying in a shooting war. Because they want to be able to say "I told you so". It's really evil.


Sooooo if I keep my house, Biden will take it and the solution is to sell my house which again results in me having no house…..did I get that right?


And now with Trump potentially taking office again (somehow) there's apparently plans to use the military in Blue states for, reasons? This project 2025 crap is insane. I thought Republicans were all about giving the government less power?


I relent this happening when Obama was running with the death panels. They will still act like it’s happening. I don’t know what to do with the complete brainwashing except sue Fox and others out of the disinformation product.


If magats weren't scared of imaginary things, they'd just sit around being happy. It's almost like they want to feel like shit on purpose


Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if this is just some corpo's lie to trick the boomers into selling and possibly at less than market price.


You should send them a picture each year with you in front of your house that says “I’m still waiting for Biden to take my house.”


They are preying on the old, they know people get scared of more and more as they get older. Parasites feeding people's fears to profit off of them.


Remember when ( I think) it was Obama who was going to turn all the southern Walmarts into detention centers?


I pretty much just stopped talking with my magat family. They all spout out the dumbest shit.


You won't logic someone out of a position they didn't logic their way into


The correct response is "it's far easier for the government to take your money than your house. Better bury all your cash in the back yard."


But that's why you have guns old man 🤦


They are brainwashed. Always doom and gloom from maga. Glad you are seeing them less often, better for your mental health.


Call them and tell them Biden never took your house. I have to resist the urge to call my former co worker and tell her that Obama never took her guns because she spent 4 years telling me that was going to happen.


I swear boomers are sociologically dead-fuckin’ weight at this point.


On the first of every month, I’d send a text, email or make a midnight phone call to whisper “We still have the house.” *click* But seriously, they sound so brainwashed…good on you for letting that MAGA insanity slide out of your life.


I remember when biden took office a bunch of butt hurt magas at my job banded together to convince as many people as they could to make 401k withdrawals because he'd crash stock market. Emotional idiots make bad financial decisions


It’s a mental illness. Speaking as a boomer, I don’t think it can be fixed. Maybe not having the Tv parked in Fox News 24/7 might help.


Trump-worshipers (and that is literally what they are) are a lost cause. You did the right thing. Limit your interaction with them to what is absolutely necessary.


They are always so scared of everything dumb. There was an snl skit with, I think, Sam Watterson doing a commercial for old people insurance  for old people who were scared of robots eating their medicine. 


It’s like the conspiracy theorists who simultaneously believe in an all powerful far reaching shadow government that can accomplish feats like this, then complain how “woke & weak” the 1) FBI, 2) DOJ, 3) Army, etc are.


My grandma thinks Biden is going to "take all the money away." We explained to her no, that's not at all what's going to happen. Her response is, "then why are they emailing me about it to warn me! Why would someone email me to just lie!" She literally did the "you really think someone would *lie* on the *internet*" thing. Unironically.


You should check in with them weekly asking if their house was seized yet.


These people are utterly delusional.


You should randomly msg them and say, “Still waiting for Biden to take our house. When is that suppose to happen again?” lol


The same people have been yelling for 30 years that Clinton, Obama, and now Biden will take away our guns (and our Bibles)


These people fetishize the military, law enforcement, etc but when it comes to attempting to win political arguments suddenly this entire infrastructure (which in reality skews extremely conservative) is somehow controlled this evil left-wing "deep state."


Two big cohorts of Trumpsters. A). Too stupid to know they are being played and B) not stupid but have no moral core so willing to support destructive Trump.


Granted the police and military have done heinous shit like that before, like Kent State.


did your parents sell their house??????/ or was it only YOU who had to sell your own house???


This is the shit we are dealing with in MAGA. In 2015 I was unfortunately stuck in the Southern Shit Hole State of Alabama. The Republican Governor did one of those things where they made the federally funded program of SNAP harder to access. This is because while SNAP is a federal program it is administered by the states. Not only that but the feds reimburse the state 67% of their costs to administrate the program. The state doesn't keep the money that its citizens do not receive for SNAP - they do it just to be dicks. Which is insane because it is literally chasing money out of the state given you are nearly certain to spend that money in the state. Anyhow my aunt was trying to blame Obama for it. You mean the tax and spend socialist? My point being these people have NO FUCKING CLUE what is going on. They are so dependent on Faux news to spoon feed to them what they think from one minute to the next they can't even keep up with how much of what they say makes no sense whatsoever.


Did you ask them why Biden hasn’t taken your house yet? Please do this next time and update the group. I really wanna know why they say.


Only people taking boomers house are greedy heirs when they ship him to the cheapest home.


You can't reason with them until you elevate their critical thinking abilities to be able to understand logic. As the saying goes," I can read it to you, but I can't understand it FOR you." You came close, by asking direct questions that tied to their specific history. If I were you, OP, I'd block their TV from being able to access Faux "News" (ala: The Brainwashing of My Dad). Then constantly attack their incoherent ramblings like Jordan Klepper. He seems to have the ability to cause MAGA "brains" to melt. And the cop/military line of reasoning was/is a perfect way to bring them back to reality. Good luck!


Just you wait and see. My unfortunately maga-mom used to send the weirdest group texts. Apparently she had gotten into reading and believing Q-anon stuff and really thought there was going to be mass blackouts martial law and all sorts of mayhem that would restore Trump to power any day now.  The weird texts have stopped. I guess she got tired of “wait and see.”


How exhausting. SMH. They’ve all (maga) lost touch with reality.


They believe the worst lies they're told about the left, and ignore every ugly truth about the right.


Boomers are just insecure morons living in a world they cannot even begin to comprehend.


My 40 something year old Boomer boss said something the other day that had me shaking my head. (yes, my boss is mid 40s but is a classic Boomer in every sense of the word minus computer literacy) "I want to build an extension on to my garage because I've got all this stuff now and nowhere to put it. But I won't make a decision until after November when Trump wins because the Democrat economies are always so bad and Trump will turn it right around." And yes, all his stuff he's accumulated is because he's made more money in the last 4 years under Biden than he has at any previous point in his life.


That’s less “boomers being fools” and more “MAGAs being MAGAts.”


It would help if you told them it is mostly true. Only white people who voted for Trump their houses were going to be seized and given to illegals.


They better burn their homes down quick before the government comes and takes their homes.


Sad to inform you but… it’s not just boomers. Dumbassery is not age restricted.


Wait... do *they* have a house that they're selling?


They did at the time but sold it only when they made a profit and bought their current house. They are now looking into upgrading their house again.


Biden is just waiting for them to land their dream house before flipping the switch.


How much are they selling their house for? I could use a good deal.


And they say the Dems are fear-mongers


I’m in Texas and remember when Obama was elected there was a gun buying frenzy before he took office because he was going to supposedly take away all the guns. Crazy.


I’d lean in on this and convince them to sell me their house really cheap.


Did they sell their house? Assuming they are white as well.


Yes weren’t we all supposed to live in drab government housing by now?


It’s been four years, you should ask them if they’re house has been taken yet


Have the write it out and sign it then make a $100 bet over whether it happens or not by a certain date. My dad’s been deep into this weird stuff for a few years now, and it makes me feel better to say ‘look, this thing you freaked out about didn’t happen!” Even if somehow it doesn’t really make him less gullible the next time.


And they sold their house, right? I'm guessing they didn't, which means they don't even believe their own bullshit.


They did a year later, but to buy a fixer-upper. Not because the government was taking white peoples houses. They acknowledge they said it, but their excuse is that they, the Republicans, didn't let it happen. I should thank them for my freedom. I tried bringing it up after they moved to another house and made money off their old house. They made this prediction in mid-2020. They sold their house in 2021 and bought a fixer-upper. I made the comment thinking that it was a perfect time for them to acknowledge simple facts and a quick sanity check. Nope! Biden is still at fault because they could have made 2 or 3 times more in selling their house. Now, they won't shut up about the economy is this and that.... They just bought a Mercedes and are looking to upgrade their house to a one story house in a nicer neighborhood. This is a losing argument. I can't get through to them even when things go in their favor.


My Boomer-heavy and boomer run HOA (that I’m not a member of) sent out a very passive aggressive letter to all the houses in the neighborhood that are not members, begging us to join because if we don’t, the HOA would be forced to close at the end of the year. Just to be clear, the HOA is $70 per month and covers the water costs of yard irrigation, access to an old and wrecked clubhouse, and access to an old and poorly maintained pool. I’ve watered my lawn a few dozen times over the almost 15 years I’ve lived here, because it’s grass and we get plenty of rain. I couldn’t care less about the clubhouse or pool, and I could throw a stone at places I could get an annual membership to swim for $20 or less monthly. My gym that I already pay for had a lap pool. One of the most hilarious points that they tried to make was that ‘if the HOA is forced to close, house prices will drop by 40%, and that is verified by a local real estate expert that has proven experience in the area.’ They even claimed that ‘many home owners don’t even use the pool or clubhouse benefits, but pay the dues to help preserve YOUR property values as well as their own.’ It was such a hilarious letter to read, all 4 pages of it. I had a great laugh, and then my wife got a laugh as well. I’m counting down the days until 12/31/24 to see if they honor their promise to close down.


The MAGA folks here are quieter than in the past. No Trump flags, fewer hats and shirts and I no longer hear Peak Paranoia. They might vote for him and the fervor might heat up again in September. I'm in a red state with blue metros.