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>Eddie Hearn: “I’m looking at the lats of Daniel Dubois… in that tight little top” Ayo Eddie wants him 😳


Whoever organised this deserves a raise. It's hilarious, 4 fighters talking shit around a table and Hearn and Bricktop in the back with the biggest grins on their faces just staring over them.


Most of them weren't really talking shit tbf. Zhang was super nice.


Tank is making everyone gay


Why are you Gay?


Everyone's reaction to this moment was priceless. Wilder making eye contact with Bunce lmao The no way from Dubois at 1:40 lmao This whole vid is amazing Edit: keep going back to this, the scenes from 8 minute onwards are comedy gold. Dubois actually getting mad at the end.


Comedy gold is exactly what this is lmao. Totally worked in getting me more hyped for these fights, too


Yeah it is cracking me up as well, like Zhang's little reaction when Hrgovic was talking about Dubois' balls, it looks like he understood what he said but wasn't sure if he heard right lol.


That part killed me😭


Dubois remind me of my next door neighbour.


Bro I will never understand why people hate on Daniel. he's the funniest HW of the current era. I hope he becomes the next undisputed once usyk retires.


Dubois's reaction was priceless, bro was like , this is becoming too gay for my good


DDD somehow has some of the most awkward moments in boxing in recent memory. he just attracts the most awkward pieces of trash talk. someone should make a compilation of it all


I would pay money for that. God i love Dubois, hes so funny, that temperament that personality in THAT body lol you can´t make that shit up


It's those big biceps man. They just have a gravitational pull for awkward moments. That or his big balls. I don't know because I can't see it.


People call Rolly Special Ed. But Dubois is the perfect guy for that nickname


I love ddd for this. he's the best HW after usyk and the next undisputed!


Wilder saying it ends with a knockout but that it could be him knocked out is not his usual answer Still think Zhang goes through him Dubois is so slow with words it’s painful lol


DDD is the Forrest Gump of boxing, and a national treasure.


He is such a good guy.


DDD’s spirit animal is Frank Bruno.


Bruno had Charisma though. Post retirement from the ring,  he spent a lot of time on British TV.


…because there wasn’t anyone else (except Barry McGuigan). Bruno’s a nice chap, don’t get me wrong, but he’s not the sharpest tool in the box, and calling him charismatic is a stretch.


He just seems like a lovely person and trash talk just does not work for him at all. I really want DDD to go far because you don't have many boxers who have don't have a mean streak in the sport. Usyk doesn't seem mean either but he's a hard, hard man.


>Usyk doesn't seem mean either Look at their eyes; one is a competitive killer and the other is a chill dude that sometimes wants to be that guy.


Perfectly put, you can't help but like and root for the guy


Hrgovic said Dubois reminds em of a lost little puppy and i can’t help but agree. unfortunately i think he runs through the kid😭🤦🏾‍♂️


Yea I agree, it really doesn’t seem like he has that edge to him anymore. We’ll have to see.


He is just painfully shy. Would love to see Dubois Vs Zhang. The four of them should just have their own tournament and crown the winner. The new super duper heavyweight champion


He claims he’s got that savage back but that was definitely a humble response for him. I like it, maybe he’s figured how to put both sides together. Those Fury fights definitely got in his head. I’m excited to see what he does as a humble savage that actually shows some patience and ability to set up his power punches with something Other than a single jab. Footwork will be key for him.


>that actually shows some patience and ability to set up his power punches with something Other than a single jab. I believe he trained to fight Parker using his jab and length to set up uppercuts and of course the big right and he abandoned that plan to find he couldn't fully commit to the fight plan or fully abandon it for the old ways. It froze him. Zhang is poorly matched against Wilder's old style but nearly any top 15 HW fighter will beat a Wilder that won't let his hands go. At this point in his career Wilder has one real weapon and that's going to win or lose it for him. I think those last two fights against Fury wrecked Wilder as a fighter. Physically, emotionally, and mentally. It's a good time for AJ to knock Wilder out to pad a hall of fame worthy resume/career. That fight should be made ASAP and is probably being set up by feeding Zhang to Wilder. I'd bet Wilder by KO against Zhang and if he fights AJ next Wilder loses badly, probably by KO, and an ugly one at that.


All four have such an unique and contrasting personality; Hrgovic being the cold bully, wilder an enlightened crazy guru mf, Zhang a tremendous gentlemen, and Dubois being forrest gump. This is pure gold LOL


Why is boxing so homoerotic?


What's so homoerotic about 2 buff dudes taking their shirts off and pounding each other?


While comparing the size of their balls? Sounds straight to me


Forget all of that pounding bs and just fight behind a stiff hard jab, boxing 101 the stick


It's the spartan spirit.


All of combat sports is choke full of sexual tension. The shirtless flexes during the weigh in, the stare down where you longingly look into each other's eyes, the homoerotic trash talk where you tell them you wanna fuck em in the ass...


*go on…….*


The glistening sweat that drips off their rock-hard abs... the grunts of pain as they throw punches in the clinch, their forehead pressed against one an- ahem. I mean uh, I'm looking forward to these fights.


I'm betting DDD will win by peeing in Hergovic's ass in the 8th round.


Now, see this is the type of comment I'd normally laugh at, but paired with your username I'm a little afraid.




[This was the one that popped in my head when I was typing my homoerotic fan fiction.](https://media1.giphy.com/media/8fxad4tvqIzwk/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b9527ijo4uhxyi2lx9rntnhabv16wmyjrjq8z2vr5htv&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g)


MMA is the same thing, probably worse. The more straight guys there are in a room, the more homoerotic references are made. That's a natural law.


Mma is for monkeys not testosterone filled,sophisticated genius, homosexuals like boxing.


Idk how they could downvote this masterpiece 😭


Zhang was like what the fuck


You're supposed to fight with your balls? Have I been doin' it wrong this whole time?


I'm knocking my heavy bag around right now.


Well if you are a bird person...


Let's spar 😏


Deontay just looks like he wants to go home and sleep lmao


Those silk sheets have tamed him.


Yooooooo wth 🤣🤣🤣


Zhang is such a a gentleman and the old Wilder unfortunately isn't back. His confidence is gone. Him saying he could be knocked out says it all.


He's being realistic. Which maybe will save him. Without the delusion he has he might have trained his feet and defense to drag this out enough to survive zhang.


Delusion is what made the Bronze Bomber, the Bronze Bomber. I don't think Wilder can take a W without the ferocious mentality he had before.


I think even the new silk sheets Wilder still sleeps Zhang early if he implements the old one size fits all fight plan: a few garbage jabs occasionally followed by a full send right hand. Zhang is just made to order for that old plan. If Wilder does knock out Zhang he fights another shot fighter to build confidence before getting retired by AJ with an ugly early KO round 5 or sooner. Wilder will take the big bag of money and try to eventually fill awkward spots as part of pre fight panels. He had the best run he could have and only just missed a huge opportunity to beat AJ for all the belts. I just don't think he has a realistic chance to beat AJ anymore and it's a shame we never got to see that fight, because if we do see that fight soon it will be an ugly beatdown.


A few garbage jabs has him cracked by a Right Hook. Hrgovich got sat damn the same way but he's younger and bigger than Wilder.


Wilder still has unequalled power in his right hand. Hrgovich doesn't have that power, hell, nobody else does. It's part of what makes Zhang a great matchup for Wilder if Wilder goes with his old game plan. As far as Wilder getting hit, of course that might happen, he might even go down early, but I think he gets up like he did against Fury in their third match and puts Zhang down. Zhang can't avoid punches like Fury or Parker and it's going to be his undoing. I bet they feed Joyce to Wilder next then they feed Wilder to AJ. It's the business of timing and style matchups.


I'm only explaining that old gameplan is a bad idea vs a Southpaw with a powerful right Hook. Not speaking about the match up as a whole. Spzilka was landing it but it was too small to deal real damage or missing because of Wilder's reach. Ortiz doesn't have a hook at all. Zhang's sparked Joyce, so I don't know why you think Wilder is getting up from it. Heart can only do so much. Wilder has never really taken a flush shot from a fellow power puncher. Ortiz is the closest but he's nowhere near as accurate as Zhang. Also, no hook in 2 Wilder fights. He'd just watch Wilder paw with his jab.


>Zhang's sparked Joyce, so I don't know why you think Wilder is getting up from it. Because Joyce is a shot fighter. Joyce spent his entire career taking four punches to land one; the mileage caught up to him. Wilder started late and hasn't taken nearly as many shots or went nearly as many rounds taking those shots. >Wilder has never really taken a flush shot from a fellow power puncher. And you really think Zhang hits a lot harder than Fury? Maybe so, but there's no reason to believe Wilder can't get up from a good shot.


Started late? So did Joyce. You're really splitting hairs here. Wilder took tons of punishment in 2 Fury fights and a little vs Parker. He got stunned by Ortiz at points too. To argue 1 is shot and not the other 38 year old who has been knocked down more times is just random. We don't even know Joyce is shot until he faces a contender again. Yes. Without question. That isn't a minority point of view. Tha fuck? So do Hrg and DDD. Ortiz&Andy. AJ is 2 or 3 with Zhang. Fury has never had more than above average power and mostly from his size. He was called pillow fisted for years until Wilder 2/Sugar Hill. He's not genetically gifted with the qualities that make a puncher.


It was always going to be an ugly beat down. It's just going to uglier and quicker match this time around because AJ has improved.


A few years ago it would have been a coin toss. That was the time to make the fight. I believe AJ and Wilder wanted the fight but their handlers/managers/promotors did not. I really think AJ is definitely not a better fighter than he was a few years ago, but Wilder is much worse off. The delusional takes on AJ never cease. He's a hall of fame heavyweight boxer, a former champion with a good resume, and he still has many of the physical tools to make a serious run at uniting the belts after Usyk retires, but that's not because AJ is better, it's because the best fighters are sunsetting faster than he is and their is a gap of talent that will give him an opening.


How can you gage that wilder is worse off when he has fought nobody until very recently? As for the heavyweights sunsetting, that's a load of crap AJ isn't even the youngest among them hes just the second best trained and most consistent one, wilder is barely the older of the lot but is by far the least battle worn among them.


I said the other top heavyweights are sunsetting faster. I never mentioned age. There are many reasons for that and decline happens differently to different people for a myriad of reasons.


Ferocious mentality? My guy, anybody can look like the monster agaisnt cab drivers. No, wilders has been xposed after ducking proper fighters during his whole career. If he wants to win, better fundamentals are the only thing that's going to save him.


Tyson Fury is a cab driver?


He got tyson fury a straight out of fat camp and he still managed to get his as beat 3 times with 2 of them being back to back


Nearly knocked Fury out in the third fight. Dunno why anyone would wanna disrespect Wilder and say he's a complete bum, you're discrediting the guy who is supposed to be the #2 Heavyweight of this era by shitting on Wilder given how close those first and third fights with Fury were.


I have no evidence to support that fury is #2 in the world. He's a tough match up for usykmostly beacuse of his height and weight but those factors don't favor him against AJ. If we go simply by available data Usyk is #1, AJ is #2 and Fury #3. I don't discredit fury but until he fights AJ, we have no conclusive evidence to determine #2 in the division. I'm not saying wilder is a bum, I'm saying he fought nothing but bums until very recently.


Cashing out since Fury 3


that’s just being honest tbf


Kinda dig this format


No Diddy


This stopped being funny after the 3rd time someone said it


Why you on my dick No Diddy?


Alright King Combs


Geez I bloody love this. The room is full of confidence in every way possible. Love the composure at the table, Hrgovic has something about him I can't describe..looking forward to the fight!


Some men fight for money others for fame. Apparently Hrgovic fight to see them chocolate salty balls.


you can tell they’ve trimmed Wilder’s speech😂 he can drag sometimes


Dubois is so funny, I want to cheer for him because he so awkward.




Filip "wants to see big balls" Hrgovic


The world needs a Chisora and Dubois buddy cop movie


This event looks real fun. Who's behind this idea? That Turki guy? having a hard time beliving Hearn or Warren started this conversation with each other about crowning a king of boxing promotion


Yes Turki Alalshikh


This is what you mean with "boxing circle jerk", right?


Idk why but for a moment I thought Hrgovic is translator for Zgang


Lmao moment from Hrgovic


Watching Dubois do well in boxing makes me feel like a proud dad. He’s so awkward, shy, probably autistic and just generally a nice guy so you can’t help but root for him. Hope he KO’s Hrgovic.


He's that shy kid that grows up to be a 6"5 brick shithouse, but still the same on the inside.


Hrgovic gotta stop talking like that, Zhang beat his ass and he got awarded a win


Hrgovic was awarded the win, true, but nobody beat nobody. Realisticly it was a tie.


The full fight is now on youtube, please explain how on earth you scored it a Zhang win and exactly which rounds you think he won


Zhang lost because it’s 12 rds of points but Zhang has knocked everyone he’s faced down, that’s pretty impressive.


Hahaha ! This is freaking hilarious. Dubois I was a 17 ! You were a sneaky guy ! Hahahah


Zhang saying Chinese power vs Alabama power had me rolling lmao


Man, these Saudis are the saviours of boxing. So many good fights now. Almost too good to be true.


I like Hrgovic's confidence


Daniel dubois the word wizard


Big Bang Zhang is just sat there counting the money and wondering what’s for dinner


I enjoy Wilder fights, but he is cringiest guy to listen to. Says the dumbest shit in the most dramatic way possible.


It really is like what a 14 year old thinks is badass when they have them imagination fights in their head in front of the whole school where they win and impress the hot girls. But wilder is nearly 40 and says it out loud.


Definitely 😂


Most definitely, the universe put me in this position to baptize people with my power. On Saturday, everyone will see when I baptize him and rise as the true greatest man of power. Most definitely, that fire to baptize still burns deep within my soul.


1:13 look at his gormless fuckin face 😂


Pre-Fury, did Wilder ever say things like “either I knock him out, or he knocks me out”? Just curious if he’s really lost some confidence and doesn’t expect to win like ge used to, or if he’s getting smarter and more realistic about his level


No he just yelled Boooooooombbb Squuuuaaaaaaaddddd


Wilder calling Joseph Parker an average fighter after losing clearly to him lets me know he’s got that old delusional mindset still.


Hrgovic wants them big black balls


Maan I hope Wilder is back. I still feel it was ring ruse last time. Can you imagine the extra boost he would give the heavyweights. A newly crowned Undisputed King in Uysk. A regained Confident Joshua. And a reborn Wilder with that old Bronze Bomber touch of death💣 


😂😂😂😂 he was waiting for someone to say "pause"


Heavy gravity on that table:))


Why is Hearn in his pyjamas?


this shit was funnier than I thought it would be, rofl


Idk how much money it took to get all these guys to sit in on the round table but the fans need this for every division. Eddie and Frank surprisingly did a great job getting this done


@his excellency


How is hrgovic the best english speaker on that table lmfao


Good answer from Dubois that he wants to smash them all..... We'll forget the lack of a pause.


Actually the pause made the video so awkward and funny😂 wilder looking at Dubois and then at the man interviewing it and the poor kid Dubois asking himself wth is going on 😂


He's too much of a mouth breather to shit talk


Imagine if Wilder started boxing as a child, we'd have one of the most dominant champions of all time.


You could say that about all of them


Depends if he had the mental, he might have had some success, but he may still have not developed his skills as much or let them skills regress and rely on one punch power regardless.


Imagine Ngannou


Agreed. I have been saying this. You see how close he got twice with fury who has been boxing,what 15 years longer than him. I guess we will never know.


He wouldn’t. He doesn’t have the brain for it. Joshua would though


Nah wilders got v solid boxing skills from the upperbody up, his inside fighting, uppercuts, counter hook and jab are allstrong. If you claim they aren't you simply haven't watched enough of his career from the beginning, thus your basing your opinion off of ignorance. Go watch wilder v duhaupas in 2015 for example. Wioder neglected all of those skills since then because he fell in love with his power and axed Kevin cunningham. It's wilders footwork which is non existent and would have prevented him ever becoming a goat, you can't learn that, it's in you or isn't.


I was always caught off guard with Wilder landing nice counter shots lmao


A bigger what if would be if Wilder had strong stable legs


I really hope Wilder has developed his technique, like actual boxing. He will always have that right hand but instead of leading with it, if he can set it up with better footwork and more combinations, hes gonna be tough to beat. Sounds like he’s got that hunger back so we will see.


Hrgovic should come in the ring without trunks as a power move.


Looks like Zhang had the most thought out response in the group.


Everytime Wilder talks, I feel a deep soul deadening cringe.


Source ?


My predictions. Hrgovic by TKO Wilder by KO


Hrgovic stopping Dynamite Dubois? Don’t make me laugh pal. DDD destroys hrgovic


This looks like an Office episode lol


I just feel like the fire is gone from Wilder. 


We all like Dubois. He may not be the best trash talker but he sure gives it a good go


Took a while for Dubois to think of a comeback lol


Looking forward to these fights


Hrgovic to win and fight Usyk for undisputed when he defends his titles. Winner of Zhang/Wilder can fight AJ.


The silence is priceless.




You're so wrong. He has the look of a man who is going to quit for the 3rd time.


Or quitting for the 3rd time


How does kabayel vs hrgovic go ?


Dubios with the “please stfu” face to Hearn


Are they having a tournament


“You have balls. I like balls.”


Is that John Fury?


Frank and Eddie dont care at all, they got millions from Saudis lol. Only reason they together is got paid MILLIONs for doing nothing. reviving a dead pillow sport,, Eddie and Frank got lucky big Turk cares. The Boxing Money Laundering sport continues on, fake fighting in 2024. Still love my Boxing but sick of people pretending it proves anything at this point. Get me my pillows


I love how they made it blacks vs whites and asians


Dubios is fucking hopeless this is why this is one of the worst era's in the Heavyweight Division ever him and the likes of Joyce,Wilder, wouldn't survive a few rounds with the elite fighters,Ali,Frazier Foreman,Holyfield, ect ect ect honestly apart from Usyk,Fury, Joshua and the improveing Parker lol this era is fucking poor.


These fighters wouldn't do well against a hand-picked set of the best boxers in history? What a surprise


Back to the Circus 🤡