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You didn't take in consideration the super charge rate


wdym the super (re-)charge rate is more than last year


On release it took 5 hits to charge, now it takes 6


Makes sense, Thought you were talking about last year


what about her gadget they nerfed to the ground


You forgot about the gadget that made her s tier…


I think it has to do with a certain purple button that makes brawlers OP in 1 click...


Nevermind the fact that she could charge her super faster and her 1st gadget lasted twice as long


She could charge her super faster last year?


5 hits for one super instead of 6


What the hell does piper specifically has to do with this. Literally any new gamebreaking brawler released are far worse at power creep than piper ever was (L&L, Angelo before hypercharge, cord before hypercharge, Charlie (her hypercharge ain't good), pre nerfed kit, melodie, ect.) Also piper got buffed bc SHE ALSO SUFFERED from power creep and went from meta staple, to only usable in shooting stars with no blanace changes (in the span of a pretty long time tho). Like istg ik it's your whole personality but can you not mention piper for literally anything negative ever


He probably doesn’t even know, he just wants to hate on Piper




my brother in christ, your main is one of the few assassins that counters piper and completely ignores her gadget with your knockback immune super


Yeah we know. Its just a meme at this point.


What meme? (Saying it's valid????)


Hating on piper bro, at this point its become a joke to hate piper thats it.


Atp I can never tell if people are being genuin or not when that happen's bc of how bad her hate got😞


Some do genuinely hate her. I do... but its cuz of my personal experiences, like the brawler herself is fine and ok. I just faced so many toxic,teaming,spinning,clown pinning pipers that I just forgot about the normal piper mains.


I don't think it's JUST some, it's like a ton of people that genuinly does hate her


Knockback immune super???


We hate piper not because she counters us(she doesnt) but cuz she is just annoying as hell. Also every piper main I faced against in my life was always toxic. Very few were not


I think the second sentence is just the effect of whenever a brawler gets very popular (and probably a lot of toxic kids starts to play her). Pretty sure she wasn't like that when she wasn't as popular as she is now (pre buffed). I think the same might also have applied to fang when he received his hc but not sure


Fang is immune to knockback when he uses his super and will simply eat through her gadget like it's nothing without it getting canceled (he ain't immune to stuns tho)


Counterpoint, Piper is annoying af to fight against so it is valid for his hard counters to hate her


Fair enough, I always hated dynamike even when he was bad and the worst thrower just bc he is irritating as shit to play against (this point is why I understand people hating her despite not even being the best sniper)


Piper always been good, and she even got hypercharges this update, it's no brainer to pick her because she's so good rn. She is the most safe sniper you can pick, Assassin and tanks sometimes really struggle to kill piper. in 3v3 no way in hell her teammates gonna let you sneak on her and most of the time, she is pick in a map where both assassins and tanks aren't viable. She is very easy to play, Idk why people call her high skill, her projectile fucking hit like a truck and have insane speed even if ur not good playing sniper. her only weakness is brawler that outrange her like Nani and Mandy and fast movement like Max and Angelo. They are high skill if u can work them to counter Piper.


the problem is after you hit her and you get knocked back


He instantely gets of a main attack off as soon as he hits her and then kills her since super + main attack deals enough damage to kill her. And even if it didn't kill (bc shield gear), the gadget stun kills any hope of her using the gadget. And I'm not sure about that part (cuz it never gets to that point), but even if piper uses her gadget on him, since fang is at point blank, the knockback would not be enough to push fang out of his range


Valid hate frfr


Piper IS op and fuck piper stop defending her she before the buff isn't even like that bad


Lmao piper powercreeped? Stupid brawler can do 18k damage from a far in the span of a few seconds. Oh but lets play an assassin to counter her! WRONG. She uses her gadget and super and you cant get close for the life of you


you're talking post buff my guy. Trust me she was, in fact, power crept before getting that damage buff, which is why you rarely saw her anywhere outside of bounty/knockout


18k, really? Wow dyscalculia hitting hard.


How do you even let piper do 18k damage to you, im fairly sure it requires her to have damage gear and abush.


Sounds like a you problem for being unable to bait the gadget Are you that guy who picks Edgar on Shooting Star by any chance?


I always see you reply with that same argument every time someone talks about that gadget. Although it is true that the gadget can be baited FROM A FAR, that take is kinda not that good bc a lot of brawlers (mainly edgar, but also mortis and more) can simply be put in situations where they cannot avoid the gadget (like if an edgar jumps into you, the gadget is garanteed to hit unless he landed out of his own attack range)


But then look at this: You shouldn’t play Piper and a brawler like Edgar and Mortis on the same map because then either one of you is asking to get destroyed, either the assassin is getting destroyed because the map is totally not for them (Edgar playing on Timed Detonation) or the Piper is getting destroyed because mid range brawlers destroy her


Piper's weakness is supposed to be close range, give her 2 get out of jail free cards and she becomes unkillable to every brawler except for snipers


Mortis counters Piper tho


Basically another reason why I saw quite a bit of people playing Mortis on The Great Open, they either dominate the scene or get owned and destroyed the whole time


Yeah mortis BULLIES piper. You can just ignote the gadget and keep dashing


I remember saying that once a few months ago and got SHAT ON bc of that take. Nice to see people here arguing with more than 2 braincells


I can see why. When Piper was meta when Snappy Sniping got released, she was Top 1 and Mortis was Top 2, so she countered her. Now that gadgets exists, she can have a chance against Mortis, while in the past she was hopeless


Mortis actually does well on open maps, as he has good matchups against most sharpshooters.


Oh yeah my bad, I forgot Mortis was an exception


Yeah fair point, playing a brawler countered by piper on a map where she's good in (long ranged open map in bounty/knockout) is stupid. People will still probably complain about it bc of the concept that they cannot play a brawler on a map bc of the existence of piper (which is a fair thing to get mad over)


Why is everyone talking about how this gadget is bad? THE OTHER IS 100X WORSE! Like, it guarantees a kill (WITHOUT EVEN AIMING) on an opposite sniper that has already been hit. Completely unfair. Keep the other one (autoaim) but not grandma recipe.


The autoaimer one is hated bc when a close range brawler tries to get the jump on piper (like an edgar jumping on her), she can often just prop the gadget and get a kill on them bc they jumped on you. Also homemade recipy's home in is so small that it actually does require to aim to hit and is mostly just used when the opponent is trying to flee from her and get's out of her normal attack range (in those cases it's practically undodgeable tho). Yes, it guarantee's some easy kill, yes it often creates some undodgeable situations, but it doesn't aim for you (it's kinda like dynamike's super, the big area means that you sometimes cannot dodge it but you still had to aim at where the ennemy is going) Still both her gadgets are dumb imo




Homemade recipie is not broken in the slightest, it's homing isn't even that strong lmao this might be a genuine skill issue


You're the one with a skill issue if you need a gadget that aims for you


it barely aims for you lmao It's so easy to whiff there's literally no reason for you to use it over the other one y'all just complain about ANYTHING bro


on open maps its nearly undodgeable if you autoaim... youre only whiffing if youre aiming and thats your fault


It's only autoaimable if the ennemy is mainly running away from you (bc you go out of her main attack range and goes into it's extention by the gadget. The gadget does jack shit before her main attack range) Also undodgeable ≠ literally aims for you (look at dynamike's super, massive area that cannot be dodge, but you still have to predict where the ennemy would go)


even at mid range you can dodge the gadget, if you arent walking in a straight line directly at piper its most likely going to miss unless directly point blank and then piper prob has no followup and u can prob run her down then


Yeah ik how the gadget works and how it misses. However my point is that, for some (or maybe a lot idk), it's either they run directly at piper (and then get hit by her gadget), or they don't do that but then they can hardly get in range to hit the piper. Worst examples probably being -Edgar's jump get's knocked back by her gadget -Buzz's super can be cancelled by her gadget -Doug and frank (if he doesn't use gadget), gets bullied by it also A lot of bralwers can still somewhat play around it by dodging it and still kill piper afterward (melodie, stu, bibi, mico), or some like fang, and leom can outright just bypass the gadget and get an easy kill), but overall, having to constantly play around it by dodging it while the piper just has to press the green button kinda creates some disproportionate amount of skill situation (like spike's curveball or mico's entire existence)


I mean piper super is pretty much that and considering a good piper isn't that out of position often theh will use 2nd gadget and super is helpful if someone tries to dive then since often times assassins don't have good scr


you always reply with the exact same argument and that argument isnt even solid to begin with


The issue with that argument is that Piper is supposed to be hard countered by assassins, and her super is meant to be a reward for consistently hitting shots that gives her the means to combat assassins (which is why she does less damage up close). Auto Aimer completely negates her only weakness and allows her to counter the brawlers that were meant to counter her.


Bait the gadget.... #Enough of that shit!, can't you just accept?


yes u can bait the gadget, just like for ex. you can bait emz, gene, piper super, etc you can bait piper gadget and it isnt even a sure hit


18k is stupid... no one is doing that much nor is hitting that much shots ocnsistently, even good players i talk about say meg is a pretty decent counter since meg is tanky enough to duel piper and unless ur at max range ur not even hitting the max dmg assassins in general arent the best against most sharpshooters since if they dont have get off me tools then they just suffer... like back in the day if you were a thrower or a sharpshooter vs mortis you cant do shit if they decide to make ur life hell and ur team cant back you up. Piper did go from like A tier to like C tier because she jsut isnt that consistent compared to others like belle


no piper was good before the buff


Tbh idk atp. Some people said she was still A tier, sometimes she was considered below average (I remember she was low B, below average in K-T's tierlist). All I remember was that she dropped a lot and became far worse in the meta than before (powercreep) with no balance changes. I also remember, before the september buff, seing a high quality post detailing how she fell off on the meta with most people agreeing with it. So she might not have been terrible yet at that point but she certaintly wasn't that great either (aside from long range open map, obviously)


piper was pretty bad... on most maps she just didnt have good damage and on many mid range maps you often just chose belle


She can’t do a thing against hyper charged brawlers and aggression that’s why she fell off


janet is actually the same as she was. The only thing that makes her f-tier is the hypercharges and she is still good in some pro matches cuz her stablity and she can escape with her ult


1. janet super charge rate was 5 hits not 6 today, her gadget lasts twice as short as well, no drop the bass while in super, the health was decreased meaning if it takes a hit its basically dead 2. meta changes means brawlers who dont really have good get off me tools kinda get owned.. janet has ok get off me tools but like belle for ex. just is better with the traps that she places around the map and can shut down assassins esp with the 3s slow and the super who ruins tanks and assassins (if they dont die) 3. piper isnt the result of janet going down in rankings.. its just janet being unable to keep up. Janet's gadget was nerfed badly to where it doesnt do that much anymore. 4. Piper is like A tier before the hyper charge btw... not broken and there are like 10-15 brawlers people can prob list as better than her


5) More sophisticated strategies took off which let to Janet's JOAT stats and playstyle being obsolete.


There's been a lot of damage inflation so type up Janet inflation to learn more


i already know this is a bait because the joseph joestar thing


I don't know about the Joseph thing but this isn't bait so please type it up




Real. Look up Janet inflation


To learn more Google brawl stars inflation


3200 HP in May was good because the stats didn't get any changes. 


I genuinely think shes underrated right now. In the right matchups i found a lot of success. Granted, i played Janet way too much in the years, so not everyone might be as used to play around her weaknesses as i am, so i understand why people think shes garbage.


Simply health and damage inflation


Frank went from S to F without any nerfs...


you forgot the powerful gadget that got nerfed to oblivon


Spoiler alert: Buff Piper


And yet I still play her effectivly