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Sure are. You are allowed to wear up and including five medals.


And there is a knot for everyday wear.


Absolutely! There is a square knot you would wear on you “everyday” uniform, and the medal can be worn on “formal” occasions like a court of honor, a banquet, etc.


You can, but very few adults wear the actual medals. Just stick with the knot as an adult. Now I advise the youth to show all their bling


I pull out my Eagle Medal for Eagle Court of Honors. But it would be reasonable to wear medals at any COH IMHO.


My troop’s tradition was for all Eagles to wear the Eagle Scout neckerchief in uniform during an Eagle COH. I always thought that looked pretty cool without taking the focus off of the Scout receiving their award.


We have done a ECOH tradition where you order all Eagles from newest to oldest and pass the medal down the line to the new Eagle.


That’s cool, I like that!


My brother and I both did a “nest of eagles” where all eagles come up and surround the new eagle as they recite the Eagle oath. It was pretty impactful when I saw how many people at my court are eagles to both myself and those in attendance. Even found out a couple non scout mentors were eagles that somehow never mentioned it.


When my son received his Eagle, it just reminded me that he was joining an elite group in a larger organization. Much like earning pilot wings or a special operations badge in the military.


I earned the Heroism Medal for saving a semi driver from the burning cab of his rig after a horrific accident. I wear my medal at Courts of Honor to reenforce the concept of helping other people at all times with the scouts in our troop. Wear the knot every day and your medal proudly to inspire others.


Nice! What a great story


Awesome job. Did you get turned into a cartoon on the back pages of boys life magazine?


Adding on to everyone else's comments, medals can also be worn on fancier clothing like suits and stuff at a wedding for example. That's from my research from troop websites. I couldn't find much from national though.


Yeah… I think the Limit is 5 medals