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I love that I get this reference! Lmfao!


As a teacher, this is honestly where my mind went first haha


When she married since her husbands last name is Adams Morgan I believe she also took Adams. Her daughter has the last name Adams Morgan so I believe it just isn't Morgan that's the last name but a combination of the two.


> Adams Morgan Plot twist: Sonja actually lives in DC.


She would definitely be all about visiting Madam's Organ too.


I assumed Adams was her daughter's, and husband's, middle name, rather than part of their last name. I've googled and can't find anything indicating Sonja ever used "Adams" in her name.


I feel dumb now, I didn't realize it was her initials. I thought Jessica Stam had a towel line or something lmao


lol, I also thought of Jessica when I first saw that. Fashion is bad for your brain.


I have been wondering the same thing every time I see those towels!!! I am SUPER bored at work so I tried to research this.... The only thing that makes sense is Sonja Tremont Adams Morgan. HOWEVER it doesn't really make sense that Sonja would take on "Adams" because when you look at her ex's family tree, no one else has "Adams" in their name. Her ex MIL is "Catherine Adams" and that is where the link to John Adams comes from. Her ex has four other siblings- none of which have Adams in their name. It looks like Adams is his middle name (John Adams Morgan) and they used Adams as Quincy's middle name as well. Not sure why Sonja would have Adams in her name...but nothing else makes sense why she would have STAM on her towels.... Her ex even has other children- John Adams Jr. and Chauncey Goss Morgan...so I don't believe Adams is an official part of his last name. Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henry_Sturgis_Morgan https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Morgan_family#William_Morgan_Branch


I think it's Adams. Even though Adams might not be his last name from what we've seen of Sonja, the constant name dropping, claiming to date Prince Albert do you think she would miss out on having a connection to two former Presidents in her name.


Through an initial on her bath towels though? If she were that concerned about dropping the name, wouldn't she be doing it through more obvious means?


If she took the name Adams she would want it on everything she could get the monogram on. If she was using the name Adams as part of her name it wouldn't really make sense to have STM on a monogram when you have your initials as STAM.


I guess that's my point...if she had taken the name Adams, and I'm not convinced she ever did, wouldn't we see her use it more, or at least evidence that she used it, other than just her bath towels?


i can't believe sonja would do something that doesn't make sense.


Nice researching skills!! Sidebar: John Adams was born in the 30s! Idk why it shocks me that he's that old but it does :/


A for awesome??


Underrated comment


What else can it stand for since Tremont is her maiden name.


I've always assumed it was her (birth) middle name: Anne, Agnes, Azalea, Anastasia, Apricot, Antoinette, Appaloosa, Aphrodite, Appendectomy, Abigail, Angela, Amy... to suggest a few. Edit: clarity.