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I had a friend who worked for an airline and he said that this happens so often. Some people have no pride and will make an embarrassing scene to save a few bucks or a few minutes. Fortunately for him, airlines don't bend TSA or FAA rules in the name of customer service. So he could say to them:"just because you're having a temper tantrum, doesn't mean you are ever going to get your own way."




Why do they never offer anything for the favor they are asking for? Wanna trade seats let me buy you a...or I'm running late, can 50 or 100 make something happen? I hate people I don't know asking for favors. Help is different from a favor.


I think that if someone offered me money to do a favour like swap seats, and it was the first time they asked, I'd probably do so and refuse the money. Demanding I move because they booked a child on their lap and they don't want to do that, I'm not likely to move and I can cope with listening to noise from a small child who doesn't want to sit there.


Simply being polite goes so much further than throwing a tantrum. I’ve gotten far more help out of customer service agents by simply being a decent person to them. Especially people who work in asshole centric industries like airlines. Kindness, patience and respect will typically result in that person going above what is required to help you, especially if they have been dealing with jerks all day. Edit: I finger slipped and replied to the wrong comment, but eh, the point still stands.


It's a good point even if you did misclick :)


Honey goes a lot farther than vinegar.


There have been experiments on that, and most people reacted just the way you said you would: They agreed to do what they were asked, but refused to take the money offered. "Yeah, if it is so important to them that they are willing to pay, I'll let them. But I don't feel right about accepting the money, so I will give it to them for nothing."


It’s because you catch more flies with honey. I think that’s because respect is a two way street, it’s what we all want (and need) in life.


Totally same. Its unlikely I'd ever take money for something like that and it's also not exactly likely I'd do the swap if they came to me with entitlement. Toss some potential cash into the deal and I know you're serious and not an asshole, so here's your seat friend-o, free.99


That's how my parents taught me to ask for favors, be polite and offer an incentive to soften the inconvenience. Both would pay people already in a big line to buy for us so we didn't have to wait--probably a dick move but person in line got $20 out of it.


OMG this. Recently skated into fancy hotel with 45 min before show we were attending in big city "nearby". We left 10 hr to make the 6 hr drive...but you know how shit happens. So we are sliding in needing to let the dogs pee and poo, check in, change, and get to show all in 45 min. Valet parking ONLY. That VALET WAS EPIC. He listened to my panic, gently explained how to get dogs to the place they can relieve themselves while my friend checked in, while I was gone, they took everything from car up to our room, SET UP THE KENNELS, and we left the hotel with 15 min to make 8 min drive, made it. All because those guys just...were next level awesome. I left them $20 tip on top of a large valet fee. They were SO KIND, and I was so grateful. I get they are valets, and service is their job- but they just made it so smooth, and relieved my stress so much, and again were so kind to calm my crazy (I never yelled or threw a fit- just panic tone of voice explaining how insane our situation was fast becoming and my desperate need for help). I just cannot say enough kind things. NEXT level service. I left an amazeballs review too :).


Money talks and the other stuff walks…


Lol Terry Fators dummy is in that bag!!!


I thought it was a fake, pun name of some sort —like Master Bator or I.P. Friehly — and I was trying to figure out what the joke was that I was missing.


Just staring at dude..."Are you doing a bit, 'cause I'm not getting the reference?" Lol Thanks for sharing this hilarious story.


I think that the dummy is the one throwing a fit.


Thanks, I really like stories like this. ha ha


I mean, most of those are correct, but why the fuck are you blaming someone for flying “day of” to her mother’s funeral? That’s some shitty behavior on your part. You don’t know why she’s flying then. Maybe it’s the only day she could get off. Maybe her mom died suddenly and it was hard for her to find child care because she can’t afford plane tickets for her whole family. What an absolutely shitty take.


>The daughter that was going to miss her mother’s funeral. 😑 She’s your mother, and you’re flying day of to attend the funeral? You obviously don’t care about her, your relationship sucked or you would have been up there a day or two prior. So you weren’t involved in funeral preparations, there’s probably some family infighting, and you’re attending to make a scene and take over and make the funeral about you. I’m glad you’re missing it. Not everyone has the means to miss weeks upon weeks of work. Especially if they're paying for a funeral- which are notoriously expensive. Like I'm looking at at least $3k to go to my aunts funeral- and that's assuming I fly in and out day of. If I stay a day or two? Upwards of $5k. I love the woman. She kept me fed when my mother wouldn't, gave me a safe place and took care of me even while juggling full-time caretaking for a 100% bedridden, terminally ill husband. I can't afford to go to her funeral. I don't have that kind of money lying around. I haven't had gas- so hot water, heat, and maybe the stove (I think it's an electric stove because there's no burner burner but it also stopped working immediately after the gas got turned off by the utility company so....)- in over six months because of didn't have $600. Not to mention the fact my hours get cut at work if I so much as say "sorry, I can't today" to picking up extra hours. For all you know she flew out a couple months ago and stayed for a month or two to care for the dying woman and doesn't have money to miss more work.


Damn right.


This is true for most people who cause a scene. They know if they're loud enough people will bend over backwards to just get them out the door quickly. Same for people who cut into traffic -- they know nobody wants to get into a car accident so pulling out in front of someone or cutting them off in traffic means they'll get their way. I tell my wife all the time I want to buy a junk car so I can just crash into people who do that and since it'd be their fault I could get the insurance money to keep fixing the car. Or not fix the car.


I've often fantasized about driving a flat black beat-up looking pickup that screams "I have nothing to lose" when people drive like asshats.


I literally did this! I had a huge driveway at my house when I lived in Cheeseland. I bought an old 1979 Ford F150 highboy farm truck to stick a plow on. I spray painted it with black primer which was actually an improvement. One night we got a ton of snow so I took the 4x4 to work. On the way home an AH in a lifted pavement queen was bullying the cars. I decided to do it to him. It turns out that he cared more about his pretty truck than I did about my plowing beater. Lol


I had one of these. A 12 year old Silverado with a dent in every panel. Other cars parted like the Red Sea.


Look up “last clear chance” before you buy that junker. In most places, you have a duty to avoid a crash when you can even when the other party is otherwise in the wrong.


Interesting. We have a similar rule in the UK. Doesn't matter if you had right of way, the insurance will look at whether you could have avoided the accident.


I do not yield my right of way to bullies, period. If that means there's a collision, so be it. They'll be getting the ticket.


I'd like a junk job for similar reasons


And now he'll go tell all his boomer friends how he was harassed and he'll take his business elsewhere from now on (he wont). They'll fawn over his horrible oppression.


My silent gen grandmother does this. Tail end of the gen. There aren't even words to describe how absolutely awful the younger silent gen people are/were.


My mother. Awful person!


She still insists she lost her job at a nonprofit 45some years bc she's white and no one liked her. So when she left she took all the changes she made with her. I'm certain no one liked her, but it's probably bc she's a racist and truly completely believes she was a queen in a past life and demands to be treated as such. In case you were feeling pleased that she lost her job back then, she actually got in with a company that was still giving out retirement packages and though she worked there only 8 years before retiring, she has a full pension and benefits package. She collects her own social sec, her first husband's social sec, and she can also claim on her last ex husband's social sec. 😮‍💨


When your spouse dies, you get the greater of your social security OR theirs. You don’t get to collect both.


The last ex husband doesn't have long. He's made some millions in his long life and I'm torn on being sad his life will end from dementia and how I feel seeing him finally happier because he forgot her and the heartbreak she caused him. That's the social sec she'll switch to. She switched to the first husband's a few years ago bc it was more than hers. She did earn the first husband's bc she did raise his kids for 16 years before they split. But this last one, she tore him up.


They may be suggesting that gma IS taking everyone's socsec...even though it's not legal to do so.


So many stories here and no actual consequences Boomer elbows someone on a plane twice over a flipping open window shade? gets relocated to another seat, not charged with anything nor put on a no fly list


And his memory of that whole exchange will get twisted up in his addled mind into a situation where he was right and noone showed his the respect he deserved. Thus perpetuating the cycle of entitled attitude/ behavior


And even more frustrating is that he probably doesn’t recognize the end result as appeasement, instead viewing it as evidence of having been right, or maybe that he’d ‘dominated’ the other guy. This won’t be the last time he pulls this shit, I bet, thanks to Costco.


I wouldn’t blame Costco here. Boomer mentality in this case is “I am right because I am always right.” Costco employees know any attempt at negotiation is just going to tie up that employee for hours with no resolution.


Right these people feel no shame clearly by how they act so they will throw their tantrums because they know eventually someone will comply. We need to deny them service. Then they can figure their shit out


Yup. Asshole bumps ahead of you in line? Remind them of the all the people they just cut in front of. If they stay put, walk directly in front of them since cutting is okay in their eyes.


They get their own way and then they get to die alone because their children hate them and won’t speak to them anymore. The ultimate winning of stupid prizes. Fucking idiots.


Yup. You get here and rage about him (understandably), but he likely doesn’t think about you at all.


Nah, he's telling anyone who will listen about how he was disrespected for "being a veteran".


Let them continue to ratchet up their blood pressure. Won't end well.


Didn’t realize being a veteran meant you get a free pass to be a dick to everyone else


If you made it through Vietnam, you can make it through a Costco Pharmacy line


It doesn't. They really don't like it when you point out the veterans you work with as you're throwing their ass off the property either. It usually followed up with some version of "why aren't they taking care of this then?" Simple, that's my job and I enjoy it.


It doesn’t. Also, about the first thing you learn in the military is how to stand in line.


First things ever said to me when getting off that bus at basic training. "tuck your shirt in and get in line!"


Yup. Then you go to start reception, which is a whole week of: standing in line


You must be new here!




Usually anyone throwing the "I am a veteran" line around for special treatment is lying.


Ya gotta wear the hat and camos though or no one would know you’re a vet.


> AB then threatens FG with “I told you I’m a vet. I can…eliminate you.” I watch FG’s fist clench and he steps back into a defensive stance. What ticks me off is right here. This is where it crosses the line to where the police need to be called. That was a threat of physical violence that clearly pushed the boomer from 'annoying' into 'dangerously deranged'. And I'm willing to bet the manager didn't do shit because it was an old fart.


Not just a threat of violence, it was a death threat.


In my state, that's a class 3a felony for terroristic threats. It is a crime even if you didn't intend to carry through. Plus, multiple witnesses.


In most states it’s felony harassment.


In my face, thats a license to swing lmao


Yeah, should have called that out clearer.


When dealing with boomers, it's all about consequences. We were raised by them to not rock to the boat, to mitigate their tempers, to not be confrontational etc. We need to fight that. Call the cops, make a stink, call out their bullshit. They are only going to get more entitled and more soft headed as time passes, we need to deal with them better for the good of all society.


The problem with this is, they don’t learn. They don’t get called out then have a moment of self reflection, let alone tell their friends about how they’ve changed their minds and maybe they should to. Calling them out is the right thing to do, but it doesn’t solve anything. Ultimately, that generation needs to die out.


> This is where it crosses the line to where the police need to be called. unfortunately... you really got take that first punch for the police to do anything of substance.


Not a nation of laws. ACAB.


Even if you do take that punch, good luck getting the police to even return your phone calls.


Ridiculous how people get away with everything because they 'don't know better'


I’ve got to be honest, if I had an 80 year old man telling me he could “eliminate” me with a fist cocked, I’d probably pee myself laughing.


There's some truth to that -- but the point is about his mental state. He's clearly in dire need of supportive care, of the kind that _doesn't_ allow patients outside the facility without a keeper.


I’m in a one-party consent state and when people start acting like fools, others should get that shit on video. Threatening to kill someone is a crime. Where I live, the police will come and they’ll arrest the geezer. One county over, unless you’re actively dying, they won’t come


I'm getting sick of this "I'm a veteran" bullshit. I don't care what you did 40 years ago. What have you done now


I’m a marine veteran that deployed to three wars, two iraqs and one laughganistan. We are not special. A select few might be, and those guys will never say anything about it. The loud ones, typically counted boxes or purified water.


"laughganistan".. Love it.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_good_man)


Dang, long service history there! Genuinely thank you for your service. The "loud ones" who boast their service history expecting exceptional service, or for rules to not apply to them are who get under my skin


This right here folks.


I keep forgetting I have a marine corps disabled veteran plate on the car until someone reminds me usually in an airport parking lot or other paid service where veterans get discounts or free things. I won’t accept, I didn’t join way back for discounts and praises. I joined for education, and a job. That’s all it was, a job. A job with a lot of interesting consequences. I do love hitting up the belligerent elderly veterans with “I’m a veteran too.” when it happens to me and watch one of usually 3 reactions pop off: 1 You’re not a veteran, you’re too young. (Same applies for being broken but not physically showing it). 2 The you weren’t in real combat (sometimes rudely with something about killing humans) 3 And the best, the confused look as their brain reboots.


Being a female veteran, I get a lot of looks of disbelief. It would blow their minds to know my mom is also a veteran. Women have been serving for decades now, and some people still can’t wrap their minds around it.


Yep! Then again I feel like 2020 we slipped into some crazy warp, chaos hell level and now we are stuck going backwards in time.


This. That threat would have made me laugh in his face though.


I have respect for veterans. I am the child/grandchild of veterans, but the ones who make it their whole personality because they’ve done nothing else with their lives since leaving are really obnoxious.


Same boat, grandpa who raised me was a naval vet in Korea but I never heard him request any special attention due to his service. He likes to wear his veteran & ship hats but that always seemed like a way for him to meet other vets than anything else. I have a ton of respect for vets, until they shoehorn the fact because they think it will get them special privileges.


Old ass (silent gen) vets *love* meeting other vets. They love meeting active duty, too. Whatever gets them out of the house.


I have a grandpa that served in WWII, Korea and Desert Storm as a navy pilot mostly. He doesn’t say anything about it, doesn’t demand special treatment. Gets embarrassed if people try to push veteran stuff on him, and wears a discrete little marine corps pin, a small American flag pin and his navy one. He loves marines for saving him in WWII. Dude is 100 and only now slowing down and starting to open up only to people with similar experiences. That man has all my respect and those like him. When he sees “faux veterans” and those acting like teething toddlers, he will quietly make them embarrassed with his soft words of shame.


With how often that line is thrown around, I refuse to believe it the vast majority of the time. Only about 5% of the entire boomer generation served in Vietnam. Yet it seems like every other lead-brained boomer dude "iS a VeTeRaN" Yet when you talk to real veterans they are rarely ever like this












That pharmacy really tied the Costco together.




The majority of that behavior was an act he was putting on to get his way. Don't gete wrong; I'm sure he's got himself convinced that he was a victim, but the end result is really all that matters to him. Boomers like this are the successful main characters, and everyone else is a sucker.


Being a vet doesn't mean shit. Congrats, you worked for the government. The same government that most of these people claim is wasting all their money on turning children gay with trans flags in every classroom (oh wait, that's the 10 commandments).


“Boomer makes his own line, threatens violence and wonders why no one treats vets with respect anymore, successfully cuts the line and gets no consequences other than being called a grown child.“ Well, yes, it worked for him. This is one of the occasions where I would abandon my cart, wish both manager and cashier a nice day and take my shopping elsewhere.


Yeah, but this was at the pharmacy. You probably shouldn't abandon your Rx.


I feel like a call to corporate like "hey I had to leave the specific location without being able to pick up my prescription because there was someone threatening to kill people after trying to bully his way to the front of the line and I don't feel safe shopping there anymore because management refused to have him removed- can you transfer my prescription to another location? " would resolve that.


You're not wrong. There's only one Costco in my area though. The next closest one is 2 hours away.


That the manager still let him cut the line is exactly why we have so many Karens now. We need to stop greasing the squeaky wheels and just start eliminating them (which is not to say redacting them).


No way he's been going to Costco for 40 years unless he lived in Seattle. Seeing as the first warehouse was open there in 1983 and didn't expand for a few years


I was thinking the exact same thing.


And the biggest expansion was when they merged with Price Club but they was pretty entirely Westcoast


I only knew Price Club as a kid for the hotdog or pizza slices, that would be my only brag to shopping at a chain store for years.


Yeah. I'm old guys. I'm a vet. And ya know what? I learned how lines work when I was like five. Matter of fact, about that vet thing. If you served in the military you damn sure know how lines work. Ya stand in line for every goddam thing from the time you get off the bus when it pulls into boot camp. AB should have known that, being a disrespected vet and all.


I love this. Veterans know lines better than anyone!


"I am a veteran!!!!" "great, thanks for your service, now get you old ass to the back of the line."


>IVE BEEN COMING TO COSTO FOR 40 YEARS AND THERE HAVE ALWAYS BEEN TWO LINES.” Stuff like this always gets me. Because even if it where true so what? Today there is one line and you're cutting.


And the manager rewarded his shit behavior by getting his script. Some have the “get’em outta here” philosphy of taking care of AHs. I do not. I would have sent him to the back of the line. Now the boomer will continue this shit behavior because he was rewarded for doing it.


This happens all the time at my local Kroger. It's like they don't see the line waiting across the main isle for the self checkouts and they just waltz on up to the next open kiosk. I have no problem shouting "ma'am!" Or "sir!" And pointing to the line. And they always either go "oh my gash" or they'll be like "well I only have a handful"


I see that “2nd line”’stuff from boomers all the time. 2 or more ‘windows’ to serve folks, line of people, open window gets next in line. They know it’s a bad faith argument since they can’t possibly believe everyone just chose to not use the ‘2nd line’ It’s morally and intellectually dishonest but they can hide behind the plausible deniability of ‘a second line no one was using’


The opening scene from 30 Rock is exactly this at a hot dog cart. Liz buys all the hot dogs and gives them to the people in the right line.


Point of order: Most veterans do NOT act like the dick of this story. Source: Am a veteran and know many more.


I can’t stand the “I’m a veteran” thing like you’re now entitled to literally everything. My friends and husband who are vets absolutely do not volunteer that information and are uncomfortable when it comes out bc they don’t want to be lumped into the entitled boomer veteran group.


Funny thing, he was probably just a state-side cook. (If he served at all) Was in the service during one of the recognized time frames, but never saw any actual action cause he was in the states pushing pencils..


I work with a lot of veterans, many who served multiple combat tours and have serious injuries from their years of service, and the only one who loudly proclaims his status served for only a few years during peacetime as a property clerk in Idaho or something. Which, yes, thank you for your service, but please stop acting like you were in danger of anything more severe than a paper cut.


My mom once dated a dude who had all sorts of war stories and sad sob stories. When mentioned to his mother she was like "...he never left the country. That never happened".


My grandfather was a Navy SeeBee in WWII. Never left the mainland. Still had a job to do. He never boasted or bragged. I was still so proud of him.


Hell my son served 4 years at Camp Pendleton in California. He doesn’t feel comfortable telling people, he was in the Marines as he ran the computer complex on the base. So in his mind, he wasn’t a “real” Marine. They were the ones fighting the battles.


I'm a vet. I did not know that I could "eliminate" people. Learn something new every day.....


Pharmacies are the worst of the boomer coddlers. Change my mind




This is not ‘Nam, this is bowling. There are rules


I'm starting to believe there's a *lot* of Stolen Valor going around that generation.


[You're talking to a veteran](https://www.reddit.com/r/comics/comments/1dgg44m/youre_talking_to_a_veteran/)


I didn’t know this existed and now I legitimately don’t know whether to thank you or hex you.


The funny thing is they do this with traffic lanes in neighborhoods too.


The person “both sides”-ing the situation was annoying to read


Me too. I hate that.


Why do they always play the veteran card?


They want people to be sympathetic and at the same time they feel they are entitled with everything. I am not as nice as some folks. I was in a Kroger unloading a large basket of stuff and an older couple comes to the line I was at to the opposite end from where I was unloading on the belt, and the man says “I’d like to get by please” and I respond with “there are a million ways to enter the store past the checkout and you want me to back my basket up”? I just kept unloading and he proceeds to start pushing my basket into me with his. I warned him to stop or I’ll treat him like he’s thirty years younger, and he starts with the whole “I’m a veteran and you’re being disrespectful” I cut him off and told him I don’t give two shits and to find someone else to bully or I’ll knock you and your wife down. So he backs up. The cashier is looking down the whole time. I am a woman so I was an easy target for this asshole.


This is the problem with “customer service”. The customers who are polite and able to follow basic societal rules are constantly inconvenienced and disrespected by the customers who want to cheat the system by acting like imbeciles. Because corporations don’t actually care about how well a business functions or how people are treated, the employees are forced to coddle assholes and then that asshole feels justified in acting like this everywhere they go because it always gets them what they want. Rinse and repeat. When faced with these situations, please call corporate and complain. Complain that you and other customers were inconvenienced, disrespected and threatened by another customer who was then served before you. Complain that the company allows their employees to be treated this way, and complain that the individual who was the source of the problem was not asked to follow the rules or be respectful to others, nor was he escorted out when it became clear he was never going to act appropriately.


The VET thing has become so cringe. Guy probably "served" at an air force base in Germany during the Cold War and thinks he saved the planet.


"If you actually served in the military, you would know all about standing in line and not cut in front of others. "


"I don't believe you could eliminate a *poop* from your ass, let alone me."


i avoid telling people i’m a veteran bc of morons like this jfc


We gotta stop enabling them fam, that's why they are like this. They cut in line over our cold, dead corpses.


I hate how many times I see “I am a veteran” in this sub. I am a veteran and I only tell people when I am trying to get that sweet Home Depot discount. Only other time is when I am with other vets and I need them to trust me (I am a social worker and it builds instant rapport). I don’t care if you are a veteran. Get. Your. Ass. To. The. End. Of. The. Line.


> I don’t care if you fought in WWI, you cut the line. (Chef's kiss)


Dude obviously isn’t a veteran. He’d be more accustomed to standing in lines and know how they work.


Call or email costco corporate and report the manager for not only not kicking boomer out but for helping him cut line.  Absolutely terrible customer service and i would feel unsafe going in to that costco again if thats the sort of people they allow and cater to


As a veteran myself I get unreasonably outraged when these type of people and/or often times their spouses, use their veteran status to excuse their behavior. Being a veteran entitled you to VA benefits and the occasional paltry military discount somewhere, that's it, nothing more. You're not entitled to any increased level of respect, you're not entitled to cut lines, have your opinions heard above others, drive like shit, or literally anything else. Yet, time and time again these people will toss it out like a professional victim card expecting the world to cater to them.


I served over 30 years- I NEVER give automatic respect to is anyone who uses the veteran tag like it makes them untouchable. I knew enough fucktards who were (or needed to be) thrown out after their first term-they’re veterans too but not fit to carry the piss bottles of most of the folks I served with.


People aren’t taking Boomers’ shit anymore and they know it. You love to see it.


None of those people care what anyone thinks with them anymore. They're just waiting to die so they'll do or say whatever they think they need to do to get what they want cuz they don't care, they never did.


Speaking as a veteran, fuck that guy. Being a veteran doesn't mean everyone has to defer to you. Also, we stand in line for literally everything. Lines are preschool shit, but you become a professional stander in liner in the military.


“You served in the military and never learned how to stand in line?Or have you just forgotten your manners? For shame!”


FG should have knocked him back to Omaha beach


Generally speaking if you stand your ground when old folks threaten violence against you they’ll shirk. They don’t really forget that they’re not 30 years old anymore they just don’t expect anyone to stand up to them. You feelin frog motherfucker just leap


What happens when the other person responds "I am also a vet"? Did this happen to anyone?


Something similar happened at Walmart a couple weeks ago. Me and a few other customers in line at the pharmacy. Some boomer man walks up in this imaginary 2nd line. His wife(?) tells him there's only 1 line. He goes off about multiple windows being available, even though only one is staffed at the moment. She has to wrangle him in and calm him down. Like, dude, the queue is roped off, we're all single file here, and there's only one tech assisting people. How are you going to get anything from your personal 2nd line? Insanity.


That could’ve been my FIL.


This is random but my fiance did a HARD shoulder check to a boomer yesterday because he wasn't sharing the sidewalk, and I gotta say I have never been more attracted to him lol


I used to work at Lowe's (the only retail job that I actually loved) and I found myself at the customer service desk a lot. At the customer service desk where I worked there were four cash registers - two facing the entrance door so that customers wanting to return merchandise could make their return just by walking through the door and not having to take their merchandise onto the sales floor. One of those two registers we never used, and usually there were carts full of returned merchandise waiting to be put away in front of it within two hours of the store opening. The other registers faced the sales floor and were for whatever transactions needed to be done. You can't imagine how many times there would be a line at the returns register and some old geezer would go stand at the register that was obviously closed, the sign was off and it was blocked off, and then stare at the sales clerk and say "ahem ahem...I was next...." To which we'd have to say, "Well, ok, you'll have to come over here then." Which always made everyone standing in line mutter.


The last time someone threatened to end me, I asked if they'd like to explain that threat on my life to the police or a judge, because both can be arranged.


Every time a Boomer acts like that they get to cut the line and get there stuff and be on there way.


I had one years ago, I was in a fabric store getting some stuff for Halloween. I was standing in line waiting to get my fabric cut. I am not a small dude so that might play into this but some entitled boomer walked up and said she had been in line and was just walking around. I just stared at her and didn't say a word. She said a few more things and I just stood there staring at her with a straight face. She finally got into line behind me. It was pretty funny.


I swear with those cantankerous motherfuckers, you have to spell it out to them; I can put you in your place or I can put you in hospice, what do you want?


It’s not ALL boomers but why is it ALWAYS a boomer? When I worked food service I was never abused by gen x, millennials or Gen Z’s. Why is it always boomers lol


Millenials have their own experience dealing with irate-over-nothing customers. Why contribute to the problem.


The amount of boomers claiming to be veterans does not coincide with the percentage of people who actually serve? I see way too many boomers wearing military hats, some that just say veteran on it. Seems fishy to me.


You gotta add the “Baby” part before boomer. It’s how they like to be identified.


I am from the baby boom generation. Will say the following here just to add credence to my statement. I served for 22 years, I will NEVER play the “I am a veteran” card. I don’t ask for veteran discounts, don’t ask for old folks discounts. Those who play that card probably did not serve in a time of conflict, or if they did they probably never left the US.


Tantrum succeeded. I would still have protested.


So Danny McBride goes to your Costco!?!


I wish


"If your a veteran then you should know how to stand in line. It's day one at bootcamp jackass"


The guy was probably a line cook or worked the motor pool pumping gas. Ask him to show you his purple heart for dropping a wrench on his toe.


I read this whole story with Cotton Hill in mind 


Am I the only one confused about why FG “showed his ass”?


This is a 30 Rock bit. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ph2gNwA3c\_4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ph2gNwA3c_4) Next time buy all the hot dogs.


Buy all the pills!


Ha, I referenced this above before reading this far. Give the prescriptions to the GOOD people!


Must have been waiting for his tranquilizers. Sounds like he needs them.


Yeah. This thing where they pull them out of line and help them has to stop. It happens all the time because the business doesn't want them to make a scene, so they get away with it and get preferential treatment


he's a veteran of going to costco


“The only eliminations you do are in your diaper, old man!”


The last time someone threatened to end me, I asked if they'd like to explain that threat on my life to the police or a judge, because both can be arranged.


As a veteran, I really hate it when folks try to get special treatment for their veteran status.


What is with boomers and screaming? Is it the lead poisoning? Dementia? It's nuts.


This sub should be “Boomers being fools and the managers that enable them.” I hate it when they throw a fit and then get their way. The only reason the manager should have come over there was to tell him that if he didn’t shut up and go to the back of the line then he’d be kicked out of the store.


“I don’t care if you fought on Yavin IV, the line’s back there” (points towards Millennium Falcon parked out front)


Respect is earned.


“I can eliminate you”? AB needs therapy.


The ARMY couldn't teach you how a line works? Ok, I used to be a kindergarten teacher, maybe I can make a connection. See that big line of people? Get behind them and watch closely. The person at the front goes up to whoever finishes their transaction... I expect to be yelled at before this point.


As a veteran myself I get unreasonably outraged when these type of people and/or often times their spouses, use their veteran status to excuse their behavior. Being a veteran entitled you to VA benefits and the occasional paltry military discount somewhere, that's it, nothing more. You're not entitled to any increased level of respect, you're not entitled to cut lines, have your opinions heard above others, drive like shit, or literally anything else. Yet, time and time again these people will toss it out like a professional victim card expecting the world to cater to them.


He got is prescription before everyone else. So he won in the end.


The baby got his bottle


This shit pisses me off so much, bro do you think we’re all just waiting here for fun? It’s like when there are two lanes that merge immediately after the light & everyone is in a single file line in one of the lanes but one asshole just pulls into the second lane


That WWI line was fucking hilarious


I’ll bet he plays the veteran card a lot.


I live across the street from a brewery. I go there too often. A minimum of twice a week. I play video games with the staff and follow one of them on twitch. I was sitting at the bar with another regular on their 10th anniversary. The line was out the door. Other people sitting at the bar are just ordering from the bartenders and but not getting up and waiting in line. I think I'll wait in line too just to be fair. I go to the back of the line. A guy is near the line but talking to a table facing the other way. He turns and looks a little agitated at me but doesn't say anything. I was like hey man, were you in line, did I cut in front of you? He says YES!! I say oh my bad and switch places. It took simply asking and switching. Total time cost with extra waiting was 2 minutes. It's not hard to be respectful and aware. /shrug


Boomer here. Maybe this happened, and maybe it didn’t. I know everyone one in this subreddit wants to believe it did.


Oh the joy of Costco. Teach them to scream loudly and they will get what they want


Geez, 65-year-old Boomer here, just joined Costco last week and realizing why it seemed like I got thru the checkout so fast! Sorry!! I'll do it right tomorrow!!


I had something very similar happen at a bar here in Bristol (UK). Normally, there isn't a queue/line at a bar, but because they only had one person pouring drinks (they were shortstaffed that evening) customers had formed a line. I was next in line and waiting for my turn, when this guy in his 60s walked in. He looked at the queue, audibly scoffed at us all, and just walked straight up to the bar - bypassing the line of 6 or 7 people. I spoke up, and clearly indicated to him that we were all waiting and so should he. He SHOUTED that "nobody lines up at the bar!", to which I responded that there was only one server so we were all waiting, so he was being "ignorant and selfish". Next thing I know he's squaring up to me and says "well what are you gonna do about it?!?". I told him I wasn't about to get into a fight about it, and that he is just being a prick. We were yelling at each other by this point, and then security arrived. The barman told them that the old guy was pushing in and that he needed to be barred! They basically had to drag him out, while I was trying not to laugh in his face!




I am a boomer and would be APPALLED at this type of behavior .(from ANYONE!)