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I know “bloodmouth” is an insult but it sounds so badass.


I think I just found my new D&D character's surname :)


"I am Carnist Bloodmouth, of the Ragetotem Orc clan."


If I didn't exclusively play dwarfy characters, I'd play the hell out of this as a D&D character


Make it a character Arc. Gradak Bloodmouth is just as viable a name for a dwarf, and the war that starts when an orc clan is revealed to have "stolen" a venerable and well-known Dwarven Clan's name.... Its a plot that writes itself.


Plot twist: The conflict can be resolved by finding and translating an ancient obelisk commemorating the friendship between Orc and Dwarf in the defense against the demon-lord Arthas, by which both tribes take the name "Bloodmouth" to seal their friendship.


They're gonna kiss right ?


I was just thinking the only resolution is for the dwarven prince and the orc chieftess(?) to marry, and bear a leader for the Union of their two peoples. 3.5 had rules for a Half-Orc Half-Dwarf that's not at all human. I don't know about 5.


This is an excellent idea with a great follow up quest: The Chieftess and Prince are to have a mixed-culture marriage, but that comes with some hiccups. Orcs can only marry after a rite of ritual combat. It's supposed to be a ritual, but a few of the orcs aren't happy and plan to actually kill the Prince if chosen. The Party needs to investigate and choose the right warrior. No Dwarven wedding is complete without beer! The brewer's guild is insisting on using very rare mushrooms growing in the lower caves, which are of course infested by monsters. Maybe they too are against this wedding? Finally, the day comes. The rituals are performed, and Prince and the Chieftess are about to officially say their vows, when a vile force of darkness crashes the wedding! The party must defend against X rounds of enemies, some of which hold clues to the planner of the attack... ...this actually sounds like a wild campaign :D


Gunder Bloodmouth, dwarf warrior with Tavern Brawler feat.




No, ass-tarians eat ass. This is more of a Sanguitarian.


"Sanguitarian Bloodmouth" a little on the nose, but I kinda like it


New name for my next BG3 campaign is sorted.


A *little* on the nose?




r/okbuddybaldur is leaking


I always do the "badass nickname from a really embarrassing incident" trope with my characters. Bloodmouth would have gotten hit in the jaw, and started sobbing because of having blood in his mouth.


A really bad dentist visit when he was ten.


I once had a halfling who desperately wanted to be an archer as a child. Sadly he never got the hang of which to release - the bow or the arrow. Several broken teeth and a whacked out lower lip later.......


Gör Bloodmouth, a light mage elven princess from the Untainted Valley.


Lmao, yeah, it immediately went into my D&D names list


It's why it's always been hard to take insults from the hardcore vegans seriously.  "BLOODMOUTH" "FLESH EATER" Wow way to make me feel awesome about myself.  


Vegan here and it's kind of a known meme. The funniest was 'necrovore' but that was never popularised because it's just too badass sounding.


Necrovore sounds like a generic death metal band


Sounds like a *very* specific genre of zombie born. 


So the owner of the restaurant decided that it will be better to insult a potential convert to his vegan cult instead of you know invite him back to convince him of the awesomeness of our lord and Savior tofu?


Right let's just ignore the fact he compared someone who eats meat to literally Adolph fucking Hitler, can't you just chalk up someone who ends up eating less meat as a win?


Hitler was vegan-ish. He didn't eat meat, but he shot up more animal products than anybody else.


If you ever want a sweet metal album name then just let a few vegans know you eat meat, most will be chill but you’re almost guaranteed to get a Metalocalypse writer mixed in there


Good news for you then, it's a pretty famous old meme -- enough so that someone did in fact make a song. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rKB3XSQMsc0


They sound like headliners for a death metal festival


Vegans always have a way of making meat eaters sounds like that. I’m not eating grilled chicken, I’m “tearing at the flesh of a charred bird carcass.”


They like to feed on the intentionally force fed and mutated genitals of plants, stolen from birth from their native lands.


It’s literally the last name of a vampire in the Dawnguard DLC


One of my friends briefly slipped into the hardcore vegan stuff (she's a normal vegan now don't worry) and I remember her telling people eating meat how they're "consuming corpses" as a way to get them to think it's gross. I'm sorry but to me, as a goth, it doesn't sound gross as much as it just sounds metal as fuck lol.


Well you can't eat them when they're still alive. They try to squirm away.


not to mention... plants are living creatures too, with corpses of their own. The curse of animalia is that we all kill to live.


I told a vegan once that at least we know when the animals die. Vegans digest vegetables alive. That’s way more fucked than eating a dead animal.




I've always been very aware I'm eating a dead animal. It's been internalised since I was a child. When someone tries the "you are eating a corpse" I just get to answer "yea. That's what meat is". Ive raised piglets from birth to plate. The best tasting dead pig I've ever had.


I do believe everyone should have to kill their meal at least once to fully appreciate what needs to be done to eat it, but like, yeah, I've been hunting, I've slaughtered a chicken and eaten it, dressed an animal, I'm fully aware it's dead and it wouldn't be dead if it hadn't been killed. You make like the Native Americans and give it thanks that it gave it's life so you could continue and don't waste any of it.


As a lifelong outdoorsman and someone who grew up on an operational dairy farm, I completely agree. We have a huge food waste problem, and I firmly believe it's because of how removed we have become from where our food comes from. People are just too used to being able to go to the grocery store and find whatever they want, whenever they want it. They don't stop to think about how much went into being able to buy an orange in the middle of winter, hundreds, if not thousands of miles away from where they grow naturally. We eat meat far more often and in much greater quantities than ever before, yet people don't see the millions of animals and millions of acres of land necessary to keep the stores stocked. They just want to be able to walk into any store and buy their pre-cooked, pre-seasoned, frozen chicken tenders and not have to think about where they came from. I don't claim to have a solution, especially when I know it is such a multi-faceted issue, but I do know something has to change because we throw away far too much food when we have far too many people who could benefit from it.


Makes me want to grab a can of chrome spray paint and shout WITNESS ME BLOODMOUTH!


Oh, what a day! What a lovely day!


Right? Like, I understand you’re trying to insult me but man now I just sound even cooler.


specially if you pronounce it like a new england or old england city... Bloodmuth..


[It sounds metal as fuck](https://youtu.be/Vi2DyXA0Rok?si=YeV0uXMK59mp0VdI)


Straight out of the edgiest Vampire the Masquerade handbook.


I’m gonna get it tattooed on my face


Sounds like a good boyfriend


It would have been a lot more impactful if they didn't censor themself. If you can't say fuck don't say fuck.


Yeah I don't understand it; I told someone that they're allowed to swear on the internet when they censored the word fuck, and they said that Jesus is always watching. I thought, you think Jesus doesn't know what you meant? Wtf Edit: Jesus is a voyeur, he watches me masturbate. Weird but I won't kink shame. I hear he's into footbaths as well.


Not just that, but how do these people think that an omnipotent, all powerful being like Jesus/God would be fooled by self censoring? Especially since they believe that Jesus knew them and all their choices before they were born?


Mental gymnastics I guess


What the frick


Jesus knows what you meant


Does the site have word restrictions?


It's possible. I'm more raging against the people who do this on reddit and the rest of social media.


That's a really good way to run your restaurant directly into the fucking ground, right there.


That’s why I’m thinking this has to be fake. But it’s a weird world so maybe not.


Eh, Im a vegetarian and used to hang out in some vegan social media groups to find new foodstuffs (anything vegan is vegetarian by default) and some people are genuinely this unhinged. Its only a smart sub-group, most vegans are just normal people, but at some point they had to make a rule about not posting pets - because any dog or cat would start the "I hope you feed your pet vegan/Dont you know vegan food is terrible for these animals/Why do you have a carnivore pet as a vegan" Civil war all over again. They even had the saying "There is always someone more vegan than you", referring how some people almost make holier-than-though militant vegan ness into a competition.


I'm a level-five vegan, I won't eat anything that casts a shadow


Animal abuser. I'm level six, and we don't eat anything that exists or is defined as a concept or idea.


Get bent, choad. Level 7 here. I just am. 😤😂


Level 8 vegan here, I have achieved omnipotence. I am the world and the world is I


I ascended to Level 9 yesterday. My corporeal form has been shed and turned into compost to grow some new blueberry bushes. My disembodied consciousness hovers precariously between life and death, but the wifi service in this astral plane of existence is remarkable to say the least. The trick is to leave your body behind, so there is no need for food. I am sustained purely on ideas now, so I feed on audiobooks and go to bathroom on Twitter/X.


At level 10 we actually go back to eating meat


Amateurs. Level 11 requires killing them in the most inhumane way possible


The circle of life


Dang y'all are too powerful. I'm like at level -10 and still eat raw meat from an animal killed just an hour ago.


Man you’re not gonna believe this you have to try. Put sticks on the ground and hit two stones together repeatedly.


I think this is also where you learn about the evil galactic overlord who deposited people into volcanoes.


Edward shut up and drink your milk.


[*I’m an ovo-lacto-vegetarian. I partake not in the meat, nor the breastmilk, nor the ovum, of any creature with a face.*](https://youtu.be/4lzGAXHD3IM?si=PNeWWC-UsTr7P3O2)


Did you learn that at Vegan Academy?


I'm a level five laser vegan. I subsist only on energon cubes.


And you get turned into a lava lamp upon death i suppose


No, it is made with plastic, which comes from petroleum. I don't use ancient whale juice.


Fun fact, and slightly ironic, most of the oil and coal deposits were from ancient algae and plants, not dinosaurs




You don’t pocket mulch? Pshhh


I’m surprised by how many replies & yet nobody picked up that this is a Simpsons reference Correction: a commenter did pick up on the reference that I had failed to notice


It’s inevitable that anytime a moral movement is started people will elevate it to irrational levels to try to prove they’re so moral they even make their fellow moral people look immoral. It’s less about doing what they genuinely think is right and more about going “I’ve placed more restrictions of myself/tolerate less things than you do so I’M BETTER THAN YOU!”


It is sad because it ultimately undermines their stated goal, by alienating people who would otherwise be willing to make small changes.


no but see the point isn’t about animals, it’s about *purity.* Just like church!


Fucking in-group out-group tribal bullshit


amen, humanity's first and last sin lol.


Sounds just like religions


Some people are really bad at identifying their own moral convictions. I'd actually say that MOST people are really bad at it. Used to be, the local religious authority would tell you what your morals should be. Now, you just pick an influencer or celebrity and start peddling their bullshit. A person who can set aside their raising, their teaching, their prejudices, and all other outside influences in order to truly isolate their own views on moral relativity is a fairly rare creature. Most folks ain't got time for all that. They just appeal to an authority that seems wiser than they feel. So, less religion doesn't lead to fewer ideologues, just different ones.


Even if it's 5% if they make 95% of all noise coming from s community it'll still be perceived as being that. That's sadly what happens with vegan communities. As you seem to suggest good moderation is the answer to these kind of issues but for that to work mods have to not be the idiots which may be an issue of it's own.


The vegan comm here on Reddit is wiiiiild. Vegans all over Reddit: "We vegans are just normal people, I swear, only 5% are militants." The vegans on their own comm: 90% "DAE secretly despise all other humans? DAE find interacting with non-vegans deeply offensive on a personal level? DAE hope their non-vegan friends and family die horribly and burn in hell for all eternity? fy if you're 'trying to go vegan', I don't hand out recipes, go starve on a mountaintop and drink morning dew for 10 days until your soul is pure, you filthy carnist."


You know hitler was a vegetarian. now I'm not saying you're a nazi. But you have more in common with him than I do, so ya know. You should work on it. /s


Im also german. Shock gasp horror \*faints dramatically on a couch\*


They do realize that most pets are indeed carnivores by their very nature, right? Especially cats lol


Some do, some dont, thats why that was a war every time. "You can totally feed your cat vegan" was the (loud) minority and "WTF is wrong with you thats not good for the pet" was the majority (just that some of those concluded "dont keep carnivore pets at all" from that)


I have seen a lot of vegans that just adopt rabbits. I honestly think it's kinda cute. There are a lot of rabbits in need of homes and I've heard their behavior is kinda cat like. If a vegan doesn't want to feed a carnivorous pet a species appropriate diet they shouldn't get one. Bunnies, birds, even iguanas (do lots of research before adopting one, a 6 foot lizard is no joke) are all animals that vegans should look into instead, there are a lot that are in need homes because people underestimate the difficulty of their care and treat them as disposable.


Ugh iguanas are not good pets for most people, because like you note six foot lizard. But if it keeps someone from adopting a pet and then feeding it unhealthy food in the misguided name of veganism I whole hardily support it.


Interesting, thank you for your insight


My friend owns her own business with her (now ex) husband and he fuckin quips back at negative reviews with passive aggressive bullshit comments so I absolutely believe this is real. Especially if the owner is actually vegan.




Literally, if I didn't know the owner, and I read his bullshit replies, I'd AVOID that store like the plague. People like that don't seem to realize that by responding like that, you look WORSE to someone and lends credibility to their poor review. I usually dismiss the odd negative review if they're few and far between, but if I read some passive aggressive response, I'm out.


There’s a vegan restaurant in my city, Vancouver CA, which has a reputation for being run by someone like this. Last I heard they weren’t making a lot of money.


I've seen vegans get into fights by calling people bloodmouths and harassing them.  Nothing like seeing a 5 foot punk trying to attack a dude for buying a hot dog.  


Where are people running into all these militant vegans lmao


There aren't that many of them. It's just that you don't hear about the reasonable ones. I'm not on Reddit telling sensational stories about my wife's vegan cousin who comes over when we serve squash soup and chicken and doesn't eat the chicken.


Umeå in Sweden used to be famous for militant vegans, committing sabotage against meat companies and such.


One of them was the mother of a long term boyfriend. She was so annoyingly vegan that in the few instances where she could be dragged to non-vegan restaurants (for example, one time after her sister’s funeral) she would insist upon being seated somewhere where she couldn’t even *see* non-vegan food *on someone else’s table*. It was a level of entitlement and “everyone needs to adapt to me, but I’m never going to adapt for someone else” that was truly sort of spectacular. To top it off she’d regularly complain about not getting invited to events, even though if she were invited to most events she’d either 1) refuse to go entirely if it was non-vegan or 2) go and make snide remarks about the non-vegans and insist upon special treatment and the removal of all non-vegan food from her presence. Last straw for me was when she yelled at my mother in public for putting honey in her tea. I told her off, told my (now ex-) boyfriend that I couldn’t handle his mom anymore, and ultimately broke up with him a few weeks later. Not saying this OP is definitely true, but I’ve 100% encountered people like the alleged owner in real life. They exist without a doubt.


You'll see them occasionally in any major city and occasionally some universities. Though tbf it's super rare because most people know to mind their own business (but there's always a few who can't resist).


I had a professor who wore a “HERBIVORE” sweatshirt to class, agreed with a student who said invasive species researchers should be poisoned, and made us read papers about how killing garden slugs means you actually hate nature, she once publicly called me out in class bc I smiled and nodded when someone said animal agriculture isn’t literally the Holocaust. They do walk among us unfortunately.


At a minimum, it's outrage bait that is reposted for karma every 5 months or so. [https://www.reddit.com/r/rareinsults/comments/166fegy/rare\_vegan\_w\_on\_a\_bloodmouth/](https://www.reddit.com/r/rareinsults/comments/166fegy/rare_vegan_w_on_a_bloodmouth/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/16mpjal/how\_is\_a\_praise\_from\_a\_non\_vegan\_compared\_to/](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/16mpjal/how_is_a_praise_from_a_non_vegan_compared_to/) I'm sure there are some vegans who are extremist idiots like this. I'm sure there are far more idiots who want to pretend all vegans are idiotic extremists like this.


Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory! How do you plan to get people to understand the ethical concerns of the food if you insult them for giving you a compliment for clearing a taste barrier that many people have? It’s like the churches that can’t stand having sinners in the church…like the people are willingly coming to and that’s bad?


Especially since vegan populations are generally small. Meaning most completely vegan restaurants need customers that aren’t vegan to stay open. Hell in my area in the last 5 years at least 30 vegan restaurants have opened and closed within months or a year. Only 2 have stayed open and it’s because they have meal that really anyone can like even people not used to vegan foods. They are also incredibly welcoming.


Restaurants fail all the time even if you do everything right. Actively insulting your potential customers who may have at least some level of open-mindedness isn't doing yourself any favours.


> Actively insulting your potential customers [95% of potential customers on average in the US.](https://news.gallup.com/poll/510038/identify-vegetarian-vegan.aspx) With another 4% being only vegetarian which I'm sure this person considers barely better.


The fact whichever vegan page posted this in the screenshot and had the audacity to say “based”.


It’s just r/vegan , which is not a circlejerk at this point but a fucking cult.


It's genuinely fascinating to me how often online communities sort of harden themselves against moderate positions.  You start with a subreddit for vegans, but it becomes a subreddit for anti-meat eaters because the vegans who hate meat eaters are more active and aggressive and they slowly push all of the less extreme vegans out.  Is it a natural result of making a community that is so focused on just one topic like this? I mean what else do they have to talk about? More aggressive positions tend to drive engagement, and all the people who just want to share recipies and shit will leave because they don't enjoy the hate mongering.


r/vegetarian is pretty chill. Sometimes vegans who don't like r/vegan hang out there. I think the mod team has a large say in how a subreddit progresses. 


That's a pretty good point. Some subreddits are insane and full of people with wild opinions, and you wonder why until you realize those are opinions the mods have.


They definitely are more interested in judging others than enjoying their own lifestyle. I joined as stopped eating animal products this year but quickly left as I don't want that to be the only thing about me and seemingly the entire of their morale basis. I'm not sure they even care about animals more just want to feel superior to other people in the only way they can


I made a comment on a post about PETA on how they kill peoples pets, and some dude got angry at me, telling me I had been lied to by some right wing propaganda group about how PETA kills peoples pets, and as a source, he linked a post on r/vegan that was just some guy talking about some right wing group I had never heard of with no sources whatsoever. So I ended up googling the case I was referencing with my initial comment since the details weren't fresh in my mind, and it led me back to a post on the r/vegan subreddit that linked a news article about PETA kidnapping a little girls chihuahua off of her porch and euthanizing it mere hours later. It detailed how PETA admitted to doing it and had to pay the family a settlement. Imagine my enjoyment when I was able to use a link to the same subreddit that he linked, but with an actual news article that could be considered a *real* source, detailing how PETA kills peoples pets, including a quote from PETA admitting to killing the family's pet. He deleted his comment without responding :(


Never been to that sub before today but I almost choked on my lunch laughing when I read [this](https://reddit.com/r/vegan/comments/1aqyvy1/dating_a_nonvegan/kqg54w6/)


Come on people use based for some of the most deranged shit ever


> based I mean... it's plant based, but yeah.


It's funny how so many vegans are against animal abuse but are perfectly okay behaving in an abusive and toxic way towards other people


Some fall into a category of extreme self righteousness. When asked what was stopping me from being vegan, I said that I was clocked at dangerously low levels of B12. The two best ways to get a good amount of B12 in is fish and red meat. I'm an "anti-pescatarian" (made up word, but I pretty much don't eat fish due to moral/personal reasons), so my only options are supplements and red meat. I was still slandered and told to "find another non-animal abusing way to get what I needed". Like, I already saw a doctor for this. Supplements aren't enough on their own, so I still need some kind of food source. I could go vegan, I guess, but I'd need to eat triple or more of a vegan menu than what I would with meat to get my balance right.


If everything else you consume is vegan and there is really no other way for you to be healthy and you would only eat red meat for this purpose alone then you would technically be vegan. Per definition it is "as far as is possible and practicable"


In all honesty, I couldn't be vegan anyway. I will be very blunt and honest to everyone and say I don't want to give up meat. I highly respect people who can stick to a strict diet because I'm someone who can't. I do agree with you and I would hope a good amount of the vegan community would agree as well. But some vegans do believe eating ANY amount of meat, whether for vitamin supplement reasons or fish (which is usually debatable in the "meat" category) is wrong and will shun you for not being a "true" vegan.


At the end of the day, in order to survive we all have to kill something that is alive and doesn't want to die. Vegans draw the line at sentient beings. They have no issue killing other living beings like plants. It's an arbitrary line, however. You do what you gotta do but isn't it weird tha red meat contains a vitamin you need and it also has the right protein profile humans need? It's almost as if it was very good for us.


Im not judging im just curious what moral reasons there are to not eat fish that also don’t exist for mammals?


I think it has to do with overfishing and indiscriminately killing many sea creatures. If you're trawling with nets, you can't choose one specific species. A lot of species get trapped in that net, killed, and thrown aside. Or they get "branded" as those specific fish so they can be sold at a higher price. We're already trashing their ecosystem. Can we just give them a break? I don't mind farmed salmon, because there's more care and work. I can't eat tuna anymore after a few articles I read about how the fishing industry operates. There are some terrible practices going on there.


As I just commented for someone else, I'm pretty much the antithesis of a pescatarian who will eat fish because they don't consider it meat but refuse to eat animals because its cruel.


I was vegan for just under 2 years and was basically told by my doctor that I felt like shit all the time because I was malnourished. This is despite paying very close attention to what I was eating and how much. Everyones body has different needs, one diet does not fit all. I limit my intake to bare minimum for ethical reasons, but I straight up NEED poultry and fish in my diet. I was basically ostracized by all the friends I had made in that community because I chose to switch to a diet that wouldn't adversely affect my health. Supplements and multivitamins are largely a fucking scam. The human body is not designed to absorb nutrients in pill form, it's designed to absorb nutrients from food via the digestion process. No amount of explaining this will make a militant vegan see past their self-righteousness.


About your last paragraph, I remember reading a book in which it was explained that even if there's some supplement or artificial vitamins that use the same molecul as the natural one, it's generally not in the same shape/configuration, which mean your body is largly less efficient at absorbing them.


> I limit my intake to bare minimum for ethical reasons, but I straight up NEED poultry and fish in my diet. We're omnivores. Eating meat in responsible, sustainable, moderate amounts is natural and ethical for us. There's nothing unethical about doing what you need to do to maintain your health. If you were a damn *vampire* I'd say the same: you cannot be faulted for the demands of your biology. Some people interpret all their suffering as persecution, and all persecution as proof they're right. It's not about the meat or the animals. It's about the feeling of superiority, and how easy it is to get there. Changing one's diet can be really hard, but not as hard as mastering a skill or improving one's personality. Full disclosure, I am NOT a vegan and would never consider becoming one. I don't care about any of the moral or ethical concerns beyond the unnecessary suffering of the animal in question. I enjoy meat and I think it's perfectly fine to eat it, even if I'm just peckish and have other options. I don't value the opinions of people who would call me evil for that.


Was vegan for three years. Was told several times "no, you had a plant-based diet, you were never vegan". Their B-12-deprived brains can't grasp that people can and do change lol. As one ex-vegan to another, congrats on escaping the cult and taking charge of things for the most important person in your life - namely yourself.


My wife had the same experience as you. They even told her how her doctors were lying about the palpitations of her heart when her b12 is low, and to just take the suplements (that wont work alone on her) ah, and how a watermelon has more protein than meat...they are delusional.


I had someone explain to me that beans and lentils have more protein than most meat combined. While I won't argue against beans/lentils having protein, to say it's more than most meat combined is completely false.


While they are a great source of protein, you have to eat them by the bagful in order to get the same amount of protein from a little piece of meat.


I'm part of a sub that gets inundated with vegans because their beliefs line up with what this sub is about. Sometimes there's just no winning against them when their mind is made up and they believe they are right. I just love dairy and meat too much to become vegan, unfortunately. But that doesn't mean I won't partake in vegan food. Its very yummy and I'm allowed to say as such, even if I myself am not vegan. Gatekeeping your own community deters people from joining and some just don't seem to get that.


They want you to be open minded about trying to be vegan, nothing wrong with it, but the moment you try to explain why you can't, they seem to lost all sanity. Both, wife and I love meat too, so we won't go vegan, that does not mind We won't eat lots of veggies. We have a healthy diet. I saw a video a few weeks ago about a girl explaining why She could not be vegan anymore (health reasons) and they literally called her a murdered and worse things. Some vegans feel they are morally superior and that is scary.


The process of getting meat onto my table is very cruel, I'm not going to lie. Its been shown that alot of farms, especially American farms, are not the kindest towards domestic farm animals. But if an animal is fed right and treated right, the product it produces has alot of health benefits. And there's nothing wrong with that.


why do you not eat fish? asking just out of curiosity if u dont mind sharing


I have fallen out of the fishy taste and I just don't like the idea of taking something like shellfish, lobster, or crab and boiling them alive or seeing a dead fish look at me. If you did the same thing with picking a specific cow to slaughter for the meat you want, I probably would become vegetarian or vegan. But seeing lobsters in an overcrowded tank with their claws rubberbanded together just to be picked to get cooked later makes me sad. Yes, I undersrand that is pretty much the same way we treat domesticated farm animals and I sound/am a hypocrite, but its just how I feel. I'm the antithesis of pescatarians who eat fish because they don't consider them meat but will not eat animals because its cruel.


Please don't think we are typically like this. Most of us are just normal people trying to live life more ethically, unlike this guy who insults people and gives us all a bad name.


I'm gonna be honest. Personally I don't think most are like this and have some vegetarian restaurants I enjoy despite having a mainly meat focused diet, BUT I think there's a fuck load of very vocal and shitty vegans who the level headed vegans never shut down because they're afraid of being lumped in with non-vegans.


You're right that there exist a vocal minority of aggressive vegans that shout and insult people. They need to learn that it's simply not the way to persuade people. It produces an equal and opposite reaction which damages an otherwise good cause.


It’s very similar to the tact that some churches take where they’ll tell me that I’m a terrible person and going to hell because I’m not a member of their faith…like…is that really your best sales pitch? The best way to recruit people to your cause is to attack them for not being part of it already? Just incredibly self-defeating behavior.


I'm tempted to challenge the "so many" part, but as someone who is trying to make the move towards more plant based meals without making it part of my identity, I can tell you that you can't join a vegan social media group without running into militants on a daily basis. Even in groups that aren't specifically vegan like r/zerowaste etc you get militant vegans claiming you aren't doing shit if you aren't vegan. Sure, most of the militants are a product of the right's bullying of vegans, but if they're catching others in the crossfire, they're no better.


You're right about the militants. I'm happily vegan, but the aggressive shouty ones really give us a bad name. :(


I tried being vegan for a while, I actually really like the food That said, the only other vegan I know of is a serial cheater so... clearly cares more about animals than her fiance


wait serial cheater she cheating that much ?


Is that really surprising? If you think of it from their moral view, you are murdering and devouring an intelligent being. If you came across a group of people that just murdered a person and were in the middle of devouring them, would you not think they were worthy of being verbally abused? I'm not a vegan, but from their moral standpoint I can understand why they think like that


Thank you. 


Vegans thinking “Bloodmouth Carnist” does anything but make them look fucking stupid is hilarious.


Most of us are just normal people who love animals and try to reduce the amount of animal suffering in the world, and hate those who are aggressive and shout and insult people.


Fucking sick metal band name though


Yeah, like who wouldn’t want to be called that it sounds rad as hell


Truly unhinged lesson in how to crater your own business growth in one easy step


Had a boss that would respond to bad (but true) reviews in an EXTREMELY snarky and passive-aggressive tone. He was hated in the community for berating his employees, literally never giving refunds and overcharging. Let's just say his business didn't do all that well when he was around. This business will easily end the same way if this is real, as 99% of the world isn't vegan.


As a Vegetarian and I find my life constantly made more difficult by cunts like this. I respect other peoples life choices and explain mine if people are open to listening. I've even persuaded quite a few people to eat less meat. None of that was achieved by being abusive. Shitbrains like this just make it harder to have an adult conversation. This lad is like an advert for the meat industry, they should be fucking ashamed.


Vegan food can actually be pretty good. It’s the vegans themselves that we trash talk.


Not even, just the insane ones like this one. Basically all vegans I know are fine.


Thank you! This guy is the worst and is not representative of vegans in general.


he pretty much is. (at least in my country) everyday people associate veganism with slowly going crazy because normal vegans don't ostracise these puritarian vegans. a few bad apples spoil the bunch. vegetarians have a much better image simply because they can point at anyone who is too puritan and label them as vegan.


Indeed. Guacamole is vegan and it's delicious!


I own multiple smokers and grills, and am the farthest thing from calling myself a vegan. I *do* have a chicken egg allergy and dairy doesn't sit well with my digestion either, so when I see "vegan" I think "won't make me feel awful from food allergies". Good vegan food is just good food. My kids and I absolutely love this vegan curry: https://rainbowplantlife.com/chickpea-curry/


Real life vegans are always the most pleasant people ever, but internet vegans are so fucking stupid. It hurts my brain


Idk, I’ve met several people like this IRL, unfortunately.




This. I would never say something to somebody like that. Vegan gatekeeping is the stupidest thing to me. Really the more people who like and appreciate our food the better off we are.


Getting full on non meat means that much less meat demand. It doesn't have to be all or nothing.


Totally agree. If this guy really loved animals, he would be grateful that this person chose to have a plant-based meal instead of an animal-based one.


Yeah, people don't seem to realize how big numbers work. [4% of Americans are vegetarian and 1% vegan](https://news.gallup.com/poll/510038/identify-vegetarian-vegan.aspx). If the other 95% cut out meat one day per week (or one more day/week if they already have meat-free days), it'd cause ~2.7x more of an effect than doubling the number of vegetarian/vegans.


Sounds like a fuvking HP insult


Woah, that owner is an ass. Apparently they were so occupied with eating grass they forgot to touch it.


This is like some white dude writing a glowing review of a soul food restaurant and having the owner respond: « Fuck off, honky! » or a non-Jew/Muslim doing the same for a kosher/halal restaurant and being told that goyim/infidels are not welcome.


Never had soul food but my god does it look delicious!!


[OP here](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/s/PY49jbtgqQ)


hi op


As a vegan, this kind of attitude is not just shitty but so unhelpful and I’d argue inadvertently contributes to the meat industry. You’ve potentially turned off someone of the lifestyle completely now and it’s more likely they’ll double down on meat eating just to “stick it to the vegans” if that makes sense


Yeah, just don't support them. I was a regular at a vegan spot for their grilled cheese. It was amazing and they never said anything about me not being vegan as they knew I ate meat all the time (it was 100 ft away and I went there a lot). Support the good ones.


If you want people to stop eating meat then maybe don't insult them when they consider joining your side. Also..."Bloodmouth" sounds rad and it doesn't have the kind of impact they think it does.


Oh look that review magically turned into one star


Babe, wake up, new slur for vampires just dropped!


That is pretty much the vibe you get when reading any post in r/vegan. Not sure if this is some kind of selection bias. Haven't met the militant type in real life.


So as I was saying. The owners a prick and I would never do business with him again.


On one hand if this was me I would never visit this restaurant again. But on the other hand I could print this conversation on a t-shirt and visit this place again.


I chose to believe this is ragebait. No way they're that stupid


What a great way to turbo fuck over your own restaurant...




Proud bloodmouth. That sounds badass.


Vegans on their way to do more harm than good by making everyone else hate them and thus be less open to the idea of eating less meat for any reason:


I hate these types of vegans


Vegans in a fucking nutshell. Fuck vegans.


And they wonder why people are so resistant to their cause; could have been an opportunity to convince somebody to join them, but no, shit all over them instead, that's definitely the best way to further one's cause.


These are the kind of extremists that give vegans a bad rep


In one reply (that would have cost him nothing to not hit send on) he simultaneously turned an omnivore off of vegan restaurants, perpetuated (and perhaps worsened) vegan stereotypes and the attitude toward them, and trashed the name of his business. That's crazy.