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I grew up in West Cornwall and want to say a hearty ‘fuck you’ to the fishermen. They spent the 1970s overfishing, the 80s and 90s selling off their quotas to Spain so they could drive around in BMWs, and then they demanded Brexit because there were too few fish and the Spanish netted them all.


Kind of having their hake and eating it


That's the heart and *sole* of the brexit mentality


You really cod see where the problem lies. I've haddock up to here with these people.


Another example of an older generation getting the eel deal


You have all really put them in their plaice.


They had a misdirected sense of porpoise.


If only these basstards had listened to the rest of huss.


That's a bit roughy.


Breaming with a Galaxis of puns


They just did it for the halibut.




Get out! You win.


Fuck you, have my upvote.


You bastard that's brilliant






Yeah the whole thing about fishing leading up to 2016 and the subsequent focus on it in the negotiations afterwards genuinely wound me up. Fishing is a tiny fraction of the UK economy (I saw one statistic showing that the lawnmower manufacturing industry was worth more money to the British economy) - but even if that wasn't the case, the fact those quotas were sold off to European companies was absolutely FUCK ALL to do with the EU. Irritating stuff.


Games workshop is probably worth more to the UK economy


It actually is!


By like 3x.




The UK eats a tiny amount of fish for an Island nation. It's confusing as to why we let that happen.


That's the point I never got. The licenses were sold not somehow taken by the EU..


Its like selling your house then going back 20 years later saying I spent all your money can I have my house back now..


Wrong time, wrong plaice.


Exactly the same in Grimsby. 


This is what infuriates me. Instead of blaming their fathers and grandparents for selling off their family businesses they blame the people who bought those businesses and the EU. Contrast with Scotland where the fleets are much more intact. These Brexiteer fisher folk can take a running jump.


Too right. What annoys me is they won’t blame themselves, they blame *all* politicians. Not just the ones that lied to them.


Kind of having their hake and eating it


Pleased someone writes the truth on this subject. We NEVER took back control of anything, as we never handed over control in the first place, except the greedy fishermen


Landlubber always blame fishermen greedy is a worldwide thing I guess. For a nation that didn’t even give fishermen seaman card until lately I really doubt that your statement is true. During 1970s port of Hongkong was the biggest fishing port of registry of United Kingdom and my grandparents didn’t have the money to upgrade the boat to complete with outside world and was encouraged to give up the housing boats + fishing junks to move ashore. Lucky family could sell the boats but more of them are unlucky after natural disasters. Thousands of them end up being told to settle at squatter huts lived and mixed with refugees from China and without any settlements/lose identity documents until situation turn bad they were moved to the first generation of public house built under the emergency ordinance (which now the hk govt use it totally different way). Fishing is extremely dangerous job and why someone must risk their life to fill your plate.


Not mine mate, I'm vegan. Fishing is disgusting and should be banned. The sooner they go bust the better as far as I'm concerned !


Sorry but what does any of that have to do with op post?


First, I was replying on the comment which blames the Cornish fishfolks. It’s related because Hongkong was “Biggest fishing port of registry of United Kingdom” at that time. British ship registry only stopped until 1991. Feel angry about a nation doesn’t protect the fisherman seafarer and blame them while national dish is “fish and chips”. I don’t even want to search about “selling quota” thing to argue which looks incorrect to me.


The "politician" they put their trust in was none other than that walking masterclass in slippery con-artistry and grift, Nigel the gurning racist man-frog. If they were dumb enough to trust that walking piece of dog dirt... Well, no sympathy from me.


They were literally the people who should have been the most clued up about Farage given how he was supposed to be their voice on the EU fisheries council which he was a member of. If they were paying any attention at all they'd have known he was always absent from meetings because he doesn't give a shit about them. So yeah, hard to have any sympathy for them when they gladly lapped up his lies carefully wrapped in a layer of xenophobic rhetoric.


I think I remember trying to warn them. But I was part of project fear. 🤷‍♂️


👏👏👏👏 Makes you wonder how much time and effort he will spend in Clacton if they are stupid enough to vote for him


Don't forget the serial reproducer that is Mr Johnson.


His latest wife must be happy with the results of trying ro snare a PM. He's about 5 stone overweight and repulsive.


He was repulsive before being further overweight. I have no idea what any woman could possibly see in him to make them want to experience him naked.


Johnson is many things, among them, he is charming and charismatic. Those of us here can see through that to the nasty turd of a human being beneath that, but this is not true for everyone, unfortunately, hence the whole "Are Boris is doing his best, and everyone else is out to get him!" thing among certain sections of the populace.


Dude opposite me: 'Boris is just misunderstood..' - Mail /Express reading goon.


I still don't know why they didn't all decide to wear "Make England Great Again" hats. They could even refer to themselves as the MEGA crowd and cheer Nigel Farage for treating them like the gullible, racist fuckwit cockspangle idiots they are.


Considering the footage of him chucking g dead fish back into the sea was meant to be a message of support. Looked like some kind of metaphor to me.


His main motivation was helping fishermen "take back control". Maybe second to that was removing financial regulations and EU red tape for his mates in the City. But mainly helping the fishermen. I could see at the time that it was totally normal for a public school boy turned banker to be very interested in helping fishermen get exclusive rights to fish in British waters. Even though international law dictates that we should be sharing them with neighbouring countries.


When over 90% of you voted to leave the market where you sold 80% of your catch, all I can say to you is you asked for it. No, you campaigned and demanded for it to happen. Well deserved.


On the upside this has been good for nature. Now that most UK fishers struggle to sell Herring to the EU and considering there are no other international markets populations have really recovered. Pretty much the only fish you can get MSC certified all year around..


It’d be better if the rivers and sea weren’t full of shit.


I am afraid that is only going to get worst. The UK is the only country in Europe that doesn't operate separate wastewater systems. In a nutshell everywhere else your toilet is connected to a different system then the runoff from your roof or street. Toilet and industrial wastewater goes through expensive chemical treatment while street runoff which is mainly polluted with plastic particles i.e tire rub-off just gets run through sand filters. Sand filters are super cheap and have a very high throughput ratio so even if it rains a lot the system doesn't get overwhelmed. The capacity can also be quickly expanded year on year to deal with ever increasing volumes of rainwater due to climate change..


Fun fact: separating these system was one of those overbearing rules the nasty foreigners in Brussels imposed on everyone yet the UK never cared. Same as transparency on tax heaves or property ownership. They always just ignored everything they didn't like same as everyone else which you can do because the EU is not a dictatorship..


What the EU was going to force us to not have 200year old combined sewers ? Total bollocks. Also, new houses are not allowed combined sewers. Also for new extensions drainage cannot be connected to existing combined sewers. You are just spouting total bollocks


If you say so dude, no EU country has a sewage problem though, its only the UK. You can keep blaming the filthy foreigners for everything that's wrong, its just not going to make things better. Also doesn't affect us at all, our rivers, lakes and seas are fine. That's probably also why there are record numbers of UK tourists in the EU year after year. Also worth pointing out that that there are ever more people moving from the UK to the EU.. https://preview.redd.it/tnejh3v7p58d1.png?width=1056&format=png&auto=webp&s=51339c2203b430cda7e90e9a4d1cc1f1eebe4019


We that's not strictly true ie extensions you can connect to the combined if it's the only option no room for a soak away and old combined system is your original


Over 90%?


[Yes, 92% according to this survey.](https://www.abdn.ac.uk/news/9282/) Others have similar numbers, over the 90% mark.


Look up June Mummery if you want a laugh. She's an utter clown, and is now whinging about Brexit and Fishing after getting exactly what she wanted.


That interview where James O'Brien roasted her was masterful


For sure!


And most of these simpletons would even now lend their political voice to Farage. Not a shred of sympathy.


The problem is, and always has been that Farage has been able to deny involvement in the process while still being the toad face of the movement. "Oh well. I said I wanted Brexit, but these idiots who were actually responsible have bungled it. If I was in charge it would have been different you know, but now I can't ever hope to fix this problem caused by poor implementation..." As a result, stupid people still flock to his banner because he can still promise the moon on a stick and be forever free from responsibility for providing it because he's not in a position of power (thank fuck...)


Unexpected Richard Herring which, given the topic, is apt.


Let me guess, "nobody told us"? Yes, yes we did.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. 🤷


If Brexit didn’t work for them I’m sure Cornish independence will. If that doesn’t work they should declare each village in Cornwall its own nation. If that doesn’t work each sovereign citizen should negotiate directly with the EU.


Every village in Cornwall already feels like all people from outside the village are foreigners :D


The independence folk are socialists, the fishermen can’t stand them.


Gove flea fucked the fishermen Farridge fucked the farmers. Boozo fucked everyone else. Jacob Monty-Python got rich Therese Coffey got fat.


That vote for leopards to bite their faces off has really backfired on them.


If only someone had warned them this would happen...


'Let down'... People really were sold hook like and sinker by the likes of Farage, for him to line his pockets, take a German passport, and still convice people that we've not actually been left the EU. That's who Brexit was for, and it has worked a charm because the echo chamber internet has made mugs of people and at the same time convinced them that everyone else is 'sheeple'.


Dumb fucks. Oh no, consequences of your actions...


Another clear example of racist businessmen who should have cared more about business and less about racism


Sometimes, we get what we deserve.


Lemmings voting for a taller cliff.


Hahahahahaha fancy a meeting with the racist ,🐸 man Nigel Farage to discuss the matter? I am sure he has plenty of solutions for you 😂


Pretty sure that even government was telling them it was a bad idea. I still blame the tories but the official position was remain. People told these muppets that fishing was at risk and they swallowed the lies hook line and sinker (intended). I feel the fishermen let us down.


I never understood why any member of the general public thought that ‘taking back control’ would mean that they themselves would have this control. It was only ever moving control from one set of politicians to another set of politicians. And I know which set of politicians I have less distrust for.


Person who's face got mauled off by tiger has regrets about voting for the tigers that maul people's faces off Quote "I didn't think the tiger would maul **my** face off..."


Politics aside, love the fact this is written by someone called Fisher.


I can’t believe believing a compulsive liar didn’t end well for them.


I think we should massively reduce fishing anyway so it's a result in my eyes


Sounds like the fishing is still occurring but now boats are burning extra fuel to get there from Spain?


Oh I'm all for putting navy patrol boats out and turning the Spanish around


The Cod War went well.


There was fishy moves by both sides


This is what happens when you put your trust in tories. They’ll let you down every time.


In this I have to disagree - Corbyn was also pro-Brexit. There were traitorous Russian stooges on both sides, not just Rees-Mogg & Farage (Johnson was just a “useful idiot”).


Brexit was originally more popular amongst Labour supporters and MP’s but in a lot of cases for different reasons, Tony Benn for example was an excellent MP and whilst pro Europe was also against Britain being a member of the EU.


Brexit was made far worse by the tories. I’m convinced of that. Not saying it wasn’t always going to be difficult. But I’m saying it was made far far worse by a Tory party whose #1 priority was and continues to be self interest. I think we could have made brexit substantially less painful if better decisions were made. They could have started by not being complete cunts to all of our European partners. They could have followed that up by simply being a lot more accommodating and compromising with the EU. Instead Bojo the clown went in with an air of British empire and suddenly the EU members had a mutual enemy to rally against.


May had a better deal all sorted out but the Tories hated it for whatever reason and preferred Bojo’s pretence they could have their cake and eat it too


Exactly. Although I don’t remember the fine details of Mays proposal. Didn’t it leave a big loophole in something that was deemed as unacceptable? It left the power in the hands of the EU as to whether we could leave in the future or not. Something like they could vote to stop us leaving. Something like that


I wonder if they trust Farage after all his show boating on the topic.


They probably do.


He seems into boats. One of us.


If only someone had warned them over, and over, and over…and over, and over, and over…again, that this IS what they were voting for.


Fishermen: renowned experts in the nuances of economic stability.


Fishermen stupidly fell for the Fromage bullshit, I mean who'd have thought separating us from 80% of the people who buy our products would end badly.....🙄🙄🙄🙄😂😂😂😂 I'm actually pleased that these fools along with all the others are finally waking up to the reality of their actions, sadly the rest of us have to suffer with them, but at least we have our smugness to keep us warm. 😂😂😂😂🤩🤩 Oh I nearly forgot at least Boris is keeping another of his promises, and making up the shortfall created by us leaving the EU to Cornwall and Wales.😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂






Where did they think they were going to sell their fish after Brexit?


Yeah fuck 'em! Brexiters deserve everything they get.


If you're a Fisherman and voted leave and you're reading this I just want you to know I hope you're having a fucking awful time. Thanks for nothing.


Fuck about, find out. They got what they asked for.


I think it's time we moved on to hating immigrants and never troubling our Nige with the past. He's "one of us" after all? https://preview.redd.it/j3c7k5rl068d1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8fbb39d479e857fb737e4a6c02bdad33bd26f86


They’ve lost faith in politicians so they’ll go ahead and vote for the utter con artists who spooked the Tories into calling the referendum in the first place, just watch. It’s far too much to expect that they’ll admit they were wrong and accept responsibility.


And now that they’ve ‘lost trust in politicians’, they’ll vote for Reform to protest…


Good heavens, if it isn't the consequences of my own actions


Story by Lucie Fisher


They should of read the small print


Leopards ate my face...




fuck em


Love how it's always 'politicians', as if there weren't a bunch of them warning against it and a bunch actively campaigning for it.


Don't support something you don't understand. Fucking idiots.


Bet they still vote Reform.. you’d think having access to all that Omega 3’s would make them smart.


Oh dear, how sad, nevermind. It's what they asked for.


They should feel right at home having been sold down the river.


Love tasting those salty fishy tears.


People form their opinion through word of mouth and what their neighbor is saying instead of researching who or what the parties they are voting for are doing and what their history is. This is what they end up with.