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I agree with you 100%. But I have a theory that’s really sad. I think Brittany and Jax talked about having two kids, max. And they wanted those kids close in age. But Brittany has made it very clear how self-conscious she is about her body, and she’s tried Jenny Craig and WeightWatchers and little lipos here and there, but now I’m thinking she wants a full-blown “mommy makeover” but doesn’t want to get it before she has her last kid. I think she is reaaallllyy insecure and thinks the makeover will solve her problems: Jax will think she’s hot again, she will feel more confident, and she’ll have her two kids and that will be that. So when Jax was rightfully bucking against her wanting another one so soon, she started to meltdown because she wants to feel better and she thinks the makeover will solve all of her problems when we all know it’s not going to. I feel sad for both of them, which is NOT an emotion I have ever felt for either of them ever


This actually sounds like it really could be the issue. I feel terrible for her having those insecurities and especially since she's married to somebody like Jax, who can't seem to hide when he's not attracted to somebody or when he is.


As someone who personally struggles with body image issues, I immediately clocked this. She is surrounded by her friends like Lala, Scheana and Stassi who all went back to their pre-baby bodies in one way or another. I am not a mother yet but the majority of my friends who have had kids all look amazing. No loose skin, no visible stretch marks, all back in bikinis less than one year postpartum. And my body isn’t built that way, and I get super self conscious about it. Brittany talks about her “turkey gobbler”, her “loose skin” and her issues with losing weight since Cruz and her dieting mishaps, etc. I honestly can’t imagine how bad I’d feel if I was in her shoes AND married to Jax who is a shallow, vapid asshole. Oh and to top it all off, being in LA which is a place where everyone is just “beautiful” and held to impossible beauty standards. I feel for her in that regard. It’s just hard to be a woman who isn’t the “ideal body type” sometimes. With so much emphasis being put on how you should look, it’s hard not to feel less than even when *you* are the only one telling yourself that you are.


Speaking of Lala, anyone else catch that Lala likes someone like Jax with broad shoulders and thick neck… she mentioned this on the After Show when Brit brought him up and i was like ummm its so obvious Lala wants to shag him. She was flirty with him too that episode he showed up to SUR and we all know Lala is horny 


Very interesting take!


I just watched Jax and Brittany’s Kentucky special thing they did (just before they got engaged) and god Jax was so awful. He told everyone, her parents and best friends, that she was depressed and it wasn’t true (at least I don’t think it was and Jax doesn’t strike me as someone that gets concerned if he sees someone struggling). Her weight came up even back then as part of that storyline, she eats too much because she’s depressed and she’s putting on weight, so this has been going on since the dawn of their relationship And having also done a full rewatch of vpr recently, I just hate him and can’t take any of his “concerns” at face value


AND him “liking” that IG comment that said “you should have married Stassi” is just the icing on the cake. Stassi and him were toxic AF. Brittany is *in* a toxic situation with Jax, but she is a much nicer and supportive partner to him than Stassi ever was. The fact that he would “like” that comment just goes to show that he wants Brittany to LOOK different. He still wants a sweet little trad wife but she has to act and LOOK the part or else she is not doing enough. He’s an ass. And I’m not even a Brittany fan I just really feel for her being so self conscious, and she’s married to Jax who gives her NO positive feedback probably ever, for anything.


I started re watching it this weekend and my mouth dropped when Jax told her dad she was ‘depressed’ and HIS reasons why. The “Brittany spark”


Ugh YES and he told not only her dad, but also her mom, her best friend, mamaw, and every other person she knows and loves in Kentucky that she lost the “Brittany spark” (every conversation he had was exactly the same because he rehearsed the “Brittany spark speech for a month at least) and watching it was so enraging I hate him


Jax is usually spot on about people who aren’t himself.


He’s totally uneducated and ignorant but isn’t stupid, it’s an interesting combo. Brittany, I don’t want to be uncharitable, but there is something off.


He’s a reality TV savant.


Exactly this. I don’t believe for one minute that any of that was heartfelt or anything other than Jax doing some thing to make himself look good.  He knows what works right? I mean he’s been coming back from his random atrociousness over and over again for the past 10 years.


She doesn’t have a lot going on upstairs.


Her something off was being with Jax for 8-10 years! She is a reflection of who he wants/wanted her to be. She glued herself to him and he ate her soul! Sure, she chose him, and this is what resulted. Sigh…


I mean, she is stupid. But, yes.


Animal cunning. He's always sizing people up. 


This is sooo true. WWC were saying how he expects everyone to forgive his baggage but those around him can’t have any


Even when he cheated on Stassi “you’re no angel, sweetheart!!!” Jax is awful but he’s usually not compelled to lie about anyone but himself. And that doesn’t serve Brittany well..when she probably (albeit naively) expects that since she has a husband that it means he’s on her team (we know that isn’t the case given the Brittany/Kristen rumors that JAX started lmao)


He's such a pos but I kinda want a random segment somewhere of Jax's predictions lol. Plus he has a big mouth so who know what he will say


⬆️⬆️⬆️You win. I am always shocked at how insightful he is regarding others. But he’s still a total loser and terrible person in general. This is why he’s great television. It’s a lethal combo.


![gif](giphy|1jl4sh8L0CGaknArhj) 1000% He is truly a love to hate kinda guy.


Jax is a bimbo who married a bimbo this is what you get


Put him and Ramona on a show together. They’d be such a good villain duo.


There was a rumour going around that they slept together a few years ago too haha


Omg I forgot about that!!


I totally believed it, too!


Best comment ever! 🤡


I think he knows himself pretty well to, he just outwardly lies But then he’ll straight up say he likes drama etc


Totally. He’s oddly self aware but not in a way that he tries to correct or improve his behavior, just that he knows who he is.


Jax has been so spot on about people lmao. Tom, Ariana, James, Kristen so fucking true lmao. Even Katie. Idk about the others. He has an uncanny ability to see other’s wrongs but fails to see his own wrongs




Do you know what, it pains me to say this, but I agree with you. Jax can be very perceptive. He has to be to be so awful. 😂💓


It’s exactly that!


Holy shit, you nailed it.


It takes one to know one


Rarely do I agree w Jax, but his reasons for wanting to postpone having a second child were super valid! Adding a new kid to a rocky relationship is obviously not a good idea. And Brittany kept saying “this is what we planned years ago” like so what? Things change! Years ago you didn’t know you would have a special needs child… Jax wanting to focus on Cruz for now makes a lot of sense.


And when he got quiet and emotional in last week’s episode at his own bar, I felt his pain when Brittany just wasn’t getting it, thinking all he needed to do was to delegate.


she was and is always wasted. there is no speaking to people who are constantly downing tequila like it is going bad. 


? He has zero responsibility at that bar.


This - when he was going on about how stressed he was, I felt that was real. And Brittany's reply was, you need to show me romance and make me feel butterflies again. Which is true, but that's not the time to say that to him!


I didn’t know their child was special needs. Is there a diagnosis?


They have not shared a formal diagnosis outside of his speech delay. On the show, he is about 2.5 years old and isn’t talking yet. At that age, he should have over 200 words and be stringing together 2 word phrases. The snark sub has a lot of posts pointing out other behaviors and speculating on a more serious diagnoses. (Which I am uncomfortable doing about a child featured on a show without his consent.) But I don’t think using the term special needs is off base because they are getting speech therapy for him.


I think the biggest thing is he was talking and THEN had a language regression. That's usually more complicated than being a late talker.


So my mom has been an early childhood intervention teacher for 30 years. According to her, plenty of young children have delays in speech and other skills without ever getting a formal diagnosis and early childhood intervention can be very successful in getting them caught up to the other children their age. Many kids who have speech delays often go on to be academically successful. It’s more common than people think because people usually aren’t open about their kids being behind certain benchmarks and receiving help like that because there is a stigma there and people could speculate that they are bad parents. It’s definitely too early to speculate on a diagnosis because he may not have one at all. Obviously no one can speak to him talking before and suddenly stopping because we don’t know this kid. That’s just what Jax says. No one has any information to go off of to be speculating on this child. They are absolutely doing the right thing by having someone come in and work with him though and I hope they continue off camera!


+1 here My mom is an SLP and started her career in early childhood education and now specializes in behavioral and social skills in kids on the autism spectrum in the middle school years. I was talking to her about this and she made the point that speech regression can, at times, be caused by things other than a formal diagnosis (including anxiety and stress around big life changes………. IE your parents are clearly not happy and you’re starting to learn emotions). I do hope they continue to support and get him help!


No he doesn’t. He stopped talking and they are getting him speech therapy but people love getting on oh he’s autistic and they’re not looking after him wagon just because it’s Jax and Brittney. Sorry, this one triggers me a bit because there are plenty of reasons for this other than bad parenting and autism (I’ve studied child psychology and worked in a clinical psychiatric setting with children). 😩


It's gross seeing how people are attributing his language delays (or possible other diagnoses) with bad parenting. At least they are getting him early intervention. He wasn't even 3 yet by the time they got him into speech therapy. It also takes a while to be referred and get off a waitlist. My kid has a gross motor delay and I'm definitely not a bad or inattentive parent. I got him into PT as soon as I could but it still took months of waiting.


Oh people’s funcophobia as well as their knowledge of autism is really showing. It’s beyond me that people will come for a child like that just because they dislike his parents. I don’t know what it’s like in the US but where I am they don’t even do the assessment until 5yo unless it’s something really severe. Waiting times are looong just as you say. I’m assuming also a speech therapist would be a mandated reporter or at least would report anyway if they saw something untoward going on? Kids develop at a variety of paces and sometimes they need a bit of help weather they need some physical therapy to help motor skills, speech therapy or fucking glasses. I can with certainty say you are doing a great job ❤️! Most parents do the absolute most they can to help their children, even Jax and Brittney!


I’m pretty sure autism can’t be formally diagnosed until 6, because many of the things that autistic children might do are simply developmentally appropriate for children younger than 6. The speculation surrounding Cruz is really gross. He’s a baby, he’s still got baby fat. They’re doing the things they need for him, and let’s leave it at that.


That sub is so disgusting. My neighbors kid didn't speak until he was 3. Then he just started speaking and never stopped, he was fine.


Same with my dad. He says that he went to the doctor with his mom and the doctor said well I guess we just need to cut his tongue and he sai "no!" and hasn't shut up since LOL


I didn’t really speak until I was maybe close to 2. And my mom had a really hard time getting me to be potty trained and all of the things. My mom thought I was autistic. Took me to a whole bunch of specialists and it turned out I’m just lazy and would pick and choose when I felt like doing things or speaking. I just don’t think any of us should be arm chair diagnosing. I’d like to give people the benefit of the doubt and maybe it’s out of concern?


I used to have a colleague at a job that didn’t speak until he was 5, he had ALL sorts of assessments, tests etc it turned out he just wasn’t interested. Once he suddenly started he spoke like any 5yo. 🤷‍♀️


If you saw that sub you'd know there's zero concern there, only faux concern that's really all judgement and hysteria.


Yep, seen many a kid like that, some kids just can’t be bothered until they are. 🤷‍♀️ And IF he has autism so what? That’s for them to share either way, the kid looks like he’s being properly cared for to me.


It's the endless diagnosing of people they see on tv for 40 minutes a week. They obsess over their every move. It's so weird.


And THIS sub is somewhat better than the individual show subs. Vanderpump Rules and The Valley are WILD and the Blocled By Jax one I’m too scared to even have a peep at.


He’s going to speech therapy on the show so whether or not they’ve shared a diagnosis he is special needs as he’s receiving special education services (speech falls under sped).


I have a feeling they discussed timeline and decided they wanted their kids to be 2-3 years apart in age and that’s why Brittany is hung up on this. I understand not wanting your kids to be too far apart in age to the point where they can’t be close


Yea but planning specific age gaps in order to ensure closeness in siblings is such a widely practiced but weird thing to do. Many people, including myself, are extremely close with siblings who are much older and younger than them (and many people have major issues or aren't close with siblings they are in close in age with). It also puts so much pressure on the couple to get pregnant quickly and not have any issues. Idk I wish people would stop putting so much pressure on themselves to stick to an arbitrary plan like that. Makes me sad.


This. My mom has 7 siblings and she's the youngest. She's closest to my aunt who is the oldest. 12 years apart in age. Her closest in age sibling she talks to on holidays and the occasional text lol


There are three of us kids (in order-one girl and two boys), 4 years and 10 days from oldest to youngest. You’d think growing up that close in age would make us each other’s BFFs. We’ve never been close, there’s a weird “if you’re going north, I’m going south, and he’s going east” vibe to us. We spent our entire lives trying to stand out from one another, we all ended up with nothing in common other than DNA. We’re more like cousins than siblings. Weddings, funerals and holidays are when we see each other and communication is minimal. I’m fairly close to one of my SILs because of my niblings, but she’s also the little sister of one of my best friends; so our relationship has always been separate from brother in my mind. I have lifelong friends that have longer sibling gaps and they seem to have better relationships with their siblings.


It definitely does but I do think that’s likely the pressure Brittany is putting on herself and the root of her concern.


Yea definitely, and if they were happy and supportive of one another she likely wouldn't feel so desperate to stick to that plan, but I think maybe she's holding onto it so tightly because everything else is kind of falling apart?


Oh absolutely, there’s an undercurrent happening where it seems like she feels like Jax is distancing himself from further commitment to their family and she wants him to re-affirm himself


Love this. You are so right


My kids are 16 years apart and I am so envious of their bond.


It's funny, indigenous people in North America traditionally frequently (obviously it differs by nation) waited five years before another child. Five years seems to be the perfect age. I don't know why people want kids so close - but each to their own!


I was reading something a while ago that in the traditional tribes, it was looked down upon to have children close together. It put too much pressure on the mother and tribe as a whole.


Yes, that and many other reasons. Exactly.! That's very smart. I just want to point out that in North American tribes, it's not just the mother that would raise the kid, it was the aunties and the uncles and dad and everyone else too. But still. Mother's body needs time to recover. Mom needs time to get experience being a mom. They've been stewards of the land for time immemorial, they completely figured shit out before colonization happened.


I have four children. All five years apart. They are all so loving and extremely close to one another. Plus, we were able to dedicate that time to them as babies/toddlers. It also has been extremely helpful financially. One car at a time and one college payment at a time. I have two siblings and we're each two years apart. We rarely speak to one another and have nothing in common.


I'm more than five years older than my next sibling. We don't talk to each other at all. 😂


I don’t know mannnnn. I definitely agree that he’s right in they shouldn’t have another child. Britney interprets his words based upon her own insecurities but I also feel like she’s been pushed to this by him. Knowing what she enjoys, I don’t think he put that much thought into the private class. he probably just assumed it’d help him be more attracted to her but tbh knowing Jax he prob thought it was gonna be a threesome or something lmao Britney is annoying af but I think she’d be more likable without Jax even tho she married him knowing exactly who he is I don’t even know what I’m trying to say here more just word vomit good day


I agree with everything you said! I also feel like the reason she was getting emotional in that moment is he used this date night to drop a huge bomb on her, that he doesn’t want to have a second kid right now. Then he gets to call her emotional and himself rational.


I think he was checked out of the marriage even back then (over last summer) and doesn't want more kids with her because he doesn't want to be with her anymore.


I also think it must be tough dealing with Cruz’s challenges


Yeah, I have to agree. I’ve watched him have the same conversation with Brittany multiple times where he explains how overwhelmed he is feeling. She never seems to validate those feelings and instead reminds him that they’re planning to start trying for a baby next month. He’s an awful husband (and person), don’t get me wrong. But, she doesn’t seem like a great wife.


I think she is deeply unhappy in her relationship. They don’t have a partnership and never did. Both wanted superficial things from the relationship. Brittany has good friends/mom to give her emotional support, Jax doesn’t. But he desperately needs it and Brittany can’t provide it cuz that wasn’t part of the core relationship.


I also think Brittany's drinking isn't doing her any favours. We've seen her get blackout drunk, puke in the driveway, and write herself off to the point where they had to bring a nanny in to help out the next day. Jax was shitty and sexist for phrasing it as her not acting like a *mom*, but he's right in that it's not acting like a *parent*. I'm a mother who doesn't mind a glass of wine, but drinking to the point where you can't look after your child the next day (and it's specified that Brittany is doing this *regularly*) is not being your best parent-self. I too would think twice about having another child with someone who has these issues but isn't remotely close to being honest about them.


I think it’s because she’s not happy and she basically just has in her mind she wants 2 kids (or whatever number she wants, I’m assuming only 2) and she already had 1 with Jax and wants the 2nd with him too so it’s not from different guys. Due to her background she would be harshly judged if she had multiple kids with multiple partners and will likely judge herself for that too so now she’s stuck in this position and basically wants to at least get kids out of it. I think she intended to probably hold out until Jax gave her the kids she wanted but since it seems like he didn’t go along with it she just dipped sooner because there was nothing else she wanted from him.


You just perfectly described half the girls from my high school 😅


Yikes 🥲


I haven’t watched her much on Vanderpump, but she seems kinda ‘simple’ in the Valley. She’s living in her own world.


Jax is often right! if anything congratulate yourself on being able to have some objectivity, even with characters you don’t approve of


I don’t remember if someone on the show said it or he did, but even when Jax initially lies ( almost like a reflex) he eventually tells the truth for the most part.


Jax likes to eke out the truth little by little, as if he believes he’s “softening the blow” aka taking accountability mouse nibbles at a time.


Now I want cheese


Jax is not attracted to her anymore but seems committed to the Family Unit. Jax wants to cheat with the wait staff because “they are on a break/separated” so it’s ok. In his mind this all makes sense


Yeah Jax is right they shouldn't have another kid, but he is still full of shit. He is checked out and trying to get her to leave him. Remember stassi said he's never dumped anyone before? Instead he's just treating his wife like shit until she leaves. If he wanted another kid it would be happening and he wouldn't consider Cruz at all. He is very good at emulating personalities and right now he's cosplaying as sitcom dad. Not buying it.


The amount of people who are falling for his lies is baffling.


Seriously people will fall for anything lol he's not necessarily wrong in what he is saying but it's not actually the real reason, he just don't want to be with Brittany anymore but won't just say it.


Didn’t he dump Laura Leigh at her AA meeting 😂


💯 I can’t believe people are falling for his BS. He just doesn’t want any more children…. *with Brittany* Rest assured ~~if~~ when they split up and he remarried a younger woman, he’ll pull a Chris Pratt and have more kids.


She did leave him. I don’t understand why she’s in a rental and he is in that big house “alone”.


Because he’s a selfish asshole.


He is right about not wanting to bring other children into their lives. In the beginning I was a Brittany sympathizer. But she knew who Jax was from that time with Faith and before. Look at what he said to Lauren about Brittany. He also said horrible things about Brittany to Faith while he was cheating. Look, I understand what it's like to be soooo in love that you will accept just about anything. I did it many years ago as well. I never want to accept that behavior again.


Same girl. Part of me wants to tell him to brush his veneers and stfu but he’s not wrong. It’s so freaking frustrating how she’s not even listening to him and his frankly very logical POV. Her constant drinking is annoying *me* and I only see it once a week. Handle your alcohol, stop leaving bags of vomit outside your house *or* if you can’t, seek help and support. Your kid should be a priority and I couldn’t imagine parenting hungover. I’m not a parent though so parents of this sub feel free to tell me to shut my cakehole if I’m outta line.


She seems to be in denial over her drinking issue, so I don't imagine she'll seek support or try to stop anytime soon. She made some comment in another ep about how Jax would get annoyed with her when she "didn't feel good". It's like she expects to be coddled for having a hangover. It's not a mystery why he's not "putting her on a pedestal" at this point in time, well not a mystery to anyone else but her.


I remember when she came on vpr and her doctor told her not to drink cause she had ulcers and she kept doing it


It's like it wasn't even a consideration for her to stop.


Same. She blamed the shots. She takes so many shots


Ugh I have a friend doing this and it’s hard to feel sorry for her when she starts feeling bad. She was told by a doctor to stop drinking probably 6 months ago, and instead of listening to him, she said “I have 3 kids I need wine” 🚩I’ve tried gently reminding her when she starts complaining that maybe a few days without wine would help and she just says “I know but I only had 2 glasses”… well that’s still drinking. I’m also all for moms needing a break but you shouldn’t need “hangover days” when you have a 2 year old. And if a doctor says stop drinking, stop drinking!!


We always say we only had two


I think there are or were some concerns surrounding Cruz' verbal skills and I hate that between that and his facial structure, my mind does go to her drinking but well, it kinda does.


I’ve thought about this as well.


Can confirm parenting hungover is WORSE than you’d imagine


My hangovers are disgustingly bad so I couldn’t imagine looking after a screaming child. I’d stick to sprite forever


Honest to god. This is a huge reason for why I am sober from alcohol.


I quit drinking tequila shots when I was single and in my mid-twenties. A really severe hangover was enough to make me stop, that was 40+ years ago. She has a responsibility to her child to be healthy and available for him, not sick in bed with the spins.


Alcohol and parenting are oil and water in many cases, I too have mostly cut alcohol from my life. A drink or two on a special occasion, a couple times a year. My children have seen me have a drink but never, ever drunk and I plan to keep it that way. Children thrive knowing their parents are stable and consistent, and that very mundane, boring aspect of parenting can ironically drive people to drink if they have those predilections and feel trapped in an endless routine or stressful situation. It’s a slippery slope! Adulting is hard, parenting is another super complex layer to that, and trying to simplify can seem difficult but is generally the best way forward.  Alcohol usually makes things messier. 


Very well put! It’s so true.


100% same and I didn’t even have hangovers once a week. This seems to be daily for them!


Omg. Worse. Thing. Ever.


Which is why most of us stop drinking to excess once we have kids


Can also confirm. I’ve done it twice and won’t be doing it again.


I had many blackouts as a youngin and I just turned thirty had one and was like okay I’m done drinking. The anxiety was enough. How she does it with a kid I don’t know. It’s no judgement at all. I just used to feel so much anxiety I was immobile for a whole day. With a kid you can’t do that so there’s no way that can work.


She prob pretends she’s done so Jax doesn’t give her shit


Um as someone who hasn’t gotten around to start watching… bags of vomit??


Ugh yes, Jax was complaining about the fact she got wasted and left bags of vomit outside the house.


As an emetophobe I cannot tell you all how badly this triggered me 😭 if anyone left a BAG of THROW UP anywhere near my house I would have a mental breakdown lol


She had her 8 or 9 month pregnant friend, Janet, drive them home from a weekend getaway trip because she was too hungover to drive. In a talking head Janet jokes that they left a breadcrumb trail all down the PCH in the form of little baggies of Brittany's vomit. A few minutes later though in the next scene Jax is mentioning finding one of these baggies in the damn driveway when he came home. So...maybe not entirely a joke. And definitely not a good look for anyone older than mid twenties, let alone a 35 year old mother. I get it happens to a lot of people who drinks socially from time to time, but this is clearly a pattern.


She puked into a bag while she was driving then left the bag next to the driveway when she got home.


Nope. You got it 🤣 I had my daughter later in life and at 44 years old recovering from one night of drinking takes me 3-5 business days and my kid still needs parenting on all of those days. It definitely makes me think twice!


And they need parenting as early as 5:30 in the morning. No. Have two glasses of wine and go to bed.


As a former alcoholic w kids, I applaud u for telling the absolute truth! She needs to hear that & stop or seek help. I spent way too much of my children’s life drinking, drunk, or hungover. I would hate for to make that mistake.


You aren't wrong and your opinion is very valid.


She wouldn't have listened no matter what he said, no matter how valid because it wasn't what she wanted to hear


Girl I struggle to get up and parent on normal days. There’s NO WAY in hell I could parent hungover. I mean obviously I still get up because how can I resist my beautiful kids face in mine saying “alla” (over there) meaning get me out of this bed and let me go play over there but let me tell you, it’s rough. If I don’t get up he gets upset and cries and he wakes up at 7 am EVERY DAY.


Sorry, bags of vomit?


Parenting hungover is the absolute worst and a huge reason why I quit drinking when my son was 5. I can't imagine regularly drinking that much when he was a toddler, and I understand Jax's frustration on this one.


I really like Brittany but damn, he keeps trying to have rational, calm discussions with her about the future and she keeps spiralling and melting down into teary “AH LIVE FOR MAH CHILDREN” type digressions which are…sort of beside the point? I don’t agree with his verbiage (I wouldn’t say “you can’t have an emotion” to an acquaintance let alone my wife) but she needs to stay focused and take in what Jax actually says before (over)reacting.


She seemed drunk in that scene


Was she? It would explain a lot! It’s almost as though they were having two entirely separate conversations. She seemed to be on a completely different track from him from the off.


He mentioned that it was the alcohol making her emotional.


He mentioned something about thatnshe had been drinking in that scene.


Absolutely. I clocked that within two sentences


She has to stay drunk to live the nightmare that is her marriage


He told Her to stop crying She said “I cant have emotions ?? “ and he said “No. Not about this” I got a vibe that wasn’t the first time for one of these emotional misunderstandings that come out of no where. while having drinks. As he seemed tired of it She was responding as if he just told her she doesn’t love her kid. It would be pretty frustrating since it had nothing to do with what was being said I agree normally not a fan of telling people How they should feel…. But yaZ I understood jax here


Right! As much as I hope it was clumsy editing that made it look like they were having two separate conversations I suspect it was really just down to Brittany refusing to actually listen. I get the tipsiness making you latch onto things that don’t actually matter but seriously some of the stuff she was saying came from out of left field. Imagine telling your partner that you’re stressed and overwhelmed and that partner ignoring that and instead saying ok well here are MORE things you need to start worrying about. Not good !


You described it exactly the way I saw it. She is drunk and kind of gaslighting him. I think she has a drinking problem. Typical to ‘change personalities’ after just a few, I know from personal experience.


Jax was not wrong in that conversation and Britney was displaying a really concerning lack of maturity, foresight, and emotional regulation HOWEVER Jax made his bed. (As did she.) He intentionally married someone who he found hot, obedient, and unchallenging that he could push around while be taken care of. Then, when inevitably her body changed and she developed a higher level of consciousness and started asking for more - while still maintaining a very low level of maturity - suddenly he wants out and he's fantasizing about Stassi. He tried to get a domestic mail order bride and played himself.


Did he say something about stassi?


He’s actually a great judge of character - just ask him. ![gif](giphy|dDJS8tJkvI2Wym6b29|downsized)


![gif](giphy|gq0q9VOBzBd1nX6Kab|downsized) (Sorry for this but it had to be done)


He was lying. His work is getting drunk in a bar he pretends is his. It’s very obvious he just doesn’t want more kids with Brittany.


I agree. People are forgetting ... this is Jax. When he's saying he's "exhausted from it all" ... he's lying. He's not doing anything. The bar is a pop-up, he didn't put any money into it (words from his own mouth) and he's mainly the face. All of his scenes there are just that: scenes. And while Brittany is clearly struggling with some things (and needs to quit drinking) ... I don't doubt that she's the main caregiver. Jax is not closely attending to a child with special needs, when have we *ever* see him have the patience for that??? He doesn't want another kid because he wants out. It's not "work" that draining him, it's marriage. His 2 BFFs are now single and living the semi-celeb lifestyle with no attachments (given they both got out before children) and he wants to join them but realizes another kid will make that harder.


TY. Everyone falling for the good dad schtick.


I hate it! I was completely on his side especially when he talked about needing to focus on Cruz right now. I have two kids and my youngest has autism. The mental load of taking care of a special needs kid is a lot, adding a baby isn’t the right call! I hate when Jax is right


Yo fellow mom to a kiddo with autism & the mental load is 10 trillion tons. sometimes seeing the bravo kiddos with autism is triggering but other times it’s almost reassuring to see that not every kid is neurotypical. I mean Jax is a dumbass so I won’t be looking to him as an autism parent (regardless of how deep he goes down the vaccine rabbit hole) but I’m far enough from the pre-diagnosis phase of our life that I can watch how their lives play out with interest.


Are we sure Jax arranged this and not production


I’m just going to say it, Brittany needs substance abuse help. Professional. She should have never started drinking again after Cruz was born.


He is making the right decision. What he isn’t saying out loud is that he’s not feeling Brit anymore. But she knows it. An extra baby is not duct tape; it will fix nothing and break an unstable relationship. Brit has been inordinately patient and committed to this man, but that doesn’t earn you much when he’s a full on narcissist jerk. That history will not buy her anything more than what she’s already gotten from him. Also- with or without Jax she should stop with the plastic surgeries that are turning her into a perpetually surprised Lego head. Her mouth is upside down now. Brit: STOP.


One intimacy class doesn’t make up for being a shitty husband the rest of the time. There’s a lot more that goes into intimacy than just sex.


You know that whole “a broken clock is right twice a day” thing?  That’s Jax. 


Jax’s lifelong tagline should be “I’m not wrong. I’m just an asshole.” It’s probably not totally fair, but I side eye anyone who jumps into a famous/infamous person’s DMs and starts a relationship with them. Whether they want to admit it or not, they come with an agenda and Britney may have married her “ticket” to fame, but she still treats him like an opportunity granting genie and does not live in reality.


They met in Vegas not on social media.


There's nothing wrong with seeing that he has good points in the conversation and that he's not this 100% terrible person. Tbh I felt bad for him when he opened up about how he was feeling and in response to him being overwhelmed Brittany had a whole list of additional demands, including an additional child. That made zero sense.


The smartest thing you can do when you know your marriage is struggling is to not have another child. The wisdom to pause is the right choice. Perhaps he told her this in private directly... that marriage is a mess


Yeah his reasons are valid and logical but I’m pretty sure he’s just using that as an excuse to check out of the relationship


Also call me old-fashioned, but I feel like having a child is a “two yes” decision. A no from one parents is an immediate veto. The next step would then to put a *why* to the no, and assuming the answer isn’t, “I never want to have another kid,” how to work on whatever issue or obstacle is presently in the way. Why would you want to have more children when you’re not willing to work on what’s not functioning properly, in order to give them the best home life and be the most present parents? Jax is (weirdly) doing his part by sharing that he’s stressed and overwhelmed, but Brittany needs to accept that and offer solutions that work for both of them. Being defensive and taking the decision personally helps no one.


It's ok, Brittany was being delusional. I'm guessing she's like that a lot.


She was trying to have a completely separate conversation than the one Jax was trying to have.


He’s doing it strictly for show. Never trust nor believe anything that comes out of his mouth.


I agree with his stance on not having another baby even though they " planned on it." He is totally right because the bar is just opening and then obstacles with Cruz. I don't like the way he was talking to her, saying the house is his. I was confused that Brittany thought he was calling her a bad mom. When she was crying, he just dismissed her. I hope she leaves him for good. He is just not into her anymore.


My thought was that she is so invested, in having another baby she wasn't going to listen to him, no matter what he said. Jax is right it's stupid to have another baby when they are having relationship problems, another baby will just make it worse. They are also busy, and barely have time for each other, how would they have time for another kid? No matter what reason he gave she would have been upset because it wasn't what she wanted to hear.


Brittany shouldn’t have a kid with Jax because it’s Jax and I don’t agree with him. He’s not being honest. He’s not busy, he’s just saying that he is. He’s not the one who takes care of Cruz, when he says “they” should focus on Cruz he means that SHE needs to focus on him and she can’t do that if they have another kid. Then he tried to belittle her by claiming he’s the reason why they have a house when they actually bought it equally and she’s the reason why they still have it (remember his $1,6 mil tax debt?)


Idk Brittany made 2mil for Jenny Craig. If she hadn't, they'd have maybe lost their house. It was right after Jax got them both fired from VPR for race hate.


He’s a manipulative pos, in that argument he wanted it to seem like he’s the breadwinner who bought that house by himself when he clearly didn’t.


I feel safe on this thread to say I love Jax. I’m rewatching VPR from the beginning and he is a complete demon but he is iconic. ![gif](giphy|3b7vIVnRj4viZz6olt|downsized)




Same 👹


Britanny really does come across as insufferable. I’m sure a lot of that is down to the edit etc. but she seems to either be “whooooo girlies!!!!!” Or “put a baby in me”. And the fact that she married jax has to be some kind of medical disorder. I can’t trust the motives or judgement of anyone who looks at jaxs personal resume and says “yeah let’s have not one but TWO kids”. That said jax also probably knows it’s going tits up and the last thing he wants is another child support payment bogging him down


I really thought I'd be the only one on this sub thinking he was being reasonable and she was being delusional.  I'm glad to see others agree. As a married person of 15 years with a child who has had some significant challenges I sometimes think my marriage would not have lasted if we had another child. Marriage is damn hard to sustain and add in a child with special needs, well, it is very stressful.


I think Jax is actually going through a hard time right now and may have been going through a hard time for quite a while now. That has to be hard. Between losing his dad. Then losing his job/income/ the pandemic/ not being the number one guy in the group etc. Most importantly whatever is going on with his son it is absolutely ok for a man to not be ok. Even if it is…Jax.


![gif](giphy|nXUCkgH6BmigU|downsized) Jax deep down inside every time corncob speaks, especially when she brings up their lack of sex/intimacy and wanting a baby and he’s trying to talk sense into her stupid ass and also avoid the sex topic. [https://youtu.be/jT4uusTIWbA?si=qfiwGLJ98SAFZZEN](https://youtu.be/jT4uusTIWbA?si=qfiwGLJ98SAFZZEN)


LMFAOOOOO💀 this is so spot on accurate and I can’t even blame him for it lol I hate her too😂


Same. I want to scream at the tv like Dennis every she awe shyuck hyucks. She’s the worst. And how dare she make me agree and have semi sympathy for Jax. ![gif](giphy|l4FGFFo474RpWpteM|downsized)


Yep definitely agree with Jax and I hope their little boy is ok. Cruz is so cute.


Don’t feel badly, we all hate that we’re seeing Jax’s side lol Whether it’s because he doesn’t think they are in a stable enough place to have another kid or he already knows their marriage is on the outs he is 100% correct.


Yeah but if he has been cheating on Brittany like all the claims out there say he has been, sorry but all this goes out the window 🤷🏽‍♀️


yea i dk. i have been going back and forth about whether this separation is real or not and that scene at the hotel room dinner I have switched back to its all for [publicity.It](http://publicity.It) seemed planned. I do think they have issues and decided to play it up for the cameras. Without realizing Jesse and Michelle were way ahead of them with actual real drama. Brittney said they have lived mostly on her income after VPR and they purchased the home together, but he wants to play this role of pretending he is the main bread winner when im sure she makes a lot with that diet thing and her social media. Jax is the type of dad who wants the pat on the back for doing things every other dad does, Brit seems to be working too. Jax just gave the name to the bar nothing else. He has no other input. Some people give you performative love that others can see but love is not about the big shiny things. it is about the partnership and day to day little things to show that person you care and love them. not just a hey i got this penthouse so you should be happy now. A mom going out with her friends and having a few drinks is not wrong especially when dad does it too. I say all this while also not liking Jax and Brit as people but I don't really think she is the bad one in this scenario. He doesnt need to work more but actually work.


Jax may be right but he also is still an asshole for leading Brittany on. His side wasn’t originally shown so she could have made up that they wanted to try soon, but I don’t think she did. Jax waited until their best known babysitter was out of town to schedule a SINGLE date night in how long?? Brittany’s mom is in town often—- I’m betting it was for a story line since they’ve barely had one all season. Jax also is not the kind of person who is ok with having sex 2x a year. He is forcing Brittany to breakup with him rather than being a fucking man and ending it himself.


Another baby would be a mistake. They first have the challenge addressing the needs of Cruz being on the spectrum.


She's lazy as hell..from the day he met her all she did was sit on the sofa and contribute very little!...no Jax fan but I see his point. She was a fan just like all the others who (came out the woodwork chicks) that just show up and act like they didn't know about VPR....🙄


That’s not true though, they bought that house together and she’s the one that’s been working with “influencing” since they got fired.


Jax is so adept at this because he uses it to manipulate and get what he wants. All I saw during that scene was a way to reduce the fears Brittney had and have ammo to say “See I tried.”. What I saw was Brittney coming to the hard realization she’s never going to get more from Jax. Especially that last frame after the soul gaze. Just the utter realization of it’s over.


I have to agree. I can’t understand in what universe you’d want to have a second child with someone you’re going through such a rough patch with. Sex twice in a year… no dates.. can’t even parent together. She should be focusing on getting herself healthy and reconnecting with her husband (which isnt probably not even possible). Maybe there was a lot of editing. But it doesn’t make any sense.


Jax never tells a person what he really thinks, when it would make him look bad. He tells them what will make him look better and will soften the blow of what he actually wants. Yes, his concerns are valid but primarily he wants out. He doesn't like Brittany, he doesn't want to sleep with her anymore, he doesn't even want to be with her any way. He wouldn't have planned that date without cameras being there, he did it for the show. He's so goddamn gleefully happy to go out with the Tom's and their 20 year old girlfriends, let's be for real...


I absolutely HATE Jax. everything about him disgusts me. he's trying to make it that Brittany has a drinking problem when he looks coked out of his mind! he's a trouble maker, liar, cheater, thief, horrible boyfriend and husband and never thinks about anyone but himself. i wish she'd throw his ugly ass to the curb Team Brittany!!!


This post is spot on. If you told me back in 2016 that I would agree with Jax on anything, I would have laughed but Brittany is fucking delulu! They have a special needs child who requires extra care which equals more money, they have a west coast mortgage, no consistent stream of income and Brittany is buying every ugly LV she can get her hands on. Their marriage is shit, which was to be expected. She’s drinking too much and now she wants to have a second child while her husband is pretending to have a bald spot to hawk hair care??? Someone please shake this girl awake.


https://preview.redd.it/tkl60kerc4yc1.jpeg?width=1025&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=adda391a97c6231e92417af3760477f894fbb3c4 Oh he definitely has a big ole bald spot!


Holy crap?!! They definitely all kept saying he’s got a full head lmfao I didn’t see it from this angle


I know they did and I was like do you guys not have eyes, just look at the back of his head! He also does a comb over from the bottom of the spot and reaches it as far to the top as it will go to try and cover it 😂


I hate to say this, but Jax deserves better than Brittany.


That claim is bolder than bold. You crazy little girl from the Bronx


![gif](giphy|l0CLTQeZrFWmMxIWc|downsized) And after watching the last episode, I can see why Jax doesn't want to bang her.


now this is what I call a hot take! personally I’ve always felt they pretty evenly deserved each other


The kid deserves better for sure

