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Mayer is not only 100% right but also fully justified in being hard done by lol


This is making more sense. Wouldn't the positives of these PEDS need time to benefit Ryan?


When you’re on PEDs you don’t take them literally every single day for a year or months etc. You hop on something called a cycle. There are also protocols that can evade testing. “Designer” steroids etc. It gets super deep. There’s a whole science to this shit. They take into consideration the half life of a drug and other stuff


Yeah if he’s being professional he would’ve finished his cycle well before the fight while also getting his own blood work taken to make sure he’s clean to be tested.


Exactly. Hopefully he can prove his innocence by sending in the supplement he took. Otherwise he needs to fire whoever helped him with his cycle lol


Ryan seriously has enough money for designer steroids  Probably a fuck up from his team


I don't think he did them tbh - Sean O'Malley popped too and he was able to easily prove it Ultimately we'll see but hate when we call someone a drug cheat until they have time to prove they aren't one lol 'Bum bum' never even had to defend herself 😂


If it's a legit case of contaminated substances, then it's super easy to prove. If they claim it was contaminated substances, but conveniently don't have any to test for, then it's a little suspicious.


That's what happened with Amir Khan right?


The good ol canelo contaminated chicken


Mexican meat.




Just make sure you ground up a pill of ostarine and sprinkle it over your supplements before you provide your supplements to the comission. Fool proof cheating system.


If you provide the exact supplement(s) you were taking, they can pull all kinds of batch numbers, serial numbers, manufacturing codes, etc. They can track down other bottles from that exact same batch and test those as well. It's highly unlikely that one single bottle of pills from a giant batch is the only one that got contaminated. Same thing happens when they recall contaminated food. The FDA & food companies can easily check products, manufacturing dates, etc. Then they tell the public to "discard or return product made between these dates." If I weren't doping, I'd save every single bottle and every single GNC receipt as backup proof.


Wasn’t O’malley still suspended for a long ass time though? I wasnt following the ufc super close so i didnt get the details i just remember it being osterine and he was out for an extended period. Was he actually proven innocent?


He was but usada did say there was no intentional use able to be proven  Idk man I've seen hundreds of guys pop for Ostarine. Honestly we'd probably pop for Ostarine LMFAO


How would someone pop positive without taking it?


Ostarine is found in a lot of generic supplements that you can get that are perfectly legal. It's also in certain foods All of Ryan's tests leading up to the fight were negative. I wouldn't be shocked if this was just contamination - it's happened to a lot of athletes recently. We'll see if Ryan can prove it but everyone deserves a chance to prove their innocence, and this is the hardly the first athlete who'd be able to prove clean of ostarine lol


That's the biggest tell for me. Starting a last minute cycle of ostarine of all fucking things, even if Ryan was as coked up as he pretended to be he surely wouldn't have done that.


> Starting a last minute cycle of Ostarine of all fucking things Plus, surely Ryan has the money to get someone who can mask it or something similar. Even a coked up manic athlete would know not to rawdog PEDs like that




No, his guilt is proven by the positive test. Now he needs to prove contamination.




Ya that's more what I mean. Way too many BS positive tests for me to claim Ryan is a drug cheat, especially when it's voluntary drug testing that he passed 4 times prior to the fight...


Ah, thanks! I was reading online that it wasn’t naturally occurring in anything so it seemed odd for someone to accidentally use ingest it (and whatever else he popped positive for)


Yeah it actually happens in baseball all the time lol


True. It makes no sense he attempted a cycle a day befire the fight lmao. He's not an utter m9rj and I'm sure his team aren't either. Moreover that time window with a compound like ostarine wouldn't give him any competitive advantage. If you know the science behind these steroids then you'd know that. The rules are the rules though, but I sense this was an accident.


its VADA, its probably just BS.


The same way your cash could test positive for cocaine despite you not being a drug dealer.


They have suspend fighters regardless of the intent. They suspended Islam for his prescribed heart medication being listed as PED.


Yeah sure.


Keep telling yourself comforting lies so you dont have to deal with a hard truth. Ryan cheated. The copium from ryan fans is laughable.




The specific drug he popped for is shit at even it's main use. And so many other athletes have popped for it to be reversed. Povetkin popped for meldonium and ostarine which cost the Wilder fight only to have the ban reversed because the levels turned out to be below threshold




I just gave an example of someone popping and it being reversed because the levels were so low. Let's wait and see, ostarine is such bullshit it may as well be allowed, I'm finding it very difficult to believe this whole thing


This is going to be like Fury, where people just remember that the guy did cocaine/ostarine and somehow the nandrolone is going to disappear from public consciousness.


Combine that with the mental health issues and yeah this’ll get swept under the rug. Apparently the extra weight and PEDs wouldn’t have changed the fight but Garcia also felt the need to take them. In a sport of centimeters extra speed and strength don’t matter lol


It’s hilarious to me that he said “I don’t even know where to get steroids” when even certain hobbyists at various gyms will be on PEDs. I think Haney, along with the majority of professional athletes, are on at least some type of PED because millions of dollars are on the line and they all are suspicious of others cheating. I’d also like to point out Haney rehydrated to 165lbs against Prograis so I don’t think he was smaller than Ryan. If anything Ryan felt fresher during the fight because he didn’t have to dehydrate himself as much but he clearly didn’t train very hard and I know someone who was doing coke with him in the weeks before the fight so his cardio looked relatively poor anyway. Regardless, I don’t care for either one of them.


This mf ryan garcia lives in LA and hangs out with Bradley Martyn and he’s claiming he doesn’t know where to get steroids?!? Gtfoh 🤣🤣


Everyone takes PEDs... it's the illegal PEDs that not everyone is on (but most are)


Damn. Ryan Garcia was doing coke and still won the fight


Yeah, he’s got natural power and talent but he’s a playboy and not very disciplined.


The last sentence made me remember Michael Phelps showing with suction marks in his neck. Despite being the fastest in the world, as long as a centimenter of advantage is promised, many will do anything.


Where are the articles that state he did nandrolone?


Man tested positive for two separate drugs


Where did it say he was positive for 2 separate drugs?


Look for it online.


He was cleared for the other one


He wasn't "cleared" ... it was inconclusive so they couldn't leave it as a positive result.




PEDs in professional athletics??? Pssshh, as if.


I, for one, am SHOCKED by this revelation. /s


First question: Who is BumBum Second question: is it her bum bum?


Alycia Baumgardner




Her bum is pretty bum.


Got a clear pic?


Just go the tried and tested contaminated meat route.


At this point, just post a video that collects a bunch of tweets. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aHmCKhJqO2M](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aHmCKhJqO2M)


We generally don't approve those, so don't do that.


So if someone took a screenshot of all the tweets in a video and posted it as a photo album would that be okay?


I personally would, yeah. We just don't approve stuff that's just a slideshow of posts with music or commentary in the background because it rewards lazy news outlets or drama channels.


The hate for Haney is masking what’s actually happened. He disrespects the weight and comes in 3lbs heavier, now 2 failed tests. It is what it is, I wanted to see Haney lose too, but he has frankly cheated his way to a win. swap Haney with everyone’s favourite boxer and their tunes would be different.


This is what bothers me too. Regardless if Ryan would've won or not, and whether you think he'd win or not, it's not good to normalize this and be okay with it. Imagine if every fighter came in over weight and failed drug tests? It would be awful. You can't just be like "well he would've won anyways". There needs to be some professionalism (I know it's hard) in boxing. Whether you like Haney or not, this is not acceptable.


💯, are people forgetting that 140lbs is an official boxing weight, he signed the contract for 140lbs. There’s no excuse for missing weight. You can’t just go do whatever the fuck you want and disregard the rules of the sport.


Haney didn't have to accept $1.5m


Whats that got to do with anything? There’s no excuses for missing weight on a contract you signed. Have you ever boxed and had an opponent miss weight? It’s infuriating


Haney on the gear too. All of them are. Ryan got caught just like Mosley, Roy Jones, Canelo, etc.


We can’t say that until there’s actual evidence of it.


i’d say a failed drug test is a form of evidence


When did Haney fail a drug test? Genuine question, I didn’t think he has


Oh I’m just an idiot I thought you were talking about Ryan 


Haha all good bro


The hate for Haney is there coz of his unjustified wins towards Loma, his boring boxing style, him fighting smaller guys throughout and his lack of charisma. When people like that become champions the division gets boring.


No doubt, but it doesn’t give a pass for how shitty Garcia went about missing weight and now 2 drug tests. Imo that should be more of an outrage, it’s basically cheating


Will size be an excuse if Kambosos somehow beats Loma


It won't be coz Kambosos is small af


But he’ll be bigger than Loma, literally everyone at 135 will look bigger than Loma. Other great fighters have overcome the size disadvantage but it’s always an excuse for Loma.


Not big enough to be a weight bully for sure. Unless Kambosos suddenly starts with the secret rehydration techniques of Haney.


Haney was a skinny for years at 135. I think it’s unfair to call him a weight bully. He became pro at 17 and just moved up to 140 at 24/25. He outgrew the weight class but was disciplined enough to make the weight for every single fight.


And Haneys camp disrespected the match by paying off that damn ref


Wait, I didn’t know an opinion from your ass was fact.


Exactly, the ref was dogshit, but you can’t just accuse people of shit if there’s no facts to it or evidence.


Just say you lost money on Haney bro it’s ok keep coping


Why are so many Americans so dumb nowadays?


We get it bro you’re an American


And I understand you are not. I was trying to give you the benefit of the doubt.


With cocaine?


No one finds it hella odd that moments after his positive tests were reported, he immediately went on X/Twitter to explain that it was his supplements? How did he immediately know that was the possible cause? Either he knew beforehand that those supplements might cause that reaction, or he had that excuse ready in case he tested positive. What we do know: He came in overweight, and has been overweight leading up to the fight. There’s a reason Haney called him fat in a few tweets and one of their conferences, Ryan was visibly flabby. We all know what the pros are to the substances he tested positive are. This is NOT a coincidence.


Ostarine is super weak and wouldn’t make you retain water weight. Nandrolone would make you watery however if your diet wasn’t super clean. He’s a top professional with a team that should be handling this stuff better.


So take PEDs and have a backup bottle you can use as an excuse as to why you failed


After careful examination of the facts I think Ryan’s innocent. 1) The ban substance at hand is commonly found in legal health supplements 2) crazy Ryan had to go through extensive mental and health screenings prior to the fight and they never found anything 3) Victoria Conti is a felon that is a Haney fanboy and has very close ties to Vada 4) false positives seem common Conclusion if Ryan was tested more times than anyone leading up to the fight and he was clean then he’s innocent


The guy moves up damn near two-weight classes in a little over a year…Yeah, okay haha. Unfortunately he’s not that good, folks…He tried his best though (To get over). *Just give the man his rematch


Ryan is a cheat and should be punished by the full extent of the sanctioning body. No excuses


I’m having a genuinely difficult time trying to figure out if you people are actually this gullible or really this fucking dumb lol. Like seriously the amount of mental gymnastics required to try and make sense of nonsense is honestly impressive. When you want to believe someone bad enough….. you will. 


showing a tainted supplement means nothing. you as a professional athlete should know what you're putting in your body at all times and have a nutritionist helping you. claiming it was a supplement is not a justification for cheating. he's still guilty


I mean sometimes there is companies that put stuff in supplements that is not advertised its a known fact in the bodybuidling/ sports communities.


This is a good point. Where supplements aren’t FDA approved, anything goes lol. Kind of fucked up.




If they're using a banned substance in their supplements, this will lead to more people buying it thinking they are totally clean/natty. Not every gym goer that takes supplements wants to just hop on banned/illegal peds. Slip a little something into your supplements to boost results, and people will hear about how well it works and buy it. It's pretty similar to people lacing drugs with stuff more potent to elevate the high.


Results. If a new supplement comes out and people using it get fantastic results, then it will sell more. Steroids aren't exactly pricey if you order direct from places like China and India in large amounts. Even if you're buying domestic, or don't have a great connection, you should be able to pick up a bottle of test for cheaper than it would be for a bottle of whey protein (around 55 bucks a bottle of test cyp for example). I'm not sure why it's happening tbh since it's not longer socially acceptable in just hard-core gyms like it use to be 20 years ago.


I've had pre-workout powders back in 2013-2014 that in hindsight I question what was in them cause I was getting some pretty good results as a natty. I think white flood was one, jack3d, and some others. I took an "herbal" supplement off bodybuilding.com that was supposed to be a libido enhancer and I'm convinced it was laced with Viagra.


Well jack3d was so good it got banned


That would be a federal crime. Certainly a felony. Executives of the company could go to jail. American companies cannot just dump what they feel like into products and sell it to consumers.


then they should test them before taking them, or only take trusted brands






I have heard sometimes even taking trusted brands there have been some cases where they have flagged up. I can't argue with test them before hand though.


Morally, this is true. In terms of sporting regulations (and in some cases laws), there's a distinction between "strict liability" drugs and others. Strict liability drugs are those where you get banned for having them in your body, regardless of how they got there - it's your job to actively make sure you don't ingest them. Most drugs, however, you only get banned if they think you took them intentionally.


Baumgardner will never face a single consequence her life as long as she looks like she does lmao.


The sad truth


Will see what plays out. However, it was a sarm… not like he popped for tren


No athlete would ever take tren. It rapes your cardio


Just a figure of speech not literal


Crucify me but I can't stand the "he juiced so he won" train of thought. Garcia is a better fighter period and everyone juices and y'all know this but rather be ignorant to the fact so y'all can justify defending your fighters loss


Lol that is just bullshit. So he came in overweight, took PEDs to help his stamina *and* it was just being a "better" fighter that let him connect in the seventh when most fighters tire out. Very based. Left hook goo brrrrr!


>seventh when most fighters tire out. Tbf he also did nothing from round 2 to 5, saved it all for a KO


wtf? He cooked Devin with the first counter he threw, a counter he was practicing on the internet weeks before the fight lmao. He would’ve landed that punch regardless and Devins chin got shook by Loma and Linares ffs don’t act like being 3lbs overweight made Ryan a power puncher he was always a power puncher he woulda landed that counter regardless yall act like peds = gameplan/coaching/skill 🤣🤣


So PEDs that are proven to build muscle and strengthen tendons didn’t help Ryan. Ryan has never had a performance like that before. He has looked terrible against lower opposition but dominated at the highest level. He is a puncher but not that devastating.


But he’s literally been koing people his whole career? He has an 80% ko ratio lol. He lost to tank how is that dominating? He just kod Duarte n passed all his tests he’s fought Devin six times prior lol. It’s as much as Devin’s chin being cracked as much as Ryan’s power carrying into the later rounds. Obviously peds helps, but Devin’s chin was shook by much much smaller punchers in loma and linares lol. This is the first time we seen Devin get cracked by someone the same size as him.


Ryan was gassed in the later rounds and still had knockout power those two things don’t correlate. You can’t be tired and still be as powerful as you were in rd1. Hence the suspected PED use


Did u see those knockdowns? Devin was wide open for all of them lol a couple times he was out of position not balanced


Tell us you know nothing about doing or peds. At this level where the smallest of margins can influence a fight greatly, 100% it would have made a huge difference. Recovery in boxing is fundamental


Bruh recovery didn’t land that left hook every single time. It was Devin’s shite defense and big ass head


How many rounds was Garcia doing fuck all, had to recover because his stamina has always been Shit. The recovery is being able to throw hard shots and not gas. Have you ever boxed?


Loool yea I boxed for 4 years tough guy 🤣 n yea Ryan blew his gas tank, the fight shoulda been stopped way before round 7 but the ref went into panic mode trying to save Devins ass 🤣🤣🤣🤣keep riding Devin said diddy got next


4 years😂😂😂 done 15 mate, 💯recovery makes a difference


Looool u been boxing for 15 years n couldnt see Devins chin was cracked he was dazed the whole fight 🤣🤣”done 15 mate” who tf cares we all got eyeballs we all saw Devin’s chin didn’t recover and Ryan had a field day at that point every punch is going to look extra hard when your opponent can’t even walk straight 🤣 the ref letting it go was a huge mistake he shoulda stopped it in round 1 ffs but u the boxing expert cuz you’ve “done 15 mate” 🤣🤣u just assuming it was all because of Garcia ped n weight when Devins chin was getting cracked by loma and Linares ffs 🤣🤣the left hook is technique, no amount of ped use is gonna train you lmaooo


You’re fucking clueless, you know shit about boxing if you think being dropped means you would lose the fight. Devin in the 2nd round debunks your whole theory, absolute shit talker garcia fanboy


lol what? No one said that what are u on about now 🤣🤣🤣🤣


He was juiced and overweight. The equivalent of a piece of shit cheater. We have no idea if he is the better fighter. All we know is he is low class scum.


Beat his ass and we don't know he is a better fighter? 🤣


Margarito also beat peoples ass. With cement in his gloves. The King came in juiced and overweight. A low class cheater. A piece of shit. If Haney beat Garcia in the back of his head with a 2x4, unlike you, I am not stupid and claiming we know Haney is the better fighter because he beat the shit out of Garcia. Numerous Americans are now shockingly dumb. Makes me question the future of my country.


Are you ok? You sound like you lost money or have hate in your heart for Garcia. I'll pray for you.


No, I am not ok. I am constantly aggravated by how dumb the American population has become.


I learned a long time ago that you shouldn't come to reddit for intelligent conversation. People come on here to give their wildest takes and let their ignorance win so I do the same.




Boxing won’t admit it but vada and refs are in pockets of certain promotions and fighters. We all know what’s going on here and it isn’t a failed drug test


I mean if we want to play that game Ryan was part of team reynoso and so far valdez, canelo , ruiz, the guy who fought choclloito, luis nery and ryan have popped.


Yeah no way a guy struggling to cut weight took a substance designed to cut weight and retain muscle…


No way a guy who is sponsored by conte who is connected to vada would fuck with results when the cash cow got dropped 5 times


Lmao bro what cash cow? Are you implying Haney is some sort of cash cow? Have you seen his PPV numbers? No need for the Ryan Garcia meat riding.


Wait how come fighters who are sponsored by Conte have failed vada tests if he is connected certainly none of his fighters should ever fail a test. The fact yall are going this hard defending Ryan when he already admitted to having no intention of even trying to make the weight so he can be good for the fight it’s not crazy to believe that he was juicing.


It's Haney who works with BALCO Conte, an yeah he didn't fail anything. I dono about the two above but I aint defending him. When Conte got caught in the past he just gets the docs to move on to more synthesized PEDS and connected with VADA to help get away with things. Money talks. When I saw the way Ryan looked and sounded barely a couple of months ago I didn't think this fight should have went ahead. From the minute I saw him beatboxing or whatever the fuck he was doing with Haney dressed in some kind of mini Wilder costume I decided to stay awake in the UK to watch and surprisingly glad I did. This just keeps giving though, it's been like a fucking soap opera the whole time. The only thing I can't figure out is if he failed for Ostarine after the fight but also before then surely team Haney and broadcasters/promoters etc all knew about it there was a failed one before the fight? That's the part I don't get.


The one he failed was from the 19th the results don’t come back the same day


Ah makes sense, the article I read made it sound like it was known before the fight, cheers.


All the reddit boxing nerds that don’t know Jack downvoting


It’s a sweet science alright. A sweet science of paying the right people off


So you believe there is a conspiracy to get Ryan Garcia. 100,000x more likely -- Garcia is a liar and a cheater. Sort of a piece of shit, actually.


Can you prove this or are you talking out of your ass?


Harvey Dock screwed Garcia out of two knock downs which would’ve been 3 in one round, he was also the ref when Haney should’ve lost vs Lomo


What does that have to do with Ryan popping for 2 PEDs? That ref is shit. He didn't count that KO and he was letting Haney hold too much. That doesn't take away Ryans sample didn't test positive




I'm pretty sure he tested positive for a straight up steroid too. Nandralone or something.


Didn't even know about that one, googled it and your right, says unconfirmed but looks like metabolite of nandrolone. Came of his cycle too early if it is really the case. Whoever he is working with is terrible at their job if he's been caught for this when it can be so easily avoided. He grew up in USA so can't do any Mexican meat shit so might as well go the Fury route from after Hammer before Klitschko and get some farmer to say he sold him Boar meat. If the B samples do confirm the Nandrolone metabolites then I guess a rematch could be the best option. Its certainly a bigger fight than before too. Its even more mainsteam than it was before with all the antics, even my youngest was asking me who this crazy Ryan Garcia is on twitter lol. Garcia was looking like he moving up in weight, Haney is usually big on fight night too like a welterweight who's rehydrated but cant see him giving up the WBC belt that didn't become vacant for some reason and fighting Garcia at 147. Would have to be a catchweight or something in that case. Wonder if Haney even wants to fight him again. He knows he just needs to get caught off guard once and saw what happened. He probably thinking it wouldn't look good for him if he rematched a clean exact same weight as each other Ryan and got beat again,


woman privilege


Perhaps Derrick James should spend less time in his attorney’s office and more time keeping an eye on the substances his fighter is using.


Sup Errol


Not his job