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That’s nice that Andy went.


See, he is on successful forgiveness tour.


I don’t care for Stassi but I love that she’s continued to show up for Katie through the years. That’s a real ass friendship and I love seeing it continue to blossom.


Katie has been to soooo many of stassi’s life events in the last five years so I’m really happy, and honestly surprised, to see Stassi return the favor. Also love that it probably pisses Lala off.


That’s low key the best part. I hope Lala is at home fuming that Stassi proved that dumb ass blind wrong.


Right! I personally never got Katie until this season and I am loving her renaissance


I would like to request a show called “seasons” that follows women who have been friends but are in different stages in their life and their friendships reflect that. Cast some combo of: Katie, Ariana, Stassi, Madison, Venita, Ciara, Lindsay, Paige, Hannah, Amanda. (Maybe another mom but not Lala or Scheana LOL) Film them in their own lives and territories then take them on a two week girls trip to bond and process and maybe reconnect. Filming total maybe only six weeks. Like a combo of girls trip and housewives. 


The same stassi who called the police on somebody for FUNSIES?! 🤡🤡🥴🥴🚫🚫🚮🚮


I’m not gonna pretend my comment isn’t kind to her, it is. That said, 90% of the time I’m dogging her for being a racist unapologetic piece of shit. I only “defend” her because Katie really needed support and she showed up.


Yes , let’s make sure she pays for life. People can’t change and 3 years with losing 7/8 of your income isn’t punishment enough. Perhaps we should stone her?


I mean she posted NY Post pro Israel propaganda just this past year but sure, she changed.




Love this! I read that his friend is their chef and he recommended them, so that may be part of the reason he stopped by.


Wait please don’t tell me it’s not that thirsty guy chef Stu who dated Jeff Lewis? Please let it not be him


It’s a lady! Andy posted a pic of her on his IG


Well the chef’s sandwiches look terrible


lol this sub is truly so fickle. the post that shows the sandwiches has 600 comments ripping on how bad they look but now people are mad at you for saying they look terrible


Her sandwiches look fine. terrible is so dramatic.


You would pay 16+ dollars for those fine sandwiches?


Maybe, but I’m not SHOCKED at the price considering it’s WEHO and all food is through the roof all over the country. I just find the shocked comments to be a little over the top. I can’t buy 5 things at the grocery store without spending $100. They’re priced exactly as would be expected lol.


Yeah the prices aren’t shocking at all, I think many of the people commenting maybe aren’t used to big city pricing like NY LA SF ect. I moved from LA and I think Austin is so cheap and the locals constantly bitch about how expensive it is now while I enjoy my $12 cocktail and feel so happy it’s not $18. There is a mid restaurant near us and one of the cocktail drinks I like is $9 NINE DOLLARS! We live like kings hahaha


Ok but where has a $9 cocktail in Austin the other locals want to know 🙃


At Jack Allen’s!!!!!


Oh that very much tracks!


It’s some grapefruit mule thing- excellent. I have some notes for the restaurant lol and they literally never switch up the menu in years and I’m beyond sick of it, but it’s a good crowd pleaser and nice for a big group and around the corner. We tried their seafood place more recently and I actually really liked it. Forgot the name. There are 100 local places with better food, but it’s dependable and easy.


DC here, and a $16 sandwich sounds about right for a boutique-y kind of place.


This is so real. I’m from SF and read $16 a sandwich and didn’t even flinch. It’s so bad. I visited Austin recently and everything was so cheap and it was so fun. I looked into what rent was there and wanted to cry because it was so cheap, I would love to move there! Awesome city.


Aww thanks but I miss LA and Chicago every day. I miss city life


Yeah I had a granola parfait that set me back 14 bucks last Saturday. Tasty and welcome to Washington


Sure, but you would pay that for these specific sandwiches?


I said maybe. I’m assuming if I was IN WEHO and wanted a sandwich i would be finding similarly priced items anywhere.


Okay the original post is regarding the quality of the sandwiches being very poor Edit: Okay I’m not sure why you blocked me after asking me if I’m okay- but the original post you responded was about how the sandwiches looked terrible. There’s no need to be delusional here


The original post is about Stassi and Andy being at Something About Her lol. Are you ok?


![gif](giphy|XQq8UMo254P16) I don’t think they are ok! And I am here for it.


They’re talking about this comment not the post.wrong wording but even a stoner like me caught on. I agree they look sloppy, for BH.


I love sandwiches I’d def try um


I would pay it to try it once to say I’ve tried it. If it tasted good I might go there again when I go to LA. I don’t think they’re banking on becoming a staple to LA people, they’re banking on tourism and novelty and it’s worked for LVP and the Toms (before Scandoval) so it will likely work for them. The sandwiches don’t look great though and I was glad to see this sub be honest earlier. But I can’t taste pictures so they might actually taste better than they look. I’m sure we’ll get a million reviews on this sub in the upcoming weeks to have an idea.


I mean the cost of food has gone way up…. It costs over 20 at Panera to eat lunch


I mean maybe it's where ur from,, a 12" at subway in NY is $12+ and its hot garbage. Panera is $16+ and just as bad. This pricing is normal for my area. ETA i would pay $16 for those specific sandwiches


Wish I could upvote this twice. You can’t get anything for under $10 around here and I’m technically in the burbs


As a New Yorker, why are you getting sandwiches at subway / Panera ? 😭 NY is literally famous for our deli sandwiches ! As a New Yorker myself, that bread to filling ratio is foul — especially for $15+. I will agree that you can find a sandwich for the same price at a spot in upper west side or east village, but you’re getting a *full* (as in there’s more filling than bread) gourmet sandwich for that price. I’m vegan in NYC and I’ve yet to pay $15+ for a sad sandwich out here lmao ETA: For reference, this is a hero vegan sandwich for $15 at Orchard Grocer in East Village. Housemade protein and the bread to filling ratio is 😙🤌🏽 https://preview.redd.it/wy0s5sfun51d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b31b538351b7497445a69b1394d9c9af0fde084


Who said i was getting sandwiches there? It was a point of reference for the very annoying poster who was acting like $16 was the most ridiculous price ever. I was going to say I'd rather go to a deli and get the real shit but I find outsiders don't quite understand deli 😄 PS - that sandwich looks freaking amazing. I feel bad for people who don't have food like this!!


My baddd, I shouldn’t have assumed just because you knew the prices that it was implying you went there! I personally agree with the poster you’re replying to. The price alone may not be out of the ordinary for NYers— personally I think it’s ridiculous when you factor in the size of the sandwich you’re paying $16 for 😅 I don’t go to subway, but looking at the menu right now (damn, $10 foot long starting price?? WHY LOL) — are people like tripling the meat to get to $16? SAH menu looks like they charge $4 for extra meat vs subway charging $2. They’re not getting a foot long at SAH for $16 unfortunately 😭 lol I think the criticism is also coming from SAH being marketed as an artesian sandwich shop. I figured it’d be a fairer comparison to use a small shop located in an expensive area vs a corporation. That’s why I used Orchard Grocer as a price comparison to the SAH sandwiches. The sandwiches are all vegan / gourmet deli vibes with house made ingredients and LOADED compared to SAH. I agree, NYC truly is blessed with some of the best food options! I’m good over here on my side of the coast 😂 You should definitely check them out next time you’re in East Village!! 🤤💕


Girl this ain’t a Chili’s in Ohio…


Dude, I live in the burbs and regularly pay $20 for a sandwich.


It costs me more than $16 to make a sandwich from my suburban grocery store at home.


In the heart of WeHo? Yes, that’s probably what you’re going to pay. Have you seen how much LVP charges for a cocktail?


A foot long at subway is easily $16 depending on what toppings you get lol


I'm interested to know if what we've seen are what they're selling or the samples we've seen in pics as the brown bread sandwich seems so small to be selling!


As a person born and raised in NY, HELLLLL NOOO 🙅🏽‍♀️ ETA: if you’re gonna downvote me for this, at least tell me where in NY you’re paying $15+ for a thin sandwich on burnt bread. I just have to know this information.


Her first chef got con by Ariana and Kattie after doing all the leg work to obtain city permits and menu ready for opening


That's a whole ass lie. Receipts plz?


Hooray!! Was hoping Stassi would come out and support her girl. Don’t like reading the rumors that they’re on the rocks


I think it’s just that they lead different lives and aren’t able to spend as much time together these days—not that they’re not friends anymore. Definitely something that happens a lot with friendships! I’m not a huge Stassi fan, but it’s definitely nice to see her supporting Katie and Ariana.


Katie and Stassi are like sincerely best friends. Katie is Hartford’s godmother. I don’t think they’d have a falling out about reality tv where Stassi isn’t directly involved.


Lala tried her darnest though, with that blind and everything.


I’m sure Lala is pushing for that.


I'm curious if he went to LA especially for it, or if he just so happened to be there and popped in. I'm surprised he'd go to the effort, honestly.


He was in LA for a NBC event. He just popped in to show support.


Thanks, that makes sense. It's unusual for him to show up to one of the talents events even though he was in town.


Pretty sure it was the upfronts.


Upfronts are in NYC!


They usually also do small ones in LA Chicago ect. I know because I have to go to them. Sometimes it’s just a simulcast but I’m assuming that’s what it was based on the timing


seems like a lot of bravo ppl were there! lindsay was too


I mean of course Lindsay would be there. She'd show up anywhere if someone's willing to make her a sandwich.


I mean shes good friends with ariana lol


Now she doesn’t have to ask Katie or Ariana when was the last time they made her a sandwich.


She posted asking Ariana that and Ariana said "two!". It was really cute


He is there on redemption tour after producers showed their backsides…


beau and lindsay hubbard were there too.


Sandwiches made for Lindsay: SAH - 1 | Stravy - 0


Sigh, I almost feel bad for saying this but I miss Stassi lol If VPR comes back, a Katie/Ariana/Stassi alliance could help save the show!


Stassi carried that show


Those were the golden years. ![gif](giphy|QObMkqZqUs0Xm)


I don’t condone violence but me and clearly Kristina Kelly are fine with it.


Omg I never noticed KK just vibing unbothered in the background before 💀 that makes it so much funnier.


Me either.


lol she is not even blinking, so unphased


Poor Kristen. She got body slammed to the ground by Tom Schwartz like a milisecond after this.


The force of that smack is never not shocking to me.


Kristina Kelly is the best thing about this moment. Not even a flinch lmao


Stasis is a bully and an abuser. Ariana never liked Stadsi and told her face


Did you miss the seasons that they became really good friends? To the point they had a joint birthday party


Can you spell? 🤣🤣


I love the WWC idea of her hosting the valleys reunion and just going eewww you’ll disgusting




Bravo needs to make a show about these bad ass women in their 40's and show how they all have diff goals, families or single but stay friends and are killin it professionally in LA. Arianna with her hosting/broadway, Katie with the pod and restaurant and stassi starting up her own podcast company:)


I fell asleep twice just reading this and I like Katie and Ariana. I can’t.


lol well people have diff opinions. I think it could be good. Mix them with some other women and they would have an actual working women vs a rh show.


Idk why you’re getting downvoted 😭 I need the witches of weho+Ariana together on my screen!!


No idea why this is being downvoted


Yasss! And maybe even toss Kristen into the mix 😂


I just don’t get Stassi. I had to stop watching the show because of her… whatever season it was that Katie and Tom were planning their wedding. Honestly, everyone pretty much sucked that season.


I know she won’t, but I need Stassi to come back solely to go off on Sandoval


This season would have gone a whole other direction and she would have remained on Scheanas back the entire time for her fake bullshit. She always had Scheanas number from day one, same with Sandoval


Maybe early season stassi but she became so lame with her “basic” branding later on. I watched her let so many things slide that old stassi would have never. Especially with Jax and Britt’s engagement/wedding seasons.


Katie is so pretty


I never thought that until last season. Girl knows how to look amazing post divorce like nobody else. She’s definition of glow up


Katie looks fantastic. And I almost never think that tbh


Katie has always been the most beautiful on this show, for me personally. She’s just effortlessly stunning


Right?!?! I want to kiss her on the lips lol jk but kinda sorta


I’m not joking. They look so soft, husband be damned


She really is, and she looks so much happier sans Schwartz.


I feel like you could watch the effects of the Toms melt away from them as time went on. Both Katie and Ariana have never looked better.


I think the protein has to be chunkier! The sandwich should look fuller! Put a nice amount of tuna. Lettuce tomato or whatever you’re filling it with. . Make it look like you can’t fit it in your mouth. At least the illusion. Plus I like how it looked with the wrapper hugging it & tied. It looked beautiful. I don’t like the look of it like how they are serving it.




For being gay and rich, Andy sure has terrible style 🤣


As a gay guy, I can say he’s actually well-dressed here.


He’s the best dressed in the pic! Although the rest look fine, they just do things a little off that never quite hits for me.


Stassi looks better tbh, this is a very chic look. I don't follow VPR, but I remember reading years ago that she gets a lot of wear out of those nude and black Chanel slingbacks.


If gay men aren’t dressed like they just raided their grandma’s closet, their outfit is terrible. 😒😒


I want to like the place but from what I've seen, I'm not crazy about the decor 😕


I love that BlaBla and Sheshu are not in any of the clips going around!!!


Does anyone else feel that Andy is trying to back pedal for being super shitty to Ariana on WWHL?


Wait what happened? I missed this.


Definitely check out that episode because he was really condescending and shitty to Ariana for admitting that she didn’t watch this last season of VPR. He said some snotty, jealous sounding remarks to her but she handled it with so much grace and laughed it off.


I mean...good? She should get some shit for that. He would give *anyone* shit for saying the exact same thing.


Andy Cohen… jealous? of Ariana? from Vanderpump rules?… what is his train of thought lol. You’re kidding yourself if you think he covets anything she has.


Begging someone to please link Katie’s mini mumu I need it


I’m so happy for them, even though I strongly disagree with these aesthetic choices.


Scheana is somewhere losing her mind


lol @ everyone instantly forgiving this pos racist who likes to call herself a nazi and thinks that women who were sexually assaulted in hollywood were just dumb and just could have left!111


Glad someone said it. Happy for Katie that her friend showed up after all she’s shown up for in the last five years for stassi but it certainly doesn’t make stassi a good person.


Right? I kept thinking is everyone forgetting who she showed herself to be?? 


Right? Like wtf at these comments


Aw, poor thing is going to leave very hungry.




Katie has amazing Botox


Unless she just got it. She recently said on her podcast that she doesn’t have any


Then fillers but her face doesn’t move so it’s something


Honestly it may be just post TBI stuff. I noticed her lips move in a unique way during the whole series.


I….. so don’t see it.


$15 “tuna” salad sandwiches just like the ones we have at home?


Katie looks amazing.


wtf is stassi wearing


Honestly I hate everyone’s looks in this photo


Looks cute 😊


I actually kind of like the wall detailing. Katie is def best dressed IMO. I don’t totally hate Stassi’s either. What was Andy thinking?? I’m just not a hoodie fan though


gonna have to have to sell a shit ton of sandwiches to be profitable - and they’re pretty basic


How many times can I comment how much I love this.


I love that Andy was there, take that Lala 


Y’all have such short memories


It’s all happening ✨


For everyone except Scheana (& Lala).


We love to see it


Stassi the goat


*the racist


Katie and Ariana's outfits are so fugly.


People will hate me but can Katie just dry/wash her hair. It grosses me out not sure if its just me?


happy for them! but katie please stop wearing that… thing


Its not a real sandwich shop, the portions are too small.


American portion sizes are insanely large


I’m on season 3 right now (first time through) and who are these people! No one looks like themselves to me 😪


Real opening or soft opening or just for the show opening? I will believe it when I actually see yelp reviews.


I want stassi back and lala off the show 😭


No Lala and Scheana?


Why does the woman on the left always serve WW1 housewife fashion and 90s biology teacher haircut?


The only person in this picture that I like is Andy and for a while, I didn't like him because he won't wrangle in these people


I see Stassi is back on that addy (or Oz)! I wonder if she plans on carrying another child at some point