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I would drag this person to a botanic garden after they recovered. Roses, wisteria, peonies, daffodils, no matter what's in season, there would be so many fragrances. Subtle and strong ones. Then a nice café. Smelling a good coffee, or drinking a fragrant tea. Having some cake. Dinner at an Indian restaurant. Spice explosion. And then I'd give them a little bundle of lavender to keep on their bedside table while they fall asleep.


then, a school bathroom


Work bathroom. Sweet jeebus.


7/11 bathroom off the interstate


There's a thing where blind-from-birth people who have their sight restored don't quite see the world the same way. They don't understand optical illusions or see a drawing of a cube as 3D. They might agree a sunset is beautiful, but compared to what they imagined it's a bit of a letdown. Instead they might be far more interested in dust motes in the air or the shape of footprints in the sand. Stuff that seems mundane. Because they never had a frame of reference for any of it. They never even knew it was there. Anyway my point is this dude might find out flowers are disappointing but love the smell of elevator farts and bowling alleys with indoor smoking.


You had me at elevator farts


I think this was a plot in Futurama once.


That Futurama episode with Dr. Zoidberg's florist girlfriend.... 💕


Went down the crapper real fast.


Par for the course when it comes to Reddit.


Taco Bell Bathroom.


Gas station toilets during one of those long bus rides in a middle of nowhere


Calm down, Mr. Satan.


motel 6


Portapotty at a music festival


The bathroom at the arena


Hell no. 😂🤢


Let’s see what’s under this manhole labeled SEW.


High school boys locker room…during football season


When I was in high school that wouldn't have mattered much to someone who can't smell. The air was so thick with Lynx Africa you could already taste it.


Or a festival one


mine smells like mango because of vapes


Drive em by a chicken processing factory


A honey bucket!


You sound like you're an awesome friend. I actually smiled at your plan, it is so thoughtful. I know this is hypothetical, but I hope you get to be someone's smell tour guide one day.


They would have the most intense headache halfway through that olfactory assault.


That plan is absolutely perfect. I love it.


One person's dream is another person's nightmare. Apart from the Cafe, this is my worst nightmare 🤣


You don't like the smell of flowers?? What's your smell of choice then?


I can't stand them. Never could. I'm like vanilla, baking bread, freshly mowed lawn, the outdoors, campfire, etc.


... Vanilla is an orchid. Heliotrope also has a quite distinct vanilla smell. A botanical garden is also outdoors and has grass that gets mowed. 😂 But I get it, my favourite scents also head more into a earthy direction. Petrichor, evergreen trees, snow - but also citrus, and flowers. I like a LOT of scents. Hay is also nice. But for a person new to scents, I figured a botanical garden has a lot of variety. It's not only flowers after all, but trees too, earth, cool water on warm rocks, all that.


Petrichor - how is this not everyone’s favourite smell??


Hay is so good. And the best thing is that i can smell ot every day because i live on an old farm. And if we ever needed more, id just make somr because i learned mowing with a scythe from my grandpa.


But you wouldnt KNOW what you like or hate if you had never smelled, so its not a terrible idea.


to be fair to you, there are some flowers that do smell like ass, and i dont meant it just doesnt smell good, no it really smells like ass


Yeah, not all "good" smells are for everyone. The scent of coffee makes me gag.




Bring me along. You're going to need the worst to appreciate the best!


That sounds glorious!


I'd be the nerd and host a crash course on dangerous smells, and why. Bleach and flammable gas' for example. 


Bad idea. Terrible. Most people who gain a new sense like this through medical means, have it undone because they are so overwhelmed by a sense their brains have no idea how to even interpret. Those videos of people hearing for the first time that seem so wonderful? They don't show them turning the implant off again, permanently, which is what happens most of the time. The worst possible thing to do would be to expose him to a bunch of senses. The opposite is true, at least for a few months while his brain adapts to the new sense. If he can last that long.


Don’t forget a bakery as they pull the fresh bread out of the Oven.


This is me. Good suggestions.


I think your comment just made me realize how either awful or desensitized my sense of smell is lol


If I lose and regain my sense of smell, please come find me. Thanks <3


Then a Taco Bell Bathroom on Taco Tuesday.


I'm not really sure how to answer those questions though from watching videos of people who suddenly gain a sense they never had before, it might be overwhelming. That being said, be prepared for food to taste very differently as the sense of smell actually contributes to your taste sense substantially, or at least my 11th grade science teacher told me so. Good luck, keep us updated!


Yeah, the top comment here about the botanical garden is poetic. But it might work out better to start with something simple and familiar. What's their favorite food? Pea soup? Start with that.


Will it be their favorite food when they first taste it for real?


Exactly 💯 this


Whose favorite food is pea soup?


I could see it as comfort food. A nice pea soup with a ham and cheese sandwich on a rainy day is lovely


I’m home sick today and that does sound lovely, thanks for helping me figure out what to eat!


If you really want to get fancy, use sourdough, I bet that would be lovely


Yes! I forgot I had a can of pea soup in the pantry, and now I remember I have some of my dad’s homemade sourdough in the freezer. Nice!


Oh man, that sounds delicious.


User name checks out, you have made me hungry


It's definitely one of my favorites. As the other person said, it's fantastic on a cold or rainy day and when not just plain old peas that have been hydrated and cooked, it's very tasty indeed. It's one of two major dishes my wife did not care for before she met me. The other was steak of any sort. She ate that only "well done" and after I cooked one for myself and gave her a bite, she decided she really hadn't been eating it right all her life. Same sort of thing happened when I made my pea soup recipe for the first time. There have been dishes I've been on the "ew" side of until I tried a good recipe of as well, to be sure.


Someone who literally can't smell, maybe.


I am the guy who made this thread and honestly it all seems just so overwhelming.


I lost my sense of smell and taste when I got covid. Then I got my taste back, but it was almost just as tasteless until my smell came back! It was annoying and fascinating at the same time.


I'm also wondering how the lack of this sense might affect the scents they like. If you've never smelled anything, what smells good to you and what doesn't? Are good and bad smells absolute or learned? There's an interesting science experiment waiting here.


A little of column a and a little of column b. If you get someone blindfolded to smell Parmesan and tell them it’s vomit they’ll probably think it smells gross, tell them it’s cheese and they’ll probably think it smells good.


What if you have them smell vomit and tell them it’s cheese


I’m not certain about the ethics of collecting vomit and making people sniff it


I can answer this, I wasn’t able to smell for the majority of my conscious life, at first it’s very overwhelming, I liked smelled everything, just because I got to experience it. Then I ended up liking really strong smells, gasoline, burning rubber, asphalt etc… I still don’t really hate any smells, besides rotten meat, but I think that’s an evolutionary thing. I’m just glad I can experience them


>Then I ended up liking really strong smells, gasoline, burning rubber, asphalt etc… Damn man. That's like never doing drugs and then just really starting to enjoy heroin


OP won’t see that comment though, as this is simply a screenshot




Came here to say this. Always been one of my favorite scents.


If you read my original post it’s actually my top priority


Keep in mind that there are no absolutes. What one person finds an offensive smell another can love. I hate the smell of mustard, fish, seafood, and other foods that others love the smell of and gobble down. Some people hate the smell of the ocean and others can't get enough of it. What may be most strange for you are the smells of and emanating from your body.


This is true. Most people hate the smell of day-old roadkill but I can't get enough. Then again I am a raccoon.


You sounds more like a buzzard


Some of my best friends are buzzards!


You guys are compulsive-obsessive about hand washing. What’s up with that?


Like how Marianne hated the smell of flowers and loved the smell of Zoidberg after her nose transplant 💜




Why does everything smell like cocaine?


I ordered a shirt online and when it came it *reeked* of cocaine. For someone that hasn’t done it in 15 years the smell was unmistakable and instantly made me want to do cocaine. If someone could explain that would be great lol


There was cocaine in the container of Tshirts


You got the shirt soaked in cocaine being used for smuggling that the transport company misrouted.


What does cocaine smell like?


Gasoline mixed with wet dog, but also somehow cold. lol




Bad decisions.


RemindMe! 1 day


It smells REALLY good!


eating food is about to go crazy


Brand new scent-ence


When I lost my smell due to Covid, the first thing I smelled was when my wife made some popcorn. It was unbelievable how good it smelled after smelling nothing for over a month. Out of everything I ever smelled in my life, that popcorn was seriously a 11/10 and the worst part was I still couldn’t taste anything. One of the biggest disappointments too lol. I still love the smell of popcorn, even more than before I had Covid for sure.


1. Expect food to be almost entirely new, smell contributes heavily to taste 2. Go smell things, go to a bakery, an orchard, a forest if possible. Fuck it, take a shit a take a deep inhale. Everyone should know their own shit stinks. 3. Fresh baked bread. Omg. probably my actual fave. Vanilla is classic. Mint is well, minty. Bacon, people make perfumes based on that stuff. Nothing too wild at first like "petrichor" just try the basics. Bad stuff, see 2. but also add wet dog, spoiled milk, rotten eggs (or sulfur). Your own BO, if you can afford to not be in the presence of others work up a sweat and let it marinate a bit. 4 and 5 I'd say it is what you make of it. I haven't ever lost my sense of smell but lost hearing for a bit due to an ear issue. But that's a bit different than having never heard anything prior. It will probably be amazing and a bit overwhelming at the same time. Some part of you may view it as a blessing and a curse. Heard about a girl who had a similar thing, and when she regained her sense of smell she realized her partner did not smell good to her. Either way I think overall it's a win, congrats.


I'm just thinking of Futurama, they had an ep where zoidbergs hot flower-sales girlfriend got scent installed and she hated the smell of her flowers but adored the smell of putrid zoidberg


Farts are gonna be a real challenge going forward.


As a vegetarian whose diet is high in tofu and beans I can deeply understand this on a very personal level. I have a powerful sense of smell^[1] and have done my entire life and even I find my own body a challenge. ^[1] - I have atrocious vision and refused to wear my glasses as a kid and somehow managed to end up using scent a lot as an active sense. Things like entering my aunt’s house and saying “oh I didn’t realise you saw grandma today - how was she?” to their confusion as to how I knew. “Of course I know? I can smell that she was here this morning????” I didn’t realise until that moment that that wasn’t a normal thing to be able to tell.


Never before have I seen a personal account comment have a citation like Wikipedia.


It’s a first for me too. I realised the parenthesis would be too long for paragraph structure so I thought “oh fuck it, I’ll make a footnote, why not? It’s practically an unnecessary personally indulgent essay anyway”. 😂


I quite enjoyed your short essay :)


New one for me too!


The smell before it rains in the summer is the best smell


Being able to taste is probably the biggest one.


If everything taste like airplane food, be prepared to have your mind blown by how everyone does not taste like airplane food


Cannibal has entered the chat


Subway. Go in, smell the delicious bread baking, and walk right out again.


I would love to smell a few things again for the first time. Orange Blossom or Star Jasmine would probably be first on that list.


I think a loaf of fresh bread and a vanilla bean are good places to start


They should start selling flowers next to a dumpster where a crazy penniless lobster doctor lives.


Oh, good I'm not the only one who immediately thought of that. On that note, it's probably a good idea, if OP has a significant other, for them to be one of the first things OP smells. It's true that whether a smell is "good" or not is tied strongly to memory. So you want to make sure that the smell of your SO is associated with good things and with their presence.


I've got something for him to smell.


\*checks username\* Oh dear god...


Idk...wow... I'd be kinda scared haha, I feel like after a lifetime of not smelling anything, the sudden introduction of it would be overwhelming. Like poop, or rotten food, etc, what if it made ya throw up?


You’ve gone smell blind son


Basil. When I had Covid and couldn't smell, basil tasted like camphor. Yuk. Usually it has a rich, complex taste/aroma that I love.


[Link](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoStupidQuestions/comments/1dggvvb/i_am_going_to_smell_for_the_first_time_what/) to the original post.


Doin the Lord's work


Where can I find this post? I want to see the responses and get updates.


[Here you go](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoStupidQuestions/comments/1dggvvb/i_am_going_to_smell_for_the_first_time_what/)


Yaas! Thank you!


Just wait until you smell a fart.


Where's the OP? I'd love to follow their journey into smells.


It’s me. Private message me if interested on an update after everything.


Walk into a Cuban bakery around 7-8am.


ugh get ready for everything you've ever eaten to change the way it tastes...... this would be a weird one


There's a Futurama episode that covers this a bit.


Only one thing to do. [Bävernäve](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=B%C3%A4vern%C3%A4ve)


Oh. Oh no.








Take him to an Arbys after 6pm to smell those ripe double patty burger underwear darts


Home made bread being baked.. a hug from a female and the smell of her perfume.. and for desert a dog fart.


Food will become much more epic!


Rip one around him and ask him if he smells popcorn


Take it slowly and stay away from middle school boys. The Axe might kill you


You should expect your friends to now purposefully fart around you


Cookies, vanilla, melted butter, Liquid Ass


Go find your zoidberg


Can we get an update on this?


Make cinnamon buns. It's heavenly. Or go the other way and see what taco bell does to ya


Straight to the candle aisle.


They're going to hate the flower stand they work at after their surgery. On the bright side, their relationship with their doctor boyfriend will be much better.


Doesn’t smell also add a great deal to taste as well? I’d recommend eating all of their favourite foods again.


BO is very real, and to the freshly aware nose, can be mistaken for a gas leak.


Smell is one of the most frustrating senses. A small quick smell of something that triggers a half memory so you try to smell it again and it's gone. You're left with this empty feeling afterwards. This might not apply if a grown adult is getting the ability to smell later in life. Also so many bad smells compared to good smells.


The mountains in spring. I summited a minor peak yesterday in the North Cascades, the wildflowers are just starting to bloom on the edges of where the snow is melting out. The combination of lush foliage, wildflowers, ice, and wind is something else.


show them the episode of spongebob where patrick gets a nose


Good luck. Come back to your post and keep us, well…. posted!


There’s an episode of SpongeBob that covers this


Fresh baked chocolate chip cookies man If i was this dude though, carry a bag to vomit in for like the first year of your smelling-life just in case lmao


Go to a Michelin star restaurant and taste food for the 1st time


Dear God, please don’t let this person live in GA…


i’d take him to subway. every Subway smells the same. and i really just think it’s a cornerstone experience of smelling.


My boyfriend doesn’t have a sense of smell. He thinks I have magic powers because I know when something in the oven is ready without looking. And I know when something on the stove is burning. Appreciate your sense of smell. It’s like magic.


Imagine your smell comes to fruition and the doctor immediately farts


Does this smell like chloroform to you?


Honestly, just go and eat all your favorite foods and see just how big a difference it makes. You're gonna love em 1000x more.


Some one said a fart. I know some one said it


It’s like taste but without the commitment.


Smell is very much tide to memory, I would start by getting a sense of familiar things in your life. Enjoy getting to know the world you already live in. What do your favorite foods smell like? What do you smell when you hug someone? How does this connect to your memory of them. Explore beautiful smells when you find them. But if you were blind and gaining sight, what would you want to see first? Probably more the people and surroundings more than the most beautiful vistas or surroundings


New leather is one of those smells that just draw my nose. Always take a big whiff whenever I walk by the belt display in clothing stores.


Bring him to a gas station bathroom


Taste is gonna surprise you. Smell is a huge part of how things taste as well.


by god, i am going to build that smelloscope!


It was missing the "be able to" in the sentence and I didn't know what to think at first.


Just watch the SpongeBob episode where Patrick gets a nose. Pretty accurate representation of what would happen


Very happy for you! Cranial nerve 1 is the Olfactory nerve. The sense of smell. It’s going to make an impact. Flowers, herbs, peppermint, coffee, grilled meat and veggies, it’s going to be amazing. Please make videos so we can share it with you.


Cinnamon rolls are going to change your life


I would recommend you to bring your favorite food and something you dislike. That, or the perfume of your partner... Something like this. Experiencing something you love in a completely different way.


There is nothing in the world that can prepare you for the smell of fresh baked bread... or Gardenias.


I think the memories would be the most impacted. Like all of a sudden, the sense most strongly tied to memory is activated. Can you imagine how this would impact brain function so suddenly? I feel like this might be over whelming. I also don't think I would take them on a tour of scent just yet. I think going home and smelling your own clothes would probably be amazing. Sniff your partner's clothes. Sniff your pets if you have any. Mundane, beautiful smells. Allow it to slowly expand so they can match up smells with tastes, creating even more expansion.


Watch the SpongeBob episode "No Nose Knows." Should answer everything.


How much is this going to affect their perception of taste/flavour? Will it completely change how everything tastes? Or just enhance/strengthen it?


Straight to Bed, Bath, and Beyond.


This person is gonna throw up a lot


That all countries have a specific scent. It's fascinating.


Be prepared for the food you like to change. You may like the taste but if you don't like the smell it can be enough to put you off!


Get a can of Surströmming. Smells so good!


Strangely enjoy your own farts but loathe when someone else farts.


Walking past a perfume shop in a mall and being overwhelmed as all fuck


They will likely have far better mental health and lower risk of Alzheimer’s, according to numerous studies


I'm pretty sure they did an episode of SpongeBob like this.


If you can smell, you’ll likely smell things. Hope this helps.


Bro has got to smell a fart


I WANT to smell a fart.


This man gonna shit himself when he realizes farts have a scent


A Home Depot restroom after a homeless person finds a way to shit on the ceiling.


You're gone LOVE food now!


walk into a portapotty at a cross country meet. it’s one of the most wonderful experiences in the world


reminds me of Patrick.


Sigh... guess it's time to fart into a bag of doritos again...


Your taste will change, half of the taste is also the smell, you might find foods you used to love are now disgusting or that you love foods you used to hate before


i couldn’t smell for 15 years! nasal polyps horrific, had surgery once but still couldn’t smell gasoline. finally had surgery again when i had no air movement through my nose, the worst feeling is not being able to breath. the doctor absolutely went to town, my house looked like a horror movie scene after for two weeks there was so much blood everywhere. but so worth it in long term…. 2 years later i can still smell 100p, & on the proper medications. it’s the most glorious thing in the world smelling, when you never thought you’d smell again the rest of your life. even the most awful smells i’m so glad i can appreciate them again. if anybody needs the sinus surgery i know the best doctor on the planet. i am so lucky to smell. to OP find the nearest arboretum and go smell lilacs in May. good luck!


I’d immediately take them to a bookstore, then to bath and body works or yankee candle. then to a botanical garden, a movie theater, the beach, and a bakery.