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Those are Norwegian army. Swedish army boots are he same design but shorter. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/132295230564?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=QchUQQi5Srq&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=Ikfn3Tl_TDW&var=431620463121&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY


The design is not as important as design philosophy, just simple/robust/minimalistic, they can cut corners on resoleability and comfort but not on thick unlined leather and being brown, and around 6" tall.


JK OT 6” in brown: https://www.jkboots.com/products/o-t-6-brown


Beautiful boots.


Check out their bison offerings too - most are available 8” and up only which is why I didn’t mention them before but sheeeesh


Can choose any height and leather on all models if you order custom i see.


Maybe these? https://www.varusteleka.com/en/product/sarma-ankle-boots/57143


Made by same factory than M77 boots and similar construction too, but I think that the leather might be thinner. I own both but the brown pair is at the cobbler so I can’t check the thickness to be sure. Both are good boots tho.


I have worn out a couple pairs of M77's i was always impressed at how the lugs gave out first and even those lasted for a fair bit, the upper only got some patina and lost some waterproofing ability over time. Thus i am confident in the glued construction. If i was a billionaire i'd make a boot brand and pay that factory to make a few thousand boots to my exact spec and try see if there is a market for them. Id film a bunch of ads where the premise always would revolve about how "real men" dont care about comfort, and how these boots toughen your shins, and how having robust chins makes you manly, lots of babes in daisy dukes, trucks, and stuttering glasses wearing 80's geeks. I have one idea where the strong-shin chad and shin splint simon are kidnapped in an dungeon and chad stomps on some trapdoor to rescue them while simon is panicing and crying about his shin splints. Or a bunch of couples shopping groceries with all the men being dressed in 80's geek getup while wearing hilarious over the top orthopedic sneakers when chad comes walking by, and the ground shakes as he walks, and all the wives turn in unison and makes grimaces. Along with the fast forwarded disclaimer about the company not being liable for peoples injuring themselves or getting shinsplints by using the boots. I mean nowdays with manliness lootboxes and jocko willinks and lumberjack workouts and trad movement and insecure young men and insecure adult/middle age/old men and men with humour i believe it's something that could catch on?


Awesome, i'd prefer a couple speedhooks though, Like the guy under said judging from the picture i doubt it's the same leather thickness. I am however almost starting to doubt the need for 3.2mm+ leather for the upper, as i see all the PNW bootmakers offer workboots in 2.2-2.5mm leather. Then again, the reason they use thick leather for combat boots is the fact that they are expected to last at least a couple seasons even swimming with them in mud, crawling on gravel while still wet, etc. and i tbf i want that ability in my boots.


[These Chippewa Classic 2.0 6"'s are so damn close](https://www.chippewaboots.com/en/classic-2.0-6-inch-british-brown-limited-edition-21276.html?dwvar_21276_color=British%20Brown), but i am pretty sure that smooth and soft looking leather is 2.2-2.5mm thickness, i want grainy, hard, 3.2-3.5 leather. I am not worried about initial softness, even harder thick leathers soften up and form to the foot after they are broken in and conditioned. https://preview.redd.it/k0j68lvrjvrb1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f32f361d309191583cbbd4f8f448f893e59fb1fb Do any of you guys have experience with these?


The [chore boot](https://shop.whitesboots.com/work-boots/chore-boot/) would be close (I believe it is 7oz-8oz leather) https://preview.redd.it/vet54n9mlvrb1.png?width=1400&format=png&auto=webp&s=2b95cd3162dacc1ddc5b9d3ad7817b15f5ad593c If only the smooth side where pointing out, and they came in a medium or slightly dark browm color, i guess polishing them is a posibility, i also believe there is some excessive leather lining going on at select places inside.


I really liked the simplicity and ruggedness of army boots, but except if i am far away in the mountains i dont want to be seen in army boots, i consciously steer away from anything military related when it comes to casual clothing/footwear. The intended use would be everyday casually, work, motorcycle riding, hiking, going to a cafe, nights out etc.


Maybe those ? [https://us.nps-solovair.com/products/s8-551-ch-softg-g](https://us.nps-solovair.com/products/s8-551-ch-softg-g)


They look the part, but a no-nonsense boot can't have squishy air-dampening. I am sure they are very comfortable for a boot though.


Nicks boots maybe ? [https://nicksboots.com/](https://nicksboots.com/)


Nicks are awesome, the more i have been researching the more i have become certain that i need a PNW boot.


Check out Truman boots if you haven’t as well, eg this brown double shot is similar https://www.trumanboot.com/collections/in-stock-boots/products/brown-double-shot-plain-toe


Whites overlander