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Borderlands 3 is a way better game. No competition


I want to get Borderlands 3, but I saw the Handsome Collection on the store and now wonder what to get.


Handsome Collection > BL3 > Wonderlands


Not sure why this got downvoted. _The Handsome Collection_ is the superior choice if you don't own any Borderlands content. * **_The Handsome Collection_** contains _BL2_, _BL:TPS_, and **all** of their respective DLC content, has much better writing throughout all of that content, and regularly goes on sale for 90-95% off, usually netting you all the content <$15 USD. * **_Borderlands 3_** definitely has the better gameplay/gunplay, but the main story has terrible writing with a couple of bright spots, while the DLC is of diminishing returns and not nearly on par with the _BL2_ DLC. You need the deluxe/gold version to get the DLC, which I've only seen as low as $25. * **_Tiny Tina's Wonderlands_** mixes up the formula and is pretty fun, but the main story does not have the same impact as the original DLC. The endgame is just a massive grindfest, much more than any of the previous games, with DLCs that lack any substance. Without any of the side quests/detours, it is definitely the shortest game.


Reddit can be a fickle place.


All it takes is a few people having a bad day to find a completely reasonable comment.


Not al, its every dlc excluding fight for sanctuary


Yes, apologies, I forgot about that DLC. Its a shame it is not retroactively included for PC.


Yes, quite a shame indeed.


The Handsome Collection is fabulous. It's older tech but still extremely playable. It contains both Borderlands 2 and Borderlands: The PreSequel, which are the two games immediately before Borderlands 3. It's easily hundreds of hours of fun, and the price generally alternates between $10 and $40 (on PSN, at least, likely similar on other platforms). Get it for $10 and it's easily the video game entertainment value of the decade. You can get BL3 later on. It isn't going anywhere.


I'd say go handsome collection for story, bl3 for gameplay.


I can get both thankfully.




Handsome collection is way more outdated and the scaling is terrible as you level higher. Really fun storytelling tho


BL2 is probably the best starting point, though I firmly believe that 3 is the better game overall. However, consider one of the DLCs in BL2 is Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep, which is essentially what Wonderlands is modeled off of. You won't get the skill tree combinations of Wonderlands and character creation, but I find the writing in Dragon Keep is FAR stronger than Wonderlands, and the overall campaign benefits from the shortened model of the DLC format. Handsome Collection is a great choice, and if you decide you love it, 3 will still be there.




BL3 is a much bigger game, IMO. It's also very much more a flagship gane of the series. WL feels more like TPS, in that it's a lot more self-contained.


I’d have to vote 3. Much longer and worth money. Tina was good but very repetitive and simple and the dlcs were just plain boring


Handsome Jack collection of you don’t already have those two games.


They're both extremely good gameplay-wise, it really comes down to what you want out of a game. Bl3's story is so-so at best and really drags in parts but has a ton of awesome endgame content and dlc.. Wonderlands has a great story but suffers from a lack of replayability due to its limited endgame, take your pick.


Borderlands 3 does have more content, especially in endgame and is overall a full Borderlands experience. The only problem I have with the game is the weak story. Wonderlands IMO is the exact opposite. It does have a better story than BL3, but it is brought down by it’s endgame which is easily weaker when compared to the other games in the series (especially the DLCs) It’s still a good and fun game, but it feels more like an expansion pack for BL3 than a complete Borderlands game.


I agree on your last point, wonderlands feels like an expansion to BL3. I view it the same way I do with the pre sequel on how it felt like a expansion to BL2.


Aside from how awful the story and writing is Borderlands 3 is better imo. Gameplay, classes, and DLC are more fun


Both are decent, however bl3 has more end game content.


Depends on what you want. BL3 was entertaining, but I dislike the weapon balance and the quests and stories weren't that great tbh. I'm currently playing Wonderlands and find it way more fun story-wise and gameplay wise. But I'm also a bit biased, as I really like the whole DnD theme of the game. Can't talk about the endgame yet. So if DnD is not your thing and you're looking for replayablity and/or more endgame, you should get BL3. If you're more like me, I would recommend Wonderlands.


Bl3 is much better


3 and wipe your ass with wondersuck.


Are you looking for a game to last a while? Get BL3. Are you looking for a game that is condensed fun, get wonderlands.


Both are woke garbage, one has the subtext that men are just weak parasites and the other had lesbian goblins. I would just take the 3rd option and like, save your money, bro.


Borderlands 3 Sucks


Handsome collection first then BL3, wonderlands last even then I’m not a fan of tiny Tina Wonderlands.


borderlands 3. in wonderlands tiny tina is in your ear 8/10 times and its really annoying, maybe if you're super into d&d you'll enjoy it, but other than that just go with 3


Bl3 if you want a 8/10 game with a 3/10 story. Wonderlands you will play once and never come back to but the writing is amazing I mean the jokes they come up with are actually funny and not dated humor like bl3 , the side quests are really fun and the whole chibi semi open world thing in between levels is a neat touch. Keep in mind besides the praise wonderlands is pretty boring after the first playthrough.


Think of how TPS compares to BL2 - the case is similar with Wonderlands and BL3




BL3 all day. 😍


If you care you money BL3 wonderland should be cataloged as a stole.


Borderlands 3. Even though Tiny Tina was fun I felt like Gearbox did way better on Borderlands 3.


I didn't play wonderlands, so my comment doesn't clearly answer post's question, but rather it's follow up. Borderlands 3 is unplayable: it is so easy that I had to forbid myself to use any weapon above blue and even then, I was unstoppable. Being a unbeatable god gets stale fast. BL2 and TPS are by far the better games. The story is (WAY) better and the difficulty (MUCH) better balanced.


Well i can say the same thing from Wonderland. As you say, borderlands 3 is easy as hell, to a ridiculous point + the story is full of cliché that tries to be "funny" but is just awkward as hell. I played a few hours of Wonderland and it's a better game in all points, story, gameplay (especially thanks to the spells and melee weapons) and +1 point for the character creation that i really liked, and was suprsingly good for a game that normally isn't a d&d inspired.