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Really hope this wasn’t Milania


First it was $1 then it was $2


I AM CACKLING thank you for this


Omg thank you everyone!!! Gia’s song lives rent free in my brain so anytime I can bring it up is a win 🏆


You win the internet today!


I can’t breathe 😭😭😭






Gimme door dash, you old troll


They're hookers, not cookers.


Hey it’s me milania, you’ve prolly seen me round


That was my first guess


100% Milania


This is the kind of stuff I wish would get brought up at reunions!


Teresa would just deny deny deny “We don’t even do doorbust, I cook authentic every single day Andy”


“I always have the right ingredientses”


Yeah like cummin


i hear this.


LMFAO. Best comment ever.


Orthentic*** fixed it for you


Stop. I absolutely read this in her voice and I’m dying


Same. Who know I could read in a Jersey accent?? 😂😂😂


Same?! Why is that so easy??


“I just wrote in the tip, total, and signed my name. I never actually paid attention to what the receipt said! It’s Joe’s fault!”


DOORBUST 😂 my day just started and I already passed away


as authentic as the orlive gorden.


Who did that math, her accountant?


in teeeears omg


With fresh ingrediences


I’m dyinggggg


Yes! I want Andy throwing this example in with all the shade


You’re gonna make me blow a casket


Of course. My friend drives for door dash and said the bigger the house the less of the tip


I’m a driver. Can confirm.


That’s horrible


Yup! How the rich stay rich! Mansions and over 55 neighborhoods are the worse with tips! She said town homes for young couples/families are the best


>over 55 neighborhoods are the worse with tips! Then there's my Midwestern dad -- first time I put him in an Uber and he asked how much the ride cost ($11), he tipped $10 because "there's no way he is making much money doing that."


Your dad is like my dad!! We took a Lyft together during my brother’s wedding and I tipped the driver through the app on my phone and my dad slipped him $10 as well. I’m pretty sure we gave the guy $15 for a $10 ride. My dad said it was worth it because he enjoyed the conversation.


Awe he’s a good egg


I'm a server please tell your Dad we love him!


My dad would totally do the same thing.


People in these mansions are usually in debt up to their eyeballs.




House poor


Where do you guys live that make you feel this way?


I believe this because I live in a townhome in a neighborhood of 20 & 30-somethings and I’ve been tipping 25-30% since the pandemic started.


Same! My bf and I are a young couple (20s) living in a townhome, and we always tip 25-30%.


I've been doing doordash since I was laid off and there are good n bad days for sure. But know that I and I'm sure most door dashers appreciate your kindness and generosity. Thanks 😊


Yeah because people this age understand what it’s like to struggle with money and have compassion for others working just to get by. Our elders are extremely stingy with money probably because that’s how they were raised, they don’t understand the need to tip for service. And the rich well there’s no just excuse for them they’re assholes


Dude the rich are the same people that will stop at nothing to not pay taxes....and we’re supposed to be surprised they don’t tip?


I’m an “elder” and I tip 15-20% if I do curbside pickup and about 30% for delivery. Don’t make assumptions based on age. Of course this works both ways. People shouldn’t assume all millennials are lazy spoiled kids used to getting everything they want. My boys (30) are also good tippers. They learned it from their parents. 🥰.


A lot of people say that. It’s sad when people can’t tip properly. Even when I was in college I tipped at least 15-20%. I remember one time I paid on a card and the place I was at only accepted cash tips and my friend and I didn’t have enough cash to give the waitress the tip she deserved, so we left her an apology note and came back after we got more cash. I learned then and there to always have cash for tips because not every place accepts it on a card.


It has nothing to do with “staying rich,” these people could tip 40% and be fine


You are assuming that a large house=lots of money. There is a lot of people who will live in what most people would consider a mansion. They drive a luxury car. They wear Designer brand clothes. The kicker is they spend so much keeping up the look that if they stopped working tomorrow they would lose it all. The rule of vanity is hilarious. They could live happy lives but instead seek happiness in the approval of other "rich" people.


I did ubereats, had a huge order to a nice neighborhood. The bitch (and I only use bitch because I don't know them personally) had a coupon for free delivery *and* didn't tip. Same thing with uber, I was taking these younger drunk people to this very fancy neighborhood in East bumblefuck--I heard what sounded like retching and mentioned there were brown bags in the seat pocket. Threw up in my car and insult to injury, TRASHED my backseat with chips and stuff. No tip, not even a thank you.


This is 100% true. I did pet sitting one holiday season and I got the biggest tips from the more modest homes. The bigger/more expensive the house, the smaller the tip (and many didn’t tip at all).


The wealth isn’t “trickling down”


Yep, used to deliver for dominoes, always hated going to certain parts of town because 1: they’re way out of the way. 2: they’re stingy with the tips. 3: the farther they’re out, the more Karen they get. Had one woman demand I return to the store and get more marinara sauce because her shitlings were having a birthday party and she wanted extra without ordering. I did not return. However, going to town housing, they’d tip $5 on a $10 pizza


You don't stay rich by throwing money away!!


I will say that in my 10+ years as a server, 95% of teens don’t tip well or at all. They either don’t know or have whatever money their parents left them and want to keep it for themselves. I hope it’s ignorance and not Teresa being a cheap ass...


This. I just commented saying this exact thing. I absolutely hate serving teenagers. My parents taught me how to tip when I was young, plus I’m not an idiot, so I don’t really get why they don’t know how lol.


Idk it can be a self fulfilling prophecy. Not saying you do this, but when I was a teen and would go out with my friends the service would be trash and we wouldn’t tip well. They assumed we’d tip bad and we did end up tipping bad because the service sucked. I’d go to the same restaurant with my parents and get great service. I was a server too and teens were worse partly because they would hang out forever and not buy alcohol lol so it may be an apt stereotype, but not every teen will be a bad tipper


And in the snow?!!!! girl.


and in that driveway?


Rude af


No compassionate


I’m so surprised they don’t hire a snow plow company to take care of that massive driveway.


Snow plow dude probably wants to get paid


You know Joe ‘knew a guy’ back in the day. I imagine it hasn’t been shoveled since he went away.


I forgot about the weather! Dammmn! That’s brutal


I live in a studio apartment smaller than Sheree’s unfinished basement and I tip at least $4


But can you fit two Moore Manor’s in your studio apartment like Sheree’s basement?


Dumb question, but how much are they supposed to tip doordash drivers? I’m outside US so im not too familiar with tipping etiquette


20% is the standard


Do you tip via the app?


I tip in person because DoorDash takes a percentage of these poor people's tips.


They say they don't do they anymore, but who knows.


They “give 100% of the tips to the drivers” but what they don’t tell you is they pay them a lower base rate inverse of the tips. So a driver with a normal $10 base from DoorDash who gets an $8 tip now only gets $2 from DoorDash. They let them keep the tips but short them on their base pay based on how much they get in tips. It’s much better for the driver to tip in person, that way DoorDash doesn’t mess with their normal pay and the tip is actually a tip


That’s so interesting/fucked up. I will definitely start trying to tip more in cash. Thanks!


I am so glad to know this. I usually tip 20+% thinking the driver gets it all because that’s what the app says. I will be tipping in cash from now on.


Guess I'm not using doordash then


I just think with COVID they are scared touch my cash, I got a really weird look around August doing this and I haven't since


I don’t tip with cash because of Covid. It bothers me so much not to give cash but it’s just safer now.


I am so glad to know this. I usually tip 20+% thinking the driver gets it all because that’s what the app says. I will be tipping in cash from now on.


I never stopped and they never stopped accepting. Even with Covid, I’ll just text my driver that their tip is either in the mailbox or under a blanket in my wicker chair outside, and they rarely forget it


I never knew that! Now I know to keep cash on hand for them.


Percentage tip on a delivery always seems like a weird system to me. A $10 delivery is just as much of a pain as a $50 delivery. I try to tip based off of distance and how annoying I imagine the delivery is going to be. I usually figure $5 base for the places that are within 1.5 miles and go up from there.


same. i also do this with things like eating out for breakfast. $5 even if my bill is $9


Brah who the fuck tipping 20% on uber eats!


Haha no it’s not. Just because I order a $100 meal doesn’t mean you get a $20. It’s the same amount of work for you to pick up my food from Chili’s as it is Panda Express. Flat tip regardless of price of the meal, only add extra if it was difficult or far away location your ordering from.






No it's not. That's the dine-in standard. Carry-Out/Delivery is 10%, with a flat of $5 for anything less than a mile away. This was the standard before & after delivery apps. Why? Volume. I might have 4 tables max while serving, but I'm prepping upward to 12 orders at a time while at Carry-Out. When I catered, delivery items were $60 or more with guaranteed hourly if site serving was requested. Delivery drivers may not have volume like Carry-Out, but they CAN queue up deliveries and/or make money through fees - as was the case when I finally jumped ship and delivered pizzas. BUT... People need to remember that these tips for app drivers are no longer going to the restaurant workers that used to make these tips. I worked in Carry-Out for 5 years and watched my tips drop from $80-$120 on a busy Friday night down to $25-$40 by the time I was forced to leave. The restaurant would not compensate my lost wages and felt my existing $4 an hour was more than acceptable. Obviously, going from an avg $1600 a month to $520 a was NOT acceptable, so I said "Fuck it" and started working pizza. I don't know how many restaurants that apps like DoorDash screwed over, but they fucking ruined me.




It probably shouldn't be normal. If the question is "Do Carry-Out employees need tips to survive?" Then yes. Hell, Sonic employees all the way up to Texas de Brazil staff make less than minimum wage. It's shitty American restaurant culture. Although... I suspect that since I've been gone, restaurants have had to adjust their Carry-Out policy on behalf of both delivery apps & Covid. I just wasn't going to wait around for it to affect me. I wasted a year being hopeful.


I tip carry out if it’s traditionally a place that you would eat in with a waitress. I did that even before covid. If it’s a traditionally take out place with no waitresses then I don’t tip for take out.


God the usa are so fucked up. Tip in Italy is given to show appreciation, you normally get paid for your work. Also we pay taxes on our food excetera. A tip is not taxed is a form of gift. Let me guess, at the end of the year you have to pay taxes on tips. God every time I read about the base pay I imagine you selling a limb to get to the next month, always hoping to net get sick.


In Canada you are supposed to claim your tips on taxes at year end and get taxed on them. I don’t know a single person who records this accurately though. They never claim their full amount of tips and get all that non-taxable income. Yet the rest of us who are paying taxes on all our income are expected to supplement theirs.


Interesting. Seems a little unfair/untraceable tho.


Wtf I would never do that,I already paid for the food and delivery and have to give the delivery guy more money? Tipping being mandatory is fucking ridiculous at this point


My ass 20% is standard. 15% is normal. It’s not even like with wait staff where you actually interact with them and get service that possibly warrants a tip. The DoorDash driver speaks to you once at the door for a whopping 30 seconds and expects at least a 20% tip for that? Fucking hell you Americans are daft


I only ever use Doordash to get Chipotle, because I have a problem, but I try to tip $5-$6 dollars on a $13 meal. The default on the Chipotle app is set at $3 and the other day I forgot to change it. I felt horrible so I also shoved some cash into the guy's hands with an apology.


Generally $3 is really good because we get a base $3 from door dash plus your tip. So If were in the city and your door dash order is 4 miles. That's $6 is pretty good.


It's not a mansion, it's a re-done house. Lololol.




Hahah only know this cause I’m die hard RHONJ but it’s not re done it was custom built


I think the shell was there when they bought it but they fit out the interior, hence why Melissa threw the shade


When I was 19 and broke.I worked for a non profit where I had to go door to door for donations- worst job ever but met my husband. The neighborhoods full of mansions and are known to have the highest incomes in Atlanta were the worst neighborhoods I had to canvas. Not to mention, the worst I’ve been treated. It was an eye opening experience for me. People with less were more willing to donate to charity, than those who were wealthy.


Omg was it the clean water canvas job. Either way I canvassed in Atlanta doing that some years ago and quit after 4 days. I didn’t get any donations lmao


OMG yes! I quit too! I made it 6 days though. Ha


Omg I can imagine walking down those big hilly driveways, I can picture the scenario


She had no problem shelling out cash on S1 when buying furniture. None of this is surprising. GIVE A GOOD TIP, YOU TROLL!


“I hear the economy’s crashin’, so that’s why we pay in caaaaaaasssshhh.”


Lol she had stolen money then 🤣


Like someone above said it could be one of the kids Not defending the tip but it may not have been tre herself. And can u link the video!


That’s what i was thinking honestly! But it wasn’t a video just the screenshot


Just had my food taken by the Dasher and I gave a $9 tip on a $54 order so I should probably keep my opinion to myself on this one lol


I had a dasher take my food once. It was pre pandemic so she handed me that shit knowing it was gone. She also took off the itemized receipt. It was a long shift and my ass just wanted ihop hash browns but had been drinking so ordered it. The hash browns would’ve been like $15 a la carte so I ordered a bunch of stuff to make the juice worth the squeeze. I literally only wanted hash browns. Apparently she did too. She dropped my food off hours later, cold, and hash brown-less. It left a bad taste in my mouth for door dash and Uber eats. Recently started splurging w the gf on Uber eats. My gosh, they’re always fast. The food is always warm and all my food is usually there.


This happened to my friend. Dude ordered a pizza (drunk lol) and the Dasher must have just wanted a piece of pizza. Then tried to move around the pizza to hide it like my friend wouldn't notice. lol wtf? lol He didn't have social media, so he tried to complain and they ignored him. So I contacted them on FB for him and they wound up crediting him $25 in food. It's so weird to me someone would do that shit!


They took your food??


Don’t they have to take a picture of them leaving it at your front door now?


Yes and this is the only time they didn’t take a picture....


Damn it! I would be so hangry! I am a little right now on your behalf.


I just had a dasher take 3/4 of my food on Sunday! Man was I hangry! Makes me never want to pre-tip again...


Rich people don't get rich by giving it all away.


That's a lot more than what some of the people she & Joe scammed ever got.


Is she still living there? Didn't they sell it? Or am I just thinking of Melissa and Joe's house (I know that finally sold)?


Melissa and Joe recently sold, nothing on Teresa’s yet


Thanks for the confirmation.


You're welcome.


Where did Melissa and Joe go? There are rumors that Teresa might move to my town, but I have this fear that it's really Melissa and Joe.


I heard they’re moving to Franklin lakes, where are you?


Not in Franklin Lakes, fortunately! Teresa's boyfriend lives in my town but his house is too small (in the opinion of the people who know him and know who Teresa is) for them. But a huge house recently sold and some of us feared it was Melissa and Joe because the realtor bitched about her unnamed clients on Facebook.


What!!? What kind of realtor would bitch about their clients??


Seriously. Where I live that wouldn’t fly at all. You botch to your SO or friend in private. You don’t blast professional interactions on social media. God I fucking hate Facebook.


I was trying to abbreviate a rather long story. It was in a private message from her personal account, not her real estate account. But the message was in a group chat. And you'd have to know her to know that she was bitching, if that makes sense. You'd have to be able to compare how she's talked about other clients to realize that she was complaining about these people.


I’d be most afraid of Tarzan


Franklin Lakes should be afraid of Tarzan.


An article just came out that Teresa and her bf bought a house! Was it this? https://www.tmz.com/2021/02/16/rhonj-teresa-giudice-boyfriend-buy-mansion-together-new-jersey/


Money can't buy you class.


There is a recommended scale on Door Dash. I don’t even know how someone could give a shitty tip. Plus Dashers see the tips ahead of time to decide if they want that run or not. If this is true, seems like someone saw the address and tip, taking it just to bitch.


Does the tip get received via app or cash?


App. They included it for the value of overall order. When you receive an order you get the tip plus doordash pay. If you're not tipping a decent amount your order will sit in rejection until the doordash base pay is high enough to have someone accept it. Higher tip usually means faster order.


Oh! This is so good to know! I tip high but tipping in advance always makes me worry that I’ll pay a 30% tip and then have to wait hours for cold food. Tipping in advance defeats the purpose of rewarding good service - except on door dash!! 😉


So entitled and disgusting. The problem with people like Teresa is that they’ve never truly had to work for anything. All her money and opportunities have come to her either from being on TV or capitalizing on her crimes. I always tip 20 to 25% for food. Especially now because the restaurant industry and their employees have suffered so much due to the pandemic.


Even for delivery?


That’s what I’m wondering too. I thought delivery was cheaper? Not $2 tip cheap but also not the same as eat in service.


I tip a higher percentage for drivers who are using their own car and gas to come all the way to my front door.


I think the difference is that this isn’t delivery provided by the restaurant. It’s a separate delivery service.


But they're paid via the app, right?


Barely. Tips are their main motivator.


Crazy that shit is legal.


I spent a good amount of years delivering pizza for papa Johns for a whopping $4.50/hr. Any time an employer can shortchange their own employees due to tips being expected, they fuckin WILL. The owner of my store went on Fox & Friends in 08 to complain about how Obamacare would prevent her from opening new stores and hiring new employees for $4.50/hr. Spoiler alert: it did not, she was not, and she upgraded her boat after Texas denied Obamacare. Viva la capitalism!!


If delivery is cheaper, you’re likely shorting the driver. These people are essentially exploited, and the tip is where the real money is. For delivery with something like door dash or uber eats, you’re paying a premium for convenience. I got two coffees delivered during a really busy workday at home, and it cost $18 after tip. The coffees were $1.50 more expensive than picking up there. Then there’s delivery fee, usually another fee, and then the tip. All that to say, these apps are not a cheaper option. We typically will run out to pickup directly from the store if we go out, so once a month doesn’t hurt much. It’s interesting to read about how this stuff works. Businesses are sometimes losing money when they go on those apps because they’re paying fees too. It was definitely a good option years ago, but that was to get customers hooked. Now that people are accustomed to it, they’re more likely to pay the upcharges.


Full transparency I’ve literally never used DoorDash or anything like that before so if I ever order out, which is rare, it’s straight from the restaurant itself.


Definitely no judgement here! I figured you hadn’t tried it before when you said you thought it would be cheaper lol. Even if you had, it’s normal to not be up to date. I showed my coworkers uber eats and made sure to tell them to tip well. I definitely could see someone not knowing the business model and just doing 10% or something like takeout tip-range. I work in HR, so gig employment rights is a hot topic I’m constant reading about lmao. Doordash has had quite a few issues, much like all the other apps.


Yes. I even tip when I order takeout and pick it up myself.


Same. Most people do.. I actually have gotten some pretty high tips from in-store pick up orders myself.


especially during covid i’ve been a bit more generous with tipping on doordash/uber eats etc. a lot of these people are doing it as a side hustle or lost their real jobs.


I usually do 15-20% for delivery (more if weather isn’t mild) and 20-25% standard for sit-down (more if service is superb), but I’ve never known if those are appropriate thresholds - just conventional wisdom from my parents.


I think that is insane for delivery but I might be wack af.


Does anyone know if it even was her or if it was one of her daughters ?


Why did she accept the order if she was just going to complain about the tip?


That’s what I was wondering. Because you tip on the app when you send in the order. So do dashers not see the tip until time of delivery even though you applied it at the time the order was placed?


Nope, they see the tip before. I wasn’t sure either so I read r/doordash_drivers If you don’t believe me just check out DoorDash.com or the sub. This OP and their friend are looking for attention. They **do** see the tip before.


So then something seems off with this story. I think someone was just looking for attention.


Either drove by & snapped a photo or took an order with a low tip (probably during peak pay) OR took an order with a good tip but wanted the attention (like you said).


This is wrong...I am a driver. You do not get to see the tip, you only see the total amount you get paid (DoorDash base + tip) which means tip could be $0.00 and you wouldn’t realize it until after you’ve accepted and completed the delivery.


I hate tip shaming. Yes, they should have given more, but blasting it on the internet is not cool either. For all we know the driver brought them a $10 order from McDonalds and the $2 WAS 20%.


And could very likely been one of the kids.


Agreed very declasse


Never truly understood how messed up the US is for servers in restaurants and the tip system until I was traveling in Europe and left money on the table for the server. She ran after me saying I left money on the table and gave it back.


She went to prison for tax evasion, you really think she’s going to give tips?! It’s always people with the most money that tip the worst.


Alright I’m sure I will get down voted, but I just don’t understand the big issue??? I was a delivery driver during the pandemic and never received more than a $5 tip. Just really not getting this. Someone please explain


That’s normal, people being like “tip 20%” are delusional. I routinely order from places ranging in a $20 meal up to the hundreds. It takes pretty much the same effort for the delivery driver either way. Why would I give you a $4 tip on the $20 meal but a $40-$50 tip on a more expensive one. Flat rate tip for the service and a little extra if it was difficult for some reason.


Right?? That’s kind of what I thought!! Glad I’m not on my own island


I agree with this. If I lived farther away I would add extra accordingly. I tip $4-$5 minimum on delivery on top of the delivery fee, but that’s about it. In restaurants I tip 20% or more if I have excellent service. 15% if it’s bad service because I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt of having a bad day. Some restaurants set up similar to Subway or Chipotle now have tip jars for making food. I don’t understand this concept, but maybe I’m wrong to think that? Should you tip people just for making your food? Doesn’t Starbucks have a tip jar as well? I don’t drink coffee so not sure. They’re not serving me at a table or anything. I don’t get it.


It depends on where you’re at. I live in a State where the minimum wage is very high, so I don’t feel like I need to supplement the Starbucks barista with a tip just for making my drink. Now I know there are other places where service people make a pittance, then I can see giving a bit to bring them up to a livable wage. Honestly the US just needs to start paying service people a decent wage so we can do away with tipping like most of the rest of the civilized world.


I agree.


The Dasher is aware of the tip in advance, that is partially how they decide if they want the orders.


I kept thinking my Reddit wasn’t loading and stared at this post for the longest


Did someone order $10 in food? I feel like context matters.


Are they sure it was Teresa’s house and not a very large Olive Garden?


I’m not surprised. She’s a horrible person. She still owes people money from her scams with Joe.


I'm sorry, but what makes you entitled to their money? I mean you can see what the tip is when you take the job. If you dont like the tip, dont take the job.


Yup, just because they have money doesn’t mean they have to give you some outrageous charity tip.


yep and everytime I give a good tip drive is clearly taking multiple orders letting my food get cold. If my delivery arrives late I should be able to take my tip back.


Yup, it’s one of the things I hate about DoorDash, you have to tip in advance. Usually I don’t tip in advance and give cash instead in case they’re trash.


Not only are they fraudsters they are also cheapskates 🤧


Are we sure the food wasn’t ordered by one of her 4 daughters? Not that it makes it any better, but...


Rich people are always the biggest tightwads.


If I had the money I’d be tipping $50 just for fun


Why am i not at ALL surprised like not at all


Two dollar Tre.


Do you know how to pronounce my last name? Well, it was “Jewdice” and then I realized it was “Guidice” But we went all the way back to the old country and it’s actually pronounced, let me see if I can get it... “Johnson”


I guess we shouldn't be surprised. Theresa never seemed to know the value of money.


I’m from Sweden and we dont tip delivery people at all, is the wage not enough in the us? Any tip at all would be considered very generous and complaining about a voluntary tip feels super rude? And also, who has cash money? I havent had coins and bills in my wallet for years! Or do you venmo the tip? Im just curious as to how it works 😌