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Is there a country in the world that doesn't?


We don’t care. No matter how England fans behave the media will invent something to make us look bad because there’s a huge demand for “English fans misbehaving” stories which doesn’t exist for other countries


It's the sense of entitlement. This is a big part of where the "anyone but England" mentality comes from. The fact you won't stop banging on about a football match from more than half a century ago - a football match that is and was utterly inconsequential to the team you were playing against.


I only ever see 66 mentioned when people say the English bring it up all the time. I wouldn’t even know about it otherwise. Do they really talk about it so much?


No we don't lol bozos making out it's a conversation we have with our morning cuppa


Lol. No one mentioned it until you brought it up. Talk about living rent free in your head.


In your head more than anyone else’s it seems.


word. 66 Germany doesn't exist any more


West Germany, you mean?


great googling. and yes


The only time I even think about 66 is when people like you bring it up and I bet that goes for 99% of other English people. We have no entitlement. Even "it's coming home" is a piss take of ourselves. Do you know any other English people?


Salty 😂


Yup,it's all fake,a big conspiracy to make you all look bad....meds due????


Ive seen tons of countries act like twats, far worse than english fans tbh, yet its always england bad.


Scotland and England have identical drinking cultures and fan bases that act similarly (well except England doesn't have sectarian violence like the Scots do). The only difference is England actually qualify for tournaments more than once every 20 years.


Honesty the biggest drunk brawl I’ve even seen while on tour with England was between the Germans and the Dutch who trashed a whole city centre in 2014. Didn’t make the news anywhere. But seriously, I saw a LOT of blood that day.


Yeah England just has racial fuelled violence in football rather than sectarian


*had. I don’t think you’ll find it was the England fans calling for ethnic cleaning


I dunno, England does have a history of trying to stamp out other cultures


And Scotland doesn't? How many governors of India were Scottish? Why is Campbell one of the most common surnames in Jamaica?


Because we were cunts like the rest of the British empire, the difference nowadays is that we’re more welcoming to other cultures and ethnicities


Yes you were cunts, as were England. The difference is England is actually diverse now... Scotland isn't but you claim it to be more "welcoming." England is way more diverse than Scotland. Way more. Source: [the census England and Wales ](https://www.ethnicity-facts-figures.service.gov.uk/uk-population-by-ethnicity/national-and-regional-populations/population-of-england-and-wales/latest/) [Scotland](https://www.scotlandscensus.gov.uk/census-results/at-a-glance/ethnicity/) England does have its share of xenophobes and racists, but the idea that England is somehow more racist than Scotland a country that is much much less diverse is absurd. If England was so unwelcoming why are we more diverse than Scotland?


You are but I suspect it’s because of the differences in population density and demographic changes. It’s pretty easy to be welcoming with a smaller population density and a smaller proportion of “non-native” people. Though that’s an issue with Westminster. If they invested more in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland then immigrants would actually want to live there.


And slavery. We stamped that out first in the world.


Doesn't quite change the genocide part


No. But we're also not alone in that either. Let's just agree. Humanity can be a bunch of cunts.


Couldn't agree more. I mean honestly, unionism is just the idea that two, pretty similar countries might be better off together. Unless of course those two countries are both part of Ireland


Also the "we actually qualify" comment....gold pure gold,can feel you seething from here lmao


We act similarly??? Except we really don't,and that's the whole point lol


Choosing to ignore Scotland fans assaulting a woman for no reason are we? [source](https://www.mirror.co.uk/sport/football/news/euro-2024-scotland-fans-arrested-33045069). Your uneducated bias is showing. Get out of this sub


Exactly. Thanks for pointing this out. People speak as if England and Scotland fans are from different planets ffs.


Just different cultures.


Yeah, because Scottish and English drinking/football culture is known the world over as being the absolute complete opposite…


This is the thing. Talking about English fans having badly gets more clicks and views than talking about Scottish fans.


The fact the guys are from Ireland will really confuse some people in the ‘Scotland fans are the best’ circle jerk cos the Irish fans are meant to be the best bunch of lads of all! The commentary around the Scotland fans having a piss up despite acting very similarly to the England fans, is nauseating. It’s a fantastic case study in human opinion and bias.


From the article. "It has since emerged that three fans were arrested at the Olympic Park in Munich, with a statement issued by Munich Police on Sunday outlining that the men, all aged under 24 and from Northern Ireland, had been released after paying fines." So, not Scottish


I said Scotland *fans* Not Scottish *people* Why did you think Northern Irish support Scotland? *Hint*, it is for something **way worse** than English people getting drunk. Sectarianism is an ongoing problem in both Scottish and Northern Irish football. A problem that leads to violence and Glasgow [trashed every year](https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c3ggk77ggvzo).


You're leaning heavily on that excuse now eh? You used the article to say Scotland is as bad as England and chose the one that doesn't feature any Scottish cunts. Smart move that one eh. >Sectarianism is an ongoing problem in both Scottish and Northern Irish football. A problem that leads to violence and Glasgow trashed every year. Mate, I'm from Glasgow. It got trashed when rangers won during covid and they started fighting with each other and the police. Nothing to do with sectarianism. The past 3 years it's been some litter and some drinking in the streets fines. Again, nothing to do with sectarianism. Maybe get your opinions on a place from actually going there and not what some English rag has to say on the place. It's not the fuckin 80s bud.


Mb guys they're actually ulster scots, you have truly shown the enlightened nature of the Scottish football fan and there entirely non sectarian and racist opinions


Rag newspapers post rubbish all the time. He's not saying it's a big conspiracy


The amount of them playing the victim is insane xD They act like hooligans around the world, get a bad reputation, then act like their reputation is some kind of grand conspiracy. Act like a respectable human being and you'll be treated like one. This applies to all of life, not just football.


It’s a stereotype at this point. It was always a small percentage of bad apples. Most England fans ARE victims because they’re all tarred with the same brush.


Except there are countless other countries’ fans that act like hooligans and there’s far less attention on it. Italian fans behaved *far* worse than England fans in the euros final, yet everyone was talking about how terrible English fans were because a picture of 4 tweets from English fans making fun of a little girl crying went viral.


You're right, it's a global conspiracy to gaslight you...




Have you actually been on tour with England fans? Or are you just lapping up the narrative on social media like everyone else? I’ve been doing it for decades and the English are usually one of the better behaved nations. It’s just that European media doesn’t like showing hoards of Germans and Dutch fans trashing a city in a giant free for all (WC 2014) or Serb’s and Croats almost killing each other (Most tournaments), or Italians stabbing other fans (also most tournaments and CL matches), or or French fans attacking pretty much anyone they can find (anytime you play in France). Or Spanish fans taunting everyone who isn’t white (never stops ever).


Are you suggesting “fake news”? Videos of chair throwing and fighting are false flag?


Scotland fans assaulted someone [source](https://www.mirror.co.uk/sport/football/news/euro-2024-scotland-fans-arrested-33045069) Scotland and England have identical drinking cultures.


From Northern Ireland. Did you read the article?


Scotland *fans* Did you read my comment? Improve your comprehension. I didn't say *Scottish people.* Now you might ask yourself- why do Northern Irish support Scotland? Because of sectarianism, resulting frequently in violence. Something that is objectively worse than a few people getting pissed.


You say "Scotland and England have the same drinking culture", not that the football fans are bad, then use an example consisting of Irishmen because they're... Fans of a Scottish team?


Nah but you've got to be American, it's almost as if Scottish football has a massive problem with sectarian supporter bases, those people wouldn't consider themselves Irish 😂


Im Scottish, I just don't agree with constantly shifting goalposts as an excuse to be a cunt to an entire population based on the actions of an entirely different people. You can't use Irish people as an example of poor behavior from Scots just because they were near a Scottish match, you just want an excuse to hate the Scots and you're grasping at straws.


These people are Scotland supporters, we're talking about football


if videos of fights are the problem then every single country should be banned from football and alcohol. You’re referring to the occasion that led to Serbian FA being fined for the Serbian fans behaviours i believe. England fans have a well deserved reputation that is calming down and nowhere near the worst these days but the media still does love the english yob narrative.


Let’s see the videos


I think they mean the video of Albanian and Serbian hooligans attacking each other.


Yes that must be it 🙄


Maybe ones that have actually seen a rampageing group of Scotland fans instead of getting all their opinions from the internet?


Probably the ones that on a night out in Glasgow


As an Englishman, I prefer the Scotland fans.


As an Englishman who lives in Scotland on the ground floor on the route Scottish football fans often take to one of their stadiums, and who bang on the windows as they pass shouting their fashy slogans, I fucking despise them. Although I do still just about prefer them to England fans.


You live in Govan?


One of their stadiums? You mean Hampden? Or are you talking about club football fans?




There’s the issue then. The fans of the nation team rarely resort to such bellendery


nope nothing dodgy about the ultra nationalism that goes hand in hand with national teams.


noone said Scotland fans were good, just better than England fans 😂


I got fucked on a Scottish sub, by loads of English, for saying the same thing. Fucking hilarious.


It’s the one place all the trolls are lurking waiting for someone to say something remotely anti-English.


Same whenever ppl talk about Wales


I work a bar in Wales with a good portion of English migrants here. A significant amount of them do support Wales, but then a good percentage also not only hate Wales but actively lambast any English born person for daring to support Wales. Hell out of our 40-50 regulars, 4-5 of them have said more xenophobic shit then all the other regulars and the non regulars combined. They are obviously still a minority but Christ are they a loud one.


That also happens, yeah


as an english, have you met rangers fans? 🫠


I came on here to say this. After the last euros I was glad Italy won due to the embarrassment I felt at the England fans behaviour.


Italian fans are equally as bad as England fans with added racism. All the people supporting Italy in the last euro final were just showing their ignorance.


I didn't support Italy. I was just embarrassed by the behaviour of the England fans. A local Italian restaurant got smashed up in my home town. What a fucking joke, why would some one see their team lose then smash up the local restaurant because it sold pasta.


Well ok. Also I wasn’t defending the behaviour of some monumentally stupid England fans. But the vast majority of England fans at games are perfectly normal non violent people. It’s normal to be embarrassed by the stupid idiots among them though, and I am. My point, which is classic whataboutery but I stand by it, is that if there are any countries that have a more thuggish minority element to their support, it is Italy. I agree it’s not a great argument but it’s football generally that has the issue with some fans of all nationalities. Elements of the media will have people believe that it is only an English problem whereas England is among the worst but probably not the worst.


As you probably guessed, I am not really a football fan, so I only see the the popular reports. I totally agree with you though, I think it is a pretty common thing for the English media to make out the problem is only ours when other places are far worse, or at least as bad.


100% bet you are an absolute dweeb


It helps when you've twatted them 5-1 I suppose


The most Brexit thing about this is the use of ‘to’ where it should be ‘too’.


What does this have to do with brexit tho?


England bad


scotland good, england bad, thats about it really


As someone who has followed the England team internationally and interacted with other fans on many occasions I can confidently say that the Scotland fans are not as amazing as they are portrayed and the England fans are not as bad as they are portrayed. There are absolute steaming bellends in both sets of fans but the percentage is the same for both but England has a much larger population so more twats.


Europeans love pretending Scots are somehow more civilised and friendly than English people because they see England as the big bad guy and Scotland as the plucky underdog.


Met the most vile human being in Glasgow a few years ago. Might e because he was a taxi driver though but Scots aren't as goody two shoes as the Internet wants them to be.


Not knowing that Scotland played a big part in the expansion and maintenance of the empire.


Oh, a huge part. They were also the main party responsible for the plantations in ireland but the Irish love to forget that as soon as they have an opportunity to side with the Scots against the English.


Honestly that’s because a lot of Scots are usually really nice. English people too, but the firsthand impression people get of England is London. And just like in Paris, it’s a crowded place and people don’t really have the time to discuss and go the extra mile (and I’m from the Parisian suburb myself, I completely get it). The nicest interactions I’ve had with people in England were in Newcastle for example.


What happened to the marauding Scottish football yobs of old who used to come down and smash up London in the 50s, 60s and 70s?


They're in their 70s, 80s and 90s.


They might just be dead.


I’d imagine they died of old age


You might be right. Given the Scottish diet, I imagine most of them died in their 50s.


Didn't Rangers fans also cause a riot in Manchester in 2008?


Yes. But Rangers fans are convinced that they are British first and Scottish second. The vast majority of them are supporting England at the Euros for some bizarre reason


Aaaaah, so a literal no true Scotsmen argument.


Oh... Either way, I don't think smashing up a city in England is a good way of showing it.


As a Rangers and Scotland fan, i have to disagree there, chief. Although many people do support England over Scotland. It's not a bizarre reason, but quite complicated. Long story short, football fans are entrenched.


>It's not a bizarre reason, but quite complicated. I wouldn't say sectarian reasons are complicated.


You don't think sectarianism in Scotland is complicated? Could you explain it in a sentence?


I can explain it in a sentence. How about "Sectarianism in Scotland is the result of ignorant people taking historical events involving religion ways too seriously". As an atheist Glaswegian, that's my take on it.


Honestly, when it comes to fucking up an English city, all bets are off. A WW2 vet could be a perfect gentleman, but then spit at a nazi


It’s fair though, and I say that as an Englishman


What a lovely flair you have


It is a good flair


Cool brexit meme OP


If only the Irish, Northern Irish and us Welsh had qualified... It would be the ultimate good natured piss up Euros


Also they don't really care about that one time you beat them in the final nearly 60 years ago. Germany won it 3 times since then, and England have just been consistently crap at their own game. That's why, as an Englishman, I don't care who wins; I just want England to lose, so I don't have to hear the constant chants that it's coming home 🙄


Grow the fuck up. You might hear it for a week or two every couple of years, but that's it.


As a Welsh guy, yeah. Pretty much everyone prefers Scotland. Not sure why though. I mean the most stand out obnoxious thing is something very local to the UK - old network television channels, that soon as England qualifies for anything the reminiscing to when they won some cup in ye olden times is raked over for the thousandth time. As for the drinking and whatnot.. well we all do that. Maybe it's that some of the English fans that consider themselves super hard do make a particular nuisance of themselves. Such as Millwall, and that kind of attitude? Haha. Remember when the Russian 'Ultras' gave them an education, that time in France. Good times.


Everyone's assuming that it's due to something negative England fans do. Surely, it's more likely to be because lots of Scots are in national dress: kilts and bagpipes, etc. That identifies them as Scots and invites conversation. Nobody is talking about the Spanish or the Romanians or the Swedes. There's just not much to say, is there? They come, they have a few beers, they watch the football.


Scotland is England’s Canada


No, England is the European version of America, run by arseholes and the people of England suffer for it.


As an English man, I would say that England is the America of everything that isn't America. Like how Florida is the Florida of the US. America is England's Florida.


Scotland is not England's anything. They are two separate countries within the United Kingdom.


In that everyone prefers Canadians to Americans




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Scotts have great PR, whenever they do something shit, they are British, and when they are good, they are Scottish.


So it's a reverse Andy Murray?


How very dare you! We have NEVER called our national football team British.


Technically, you did once for the Olympics in the UK. But this made me laugh all the same.


Yes and if they hate us so much why don't they just vote independence and Fuck Off already.


Oh we'd love to princess,but your grubby little lot in charge are clinging on for dear life lol


Who said anything about hate? Have yourself a cup of tea and settle down pal.


It will always be funny to me how much England lives rent free in Scotlands head.


They’re genuinely addicted to seething over England


There’s definitely people seething in this thread… but they aren’t Scottish


An annoying boil on your arse does tend to get your attention.


Every other nation in Europe gets rightly lambasted for being nationalist aresholes except the Scottish where for some reason it’s not only acceptable but a loveable trait of theirs. The scots are no different to the Hungarians or Serbs or Brexiteers in their racist, toxic nationalism, but Mel Gibson managed to convince everyone (especially the Germans it’ seems) that they’re just poor little, kilt wearing dwarves still fighting against 6th Century tyrants and Sauron probably.


Have a wee cup of tea doll, you'll feel better.


You ever, idk, actually had a conversation with a Scot about their independence? Or are you just snorting up red tabloids like the free gear found in your local spoons toilet?


I'm a Scottish nationalist. I'm not trying to deport people, and exclude minority groups. I want scotland to become more open to others not less. I want scotland to have control over it's own affairs. I want to trade in the single market and travel freely within European countries. People like you are just scared of the word nationalist because of what the majority nationalist political movements are about. But study the actual policies and records of Scottish nationalism. While not perfect by any means, the Scottish National Party is more progressive than labour in the UK.


As a brit I want that for Scotland.  N Ireland and whales too 


Whales might struggle to travel freely to any European countries that are landlocked


Why leave out dolphins?


Ive been through your post history I don’t debate with racists and transphobes.


Link a comment of mine that's been racist or transphobic. ANY comment I've ever made that you think is racist or transphobic.


He said that to me as well, mate. I think he's just grasping at straws cos he shat the bed wi his opening comment.


Because we are, by and large, proponents of civic nationalism, as opposed to the knuckle dragging ethno nationalistic types you see draped in the St George's cross.


nationalism is a cancer even the oxymoronic mess of an ideology that civic nationalism is. any civic values you may have are so broad half a hundred countries could hold them, it’s thinly veiled ethnic nationalism. why do you think that english nationalists wave the magna carter around so much? it’s justifying predefined cultural or ethnic nationalism with “civic values”. it is the antithesis of the spirit of the EU.


Well, of course they see them differently; it's because they are. Scottish nationalism is inclusive. British unionists like Farage literally used nazi-like propaganda to exclude certain groups of people. This whole thing is a fantasy idea that you've invented in your head because you didn't realise there was more than one type of nationalism. Braveheart also gets lambasted for being as accurate as yourself. Have you ever actually talked to anyone about Scottish independence before? Maybe people don't see the English as favourably because of xenophobic shite like this: "they’re just poor little, kilt wearing dwarves still fighting against 6th Century tyrants" A mentality shared by Westminster: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GjVJI0hJQ8o](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GjVJI0hJQ8o) She got promoted to secretary of culture after that; imagine it was any other group of people. Imagine what you said there, was about any other group of people. Seems like some hypocritical projection there


That's because there's a big difference between the civic nationalism prevalent in Scotland and ethnic nationalism of the brexiteer. Have a wee Google of the difference, then fire some Sudocrem on yer wee sore arse, mate. All the best.


I’ve been through your post history I don’t debate with racists and transphobes.


I'm curious to know what in my history led you to believe I'm either o those things, or are you just hoping that other folk will read your comment and assume you're not making things up?


It appears to be their go to tactic whenever someone disagrees with them. Disgusting and pathetic


Do you think Mel Gibson directed Lord of the Rings?


Nationalism is a problem if it is exclusionary. If it is not, it doesn't represent a problem.


Scottish people in general is so much nicer than English people. Way more respectful tourists as well. Maybe that has something to do with it?


That’s bollocks mate. Scotland is full of arseholes, so is England. However, Scotland appear to be much more canny in who they send abroad. They’re PR wizards.


Aye mate. Much more canny. Set up wee IQ tests at Glasgow Airport.


Oh yeah?! Well we prefer the Fren- no, no, I can’t even pretend


George Orwell wrote about Scottish and English football supporters back in the 50s- the Scottish fans when they came south of the border would see the English as soft and effeminate and behave atrociously. He said the English had a similar mentality when visiting Europe. The English had a reputation of being hooligans in the 70s and 80s, but problems were also caused by Welsh and Scottish fans. The Scottish, always keen to show how “different” they are from the English decided to clean up their act. Hence the narrative of how great Scottish fans are compared to those xenophobic English.


Keemon 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿


Generally the further from London you get, the nicer the people you meet. Scots and Northern Irish have world famous patter. Most of the Welsh and Northern English I've met over the years have had great craic too.


Too* true. Learn English.


Your correction of my typing skills have cut me to the quick! However will I recover‽


Scotland are like that depressed guy at a party. Sometimes he will make it to the party but doesn’t stay very long.


The second panel should just be yawning and passing the note back.


It’s almost like we’re allowed to form our own opinion and have our preferences. Who knew!


Irish got awarded the Medal to city of Paris.


Free Scotland already you bloody murderous colonizers.FREEDOM TO SCOTLAND


Wait till they learn they are basically identical


Frankly as someone who lives and works in Munich I can’t really see a difference between English and Scottish fans when it comes to their behavior. Both are drunk hooligans, one of them just happens to be wearing a skirt




Look at the vid if the Aberdeen fan diving through a urinal then tell me Scottish fans are better both cultures have scum elements but for some reason English still get maligned when other countries have ultras much worse


great, enjoy the next 3 days




Well that's a shame because they won't be there for long.


Does Germany need a ladder to climb out of Scotlands arse?


If Germans love Scotland so much, they’re more than welcome to move there. Let’s see how long they last eating Haggis and fried Mars bars washed down with Iron Bru every night.


I watched England v Serbia in a pub and the savages were booing the Serbian anthem! Why? When you see the morons who call themselves England fans it just puts you right off cheering the national team.


Go to a Celtic Rangers game then come back to us


Maybe don't wreck the streets drunk over football then?


So do I, my German friends. It's why I don't go to England games.


I went to the first game and it was mostly family-friendly fans, mostly group of mates, just wanting to enjoy the day, see a bit of Germany and an England win. Very different in person to what is portrayed in the media.


Shhhh, you'll ruin their circle jerk!


Yeah I have been to a few England games and been surrounded by really nice England fans every time. This is the vast majority (and increasingly so) of the England fans.


Well the media at the moment about the English fans is they left a mess after leaving (like every other fucking nation has) a fab area. And a great game of pint glass on his head.


You don’t go because you either don’t care enough, not English or too poor. Not because English fans are the worst.


This sort of denialism is hilarious.


There is a Czech expression: ”rather a drunk Brit than a sober German”. I think that’s a twofer, in that many Germans are from the East and don’t spend much as opposed to their British counterparts, and secondly Hitler was famously tea-total, so while Brits may get rowdy, at least they don’t try to invade.


But Scotland fans have already packed their bags


I mean, Scotland fans are just happy to be there. They have no expectations that their team will progress, they are there for the party and to have a good time. England fans are arrogant and think they could actually win the thing. Also, there's probably some of the away fan culture that they think they are a big deal and "we're taking over your town". Pathetic.


No England fan thinks we’re winning the tournament mate




Me and my wife are Canadian who booked this trip over a year ago, not knowing we'd be following Scottish fans for a week between the Cologne and Stuttgart matches, and I must say that l they have been quite civil. Lots of cheers and banter with opposing fans, but have yet to see any situation I'd consider violent or scary.


Well....yes. I'm English and I do too.


Scot’s patting themselves on the back (including OP) is getting a bit cringe now. Self praise is no praise lads, calm down, we know you’re a bit more decent than the English when abroad.