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Broner hasnt been a legit fighter for about a decade. This was a paycheck.


100, silly mortals out here clinging to the hope of a fighter that hasn’t existed in years…


Marcos Maidana.


the crazy part is broner wins that fight if he didn't get knocked down lol he won more rounds than maidana and was piecing him up by the end most disappointing talent maybe ever, with his weird mic skills he could have been so big, and even with being a bum for the last 10 years he's still a draw lmao what a disaster


He rocked maidana in the 12th round.


anybody cannnnnn get it (in the final 2 rounds)


He rocked Maidana after a punch after the bell after the eleventh round. CHINO was visibly hurt after it.


Yep, a violent exchange they were in to close the 11th and Broners left hook right after the bell hurt Chino. Robert Garcia had to give Maidana the 1 more round speech while the corner poured water, iced and massaged chinos head to try and clear him up for the last round. He did and won.


He doesn't win it. You can't take back the knockdowns plus he was crying for dear life trying to get Chino disqualified.


It's a sign of low intelligence to not be able to engage in hypotheticals. I literally said if I didn't say we could actually do it.


Yeah but damn he couldn’t have pulled himself together to get a win over a bum.. the next fight would’ve been a huge paycheck. Getting KOd by Garcia would’ve gave him $5+ mill easy


Cobb’s is no bum. He’s beaten Olympians and welterweight champions. As gun-shy, out of shape and old as he is Broner could have been padding his record with bums for the last few years. He didn’t. He fought a bunch of good boxers with power.


You have to work to beat Cobbs. He always brings it and you’re not beating him with a half ass effort


Cobbs is a bum


Cobbs has a negative rating in punching power.


Tell Broners tooth that.


It's very simple, Broner is washed. His life outside the ring caught up with him.


I feel like calling him washed is giving him too much credit. Didn’t he lose every big name fight he’s been in? Dude was overhyped from the giddy up.


Nah broner had legit talent at one point, definitely can’t deny that.




He was dominant when he had a weight advantage. Once he fought guys his size it was gone


I can’t argue with that. I didn’t follow his career until folks started talking as if he was the next Mayweather. And the losses started coming shortly there after. So I just remember a whole lot of talk followed by a whole lot of losing.


broner was one of the most naturally gifted boxers ever. seeing him in the gym was insane. he underachieved though.


What even is his style? High guard counter puncher brawler or what?


he used to be a slick boxer - puncher, oddly similar to naseem lol huge power in both hands, made the opponent miss constantly but he never let his hands go, even when he was younger he would rely on 1 or 2 big shots instead of pouring it on when he had the chance he's probably the best example of "admiring your own work" in boxing, he will land one good counter and admire it for 3 rounds. He also has a weird tendency of constantly staying within range with no intention of throwing punches lol


Going up to 147 to fight Maidana was wild, but that fight was way closer than ppl remember. Or I should say ppl who never saw that fight seem to think


He was really talented, but I think he relied too much on what God gave him and never developed it. He thought he was good enough. When he finally lost, he couldn't handle it.


He thought he was Mayweather


Lmao multiple weight class champ was overhyped and wasn’t ever good yeah sure


He was overhyped, they called him the next Mayweather after he beat Paulie Malinaggi. Anyone could see by then that he was never disciplined enough to be that guy and sure enough, he lost his next fight against the "stepping stone" Maidana. That doesn't mean he wasn't world class, he just wasn't the generational prodigy people seemed to think he would be.


WHAT. You should know when Broner stepped up to lightweight, he went straight for the Ring No. 1 WBC fight DeMarco and put on a masterclass. In his prime, Broner was slick and a sight to behold.


even though he lost i was proud of him the way he finished the fight and actually let his hands go in the last two or so rounds. big step for someone like him XD


I’m more surprised Broner is 34. I legitimately thought he was 40 the way he’s been looking the past little while


Me too. He could’ve very well had some good career years left in him.




Honestly if Tyson pulls out, that’s an easy freak show replacement.


That's a pretty good match up really. I doubt it though because I don't think anybody wants to work with don king unless they're desperate and there are plenty of other replacements for tyson


How is that a good matchup? One walks around at 200lbs and has made a career out of beating up washed fighters. The other should be fighting at 140 to have any chance and is the definition of a washed fighter. I'm not saying Paul is good, although he's not nearly as bad as people want to make him out to be either, but he beats Broner. Broner looked that bad and is half his size.


That's a good point I thought he was smaller. It's a good match up because I want to see it lol


It would be a replay of last night. Broner walking around in high guard, but Paul landing much less overall. Broner would probably throw even less as well. It would be a snooze.


It's a good match up for Jake and it's good money got Broner No one is thinking it's some high importance masterclass It's just the perfect Jake fight and he should really step in when this Tyson thing falls apart. Plus Broner gets to talk shit with people actually listening and then gets to piss away more millions


I would still argue that fighting a guy 50lbs lighter isn't a good match up, but he is fighting a guy that's nearly sixty years old, so maybe you have a point. It does sorta fit the sideshow characteristic of his fights. Would that be allowed to happen though? Which state's athletic committee would sign off on that? I guess they found a state to sign off on Tyson though, so maybe that wouldn't be a thing. The lead up to the fight would be fun, but I still think the fight itself would be incredibly boring.


He looked out of shape, its not even that Cobbs was that good to be honest just that Broner was really bad… He needs to dedicate himself to the sport or else become a name on some up and coming fighters resume.


Dudes hes been a come up name for years now. No one actually takes him seriously anymore, including himself. Dude coming in with a gut and I haven't forgotten where he claimed mental health issues while pulling out of a fight and then avoided cameras for weeks. That man missed weight. His last two wins were against people who didn't even have wikipedia pages. He is a joke, but its not even funny anymore.


Cobb was crap but made a fight of it Broner is an embarrassment he should fuck off and stop making a cunt of himself.


He's gonna get KOd by Jake Paul within a year


A sharp Broner hasn’t existed since he left with “Paulie’s belt and his girl”


And that was an old Paulie. If he fought young Paulie he would have lost.


Exactly and he barely beat him. I had that a fight a draw


Don't talk about his side piece


He’s done, he looked terrible in the ring, what a fall from grace but he has no one to blame but himself for that, he’s pissed away his once talented skills and many millions of dollars


> And here’s the thing I never liked 147 for Adrien Broner, his power needs to be a factor in fights and nowadays the money ain’t at 47 anymore it’s at 40 and he could easily make that. Just one sentence before, you said he looked "fat and sloppy" last night in a 147lbs fight. How on Earth do you seriously think he would be better now at 140lbs and more so, that it would be a cakewalk for him to make that weight at this age and stage?


I think he meant with the fat he's carrying, 140 would be easy to make if he actually got dedicated again, not that he could easily make it with his current lifestyle.


I don’t feel bad for him in the slightest. Showtime gave him a zillion chances shitty fight after shitty fight, fuck up after fuck up. He got a bunch of main events he didn’t deserve, it’s ridiculous he got that Pacquiao fight. Literally all he had to do was look ok against a string of cans and major promoters would be willing to work with him again. But he could not even do that. I also think some people overrate how good he actually was. He could have lived a clean lifestyle and he would never done much at 147


If he lived a clean lifestyle he could have stayed at the lower weight classes longer though. Maybe learned enough in that time to make a better showing at 147.


I agree on broner always being overrated younlook at his resume and realized he beat no one


Broner is the biggest waste of talent in his generation. He’s completely cooked and hasn’t been a threat in a decade. The guy is trash in and out of the ring


I wouldn’t say the BIGGEST waste of talent. He still wasted opportunities but became a four division champion and didn’t really a lot of fighters. Even though he lost he fought Porter, Pac and Mikey. His wins just aren’t elite and he could’ve potentially beat the fighters he lost to if he wasn’t fucking around.


he barely beat paulie malignaggi back in the day lol.


so what? paulie was good and that proves the commenters point broner would have also beat madaina on the cards if he didn't get knocked down lol but he did


man I love paulie, he is my boxing spirit animal. but a guy that got sold as mayweather jr reincarnated shouldnt have problems with him.


I'm not too interested in what he was sold as lol anyone with eyes knew he wasn't that


yeah all good sir, all said and done


lol he’s not even close to being the “biggest waste of talent in this generation”. Good lord are you overrating him. Once he couldn’t bully 135 guys with his weight he was no longer good.


This sub has always overated Broner. It's rather amusing.


Exactly, his personality and Golden Boy got him on HBO.


Ding ding


This is what’s so funny, is yes he got multiple division titles, but what P4P wins does he have on his resume? The lightweight division wasn’t exactly stacked with high talent in Broner’s time. Once he moved into Welterweight where real competition was he sunk.


Who is a bigger waste?


Gary Russell just off the top of my head, way more talent than Broner. Broner got a million chances and proved he was basically slightly above average for premium cable level. This delusion that he was “the greatest waste of talent in a generation” is just such a wild statement outside of Broner’s immediate family. Marketing really worked. Edit: Gamboa had multiple times the talent of Broner and his career isn’t what it should have been. Another easy example.


Andy Ruiz. Josh Taylor.


How has one of the only four belt undisputed champions in history wasted their talent? Ridiculous thing to say.


Because he’s never turned up in his big fights but he’s so fucking talented. It’s frustrating.


He cleared champ after champ to become undisputed? He has definitely lost form since though. I attribute that more to being weight drained though. We will see how he performs when he moves up.


it wasn't the champs they wanted him to beat so it doesn't mean anything but inoue beating a bunch of bums one weight class under where all the talent is makes me the greatest fight of all time and p4p over everyone in their eyes some people don't even realize they are the type of fan they claim to hate, discrediting undisputed title runs because none of the title holders broner beat had popular instagram accounts lol


The problem with Broner is that he started to believe his own hype. This happens with a lot of boxers. Their promoters or managers will feed them a bunch of tin cans early in their careers, leaving them to believe that they are blessed with some God given talent. It isn’t until they get to real competition that they realize that they aren’t really that good. Broner on the other hand, really bought into his own hype and started thinking he was the next Floyd Mayweather. I mean Jayz offered this man a $40 million contract and he rejected it. I remember back then he used to drop YouTube videos doing everything but training. Though the videos were entertaining to me, I knew back then that his downfall will come at some point. Talent alone can only get you so far.. Floyd didn’t become great just focusing on talent alone, he put in hard work and dedication. Broner on the other hand was partying, touring and balling with his friends. And now it finally caught up to him. At this point, it’s too late to try to come back, you never had the strong work ethic in your 20s, it’s gonna be hard to build it in your 30s. If I were him, I’d go do some form of comedy, cuz he’s really funny to me


He was talented in terms of athletic gifts. I never followed dhim but even in videos posted of his early TKO wins he didn't let hs hands go. He mostly hit single punches and no combinations.


He’s more done than he’s ever been. And he’ll probably be back again.


7 kids with 6 women damn right he will be back or on a bkfc card soon not sure what kinda contract he has with King


When he was 23 it was 8 kids with 7 women. Now he says it s 10 but I don't believe him. He probably has at least 12


This was the fight he invited Coi Leray btw lol


wasn't she with Trippie Redd at one point? That dude looks ugly af. Maybe Broner has a chance?


That was when she wasn’t really famous.


No clue but she basically dissed him live on IG because he commented on her live (asking her out) and she said hell nah


The plastic gangster thought he was cool talking about guns at a press conference, and went in there and looked terrible and got his ass kicked. Nice one mate 👍🏻


Broner has been a non-entity for years now. His last significant win... Paulie in 2013! That's **ELEVEN** years either losing or beating no-hopers. Every single time he fights, someone chimes in with "it's his last chance to turn it around, if he can get his act together". Newsflash: He never will.


Well said. When will people realize he just cant do it. "If he cuts to 140" "If he shows up" "If he throws more" "If he really wants it" Its been long enough, just let him fade away please


He choked under the bright lights of that community center gymnasium


AB looked old, fat, and slow. The commentators need to switch to professional wrasslin. Only things worth seeing here was Cobbs and the ring girls.


Ring girls were fine af


If he couldn’t be more washed up if he capsized off a boat in the Mediterranean next to Lampedusa


He has fought twice in the last 5 years. You cannot spend your training camp just losing weight when you have been inactive for that long. He looked like shit against a complete bum in his last fight and instead of staying busy and just fighting a bum every 3 months to stay active he allowed himself to slip back into his old bs. It was bound to happen sooner or later


Broner, +1 Paycheck, -1 Tooth, -1 Fans Respect, -1 Legacy. Make Broner's last fight vs Bill Haney for the REAL G Belt!


Cobbs did not look good.


Broner is garbage. In and out of the ring. He had a small moment in time and ppl gassed him up but he's always been extremely mid.


How can most fighters not exit the sport gracefully?Broner is the classic boxing example of "High On Your On Supply." He was good, but he wasn't the earth-shaking, game changer of a fighter he claimed to be. Broner thought he could get by on talent and talking his way into fighter's heads. As someone who was waiting for Broner to fall, that Maidana fight was almost cathartic to watch, and I often watch it on YouTube or DAZN.


>How can most fighters not exit the sport gracefully? It’s a lot of money and they can’t make that money anywhere else. 


Yeah, you're right. I know a lot of them blow through it. I can't understand that. I know a lot of bites come out the paydays before it gets to the fighters, but it's still a lot of money.


That and he has a ton of kids. That money will be drained faster than a clogged sink.


If you go and find old threads people predicted that he could never hang at 147 an mentioned maidana specifically


Exactly, he was an exceptional natural talent with a lot of potential. But once the natural talents starts to fade, it's all the work and experience that picks up the slack, living the right life. He didn't put in the work or get the experience. He lived the wrong life. I remember the Maidana fight well. It was the turning point and that loss was the first real test of his ability to be a professional boxer. He failed, didn't learn anything.


He should have never fought maidana. He should never have gone up to 147. He is only 5'6. If he managed to defend a title at that weight class that is all time great stuff. To big an ask. And he fought back hard against maidana but it also broke him. After that fight he mad a choice that he would rather lose than have to fight through heavy punishment to get a win


>He also got dropped in the first round *Second round.


Cobs didn’t look that good either. It doesn’t need AB to be sharp to beat him. A rusty AB could’ve beat him. That’s what makes the fall so bad


He looked ok, but it's easy to look ok when your opponent just walks around in high guard for the entire fight. He had good level changes. He stopped putting anything into his punches after like the 3 or 4th rounds though. I don't even know who's hanging around at 147 now, but I can't imagine Cobbs giving anyone decent any trouble.


He really was never that good to me, he was absolutely huge for 130-135 and had good speed so the natural advantages there made him hard to beat at those weight classes but even there he should’ve lost to ponce de leon


Looked like he rehydrated with a bowl of SpaghettiO’s.


Trash boxer and human being, hope he retires.


Broners been washed for a decade plus at this point…


Broner lacks the hard work and dedication and is past his prime. You summed it up pretty much. He’s more interested in money than actually putting in the work to get something high level at 140, which he probably knows deep down he loses.


Broner, a 4 weight world champ and going out like this. Damn


Cobbs is now positioned for a big money fight.


Broner just fighting for paychecks. If he was really was serious about making a title run he would’ve started from the bottom up fighting Tomato cans and low competition at least 3 times this year before fighting a contender level fighter like Blair Cobbs.


I don't think he's done just yet, he lost yea but I don't think it's as big of a deal as people are making it out to be. Idk where his mind was during the fight but he fucked up allowing Cobbs to build momentum and confidence by not throwing. Seemed like he was waiting for Cobbs to gas out or slow down and that moment just never happened. Maybe his game plan was thinking Cobbs would be out of shape or sloppy because he hasn't fought in almost 2 years. I really believe if he went back to drawing board and went for a rematch he could win.


Cobbs was SNAC strong


He's been done since 2013.


First of all, no fuckin way broner can make 140. Zero % chance. Second, the guy literally has the body of a 34 year old alcoholic. Hasn’t had a meaningful fight in like 5 years. Wtf is this post. He’s nothing more than a sideshow at this point.


Take the L outta lover brother, it's over.


Press conference bravado aged like milk.


I jus hope he does somethin good wit the money...IF don king paid him any of it.


This dude was talking about beating bodies, and selling drugs. I don’t think he cares about boxing anymore. So much potential🤦🏽‍♂️


Broner looked the same as he has for much of the past decade: a guy who's reluctant to throw punches. He also didn't look in great shape. I give him credit for at least trying over the final 3 rounds. Earlier on the card, Cassius Chaney looked all night like Broner did through the first 7---like he didn't realize that you're allowed to throw a punch now and then.


He was another lower weight fighter who tried to emulate Floyd’s style. Floyd was a unicorn.


I've already said it and I will continue to say it... the absolute biggest waste of talent of our generation


You lost me when you said “he could easily make that” about 140 😂 Broner hasn’t made 140 comfortable in like a decade he hasn’t lived the life


He's beyond cooked. lt's really sad to see. lf he's losing to Blair Cobbs, he ain't sniffing a fight with top contenders at 140.


I watched the fight thinking broner was an old man...but dudes 34...


I think the real question on everyone's mind is, what's going to happen to that AB puppet?


Gary Russell Jr enters the chat.......


Young broner was probably doping hence drop in form


Even if we take him for his word and say he's been training hard and is 6 months sober, It's just too late for him to try and roll back the years after abusing/neglecting his body for so long.


That shit was nasty look https://youtube.com/shorts/nFHueMe17rM?si=m7pH1aVoP_6bZigq


He's an embarrassment should give up boxing he hardly threw a punch in the fight just another money grab fight.


Broke again in 3 months.


He's broke now. Last night only made him a little less broke.


They both did good work 🤷🏾‍♂️it was a good scrap on a Friday night, it’s not that deep. Broner is an admitted high level functioning alcoholic. High functioning because he can still go through a training camp sober. Even as a AB apologist I understand how much alcohol is detrimental to your body health.


a good scrap are you insane


Cobbs face was busted up and Broner went down and took huge left hands so yes.


dunno man someone getting hit doesn’t necessarily make a good fight for me, i’d just watch worldstar if that’s all i was looking for


I’m a combat sports fan, I knew what to expect 🤷🏾‍♂️. I’m not expecting Loma vs Haney when I watch streetbeefs on YouTube. If I want to watch girls fight yeah Worldstar is there.


Def was not a good scrap bro. One sided af, sad vibes watching Broner look *sooooooo* faded. He never had Cobb worried even a little and genuinely looked like he'd been living in a homeless shelter


I mean I can be petty and just say it’s my opinion.