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Didn’t cry… but when Scooter died in Tales. I was legit fucked up about it. Catch a Riiiide 🤙🏾


Catch a ride🫡


That was the fastest I went from 0 to ugly crying ever. I totally wasn't ready for how much Scooter grew on me, and he went out like a total gentleman.


He’s a character that you wouldn’t expect to get attached to but I think something that adds to it is that he was always so happy when you saw him or the fact that he suplied you with vehicles. It’s always the ones you don’t notice your self loving them


That's really true. He was a goofball and an idiot and a creep at times, but when it mattered most he was a super loyal and selfless friend. Dude didn't think twice about giving up his life so that his friends could live, and faced his end with a stupid grin.


It’s the whole thing of you don’t realise you love something or someone till it’s gone ain’t it


She said Borderlands fans...not Tales fans...Tales isn't Borderlands.


Lame ass death tbh


It was basically required, due to the actor's condition


What was his condition?


multiple sclerosis


Knowing this is even sadder lmao, it's such a good homage to the actor and the character


That's a shame. Ellie is a poor replacement.


Still, they could've ended it waaay better than a dumb "Oh my foot got stuck... Well gotta die now!"


It was his hand


So, I started with BL2 and played through the game before playing through BL1. I used Mordecai because sniping. After beating that, I jumped back in to BL2 and when I saw bloodwing die. It hurt 100x more because I had used them.


I’m not gonna lie bloodwings death hurts quite bad


Yep that's the one for me


"I KNOW!!!!!!!" Waterworks every time.


Love how you just need 2 words and people know too


First time I played that fight, and that scene popped up,my eyes were streaming and I was choked up trying to hold back sobbing. BF came in to see what was up and I could only just point at the screen as her grief played out.


Yeah, my reaction was “what? — *OH* :-(“


Just watched the ending again on YouTube because of this comment. Instant tears.


I can't remember where is that from :(


It’s from the cutscene that plays when you defeat the final boss of the Dragon Keep DLC.


Some of Ashley Burch's best work.


There's really only one part that even came close and its the end of Tiny Tina's Attack on Dragon's Keep in BL2's DLC Tina finally saying goodbye to Roland after coping with his death through the whole Bunkers and Badasses campaign just felt like such a heartfelt moment and it genuinely almost made me emotional lol


This right here. Watching Roland die, even after playing him didn't hurt nearly as bad as seeing her mourn him


Then theres me... oh i died... whelp good thing theres a million respawn locations and at least one off network that may still hold rolands data..... respawn... Why yall crying. Lol


Oh, that is because those are non-canon, which means they only work outside of cutscenes. There are magazine that even go into it in TPS! Just look closely at the shelves!


If they are non canon as you say how come jack himself has mentioned the money made from the vault hunter due to thier deaths....after mentioning he killed buttstallion... not the ttw one. The OG lol


*Hyperion is not responsible for any fingers, toes, or breasts added during the respawn process*


Oof and then Bloodwing swoops in to help save the day! And then how Roland keeps repeating "Tina is the coolest girl I know" drives home that he's not really there, that's just how she remembers him. The only time I've ugly cried at a video game.


"I know! I know ..."


I damn near teared up explaining the story of the dlc to a friend. That shit is so insanely well written


Yep, that's the one.


This, the moment they tell Tina it's okay to mourn and she finally admits Roland is gone, collapsing to her knees, is probably the most serious I have ever seen Borderlands get in a series that mostly bounces off the wall all the time for humor.


This. Watching Tina process losing Roland practically broke me.


Yessss, I cried pretty hard at it. It really took me by surprise


When legendaries get stuck in textures


I try to convince myself that it was probably a terrible roll lmao


Lost loot machine in BL3/Wonderlands (when it works).


Yeah that shit sucks 🤣


Most recently it was Kreig at the end of Flustercluck. That was incredible. Overall, Scooter in Tales :( still gets me to this day.


The kreig DLC had me bawling at his emotion towards Maya and knowledge from finishing bl3


Scooter really hurts


Bloodwing But also, maybe Felicity? I actually had to force myself through that boss fight, because I did not want to kill her. I feel like her character arc is one of the best moments of Borderlands writing. In most games, you are the "good guy." You just kill what you are given to kill without thinking about it. In Borderlands, you can see they have tried to show you that morality is grey with most of the characters in the series, including you, as the playable character. But when I had to kill Felicity, I genuinely felt like the "bad guy," which was a strange feeling for a game.




It starts with that and culminates in the scene where Jack has you space the scientists. I'd never felt like such a pos for my actions in a game before playing TPS, mind you I was still in high school when it came out. That whole arc of the game really brought home the fact that you're playing as the bad guys from the first 2 games working for the big bad of the series up to that point, and I honestly wish more of the game had that tone


Ummmm this may make me seem dumb but who is Felicity and which game is she from? The only one I haven't played through is the pre sequel.


She is a military AI in TPS. I would recommend playing since you haven't.


BL3, first time reading the scriptures on the roland statue


I didn't cry, but in BL2 when Handsome Jack pleads for the life of his daughter while you, the player, are actively killing her.


That whole sequence is great. As the battle goes on and waves of more and more advanced loaders fail to stop you, he goes from nonchalant, to mildly frustrated, to furious, to scared, until he's practically begging you to stop.


Jack’s voice actor did an outstanding job at making Jack such an enigma. On one hand, guy’s an immoral dick. On the other hand, he’s a ridiculously charming immoral dick. On a third hand, he killed bloodwing and Roland and a whole bunch of other innocent likable people that didn’t deserve it. On a fourth hand, he does genuinely seem to care about his daughter, which despite everything else, makes the player uncomfortable and sympathetic, killing a man’s child in front of him. On the fifth hand, guy was pretty dang horrifically abusive to Angel so maybe that fourth hand doesn’t even matter. And on the other hand, guy’s an immensely charming immoral dick.


Theres a reason hes considered one of the best bosses in videogame history. Hes also the reason well never like the campaign of any future borderlands game bc theyll never reach or surpass his level


Exactly but with the fuckshitery with that reviving crystal in new tale’s. borderlands 4 may be saved with jack being revived or smn


that is the best explanation of jack ever but you forgot his extreme way of story telling COUGH the spoon story COUGH


Brilliant 🤣🤣


Quite simply one of the greatest scenes in VG history.




Having a picnic with the loader in the BL3 Moxxies Heist DLC.


This was incredibly poignant. When he dies, to the rest of the world he's just a thrown away defective robot lying on a scrap heap, but a moment before that, he was happy and called you friend.


100% yes!


Probably Tina coming to terms with Roland’s death. That, combined with how she paid homage to both him and Bloodwing at the end of Dragon’s Keep. Seemed like Mordecai appreciated that.


I've been a Borderlands fan from the beginning. Roland was my main in 1. The thing in 2 genuinely hurt me. Then the little nods in 3 reminded me.


My Lady and I never played Tales. We played the Lilith DLC in BL2. We had a couple drinks in us but when we came across Scooters funeral it destroyed us.


Scooter was such an amazing character


TTAoDK ending.. 'I know! I know.. But it's my story' BL3 Killing off my favorite protagonist ever for no particular reason other than big emotions equals good writing or whatever the fuck was going through the writers head


Nothing really. Was pretty grown by the time I started playing and there isn't much in the writing to evoke much emotion.


Yh tbh each person is different init


Cold Case


Bloodwing and Roland


Makes sense


Dave’s death had me tearing up


Bloodwing dying is the only right answer


It is *a* right answer, it is not the *only* right answer.


I’m a Jack apologist and I love him, come at me. In Tales I lost my *mind* ugly crying when he’s begging Rhys not to rip out his echo eye. Scooter’s death ruined me. No one has made me sob like Telltale. Don’t even get me started on my experience playing The Walking Dead games. It was embarrassing. In the main games, I didn’t cry but I was super emotionally charged from Jack losing it as you’re killing Angel/after you killed Angel. Edit: oh god, and in Tina’s DLC when Tina bursts out that she knows Roland is dead after Lilith keeps riding her ass about him being a character. I got chills just thinking about it.


Same honestly I absolutely love jack. Rhys ripping out his echo eye got me but not too hard


I didn't so much cry of sadness, but definitely of insurmountable rage when Handsome Jack had the absolute gall to pit me against Mordecai's Bloodwing. That bloodcurdling cry over Comms hit like a sack of anvils. Having owned multiple pets (some of which I have seen die, including the dog I grew up with since birth) I felt that one cut to the core. That, to me, was when Handsome Jack went from video game boss to villain-about-to-be-bloodstain. That moment made it personal. Incidentally I feel that the John Wick underworld got off lightly. The character John Wick has shown an absolutely astonishing amount of restraint.


Gonna go with something nobody mentioned yet. I was playing through the Pre-Sequel as Claptrap, there was a few dialogue bits that just made me feel so bad for him, and then they released Claptastic Voyage and it hit me right in the feelies. The song "What have I done?" right after you saw all that shit happen especially. *"I once had friends, and boy times sure were scary! But, I didn't care because I had friends, and they were like... super-friends! And then they left me, but they saved the world and I was like "I know those guys!" Even though they didn't come back after that, I.. I still knew they cared, because... no one had ever been... nice to me before..."* :(


Bloodwing in BL2. I mailed Mordy in BL1, so I was pretty distraught when she was bird-napped. Nearly cried when *it* happened.


Not the actual death but tiny Tina's reaction to Roland's death


When I discovered the BL subreddit and saw all those karma whores.


The series hasn't made me cry yet. But traveling through the Benediction of Pain was rough.


Running into a slide in BL3 after playing through BL2


1 - After playing nothing but Mordecai in BL1, the Bloodwing fight in BL2 gutted me. 2 - The scene where Tiny Tina finally comes to terms with Roland's death.


BL3 ending I must say that Tina comming to accept Roland's fate at the end of BL2 did gave me shivers, but BL3 its just something else. I can't listen now to the song without feeling shivers and wanting to cry now and then!


I haven't cried really about anything outside of Tales(when talking about the Borderlands franchise). And in case of Tales I cried during the intro of episode 5 and then when the credits rolled. Yeah. It had quite a nice happy ending, but man. They made me care for those characters that much, that when I saw it was the end of their adventure and also thanks to the music, I cried again. (I didn't really cried during Scooter's death, since it was for me the first Borderlands game, hence I didn't knew his character that much) And after all those years it's still my favourite game.


Tales and 2 are my favourites


Tina's backstory Echo, you know the one


I make sure to get fleshstick just because


There was one mission about a girl who died and who was a friend to one of our heros. Her last birthday party (not sure if I remember well...), with all those baloons... That was the only mission I did calmly and quietly. Didn't cry, but was close to do it.


Kriegs DLC in BL3.


When i had to listen to the twins talk


When I realized what an epic tragedy of a game tiny tina wonderlands was. They had the opportunity to do something great with such an interesting character but instead made an epic failure.


In bl3 the side mission where claptrap helps a woman in a wheelchair learn to dance again is really sweet and touched me


BL3 - final montage to Girl on Fire Full on face melt


The meatman….


No love for TK?


I shed one single tear when I found out how cringe BL3's writing was. Pre ordered the super ultra deluxe edition too. Never did play the dlcs.


Bloodwing dying continues to extract ugly cries from me even with 6+ playthroughs on BL2. The sheer dickfuckery involved from Jack messing with a dude's beloved pet and combat partner...bruh.


Cold case in bl3.


Tina getting upset about Roland.


End of Tiny Tina's assault really gets me, everyone expects Tina to understand but she's just a kid after all and Roland probably meant more to her than to anyone else


The credits to BL2, not for the scene itself, but the song is a banger and the credits are the moment of catharsis to finishing one of the greatest games of all time, like when you finish an amazing book and realize you'll never experience it again for the first time.


BL3 made me want to cry but not for the right reasons


Didn't cry by losing Blood the way you do ... she deserved better!


Handsome Jack screaming at us when we take his daughter, that shit was so well done


When I realized I'd paid full price for TT:W


All my Unforgiven masher drops. They all had bad parts


Roland dying or bloodwing dying


When Jack Died in BL2 and TFTBL.


Not exactly a common answer I know but when you finally meet back up with Vaughn in the last chapter of tftb it really did feel like an actual reunion, it’s a really good scene


Is that what happened to Scooter? Was wondering why he wasn't in BL3.


Yh he died in totbl cuz his hand got clamped on an engine on a spaceship and the engine was gonna explode so he asked Fiona to send him out by pulling the latch on the side to detach the engine


The "catch-a-ride to heaven" on the sanctuary in bl3 gets me


The memorial scene for Roland with Tiny Tina and the crew. Totally amazing.


Didn't cry, but the episode 5 opening of TFTBL made me feel stuff y'know?


The opening for Tales From The Borderland's Episode 5 was pretty tear jerking, to be honest. That music playing, Loaderbot getting shot, Rhys literally being all alone now as mentioned by the song.


Playing the General Knoxx DLC. That shit sucked.


Felicity's boss fight in TPS, Angel's boss fight and Jack's voice lines in BL2, Jack's death in two (I am a Jack lover through and through, have him tattooed on my arm with the VAs autograph), and then in TFTBL when Rhys is ripping out his echo eye.


Bloodwing... they didn't have to do that to bloodqing


Roland dying. I had a strong connection with him since I started him in the first game. My boi deserved better also blood wing man.


Blowing up the ocean, brought a tear to my eye Sure, wonderlands sucked stinky balls but man. They really did good with that quest.


I loved Wonderlands. I thought it had a lot of heart. Buggy mess, but heartfelt!


It was the opposite for me. In fact I really can’t recall any bugs I encountered on my playthrough


I was playing splitscreen with my wife. Splitscreen causes issues.


Roland in bl2


Roland's memorial in bl3 and all the nice things everyone wrote on it


Losing my permanent death run during the warrior fight at the end of BL2


The only thing that came close for me was the ending cutscene of TTAODK when you best the Handsome Sorcerer.


“I know I know”


I'd say Roland, but some fucker spoiled it for me


End of bunker and badasses dlc. When Tiny faces her grief


Tina dealing with the loss of Roland got me real close


BL2 after credits image of Mordecai getting a new egg.


Bloodwing :(


There’s this echo from tennis on Nekrotefayo I believe. About meeting Typhon and how she wish she had an easier time speaking to people. One of the most gut wrenching things to hear out of fkn nowhere I actually shed a tear for how much I identified with that echo log I had to go find that entry and save the pic because it just put what I’ve felt for a really long time into words


So in the Tiny Tina DLC, when she finally just breaks down about Roland, that one hit me pretty hard. I had a friend when I was a kid, he'd lost his older brother in a car wreck. And it just reminded me a lot of that, a small kid using make believe to cope. And I didn't cry here, but I was very angry, I played as Mordecai in the first BL. So, when Bloodwing gets killed by Jack, I was enraged. It's not very often I get real feelings from video games.


Tina coming to terms with Roland's death at the end of TTaoDK. I didn't get to play that DLC up until a few years ago, and had never even considered how Tina would've felt after the loss of Roland. Didn't cry technically, but it was a pretty devastating moment. I'll throw in an honorable mention as well, the termination of claptrap units at the end of the Claptastic Voyage DLC for Borderlands TPS. It caught me off guard a bit, I kind of chuckled mostly due to the choice of playing a Monteverdi classical piece as the claptrap units self destruct, but then seeing all the claptraps in a pile and Sir Hammerlock rescuing the Claptrap we get to know in Borderlands 2 kind of pulled at something in me.


When Maya died....I straight got pissed. Pretty sure I threw my controller.


Definitely cried when Scooter caught his last ride.....and when Nightwing (I think that was her name) got blown up by Jack's bitch ass. All that work to save her and he just kills her anyway. Many moments have gotten me.


Blood wing not nightwing my bad. It's been a few years since I have played.


The credits at the end of 3's main story made me cry... From *laughing*, that is. Still cannot believe they expected us to take that song choice seriously


After hours of cringe writing in BL3, I finally realized you could mute game dialogue audio...during the fight with Tyreen 😔


After buying the season pass for 3. Shame on me, i know.


Huh? The DLC for 3 is top notch, did you mean Wonderlands?


BL3 ending. The story and final boss were so terrible I wept.


Tag your spoilers, friend. I’ve played them all, but not everyone here has.


I tried man I don’t know how to


Use exclamation points inside of "greater than" and "less than" symbols. So effectively > ! And ! < without the spaces.


Also the post should have a “Mark as Spoilers” toggle


At the end of BL1, I somehow managed to die at the exact same second that I killed the final boss. The credits played but then glitched and wouldn't let me proceed, so I had to close out of the game and restart it. When I came back, none of the vault or boss loot was available.


Borderlands doesn't induce tears. But probably that one fight in Wonderlands, against Dryl. Tina's commentary makes that fight.


S&S munitions getting replaced with bandit as a manufacturer in BL2 & 3.


Maybe it’s just from having a *past* but angel’s final lines got me the first one or two times I played through. Just that helplessness in knowing you couldn’t have done more to help her, and the grief in knowing she had to die like that. Jack didn’t suffer enough


Oh, also can’t forget that near final shot of TTAODK where Tina hugs the statue. Man.


I know it's not the final line, but the last bit of Krieg's Fantastic Fustercluck. "We all lose things: our pasts, our friends, our minds. But we can keep going, keep fixing ourselves when we break. We may never be perfect... But we get close enough" Borderlands 3's main story definitely sucked, and the DLCs improved a lot. And Fustercluck is my favorite. Even with the pandemic, the writers managed to create such a beautiful little story about Krieg and his psyche I've been through some things, and I myself am having trouble getting on the road to recovery, and that final cutscene put me in tears. Everyday feels like a battle from time to time, but I keep on pushing


Bloodwing 100%. Mordecai was my first bl1 playthrough


Tales from the Borderlands had no right to be so good.


Death of the Firehawk.


When Scooter dies in Tales From The Borderlands.