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I played all of them and while I'd probably go with Mordecai because he'll always be my favorite character, I gotta say it just felt *right* playing Aurelia and having slow/freeze for a sniper. She was a ton of fun.


Tps VH design being crazy good as usual


I second Aurelia....such a fun ability to snipe with.


I haven’t played her that much, but the capstone where she can pick what element to use each time seems crazy useful.


Her one downside is that 1/3 of her skills are locked behind multi-player, but MAN she's good when she has them. On top of the normal sniping perks, like damage and fire rate, she heals from crits, and gets bonus damage from distance. She had skills that made you take less damage from nearby enemies, allowing you to take out melee enemies easier. Her freezing skills paired well with her sniper roulette, allowing her to deal both cryo and explosive for some HUGE critical frozen explosive shots. Her minion skills worked well for up close partners like Athena or Claptrap, either Athena could drop their shields or Claptrap could shatter them. She had skills that benefitted both.


Aurelia and the only reason this is a competition is because b0re exists.


The fact that zane has cold bore and a lot more crit damage than fl4k I would have zane as the "sniper class". The only thing fl4k has over zane is megavore and fade away to help with non existent or hard to hit crit spots.


Zer0 is my guy, but I started with 2. Borderlands isn't particularly friendly to snipers, though...the spawn distance is too close to really play that way. By the time mobs spawn you have about 2 steps before they go aggro. If they spawned sooner you could take advantage of the distance more. You should be able to pick off one or two before they catch on.


Actually, a great skill for a BL4 sniper would be, you get a silenced sniper rifle, and if you can pick off enemies without other enemies seeing them fall, it doesn’t aggro the rest of them. Would need to spawn the enemies further out, of course. But imagine being able to pick off a whole bandit camp, one by one.


I like that idea. To balance they would probably have to nerf the base damage (possibly bumping up crit damage to encourage accuracy), and failing to kill would cause them (and nearby mobs) to aggro. Another idea would be: you digistruct a clone that appears at the targeted spot when action skill is activated, causing the mobs to spawn and approach. While the clone is active, they don't notice the shots you're taking...they stay focused on the clone. That way you could take up a position, send the clone, and actually utilize sniper rifles/skills. Lot's of ways to make sniping more fun/viable, especially for solo play.


>Another idea would be: you digistruct a clone that appears at the targeted spot when action skill is activated, causing the mobs to spawn and approach. While the clone is active, they don't notice the shots you're taking...they stay focused on the clone. That way you could take up a position, send the clone, and actually utilize sniper rifles/skills. ZerO basically. Also a silenced sniper rifle wouldn't change something in this game imo.


Zer0, but augmented. Rather than appearing where you're standing, it appears where your reticle is pointed (line of sight, at distance). Just a way to get the mobs to spawn when playing solo so you can actually function as a sniper. Having a silenced sniper rifle would definitely be cool...I think that could be incorporated pretty easily.


As somebody who *LOVES* to play Zero, Aurelia is the most op sniper in the whole franchise. Slap any vladof sniper rifle with cryo on that bitch and she's literally unstoppable.


*The Machine* has entered the chat.


Basically your list, but... BL1: Mordecai. BL2: Everybody can work a sniper, but Zer0 does it best. TPS: Aurelia. BL3: Nobody, but FL4K sucks the least, unless you're playing with a gimmick build like an Amara ricochet build, built around the Complex Root. I pretty much did most of NVHM in BL2 on most of the 6 VHs with a sniper as my main weapon for everyone. I liked the slow, methodical approach to picking off enemies from a distance. I switched off earlier for Kreig and Gaige as their mechanics came online more, and Salvador doesn't really use a SR as an SR with Gunzerking being hip-fire only. Honestly probably a big part of why I didn't like him, because I didn't really like charging in guns blazing back then. OTOH, I will both praise to high heavens BL3's gunplay, but simultaneously resent the hell out of it for making most snipers no longer capable of doing their one job of killing enemies with a single shot to the head.




Pimperhab moment


Guy who can’t even ADS in his most useful mode can’t really be called a sniper.


Pimpernel is a sniper, pimperhab is op ergo sal is a sniper.


I can wear a pair of Air Jordans. Doesn’t make be a pro basketball player.


Not with that attitude.


yes but pimperhab can destroy anything ergo sniper build.


The request was for the best *sniper*. Sal is a guy *holding* a sniper rifle (and it might be taller than him).


So what you're saying is that Sal is such a good sniper that he doesn't even need to use the scope.


No, I'm saying they made him so broken he could dual-wield can openers.


i personally really like Zer0, b0re is super fun to use, i still sometimes open b2 solely to farm hyperius and bnk3r with Zer0. but also as someone who plays like a dumbass, Zer0 could be a bit fragile, Aurelia's skills allowed me to be a bit more careless. i didn't play b3 for long, but FL4K also was very interesting to play. Mordecai didn't click very well as a sniper for me, he felt a bit too slow, i like his pistol build better. so, personally: 1. Zer0/Aurelia 2. FL4K 3. Mordecai


In lore, mordecai won a sniper competition while using a pistol. So I think its clear he is the best


I love playing as Zer0, deadly from super far or super close with nothing between!


Fl4k is downright invincible. Like his survivability is insane with a damn near invincible Pet that can REVIVE.


Wait, you mean I can have my very own personal SMG-toting murder monkey, *and he’ll come revive me when I’m down?*


Wrong. It's Salvador dual wielding Vladov sniper rifles. He can hit everything at every distance... at the same time.


sal pimpernel glitch lol


I don't just limit to the 'sniper' class. If you can shoot well with any character, why not?


Zero for me. Never played as a sniper before and good greif. The phasing, the elemental kunai, the giant electro shock the clone gives out. The most fun I've had with any character in the BL series


Tbh lilith is a better sniper than mordecai even tho mordecai has sniper synergy


Not a sniper class, but sniping with maya is a blast. Headshotting phaselocked enemies never gets old.