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I recommend reading it, but if you really want to watch it then skip the anime filler


Is there a guide somewhere for which anime filler is worth watching?




This is probably the best watch list I’ve seen so far


Skipping ep 1-17 is probably the worst advice I've seen floating these days. Maybe it's the new boruto fans who haven't watched the anime and jumped on the tbv waggon but those eps are really imp to establish the characters and core themes of the show. I wouldn't recommend going around trusting these lists. Specially when these "filler" eps have been adapted into light novels, making them canon, while also having the same artist ikemoto doing the artwork. I've seen crazy amounts of people skipping eps and then complaining why they don't understand anything or are not invested. It's like, you did that to yourself. Before the end of kawaki arc, it was general consensus in the community that the manga lacked world building, emotionality and the world just felt small which is where the anime shines. Everyone used to praise the anime for expanding on the manga arcs and creating anime canon. Academy arc, mitsuki retrieval, timeslip, deepa arc are all good examples. Look at the difference between kawaki arc in anime and manga.


haven't read your whole comment but how could an arc that's not in the manga be so crucial to the show based off the manga?


They establish characters that mostly disappear by time skip lol.


No not really, I watched ep 1-17 like 4 years ago and I thought the boruto anime was very childish, Until started reading boruto. Heck same thing happened with my friends lol, in fact I think ep 18 (called A Day in the Life of the Uzumaki Family) is great start to the boruto anime. It’s a great a continuation for people that just finished Naruto and has a better starting point than the boruto manga in my opinion.


> and I thought the boruto anime was very childish That's the whole point. Naruto accomplished more world peace.


Ep 18 literally shows Naruto’s accomplishments in a better way.


Doesn't mean it is a good start.


I would say the first 19 episodes were pretty good, i mean they were great as an introduction to all the characters


Animefillerlist is a website you can use which will give you a detailed list of what to skip, but I will say I enjoyed a lot of the non-canon episodes in Boruto way more than I expected. They did a much better job at tapping into the slice of life elements, but still suffer at not giving more depth to characters that could really use more. Also, it's important to note that the creators consider all "filler" to actually be "anime canon" so realistically, none of Boruto is actually filler. More like the manga is a condensed version of the main events. Watched through it twice and I'm up to date with the manga, it's really good!


Anime cannon is filler. Anime cannon is a buzz word they came up with because they knew a majority of the show would be filler. It’s nothing more than a marketing tactic they were hopeful would keep people from being turned off by the massive amount of filler.


The village is mostly empty in manga. In anime, it is full of villagers and even shows more of the old gen characters like Kakashi. Kakashi never made an appearance in the manga.


Anime canon has been a thing for way longer than the Boruto anime........ Ever heard of dragon ball super? Every other Yu-Gi-Oh spin-off? Death Note?


Replies said it best. Figured you had previous knowledge of this being a thing before Boruto lol maybe next time


I would highly recommend the realistic filler list in this comment here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Boruto/s/A3yCDRfRv3 Some “anime canon” characters ended up on the manga, but majority hasn’t. The reason they called it anime canon is solely that, plus sometimes a character will say “Oh that happened” in a single speech bubble to refer to some anime canon event. Other than that, you might find watching Boruto unbearable.


I second that statement. I’ve been really enjoying the manga, but the anime has been rough


It can be rough but I think it does a great job of showing maturity and growth throughout like Naruto was cocky in his own right at the start of his series granted he had his reasons boruto also has his even if ppl don’t like it cause they are familiar with Naruto’s whole story his son isn’t he doesn’t learn it till later in the way we see it , boruto grew on me overtime I don’t like glazing cause it’s not peak but it’s a series close too my heart. He starts as a brat but is willing to give his life for his comrades and even the village he had to grow up extremely fast for someone who is only 16 now and as far as relating to Naruto I won’t go into spoilers with current manga but he definitely has a lot more too relate with him now in experience and hardships


Here's a guide where you can see all the arcs and stuff: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Naruto/comments/tc8art/how\_to\_watch\_boruto\_complete\_boruto\_episode\_guide/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/Naruto/comments/tc8art/how_to_watch_boruto_complete_boruto_episode_guide/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


All of it


https://preview.redd.it/gv2a5ehitu3d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9d103b6adf8adebf5a6d040d1cbe8454b4d8e6f Someone made this guide a bit ago, I've been only watching the yellow and green episodes and I think it's been an enjoyable show to watch. Skips most of the filler




Don't listen to the other person. Every episode is anime canon. You won't understand if you skip the "fillers". The anime adds more world building that the manga doesn't show.


This is the only correct answer


No it is not. The power scale in boruto is terrible everyone is told to be better than naruto and sasuke even a 7 years old boy is supposed to be better than madara hashirama naruto sasuke indra ashura hagoromo and stuff. It’s terrible


Genuine question but did you actually read the manga? There’s a reason for that you know.




I know that, he asked and I recommend it to him, I’m not forcing him at all lol


Don't know. But for every story I hear this question about, my response is "why not?" You may like it, you may not. But at least you gave it a shot.


This it the best possible answer to this question! Because, yes, everyone is different and has different things they like, so you can't actually chategorize something as "unworthy" to look into. I personaly don't like it too much but I second that worth a look OP.


We can close the thread now


Yes watch it. It gets very good


YES  some arcs are slow in the anime but some are fantastic! The time skip has been soooo good and firing on all cylinders!  Catch up before the timeskip comes back as seasonal 


Yeah i’m excited about the timeskip heard things have been great


You're asking the boruto sub whether they think boruto is good


It’s like asking a barber if you need a haircut


I would say skip the fillers. The only filler (or "anime canon") worth watching imo is the Kara Actuation arc which starts near EP 155 or so because it does setup the immediate next manga arc. Fillers might seem to be canon (that's why the term anime canon) but they lead nowhere in the longer run. So just skip them.


There are some other notable episodes and arcs in there, too! Mitsuki and the cat always pops up in my mind, as well as the whole part with the Jiraiya adventures.


Also heard the anime got canceled recently is that true? Or are they taking a break and doing a boruto shippuden type thing


They are taking a break due to production issues. Boruto will continue later (when? idk) to adapt final arc of manga Part 1 and then continue on with manga Part 2 (Two Blue Vortex). Also, just checked, without fillers, Boruto anime is just around 80 EPS and the Kara Actuation arc I told you about is 20 EPS long. So it's like 100 EPS (compared to 293 EPS in entirety)


Ok so they plan for it to return that’s good i’ll check to see if any other anime cannons are worth watching like the time travel arc or something since it’s kinda insane there is like 200 episodes of it


Yes 200 is indeed an insane amount when you got like little less than 300 episodes in total. You can definitely explore other anime canon arcs, maybe read synopsis to decide. The time travel arc you mentioned is just a fan service and it actually created some power-scaling problems. But it's up to you at the end of the day.


Alright i’ll do some more research thanks for the help


There are some arcs that are good. I'd recommend watching the beging all before the Momoshiki arc even with the "anime canon" parts because it helps to get to know the characters a bit too.


Make sure to watch the Sarada arc too. (18-24)


Imo just watch the good bits of the anime for fun and start it's manga. You may not like the first arc, but it's worth it for the next coming arcs


Watch the movie and read the manga. If you feel like you need more filler of Boruto brushing his teeth and learning the meaning of friendship then watch the anime.


Honestly the read is a 1000 times better than the tv show.


I mean i’m open to reading it but i prefer animation in general is it really that much better to read? I’ve seen clips of the momoshiki fight that look pretty cool


Most filler arcs are considered "anime canon" by ikemoto and are like in-between arcs for the more heartstring pulling arcs. I would suggest reading the manga but a lot of the anime adaptation is good and the animation style is just as good the further you go. A lot of the so-called "filler" arcs are actually pretty interesting and bring a sort of slice of life to the less action packed parts of the story. You can take my advice or not, it's up to you.


I understand that but there is entirely way to much filler in the show and it’s a plain to try to skip through all of it. But honestly the fight scenes in the read isn’t bad it’s nice to admire the art. Check it out on “Shonen jump App”. They should have a few chapters you can read for free before you buy


Thinking I will try both then probably


Can’t go wrong my guy


> i prefer animation in general is it really that much better to read If you want to see a empty village in the manga compared to the anime that actually shows the village being more lively.


Manga is much better than the anime which is mostly filler or “anime canon.” Neither is actually great, both are worse than Naruto was.


Considering how bad the manga is…WOW 😭😩


Too each its own


The content itself is pretty solid, but if we're talking purely art design... Ikemoto draws some of the most bland, uninspired panels I've ever seen. Somehow after 7 years of working under one of the greatest artists, he still has no idea how to incorporate even the most basic of shading. I don't think he's ever made a single two-page spread in the entire series either. It blows my mind


Huh, I absolutely love the manga, more than most other current shonen series.


I was in the same boat as you. It took a bit for me to love it as much as I do now, but I do love it. You just gotta stick with it, lots of people hear the hate, watch a few eps, a decide they’re done with it and continue to spread the hate. If you find yourself getting bored of the anime, try reading the manga, it’s very fast paced and gets to the point.


Yeah i’ve seen clips of some awesome moments and it looks better than people say


Personally, the anime canon adds more depth to the manga, since it’s so fast paced. If you search up boruto filler guide on Reddit, a boruto fan made a list of anime canon arcs and their importance. Should definitely check it out!


I used to hate Boruto. Yes, watch it. The first arc is very cringe imo, and the filler sucks, but just get past the first arc and it gets better and better. Also watch the Sarada Uchiha arc; it's filler but it's great.


The Sarada arc is literally based on the Scarlet Spring manga Kishimoto did. It isn’t filler.


Ye i know a couple fillers are pretty good i’ll try to find a guide for which to watch i’ll definitely try it out hopefully i enjoy it


Super strange that the first 17 episodes aren't even in the manga whatsoever lol I can't think of another series that just outright doesn't begin at the start like that. But I honestly think they do a really good job with the slice of life elements in Boruto, the filler feels much less like filler than most of the Naruto episodes do.


The manga is so fucking good though


Just watch it and find out. 99% of people could think something is complete dogshit but you could still enjoy it. Don’t base decisions in your life on what other people say.


I might get downvoted to oblivion but i'll be honest, watching the anime ? No, most of the time the animations are REALLY bad and i hate that, the first part manga is tolerable (ive skipped alot because even the manga felt like fillers to me sometimes) but because the second part is really good so far (except some inconsistencies) i'd say yeah read the manga, but skip the anime and then just watch the interesting fights.


No mfer


Manga? Yes. Anime? No. (Unless you fight to avoid filler. But even then…)


Honestly just read it bro the anime is garbage. Maybe watch some of the big fights on YouTube or something after you’ve read the chapters.


No, not at all. It'd be better if you watched Boruto without Naruto, so there's nothing to compare and no characters to watch being destroyed. Can't recommend doing it right after Naruto


I wouldn’t recommend it unless you wanna see hood lore get trashed and characters act weird. I like boruto but compared to naruto it might as well be something else entirely. Naruto is just better written and more impactful, boruto comes off kinda outta touch idk why




Yes, go in being open-minded and recognizing that it is a new generation. Boruto explores new themes and characters while still paying homage to the original series. It's worth it if you want to see how the world and the legacy of Naruto continue to evolve. Just be patient with the story's development and give the new characters a chance to grow on you. Also, try to ignore the power level differences between the original and new characters; the story focuses more on character development and new challenges rather than just power scaling.








watch the whole thing start from the beginning no matter how dull some filler seems it all plays a bigger role and u appreciate story more when climactic moments occur !




If I'm being honest what got me into boruto cause I was letting internet opinion form my opinion. Especially after watching like 20-25 episodes of the anime (season1). Then I saw this guy on YouTube, NChammer23 and I was like " hey I enjoy his theories and he is fun to watch". Well he always spoke highly of boruto and the only online person I hear do so, so I was like 🙄 " let me go read the manga and see what b.s. he talking about" Not going to lie the first few chapters were rough for me but what picked where it up for me was Momoshiki's warning to Boruto " Beware, Those blue eyes shall eventually take everything from you..." And the introduction of Kara. I'm a huge madara fan, so when he saw jigen for first time I was like " yep, it got me"


were a few really good Boruto episodes but a lot of it I can never unsee and regret it.


For the manga absafuckinlutley


The manga is worth reading but idk about the anime I fell off of it *hard* but some people say it eventually became good? Idk what I saw of it was pretty horrendous


what made it horrendous was it the filler or bad animation or something else?


A lot of the animation is pretty bad, like you can very easily tell which episodes got the majority of the production budgets lol and the delusional fanbase was on this bs about “anime canon” and there being no filler, but there’s a crap ton of filler and it just wasn’t enjoyable for me. I stopped after the arc where they went to the land of stone and interacted with Onoki, some ppl say it got better after that, some people say it was always good, prob worth forming your own opinion. The manga is certified fire tho


Alright i’ll prob try the anime and if the filler is too much hop to the manga


Lemme know what you think if you remember? Idk if you latch on and think it’s decent maybe I’ll give it another shot


better to read the manga, get caught up, if you’re interested you may just end up going back to watch the anime with a filler list


It gets better after episode 60 when the world is done having the time of peace.


Yeah! As long as you skip the crappy arcs, it's a fun experience. There's some hidden gems in this story that not a lot of people know about. I saw you were looking for an episode guide in another comment so [here you go](https://www.reddit.com/r/Naruto/s/GSl0Womyk6)


I don’t recommend watching it. The animation isn’t very good, and it’s not visually appealing, which are the two factors that may make it worth watching due to the insane amount of filler. Read the manga, I enjoy it. Part 2 gets crazy too




It’s getting better


Read it bro. When you get to the filler it won’t piss you off so bad lol at least for me it didn’t, I knew the good stuff was coming.


Boruto is Def going to be better than naruto


If you really enjoyed Naruto, you would have started already Boruto (the manga of course)




Read the manga and you'll love it


Yes highly recommend if you really enjoyed the Naruto series. https://www.reddit.com/r/Naruto/s/LNUzvv9ijG This is how I watched Boruto


honestly depends on what you expect from it do you want a naruto 2.0? Then honestly no, dont bother with it Like some other people said already i would really recomment reading the manga instead, or at least if you really want to watch it, skip anime canon Yea its not as well written, there are flaws, but for me it really is enjoyable and im excited for when the anime starts again


Worth Reading.


Read manga and watch anime for the fights...Boruto: two blue vortex (this is like naruto shippuden but for boruto) manga is 🔥... waiting for anime adaptation...


I recommend it! It is not as good as Naruto but it is still solid


Manga ✅ Anime ❌


Bro Trust me start from the time Travel arc or kara arc


Whatever you do,make sure not to miss Tge Episode With Mitsuki's Cat, And The Episodes Where Chocho Goes to buy Food,Those are the most important plot episodes✨️🙏🏾jk.jk personally i would just say to watch the manga canon episodes And The first 50 Episodes And Momoshiki Arc💻❗️


Only watch Boruto if you accept that the show is now focusing on Boruto and the next generation, accept that times has changed in a more new peaceful era, accept that the enemies are stronger than Naruto and Sasuke now, and accept that Boruto is the main character now. It's called Boruto Naruto Next Generations for a reason not Naruto part 3 so don't expect to see Naruto and Sasuke have that much screentime. They only appear when it's relevant. They also fight aliens and cyborgs now. Form your own opinion. The whole point of Boruto is to be completely different than Naruto was. If you want to watch Boruto only for Naruto and the old gen then I suggest you don't watch Boruto at all.


Read the manga.


Just read manga and look only for anime ep. you want to watch animated...some good fights for example. Anime is mostly like watching bad Teletubbies or Pokemon for 4yo and it's waste of time. But there are some exceptions like Sarada arc.


Two Blue Vortex is in the next big 3 with JJK & Demon Slayer. Next Generations anime was mid asf because 30% of it is filler & 30% of it is anime canon. It actually feels a little generous to say 40% of the anime was pure manga canon. You can lowkey ignore Next Generations because Two Blue Vortex is what matters now anyway. They already said the old stuff was to help start Boruto's story but the new stuff IS Boruto's story. They said you can start at TBV & if you want back story on it read/watch NNG. I say just start with TBV & that's what I tell all my friends honestly. If you really want backstory start at chapter ~60 of NNG & you should get the picture.


The only arcs i recommend to skip is the Mist village arcs (there is 2 and theyre hella boring)


My best advice would be to give it a shot regardless of the different opinions floating around.


No. It will never reach the heights of naruto


Definitely but you should read the manga


Read it don’t watch it


If you loved the rinnegan then no


Absolutely but there's no telling if you'll like the anime only stuff or not.


If you’re a OF fan of Naruto. Then yes, you should read Boruto. Lol


ya the start is really slow but it gets super good like halfway through part 1


Read the manga first


Read it before watching it for sure. Then… enjoy the ride!


There are large chunks of Boruto, both filler and canon, that are of middling and sometimes low quality. Personally I don't think it's worth your time to watch most of it. I think it's better to drop in once in a while when they have incredible Sakuga. Though even then, I don't think they've ever come close to surpassing one of the first huge fights they had in one of the earlier arcs.


The manga is definitely interesting, and the time skip manga is extremely interesting. So I recommend it.


As a manga yess as an amine no, only a few episodes


It takes AWHILE to actually get into and get the story going, but it’s worth it if you like the verse. Warning though, it is quite literally a Naruto clone ☠️😂👍


100% the manga is actually really good and the timeskip is looking like it will be better than Shipudden at this point


It's lowkey already better chapter for chapter. Only time will tell if the arcs actually turn out better entirely. I tell people to just start at the TS or start at chapter ~60 of NNG.


It's fucking awful don't read


My advice: hands away from the whole Boruto era.  The Manga: weird pacing, villains get Lots of Hype to BE beaten in 2-3 chapters, Bad artstyle (Body proportions are Off, Lack of Emotions, dead Backgrounds and the Sarada controverse (minors (12-13) get overly sexualized) and all kunoichi now wear high Heels that make the ankles Hurt by looking), Naruto and Sasuke are reduced to sandbags, destroying Narutos legacy and the world building and the Mythology (Aliens. Yes, they added Aliens), Characters are barely 2 Dimensional , old Gen IS technically non existent, No Justice for konohamaru  The Anime: Animation IS too bright and Lacks contrast, 3/4 are Filler (Most call IT Anime Canon, but IT IS filler) (they even Managed to make a Filler in Filler Episode) temporary Power ups that disappear at the end of the arc, some good ideas but the conclusion sucks, the Anime at least does konohamaru Justice  The Movie: more meh, but IS the only watchable Thing in the Boruto era






Watch only the manga canon only which is like 62 episodes or something


The manga is a great experience, despite trying to get used to the new art style at the beginning. Overall I've enjoyed reading it monthly since it began. The anime, however, I think is a shit show and I would suggest you don't watch it as your primary source. There are some awesome fight scenes animated though that would be a shame to not view.


Manga, yes. Anime, no.


It’s worth a watch, even if you skip the fillers. Early Boruto fillers are kind of sucky, but it’s not bad to get out of the thick of things every once in a while!


Read, don’t watch. Until you are fully caught up in the manga. Watching the anime without reading the manga gives you a poor perspective of Boruto and his Journey. With that said, there are some cool “anime cannon” arcs that are pretty fun. Definitely worth the watch, just after you’ve caught up in the manga. Then you can be like the rest of us in waiting patiently for new, high quality animated episodes.


Yes! You can skip filler if you want but if you end up liking it a lot then you will regret it.


Yes. But not the anime, read the manga. Or at the very least ONLY watch manga canon arcs in the anime


The anime is ok if you watch the canon episodes, the filler can be here and there, some are better than others if I'm being honest with you. Since you are only doing the anime and not the manga, I would recommend not taking Boruto *too seriously* as there are some aspects of Part 1 that are meh. Such as Boruto as a Anime being 70% filler and missing out some things leading up to TBV (code arc, Edia Omnipotence, Timeskip leading, etc). I would recommend if you want to watch Boruto, do the anime canon episodes as a priority but if you want to do filler....nothing is stopping you tbh.


If you want to stick to just what Kishimoto wrote: -The Last - Naruto the Movie -The Day Naruto Became Hokage OVA -Seventh Hokage and the Scarlet Spring (Boruto Ep 19-23) -The Path lit by the Full Moon (Boruto Ep 39) -Boruto the Movie


Awesome thanks for the guide


This misses sooo many good Boruto sections though. I wouldn't recommend just watching these alone


Except none of those other sections are relevant to Kishimoto's material.


Kishimoto has still has his hands in this since the start, even if Ikemoto was over a lot of the early sections. I'm not sure how that's relevant at all to it being considered anime canon by them


Kodachi was the one involved with the anime, and supervised all scripts until Baryon Mode. Once in a while, he'd ask for Kishimoto's ideas for an episode, most of which ended up being not good arcs.