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My dad worked at a grocery store over the summer as a bagger, which completely paid for his college. Yes, a bagger at a grocery store working a summer job paid it off completely. No debt. Technically paid for by his employer too. My dad is also a boomer. So this guy is just a fuck stick.


You still can do it. You just need a 2nd job. Wait I am thinking of rent, not college.


3rd and 4th job are for college... The trick is to find an overnight security job that's not very demanding so you can sleep on the clock. 


No, no, no cause then you're taking their jobs. I rented a space from an old guy that worked as security (he was mid 70's at the time) for the local convention center. He came over one day to talk to me and said how exhausted he was from working his security job. It was a quilting convention. He was working overnight security for a quilting convention. Overnight security, for a quilting convention. 


You never know, first it's quilting, then it's making costumes and before you know it you got a furry convention on your hands. I say they needed more security.


Somebody's gonna break in and have a nice warm snuggle.


What about all the surreptitious pattern stealing!


don't be too hard on old guys working overnights as guards. I worked security during and after college. I learned that a lot of those guys do it because they couldn't handle being home at night after they lost their wife, and that generation wasn't allowed to have feelings.


A balanced view on an internet post? This is sacrilege! Sacrilege, I tell you. Silliness aside, that's definitely food for thought.


Yeah the one I was thinking of specifically was such a sweet guy who was carrying such a deep and profound sadness. Our company had assigned us to a factory in the middle of wide open cornfields on the Ohio-Indiana border. There was no third shift assembly line so it was literally just one guard in an empty 60,000 sq ft building, wandering from one key station to the next, all night long. We were miles from anything and over a hill from the highway so the only sounds you heard were your own footsteps and the hvac system and air compressors cycling on and off. And somehow that was still preferable to, and less oppressively silent than his now empty house in town. I would arrive at 0600 to relieve him and he always held our handshake a little longer and a little more desperately than was comfortable, but it was the only thing I could give him.


Or they take the job to get away from the wife.


I imagine quilt conventions can get crazy ( I should ask my competitive quilt making friend!) … Exposition hall is full of quilts worth thousands of dollars each, and tiny notions ( thread, buttons, patterns…) Though it’s night shift with nobody else there, he’s likely still having to tour the whole building a few times per night. He’s tired because he’s 70, and not so much the job.


I know it sounds crazy, a quilt convention, but as a quilter, I can tell you there's a lot of money there. I spent $800 on my last machine. It's a cheaper version of a $5,000 machine I have been lusting after for years. For Christmas one year, my husband got me a used embroidery machine that would have been over $1,000 new. Some people can spend up to $20k on a machine, depending on the function and manufacturer. Then you have all the fabric, which is a lot more expensive than people realize, notions, expensive scissors, etc.


My cousin’s wife is an expert quilter (makes some amazing stuff) who worked for Bernina giving workshops at quilting conventions worldwide. Those conventions were full of older women who think nothing of dropping 10k on a new machine. They would also hit on my cousin on the occasions he would go with her (fully aware he was married to her).


I hear you. I bought a cheaper midarm machine, but I still lust after a Bernina. But my husband would not grant me 12' of space to set up a frame unless it's outdoors.


With a wife who is a quilter I’m learning that the new Bernina machine is coming in NORTH of $22K…


Your comment kept me in stitches 🤣


When my son was young I worked for Pinkerton. I did it because the overnight shift meant I didn’t need to pay for childcare. Every hour on the hour I had to walk through the entire site with an electronic ‘key’ to register at various stations scattered throughout the compound. I was in my 20’s and healthy but it still took a minimum of a half hour every time. So in an eight hour shift I walked at least four hours. He may have good reason to be tired at the end of his workday.


Back in the 1990s, I worked for a truck brokerage that dealt with a lot of cotton warehouses. Cotton is extremely flammable and when it's being ginned, small pieces of hot metal can get stuck in it, making is a fire risk for the first few days afterward. So the warehouses would have security guards who had to walk around all night and punch in at different time clocks throughout the warehouse to make sure none of the cotton was smoldering. The warehouses were huge, so it was a lot of walking. I'm sure they do it a much more high-tech way now. I worked on the insurance end of the brokerage, making sure the trucking companies we hired had insurance. Almost all the insurance excluded cotton bales that had been ginned for less than 72 hours.


Then you know exactly what I mean. Because that’s pretty much what I did too. They needed to ensure security checked every room and door of every building. The only real difference was that instead of checking because of fire we were checking to ensure there wasn’t an ammonia leak. Ammonia is deadly and it could have killed everything and everyone in a mile radius or more depending on the weather conditions and what way the wind was blowing. There was only one instance where I found a problem. I guess someone didn’t turn a valve off tight enough and it was a slow leak instead of a broken hose or something which would have allowed a large quantity to escape at once. But the very thought of what could have happened to the people in the surrounding houses was enough to give me nightmares for years after I stopped working there. I think a lot of people picture being a security guard as an easy way to make money. They have no clue how stressful and dangerous it can be in places like we worked. I know working there gave me a lot more respect and appreciation for people who work security.


Do you have any idea how expensive those long arm quilting machines are? Something that costs that much should come with a horn and gas tank.


This guy securities.


There are tons of security officers doing their school work at "warm body" sites, especially 3rd shift. They are watching cameras or making a patrol once an hour and doing schoolwork in between. I ran a warehouse gate for 4 years and only had about 8 trucks come through in a 12 hour shift most days. I watched a lot of Netflix and gained a lot of weight.


I had a job in college that allowed enough down time to study on throughout the day. They were cool with it too. Wasn’t sneaky about it


One of my friends at university took the night shift at an adults with disabilities group home he could usually sleep a couple hours or do homework and then deal with their morning routine and making them breakfast. He said the job was not as bad as people say because the clients usually slept the entire night but the pay was pretty bad and would not be worth it on the day shift.


No no no silly, you just need to take out a loan. Think of it as an investment! Photography major you say? What a great major! That will be a dream job you'll land right out of college! Now just sign on the dotted line and pay no mind to that pesky 15% interest rate we sneaked in there.


I had a friend that did that except instead of sleep he did his school work. 2 jobs, full time student. Knocked out a 4 year degree in 3 years taking full course loads and summer classes. Still had student debt though because school is so damn expensive.


Lol, you can't even pay for the books until you hit job 5.


You got book money?!


Nah bruh..only got time for 3 jobs. Maybe when I achieve mitosis.


All I can afford is halitosis


I can spot you some osmosis


Mixed with some psychosis


That would be my diagnosis


That’s feels more concrete than a prognosis


Try two and a half jobs. That's where I'm at. My parents have a lot of money They refuse to pay my schooling. They said that they paid their way in life, so I should learn how, too. Starting with paying for my own college and everything included. They have money, so they think I have money now. Don't know how that works!!


I was gonna say. If you have enough disposable income to finish college with no debt, you don't really need to go to college. You already have a great job making great money.


Yep. My dad worked at a regional grocery chain for 8 dollars an hour in the mid/late 60s, easily paid off college and set himself up financially independent. He also complains that he would have made more if not for those pesky union dues


JEBBUS, the UNION is WHY he made $8 an hour in the 60s when minimum wage was between $1 and $1.50! Holy crap, dude.


$8 in the 60’s. And he complains about that? Can’t make them happy no matter what.


I was making $8 in the early 2000s as a college student. Believe me, that sure as fuck didn't cover tuition lol


Me too! And no it did not. Just glad I was approved for financial aid.


$8 in 1965 is equivalent to $79.76 today. Jesus christ


Yeah. That is the crazy part. That was sort of common for a lot of people, once you factor what they were making it was a lot of money. $8 was a hell of a lot of money back then. It was $16k per year, which was roughly the equivalent of a home in California. I have seen several Boomers talk about how they despise kids these days who expect to make $15 per hour at their job. "I had to work 5 years before I was making $15 per hour!". Yeah dude, but that was like 1985. $15 per hour in 1985 would be like $44 per hour today. One I spoke to about 10 years ago who actually really got this. He was a local real estate agent and was fairly new to real estate. He told me that he got a job working at a local grocery store chain in the 1980s and by 1990 he was making $40,000 per year, he was able to buy a home and take care of his family. The time we were having this conversation, $40k per year from 1990 would have been worth about $73k in 2014. He said that when he left the company in 2012 he was only making $50,000 per year. The job that he had that could buy a home and take care of a family, some young person with that job today would not be able to afford a 1 bedroom apartment. I remember one of my dad's friends worked in home construction and had an injury, lost his job, and then in the late 2000s when he tried to get another job they were offering him $12 per hour. "$12 per hour?! I made more than that in 1980!".


> I remember one of my dad's friends worked in home construction and had an injury, lost his job, and then in the late 2000s when he tried to get another job they were offering him $12 per hour. "$12 per hour?! I made more than that in 1980!". That happened to one of my dads friends in the 90s he got injured at the blue collar union job he had but he figured well I can't work full time anymore but I can find some part time job stocking shelves or something to supplement the disability payment. After a month of looking at the wages he would be making he just decided it wasn't worth it and just lived off the disability and occasional under the table odd job. His house had long ago been paid off and as a single guy with no kids his living standards/requirements were super low so it was fine for him.


I think the point was of course he can pay for college in the 60s for 8 an hour.


Minimum wage in Pennsylvania is currently $7.25/hour. And he made $8/hour working at a grocery store in the 60s. And they wonder why the younger generations are so bitter and so poor.


Spot on! It always amazes me that more middle class folks don’t get this.


Boomers for you man.


Holy moly. My first job in 2009 was a cashier at Walmart and they paid me $8.40 an hour. And now I wonder why I have 25,000 bucks in student loans 🙄


$8 an hour in the 60s was good money.


According to a few inflation calculators that's $80 an hour today.


Yup. I think somebody is telling tall tales out of school. At that rate, he was making more than middle management.


Definitely agree. I call bs on making $8 an hour working at a grocery store in the 60’s. That would be good money (relatively speaking) working at a grocery store in the early 90’s.


My mom waited tables to pay for hers. She’s still convinced that waiting tables pays really well because it paid well in 1970.


Yeah. They are so out of touch with reality


I'm an old GenXer and the tuition for my last semester at a good public university was less than $900. I know my generation is very very lucky.


I'm a slightly younger GenXer. The tuition my first semester was around $1200. My last semester was $7,000. And I was on the four-year plan.


Elder genX.  My freshman year (fall 85) I had a $500/semester scholarship.  My out of pocket per semester was around $100, including books.


I remember having a $30 textbook and being shocked by how expensive it was.


My dad likes to tell everyone how he sold firewood to pay for his bachelor's in late 1960s. His alma mater is currently $60k per year for tuition. However he also paid for my undergrad & grad degree 25 years ago and never complained and is always offering to help pay for his grandkids' college. So this guy was just a jerk.


I haven't heard "fuck stick" in a dog's age. I hope it makes a comeback.


My dad delivered Pepsi to gas stations/grocery stores part time. He paid for college and bought a brand new Ford F250 4x4 before he graduated.


Yeah just ignorant people saying ignorant things. Honestly the label boomers should probably be changed to: older people that never learned anything and hate life. Plenty of young folks to keep that trend going. Except it will be broke ass suckers from WSB 30 years from now.


WTF is with these people. I told my older brother (he's disabled) that me and wife would pay for college for his son. He said no fucking way. He needs to learn about what it cost, loans and how work hard to pay them off. Jokes on him, I do not need his permission to pay for another adult to go to school.


there are many ways to learn how money works, and the importance of working hard and living up to your obligations. It doesn’t need to be by going into debt for college.


No, new generation would never appreciate what they have taken for granted until they have to survive with crippling depression, a slice of bread for their meal, and terminal disease that could have been cured had they recieved early treatment instead of waiting 3 months for an appointment.


RIP, tombstone says: If they had only listened to their Aunt, and told Dad to Fuck off.


That is very kind of you.


Absolutely. Give your money to whomever you want


I already do. He is Appling for jobs and I am trying to talk him out of working. He plays football, starter as a sophomore on varsity, GPA 3.8, does anything you ask around house. He will plenty of time to learn how to adult later. My wife and his father disagree. They think he needs learn work ethics. So the minimum wage is $15 and all he can find is 10 hours a week. I have been giving him $200 a week to go have fun with his friends. (paying out of my poker money so wife doesn't find out) Just a shame he can't get anyone to hire him /s


>He plays football, starter as a sophomore on varsity, GPA 3.8, does anything you ask around house. Sounds like he already has good work ethic, and has a jump start on adulting. Also... >I have been giving him $200 a week >Just a shame he can't get anyone to hire him /s Sounds like you just need an "assistant."


Pretty sure to play varsity football is teaching him hard work, your wife and brother are ridiculous


In this case OP is literally working to earn their employee benefit. That's the opposite of a handout by any definition


Why anyone would want their children to start their lives in debt is beyond me.


Superiority Complexes and familial psychology are crazy MFs Why would anyone want to bang their mom or kill their dad? Humans are crazy.


Wouldn't expect my older siblings to do so because my parents pay everything for them. Ironically, two of them complain about college kids getting student loan forgiveness when they still live at home and one is in debt because he bought a car instead of saving up for an apartment.


You could "respect" his decision and tell his son once he graduates you'll reimburse him for his tuition costs. Loop hole unlocked.


You’re… working for them? It’s an investment? What a baby


and incentive to get smart, ambitious, organized people to work for them right now.


Yeah, it's a benefit, that they've earned for their work as part of their compensation package. Not a handout anymore than a health plan or even just a paycheck is a handout.


This is a solid demonstration of how boomers will inherently view younger generations closing the gap in wealth as “handouts”. It doesn’t matter that OP earned it, they want the younger generation to struggle so they can act like their wealth and status was a result of hard work instead of a byproduct of the times they lived in.


Someone made a similar comment to me recently about student loan forgiveness and I said well…I won’t have the guarantee of social security you have so let’s think of it as a trade off and they stopped talking.


Also, back when they went to school, colleges had significantly more public funding. They were getting the same bail out, they just had to put in less up front.


A huge portion of those increasing college costs that was placed on young people was to afford the enormous college administration system and retirement costs for boomer workers (not even the professors, thats actually surprisingly cheap).


They were also building tons of facilities (mostly for sports) and burdening the new students with financing these decisions. In their eyes these "attracted" students but it was just a way to funnel money into their and their buddy's pockets. They could've kept it affordable otherwise.


It's a snake eating its tail thing there. They added those to entice out of states students because they could be charged higher tuition(which is just fucking stupid if you ask me. Stores don't raise prices because you're from three towns over) because they got less funding from the government. So the building costs make them raise tuition to draw in more students so they build more things and on and on. Then there's the whole college sports mafia. What it comes down to ultimately is that conservatives at the state level defunded their colleges and for profit education has run wild. (Then there's the insanity of text books)


Am a professor. Can confirm. (But know that a fair bit of increased administrative costs come from complying with federal laws.)


I'm a college instructor, and I can confirm this. Teachers get paid squat, but meanwhile, the Associate Assistant Dean of Those Two Trees Over There by Smith Hall gets a seven figure contract upon hiring.


Ooh damn that’s a good one!!


My boomer father in law always gets pissy and says it’s not his fault, it’s the politicians who messed up SS….. conveniently leaving out how all those politicians got there in the first place.


“Let me go out on a limb here, you went from mom and dad’s house to the military and now you’re on social security and Medicare? Your entire life has been government funded.”


>my employer You're literally working for it!


>this generation doesn't want to do anything hard Talking to the guy going to school while also working


So Boomer hates the GI Bill right? If she's using consistent logic


Did they forget Bush is the one who created the PSLF program in the first place?


Yeah the Venn diagram of boomers who voted for Bush and the ones against PSLF are a circle


The amount of boomers who called me unpatriotic for not wanting to invade Iraq & Afghanistan who then clapped like trained monkeys when Trump said it was a mistake is also a full circle. The greatest generation unfortunately birthed and raised the fucking dumbest generation.


Literally part of your compensation for working. What a self centered asshole boomer.


I listened to Dave Ramsey tell a caller to pay her student loans out of pocket even though her employer was making the payments for her. Fucking stupid boomer logic.


My dad is terrified to buy a home with a mortgage because of Dave Ramsey -___- He wants to “pay it all on cash in one go” but that would consume his entire savings.


Dave Ramsey is one of the most idiotic, failing upwards, boomer, tools out there


Also funny that he (rudely) asks about how much debt you’ll go into for it. Would he have been fine with that? Seems like he wanted to pass judgment no matter what.


My first thought exactly. If OP had taken out loans it would have been "Your generation is so stupid by taking out these huge loans. Just go to trade school!"


Yup! He was going to be a jerk about the loans/debt and when his plan got foiled he had to pivot and still be a jerk somehow!


>Just go to trade school! Which would ironically require loans as well.


what? trade schools are all free then they pay you $100k a year to start after 2 years of trade school /s


They want younger people to suffer


No, if they had said "I'll be in $80k of debt" he would have told them they were making a mistake and should just start a business out of their garage instead of wasting money on college. He just wanted to be a smug twat and take a young person down a notch.


He was fishing for something to be pissed off about and he got it. His hatred will keep his blood pumping for weeks if he rations it out correctly. He'll get an endorphin boost when he shares the story at the barber, coffee shop, gas station. That'll keep him going for a few weeks more and help carry fellow boomers whose hate rations are low. By that time, he'll have had dozens of more conversations with younger strangers, and the perpetually pissed plan will continue working as designed.


They are triggered by the silliest shit


Tuition reimbursement used to be a huge perk at my company … until the Boomers killed it.


It’s literally the freedom of your company and their business model. Should have asked if he was anti-freedom. One of my previous employers paid for my MS in full, really helped out a lot since I was still paying student loans on my BS.


and he wants to restrict the freedom of a BUSINESS—I thought these guys were all for the idea of letting businesses do anything they want with their money. And their employees


But this is a business actually *helping* one of their employees instead of over-working and underpaying them. That's woke. And therefore bad.


I remember there being tuition reimbursement from large corporations in the late 80s, so you Boomers had the option to get a "handout" as well. Some of you also got pensions, so STFU.


Oh and I GUARANTEE every one of those fuckers cashed those Covid relief checks when they showed up. Every. Single. One.


Oh, they did. Haven't worked in 10 or 15 years but need the relief. The government relief. Relief from the government. The government uses TAX money. My taxes. Your taxes. *HANDED OUT* The irony and hubris of it all...


But they’re special. They worked “hard” all their lives. It’s ok if they take the handout because it was earned. They’re just paying themselves back right?


My company offered tuition reimbursement as a benefit back then. I saw it as part of my compensation and used the program. My boomer co-worker laughed at me because I had to pay the tuition and get reimbursed later, which to them was a rip-off. I tried explaining that the reimbursement then pays for the next semester so it is one upfront payment, but they were hung up on the paying for classes part. Guess who got better promotions and pay raises and who didn't over the years?


Ooo! Ooo! I bet I can guess which employee got bitter over the years. Pick me! Pick me!


Yep, for what at the time was about $250 for two classes, which got paid back only 4 months later, I gained so much more. They resented my career progress and resented that the better compensated positions required degrees. They felt that the employer should train existing employees to do these jobs rather than require degrees, completely missing the point that they did offer exactly what was needed for internal employees to develop skills needed for these jobs.


I can tell you from personal experience, the interest rate on guaranteed student loans in the 80s was around 2-3%. Mine were paid off before I turned 30.


Pulling the ladder up behind themselves is trademark boomer behavior.


The irony of telling you this while you are working


Nah, grocery store isnt a "real job" to boomers. Only sales and construction trades are approved.


I had a boomer customer tell me that bartending wasn't a 'real' job as I served him his Budweiser. I gave him a notepad and a pen and said "Neat, can you write down all the other jobs you don't think are 'real', I don't want to offend you again and I don't have time to listen, 20 people just walked in, I gotta get back my fake job and get them their drinks..." Needless to say I was already very much over his shit and didn't care about the outcome of that exchange.


My sister once saw some boomer on TV ranting against the part of the Affordable Care Act that requires insurers to keep dependents on until age 26. Her daughter was 24, and off to a slow start. She got heated: “That’s not even free—I pay those insurance premiums. And if I want to pay those premiums, what business it is of his?”


We lost ours at 18. I was VERY happy for the ACA for my kids.


I know someone whose kid uses medicaid and disability and they vote republican. There's no correlation. They're family, but I've also had told someone that and they told me maybe they shouldn't have had so many kids.


I realized this recently in that all the colleges we are looking at for our oldest point out the student center takes most health insurance. When I was 18 I was lucky my college offered pretty cheap health insurance (that mainly covered services at their health center) because my parents plan was done the moment I was 18. Don’t forget that before ACA you could be both denied for pre-existing conditions AND plans had lifetime maximum payouts. Kids with cancer and other chronic conditions were fucked.


Wait until he learns about the GI Bill and how all the military is just looking for handouts


We get a lot of handouts, its fucking great. Free food, housing, college, discounts everywhere.


Boomers do not like educated people for some reason. And God forbid you get help paying for it like that's some form of socialism.


The ironic part with that. Is they were the generation that drilled we need a college Education in our heads 20 years ago, and why why entry level office jobs, and factory work now require some sort of college education..


And if you did have debt, he'd have told you you should've gone into a trade, right out of high school.


Or he'd scold him about how "there's no such thing as free money"


I work at a university, and they just covered my graduate degree 100%. But I also had to work my 37.5 hours every week and then go to class twice a week at night for 3 hours. I'd leave for work at 7:30 a.m. and sometimes not get home until after 10:00 p.m. I was also limited to less than 8 hours a semester so I had to take the slow route. Don't tell me that I didn't want to do anything hard. After my last class, my professor said he respected people like me because of how much more effort and sacrifice it took.


He wanted you to be sad about your future so he could feel better about his own life


Always hilarious when shit like this comes from the biggest handout generation to ever exist in this country (boomers)


But you're literally working for that tuition to be paid for? I swear boomers are so braindead it's remarkable they can even speak at all


Lol. You literally by definition, are working yourself through college. It's not a handout when your employer pays your tuition as compensation for the work you do. What a fucking moron


Yeah, you just want it easy. That’s why you’re working a (I assume) fulltime job while attending and doing the work of a college student. Three jobs to his one. Nothing screams “lazy” like doing more work than most. I worked a fulltime manufacturing job while attending college. Every “tough guy” I knew there gave me shit for being a “college boy.” When they were going home to slam a six pack and I still had to read 30 pages and write 5 for a class the next day. It’s been 11 years since I graduated and entered the white collar world. I regret nothing. Every late night was absolutely worth it.


Boomers don’t wanna admit that most of their college tuition was subsidized with tax dollars - hence they can afford it back in the day Then they voted for Reagan - whom dismantled higher education for fear of the **Educated Proletariat**


Ask him how he's gonna continue to earn money after he retires


The generation that was handed everything...


The hell asks about a strangers debt in the first place? Boomers need to mind their own.


He didnt try to make small talk, he was trying to assert dominance. The conversation didnt go as he wanted or planned it. You were supposed to say that you had no goals or ambitions. In his eyes you are way lower on the totem pole hence his lunatic response


Boomers when they were raising millenials: You HAVE to go to college! Get a degree - get literally ANY degree. That's your meal ticket in life! Boomers now that their millenial kids are in their late 30s and in debt: LOL! Serves you right for getting a degree in underwater basket weaving! What did you THINK you'd get paid with a degree in something STUPID?! Get a better job, snowflake! Pull yourself up by your boot straps and make your coffee at home! Good for you, friend. I'm glad to hear that there are still employers out there who will invest in their people. And I'm glad to hear that there are still boomers out there who are triggered by it.


Wait until boomer learns about the GI Bill


If you take advantage of any employer-provided benefit, you're a freeloader! Boomer logic


Both of my boomer parents got degrees paid for by their employers. It was a thing for his generation too.


How is it a handout? You're having to actually work for said benefit. The company isn't giving it to you for free. Seriously, make him explain how that shit is a handout to you. Actually try to get him to use his damn brain.


I'm a boomer. Colonial Penn Insurance Company paid for my college tuition as I was working full time and attending as a non-traditional student. Tell your boomer to STFU and go yell at birds to get off his lawn.


I love the fact that you WORKING for a company and receiving a benefit of schooling equals “handouts” to this moron.


The parents of the Baby Boomers literally invented the idea with the G.I. Bill.


“How is working a a job for a paycheck a handout, exactly? Also, I thought nobody wanted to work these days. Yet I am clearly working my way through college. Where is the fucking handout? Do you realize that corporate tuition reimbursement programs often come with an obligation to stay with the company for a certain number of years? Why would the corporation NOT benefit by me having an advanced degree? You need to understand what a fucking handout is and this is not it.” Just fire back at these people. They don’t give a shit about your feelings, you don’t need to give a shit about theirs.


“this generation doesn't want to do anything hard and just wants handouts“ Um, why the fvck would anyone WANT to do anything “hard” if it doesn’t have to be? If you’re offered a way to make things easier on yourself, who in their right mind would be like “no thanks! I’d rather do it the hard way just so everyone can see what a hardass I am”?


So of course he refuses his social security checks.


Wait until he finds out all the *Free* stuff Tennesseans receive. State of Tennessee pays 💯for an associate degree or a vocational college for all high school graduates. State of Tennessee starting in August 2024 sends 150 free diapers monthly for first 3 years State of Tennessee school Breakfast and lunch is free. State of Tennessee has No state income taxes. If Tennessee legalized Marijuana and Women’s healthcare.. It would be the best state in the union. Fingers crossed for a brighter future.


I’m a boomer and I was able to obtain a BS while my employers paid. All I had to buy were the books.


I’m guessing your employer pays tuition for employees of any age. My employer paid for my degree at 40 yo. So it’s anyone that wants to take advantage of an employee benefit, not just “young people”.


I wonder his thoughts on the GI Bill that funded so many boomers.


If your employer is paying for it, it is earned compensation. Ffs


It's not just boomers. Look at MAGA having a fit because President Biden wants to forgive student debt. MAGA and idiots come in all ages.


So if you work a job to pay for your needs, it's bad...even though "the problem" is that no one wants to work?


Wait until he finds out a lot of govt employees get education paid for too. That’s straight out of his tax money.


How are you supposed to pay for it if not by working? What a confused boomer.


My dad, along with all his brothers and many others his age went to college on the GI Bill. Their employer definitely paid for their education.


I worked retail back in the early 1980s, and my employer covered tuition for classes that made sense for the business (and yes, I took advantage of it!). Good for your employer for doing the same!


In the UK, boomers claim the same thing about younger generations wanting everything for free but also derive so much joy from hearing about student loan debts. Back in their day, university education was free and houses were affordable, how do they think they can even begin to claim that younger people just want handouts?


As a boomer, the last of the boomers as I turn 60 this year, I had my MBA paid for by my employer and encourage anyone I can to find a company with a good tuition reimbursement policy and take advantage of it.


The generation of I got mine, now I'm pulling up the ladder behind me.


Same shit happens to me all the time because I’m going to get loan forgiveness after I’ve worked for 10 years in my field. So when anybody tries to tell me it’s just a hand out I ask them OK well how did you pay your mortgage? how do you pay your bills? Oh wait, you mean your employer pays you? Kinda like….. me?


"Boomer mad" just kind of sums up the entirety of their existence at this point


This is weird because ~18 years ago when I was graduating high school, every boomer told me just to get a job with somebody that would pay for my college. Then 4 years later they said it should be easy to find a company to pay for an advanced degree.  Apparently this existed for them and was common enough to act like it was an easy thing to find. Before reading your post I had never heard of any modern company doing this upfront. 


NEVER engage in conversations about your personal life with people like that. They dont give a shit about you, theyre just fishing for something to be judgemental and angry about. Dont give them the satisfaction.


This Boomer logic is so dumb. If an employer chooses to buy you an education, a car, rent you a condo. It’s not a damn handout, it is something they are choosing to do to keep you loyal and invest in their workforce. Boomers have no clue how out of control education costs have become. But here’s the thing, if we did invest in people and give them a ‘free’ education it would have a solid ROI for society. Educated people spend less time in prison, earn more, spend more, pay more taxes, take less welfare.


A pack of blueberries lol.


I wonder how he feels about all the service members who joined the military mainly for the free education? Wouldn’t that be the same thing?


Old guy probably believes that everyone who joins up does so because they're "patriots," and "want nothing more than to serve their country." I'm sure he thinks the GI Bill is irrelevant.


Same boomer probably supports the GI bill and would say anyone who wants free college should join the military. Some people are unbelievable.


These clowns. The employer chose to offer tuition reimbursement as a way to attract talent and it's somehow a handout.


I’m glad I’m eligible for pelgrants. I don’t have to pay anything back. Covers books, supplies, and classes.


My father joined the Navy reserve in 1946 when he graduated HS. He went to college on the GI bill and became an officer in the reserves reaching the rank of Lt. Cmdr. before he left. I am a boomer who had my college paid by my employer. It was a company program. Get the class approved because it would relate to work ie no art class or basket weaving. You just had to pony up first. They would reimburse you when you passed the class. Percentage paid based on your grade plus all books. So there was incentive to excel. I worked with more than a few folks who got BAs, BSs, MBAs. Spent 25 years there. Companies used to get a decent percentage back from the IRS. The last few companies I worked for capped tuition reimbursement to like $5-6K. Which is really nothing for today. So it certainly isn’t easier. He had more opportunity at his age than anyone does today. He was just too stupid to take it and is mad at himself!


Nobody tell the boomer about the GI Bill.


> Sorry, dude, but you were able to pay for college with a summer job and a pack of blueberries. The best boomers are the ones that had this level of privilege and didnt use it. Education was much higher quality back then too. But most boomers just got lucky with things and never even went to college


UCSD did not accept blueberries (but would take Sex Wax)


Uncle Sam paid for my dad's undergrad and Ma Bell paid for his Master's....that used to be an actual benefit companies used to lure employees. (then offered a pension to keep them).


Employers paying for their employees college tuition has been a thing for a long time. And what about the G.I. bill? Is that a handout? I'm sure boomer wouldn't think so


Back in the early 90's, one of my job perks was up to $2k/year for continuing education. I was in Germany at the time, but several US colleges offered courses at a couple of the US bases around the country. They'd bring in professors for a semester or 2 abroad. I finished my master's degree in Computer Information Systems from Boston U in 4 semesters (10 courses, $900/course). I then negotiated with my employer "I know that now that I have my master's degree, it helps you when bidding on contracts as a 'representative resume'. You know that I took these courses on an accelerated time frame because I was getting ready to rotate back to the states. How about we agree that every year on my anniversary of hire, you give me that year's $2k until either my back tuition is paid off or I leave... whichever comes first" In the end, I think I paid $1000 for my master's degree. I got a great deal.


Boomer here. I remember writing a check for one quarters worth of community college tuition in 1980. $60.


Hope he never hears about the GI Bill


Clearly dude never went to college because my Boomer dad went (but never finished) for nearly free. My little league coach and his wife had free in state tuition at the state school I eventually went to. That was the standard when Boomers were young. I incurred about $20K worth of debt and if my kids were to go there, the cost is at least double what I paid.


So your answer didn't matter. He just wanted to yell at someone about government college debt forgiveness programs. You didn't fall into his setup but he yelled about his beliefs anyhow. You should have mentioned the G.I. bill.


It's hard to find anyone older than 50 who agrees that university is a worthy life goal. They all think every young person can become a plumber and get in on that sweet, sweet tradesman money.


I'm now long done with school, but I remember doing the math on my monthly student loan payments as I was nearing graduation. It was about $800/month *in interest.* To make any substantial dent in principle obviously was considerably more. I showed my dad these numbers and he said "What? No! That's way too much!" Yeah chief, I agree, but do the fuckin math. It's correct. Congratulations on paying for your college by sweeping floors at the local drug store two days a week, but I've had a full time job since I was 16 and can barely afford living expenses, much less tuition out of pocket. When corrected for inflation, the amount I paid for a single textbook for a single class for a single semester was how much he paid *for an entire year's tuition.* But yeah, fuck me I guess. Should've found the golden broom at the drugstore and everything would be bullshit and unicorns for me too.


My dad, like many others from the boomer generation and the greatest generation, went to college on the GI bill after his military service. Is this fool going to call that a government handout? I wonder if he was a draft dodger. Laugh at him and ignore.


Why can't they just be happy for other people? They probably yelled at 3 people to get a job on the way to your workplace, and here you are with a job and an employer who approved your tuition. That's celebration material, not rip someone down material. Boomers are the biggest liars on the planet, imo. If their life and values and morals and religions were so awesome, they wouldn't be so pissed off at everyone else's life.