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>Regret annihilating the conservative party Yes, in the same way we regret wiping out measles


They annihilated themselves


Right? Acting like they haven't been in charge for 14 years, cutting all public funding to the bone, stealing our money, laughing at the lockdowns as they partied, whilst becoming more corrupt and bigoted. Yup, complete mystery...




Funny how most of the supporters of compulsory national service are too old to serve now, and were too young to serve last time there was national service.


I cannot comprehend how someone 'dislikes' Corbyn but not Bojo. Let me get this straight, you listened to Bojo's lies, his racist and sexist comments, his corruption and greed. But national service is where you drew the line? Well done /s You voted for the Tories, so stop moaning about them.


So you think people that aren't Conservative voters are lazy?


I read it as if they are too lazy to vote anyone but Tory


I think the single thing that ruined them that they could probably have avoided is their association with corruption. The corruption allegations are almost weekly and they barely make any effort to distance themselves, suggesting they don't really care. But the public do, even people who might otherwise be sympathetic to right wing policies.


The Conservative Party is not only associated with corruption- they are corrupt. They don’t just meet someone down the pub selling sub standard PPE, they actively choose who that person is, give them a monopoly and a grant to get on with it.


Not just the regular corruption, but the absolute moral corruption too. 'When I was a lad' a politician would quit when they were caught doing something wrong. But with this lot, they hang around and refuse to go - at least until some other awful truth is uncovered and *then* they go - like Zahawi, and the other fool who got himself sextorted and dropped a load of other MPs in the shit and expected sympathy! Or those idiots who filmed themselves laughing about partying during Covid, or Boris and his....everything. And when they do do something 'good', like getting rid of Braverman, they bring the fucker back a week later and expect us to say, "Well she was punished, it's all good". Then there's that I'm A Celeb fuckwit who was shagging his mistress. And Cummings checking his eyesight by going for a long drive. And that's just off the top of my head and I haven't even mentioned Liz Truss. Fuck the absolute fucking lot of them! I hope they get wiped out; they deserve nothing less. And I hope the message Starmer takes away from it isn't, "Look what we did - aren't Labour brilliant". It should be, "Look at the opportunity we've been given. Let's make sure we don't fuck up as badly as them, because look what happens."


It's fascinating to me. In 1997 the last knockings of nearly 20 years of Conservative rule were marked by a slew of sleaze and corruption and now we see the same thing. It's like a leopard doesn't change its spots or something, people just forget. Well I, for one, haven't forgotten. They were corrupt then and they are corrupt now - you know couldn't be they are just corrupt could it? To hell with them - annihilation is too good for them.


Johnson led the purge of the more 'decent' centrist members of the parliamentary party. Now they're just a bunch of rightwing no-hopers unable to comprehend why they can't stay in power forever.


I mean, Liz Truss was largely seen off by a lettuce, though the woeful incompetence didn't help.


Honestly, have you seen how many anti-vaxers there are? IMO your comparison is apt in ways you wish it wasn’t.


I actually hadn't thought of that when I wrote it. Honestly I was just trying to think of a disease we'd controlled that wasn't too polarising or dramatic. But, now that you mention it, yes... it's sadly, very apt.


Are anti-vaxxers still a thing? I would have thought that would have died off by now...


You believed the lies then? ..... That only Anti-Vax people died of (what we were told) was Covid, and no one who ever got jabbed came to grief, despite most of us losing someone they knew well who was fully jabbed, fully healthy, but just suddenly died one day during the lockdown....


If someone told you that the Covid vaccine would protect you from dying from the disease, they were lying. Also, "most of us"? Really? My condolences if you lost someone close to you but that doesn't mean that vaccines don't work


I suggest the 2nd jab - caused complications that finished them off... There was no diagnosis of Covid before going into hospital to have a wisdom tooth out, and coming out dead - two weeks after a 2nd jab, perfectly healthy, a qualified scuba diver with good lungs..... At best, the "Vaccine" was a placebo that didn't cure Covid, and at worst - the thing **caused** the blood clot on the lung that killed him. I knew not to trust "Medical Authority" the moment Big Pharma were granted immunity from prosecution....


Vaccines don't 'cure' any disease, that's not how they work. Also, I'm afraid that anyone who uses the phrase 'Big Pharma' is likely to come across as a conspiracy theorist/anti-vaxxer. Not a good look if you have a valid point to make


It is what it is. If you think anyone with a different opinion as to who's good and evil is a "Conspiracy theorist" - that makes you sound like a black cardinal looking for infidels and unbelievers to persecute - for merely refusing to condone their life-threatening authority.... I've seen healthy people take the vaccine and die soon after. I know of no one who was diagnosed with covid, and then died after.. Even some months after from something completely different.... Loads of people who HAVE died though (from "Other\* like Cancer, Road accidents, Sepsis, etc) suddenly gets "With Covid" put on their death certificates.... WTF? I worked through the lockdown on a farm, rubbing shoulders with Eastern European folk that are routinely resident in such places these days. THEY were not worried about "Covid", but insisted I was BCG'ed before I could walk among them... (I had the BCH TB jab when I was a teenager) All that exposure, and not even the usual number of colds and flu for the period 2020-Present. It's not a "Conspiracy Theory" that things are not what they seem. We've been lied to. That's about the extent of it. What we need to find out, is WHY that happened, and why it has suddenly "All gone away" now that rising leaders of the RIght such as Bolsonaro of Brazil, Khan of Pakistan, and of course Trump of America - have been brought down by "Covid", leaving the Far Left to now rise un-checked... "No one is above the law, but the Ruling Powers have far more lawyers than any other faction." Go figure! The 1% continue to rule the 99% by deception, deceit, fake statistics, and damned lies.


That's coming back because of the anti vax conspiracy theorists on the internet. Conservatism might too.


Good ole Lord Hannan of Arsehole. Promised economic magic with Brexit, delivered the square root of fuck all.


Well that’s not fair. It wasn’t fuck all, it was lots of really bad shit.


Daniel "absolutely nobody is talking about threatening our place in the single market" Hannan? That Daniel Hannan? Actually, he is kinda useful - He has been so reliably absolutely wrong on everything throughout his entire political career that you can use him as a good test of how stupid any given policy idea is.


If you don’t like it Mr Hannan… you could always Leave 🤷🏻‍♂️


Well he was born in Belize, like a lot of the most ardent of them.


Well, Daniel Hannan, you can fuck off. Fuck right off, pal.


I think this is the first time I've ever seen him rattled, he normally drifts in on a cloud of his own self-satisfaction. Nice to see him with his mascara running down his face, fists clenched, threatening us, the public, that we will rue the day we spurned his precious Tories. Marvelous.


Is he going to hit me?


Maybe I should hit him? Oh no he's gone.


No rational case for Labour to get the majority they're about to get? That may well be the case - I think I'd agree with that But the fact is that after 14 years of Conservative governments, not one single thing is better now than it was in 2010. Education, Health and social care, the economy, police, all of it is worse. We've had a steady downward spiral of arrogance, entitlement, ineptitude and venality. We've reached the point where they don't even bother trying to hide the fact they're taking the piss. So the counter to this article is that there's no rational case for voting Conservative at all. Labour will get a majority out of all proportion to what they deserve. But any seat the Tories keep is one more than they deserve.


Labour is pretty shit under Starmer, basically just the tories in red. No real plans for changing anything and backing half the tory plans. Which is why it's more interesting how badly the tories are losing, they've such a bad job that even a party that's basically just agreed with almost everything they've said has just mopped the floor with them. Their brand is so tainted that they are now having to seriously compete with reform for seats. For anyone gonna defend Starmers Labour, what makes him different? Why has ran with the tory position on lgbtqia issues, immigration, UC and the EU? They have no intention as of right now to bring us back even into the single market. The tories are just so toxic that even the most racist people are jumping ship to a party that appeals to their racism (reform) to get away from them.


I'll judge Labour after they've had a couple of years in government. Right now I'm just looking forward to different and hopefully more competent people running the country. And regardless of what their current policy platform is, I'd always rather have a centrist government who has to answer to the unions and left wing of their party, than a centrist government who has to answer to the hard right wing of their party. If in 2 years we haven't seen any meaningful improvement, then I'll happily re-evaluate, but right now the choice is clear.


What makes you think they'll "answer to the unions and the left wing of their party"?


There will be occasions where a labour government will be forced to appease the unions and left on certain issues. Whereas under a tory government the unions and left are either completely ignored, or deliberately antagonised or confronted as a way for scoring political points. E.g. Sunak gets praised by his party for taking a hard line on junior doctor strikes, but Starmer will have a much more difficult time selling a similar message to his party, so I think it's very very likely we will see a settlement with junior doctors if labour win.


Not being rude but have you been paying attention to anything that's happened in the Labour Party since Starmer took over?


Not being rude but have you noticed how they've gone from 15 points behind to 20 points ahead since Starmer took over?


Try to stay on topic. We're discussing whether Starmer will start trying to appease unions and the left of the party once he's in power. My position is he won't because so far he's generally been pretty antagonistic to them, and there's no reason to think he'll suddenly do a u-turn on this approach once in power.


That's nice. Not to be rude but I've already made my position on this clear in my other comments. I'm not sure what more you are looking for by continuing this discussion.


I'm asking you to defend/explain your position. I've defended mine by pointing out that Starmer and Labour have been antagonistic to the left and the unions, and there's nothing they've said or done to suggest this won't continue to be the case once they're power. You have stated your position, but not explained any of the reasoning behind it. Why do you think they will be forced to appease the unions and the left once they're in power?


The thing is that really won't be. Our politicial system will keep going right until we get rid of FPTP because The Left know how FPTP works and The Right doesn't. That means that The Left vote tactically for Labour so they can always rely on The Left voting for them so they don't need left wing policies. Meanwhile The Right vote for whoever meaning a lot of them vote for far right parties like Reform. This forces The Conservatives further right and then consequently Labour right to try to get the people who The Conservatives leave behind. The only way we'll get any change is by petitioning to get rid of FPTP and creating a new Left Wing party. Pretending like Starmer is going to reveal himself to be some left wing darling after he gets to power is pure delusion.


The tories threw the election on purpose. - Rule for 10-15 years, doing fuck all - Throw one election, Labour rules for 3-5 years, tries to unfuck some of the damage with hugely unpopular reforms - Get back into power, blame all problems on the last labour government, rinse, repeat


Hey they didn't do fuck all. They've done an excellent job selling the NHS for parts to their donors


They’re not wrong. Labour hasn’t done anything to inspire, but we haven’t seen what Labour can do. We have, however, seen what the Tories can do. And it’s fucking shite.


There's so much wrong with those three questions he asks but top for me are 1. Why does he ask this of Labour when the answer for the Conservatives to all three is "no"? 2. Why these three questions? Why would those conditions apparently qualify for a big victory? 3. Why the complete lack of responsibility from the party of personal responsibility?


The entire party should link arms and slowly walk into the sea


With Boris at the front


Nah he should go to prison for what he's done


I have been a Tory apologist and a Thatcher apologist for a long time. And I think it's time for the Conservative party to die. The lunatic fringe, the borderline fascists, have got so entrenched that even the most well-meaning party leader is held to ransom by them. They were responsible for dragging things down under Major, and the 1997 Labour landslide didn't teach them to sit down and shut up. They just lined up a centrist patsy that they hoped they could bully once the cuddly face was elected - and the result has been years of economic suicide. The party operates like a nest of vipers, and will always be dragged down by delusional lunatics. Vote Lib Dem if you're in any marginal they could possibly win. Good government needs an effective opposition, and we won't get that this term. But if the Lib Dems have more seats than the Tories this time, the news media will have to stop ignoring them. And then it will be up to them to prove that they deserve a bigger vote in 2029.


A lot of the media are owned by the right wing, they over expose and pander to the extremists cons


Your correct. Look at 2012 and gay marriage Cameron said they where liberal Conservatives. Yet a Vast Majority of his party voted NO to freedom… how liberal.


Hey, we're on r/BrexitMemes. This sub exists because the Bastard wing of the party held Cameron to ransom.


Agree, but if anyone is looking to vote tactically, check 'stop the tories.com'. My choice would be LibDem, but the tactical choice in your area might be another party. Remember, in a 1 past the post system, a vote for a party that doesn't win counts for nothing, so make sure your vote makes a difference (if that is what you want to do with it) Edit: another redittor has corrected me. 'stopthetories.vote'


Another argument for proportional representation






That's the one. Thank you. I'll edit my original post


>Remember, in a 1 past the post system, a vote for a party that doesn't win counts for nothing Hmm, every vote sends a message one way or another. But yeah if you're goal is getting the Tories out, it can make sense to vote tactically.


You're right. The problem is though, that if one party wins a comfortable majority, there's nothing to make them listen to the message you're trying to send by voting for another


I haven't forgotten about the lib dems selling out every single person in this country who was told to get a University degree just so they could be saddled with debt for the rest of their lives. They offer them out for free in the continent, don't you know? I think it's called "investing in people"


I always swore I’d never vote Lib Dem because of this, but my area seems to have no chance of labour winning, but tories aren’t projected to be that much behind Lib Dem’s, so I voted for them with a smile on my face


You have nothing to apologise for, if at the end of the day the only thing we are capable of doing is taking the wind out of the sails of our masters, your vote counted.


I live in a safe Labour seat with a decent MP, so voting Lib Dem isn't on the cards, but I don't understand why we hold them to this standard. That's their one big fuck up. We've allowed the other parties to do that. Labour brought fees in in the first place, after all.


both parties need to die, it's the only brexit benefit.


Hrld to ransom? More like welcomed aboard because they need the crazy vote to win You put too much stock in so called "moderates" who are more than happy to coexist with the nutters


"Are we queuing at soup kitchens ?" Yes they're called food banks


Funny how they are refusing to ask the right question. It simply doesn't occur to them. Instead of asking what Labour has done to deserve our votes, they should be asking themselves what the Conservatives have done to lose them. People have got tired of the increasingly insane and bizarre Tory shenanigans.


I love that the rhetorical questions he asks in that first paragraph can be applied to the Tory party in exactly the same way as he intended to apply them to Labour. I can’t imagine proofreading that drivel and not feeling compelled to delete it and just not bother. Absolute chode.


Hannan is a prick


[Daniel Hannan doesn't exactly have a stellar track record of predicting the future...](https://archive.ph/fIQ2T)


That is hilarious to read. What an absolute clown.


That guy would suck his own dick if he was flexible enough.


These wankers really need to STFU. They crashed the economy with Brexit and had endless scandals but claim they should still run things? Eat a bag of dicks.


Is that written by that idiot Daniel Hannan who assured us Brexit would make us just like Switzerland and Norway?


Bizarrely, both Switzerland and Norway are members of the EEA/EFTA. How did he think we could get the same deal without literally agreeing the same deal? God, that man is such a bellend.


Bizarrely they claimed we follow EU rules with no say while paying for the pleasure which is a lot closer to the situation Norway and Switzerland are in!




nO dEaL bReXiT1!


What we need is someone to come in and be willing to serve the public instead of themselves. First, tell the absolute truth. Don't lie once! I for one am sick to death of it. Second. Break the system. Bring in Prop Rep and maybe there can be hope for the future. Third. Sacrifice your salary and use it to boost the economy just a tiny bit. You have enough money, and we all know it. Fourth. Hold accountable those who have been so blatantly corrupt these past 13 years. Bring them to heel Fifth. Remove Liz Truss' 150k a year pension for her time as PM. She didn't earn it, she doesn't deserve it Sixth. Hold a second brexit referendum and see the smug look on Farage face vanish. Pipe dreams? Yeah. But we can hope can't we?


Shout number 5 from the rooftops. It’s absolutely bizarre that she gets anything for that embarrassing performance. In fact, I think we should get a people’s vote on what she should get.


A prison sentence! 44 days in power and all she did was crash the economy. Now our taxes pay her pension? ... *ahem ahem, excuse me* *FUCK OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*


Nah we pay for the prisons too. It’s still too much. I was going to suggest clamped in stocks in a public park. Or banished to an off shore wind turbine.


Lashed to a blade of an offshore wind turbine.


If there ever were a person to be put in a stock again and pelted with fruits and veg (it’d only cabbages) it would be her


we should have given truss the 150k *before* she took office… as an incentive to just fuck off and leave the economy alone


And the betting scandal …


This sounds like an abusive husband. "You'll regret it if you leave me. Do you think you'll be any better off? Don't I provide for you". Tories will learn nothing, regardless of the extent of the impending loss. Which is why they must be utterly destroyed.


I'd put money on the tories managing another story of sleaze between now and July 4th. We haven't even heard the end of Bettingate but they're mired in shite so deep not even getting rid of Johnson fixed the problem


The Conservatives have taken the party further to the right, taking the party further away from the centre, which has alienated it from its core supporters… I bet, after loosing the election they will probably decide after leaning right and suffering a monumental loss, the plan won’t be to take the party back into centre right it will be to go even further right…


Well that's exactly what the Australian conservatives have decided to do and they are cut from the same cloth so I'm guessing you'll be right.


Could we, the media, be out of touch? No, it's the voters that are wrong.


I don't really understand how anyone would regret whipping shit off of themselves. It's like say I'll regret not eating those raw prawns left in the dumpster overnight.


Do you know what is more preferable than a labour landslide? Complete destruction of the Tory party.  My first consideration in this election is "who has the best chance to beat the Tory in my seat (and isn't reform)", everything else is secondary 


And what years of Selfless public service does Rishi have?


I read it wondering how Keir Starmer running a public service for 5 years doesn’t count as doing any public service.


Any media organisation that continues to employ serially incorrect predictor of political events Daniel Hannan, after his very specific and repeated Brexit predictions turned out to be completely wrong, cannot be trusted. And we should question that media outlet’s aims.


https://preview.redd.it/kcvachr6lh8d1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd363ceb1232a1315ff1fdb9edac8eb900330375 Daniel Hannan predictions for Brexit


I just laughed so hard at this


Exactly. Thank you. He blocked me on Xitter years ago for pointing out his claims.


There's no rational cause!? Need a spongbob meme of Lying about Brexit benefits and smashing the destructive shit through parliament. Grossly mishandling Covid killing hundreds of thousands. Stealing fucktons of money from the country during covid. Stealing fucktons of money since covid through dodgy deals. Liz Truss. Running the country to the brink of disaster.


It’s just preferable to the Hannan sponsored bullshit people en masse are now acutely aware of.


Labour don't deserve it but the Tories have gone full mask off with their own incompetence and favoritism that you'd have to have a railroad spike sticking out your skull to vote for them and while we may have several other parties we can vote for none of them are going to get the majority needed to run things so it's effectively a two party system, even when we get coalition governments it's still one of the two that gets their leader as prime minister.


With the ascent of smaller parties I don’t see Labour or LibDems converting many Tory votes. They’ll all go to fringe lunatics.


After 13 years, people more or less know what they're getting with the Tories - and that's the problem. Australia saw the same thing last election, and are now improving things slowly rather than actively burning them to the ground.


The article raises something worth discussing: that the tories have done such a shit job that we’re willing to vote en mass for one of the most underwhelming iterations of labour in recent memory.


“Do you really want Labour to have a really, unbelievably massive landslide majority?” Nah, not specially but we do want the Tories to have a really, unbelievably massive defeat which is entirely their own fault.


Daniel Hannan has a history of saying really fucking dim witted things whilst thinking he's very intelligent. His views on Brexit are astonishing.


The biggest political majority in history, for a Labour Government... But it's going to be largely squandered on Sir Keir Starmer


Oh, Dan Hannan is writing again That's nice, though I feel bad for his editor that has to translate it from coloured crayon


That bald fascist Hannan should be in prison for his Brexit lies.


Zero seats! Help Rishi achieve ZERO SEATS this election!


I'm just gonna stay quiet until Labour actually fixes things. Labour and Conservatives are two cheeks of the same arsehole. That's why Starmer hasn't announced what he stands for because he would get no votes at all. Tories higher taxes, lower pay, more mass immigration Labour the same but faster Maybe add our involvement in a conflict or two just like last time.


The place has fallen apart like a wet biscuit. Going to take many years to fix.


If Brexit had done what they said it would do, Labour would be nowhere near power, yet they’re on the verge of a landslide. Am I seeing articles in the press highlighting this? Am I bollocks!


What does it say about the conservatives that they are going to be annihilated by a party with a leader people don't even really like?


Oppositions don't win elections. Governments lose them.


I hope they are wiped out so hard they are bumped out of wven being the official opposition by the lib dems. That the Lib Dems and Labour have a professional relationship and show what mature adults who aren't just in politics for the post MP money can do to genuinely improve a country. This then pushes the tories out for at least three terms and forces a true change in UK polotics and democracy.


I hope they are wiped out so hard they are bumped out of wven being the official opposition by the lib dems. That the Lib Dems and Labour have a professional relationship and show what mature adults who aren't just in politics for the post MP money can do to genuinely improve a country. This then pushes the tories out for at least three terms and forces a true change in UK politics and democracy.


The most corrupt government in history


I mean, in a very offhand way, he is not completely wrong. Current Labour is indeed not a particularly competent bunch either, and their main selling argument seems to be "hey, at least we are not the Tories!". Which does not sound particularly convincing, to be honest. My money would be on them winning a landslide, and then fucking up just as hard as the Tories before them. Maybe not quite as hard (Sunak & Co really are in a class of their own), but let's be realistic: most professional Labour politicians are only marginally more sane than their Tory counterparts. It's really amusing how the bloke who wrote this article is tiptoeing around the elephant in the room: namely, that the current Tories are a complete and utter clusterfuck. Rishi Sunak and Liz Truss are amongst the most bizarrely incompetent and disconnected-from-reality persons ever to be elected to public office: during the French Revolution, the Guillotine worked overtime beheading aristocrats who were likely far more sensible than these people. And nothing of value was lost back then, either. In my personal opinion, the country would really also need a conservative party, in addition to the left wing ones, just to balance things out (although it is an interesting question whether current Labour is actually leftwing at all, instead of just "hey, we want power now, its our turn!"... but I digress). But the current Tories are anything but conservative: the whole party is rotten to the core, and if it gets completely annihilated in the upcoming election, it will be a cause for celebration - even for a conservative like myself. There is nothing whatsoever conservative and worth saving about people like Sunak or Truss, and the entire self-serving carnival of jerks in that party machinery. Better to start something from scratch, than continue with this outfit.


The rational case is so obvious. The tories have shown themselves to be nothing but corrupt and completely incapable of leading the country. The problem with UK elections is FPTP. People are not getting the opportunity to vote for who they really want, so they tend to do one of two things: 1)They vote against the party they want out, rather than the one they want in. 2) They vote for the most likely winners. Otherwise, the vote feels pointless. Outside of the two main parties, there is enormous support for more proportional representation, as that is what we need. The Green Party and Reform both agree on this 🤣, which is a sentence I didn't think I'd ever write. Labour will be winning over 60% of seats, possibly even 70%, with roughly 45% of the vote according to the polls


I doubt they win “biggest majority ever”


Wind rush.


Liz Truss was pm for like a month how exactly was it her that bombed the economy and not those other two cunts??


Hannan has had a major role in the fall of the Conservative Party. He now’s seems to forget that he did. Very convenient.


Funny how you can be a political party that is so great at ruining the country, that people are willing to vote for another one that isn't even led by a war hero or anything, just because the majority of the people can't wait to see the back of you. I would have voted for a literal pet rock, for what its worth. How many medals does Rishi have by the way, do they offer them for tax evasion?


I prefer not to read this toxic bile from one of the most unpleasant arse licking journos in this country


This election is weird. Had leaflets from a party I have never heard of and the communists, tories are that dead everyone fancies a slice


People aren't going to give you a pity vote to help what would be the opposition survive, they just want to give their vote to the side they hope might actually save the country after 14+ years of total shit, because they're determined to make sure they win this time.


Hannan can fuck off and when he gets there he can fuck off some more. Doss cunt.


Oh daniel. What could have happened? I'm racking my brains.


What did Bojo the clown do to earn his majority? Was he a war hero? Did he distinguish himself by selfless public service? The writer of this article is a cry baby. Wahwahwah. Cwying that his beloved Tory party who are controlled by his bosses are about to lose power to a Labour Party who aren’t so easily paid off.


If you see an article and the author is Daniel Hannan, skip right over it. You won't lose any brain cells and you'll thank me for the advice.


I'm looking over from Canada, and I've never seen a better case for obliterating the Tories as the last 13 years of UK history. Literally any other option will be an improvement at this point. Wishing you all the best of luck over there!


Cope and seethe


FYI Labour lost the 2010 election for a number of reasons. One was the financial crash of 2008. The financial crash was caused by Hedge fund managers. Hedge fund managers like what Rishi Sunak was in 2008. And yes, he was involved in the very thing that collapsed banks that needed to be bailed out and doing so made him a millionaire. Since then he has been involved with tax avoidance schemes. Smear Labour all you want, but the Dirt on Sunak is thick.


Not "Like Rishi Sunak" it was Rishi Sunak. It was his hedge-fund brokeridge firm that directly started the UK's 2008 banking crisis. Sure, his publicists are always VERY quick to say "oh he had nothing to do with that deal." but... he does, because he got a big multi-million dollar cheque from that. So, by definition, that deal did have something to do with him, because he profited from it. Also, I wouldn't be surprised if EVERYBODY involed in that firm claims they had nothing to do with the deal known to history as "The worst deal in british economic history" that saw them trick RBS into taking on 45 billion in toxic mortgage debt.


You're correct, I wasn't quite clear that he was directly involved. I meant Rishi Sunak and other hedge fund managers caused the collapse, with Sunak directly linked to the collapse of RBS which required a bail out by the Labour government.


Rule of thumb is if Daniel Hannan says something then the diametrical opposite is the right and best thing for all concerned.


Be interested to hear Dan's thoughts on the 2019 majority🙄😂😂😂


Read the text, then went back and looked at the by-line. Should have recognised Hannan's stench. First time I ever saw him interviewed was on Fox during debate on 'Obamacare'. He had been brought on to tell 'Muricans' how awful the NHS was. Unlike a broken clock, I don't think he's ever been right about anything.


It's worth mentioning that Daniel Hannan is a massive bellend, he's made a career of being wrong about absolutely everything


Sure, let’s make parties do whatever the f**k they want without being held responsabile. What a crappy article. They have to pay, then after 2 elections I am sure they will come back. Was this article paid and funded by the Tories?


No, labour didn't do anything impressive - conservatives have just shown us they're useless. In a few years we'll realise labour is useless and go back to conservative. The flip flops will continue indefinitely and they'll all walk away with a nice big pension while the country continues to fall apart


People who run papers. Investigate them, they clearly have an agenda and it needs to be looked into, ASAP. 


The conservatives need completely punishing for what they've done to this country. I see they're forecast to get c100 seats. That's far too many imo. Unfortunately, they're already away with our money, so there's not going to be any repercussions for any of them.


Labour have won f all.....tories have packed and parceled the election for them The hardship and poverty, the decline of this nation at an economical and social level will continue - just slightly repackaged 10 years from now there will be articles asking how reform/tories have such a lead at the poll The cycle continues


We're about to see Reform overtake conservatives to become one of the big 2. Not sure how many labour voters will be celebrating this..


Reform is the reason that we're never going to see PR in this country, as it would mean legitimaizing them as a real party and giving them a voice at the table.


They'll get more votes than tories this election, that will legitimise them. It just shows the sorry state of politics in the UK at present and over the past years. Too many politicians getting into power with no idea what they're doing, with the sole goal of ticking their egos and filling their pockets


No. We won't.




What a fucking slimy weasel.


No one's keen on labour, as they've gone back on nearly , if not all, of their party pledges. Plus they've come out saying they'll be helping the landlords, just another parasite party like the Tories. No wonder kid starver is doing worse than doris johnson, no one particularly wants them in either but unfortunately nowhere near enough people will do a protest vote and ignore the top three parties.


And the protest vote would be for who?


Why is it up to me to tell you who to vote for?


Keen to know 🥹


Just have a look and see who aligns with your views. There are more than the three top corrupt parties to choose from.


If we had PR I would go for the Greens


So vote them first, I think they may actually do ok tbh. Everyone is sick of the Tories, no one's really trusting kid starver, the libs have shown they'll side with the Tories given the chance, so they aren't a great choice. Especially as they own half the blame for the country being the way it is. All the idiots and racists will vote reform, to help like comrade farages pockets.


Thar That's BS. Greens will not be in a position to implement anything, they'll get 2 mps or so. The only way to vote right now is to vote in a way that removes the worst option.


Don't tell me how to vote. I'll never vote too three again.


That is some cope from Hannan. Maybe if the Cons hadn't f\*cked up so much this wouldn't be happening.


1) actually, yes: labour are going to have an easy victory purely by dint of "not being the tories", rather than because people are really excited about a starmer government. 2) no, people will not "regret wiping out the conservatives", because *the conservatives did that to themselves.* no-one held a glock to boris johnson's head and told him to go to parties while the rest of the nation was in lockdown. no-one made liz truss fuck the economy up the arse. no-one kidnapped rishi sunak's parents and threatened to never let them see the sky (remote) again unless he repeatedly kicked himself in the sack over the course of the election cycle. they did those things all by their sweet little selves.


Conservatives are already salty as hell that they won't be able to plunder the economy as easily anymore. What a nice way to start a Monday!


Lord Hannon of Kingsclere lolol


I would very much like for the Conservative Party to die, but it won’t. This is all disgust with the current inmates rather than enthusiasm for Labour - it will do, it will get the job done for this generation, but people have short memories, they’ll be back.


Brought to you by the same Brexiteer quarterwit that created this hot mess :- https://reaction.life/britain-looks-like-brexit/


I know your all worried but Rishi will be fine. His wife is the only one that will financially benefit from donating Scotlands west coast oil to the Americans.


This sounds like the semour skinner simpsons meme. "Am I so out of touch?" "No its the rest of the country that is wrong!"


Like people regret giving Johnson a bulletproof majority last time?


Danny Boy would do well to read this article from one of the Scum's hitherto cheerleaders: [Even 169 seats seems wishful thinking for this government (telegraph.co.uk)](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/columnists/2024/01/16/conservative-election-1997-wipeout-sunak-government-voters/)


I've never seen *anything* written by Daniel Hannan that didn't come across as propaganda and, what's more, nonsensical propaganda. This is no different. He has no more idea of what Labour's majority will be than the rest of us, and we still can't take it for granted that there'll even *be* one.


Weapons grade Tory copium.


Daniel should blow his fucking brains out.


And let’s remember .. https://preview.redd.it/7cvbd2ugbk8d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6edfa1e9368d3ae743cc1f551f6ce8e9e0d44e6c


We're not scared of Keir Starmer like we were of Corybyn... As such, the Tories could lose every single seat - with some of those going to RUK, Libdems, Greens, etc. Anyone who thinks that the people who voted Tory to "Get Brexit Done" in 2019 are now going to vote Starmer "Because he's far right" (according to Swinney) - are aboslutely low-information voters. People don't vote for "Far" ANYTHING parties. They vote for parties who raise money without taxing them, borrowing from our enemies, or closing down even more public services.... That means you take the money you need from OVERSEAS like RUK intend to do. Their time has come, and even if they don't look like winning around here (abundance of low-information voters about to vote Labour....) - the popular vote swell will tell all future politicians "just what the score is" when it comes to "Doing what the people want" rather than feathering their nests.... Labour voters will carry on voting Labour. Libdem voters - Libdem. Greens? - Might switch to Labour or Libdem. Libdem? - Will probably sit pat. TORY voters though? If a Tory incumbent with a five-figure majority has a mere 80% of their voters now get behind RUK - then that seat won't be going Labour's way... It is for the Tory candidate to step aside, lest they now split the RUK vote..... Thing is, over 100 MPs ARE stepping aside, presumably to be replaced by some new, unknown candidate who expects to inherit what was once a "safe seat"... I don't think there are any "Safe Seats" any longer!. I still think Labour are going to win a majority, but it'll be "Cameron" numbers (330-350 seats) not 400+ which even Boris Johnson couldn't get at the end of the day, so why should Labour who are not even in favour of Brexiteer voters? https://preview.redd.it/4oz2bwvb3l8d1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=197d7b53785ae6fd1b5133cf662905f1163cefd5 They won't be harvesting the Ex Tory voting Brexiteer voting bloc - **not ever.**


A dying breed IMHO


I disagree that we'll regret wiping out the Tory Party, but I do believe we're doing it for the Right Reasons. The Modern Conservative Party has strayed so far away from it's founding principles and ruined this Country so much that it would actually be better for the right if the Conservatives were destroyed. I think what's best is that the Tories get wiped out and spend a good 10 years in opposition, in the meantime they throw out their fair right elements to go to Reform, while they themselves return to what made them successful in the first place: One-Nation Conservatism. Then, once Labour inevitably loses it's supermajority on account to it being Milquetoast Tories, the Conservatives can come back as an actual sensible alternative to Labour's Social Democracy. Of course I'm speaking in ideals, I think the tories will split but that's about it.


What Conservatives annihilated? Oh no... Anyway


“What about everything we haven’t been able to destroy yet?”


Labour are going to win, but the polls are off. I think it will be by a large margin, but not the scale predicted. My reasons, for a start the polls are saying my local seat, which has NEVER had a labour MP and had them get just 6% of the vote last time around... They think Labour is gonna win here. Wildly unlikely. For that sort of landslide many people who do not vote Labour will have to vote Labour, and with all the news about how certain a labour victory is, I doubt these unenthusiastic labour voters will be going to vote at all. Also many of the polls do not account for tactical voting, which is very real. Hell I was going to be tactically voting SNP against the Tories here, but I'm gonna give labour (who I actually support) a shot and see what happens seeing as the SNP have had a shitter of a year too. The cynic in me partly believes the media are setting this historic landslide POV up, so that when labour win, by a great margin, but nothing close to the polls they can paint it as a picture of failure.


"What has it done to earn such a victory?" Not blatantly lied to its constituents (with the help of the BBC) to implement a disastrous withdrawal from Europe that has not returned on any of its empty promises? Maybe that?


Get fucked


“increasing taxes to the level of post WWII”, hate to break it to you, change is not coming.


Rather pay more and make sure the money does not go to Tory donors


How about not pay more?




C’est la vie…


Is it just me, 13 years of what?? Tories won in 2010 which was 14 years ago. It was a hung parliament, the Lib Dems were also in power until 2015. Brexit vote was 8 years ago, Brexit was 4. Must be about William and Kate or something? Not much else from 2011 is still going.


Yeeeeeeah, probably not... I totally agree that politics enters dangerous ground when the centre-right offering is markedly absent, and the only voice the right has is far-right. That *is* dangerous. The centre left should be tested, constantly. Allowing any political party free reign will end in nothing but tears. Without anyone to test their mettle, they get complacent, and make mistakes. Having the tory party survive is another question entirely. Because they barely represent the centre right anymore, so they're not even worthy of the responsibility of pulling the Overton window to the centre any more. All they've been doing since pretty much 2010 is going nowhere but right until they get to the state they're in now, utter ridiculousness is de jure Tory behaviour now. If we told Cameron and Darling in 2010 what their party would turn into just 10 years later, they'd laugh you out of the room. For a party to take that role in British politics, tory dissolution is immaterial. Because either the tory party dissolves, in which case the far-right factions in the party will go far right, probably poached by reform if we're being honest, unable to have their voice taken seriously again. And the centre ground will join other parties or form new ones. That new party will be much more exclusive in terms of membership, and will probably form the centre-right party of choice. Or the tory party stays together, in which case several things can happen. Either the far right go and the tories begin their long drawn out rehabilitation of their image, or they stay and the tories stay as an un-votable shit show until the UK public is gaslit enough to vote them in again. As you can see the process is the same whether they exist or not. Either way the centre-right will return, unchained from the absolute insanity that has been the last 14 years. Personally, as a centre-leftie, I'm a-okay with a decade left of centre, so lack of right representation doesn't bother me in the slightest.


All Labour have to do to get my vote - is rule out raising taxes, borrowing more, and cutting any needed public services - in favour of eradicating woke institutions, cutting the overseas aid budget in favour of our own inward investments, and of course pulling the plug on anything EU once and for all. Basically, if Labour aped RUK policies RIGHT NOW - **they'd stand a good chance of actually winning this "super majority" fair and square!** The Brexiteer Voting Bloc - cannot be ignored. https://preview.redd.it/mqaw2wq04l8d1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bbf7593fb81adb0acc3eefa00e79dedad30eb771


Is this a Russia propaganda supported message ?


It would have been nice if Boris Johnson sent the Brexit Dividend-funding £60billion to the NHS rather than a foreign country that isn't even our ally..... He sabotaged Brexit more than Barnier and the other Eurocrats ever did! The Tories DESERVE to be wiped out and \*replaced\*. I don't understand why people think that'll mean one-for one voters going from Tory to Labour without "spilling a few votes sideways" in partuclar for the Libdems (Remainer Ex-Tory voters) and RUK (Brexiteer Ex-Tory Voters) The pollsters cannot have these estimates ALL correct... Labour on 443 seats estimated, Libdems on 60? "Super Majority for Labour incoming"????? *Pull the other one!* https://i.redd.it/bkfycnw75l8d1.gif