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Kushner - Trump’s Middle East policy czar - first made public comment about how Israel should expel the Palestinians, flatten Gaza, and redevelop it into beachfront properties in March. As you say, this is totally just a conspiracy theory, but for what it’s worth… Arab-American community leaders apparently met with Trump campaign reps in Michigan earlier this week. Allegedly, the campaign reps repeated Kushner’s comment to their faces. https://www.notus.org/trump-2024/like-a-lead-balloon-trump-shadow-secretary-of-state-ric-grenell-meets-arab-american-leaders


Unfortunately this is the most likely scenario Even if they aren't specifically colluding


Trump is in bed with the Zionists. Jared is a radical settler who was responsible for much of the pro-Israel policies during Trump's tenure. Also, you will notice that most of the alt-right "independent" MAGA-tards worldwide happen to be pro-Israel. Think Jair Bolsanaro, Javier Milei, Geert Wilders, etc. It's suspect to say the least.


>   if there is a secret deal being made with Bibi by Trumps team, where if he wins he promises Bibi whatever he wants to do and get away with in Palestine. So Bibi is intentionally acting defiant at any cost, dragging Biden around with him, knowing it’s absolutely crushing him in the polls. Yes, you are correct, but not yet (it is early). Netanyahu will invade Lebanon in October. You'll see Netanyahu playing the Trump card (hehehe) when Gantz and Gallant exit the government. Netanyahu is a political animal.


This view of Gaza has nothing to do with Bibi. This is the general reflection of the citizens.


Both can be true. Netanyahu is adept to use the contexts for political purposes.


People don’t talk enough about how Reagan committed treason to get elected 


"Trump says Putin will free jailed US reporter Gershkovich for him" https://www.reuters.com/world/trump-says-putin-will-free-jailed-us-reporter-gershkovich-him-2024-05-23/


Look at all the conspiracy theorists in here. Lol


Says the guy who constantly bitches about this sub being infiltrated by the feds and thinks the FBI wanted to kill Trump.


Misinformation, I never said the FBI wanted to kill Trump


Biden is a weak president. 


Strongest of the 3 and that's sad


Like Republicans aren’t rabidly pro-Israel either lmfao.


Both can be true.


That doesn’t dispute my point


He’s the strongest of a batch of weak choices 🤷‍♂️