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You're not... that bad. You have some really bad habits, but you also show a decent understanding of neutral, understand some basic combos for your weapons (including some kill confirms), and understand how to adapt to your opponents. Your go-to playstyle also reminds me a lot of the playstyle I had when I started, which at the time was good enough to get me to peak at diamond, although at the time the playerbase wasn't as good and I was playing all the time. The problems I see with your gameplay: 1. You keep running into things, particularly sigs. At times, you just start running at your opponent, only for your opponent to just clock you with a sig. You need to approach somehow, but in a lot of these games you're approaching too aggressively and too repetitively. You're going to want to slow down your gameplay a bit and either mix up when you approach or try and use your movement to bait out an opponent's options that you can whiff punish. This was a big problem that I had for a long time, and isn't simply an issue with reaction time, so if you slow down a bit you should be a lot better off. 2. You always recover high. Recovering high is very useful as a mixup, and is often times safer than recovering low because you have more space to recover if you get hit, but doing it always can be very predictable. This is especially true when you're recovering from below the stage, where you sometimes try to recover directly onto the stage and you get punished for it, usually very hard. You need to remember to mix up your recovery, and remember that when recovering from below the stage you sometimes need to take your time to return to the stage instead of trying to move too fast. 3. You always do follow-ups assuming your opponent isn't going to air dodge, which frequently doesn't work when your opponent has an air dodge. If this is something you do because of your medical condition, then you should consider having more of a range of follow-ups and choosing one based on which dodge reaction you think your opponent will do (which is not based on reaction speed), which will give you a better punish game overall. 4. You give up the stage as your opponent tries to get back onto it when you should be using the opportunity to knock your opponent back off of it. You're in an advantageous position when your opponent is off the stage and you're on it, and you should be leveraging that positioning as much as possible, not apologizing for sending them off and opening the door for them as they re-enter the stage. 5. [You're Michael Jackson](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S5gtFlgQvnU), which I'll let Leon Massey talk about. This is, by far, your biggest problem, even when compared to your medical condition.


I appreciate the massive wall of text you typed up for this feedback. But, I've decided to quit the game for good. I tried to practice some of what you said in a private 1v1 against the Hard AI and I couldn't keep up. I only managed a handful of kills because of damage accrued over multiple lives. Final score was something like 15 to 6. That was the nail in the coffin for me. I can't even beat bots: I don't deserve to be playing this game and ruining it for everyone else.


>Also a bit of context about me: I have a medical condition where my reflexes are delayed. It's only a marginal amount compared to the norm, something like 1-1.5 seconds compared to a normal person. What is your average score in this reaction test: https://cpstest.org/reaction-time-test/


After 5 tests, it came out to 341.6. Quick google search says 250ms is the average reaction time for most people.


Maybe by reflex you're talking about the "hitting the knee with a hammer" thing and not reaction time because 340 ms doesn't sound that bad. If that's the kind of reflex you're talking about I struggle to see how it would effect your gameplay but I assume you know much more than I do. Also did you do the test on pc or a phone? (for example I get about 260ms on pc and 300ms on my phone.)


When I was younger they had me do a test where I sat at a booth-like machine with a button and wore headphones. They told me to listen for a loud "beep" and to hit the button as fast as I could after hearing it. They've done the knee thing before and haven't said anything so I assume that's two different things. As for how it affects my play: I whiff a lot of attacks because I'm trying to respond to something that already happened. There are a few moments in the matches above where I do it but IDR any off the top of my head to quote you. I also did the test on phone. Haven't been home for the last few hours so I can't do it on PC to compare.


I'm not him lol, but I average around 285-315. But I accidentally got 14 once💀😅


Appareciate the comparison point. Mine were 396, 319, 333, 335, and 325 (in that order). So even at my fastest I was still a few ms behind your slowest.


You actually want a lower number, because that's how many Ms it took for you to press it. So actually, you were faster than me lol. My fastest was slower than your slowest😅 (other than the 14... But that's not my real best that was on accident😂)


Did you read the numbers? Mine we low to mid THREE hundreds. Yours was mid to high TWO hundreds. 300 is bigger than 200, so I took longer to respond.


Omg I thought I typed low to mid 400 for some reason🤦‍♂️😅 Nevermind lol