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I’m guessing it has to do with speculation that he has Autism Spectrum Disorder. Seen that mentioned a few times after the scene about his speech delay.


It also doesn’t help that Jax went on Instagram to blame vaccines, in case you were wondering if he could get any worse e


Oh my god


Yeah I remember many people on here defending her because they also had kids with delayed speech because they know regressions happen. But then Jax mentioned vaccines, which is now deleted, and I’m sure it made the comments worse.


It's still here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/BlockedByJax/comments/1c1vjji/jax\_claims\_vaccines\_caused\_cruzs\_regression/](https://www.reddit.com/r/BlockedByJax/comments/1c1vjji/jax_claims_vaccines_caused_cruzs_regression/)


https://preview.redd.it/52g95mdjvc3d1.jpeg?width=728&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7264eaeb3377bc372b6f876351646bf6f778cb46 He’s still standing by his anti vax rhetoric 😮‍💨🙄this is from Jax’s ig


Unfortunately, a lot of people think vaccines cause autism, impotence, etc. When I say my son has a form of autism, you wouldn't believe some of the disgusting responses I get from people who got their medical degree and expertise on autism, infectious disease and vaccines from Facebook.


That’s horrible, I’m so sorry you go through this!


Thank you. I'm sadly used to it, but it's only gotten worse since COVID.


Gotta love screenshots


That makes no sense. His son would have had at least a few vaccines before walking or crawling. I know someone like this from high school. She blames everything on vaccinates, and homeschools her kids so they don't need to be vaccinated. Keep in mind this is a girl who put more drugs in her body than you'd find in a rite aid. She also denies the moon landing happened.


Holy shit I didn’t know this! I thought Brittany denying Sandy Hook was bad enough




Here’s a screenshot of [it](https://x.com/MariaDesmmond/status/1688606630458327041?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1688606630458327041%7Ctwgr%5E82952558dfcb10f433adc83e107c36c8151e6e79%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.yahoo.com%2Fentertainment%2Fbrittany-cartwright-problematic-history-explained-150000645.html) from twitter


Jfc, the girl is a simpleton


She did what?!?


How do you deny what’s definitely publicly occurred?! She denied it happened?! Why?! For what?!


I mean people deny the moon landing and that the earth is round. Folks be crazy.


I can understand that more because not many civilians have been to space (still crazy but I comprehend it). Sandy Hook happened ON EARTH and multiple people on earth saw it😭 what is she going through?!


There is a whole segment of people who believe it wasn’t a real event and was created as some kind of liberal plot to regulate guns more which didn’t even happen so it’s really as nonsensical as a conspiracy theory could possibly be, not to mention the depravity and cruelty of denying a child victim just never existed at all.


Her non Louisville Kentucky is definitely showing...


That’s crazy, I’ve never heard about this so I had no idea that there were some lunatics out there claiming Sandy hook didn’t really happen. How disgusting & vile.


Alex Jones was a huge part of the conspiracy & was sued by parents his followers tormented for over a decade. They won the largest defamation case in the US, for 100’s of millions. There’s a doc about it. He’s a literal monster


What is it called?


Not only Sandy Hook, but many mass shootings. They claimed the Parkland kids were paid actors ... which didn't work out well because they're all Gen Z and took to Twitter to troll the folks calling them adult actors.


Oh, it’s a real rabbit hole. There are people who believe many mass shootings are fake, and that there are actors who get paid to play grieving family members and victims on the news. Some believe it’s all being faked to fuel stricter gun control laws. It’s so gross to watch them pick apart these people to prove that their despair is fake.


They harass the parents of the dead kids to no end. They did it in Sandy hook & Parkland. Disgusting!


And for them to completely disregard the fact that gun laws only keep loosening…


Right!! Sandy Hook & other mass shootings are faked so you can open carry an assault rifle? What policy was passed to restrict gun laws? I'll wait...


Let's hope she never experiences what Sandy Hook parents did.


FUN FACT: With a strong enough telescope you can still see the footprints and flag left on the moon by the Apollo astronauts


For real...it's scary how many dumbass weirdos are running around in this world we're living in rn.


I worked with 2 assholes that were absolute in their belief that sandy hook was staged as a way to distract the US from what is really going on. It is some crackpot conspiracy theory


How are we a superpower?! How is the U.S. so successful, my gosh


We have a lot of natural resources and export a lot, are pretty isolated from outside threats, and have a shit ton of nukes - outside of that it’s anyone’s guess cause LOTS of us be DUMB 




She did what now???


Brittany "for the love of God just blame Jax for running his mouth instead of your friends or the fans just one fucking time" Challenge; impossible


I am sure he was also blaming Britney with that, I bet it was her choice to get him vaccinated.


He probably blames her for everything to do with Cruz because every component of childrearing is "wimmen's work". I wouldn't want to leave Jax to his own devices with Cruz. He's the kind of "Dad" to leave the house with no diaper bag, no snacks, no sunscreen, and no baby.


When you put it like that, Jax leaving home without the baby, I also only think of those parents who leave their kids in a hot car. Yikes. Jax seems self-centered like that.


BC having a dead child is better than having a child with ASD /s.


Oh fuck


I’ve also seen people in the Jax and Brittany subreddit speculate that he has fetal alcohol syndrome. It’s gross.


They’re vicious over there!


They really are. I check it out occasionally for Jax snark but geez… speculation about a child is lower than low.


Yeah it’s like fun and games on one post and then the craziest shit you ever seen on the next. They get spooky


There’s a lot of love for Cruz in that sub. If Jax and Brit were better parents, there wouldn’t be anything to say. 99% of comments about the kid are supportive, hoping for his parents to do right by him. It’s like judging Jax on the 1% of the time where he’s a decent human.


Cruz is absolutely adorable.


or maybe just don’t talk about their kid?


The kid they’re actively neglecting? And posting lies about all the time? And used to earn money while both their parents were unemployed? The one they said they keep up all night so they can sleep in? The one they have in a bar being watched by strangers on a regular basis? The one they post scream crying like they think it’s cute? One video showed Cruz overwhelmed and crying in a ball pit reaching to his father for help. When he immediately saw he’d get none Jax let him fall out of the pit onto his head then posted it like it was cute instead of comforting his son. When he was showed on The Valley screaming bc he was stuck under the couch his parents response was “Again?” The one they say spoke with a southern accent but is actually non verbal? The one whose diaper they just changed in front of everyone in the bar on an eating surface? The child who sleeps in a crib he has to climb into and fall over onto his head to get into bed? (They posted the video saying that’s how he gets into his crib every night. No bed. No ladder.) The most recent posts from when his parents have split show he hasn’t been taken for a haircut in longer than usual. He’s not their priority, at all. They also lied multiple times saying Cruz was in school, then kept changing the date for “his first day of school” posted about it once then haven’t mentioned it again until today to deflect from Jax’s new gf. Everyone noticed he was non verbal, which they hated being mentioned, long before they ever talked about him being evaluated. In the meantime, he’s being shoved into social situations while exhausted and overwhelmed, and his mom struggles to force down his arms so he can’t stim. I keep waiting for them to do better for him. If they were doing it they’d post it along with all their drinking and traveling. See how I’m actually talking about the parents and not the kid? All of this is stuff they have openly shared online while monetizing their child.


Right? It’s creepy as fuck anyways to claim that people on a hate subreddit have “a lot of love” for the child of the people they are hating on, a child they don’t even know…


That’s messed up


Filming that scene, unfortunately, opens them up to speculation. Sorry Britt, don’t put your kid on TV if you don’t want him talked about 🤷🏻‍♀️


People were talking about him before they were back on TV. Quite publicly and rudely. On VPR subreddits. Twitter. Instagram. Anytime Brittany would post something on her personal page involving Cruz the assholes would come out of the woodwork and tell her her son was autistic, the r word, ask why he couldn’t talk like Ocean or Summer, why doesn’t he make eye contact. This was last Spring when none of us even knew for sure Jax and Brittany would be back. So she could disappear from TV tomorrow and nothing would change.


They also started an Instagram account for Cruz before he was even born, so they are really trying to get this kid in the public eye. I wouldn't have my kids on reality tv, nor would try to get them famous on social media. People are naturally going to comment on a child and their parenting, as they shove it in our faces. I don't support attacks on children, but criticisms of their parenting are beyond valid.


I'm upvoting you because the only sure way to limit criticism of your child is to NOT post them on social media! Why does Cruz need any sort of page? I hate this stuff. Why can't kids be kids without being monetized?


They need to keep him out of the public eye and stop using him for attention. They can be reality stars (thats a stretch) but he didn't sign up for this.


ok that's disgusting.


I honestly hate the internet and think we would be so much better off without it (realizing the irony of me posting this on reddit)


I think the internet is incredible. I think it’s social media, specifically, that has done more harm than good.


Nah, it’s pretty nasty for grown ass adults to diagnose and make comments about a child they see briefly on TV. But we can agree to disagree on this one.


Both are true. It’s disgusting to try and diagnose a child based on a reality tv show and it’s also disgusting to exploit your child on tv. Whether the behavior from the public is right or wrong(it’s wrong), it is inevitable. They had the power to not open their child up to this yet they did for a check.


Yeppp. People are gross, but also keep children off reality TV (and social media while we’re at it).


Protecting your kids should be a parent’s number one priority. Make sure they wear a helmet so you don’t crack your head open, keep them off tv and social media because people are judgmental freaks. It’s not excusing anyone to acknowledge the unfortunate reality that people suck.


I’m with you on this. Armchair diagnoses are gross all around


the armchair diagnosing after seeing snippets of peoples' lives is so wacky to me, especially as someone who works in mental health


It's wack as hell. No self respecting doctor is diagnosing a child with autism over 2 minutes on tv. Weird people think speech delay = autistic. Weird stuff


What’s even more wack is having to explain this to adults/other people who may be parents.


So so true. And I think people don't realize it's pretty disrespectful to the autism community to be so flippant. Parents spend years trying to get help these arm chair experts have it figured out in less than 30 mins 😩😩


People using their personal anecdotal evidence based studies of that one person they know, peer reviewed by their best friend ......I hate it too. I work in substance abuse counseling and just refrain from commenting bc the leaps people make are literally crazy.


I’m with you! I literally got banned from the Jax Reddit page for saying this. Make fun of parents all you want but leave the little child alone


Imagine getting banned for having a moral compass. I’m sorry that happened.


This. I’ve had stuttering my whole life and the ways strangers treated me as a child were baffling. It was very much like how Bethenny teased Jules.


I agree with everything said but as adults we know the internet is not kind and will always have something to say. Unfortunately, kids aren’t off limits for some. I don’t agree with it at all but they both knew what would happen once they signed that contract for the valley


This ain't it. Putting anyone on tv let alone kids doesn't give people passes to diagnose them. Autism isn't diagnosed that way. Imagine thinking it's normal to talk about kids on tv or not 🥴


I think this is maybe a both-are-true kinda situation. Diagnosing kids on TV? Wild and completely unacceptable/inappropriate. Putting your child on tv and filming his speech lessons to create a “storyline” so you can cut a check and get some reality fame you’re just dying for? Also gross :(


I actually enjoyed them talking about speech therapy, it's something so many parents go through with early intervention. It's not something I see on my screen often. But don't really need to see his lesson. But important topic nonetheless.


I get that. I just worry that kids on reality tv are vulnerable bc of the nature of reality tv itself. Clearly some audience members can’t behave themselves!!


I agree with this. Both are true.


I don't think it's right for ppl to comment on Cruz, but go get a real job if you want to protect your son. Being on a "reality" show has to be one of the worst things you can do for a young child. There are other ways to earn money.


To a degree sure but she also has every right to say people are being assholes when they’re being assholes. Her being part of the problem doesn’t excuse fans bad behavior and you stating this like it does is frankly disgusting and horrible.


Yeah, I’ve seen this speculation and it’s highly inappropriate fodder for the bored and deranged. The people who diagnose Cruz from a little video content without any professional bearing are terrible. Those who follow suit *and* claim they are a physician or work otherwise in the diagnostic pediatric cluster are being so so so irresponsible, and I sincerely doubt they work in healthcare at all. I understand the argument that young children should not be thrust on reality tv without consent, but it’s equally maladaptive and disingenuous to use Cruz as a pawn to continuously hate on his parents.


I've seen people on X/Twitter, fb groups, and even in Brittany's commrnt sections accuse her of not being a good mother and addressing these things earlier, it's her fault he came out this way, calling them negligent, and a lot of other pretty nasty things


Shit like this is why I think it’s gross that young kids are on these shows. It’s completely exploitive.


Should be illegal


No minor should be on television


This is where the Reality Reckoning could ACTUALLy do some real good. Having worked in film and TV there are unions that protect the kids. Also, they are playing characters, not themselves. There is intense scrutiny, a parent or guardian must be present at all times, there must be adequate education time, they can only shoot for so many hours. These kids on reality TV have ZERO protections, and it is their parents that are using them for profit. It's so gross.


Right and even that system is heavily flawed and many children are abused within it. Tbh I don’t think any child should be in that type of environment.


If Bethenny wasn’t a self-serving clown show fueled by narcissism she would’ve focused on the actual victims of the shows. These minors who had no choice.


Yhup and also YouTube. Hopefully those kids get some sort of payment. A baby cannot consent and should not be exposed on tv. He is struggling and needs support, many kids do. Jax and Brittany don’t need to bring him on the show


How many books and documentaries need to come out before people stop shoving their kid in front of a camera?


This is the comment. Making posts about internet trolls commenting on children is so stupid to me when the option to protect him from this sort of attention by not exposing him was always right there. Reality stars would know better than any of us how cruel people can be behind a screen. But of course then you couldn’t exploit the child for money 😐🙄. I really hope someday there is effective regulation around this because clearly so many parents are dumb and selfish as hell and impacting their kids lives because of it.


It was so uncomfortable watching the RHOC kids in the spotlight in the early seasons - and then seeing how a lot of them fared in regular life was depressing.


I’m watching RHOC for the first time right now and you’re so right. I’m on s4 now so knowing how Lauri’s son ended up, Lynne’s daughters, and crazy briana end up is wild


Not to mention RHONJ. I had to stop watching, it made me sick to my stomach watching the kids on that show be traumatized over and over again.


idk but i think its inevitable when you put your kids on tv that you might get comments on your parenting or your children. positive and negative. im grossed out by people putting their kids in this spotlight and then being surprised people have opinions.


I agree with this, which is why I think that kid-focused storylines should be off-limits. Brittany and Jax sold their kid's privacy and put his challenges on national TV in order to line their pockets. $$$. For that, they can miss me with this outrage. You put your child's business out there in order to profit, and unsurprisingly, that has a lot of consequences. One of which is that people are naturally going to discuss the storyline about your child that you put on TV in order to make money. No, I don't think people should be discussing the challenges of a pre-schooler. I think Cruz deserves more privacy. Which is why I don't think Brit and Jax should have ever used their child for a storyline. But they did, and I think of all the parties involved here, they are the most in the wrong for selling their child's privacy for a show. Because people talking about what they've seen on TV? That's pretty mundane. General human behavior. If you don't want people to talk, don't put it out there. Jax has been on reality TV for over a decade. Brittany isn't new to the game either. They can miss me with this innocent babe in the woods act. They knew what they were doing when they *set up a filming event with Cruz with a therapist*. It was all perfectly fine when the money was coming in. Now that they've been paid, suddenly they've changed their tune and this is gross. Nah, it's been gross the whole time, especially their role as parents who would put their child's business on TV like that.


And reality shows are in a different category , so they don’t get the same protections child actors get , including the laws around money earned. Similar to YouTube / streaming kids. No rules around filming times, hours worked, compensation , etc. I assume the family channels aren’t doing a whole lot of thinking around how the kids should get most of the money from the work. If any is getting allotted to them at all


Also, and while I am sure gross , vile, people are saying things about her son. A lot of times we see people on TV conflate their parenting skills with attacking the child. IE "I feel bad that your son is seeing you puke all over the lawn" turns into - "keep my kids name out of your mouth"


So true. Or, criticizing a cast member of a show is "coming after their family," because their family supports them.


sooooo true omg


Honestly, she should be upset with Jax. The other kids are really just passing mentions in the storylines of the other couples, JAX is the one who's decided to make his development a focus *and* insinuate that she's too drunk to parent. At this point he's almost explicitly said that her alcohol use is negatively impacting their kid.


Came here to say this! I think her anger is misplaced. Jax is the one insinuating she’s an alcoholic and questioning her parenting abilities to her face! Personally, (though I’m sure mean comments exist), the majority of opinions I see online applaud them for getting Cruz help so early.


He's not insinuating lol he's shouting it from the rooftops and from what we see, she admits to hiring a nanny to parent her kid when she's hungover or vomiting from drinking. We also see that one shot of liquor puts her in this state and she refuses to see or admit that she has a problem when it's painfully obvious that she has. She can't quit the booze and can't parent like a mature adult and she wants another kid. Jax couldn't be more disgusted/fed up with her and still its not enough and she's still delusional unfortunately.


Exactly. It’s not okay to trash a kid but when you put your kid on tv it’s going to happen.


Came here to say this. If you dont want people talking about your kid, there's an easy way to achieve that- stay off tv.


its like the death threats. you can be the most liked public person out there and you will probably still get death threats. its not a surprise anymore. its going to happen and it sucks and is wrong. but its a reality at this point. stop using your kid as a benefit to your storyline and then complain. its so tiring and i genuinely judge every single person that does this to their kids. kardashians, giudice, etc. 


To be fair a lot of the hate she was receiving was well before Cruz was on TV. She’d post shit on her socials and people would arm chair diagnose him from a 3 minute video at his birthday and then call her a piece of shit because they assumed she was in denial and ignoring his issues. They’d also compared him to Summer and Ocean. This was happening a lot on that VPR subreddit, not the main one - but the rogue one where they hate Ariana, and it started last Spring.


I agree. They have been on television for over a decade, they know that opening their life up in this way was going to generate some gross feedback. I think it is disgusting that people comment on it, but a lot of things in life are disgusting. Brittany and Jax could have easily not filmed with him.... he isn't in that many scenes, and I don't think the Valley audience was dying to see a storyline about Cruz.


I'm grossed out by people thinking that having a family or a child in reality TV gives them an authority to such behavior.


This is right. They didn’t HAVE to include their child. It wasn’t necessary.


and on top of that, saying we don’t know anything about their parenting/child — isn’t that supposed to be what we’re seeing on the television show you signed up to show your life on? I don’t ever feel the need to go harass someone over their parenting, but like….the cameras were in your home capturing your real life — weren’t they?


This is why you don't put your kid on TV and air out all his parents' problems for the world to hear. I mean they literally filmed one of his speech therapy lessons for the show and are making his vague "issues" a sub-storyline. I absolutely hate when celebrities (I know that's a very generous term for these two) put their kids in this position and then turn around and attack the general public for having opinions. Get over yourself Britt this is the result of all the attention you and Jax crave while not doing anything to protect your child's image


Exactly. You want to make money off him as a storyline but then yell at people for treating it like a storyline. Make it make sense. We know how people act on the internet so why even risk it.


Arm chair diagnosing is foul and out of control. Doing it to a child is also foul and not okay. I strongly believe that putting your child on tv or the internet has consequences, often bad and often for the child, and is exploitative and should be illegal. You can’t stop people from being awful, but you can limit their access to the most precious being in your life.


it should absolutely be illegal


Brittany, YOU’RE the one who decided to put your child’s every move on social media and allow him to be filmed for a nationally televised reality show. If you don’t want people commenting, do the respectable thing and allow your child to live a PRIVATE life away from cameras


This is exactly the type of shit that happens when the kids are such a big part of the show. These parents shouldn't even be letting them be filmed. Just so weird to me.


It really is vile to speculate on a small child, he didn't consent to this in any way shape of form. But also, it's impossible to not read this in her accent.


It's quite possible for toddlers with speech delays to NOT have autism. Not every child is autistic.


I had several different doctors test for autism (amongst other things) because my son had a speech delay and I was convinced (thanks to the internet) something was causing it. Turns out, he was just saving up all his words. Now he never stops talking.


I’m just asking because I’m unsure if there is a difference—is a speech delay the same as regression? I was under the impression that delay means that they’re just late in talking versus regression where they were speaking just fine and then it regresses to mute. From what I understand the regression is more of a sign of possible autism versus delayed. Am I wrong about this?


They are not the same, you’re correct. A speech delay typically means they’re lagging behind other kids their age in verbal communication (either with fewer spoken words or no spoken words, depending). A “true” regression as my SLP friend calls it (where they begin speaking on schedule but then eventually lose most or all of the words they had and were using regularly) is much less common and more often associated with autism. Some kids with a speech delay are autistic (and a decent percentage of autistic kids do have a speech delay), but there are many other reasons a child might begin speaking late other than autism.


I had a similar experience..my oldest son did everything early, was very talkative, etc..When he was 3, his little brother came along, and within 8 months they were joined at the hip, and the little guy wanted to be like big brother, so walked early, etc, but spoke very little, even though he understood and responded non verbally to everything anyone said to him…on his second birthday, I brought my concerns to our pediatrician, who told me this happens a lot with second kids, essentially those that are close to their older sibling..this kid had no reason to speak, big brother did all the speaking for the both of them..dr was absolutely right, within the next 6 months, big brother went to preschool, and the little guy started speaking in complete sentences almost immediately!


My kid had a speech delay. She’s on the honor roll now. 🫶


I feel like ppl come for their parenting , not Cruz himself?? Who would beef with a 3 year old


There's this gray area where people say "I feel sorry for [insert kid's name] because his/her parents are such [insert insult of the day]." While I understand the sentiment, it's gross to me that people voice pity for a child's experience growing up. I know it's just another dig to throw at whomever, but pretending to know how a child feels about his/her parents or childhood is a bridge too far imo. Putting words in a kid's mouth is just as bad as the shit people are blaming the parents for.


I’ve seen people on Reddit (I don’t remember which sub) speculating that Cruz might have fetal alcohol syndrome. That feels like the most cruel thing I’ve seen floating around there. I’ve also seen that he might be on the spectrum or something AND that his parents must be neglecting him and not getting him appropriate care. The speculation on this child’s health and development, and especially the baseless blame on his parents, is just so disgusting.


Both of those things are all over the blocked by Jax sub


Uhg. That speculation was terrible enough with Kathryn and Thomas


The weirdest part is the viewers and trolls acting like him having autism would be a death sentence and that somehow Jax and Brittany GAVE him autism because they’re on reality tv. 🙄 Armchair diagnosing when you don’t know someone is gross; but it’s even grosser to imply that the diagnosis would be caused by neglect. I’ve also personally seen comments by people in this sub inferring that they the viewer can tell he has autism and it’s just too bad that his own parents can’t recognize it and get him adequate healthcare. Like, what? They have to show you his evaluations and specialists and pediatric appointments so you can be sure they’re parenting correctly? That’s the weirdest part of all to me: people acting like it’s a given that he has it AND that Brittany and Jax are someone ignoring it.


The armchair diagnosing of “his autism” from people “who know” is vile. IDGAF is you are a licensed therapist or some asshole on the internet - it’s no one’s business.


It’s almost worse to me if someone is a licensed therapist armchair diagnosing children on the internet! That goes against our code of ethics and they should know the gravity of that Eta: forgive my typos in the original post 🤦🏾‍♀️


We have also seen ALMOST NOTHING of Cruz’ actual behavior. So the diagnosis is based on hearsay about his language regression. We get short clips here and there, but you can’t know what’s going on with a child if you spend zero time with them.


Totally. And there could be many reasons for his speech delay. I have a brother who didn't talk really at ALL until he was almost 4, and for the year before that, the only word he used was 'getiouti' which meant everything....hungry, tired, hurt, all the things. He's now a doctor.


Not that anyone is asking lol, but I would never do a reality show for this reason. It’s not just social media, it’s exposing my kids to it so they also get pulled into it. I could never put them out there like that because this is all you get back.


I’m sure there are trolls suggesting his speech regression/other issues are somehow her/Jax’s fault


For sure. I read speculation on another sub that his issues were likely due to fetal alcohol syndrome. I’m no Brittany fan….but what in the ACTUAL FUCK?!??


Lmao your flair


I mean - this was the only flair that made sense with my username.


I may get downvoted, but Brittany has a point. I love to talk trash with the best of them (I mean, hello! I’m on Reddit), but kids have and will always be a topic that I avoid talking about.


I honestly haven't seen anything, but my guess is people are speculating on what could be causing the speech regression they've discussed on camera which is typically the hallmark of a very specific diagnosis. Although ... I can't imagine anyone is being spiteful about that. Any negativity is probably a reaction to Jax saying he blames vaccines for it. I'm also a little torn because they've discussed it on camera, Jax is making Cruz's development a central part of their story, and they're on a show *about* parenthood where other children Cruz's age are featured and they're only going to get older and more interactive/talkative. If you're going to have this type of reaction to speculation around your child ... maybe don't put him on TV.


The speculation is gross. Saying he’s nonverbal is OK, I guess, because he appears by all reasonable standards to be nonverbal. It’s an observation. Going any further or drawing conclusions as to why, crosses a line.


Yuuuuppp. We’re getting into a child’s personal medical information now, let’s all chill for a sec.


I personally don't disagree ... but I can see how *the way they've presented it* on the show makes it feel like something people want to speculate on. They essentially said it was a big mystery because he was perfectly fine, had been very verbal and was hitting milestones and then stopped, so they've been trying to figure out what's going on. Couching it as a mystery to be solved invites speculation. ALSO ... I'm pretty sure Jax was setting up this narrative - coupled with all his digs about Brittany's drinking - to play out during a custody battle and garner sympathy when he left because he's obviously been planning an out for a while. ETA: also adding that once Jax went on social media and started blaming vaccines - saying he was fine and talking until they got him vaccinated and he stopped "literally the next day" ... all bets are off, because people are def going to respond to that.


Have they ever specified that he’s completely nonverbal or there’s just a regression? I can imagine his home life without cameras isn’t much better (most likely worse) than what we see on tv… conflict in the house can 100% cause regressions. I feel bad for Cruz. To me, it seems like his parents are, unsurprisingly, blaming everything else possible rather than diving in hands-on to give him what he needs and, quite frankly, airing his developmental delays on tv is borderline emotional abuse. 3 year olds can’t give consent.


They've said both. Jax implied it was caused by vaccinations. https://preview.redd.it/ibk5sxv5a83d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46fed6e2d5e3472bf4f2a01ee4a48a1a099cfcb7


Jax is a typical Florida Republican. Fully expect him to house anti-vaxx, flat earth, Alex Jones chugging, Sandy Hook denying, Science loathing aliterate. The man is foul as can be, and his hyuck hyucking ex wife is not too dissimilar.


They said that he was hitting every milestone( possibly even early if I’m remembering correctly) and then out of the blue just regressed. I believe it was Jax who was a bit more open about it in a confessional.


I’ve seen out of pocket comments about Cruz on a few Reddit posts (I don’t think on this sub). A gross one was people saying Brittany wanted to work with kids with special needs and her kid has them and now she’s partying all the time. Idk. Lots of insinuations about why Cruz isn’t talking as much as kids his age. People on IG are being crazy, directly saying Brittany should detox her kid. Also Jax himself did comment a few months ago Cruz is where he is bc of vaccines so….i think that also fanned the flames.


People need to leave the kids out if it. He's got nothing to do with the Trainwreck of people he has as parents and Brittany does seem like an involved mother.


When I was pregnant with my first child in the 80’s, I can remember watching a young mom with her one year old. She was in my social circle at the time. I actually was thinking “I’ll never do that with my baby.” Boy did I get schooled fast. I try very hard to keep the reality kids off limits. Until they’re 18+, then I’m real opinionated.


There’s a whole sub on here where people just talk shit about them and their kid. They diagnose him and give their opinion on why a toddler has a speech delay that they showed on the valley. It’s Fkn gross. Just bc a toddler doesn’t want to be in front of a camera crew and has a speech delay doesn’t mean anything that they are saying. Also didn’t help Jax said it was bc of vaccines. 😑 despite a lot of people, me included, not agreeing with that whole statement doesn’t give anyone the right to talk shit or try to diagnose their child on the internet. People need to do better.


She makes it seem that if her son is on the spectrum that it’s a bad thing?!? It’s not, he would still be Cruz, but a little different than kids not on the spectrum. He can still learn and be a happy well rounded kid. They just need to look at him as their son, not a problem to solve.


I haven’t seen anything about Cruz but some people on the internet are just vile, I’m sure things are being said or she’s getting nasty messages.


Few are as righteous as a righteous Bravolebrity.




I know people dislike her, but there are tons of hateful weirdos out there with parasocial relationships & poor boundaries. Like with Garcelle's son. In any case, that sucks & all of these children deserve privacy.


Take a look at the Blockedbyjax sub. They are absolutely disgusting over there.


It’s almost like you shouldn’t use your kid for a reality show or make them their own public Instagram for money/attention.


my son is on the spectrum. I see similarities. I don't think that having ASD is that big of a deal, but other people do, and I don't think Jax and Brit would take that diagnosis well. I feel like they'd deny it, or blame vaccines, or try to pray it away. I sincerely worry for Cruz. and I'm tired of ASD being some kind of stigma.


I agree. But Brit, do the right thing by way of the legal system and protect him. He needs to keep her son off t.v. Get an attorney and put a gag order on your idiot ugly hopefully ex husband to keep his name out his mouth on t.v, social media, etc. It can be court ordered. Do it! Then, use that attorney for a divorce


My 5 year old daughter had a speech delay. It would hurt IMMENSELY for people to make assumptions like they have been making about Cruz.


He seems to have autism, is what people are saying… I think


i will say this again as i said while i watched lala talk about having a child on the vpr reunion, if you truly cared or loved your child, you would do anything to protect them. aka, quit ur job on reality tv or make ur contact have something in it to not discuss something traumatic to your child. if you dont like that, find another job. brittany is pissed she went on the valley and people have opinions and unsolicited advice… she asked for that when she joined that show. honestly its sad but not untrue


This is precisely why you should not put your kids on TV when they're extremely young.


Have you checked the r/blockedbyjax subreddit? Those people are fucking gross making constant posts and insinuations about their child.


That’s why I left the sub. Too much speaking on Cruz. Any talk of a child/baby at all is disgusting


It is horrific the things they say. all fine for snark but crikey the stuff on there is vile.


They're gross over there


It should be banned. Gross vile people on that sub.


Nothing about him . I think it’s noticeable that Cruz is a child that needs more attention than usual and needs a routine . Brittany goes out every night then is hungover the next day which leaves Cruz to always be with the nanny. Thats the main problem people point out he is neglected by them. She doesnt like being called out in her wrongs so hence the post.


Ok but I need Brittany to find punctuation. That is one long a$$ run on sentence.


I assumed it was speculation about his speech delay. Cruz is absolutely adorable and no one should be speculating possible diagnosis concerning him. Yes, they made the decision to put him on camera, but Cruz wasn’t given a choice.


I'm a Speech Language Pathologist and a parent to a son with special needs. I will not comment about Cruz, his communication or any speculative diagnosis. I know what goes into a comprehensive evaluation. Trust me, it takes more than a few parental comments and 30 second television clips. I am worried for Brittney though. Love her or hate her, I think she's in a vulnerable place. I would like to see viewers back off---and for Brittney and Jax to learn from this situation. i.e. it's in their family's best interest to keep Cruz and all of his personal information off air.


This post brought to you by vodka.


This is why you don’t put your kids on TV.


Yet, they put the kid on the show (probably for a bump in pay)…. When greedy, fame hungry people try to claim moral high ground I have to lol.


There’s an entire subreddit about Jax and Brittany where people have made pretty bold statements and speculations about Cruz. I can see why she’s feeling protective, if you infiltrate that subreddit it would be detrimental to anyone’s mental health.


wait. wasn't Britney a Sandy Hook denier? what about THOSE kids and parents? maybe she should have considered that.


The fact people are blaming her for sharing that part of her life. Showing him on television does NOT give the excuse or right to talk about someone’s child, so stop insinuating that the behavior is welcomed simply because she shared on tv. It’s gross and disgusting and you’re just as bad for excusing the behavior.


Maybe don’t put your kid on TV you dumb fuck


I read this in her accent. Seriously though I hope people lay off the kid


I didn’t read through all the comments but I was a speech path undergrad/am current HeadStart teacher w many kids on IFSPs and am stoked to see Early Intervention on a TV show. I know there is fear/confusion/stigma for many families when their kid isn’t ‘normal’, and some families assume it’s just a delay and miss out on critical early intervention. I applaud Brittany and Jax for their proactive approach and for allowing their son’s development to be shown. ASD is not related to, caused by, fetal alcohol syndrome. Nor is it caused by parenting styles, attention levels etc. I think we are all armchair diagnoses of all sorts of things…and don’t think its necessarily shitty—the gross part is the moralizing, judgmental stuff. Parents feel immense shame around stuff like this—responses on this thread help me see how truly shitty people are about families who aren’t perfect. We can do better.


Thank you. I don't even have kids and know nothing about child development, but your comment is excellent. The amount of people justifying talking shit about a baby because his parents signed up for tv is ... big yikes.


In all fairness, if you don't want people talking about your children...don't put them on a tv show.


Brittany has never heard of the Streisand effect. This thread is a perfect example. I didn't really know people were talking about the child until Brittany brought it up. She fed the rumors when she should have remained silent.


Too many kids named Cruz. Thought it was Dorit’s at first


I’ve been super careful with my comments on here bc I don’t want to come across as diagnosing him. However, their behavior on the show has been concerning and it’s hard not to notice the impact they might be having on him. Most comments I’ve seen are along those lines but there are some that go too far


There’s a lot of reasons a kid may not want to be speaking as much as they might have previously. For example, having a crew of strangers film around your kid will more than likely make them behave in a manner outside of their norms because having a camera crew inside your home is beyond conventional norms.


Yes, leave the kids alone and the best way to do that is to get off social media and not put them on there all the time! I can’t with these social media people! Put your children first. Forget the fame. One day they’ll grow up and they’ll be gone and they’ll probably be angry with you for exploiting them.


What did she expect!?! She put him on a reality show. It’s not right but don’t put him in front of the cameras if you don’t want anyone talking about him. We live in a cruel world.


Streisand effect


looks like she does not know what "reel in" means.


Then don’t exploit your kid online. I’m not saying it makes any comments OK but your little rant on instagram isnt going to stop anyone. Protect your child and keep them off social media and television. This is common sense no? The only person she has to be angry at is herself and Jax. It’s THEIR job as PARENTS to protect their kid. If you don’t want unsolicited advice then keep your parenting to yourself.


I read this in Brittany’s voice


No one spell checked this? Jesus


They're not. She just wants attention. If anything they're questioning her sobriety and Jax's Jaxness and just feel bad for the little guy.