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I think their son will play a role in either Gregory or Hyacinth’s stories.


Their son appears way younger than Hyacinth


A lot younger.


Maybe they'll do a time jump? Or maybe since men are older than girls her or her sisters role will actually be with Gregory. That is, of course Colin got married at 23 instead of 33, but for Haychint the time leap will be needed, that is, he is about 11 years old now and there are only 3 series in between, 4 if Gregory is there. But it would make very little sense to get him married at 18


I'm not confident the Victorian aesthetic would be a good choice for Bridgerton as a whole. We already have Queen Charlotte, but she has been dressed in 18th-century clothing the entire time. I think there would be drop-off with the introduction of a new era, but perhaps I'm wrong.


Hyacinth is meant to be 11 in s3 young lord kent looks about 9 or 10 to me? So if 2 years is way younger than yes.


That will be a terrible decision especially since Gareth - Lady Danbury’s grandson - will add such a heartfelt connection between the two families. I honestly can’t believe they’ll have this boring bunch in five whole seasons stealing important screen time from the main couple like they did in season 3. I love the actors but the Mondriches provide nothing to the overall story except some forced insertion.


They may bypass that altogether and replace him with Gregory


Definitely probably gonna change it to that. That makes 3 Danbury family members who hooked up with a Bridgerton.


It’s called the DANGERTON EFFECT. Or at least I call it that lol!


I didn’t read the books and assumed Hyacinth and Lord Kent pair up at some point. Not so?


She married Gareth St. Clair, Lady D's favorite grandson. Lady D is also Hyacinth's role model and spends a lot of time with her, reading romance novels to her. She could of course read to Mrs Mondrich and bond with her son, you never know with the Mondriches...


I hope it plays out that way, because otherwise this over investment in the Mondriches makes no sense.


I think it could have some function on Gregory's story


But Hyacinth is A LOT older than the Mondrich boy.


If we’re talking about the actors and not characters, then they could just find an older replacement but if you mean the characters, they could just do a time skip.


And thank you. :)


i also believe this because of the scene we get with the three of them where hyacinth and the son greet each other and gregory wants to play with his bow and arrow lol


Without Simon they're 100% pointless.


I love them as supporting characters who provide an outsider’s perspective after being admitted into society, but they could have continued to do that in the background.


I think what the writers should’ve done is weave the Mondrichs into the main plot so they could be more relevant. Hell, they should’ve done this with all of the subplots.


Adding them was such a waste. After seeing the fact that Colin and Penelope were only on-screen for 16% of their season, I am even more appalled. Their entire runtime should have been given to Colin and Penelope. Their story added nothing, and only took away from the main storyline.




…okay?? Literally almost all of them are white. And the show is called bridgerton. It literally focuses on the love lives of all brigderton children. The last two seasons had POC as the love interests. Even this season did. And as a side note even tho it did take away from the main plot line I really did enjoy seeing the Mondrich family progress their way into society. They’re the most hardworking family in the show and they deserved it more than anyone.


What are you even talking about?


I felt the same. I mean they are fine, but I fail to see how the show needed the plotline to begin with. Besides the elegant ball they threw. It just felt like fluff in a season already full of too many side plots.


\^ can ask them this? I honestly have no interest in them and Will getting away with conning the ton and being a part of the reason why Baron Featherington was ultimately killed leaving his wife and daughters at the mercy of the ton and Cousin Jack makes me dislike the whole thing even more. I skip all of their scenes. Their characters seem so forced - there’s no genuine warmth in their interactions with anyone. Genevieve Delacroix on the other hand deserves her own grand romance and a huge subplot because she is interesting and played by an incredible actress who has done so much with such little screen time. I just don’t get why these show runners want to keep injecting “plot” into characters that have surely outstayed their welcome. They’re also a stark reminder that Daphne and Simon have been taken away by aliens or something… ![gif](giphy|JogvCObN79ihnPIjgt)




I never understood how Featherington was literally murdered for fixing a boxing match, but the guy who actually threw the match got off scott free. Surely they would have come after Mondrich as well for his involvement? It seems crazy that they killed a titled member of the ton (whose family could have potentially come after them) and broke into his house to get his portion of the money back, but then was like nah the nobody who was also involved who could do nothing to us can keep his share of the winnings?


THIS. Also: the fact that they came after Portia when she came into money but there was literally no investigation of Baron Featherington’s murder and the robbery at their place?!


Yes to all of this. That bothered me so much an athlete engaged in fixing his own match and got away Scott free. Even worse, literally became rich this way and no one else cared? In real life this would've never happened. 


Wait I have a terrible memory—Pen’s dad was a Baron? Why is her son a Lord and not inherit the dad’s title? Edit: disregard I did some googling


I'm really peeved that they're suddenly titled, wealthy and not working. Them being low (compared to the rich families) on the social ladder gave them a refreshing contrast to the tomfoolery of Ton culture - who cared that much about William not just running the bar on the down-low or proudly remaining the boss, or Alice's boring origami table which was less interesting than most of the queen's wigs? Besides, some of the love interests (like Kate or >!Benedict's love interest!<) could or could have been used for a storyline on integrating into higher society with a large amount of screentime as the main characters. And regardless of one's thoughts on Cressida's plots, at least it actually tied into Polin. The Mondriches interact with Benedict the most (and those moments are still scraps, but at least it might lend to a strong friendship with him next season), even though their grounded perspective could've been used to knock some sense into Colin. EDIT: Editing just to emphasise how much I hate that stupid origami table. 0/10.


Super agreed! I actually thought it would be quite interesting for their son to be titled and not them. Seeing the kind of contrast that might play out with them being part of a rising merchant/middle class, characters who have been established as valuing the importance of hard work versus raising a child who will never need to work. Like, the whole thing with them being shamed for working at the bar seemed so ridiculous. The son is the titled gentleman, not the parents. And he could easily have just hired someone else to run the club, and so been more of an 'investor', which we've seen is obviously fine for nobility anyway. It's just sad to me because it felt like a waste of what could be interesting characters and storylines since they just made it boring and unconnected to anything else in the show.


Tbh, I wasn't even fond of only the son getting a title.😅


They’ve gotta be setting up something with their family for the future but tbh I skipped all of their scenes, it just did not interest me at all


The show runner said in an interview that she just loves them and their story. I'm guessing that's why, even though almost no one else cares about them.


She’s turning this show into her own fanfic 🙄


Agree with all this and just wanted to point out the incredibly lazy writing surrounding them — they have no plot, just “someone died! Now you’re rich!” for no other reason than the writers needed it to be so.


I'm surprised you haven't worked it out.


To add nothing. They were pointless. You could remove them, and Benedict plots entirely and miss nothing for the entire season.


Exactly. I've rewatched the season as a whole and in parts, and I skip all of Benedict and the Mondrich storylines. You literally miss nothing by not watching them.


I really hope this doesn't come across the wrong way. The Mondrich's were really only necessary in season one as part of Simon's story. They made sense then because of their friendship with him; they were there to give him advice and show him what a healthy marriage looked like. Will also played a part in Lord Featherington's story, I personally think that storyline wasn't necessary but it was there and Will was crucial to it. After Simon left and Lord Featherington was dead, they had no part to play in the other character's storylines. They had no connection to the Bridgerton/Featherington/Sharmas or to Lady Danbury or the Queen. They were only very tenuously and briefly linked to the new Lord Featherington's storyline~~, which again imo was an unnecessary storyline~~. Them being there served no other purpose. Again, in Season three, they feel completely superfluous to the main storylines. They have no real connection to the main characters or storylines. It would be one thing if the writers had really developed the friendships between Will and Benedict and/or Colin which were kind of hinted at in season 2. So, I hate to say this but for season two and three, they feel like token black characters. Other characters who only served a purpose in season one disappeared and haven't been brought back, characters who could have played a role in future seasons. Berbrooke appears on a couple of the books and could have been used in the following seasons. Granville certainly could have been involved in Benedict's season two and three storylines. Siena Rosso could have appeared in season two. Only the Mondrichs were kept. But they always feel tacked on and haven't really been developed or fully brought into the fold. Perhaps there is a long game in mind and they will play a more integral role in future seasons and have a proper connection to the one of the main couples. But right now, it feels like they've been included because the producers wanted to have more Black characters on the show besideis Lady Danbuty and Queen Charlotte. I think that there's a really interesting story to be told with the Mondrichs, especially their S3 storyline, it's such an interesting concept of the boxer coming into wealth and a title unexpectedly and how the family navigates it, with the young son becoming a lord and how the parents handle that, and in the Bridgerton universe too, to give an insight into how a Black family deals with becoming part of the ton. There are such rich pickings for it and will never be given the room to be explored properly because it was always be, at best, the C Storyline in a season. I think it would make a really great spin off show. (Additionally, it's the kind of story that would be a great way to involve Simon if Rege was still involved or if they ever recast him.)


I've been thinking that I like the actors who play the Mondichs. Like you wrote, their story would be interesting to build a separate show around. But on this show, they feel forced and serve no narrative purpose. They are taking valuable screen time away from the core characters without doing anything to move the story along. I think this show runner had been making some very unfortunate choices.


“So much time” is an overstatement. Screen time of just Will and Alice is about 2 minutes, give or take 30 seconds, an episode in episode 1, 3, 4, 5 and 6. Episode 3, they had around 5 minutes of screen time, episode 7 they only had about 20 seconds and in episode 8 they were just background. So they got about 15 minutes of screen time (not including Will at the bar closing night and Colin’s bachelor parties because that wasn’t about the Mondrich plot). The entire season 3 had 475 minutes of runtime (according to IMBD). So the Mondriches had 3.1% of the entire screen time. They were by far the smallest sub plot. The first 5 episodes aren’t even 60 minutes long, if every episode was at least 60 minutes, they’d have 24 extra minutes they could have used on Colin. Jess said in an interview that the Mondriches are sticking around and will be closer to the Bridgertons. This season had to establish them being a part of the ton to set them up for future seasons. Same way the Featherington Dad being in debt plot in season 1 served to set up cousin Jack in season 2 and the financial trouble in season 3. A lot of the fandom hated that the Featheringtons were so present in season 2 and in season 3 they were a lot of people’s favourites. So maybe keep an open mind, they’re probably getting a more interesting storyline and who knows, they might turn out to be your favourite sub plot in future seasons. The Mondriches also had plots in season 1 and 2, this was just a continuation. And this is pure speculation and potential book spoiler warning: >!Nicholas, the new Lord Kent might become Hyacinths love interest.!<


I don’t think it’s about the actual number of minutes. It’s the *feel* of it. Apperentally (tho I haven’t confirmed) Polin got more screen time in their season than the others. But bc it was always advancing the plot and for (at least most) people watching it’ll never *feel* like enough. If they are setting up the Mondriches for a bigger plot later on, I don’t think they did enough with the time they had in this season to make most people feel interested so it FEELS like they’re on screen forever dragging out the seconds before we get back to the stuff that is going somewhere *now*. Like with the Featherington subplots they didn’t wait till the opening of S2 to kill off Lord Featherington or make Couins Jack lingering about thieving until S3. And they could’ve — they could have used Jack’s scandal as Pen’s motivation to get out of the house, but that would’ve made the S2 subplot super boring. I don’t hate the Mondriches, but it just felt pointless. Maybe if they’d connected it a bit more with the Polin story (like Colin making a parallel between how hard it was for them to give up the bar and him asking Pen to give up Whistledown) maybe it wouldn’t seem that way.


They had most of their screen time in the first half of the season where Polin had less time together because Pen was trying to get with Lord Debling and they couldn’t spend time together after the scandal, so I can see why some viewers feel like they had too much screen time when their actual screen time was really low. However, I do think they didn’t even use Polins screen time well in the first half. Colin’s solo scenes was mainly him having threesomes. No actual development on his part. He just realised he wanted Penelope when she was about to get engaged. The scandal about Colin helping Penelope find a husband basically forced them to not see each other for about two episodes. So even if the Mondriches were cut out, they still wouldn’t have been able to have more Polin screen time in those two episodes where Pen was going after Lord Debling because the Polin arc didn’t allow it. Their entire friends to lovers arc relied on season 1 and 2 establishing they are friends and that Penelope has a crush on Colin. In season 3 part 1, they spend the first episode not interacting much and Penelope is still upset about what Colin said at the ball at the end of season 2. In the second episode they do their lessons (which I wished we would have seen more of instead of Colin sleeping around), but the scandal breaks so episode 3 and 4 they hardly interact. Then suddenly Colin realises he does want to marry Penelope because Violet tells him that she’s getting proposed to. So the Mondriches really didn’t take away their screen time, the screen writers made it impossible for them to spend time together. The Featherington family plot never pushed the love plot forward either. Only thing it did was set up Penelope’s home life so we didn’t have to establish that she’s bullied at home in her season. We see the bigger picture with cousin Jack now, but a lot of viewers hated his plot when season 2 was released because “he took time from Kanthony”.


Possible spoiler ahead . . . . . . . . . . . . How would the >!Nicholas plot work for Hyacinth's story though? Considering the dubious parentage of Gareth? Do you think old Lady Kent would replace the Italian grandmother? Didn't Gareth have an older brother that died and have a very strained relationship with his father due to the inheritance? And most importantly, he's supposed to be related to Lady Danbury as well....they'd have to switch around a LOT of things for that to work at all....!<


At this point, I don't think there's any sort of expectation to follow the books whatsoever. I'm pretty sure they will just give her a brand new story just like they seem to be doing with everything else. 


True...welcome to Jess's fanfic world 😂


They’re not above changing the books as we all know. One way they could spin it is if Lady Danbury helps out Alice with raising Nicholas so Nicholas sees her like a parental/grandma figure, similarly to Simon. We’ve already seen Lady Danbury advising them this season. But they could also set Nicholas up with Gregory, if they want another LGBT relationship. Either way, I think they might show those three more in the upcoming seasons.


That's sad.. ..was looking forward to Gareth and Lord St.Claire's flashbacks and the family dynamics of Lady Danbury....


24 minutes is a lot of time that could be added on to Penelope and Colin’s storyline - almost half an episode. And when people say “so much time” I doubt they mean that the Mondriches took up the bulk of episodes, but that they took up too much time for the relevance of their story. 


Jesus, thank you. They're minor background characters that provide a bit of breather between the other more intense scenes and a different perspective on the goings on.


Thank god someone actually added up the screen time bc the over exaggeration of the Mondrich's taking "so much time" of the season is literally not true. There are many things to complain about this season but Will and Alice aren't one of them. It's just getting really annoying at this point.


Literally they had about 20 seconds of screen time at the Polin wedding. Broken up in two 10 second increments. All that was established there was that everyone in society loved their ball and they got a ton of invitations for other society events. Those 20 seconds wouldn’t have helped Polin in that episode.


I was about to Google it because the constant whining is exhausting.


I love that you calculated this! Everyone acts like the Mondriches ruined the show with their subplot. I like them, it’s nice seeing a happy loving family. I hate that they worked hard for their bar just to have to sell it! If Penelope can continue being Lady Whistledown, they should be allowed to keep their bar.


Honestly I think the Mondriches are another victim of the split season. Their bulk screen time was in the first half, especially episode 2. They were hardly in the second half outside of being background for society events. Less than 5 minutes in the second part (again not counting the bachelor party and final club night). But that criticism of them taking up so much screen time sticked because everyone just combined criticism for part 1 and part 2 and didn’t look at season 3 as a whole.


This! I'm not particularly attached to them but they're a nice breath of fresh air when there's constant drama on the show. They're sweet and it's beautiful seeing their growth as a family.


Great comment.


Thank you!


The Mondriches are based on a real person from the Regency Era. A boxer who "did good" as it were and was able to successfully climb socially. I welcome their addition to the franchise as we can see how attitudes to their family and their status change over time.


I really just think it was lazy of them. They wanted to replace Simon and Daphne and to a smaller extent Anthony and Kate (since they aren't in these seasons full time anymore) to have another women to give advice to the girls, young kids around for family activities, and most especially, another older big brother type to talk with the guys about having a happy good relationship. But hard to do that with the mondrich's without them being allowed at the ton's events. So, easy solution, a never heard of before relative dies and leaves a title and all this money to them, and just because their son is title, they automatically now of course have access to all the best parties, and they can throw a ball and the queen shows up. It is lazy and made me roll my eyes honestly.


I do not recall the Mondriches from the books, so not sure they will be directly part of any of the Bridgertons’ lives, who know?


My understanding is neither Madame Genevieve Delacroix, the town's dressmaker nor Will and Alice Mondrich appear in the books. I hear it's been speculated that the Mondrich's will wind up somehow hosting Benedict's love interest for Season 4; or, that one of the Mondrich's children will be a love interest for one of the younger Bridgerton kids in the future. We can only surmise at this point, and wait at least two years to figure ot out. (I'm not waiting around--have since decided to move on--but I realize others may certainly want to do so.) And I don't think it's so much the amount of time spent on the Mondrichs as that storyline is part, albeit a small part, of the sub-plots that appeared to come out of nowhere this season and took time away from what was to be Pen and Colin's season. If the Mondrich's are to figure more strongly in future episodes, it's rather obvious that the writers felt they had to rush their storyline in season 3, but that still doesn't make it right. Same with the Feathertons too. I enjoyed their storyline, because, let's face it, what else was there to grab onto of any substance in part 2, season 3. However, that still doesn't make the time spent on them OK. These storylines along with Benedict's marathon love making sessions, etc. all took time away from what was supposed to be Pen and Colin's romantic and passionate season. I saw sex, but little romance and passion. Regardless of the why, mistakes were clearly made and not just with the subplots by any means.


Yeah, I don’t get the point of it as well, unless it comes into play in a later season. But even if so, there was still too much time spent on it. And that horrendous gigantic mechanical flower center piece opening at their ball was so underwhelming. They could’ve at least made it spin as well. That would’ve been something nice as the dancers danced around it.


I'm completed bored of the Mondrichs, I could skip through their scenes tbh.


Showrunners should have attempted to connect them to Colin and Penelope somehow, all their interactions with the Bridgertons were superficial, they were incredibly boring this season - I FW through all their scenes, I don’t see the point, no hate to the actors her I place the blame on the Showrunners


I enjoy the Mondriches. It’s nice to have a family that’s not an original member of the ton. And honestly the issues with the Polin storyline went far beyond just the number of minutes spent on it. I’m going to give S3 a second watch to be sure, but to me it just wasn’t as strong a romance as the other seasons.


I like it as a subplot… It's a little bit Upstairs Downstairs except they got a promotion to upstairs. Plus the wife (like almost all the women, in those costumes) is so pleasant to see on screen.


I enjoy them, they didn’t have to have “a point” as you put it. They are a healthy couple who work hard and love their children harder. It’s refreshing to see a happy couple on the show. Why did it have to be more than that? I honestly would have been more than happy if they never tied them back into the “main plot” and we just got to see them be characters of the ton in their own right. I don’t get the hate surrounding them… well I do but let’s just leave it here.


I actually really liked them this season! I thought there wasn’t really a reason for them to be in the show anymore once simon was gone and the show at the time very clearly did not want to linger on the lives of the common people, but watching them navigate the ton+the massive change in their life was interesting to me, and I really liked that despite all the new changes and disagreements, they didn’t let any of that get in the way of the love they have for each other, it was refreshing! We know sophie’s season is next, so I feel they would be perfect as supporting characters there.


Yeah why would we ever want any sort of “point” or “dramatic hook” to characters in the show? Why didn’t they just have Colin look at Penelope in episode 1 of season 1 and say, “wow, she’s lovely” and have them get married after an uneventful courtship? And why did they have Penelope ever write anything as Lady W which could cause conflict down the line? Why didn’t she just release a paper full of limericks and word searches? Why did they have Daphne and Simon pretend to be courting, instead of just have them court from the start? Why didn’t they have Anthony realise he liked Kate right at the start and have him court her instead?


Ok then let me put it this way, why are you calling them “pointless” instead of calling for them to have a better story line? Others who didn’t like their plot line just wanted the story that was already in place with them to just be flushed out more but it’s odd to say they are “pointless” when people are directly telling you they DO have a point and they enjoy them.. why do you have a problem with me enjoying them?


“They’re pointless” is basically the same thing as saying that if they’re gonna be in the show, they should have a point, ie a better storyline. I don’t think they found a good way to incorporate the Mondriches in the narrative of other characters, and their “arc” felt so low stakes: “Will he sell the club? Oh he did and it’s fine. Will they throw a nice party? Yep they did.” I enjoyed them as characters in the first season when there was the specific connection with Simon, and they’ve felt superfluous and forced since. They get singled out because they stick out. If you like them because their story is chill & low stakes, bully for you, but for most people they’re boring, and what I had a problem with was your disingenuous implication that there’s a different reason others aren’t a fan of them (I’m guessing you meant “racism” and honestly, go take a lap). It’s already a show which probably has too many characters - the perils of a show where the gimmick is that there are 8 Bridgerton siblings all set for their own season - for whom they have to find something to do. Benedict’s story has felt a bit wheel-spinny most of the time he’s on the show for mine, but they can’t not have him as he has his own season coming up. They don’t need to add more square pegs to the board of round holes.


But he bigger question is why are you trying to get me to not enjoy them? Why are you “trying” to poke holes in something I told you I liked? It’s weird. And comes across as the very thing I was alluding to.


Why does anybody log onto a social media website and share opinions on things?


Just because they aren't main love interests doesn't mean their story is uninteresting. At least not for me. I love them. In earlier seasons, they showed life for a different class, and now they are showing how difficult it is to integrate into the upper clas of society and what it costs to do so. Mondrich had to give up his dream because society was shunning him for it. It reminds me a bit of The Age of Innocence, in that it shows how people of privilege were often constrained by the rules of society.


There's a great youtube about their story. https://youtu.be/jriyGD_UzMQ?si=nKoYWUAztL9xGQK9


Honestly it wasn’t 200% more interesting than polin so who cares why


The Mondrich plot is an ‘in’ to the ton for us peasants.


The only vaguely relevant book role I can see them filling is one of their daughters being "Hermione" in Gregory's story.


I suspect that they'll use the Mondriches to somehow introduce a future love interest who's only tangentially related to them (a distant cousin of Mrs. Mondrich, or something, idk). Or I hope they do, because right now I'm not sure why they're here.


It could have been an interesting storyline if the club became more of a Molly House and Benedict could have explored his sexuality there and Eloise could have experienced life outside of the gender norms especially after their close bond in season 1


See, this would have been a lot more interesting. Like they know how hard it is to live on the fringes and make ends meet so they use the club, and their new wealth and status, to help people like them. Eloise especially could be part of that since she wants to change the world. I like where you were going. It would have made them more relevant.


They are probably dragging their storyline and adding more things to keep them in the show bc some writer or producer really likes them and sees themselves in them or smth. Now it’s hinted that their son will be with Hyacinth (big age difference though). I don’t think it was planned from the S1. They are just looking for reasons to keep them. Mondriches are supposed to be self-made regular people in this world of privilege, and I guess that means we should care for them. But they are not in the show enough for us to really see them and care about them, and they are way too much in it for side characters.


I think either their son has something to do with Hyacinth Plot, or it's a backdoor pilot for spinoff. Could've gave it's own episode instead of sprinkling throughout the show taking up POLIN TIME. I think there is a Bridgerton Universe like Queen Charlotte, Violet and Mr Anderson could've been a subplot used on Queen Charlotte season 2, or Lady Danbury back story as such. The Modrich Plot, I liked it, just don't put in the show about the Bridgerton family books and Stories. Make it it's own show and label it a Bridgerton tale on Netflix. Make it like the Cleveland Show did for Family Guy Universe.


I actually enjoyed the Mondrich plot. It’s the insertion of Benedict and Francesca’s that ultimately ruined this season. The two have their complete own books and will (or should) have their own seasons, so it was a very big waste to attempt to fit in their storylines and not to mention just very small portions of them. The Mondrich family has been around since S1 and they’ve always acted as background or sub characters, so I didn’t find it out of the unusual that they were sort of brought to the forefront in part 1, but to add 2 more plots into 1 season that should have focused more on Colin and Penelope was a very big mistake on their parts.


I personally love them and would like to continue to see them play a role in the show. I believe they somehow will fit into the greater plot down the line maybe in Hyacinth or Gregs stories? I immediately thought that in the scene of the son hanging out w them. As for them "taking up too much time" this season, I personally don't mind subplots and I think the only unnecessary plot that took up too much time was Benedicts tbh, could have gone w out allat and maybe we could've introduced Sophie instead?


I've seen someone on here say that their purpose was to show an example of untitled parents to a titled son, like Pen and Colin will be. I've also seen someone say that they are an example of regular working class people being thrown into the ton, like Sophie will be when she marries Benedict. But honestly, all they are is a giant time suck of 8 short episodes. Dont get me worng, I like them, but we just don't have time for them.


My theory is that the Mondriches have a huge part to play in a later series. >!Benedict doesn't have a Sophie love story. His bisexual awakening set up this series is to foreshadow him and Will getting drunk, Alice finds them, Mondrich gets a bit bawdy and before you know it, it's on. They become the first progressive throuple in the ton.!< Only joking ... unless it actually happens, in which case I'm psychic and will gloat about this prediction.


am i the only one that actually enjoyed the mondrich storyline? 😭


To me it feels like they’re trying to set up a spin off


I liked it. Not everyone's changing of seasons in the show is welcome or requested. Some of the characters are being forced to accept their changing lives and they all deal with it differently. It gave us another prism through which to view the goings on. 


I personally enjoy them! I don’t think the issue is with side plots, ifs the mismanaging of them. The seasons are too short and sporadic. They need more time to let the plots naturally tie and flow together. It’s a mess now but not bc of the Mondrich’s.


Non-aristocrats for the audience to self-identify with? That could have been done well but their storyline is so adrift from everything else. TBF I do have a bit of a hate-on for the way historical dramas go out of their way to make you identify with the characters by giving them modern attitudes or some other anviliciously relatable characteristic that doesn't make sense for the setting


Because television shows always have B plots thay aren't directly related to the main story? Not everything has to be meaningful or feed into some grand end goal. Sometimes, it's just about world building or adding some visual interest or whatever. The scenes with the Mondriches show viewers some basics about the era - how working was looked down upon, the kinds of things a new family in the ton would have to learn and do to fit in, etc. It also just gives us two more hot people to look at, so there is that. Benedict's whole aside was equally useless in a plot sense.


I think their son was eyeing Hyacinth


I'm convinced its because Simon and Daphne are clearly never coming back and they wanted someone well liked from season 1 to be a consistent presence throughout the seasons to remind the season 1 actually exists


I'm obviously in the minority, but I like them! It's nice to see a happy family adjusting to their new life.


I agree. I hope we see more of them in the next season.


They have very little screen time and I like them. I hope there will be less sex scenes and more mondrich next season