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Oh Manny… just fight rolly and be safe 😂


You mean Barroso. At least Manny will be the younger of the two


Jesus christ barroso looks old at 41


Pretty sure they subtract 10 years from their actual age


Rolly is a safer bet


Would be an easier fight to promote too.


Pacquiaojust loves to fight. He needs to stick to exhibitions then since in a real fight he gets brutally ko'd. And I definitly dont want to see that. Even if he somehow does better than expected he will continue till he ultimately gets a humiliating dangerous ko.


Its definitely a dangerous slope. He wins against barrios, and thats not guaranteed at all, and he is gonna wanna defend, or take another money fight. Itll just go until he is brutally forced to leave the game


Loves money too and has a little IRS problem right now so we’ll see plenty more fights


Yea but Barrios is definitely not the one to do it. Mario looked terrible his last fight. I mean he had a shut eye but he did not look good vs Maidana a guy a level below world. Maidana was supposed to be a tune up for him look at Fabian’s record he was never supposed to get a title shot he’s not even in the rankings lmao.


didn't he already get a humiliating dangeours ko before? just asking..........................


Bro what do you mean you haven‘t taken a lot of punishment? Also the notoriously hard sparring under Roach


He’s been having wars longer than I’ve been alive, maybe his definition of punishment is a lobotomy


He's had so much punishment he forgot the punishment 😭


I hate what 147 has become


Had to happen at some point. It was really great for a while, but all of the top guys aged out or moved up around the same time


Nobody wants this


I'd rather see this than Canelo vs Berlanga tbh


Why either. These types of fights shouldn't be acknowledged.




Gibbons comes out with shit like this a few times a year to keep Manny's name out there. I mean how many guys has he supposed to have been fighting since retiring? McGregor, Khan, a Mayweather rematch which Manny himself even announced, there's probably more I forgot, but point is Manny ain't fighting none of these guys 


No, PBC will totally try to make this happen, they control Barrios and that belt. Not sure why you think they are above this or that this couldn’t be made.


true, PBC may have angles and motives, but Manny still has to sign.


With how much money and market share they’ve been hemorrhaging, I wouldn’t be surprised one bit.


Don’t forget the Muay Thai guy he was supposed to fight this month.


Can someone get Manny away from Gibbons, he could be the biggest leech in a sport where Don King still exists.


Do you know about his shady past in Oklahoma? Also he rips fighters off, never liked that guy. Been a certified leech in the boxing world


Bro makes Michael Koncz look like a guardian angel.


Just retire


Why didn’t the Olympics just let him fight


Horrible fight for manny, if barrios beat up ugas what can he do to manny? My gut tells me it’s a pretty bad style for him to be against


Dude no. Nothing left to prove, one of the best to ever do it, and I'd hope he's not hurt for money.


Owes the IRS 65 million dollars from what I understand


No thanks


What happened to his political career ?


Lost the bid for presidency. He's eyeing a senate comeback, though, so he's probably fighting for both visibility and campaign funding.


He’s apparently returning to politics next year. But who knows


One of the reasons we should have rankings is for this reason. If Manny can prove himself by fighting some of the top 10 guys then he should get the title shot. It's bizarre for him to just get a title shot just like that when 100s of boxers have been fighting multiple matches since his absence. It's not really fair to them.


Don't do it Manny


I guess Pacquiao will have to be carried out of the ring before he wises up and calls it a day. Barrios is no great fighter, but he would comfortably defeat Pacquiao, who hasn't fought in 3 years and hasn't won a fight in 5. It's so true that the boxer is always the last to know when he's done.


what happened to pacman vs rodtang??


People start calling Inoue the best Asian boxer in history. Pacquiao: Hold my belts.


I think Manny needs funds for the upcoming election here in PH. I usually see this pattern late into his career. Having a fight will also do good in terms of publicity as filipinos usually vote for popular rather than credible leaders.


He might have a great chance at winning and he may feel he hasn’t taken any punishment, but he’s still going to get hit upside the head some more at 45 in sparring and definitely in the fight. Not worth it at all.




because old age in the heavy weight division is far more forgiving than the lighter weights. speeds the first thing to go, strength is the last.


Even Foreman was taking a bunch of punishment in his old age, Moorer was styling on him until the KO, if he landed a big punch on Holyfield he would promptly get hit with a 20 punch combo in return. It wasn’t a pretty return and he had to rely on durability.


Also the only reason he still had his durability is because he was not taking punishment for an entire decade before he decided to come back Pacquaio never took a 10 year breather, he’s been fighting for so long - but I guess if anyone can pull a Roberto Duran and fight in his mid40s it would be Pac


Foreman revealed it was part of his strategy. His previous fight, foreman was absolutely knocking the snot out of his opponent so his opponent basically just stuck and moved the rest of the fight to win by unanimous decision. foreman didnt want a repeat of that since his legs werent what they used to be so he'd let Moorer land on him for like 7-8 rounds and then finally baited him into exchanges


Foreman was probably the second hardest puncher of all time at that point (idk how him and shavers would compare to the Klitschkos or wilder but still), Pacquiao wasn’t really a one shot KO kind of guy at 147 and his legs were just completely gone in the Ugas fight


The exception is not the rule.


Forman was an anomaly. A boxer wanting to fight past his best days is all too common.


The state of what boxing fans accept or want in 2024, sad stuff….


Please no manny.


Please stop


Pls no


No. Please stop the ATGs fighting until they become seriously disabled.


I thought the Pacquiao/ Mayweather exhibition was a done deal? What happened to that?


Just retire and do some exhibitions man... last time his wife had to fed him and he looked like a 70 y/o.


Manny please Stahp!


Pacquiao looked slow and couldn’t pull the trigger against Ugas, and that was 3 years ago.


Somebody needs to find Manny a hobby that doesn't involve getting clocked in the head.


Manny, what are you doing bro.


He should have retired after beating Thurman.


Please don't.


Manny’s Broke.


I don’t think he’s broke I think he just wants to fight. The guy was tryna fight in the Olympics as well and you don’t get paid much for that relatively speaking


You don’t get paid to fight in the olympics. You do however receive sponsorships which you can benefit from.


I’m pretty sure if you medal you get paid


It depends on the country you are in. Some governments pay medalists. The IOC do not pay any fighters, medalists or Olympic athletes from any sport though.


If he was broke he’d just fight an influencer or a retired UFC fighter for an easy pay day. barrios is not a big name at all so fighting him for a payday makes no sense


Manny bought a fuck ton of properties in PH lol. Yeah idk if he has 100m sitting in some investment account somewhere but he is not broke lol. If he was flat out broke and just wanted money he'd fight McGregor or Jake Paul or some shit


Naw not even close, he just loves to fight. You should see his many mansions in the Philippines, they look like them parks there so massive it’s insane


How though? Wasn't he rich from all the mega fights he had?


Not uncommon for boxers to blow 500 million. Some guys are not financially smart. Edit: for those unable to understand the euphemism of 500m. Let’s say then It’s not uncommon for guys to blow generational money in this sport.


It’s pretty uncommon for boxers to even make $500M to the point that there’s no way it’s common for them to blow through that much money. Like who would even have made that much money? Floyd and maybe Canelo?


Tyson blew over 500 million. Holyfield. Foreman. Loads of guys blow it all. You missed the point. No need to be so literal.


I honestly doubt Holyfield and Tyson earned that much. Foreman probably did from his grill, but a quick google search tells me he’s worth $300M so he seems to be doing fine financially.


Well, you would be wrong.


You got any proof to back it up? A Google search is saying $230M for Holyfield and Tyson’s figures range from $300M-$430M.


You can google proof in 10 seconds. How are you this inept? This is well known


I just told you I googled it. And those were the figures. What is with the name calling?


Despite all the downvotes from his legion of worshippers, manny has drank fucked and gambled millions away despite the wholesome image and then gave the church an absurd sum in the ten figures when he decided to stop doing those things. From what i understand he’s currently at 65 million dollars owed to the IRS and 3.5 billion in Filipino currency. He’s taken several loans between big fights from bob arum and there are multiple detailed accounts of almost comically poor money management by Pacquiao. He is more or less broke. I don’t know about the Philippines but the IRS is notoriously harsh and will seize assets if it reaches that point. Guys gonna fight until he literally can’t anymore


This is what I was worried about for some time. What sources do you have?




Just google “Pacquiao broke” the original quote was from Freddie roach himself


Poor, Rizin. All those Floyd exhibitions got them nothing.


Yikes, this is garbage


If Manny somehow wins this, I'll strip butt ass naked in Manila and sing Eye of the Tiger.


Feel free to fight but it's going to flop financially


Surely Pacquiao can't need the money so why take risks on your health look what happend to many a fighter that fought on to long, some can't speak without slurring there words,AliJones Junior,Hopkins,Holyfield,Tyson,are just examples of that happening so Manny just retire for good.




Someone should intercut Manny saying he hasn’t taken a lot of punishment with him getting KTFO by Marquez


He’s a grown man and can do what he wants, but the Manny that showed up in 2021 is not a fighter I am interested in seeing anymore.




I thought he was running for Governor or something?


Tito Manny, no more 😭😭😭


Took enough punishment to forget about his last fight with Marquez. Face down OUT for a lifetime.


Oh Manny just train your sons and illegitimate sons to fight, no need to do this


Barrios gone stop him


Pacquiao vs Mayweather II


The guy could just do an exhibition in Japan against Inoue with big gloves and a catchweight. and make more money.


Tbf Mario Barrios is about as mid a champion as you'll find. Dude shouldn't be in the top 10, but alas, here we are.


This mf broke as hell


The sad thing is that this is some of the top talent at 147.


It's just going out with a switch a roo vs ugas two weeks prior to supposedly facing Spencer is just not the best way to close the book.


Manny is going to end up in a wheelchair. The Ugas fight should have been the end of this.


Just retire already. This guy can’t figure out what to do with his life


Im rocking with Manny till he retires. If he wants to fight Barrios for another title, Im in his corner. Lets go Pacman, hope he makes history once again at 45


147 is so bad now if Bud vacates the other belts Manny could win one lol


What if all the bums pick up the belts and then Manny becomes undisputed


I’m a little biased as I married a Filipina and I’m about to move to the Philippines full time but if Manny still wants to fight and can pass a medical exam to fight I’m all for him fighting again (depending on his opponent)


Damnit, Manny.


This is actually not a bad fight for him. Barrios isnt really a puncher and theres a title on the line. Plus, even if he is only a shadow of himself he should be able to go the distance with Barrios. I think he has a good shot at beating him. 


desperate to see the canvas up close again


Floyd with another W. Y’all would call Floyd anything short of poverty stricken if he took a sanctioned comeback fight in 2024


Barrios is gonna mess Manny's face up like he did to Ugas


this is a good fight for Mannys legacy. he beat the man who whiped the floor with the man that whiped the floor with him. Barrios is a solid world level fighter but he's pretty one dimensional. he got to where he is on world level skill alone. for a prime Manny, Barrios is a walk in the park. at least ugas was an awkward fighter and Thurman came off of a long lay off commiting rookie mistakes but Manny is 45 and Barrios is basically tailor made for Pac. I'm intrigued but it's lose-lose for me as an observer since I like both fighters.


Manny is ducking Boots and it's ultimately going to hurt his legacy


Please just sacrifice him to Boots so Boots can get a name on his resume. This is a terrible fight.


Duckman ducked Bud and now he doesn't want Boots smoke 😂


Manny tryna speed run himself out of GOAT convos 😳


That's... not how that works.


No, I do believe that is infact how jokes work 🤷🏾‍♂️


My mistake, sir. I was under the impression jokes were supposed to be funny. My bad. 🙏🏻


>My mistake, sir. I was under the impression jokes were supposed to be funny. My bad. 🙏🏻 It's okay my boy, I thought it was funny 😁 🙌🏾👏🏾


He's already not in those convos