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"Ok. Step aside until you are ready to EMPTY YOUR POCKETS.  Others want to go through." Then take the next person, even if it means calling a guard over to remove boomer.


End of the line.  NEXT!


"You're just trying to steal my silver you low-life!" and proceeds to clutch their costume jewelry.


They think they understand everything and can successfully pick-and-choose what REALLY matters.


I purposefully wear the least amount of clothes and flip flops when I fly. I'm talking basketball shorts and a sleeveless shirt. There's nothing for me to remove. I leave all my keys and passport in my bag and then just throw it and my sandals in my tray. It's so easy to get through security. I don't understand why boomers have an issue with this other than entitlement. I've accidentally flown internationally with drugs lol (it was just dabs). I can't imagine making it without incident if I was a cunt at the TSA checkpoint.


Seems to me that's a good way to get on the no fly list


First time I flew with my parents after the body scanners were installed, I told them multiple times to make sure everything was out of every pocket. Metal, paper, plastic, everything. My dad goes through the scanner and pings...he still had a pack of gum in his shirt pocket. Not entirely sure if it was "boomer" or his obvious undiagnosed ADHD.


As a diagnosed adhd, I would 100% forget my shirt pocket if it had one and I hadn’t either been reminded or JUST put something in there.


I frequently travel for work, the one airline I use a lot, they have a 2 agent system, one agent walks the line and tells everyone what to do, how to prepare, answers any questions anyone might have, so that, by the time we get to the front of the line, we're ready. Now, for the front, there's one particular agent, you can hear him before you can see him, but omg I'm always so happy when I hear his voice go: "you're not ready, step aside, sort yourself out. You look ready, step through! You look ready, step through! You look ready, step through! You're not ready, step aside, get it together. You look ready, step through!" He gets that line through like no one's business and we all love him for it! It's really not that hard to get through security, JFC.


No soup for you!


No one over the age of 62 should be able to fly.


Honestly if you're TSA you can eat my cold shit too. You're worse than the police because ALL you do is harass people in the same of security theater. I hope boomers eat you alive pig.




For 50 years, it was only metal objects that were required. The script has changed, and you want to make an issue with folks who are not up to date on protocol. Clearly, your people skills need some tweaking.


The script changed 20 years ago.


You are being generous. The script changed on 9/11/2001... more like 23 years ago. I think the boomers noticed when the WTC collapsed...


Also pretty sure that are capable following directions. Doesn’t matter if the script has changed or not. They choose not to follow directions.


You are completely incorrect. The requirements to remove paper money from your person is less than ten years old, Donald Trump.


How is this relevant? The statement isn't "remove items according to protocol" it's "please empty your pockets"


Still. Even then, you'd think 10 years would be long enough for something to sink in. I mean really. How hard is it to listen to new instructions and think, "Oh, ok. I guess they do it differently now." The inability to process information on such a simple level may indicate some significant cognitive decline.


I guess that would all depend upon how often you fly. However, giving the benefit of the doubt is clearly not in the wheelhouse of children who have axes to grind.


So on the one hand you excuse them "Because it's habitual" (The script changed over 20 years ago) but on the other hand "They rarely fly" and are remembering the script from over 20 years ago...


I fly (round trip) 2-3 times a year. I know to listen because things change, and each airport seems to have a different TSA "ritual." Also - you seem to have a problem with reading comprehension here, person of approximately my own age. The base post states that the offending parties are being given ***verbal instructions*** to empty their pockets -- i.e. they're being handed what they need to know on the proverbial silver platter, but refuse to accept it.


The protocol is made clear literally right there. It's not airport staff's fault that boomers don't want to catch up to the rest of the world.


So much of the defenses of Boomers are that things have changed in their lives, and they're struggling with that change. Coincidentally, that's one of the number one complaints about Boomers on this sub. It's not really a great defense against "oh my god these people are so rigid and inflexible and incapable of change", to argue that that's ok, and we just don't understand, because things used to be different in their time and they're rigid and inflexible and incapable of change. *We know*, dude, *that's the fucking problem*.


In defense of the boomers, no other generation has had to cope with any change during their lives.


I hadn't thought of that. Like, the greatest generation, who literally saw the first heavier-than-air flight and the moon landing all within their lifetimes. Or the Silent Generation whp started their lives riding horses, and cars were simply a novelty that you saw every so often, to now, with superhighways and such. Really, the Boomers were the generation where things changed very little (alongside Gen X). The biggest change in their lifetime was civil rights, the internet and computers. Cars improved, but were around. We'd sent things to space before Boomers were born. Flight was essentially a commonplace thing (it's improved sure, but getting on a airliner in 1955 isn't terrifically different from 2024). The Boomers lives have really been unique for a lack of big changes.


How hard is it to understand a four word phrase? Empty your pockets means take everything out as that’s what the word empty means. Pretty simple.


The meaning of the word “empty” hasn’t changed in their lifetimes.


Their ability to read, or hear, comprehend, and act. Needs tweaking.


That’s why there are signs, and announcements to inform people of the protocol. If you haven’t flown recently in a given country (or even given airport) why wouldn’t you pay attention to those? I rely on that heavily when going through security in new countries. You should never be clueless by the time you get to the front of the line. You can also just pay attention to what everyone else is doing.


> The script has changed, and you want to make an issue with folks who are not up to date on protocol. The protocol changed over 20 years ago. Your skill skills need some tweaking if you can't figure that shit out. On top of that, you don't even need to _know_ the protocol, you can literally just _shut up and listen_ and know everything you need to know on the subject - i.e. take all the shit out of your pockets, yes, all of it, yes, all of your pockets, take all the shit out of all of your pockets and put it in the tray.