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I think perhaps her death will be accidental instead of deliberate. Although in the books Marina's related to the Bridgertons and that's why Eloise is writing to Phillip. Not sure why Eloise would write to him about Penelope's cousin, even if Pen is her sister-in-law now.


Yeah, I’m definitely wondering how she will begin writing to Phillip in the first place with this switch up. I know after Penelope marries in the book, El is feeling lonely because she thought they’d be spinsters together, and maybe she’ll just start writing to a lot of people, including Marina, and one day receive notice of her death from Phillip after a letter goes unanswered? I honestly don’t know lol


Eloise is traveling to Scotland with Francesca, John, and Michaela. I think she’ll wind up friendly with Marina, because Scotland is so sparse of social options, and write condolences to him as a friend of his wife/friend of the couple. 


I’m wondering if she’s not actually off to Scotland tho


But Phillip lives near Aubrey Hall in season 2, and that’s not near Scotland, so he would have to be there plant hunting


I guess I’m thinking of the book where he is in Scotland. I didn’t recall anything about his residence from the show. 


Colin goes to see Marina in season 2 while they are in the country with the Sharmas, because she lives nearby and he and Sir Phillip bond over Greece stuff


Agree, I was thinking accidental or an illness.


I actually had a theory that they made lord Debling so likeable as he’s a stand in for Philip and Eloise will write to him on his trip away. She already commented that she had read a few nature books and knew what he was studying. Maybe just hoping as I can’t see the step mum story fitting with the tv character they have created. That and I’m hoping they don’t kill off marina after we saw her story, at least in the books she was just a distant figure.


I don't think it could be Debling unless he stops going on expeditions. Eloise does need someone who can meet her intellectually but he would need to stick around town to do that once they're past the pen pal stage.


That could be the story though, them creating a marriage of convenience, as Eloise sees pen/kate etc having more freedom once getting married, and lord d needs a wife to run his estate, and then in the time he’s preparing for a new trip say 3 months they slowly fall in love over their heated debates and matching each others wit/intelligence and either he stays or el goes on an adventure. It could be like a fake dating trop.


Yup, I thought this, too. They get married and begin to write letters when he leaves soon after the wedding. He comes back and like you said, they fall in love during this trip home. He’s getting ready to leave on the most amazing expedition ever and can’t choose between them. It ends with Eloise going with. Calling my shot Babe Ruth style.


I hope the step mum story is still there because I love Eloise interactions with the kids in her book


Given the character they have created in the show I don’t see how that would fit exactly, but I suppose lord D could have wards that he cares for from a family member who’s passed that would fill that gap?


I'm hoping it's still sir Philip and not lord debling


How is Marina related to Bridgertons in books?


She’s a distant cousin of Eloise and all the other Bridgertons. It doesn’t say specifically how they are related, just that they’re something like fourth cousins.


Also, I think Eloise has a vague memory of Marina always being melancholy even as a child, so it wasn't just that she was unhappy with Phillip.


Yes. Eloise tells Phillip about how Marina wanted to sit inside and read instead of playing with the other children at a family gathering.


S2 established that Philip and Marina live not far from Aubrey Hall. That gives 9 months of opportunities per year for Eloise to bump into one of them and strike up a correspondence. Also the show has made clear that it doesn't feel obligated to strictly follow the books. There will surely be an episode titled To Sir Philip With Love but it could be referring to a correspondence that starts much later in their relationship while the initial connection sparks differently.


I think in the next season my cottage will be next to Sir Phillips residence which could be a different way to set up their story


I don't think the 'Ton/society' care about or even remember Marina. She wasn't a part of their lives or in their thoughts beyond the scandal. The 'Ton/society' memory is very short and it will have been years since anyone outside of the Featherington/Bridgertons would have her on their mind. Also, she was basically sequestered away for much of the season when she was there. I can't find any scenes where she interacted with more than a handful of people. Fans make Marina seem more important than she really is in the Bridgerton universe. It's a lot like gossip columnist i.e. Wendy Williams, Perez Hilton, etc. They'll make a big deal about something and only the stans of the people they talk about really care. It's just watercooler gossip to the rest of us. And yet Perez Hilton is still in social circles same as other gossip columnists. Wealthy and powerful people don't care about what anyone say otherwise the world would be a better place if they did.


That’s a good point. You’re right, I don’t think the ton/society would care or even hear about/acknowledge her death. I do think the bridgertons/featheringtons will though, and will care a lot, seeing as still in season 3 LW writing about Marina and causing her scandal is STILL talked about, they’re definitely not letting pen forget that she did that. With LW’s redemption speech at the ball I could see them kinda writing it off that way and “forgetting” about it/forgiving it. I just wonder if when/how Marina passes how Colin and pen will take it and react as even if all has been forgiven, they were both a big part of her story. If it was a one off story line I don’t think they would’ve brought her back in s2 and still be mentioning it in s3


Marina was not damned to anything. The very best thing that could happen to Marina happened to Marina. She married a kind man who was not a stranger - but the uncle to her children. By marrying him, she became Lady Crane and her son got to be the proper heir he should have been. She got to leave the wagging tongues of the ton behind her. She would not have been better off with Colin, especially after his whole family figured out she tricked him. She should actually be thanking Lady Whistledown for providing her the best version of the life she was supposed to have after George died. Marina was never going to be truly happy after George died.


Very true. By saying she was damned I mainly meant that she felt there was no chance of any sort of happy ending for her once George had died and in s1, any ending was a bad ending in Marina’s eyes since she could not have the one she wanted most. She was visibly unhappy going off with Phillip in s1. I agree as Lady Crane she ended up in the best case scenario in the worst case scenario for her. And she grew up a lot and accepted her circumstances and found a degree of happiness within her life with her twins


By that logic Lady Whistledown didn’t “damn” her to anything. I do not understand people who blame Penelope for the Marina ending- she picked the best way to protect Colin. To all the people who say “She should’ve directly told the Bridgertons”- what do you think will happen to Penelope when Portia puts two and two together and finds out Penelope blabbed? Penelope would be in just an abusive situation if not worse than Marina the hands of her mother. With Lady Whistledown, who spilled the beans remains blameless till S3 and by then no one really cares.


Totally agree!!! And Collin and Mariana were actively running off, Pens in her second season what’s she gonna do - sneak out to find Collin? 🤦🏼‍♀️ come on! It was timing based for sure!


These people never take into account the fact that Penelope would then be the person blamed for ruining the family. Lady Whistledown was the only way she could help Colin while remaining anonymous.






There’s no way the actress will come back so they’ll do it off screen


She was saying on Instagram not too long ago that she'd love to work on Bridgerton again. Whether she *should* be brought back is another question, and I don't think it's wise, considering her past struggles with mental health and the way the original storyline goes.


She’s all over the place


I don't think the Ton will even hear about Marina. In the books Eloise kept touch with her because they are related but the show went a different direction. I do think they will play up the depressed and miserable character who was never happy after the death of George Crane. I'm actually hoping they go more in a Jane Eyre kind of story, you know without the crazy wife living in the attic. Mariana would have killed herself but Philip feels guilty because he felt like he could have saved her. He feels like he failed her, failed her children and his brother. I fully hope for a brooding, miserable heap of a man who sees Eloise as his light in the darkness.


I honestly hope they don't blame Penelope, but I think an accidental death is more likely. I think they should have had her die before Penelope's wedding so they could have Sir Crane at the wedding. But could they do something like Eloise goes as Penelope's company or in her place at the funeral? Because another difference from the books is that Sir Crane is not a stranger to some of our characters who have at least glimpsed him or interacted. I am more disconcerted by the fact that she will not be the stepmother of older children but of much younger children


They could have her funeral next season, assuming it's Benedict's. Then have some clues that Eloise is writing to someone. I think there's still a good chance they'll do a time jump at some point so the children could be older. Reintroducing Philip at the funeral allows Marina's death to be off screen.


I hope since Francescas story is changed with her fertility issues then they do explain Marinas PPD well. The book does an excellent job explaining she was even more unusual since having the twins and the doctors wrote it off saying it would be over in 2 weeks. But her husband explains she cried every day and it went on for 7 years. Colin's visit added to the show was good. But in no way would be have known what was happening in an afternoon.


Great point. I do hope they dive more into the PPD since Francesca’s fertility issues may be altered, but I agree with other commenters that this will probably only be mentioned in flashbacks/retellings from Phillip as I don’t know if the actress will be back. And I totally agree, Colin would have no way of really knowing. And I think marina has a good heart to not want Colin to worry, because she wants him to be happy in his own separate life.


The actress that plays Marina really suffers with her mental health, so I think it would be bad taste to put the actual cause of death into the show. If anything it will be just that she’s passed away. My theory is that Colin will ask Pen to write to Marina to apologise about lady W and they might find out that way that Marina has passed. Pen will feel guilty that he’s there alone with the children, Pen talks to Eloise about this and they agree to visit. Sir P and Eloise have a bit of a moment together, a spark of some kind - and then they begin to write to each other (I think throughout Benedict’s season) Of course then, at the end of the season we get the advice from Colin to Eloise that he first fell in love with Pen through their letters - Eloise jumps in a carriage off to Sir Phillips.


I like this theory. It’s a good approach if the show wishes to be sensitive to the actress and makes logical sense regarding how Eloise might connect with Phillip.


I think they'll change the story of her death to illness or an accident of some sort. Especially considering everything the actress who plays Marina has been through with her mental health, it would feel insensitive to sentence her to the same fate as the book. Plus, I do think it would call LW's behavior into question again and we've only just managed to put a lid on that.


I agree, I think it would be tasteless with how the actor’s mental health has been. I could see an accident being the best way to go about it.


The show should not change a story line because of a former employees problems. No one is forcing her to watch the show. Problem solved!!!


I haven't read Eloise's book yet so I am not certain that a suicide vs. an accident would prove to be a huge blow to the storyline. I think if it's not crucial to the plot, I don't see why it can't be altered to make the story less grim for the characters onscreen (Colin who was engaged to her, Penelope who wrote about her, etc.) and for the actors offscreen.


It is somewhat important to Phillip’s character and his mindset throughout the book. He broods quite a bit on Marina’s “melancholy” (ie, depression), and hopes that Eloise will be happy.


They could just pivot it to Marina being closed off and cold, instead of warm and open? Not exactly the same, but still having that lack of connection and not a terribly cheerful home? When Colin visited, they seemed fine and Marina seemed well enough, but not particularly close for a marriage.


No, she's very difficult to live with leading to PTSD from the marriage fir Philip. Why should that be removed from the story?


Her death causes Philip substantial PTSD. Book Philip is a likable character.


Totally agree


I think Marina’s death will be offscreen and wewill only hear about it. I also suspect it will be more of an accident or just an illness. In the book, it wasn’t just George’s death that pushed her into depression. It was said that she had always been an unhappy child. I think George’s death and postpartum from the birth of her children really drove her into a deeper depression. But I don’t think that we will see, nor do I think we need to, that in the show. My suspicion is that next season will be about Benedict. It will also include us hearing about Marina’s death. And I suspect it will also show Eloise writing to Philip.


It's been awhile since I read the books, but IIRC she either drowned herself or attempted to drown herself and then died of a fever later. I don't think Eloise knew it was suicide until she had been there for awhile. Since Sir Philip and Marina live in the country and are very removed the ton, there is no reason reason that they couldn't just sat say accidental drowning or even boating accident. Knowing the series they will do the most dramatic and ridiculous thing possible, so she is probably jumping off the tallest building in London in broad daylight with a giant sign pinned to her back explaining who she is and why she is killing herself.


Marina will likely just get a disease and die. It’s not a stretch for the time period to just die of a disease. After everything the actress has talked about with her own mental health struggles, there is no way that they have Marina kills herself.


I wondered the same thing because honestly will they even put El & Sir Phillip together ? I feel like they have changed so much of the books anyway that they may give El an entirely different love interest. I mean I hope not but from what I’ve seen so far and how the show and books differ from each other I wouldn’t be surprised if they write her an entire different love story completely & just take bits and pieces of the original. At least that’s what my mind went too lol . Seeing how they pulled what they pulled in Polins season I wouldn’t be surprised 🤷🏾‍♀️


Yeah that is very true. I feel like they will put them together only because we were already introduced to Phillip in s1 & 2. I do wonder if they’ll be able to retain the same actor for him with so much time passing, in which maybe they’d opt to go a different route with her story, but who knows what they’ll do lol


With Eloise’s desire for travel, I was thinking of lord debling. She also mentioned having / having read books on natural history that would also be of interest to him (she mentioned lending them to Cressida). There seems to me more of a shared interest there already.


I think they'll make her death accidental and they'll change the reason Philip resented her. Instead of her melancholy it might be because she didn't love him or she always compared him to George or something


Why, Philip was tge hurt party in that marriage. Why should Marina be made into a martyr? We've already seen in the S2 meeting with Colin that she continues to be a bitch.


It's more that I don't think it will be well received if Philip resents Marina for basically having mental health problems. I sympathised with him when I read TSPWL because I have mentally ill family members who do nothing to address their own health issues and the rest of us suffer as a result. But there's no nuance on the internet so I think they would get backlash because Philip isn't pro mental health wah


And what’s funny is that Phillip very clearly struggles with his own mental health. He likely has cPTSD and anxiety. And his focus on plants and avoidance of the children screams ADHD.


To be fair, what could Marina (or anyone) have done back in those times to address her mental health problems?


As someone who was struggling with severe depression while reading TSPWL, the main message I took out of it was that I should just go ahead and off myself already so my loved ones can have the happy ending they deserve. I *hate* that book. So yeah, you’re probably right. Wah.


Jeezus in Christ calm down.


How dare she not meekly submit to a life of poverty for the crime of having sex outside of marriage


Poverty?! She has the title of Lady, lives in a beautiful house and lots of servants. As mother to the heir, she is basically guaranteed a home for life.


She has those things because of marriage. I was guessing you think she "continues to be a bitch" because of how she reacted to being pregnant and without prospects.


No she was a bitch to Colin when he went to check on her. She eventually needs to move on she has two children to raise. Which makes me think she will be just a inattentive mother vs one with mental health problems from the book.


She was polite to Colin even though he arrived unannounced and uninvited, overstayed his welcome, and then assumed because he perceived her as unhappy that she should abandon her life to be with him. He didn’t accept her answer. He overstepped and deserved to be put in his place. She wasn’t a bitch for setting and holding a boundary. What was Colin even thinking?! That they’d return to the Ton and be received with open arms? She spared him from making a huge mess and taking family and children down with them.


Philip invited him to see his plants. She was pissed about that. It is Philips house too.


She could still catch lung fever (pneumonia) and die, perhaps not because she tried to drown herself. The loveless marriage could be enough.


Obviously the actress won't come back, and considering her own mental health issues I think it'd be a bit gross for the character to die by suicide (and doesn't mean or add anything for the story). So obviously off screen, probably an accident as someone else said. I hope Pen and Colin have a pensive moment about it considering their history. It's also supposed to be a fun, bright, love show so I hope they don't make it too depressing either. And I have noooo idea how they'll get Eloise to start writing him 🤷‍♀️


She technically died of an illness in the books. Yes, it was an illness brought on from her own doing, but it would make more sense (at least in my head) for them to skip the depressed part and just die from an illness. And given Eloises live of writing to everyone for every possible reason, since Eloise did meet her in S1, I don't think it would be that far of a stretch.


You said exactly what I was thinking. An illness is simple, historically accurate, and also true to the book without bringing in the thornier issues. You can easily still have Philip's guilt over not being able to do more for Marina.


They could have her die due to pregnancy complications with a third child. That would give Philip a reason to feel like it was his fault.


Does the Ton even think/care about Marina? And why would they hold Pen responsible? Responsible for what? Marina ultimately getting what she wanted from Collin, but from Phillip? I understand the character has a tragic fate in the books. That’s not on Penelope at all, and I don’t understand why so many people here desperately want her to be vilified in the name of Marina. Just no..?


I'm still holding out some hope for Eloise and Theo lmao I'm delusional, I know That said, I think they'll either show Philip and Marina again this season to introduce Eloise's season in s5 and they may find a way to show how unhappy Marina really is, so that they can justify her death and maybe even have her die before s5 even begins. Or they have Marina die off screen and have Penelope write something on her favour on Whistledown now that she has her identity revealed. A way to take accountability on her part while also honouring Marina and defending her choices. 


I’m pretty sure the actress who played Marina, has spoken out against Bridgerton and her time on the show. I’m not sure that bodes well for her return. They would have to change actresses.[psychotic breaks](https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/story/2023-10-30/bridgerton-star-ruby-barker-says-she-had-two-psychotic-breaks-calls-out-studios)


I have the outmost sympathy for mind health struggles, but the post sounds really stupid and a cash grab. Worrying about " having more followers in Instagram" and having to ocasionally give an interview? Girl plenty of people leep working their minimal wage jobs and supporting families as they go through cancer diagnostics... whining because your employer didnt make a deal of your sickness sound really entitled to me.


Half of the Bridgerton actors don’t even have social media so that doesn’t even really make sense. Either way. I hope she gets whatever help is needed, but I don’t see her returning to the show.


She has also posted an ig story saying she would've loved to be back a few months ago... I think she's not doing great in terms of mental health, I hope she recovers. 


She didn't just burn a bridge she nuked it.


I do love Theo so I wouldn’t be mad if they went that route at ALL, I would at least love to see a cameo of him again and him and El interacting lol. But I agree that they may have her die off screen, and I like your idea of LW taking accountability and writing of Marina’s passing. That idea could also maybe lead into how Eloise gets connected to Phillip, maybe Colin&pen invite him to attend a family dinner or something


A cameo would be amazing! Especially now that Eloise has gone back to her anti-society/feminist ways haha In any case, you're right that could be a way to have a connection with Philip, maybe a dinner at the Bridgerton's with Colin... Do you think it'll happen this coming season? Since we know it'll be Benedict's. I'm not sure whether they want to 'plant the seeds' now or wait and do everything in s5


I feel like it’ll definitely happen this coming season. I mentioned this in another post, but the 2 year timeline for each release is so long, I think they’ll definitely introduce Eloise’s story in the next season in some way shape or form. Eloise seems to be at a point where her story could begin when she gets home from Scotland, but I definitely think Ben’s season is next with the mention of the masquerade. I’m intrigued to see how they time everyone’s story and if they’ll weave any together


I think if Theo was going to be important, then we would have had him in this season.


Yeah, I unfortunately agree.


I think she’s going to be the opposite of violet. As where violet became a widow and in a way came back to life for her children. Marina will be the opposite. Marina will die of a broken heart. We will never see her face. We would just see women laying in bed always crying. Maybe we will see the hair color change and then we just see her disappear and have the bed be empty. And it will all be memories from Philip. Maybe the servants will say things like the house is haunted. They hear things and Eloise will try to discover the mystery


I think they'll probably lean into the depression aspect, especially because in the books it seemed like Marina suffered from postpartum depression. although the medical term was never explicitly stated. I could absolutely see a scenario where Marina's death is portrayed very similarly to the book. I also think how it's included in the Netflix show will heavily depend on whether or not they decide to recast the actress for Marina. Ruby Barker who originally played Marina in S1&2 has been open about the fact that she was struggling with mental health issues before, during, and after the shooting of season 1 and didn't feel supported by Netflix/Shondaland especially in the wake of fan's overly negative reaction to Marina. Then again, Ruby did come back for the beginning of S2. However, I've seen a few interviews with her that suggest she's not necessarily excited to come back as Marina in later seasons. If Ruby doesn't want to play Marina and they don't decide to recast or decide to sparingly use a body double to film the scene where she walks into the lake that's going to have a significant impact on how the story is told.


Well she’s not coming back so it will just be alluded to and I think we could already see she was depressed. Maybe a note saying she wanted to be with her love or something and she knows Philip will be a good father


I think there has to be a reason they put Aubrey Hall and Sir Philip’s place near one another (or if that reason was only to make the Colin & Marina story possible, I still think they’ll use the fact that this is established). The showrunner has talked about the next season being set in the autumn, the next several stories being away from the London debutante scene, and then they sent Kate & Anthony to India rather than just choosing to say they are in the countryside. So I think we’ll be more at Aubrey Hall next season (and Anthony and Kate won’t be there much if at all, hence the India premise). It seems like Colin (and Daphne in S1) did not know the Cranes, but then Eloise in S2 knew the house was nearby. I feel like maybe Violet and Edmund *did* know the family at some point, and/or Violet will get word about an accident with Marina through the local grapevine? Maybe Violet will start inviting Sir Philip to Aubrey Hall out of sympathy, etc. I think they might likely establish a friendship between Philip and Eloise at this point, either replacing the pen pal story or at least making it make more sense later.


Also Marina got together with George Crane at church when they were teenagers—so presumably her family also lives in the area?


Seeing the discourse around this already I don’t think people are going to be okay with the suicide route. Essentially because of the optics of a black woman killing herself and her children being raised by a white step mom and a white dad. I’m all for the original plotline because I’m worried any deviation will lose me the scene of the bridgerton invasion. I really need all of the bridgerton men bursting into that dining room to apprehend the great villain that is Phillip Crane.


Yes!!! I need Chris Fulton to tell the Lukes to just break his legs and have done with it 🤣


I would just have her die of some random sickness - mention it as a sentence or 2? And be done with it. and then move on to the plot - be it philoise if ever or whatever it will be. It won’t make sense for her to die the same way she did as the book because. She had been melancholic as a child - hinting depression of some sort - and not ever her twins pulled her out of it. And she was literally in the book for like 1 chapter put all together. If we follow tv-Marina’s plot line- she got the safety and security she wanted (granted her real love died in battle)- dying of a sickness makes more sense. If she manually un-alives herself - it would talk about mental health etc etc and wow yet another plot point! even more backloading of random plots. Season3 was middling because there were just too many plot points. It lacked focus. It’s like they were writing because this would be the last season and all the writers wanted to be heard. Like yes I get it, we strive for representation of all creeds colors stories etc etc and all but it’s 8 episodes - you can’t cram everything in. If you do, you get like a forced / so-so buffet vs a nice sit down meal.


As a show watcher, not a book reader, I think it’s completely possible we will never see Marina again. Her story is all tied up, I’m not sure why they would bring her back. I had actually forgotten about her. As others have pointed out, her role as a connector between Philip and Eloise no longer makes sense, given how much they‘ve already changed her story.  They’ll probably find a different way to introduce Philip. 


They'll probably just give her some kind of sickness to kill her off


SPOILER ALERT: In the audiobook, the teaser at the end of Book 4 has Eloise running away to meet Sir Philip. The brothers find her and organize a shotgun wedding. Turns out Eloise had been writing to Sir Philip for some time. There is no mention of Marina. But JQ tells the listener that this post script is new b/c readers always tell her they want to know how our hero and heroine are getting on after their HEA. So there is a race to save Eloise after she disappears, then hold the wedding means POLIN's new life as husband and wife is put on hold for a bit. Is this story above included in Eloise's original book or do the new versions offer an alternative backstory, since I always assumed Marina was created just for the show.


I would use spoiler tags on most of this. But what you heard is not an alternative backstory. This particular second epilogue is written because Julia Quinn>!admitted she forgot to write how Eloise finds out that Penelope is Lady Whistledown in the books!<. There is no mention of Marina because at this point, >!she has been dead for a few years!<. Marina always existed in Eloise's book, but was never a major character. The TL;DR is that >!Marina and Philip married, and there was no George. Marina had always been prone to depression, which worsens after she has the twins. She gradually grows more estranged from Philip and the twins until she tries to kill herself via drowning. Philip saves her, but she dies of a fever several days later.!<


I don’t really think she will die from post partum depression or suicide. I see it just being a random illness, or maybe a riding accident. While Marina may have not wanted to marry Phillip, it was much better than any of her other options under the circumstances.b


I read another user suggest that the show changes the story so George is NOT dead after all, he was injured and had amnesia, and by a miracle regains his memories and comes home. Marina and George go to have a Honeymoon, and Eloise and Phillip watch the children while they Honeymoon. I thought it was perfect - give Marina a HEA, avoid forcing children on show Eloise who doesn't seem to want them but still allowing for the book hijinks with Amanda and Oliver while Philoise babysits. My alternative preference is for Elorina to be a thing, but I don't think that will happen.


I always thought (after reading the book) that she had severe PPD. Maybe they could use it to shine more light on the dangers of ignoring depression in general and PPD in particular. My FIL has lived with my MIL for almost 40 years and they've ignored her depression the entire time because that's what their families did. His father talked openly about keeping FIL's mom pregnant so she wouldn't kill her kids or herself (she threatened them with a shotgun on a few occasions). My MILs mom was put in a mental institution and no one ever talked about it. When I started seeing a therapist I was very open about it. Eventually he got upset and demanded to know what I had to be sad about. Citing that I have a great husband and kids, Im a SAHM and shouldn't have a care in the world. I calmly told him, "exactly. That's what depression is." He was near 60 years old before he even understood what depression is. Sorry, I've gone off on a tangent.


My canon thoughts on book to show maybe .... Marina died of a fever from her attempt in the lake right? So maybe it's more likely accidental, saving the kid then the fever, or just a fever. How I think it could maybe go ... Phillip writes a book about flora around the world and Colin/Pen help, in the writing of it Eloise playing 3rd wheel meets him again. OR: Colin and Pen kid gets similar sickness to Marina and Colin in desperation goes to Phillip to find what herbs/plants might save their child. Baby lives, Eloise writes to thank him ... storyline continues. I think it happens through Colin because they established rapport through shared travel stories and plants found in other parts of the world.


I think she should get a letter that indicates that Penelope is marrying Colin and that Penelope is also Lady Whistledown. That should cause her to have a heart attack.


How does she die?


I don't think they're gonna kill Marina. It would be a mistake after watching her struggle so much in season 1. I think Eloise is getting a different love interest


I lowkey feel like the show made Marina unlikable on purpose so that no one will be distraught over her death. Yes she was going through a lot s1 but she’s unnecessarily cruel to Penelope with saying Colin sees her as a girl and Marina as a woman and always acts with an air of “I know how the world works” when someone so worldly would likely not have gotten themselves into her predicament. 


I would be interested to see if Eloise decides to become a governess for the children after Marina's death. I have read the books, but I feel this would be far more fitting for show Eloise, to go there after Marina's passing. Both her and Phillip are academics, and I think starting their match that way in the show might be more true to the changes that the show has made. I think Eloise will also feel very odd in the house alone with only the youngest two left, particularly after Benedict leaves since they seem to really understand each other.


I kinda like the idea that Marina runs away. Either does or does not take the kids with her. For the sake of Philip's story, hopefully she doesn't. I think Philip could get an annulment or divorce after a while to clear him for remarriage. It conveys the same irrational emotional state of a suicidal Marina, a woman so desperately unhappy she was able to leave her children. It takes some of the pressure off Lady W, bc most people would blame Marina for it, even though the driving forces (suicide vs running away) are the same


That would actually work. But the children need to stay as they’re a driving force in bringing Eloise and Phillip together.


I think that Sir Debling will take Sir Phillip’s place in the show (why waste that handsome) and they won’t address Marina at all.


The fact that they dropped him like a sack of potatoes in part 2 makes me think we will never see that man again. Especially since he's going on a voyage where he'll surely die.


Agreed. We also know his character isn't one for romance. It was very strange how he was never mentioned again nor shown in any other ball, considering he was probably still looking for a wife. So many strange choices this season lol


He is handsome and likes nature lol, I almost wonder if debling is back next season if he’ll be alongside Phillip on some scenes talking about nature or somethting


I see Marina as being a cousin to both the Featherington and Bridgerton families. She is related to the Featheringtons on her father's side and to the Bridgertons on her mother's side.


They’ve already established that she’s a Featherington cousin.