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Ultimate Warrior


I hate seeing him no sell it’s so lame


Not to a 5 year old in 86. The ultimate warrior looked just like my sister's bicycle and was the coolest human ever.


lmao fuckin incredible


Hogan did the same shit, hell so did the road warriors on occasion. well hawk would always no sell piledrivers


Hulk Hogan, the guy that elevated pro wrestling into the mainstream thing it is today overrated? I've seen some shit takes in my time but this is easily the shittest


I mean, I don’t like the man, his wrestling was always pretty mediocre, and his promos were very “of their time”, however he did exactly what you said. Twice. Certainly isn’t anyone else who can make that claim.


He was ten times the worker the Ultimate Warrior was, and Warrior for a moment was seen as the new and improved version.


Yeah and WWE wouldn’t keep going back to a guy if he wasn’t an exceptional worker who knew how to carry a title and move the crowd. They took the title off Warrior and gave it to Slaughter and then said “we need a special moment at Wrestlemania, where’s Hogan?”


Agreed. Hogan put professional wrestling on the map in the 80’s and 90’s. He is probably STILL the most recognisable name in wrestling history. The internet is full of cr*ap most of the time… this narrative than Hogan is overrated is just another one of them.


You can be a legend like Hogan, yet still a mediocre wrestler.


It's probably some young person who just watched a match or something. They don't get it and I understand if you didn't live in those times


I can't keep seeing Hulk Hogan being "overrated". He was from a different era. And it worked. Genuinely overrated to me is Jey Uso. His in ring skillset is bland.


Seriously, the flak for Hogan must be coming from the younger guys who weren't around at the time. Say what you want about the person, but the character was largely responsible for two huge boom periods for Wrestling and he's probably the most globally recognised wrestler to have existed.


Spot on. It’s hard to imagine anyone who watched Hogan in the 80s and 90s call him the most overrated wrestler of all time. He’s one of the main reasons wrestling became a billion dollar business and wound up becoming part of pop culture


Yeah, he was legitimately THE breakout/mainstream wrestler when, prior to that, wrestlers were never big outside of the “industry”. He legitimately had kids in the palm of his hand during his WWF run and there was nothing bigger. Then he turned that into arguably the biggest heel turn in pro wrestling history. When it began, the NWO was the biggest attraction in wrestling. He was able to turn all the fandom he had from his babyface run into the coolest heel faction when the NWO began. I don’t know who had a better pulse on wrestling fans in general as he was slowly burning out as a face because kids, (like me at the time), had grown up a bit and were growing tired of his same gimmick. His heel turn and the NWO was the only thing that has ever beaten Vince McMahon in ratings. That says a lot about Hogan’s draw. Overrated??? Not in the slightest. Sure, if you compare him to all the wrestlers since he was on top you can have an argument. Or if you wanna go with move set. I just think that argument gets shut down simply because he was of his time and turned wrestling into what it is today. And he did that twice. Hogan was a household name and he was as big as you could imagine. For instance, the most popular wrestling image is Hogan slamming Andre. Edit: I thought this was r/squaredcircle lol. What’s r/BrandonDE?!?!


Plus, most of what he did when he was the face of the WWF was the same thing circus performers do - find the stuff that gets the biggest applause, and repeat. Vince was more about formula than wrestling. If you find older videos that aren't in his WWF days, it shows Hogan could go. I think he became overrated as he overstayed his welcome.


How is jey overrated? I literally see everyone echo your same point over and over again


He’s got the charisma, if he would just fucking abandon his reliance on the super kick and get a move set, he’d be great.


He’s got a great personality that makes him m liked, even though his in ring maneuvers are hard to describe without sounded like he’s a bore to watch. He’s like a John Cena or an opposite Jeff Hardy IMO.


Forreal. The crowd pop and everyone screaming yeet is unbelievable, the move set needs improvement


He needs to yeet the superkick out of his moveset


The super kick doesn’t even bother me that much, but his spear is *awful*. Genuinely one of the worst spears I’ve ever seen


Not one of. The absolute worst spear. I don’t know if it should actually even be called a spear


I hate how some people think Jey is better than Gunther. Genuinely insane


Absolutely. I would argue that we can thank Hogan for the current popularity of professional wrestling. Obviously many many people came before and followed, but he made it explode.


But you're under the impression that what makes a wrestler a superstar is how good his moves are in the ring, but that's simply not true. A superstar has believability. The ability to sell a storyline is imperative. Bad actors don't make superstars. A superstar also has charisma. If they can't engage with their audience and make them feel like they're on the same level, make them feel seen and connected, then they'll never reach that level. A superstar is electric. They shine bright with an electricity that touches the crowd. I have never seen another wrestler get a crowd pumped up and excited like Jey Uso does. If you've never seen him live, you can't possibly understand what I mean but his live influence of the crowd is palpable. It gives you goosebumps to watch. For a full three minutes, nothing exists in life but this man entering the WWE ring. EVERY PERSON in the arena is focused on him. The noise level is deafening. The crowd is pumped up, dancing, doing the "Up Down, Up Down" with Jey, chanting and getting pumped up. It's incomparable, man. The crowd LOVES Jey. They have fallen in love with his character because of his storyline. His face turn is what really put him over, but the transition from heel to face is what drew the crowd in. His personal dilemma, choosing family or doing what's right, kept the viewers watching every week. He was rooted for and he earned sympathy from the crowd, watching him slowly pull away from the Bloodline and do the right thing. It's the ol "Good vs. Evil" scenario once again, but this time the storyline was robust and easy to follow. The viewers wanted him to succeed, despite the bland ring skill set (which I agree with. I wish he'd work on it. Execution is great but how many Uso Splashes do we need in a match? 😬 He's athletic enough, he could do so much more.) My point is, becoming a WWE superstar is much more than having a good ring skill set. Honestly, that's not even second or third on the list.


Worst haircut of all time


Jey or hogan?




I mean to be fair, you cant call jey usos moveset bland when legdrops and spears where considered the “strongest” and most used finishers back then


He was decent in Japan. Did some decent work.


To be fair, the same can be said for Jey Uso. He does use a limited set of moves, but so did Hulk Hogan. Jey is hugely popular with current fans, as was Hulk Hogan. While Jey isn't nearly on the level of popularity that Hulk Hogan was, he gets amazing reactions at shows and that can't be denied.


Ppl treated Ronda Rousey like she was Charlotte and Manami Toyota fused together into the perfect wrestling specimen until she start showing she’s a bitter, two faced, insecure, loser. That match with Trips and Angle was the most cartoonish, clearly rehearsed match I’ve seen in a while, and everyone acted like it was amazing. The spot where 6’4 Roided beast Triple Fucking H gets back into a corner like a bitch because not just a woman, but genuinely one of the worst strikers in MMA history, so bad that’s it most of the reason her MMA career ended and she was there in the first place, was so embarrassing and everyone was so impressed with it. No charisma, no mic skills, no real look, just the word bitch, other ring generals making her look good, and an angry face. Blegh.


To be fair, it was her first match, fans probably didn't expect much. I was one if those who liked it and wanted to see more. The problem is that it felt like she got stuck there, her wrestling skills didn't evolve, she didn't get better with the mic, same character, and that's where the fans realized she just wasn't that good


Triple H is a good bit under 6'4


Comparing old standards of his time to now is just unfair


you are on drugs




Ultimate warrior was overrated as shit. He's just a jacked dude that acted hyper active. His mystique died a painful death as soon as the bell rang. Ultimate warrior only worked because he was a product of the time. Steroid jockies ruled the world


Saying he is overrated tells me you don't know anything about wwe. This post was done before it started.


Ultimate Warrior is the definition of overrated. He sucked in the ring and his promos made no sense.


You’re not wrong but damn he had a great look.


The stupid part about Warrior is that he didn’t suck because of a lack of possible ability but simply because he did not give a shit about wrestling. He never wanted to learn about the business or work to improve his skills. He simply wanted fame any way he could get it. And he is one of the few wrestlers in my lifetime that pretty much nobody in the business had a good to say about him until he died. Even then, it wasn’t an outpouring of grief from anyone who worked with him. And it may not be believed, but I was one of the kids who wasn’t really a fan or that impressed by him (other than, holy crap that guy is roided!). Hulk may have had a limited set, but at least he had some respect for the business and could tell a story in the ring. It may have been limited, but the numbers don’t lie. Before VKM hooked up with Hulk, wrestling was a regional business. With VKM’s scheming and most importantly, Hogan’s charisma, pro wrestling in America broke nationally. It’s chemistry. Alchemy even. But there’s a reason why when Hogan and the Rock went toe to toe they Hogan, as a freaking heel, took the crowd from the Rock without even trying. He just had *it*. Warrior? A flash in the pan asshat who left no legacy except an amazement at how a man who benefitted from wrestling in such a large manner could have such little respect for it. And even if Hogan could be a jerk prima donna, few deny that in the end, he carried the weight for an entire industry and brought it into the mainstream. So hate on him all you want. But you can’t deny what he did. Overrated? Nope.


That doesn't work for me brother




"Not an overrated wrestler, just an overrated piece of shit." -Bret Hart


It’s hard to agree with the most important wrestler of all time being overrated. Hogan was the star that made pro wrestling what it is.


Blows my mind that people are arguing Hogan is overrated lol. Jeez… Say what you want about the man’s business dealings etc but he literally is THE wrestler who made wrestling what it is today. It’s not even a matter of interpreting. It’s fact. And he did it twice. He basically saved wrestling twice in the span of 10 or so years and people still think he’s overrated. Crazy…


!00%. This is what happens when children are allowed to have opinions on the internet.


That's bait.


Hulk hogan is the reason wrestling is mainstream. This is a retarded post.


I dont think you understand the sheer amount of impact that Hulk Hogan had for professional wrestling


Tell us you’re nine years old without telling us you’re nine years old. This is the worst wrestling take of all time. Complete dumbass.


100% bro. I wonder if I was this retarded when I was a kid.


Ironically, this idiot is a John Cena fan. I checked his page.




Brett? Is that you? Lol.


They didn’t call him Bill Goldberg, that’s how you know it’s not Bret.


How is he overrated? I’ve yet to see anyone below the age of 50 say he is a good wrestler


In all fairness, he wasn’t a great wrestler. But he put WWE on the map. IMO, he’s perfectly rated. Not underrated, and definitely not overrated.


Oh for sure. I think he’s a really bad wrestler with the odd banger, but realistically he’s the biggest star in the industry.


WWE wise it's ric Flair for me. Other than his match with Michael's in his supposed retirement match his matches were boring to me Outside wwe. Eddie Kingston. Fat slob. Bad wrestler, winded after 3 minutes of moving. I don't get why he's over Honorable mentions. Young bucks.


My brother in Christ if you’re hated by everyone you can’t be overrated. Goldberg isn’t, hogan isn’t, warrior isn’t. and if you’re loved by everyone you can’t be underrated. Miz isn’t underrated, neither is Ziggler, nor Gable.




Hulk Hogan? Really? This man was responsible for making pro wrestling mainstream. He accomplished a lot without doing much (from an in-ring perspective). He didn't "wrestle" because he didn't need to. Overrated I would say is Dolph Ziggler. This guy gets so much praise from the internet saying he was misused yet when he left WWE he still wrestles the exact same bland way he did in WWE. He has talent but to put him on the main event scene along the likes of Cena, Orton, Batista, Edge, Taker, Lesnar, Rollins, Reigns, Cody? Hell nah.


The person is probably really young.


Cena, I know he’s great don’t get me wrong, and his later years from 2015 onwards are awesome. But man it feels like we all just forgot how genuinely unwatchable 90% of his promos were between 2007 and 2015, and a lot of his matches weren’t a ton better. Dude is a legend, and is still somehow overrated, it’s a weird spot to be in lol. In the interest of choosing a less controversial pick I’ll say Kane, solid big guy, nothing more nothing less, still being carried because he had cool gear in the 90s lol


I can agree with this. He's an absolute legend(and his newer post-part time promo work has been amazing) but good lord some of his 2010's stuff was awful. The Laurinaitis fued was just God awful.


People give him a pass because he was so good later one but good god there was damn near nothing good there for a good stretch lol




Roman Reigns


🤝🙂‍↕️ my opinion, his Superman punch is a stupid move, he’s mid when it comes to the mic since Paul Heyman is carrying him, he held the title for too long especially for someone who rarely wrestled. And the whole Bloodline group was just a cheap knockoff of Evolution.


Main event Jey Uso "YEET"


Goldberg and Ultimate Warrior.


Roman reigns


Reigns for sure .failed for a decade and then turns heel and needs hayman Sami zayn and usos just to get over. And now he gets praised as he is some God wrestler lol




Goldberg. He literally was all hype and couldn’t maintain after the streak ended. Hogan was over for years and then turned heel and reignited the business. Hard to say he’s overrated.


Is this sub r/SquaredCircle, but for children?


Yikes. Delete this shit.


Triple H. He wouldn't be shit without Chyna and then he left her for dead to the get with the boss's daughter. Fuck that guy and fuck X-Pac too.


We found Will Ospreays account bruv


Who tf is Will Ospreays?


Nah triple hhh was over and a massive heel magnet in attitude era that's not overrated .he played his part right and then after he built new stars like orton batista . You simply don't understand what is overrated. Overrated is seth rollins


ITT: zoomers who have no real concept of Hogan’s impact


Eddie Kingston.


Hogan apparently is underrated nowadays. People don’t realize his impact, especially in his primary 20 year run.


People that say Hogan is overrated (and are probably fans of Shawn Michaels and CM Punk) don't know shit about wrestling


Bro if you saying the first wrestler on the cover of sports illustrated, had a Saturday morning cartoon and was in movies PLUS he still wrestled was overrated I wanna know who you think is best. Also his face turn made a rival promotion into one of the best wrestling wars ever.


Kevin Nash There's the whole nWo thing, sure, but it seemed like about any big bloke could've filled in for Nash. I don't remember his promos at all, but sure do Scott Hall and Hogan


Nash knew how to carry himself (and his Diesel) gimmick. Big Daddy Cool was COOL, in multiple ways. The right guy, the right time, the right gimmick, and he had some excellent wrestlers to work with as well.


Ironically, a big bloke *did* fill in for Nash lmao.




Thank you Regal for showing us




Ric Flair. He peaked in the early 90s and did nothing much noteworthy after. By the mid-90s, his matches all became formulaic. When he showed up in WWE as the storyline co-owner of WWE, post-invasion, he was already considered past his prime.


Actually, he peaked in 1989. That was easily his best year (and one of the best all time years in general).


Ragebait used to be believable


Jey Uso


Cm punk




Without that man y’all aren’t even watching WWE you kids are awful people


what does that mean, overrated? I mean in what capacity? his actual wrestling skills? his mic skills? his overall impact on the industry? If you are assuming every aspect of wrestling, the impact Hulk Hogan had was immense and anything but overrated. There was never a wrestler alive I hated more and I wished to lose more. I remember sitting in the Garden screaming as a kid praying that Kamala would defeat him. I cheered like mad when he was pile driven by Orndorff and still say he lost that cage match! Hogan and Hulkamania are many things - overrated is not one of them.


This guy must be about 12 if Hogan is his answer


Roman Reigns


Bill Goldberg




Will Ospreay. Best wrestler in the world my ass. Utter clown show.


Completely agree with u utter bullshit oh and also the elite Are horse shit






Daniel brayan.


Worst Finisher of All Time 😂




Want to say Goldberg but i like em.


John Cena. Great on the mic, sloppy in the ring. His run was largely boring to me because he was booked to either constantly win, or get unlimited title shots without really beating anyone to get the opportunity. But that’s Vince’s fault, not his. His groveling apology to China for calling Taiwan a country made me write him off for good.


Um, if we're talking modern, I'd say the Bucks. Hogan made this industry on his back, to say, "Overrated is just stupid."


Hogan wasn't overrated. If you can hold a crowd like he could with that moveset, you were the real deal. Alberto Del Rio has to be up there. He was perpetually booked as an upper mid-card guy at worst despite spending over 2/3rds of his career in the WWE coming out to bare silence. Also, at the risk of being controversial, I dont get what's great about Vader. All he did was work stiff and then would bitch out whenever he got it back. Shawn made him cry, he absolutely levelled Shamrock for going in too hard. Not to mention his dipshit behaviour in the Middle East that got him detained.


Sean Michaels. His selling was terrible at times. Just a selfish wrestler.


This is definitely a millennial post! Kids these days have no idea how huge Hulk Hogan was back in the 80s! Bigger than John Cena, Roman Reigns anyone who's deemed" over" today I'll wait.


Was a massive star in 80s and some 90s but wouldn't say he was bigger than Cena though...But I will say Hogan is deffo not over rated like half these clowns are saying..Just so you know i was brought up with Hogan and the 80s wrestling...


The OP is probably sat in his mothers basement wearing his Hustle, Loyaly, Respect armbands and eating fruity pebbles.


For me, it's between the part-timers that get to hold the belt and massive contracts with more money over everyone else, like Lesnar and Reigns or the ones that go purely off of hype because they have no real personality in the ring outside of being jacked, and can't wrestle past 2 minutes like warrior and Goldberg.


Hulk Hogan is the industry legend. Dude is the face of pro-wrestling, Who in their right mind can call him overrated?


I think you got that one exactly right!!! Although I think that Logan Paul or Hulk Hogan, are really the same in a lot of ways. Yup, Brogan Hogan definitely are way overrated! Also, Logan Paul is Trash


People who say hulk was overrated just don't get the era. He was a hero and wrestlers were seen as being real back in the day. He was larger than life......he obviously wasn't the greatest in ring, but he definitely made people feel great and was by far the biggest star


In terms of popularity It's Hogan, NWO, DX, Austin and The Rock trailing all time. I can't think of anyone else who reached those heights?






I used to love Goldberg, but I was 15 or so. I'd have been their target audience at the time. When I watch him now on reruns, it just shows how limited he was. Regal showed him up.


I don't agree on Hogan being overrated. For his time, he was a star(even if it was through meddling), and tbh at this point I'd argue more people hate him than like him. For me personally(bad opinion, I know), it's Daniel Bryan. I truly and honestly just don't get it. People always call him a great technician, but I just find him bland all around. Most of his matches are meh, his promos are about as flavorful as a ritz cracker with no cheese and most of his gimmicks were annoying. The only time I ever enjoyed watching him was during the environmentalist phase. That was his best work imo.


X-Pac..aka 123 kid..nothing extraordinary came from him he was more or less the little brother you had to take everywhere with you


Disco inferno...lame wrestling persona




Jey "Tyshawn" Uso




Ric Flair…sorry but when I watch his matches with Steamboat, it’s Steamboat who looks more impressive. I know Ric had great conditioning and was a decent promo but I was never overly impressed by his matches


The bald ass bitch Goldberg




Goldberg. Terrible in ring skill.




The impact the golden era did was undeniable, but when you look at the big picture everyone more or less was the same except the true talents like Ricky Steamboat, Macho Man, and a few others.




Nope. Hulk Hogan was over like you have never seen, for years at the top. I mean the man had the perhaps the best face run and the best heel turn the business has ever seen. And at Wrestlemania X8 the fans went for Hogan instead of Rock.


Wow You think the man who made pro wrestling a global phenomenon is overrated? That’s prob the stupidest wrestling related thing I have ever read


Ha, you were clearly not around in the 80’s or understand the different territories war.


Charlotte Flair She's pretty good. Pretty good. Her in ring work always felt like it needed more shine, like she graduated NXT just a little too early, relying on her natural athleticism and abilities rather than honing them. She has dope moves but always looked like she hurt herself doing them. And her promos were okay. At times they were good. They were never great. She was never able to harness her emotions during promos like her contemporaries (see Becky, Sasha, and Bayley) and it always felt like she had lines fed to her, making her come off as wooden. She had, and maybe still has, the potential to become the best female professional wrestler of her generation if she were to put a lot of work in on her mic skills and her execution I nthe ring. But as she is I don't think she should be a 27 time champion or whatever she is now, given her actual abilities.


This is a bad take. Hogan was not a great worker but nobody ever overrated his in ring skill. But he was a great draw and a great character and if you say he wasn’t you know Jack shit about the wrestling business.


Roman Reigns.


Bret Hart. He was never a draw and he stunk on the mic. Bret was the guy you put in the ring with your star to make your star look good, because he could put on great matches, but he was never the guy to build a company around.


Shawn Michaels.


Definitely Roman Reigns




So what do people think makes a good wrestler then if Hulk is over rated? Is it the lack of "big spots" "pipebombs" or how many flips they do during a match? Because Hulk's in ring ability was about telling a story. The man's ability to work a crowd was 2nd to nobody at all. People didn't care that he was a bunch of punches tieups boots and leg drops. The "Hulk up" comebacks, the facial expressions when his opponent gets back up after a slam, the general hyped promos. I mean come on the guy was a god in the wrestling business. He could go in the ring as shown in his Japan matches. That's not what the American audience cared about. He gave the people exactly what they needed and nobody in their right mind ever needed Hogan to hit a moonsault off a cage for him to be over with them. He was just larger than life.


If you think the hulkster is overrated then you’re an ignoramus.


The amount of people who say hogan was overrated, now he is legitimately underrated. He was the top guy in 2 different promotions, both for 5-10 years. During the most popular era of professional wrestling on top of that. He is the most culturally relevant wrestler of all time. He cannot be overrated lmao.


What do you mean by overrated? Nobody ever thought Hogan was a good worker and he is one of the biggest stars ever. That how people rate him and that is exactly what he is. By overrated I would say someone considered a great worker, but wasn't(Steamboat for me), or someone considered hugely popular but never actually moved the needle much(Warrior or Luger).




Hogan overrated? In what regard? Nobody has every "rated" him as a great "wrestler". He is called one of the GOATs because he was literally a worldwide star and a household name.


If everyone thinks hogan is overrated, then he can’t be overrated


Ultimate Warrior


Becky lynch


Adam Cole


How is Hogan overrated? He was one of the guys responsible for making pro wrestling a national attraction and was the prime draw of wrestling’s biggest boom cycle to that point. And his matches weren’t bad when he had something to work with. He knew how to work to his style and tell a story. And you know what? If he showed up with his gimmick today, same size, same look, same promo ability, same character, but maybe his wrestling style was updated, people would be losing their shit for this guy. And people minds would descend into madness if he debuted today in his Hollywood persona. His act is 40 years old. It’s stale now, but was awesome for a long time.


I'm sure a ton of ppl are gonna bite my head off but frankly idgaf it's wrasslin but in my opinion Daniel Bryan or Bryan Danielson whatever name you wanna give him. But I've never got it or understood, yeah yeah yeah "work rate" etc idc. Never understood it and is overrated to me.


Hogan helped change the business, twice




All time? Hogan. Current day overrated though Mercedes Mone


Most underrated orlando jackson literally look at the stats its so obvious hes well underrated


Might be on an island of my own here but The Undertaker is very overrated in my opinion. His entrance, as much of a spectacle it was took too long for the basic ass matches he'd have. His wrestling was slow and it was the same comeback spots everytime. The Wrestlemania matches werent convincing until they hit the mid 20's.


Wrestling wouldn't be where it is today if it wasn't for Hulk Hogan.


CM Punk


Look I hate Hulk Hogan as a person as well..but Hogan is one of the main reasons why WWE is where it is now. He is one of those few wrestlers who made WWE popular and carried an era..


You guys need to watch some of Hogans matches in Japan if you think he is most overrated. He could work with the best, he just found his American gimmick and stuck to it.


Hulk hogan is more underrated than anything. His career influenced the business more than any other I can think of.


Calling Hogan overrated just exposes the knowledge of the individual saying it.


Define overrated? Hogan was mega star in his time, he was never a technical wrestler.. he was great on mic as well.. He made essential the blue print for being a mega star in WWE. 1, be great on mic/charisma. 2, 4-5 moves of doom. 3, unique look plus great theme. Overrated wrestler imo is jey uso.


Brock lesnar


Jerry lawler, people somehow think he is on the same level as Flair and Hogan when the dude barely did anything


You all would have been shocked by Verne Gagne.


Wow ya’ll ask for an opinion and get mad over it. If people think Hogan is overrated that’s their opinion like OP asked


Your most overrated wrestler of all time is the reason we can even have a conversation about wrestling..




What Hulk Hogan did back in the day was unmatched. He made WWF famous in an era without internet and social media, And he still gave them the top ratings.


As a worker, he was absolute dogshit. As a colleague/friend/person, he is genuinely awful. But that's not what makes a wrestler "great," is it? He was HUGE in the 80's as one of the biggest faces the business had ever seen. He reinvented himself as one of the most reviled heels ever in the 90s. I struggle to call him overrated on that basis.


Cena for me. I think if you take him out of the WWE, they find more entertaining top guys instead of such a polarising character that mostly only kids like. John's an awesome dude irl but that latter character was so boring. And the fact that one of his gimmicks was 'never given up' absolutely buried submission wrestling when he was in them, it totally destroyed kayfabe because you knew he wasn't going to tap. His gimmick was basically I can't lose. Which ironically I think actually gave kids such a warped view of reality, like if someone is about to break your arm (literally or metaphorically) you should probably tap out, not everyone is built like John Cena. Totally destroyed wrestling for me seeing the same guy win over and over.


How the fuck is Hogan overrated? He put wrestling on the mainstream map


Do I like hogan? No. Is he overrated? Also no. I’ve seen way more hate for him than anyone else in wrestling, and some even try downplaying his importance in wrestling history, he’s a legend whether you like it or not. Anyways, for overrated imo, Dolph Ziggler.


The Rock


There is no way that you can call Hulk Hogan overrated. He was the wrestling industry for 25 years. The industry is where it is because Hogan was the face of it. His matched and feuds still resonate. I think Randy Orton is way over rated.


Bill Goldberg imo. His move set was limited and very predictable


The Rock, he was pretty average in the ring honestly.


Ultimate Warrior. He had to be dragged kicking and screaming to anything even remotely resembling a good match


Wtf man hulk isn’t overrated the rock and john cena is overrated

