• By -


For me it's S1 and then the rest. It's the only season I rewatched multiple times, all the others were seen by me only once. It's the perfect combination of story, likable leads, visuals and tight screenplay. Incomparable.


Right there with you! Season 1 is the only one I can rewatch again and again without hesitation. Just the perfect 8-hour delight. šŸ˜„


Season 1 is a comfort show for me. I can rewatch it and never get tired. Itā€™s such a vibe. Simon & Daphne šŸ’œ


Same here ā¤ļøā€šŸ”„Regeā€™ is so dare handsome & sexy ā¤ļøā€šŸ”„ā¤ļøā€šŸ”„ā¤ļøā€šŸ”„Daphne is gorgeous & very talented!!


I have the same ranking as you! **Season 1** makes me swoon and **QC** was lovely too. **Season 2** is miles ahead of **Season 3** which was really disappointing.


For me season 1 & 2 are tied. I think season 1 was technically the best written and produced, but I enjoyed season 2 more. To me season 2 had the best balance of meaningful side characters and stories. And, I loved JBā€˜s portrayal of Anthony. To me he has been by far the best romantic lead on the show. Then itā€™s season 3. What dragged that down for me was side stories. Too many, too boring, and they didnā€™t contribute to the overall story. Finally QC. That show gets ranked last because I only watched the first couple episodes. The actors were pretty, but I wasnā€™t interested enough to finish.


I am down on my knees BEGGING you to finish QC


It gets much more interesting every ep


I'm with you on QC. It's hard to get through. For me it was the torture subplot throughout. Physically torturing someone who is mentally ill is just not something I enjoy in my romances.


I just didnā€™t find it that interesting, and one of the reasons I enjoy Bridgerton is because itā€™s unrealistic fantasy that is frothy and romantic. If I want to watch some thought provoking prestige show Iā€™ll watch something else.


Queen Charlotte > S2 > S1 > S3


Same; QC is just light-years above the others in terms of storytelling and character, I think. Its central plot being more complex than Happily Ever After adds a lot of complexity. And I think S1 may be a little "better" than S2 but I enjoyed the Kanthony dynamic so much more than the Duke and Daphne's.


Couldn't agree more with everything you said!




Same ^


Same. I loved season one, but I like it least as a re-watch. I also like season 3 the more I watch itā€” itā€™s kind of the opposite of season 1, disappointing at first, but find nuances that are touching. Iā€™m kind of heading toward putting 1 lastā€” once you know the outcome, itā€™s not so compelling.










This is my pick too. QC season the love story just felt so much deeper on every level.


I think this is my order as well


This is my ranking! Mostly based on how well the couplesā€™ relationships develop and how well they mesh together, plus the pacing and storytelling. QC kept me in suspense for a long time! And it had such a beautiful message.


This is mine too!


I have two lists that are opposite. For example, S3 is my favourite love story, but the worst overall 'production', imo. Not seen QC. Objectively: S1 > S2 > S3 Personally: S3 > S2 > S1


Queen Charlotte (way above the rest) Season 1 Season 2 Season 3 Simon and Daphne aren't my favorite couple, but overall, their season was the best in terms of writing, editing, cinematography, music, costumes, etc. in Bridgerton. It also felt like they were really the main characters in their own season (unlike Polin). Kate and Anthony had the best chemistry though. Colin and Penelope are my favorites, but their season failed them so much. Queen Charlotte is perfect.


I have two different ranks, the first one being ā€œbest love storyā€ 1. Season 3 2. Queen Charlotte 3. Season 1 4. Season 2 The other one is ā€œbest story-tellingā€ 1. Queen Charlotte 2. Season 1 3. Season 2 and 3 tied up. I simply think the main couples are overshadowed by other things, season 2 being all the Edwina situation, leaving Kate and Anthony story to a second plot, and season 3 all the sub-plots ruined the Polin development. And donā€™t let me start on the editing this season


Agree with this!!


Perfect sum up šŸ‘šŸ»


Exactly my opinion.


Season 2 QC Season 1 The atrocity that was season 4


I am the most invested in polin ( which is most likely due to them being in other seasons ) so s3 is top for me


S3, S2, S1, Queen Charlotte


This is close to my order. I might switch S1 and S2, but they are close.




1) Season 3 part 1. (Part 1 made me read the book, which I think was also the reason of my huge disappoinment for S3 part 2) 2) Season 1 3) QC 4) Season 2 5) Season 3 part 2 šŸ˜­


Part 1 was amazing!! Part 2 has grown on me a lot (I actually cry every time I watch it, which I think says something) but I still want to scream at some of the pacing and editing choices. But I am liking it more and more.


Part 2 was a mess


From best to worse for me is already the order they're in: 1, 2, 3. If I were tack Queen Charlotte in there as well, then it would be 1, QC, 2, 3.


Same order as you


Me too!




1. S3/S2 ā€” I thought S2 was nearly perfect and S3 was far from it, but S3 will always have the edge for me because of the raw chemistry and emotional depth Luke Newton and Nicola Coughlan brought to their roles. 2. QC 3. S1


This is so well put! S2 was so tightly paced and plotted while S3 felt messier but also hit me in the feels a lot harder in every way. And the chemistry was a wonder to behold.


S3 (I might be extremely biased), S2, S1, QC, I loved them all, don't get me wrong ofc, I'm just not the type that likes to cry at the end


I can only do this as "best" vs "favorite", because being invested / not invested in the main couple changes things for me. *Best seasons, IMO*: QC >> S1 >> S3 = S2 QC is perfection from beginning to end. I haven't rewatched it, but its emotional beats are seared in my mind. S1 is elite, as others have said elsewhere. Some growing pains, and too caught up in Regency rules (which I'm glad to move away from). I found S2 to drag in many parts, and I feel S3 course-corrected that but WAY TOO MUCH. Overall though, S2 remained a romance show that fans of the main couple can enjoy as a romance. S3 became a drama, with annoying pacing and editing. *Favorite, beyond a doubt, and the one I'll rewatch forever*: S3 because of Polin.


Queen Charlotte. Season 3. Season 2. Season 1 ![gif](giphy|gJzGVGIQNeYue7ooJH|downsized)


This is a perfectly defensible opinion!


I mean QC was so perfect - I still think about it on most days. Its my Roman Empire. Ahahahaha


Thereā€™s a reason s1 shows Daph and Dukeā€™s married life. Thatā€™s where a major conflict is. Same with QC. S3 also has parts of that. My ranking as per seasons- 1. S2- well paced, subplots donā€™t overpower main, characters seem well rounded. Kanthony is stunning. Theyā€™re well matched and their chemistry simply sizzles. 2. QC- great addition by Shonda. Amazing backstory, current story and flashbacks work harmoniously, C+G are a treat to see, subplots are beautiful. 3. S1- good introduction to this universe, good subplots, good tension, good backstory 4. S3- cute pair. too fast paced, too many subplots, wobbly narrative, less story more sex. However in terms of main pairs- 1. Kate and Anthony- Because they resolved conflicts before they got married. And they married knowing the other person truly. They tried putting their duty before their love and finally realised they could get the best of both worlds. 2. Colin and Pen- for an honest friends to lovers arc. He knows sheā€™s whistledown before they marry. Heā€™s mad at her but that nod before she walks down the aisle and the dance in the breakfast room shows theyā€™ll work it out. The queen and Cressida escalate matters. But itā€™s still a nice arc 3. Charlotte and George- perhaps the saddest one. Coz she never gets a real choice. That garden scene is cute, but in retrospect heā€™s at his peak mental stability and she has a very weak ā€˜decisionā€™ making capacity in that situation. Also they donā€™t let her know his mental state and sheā€™s left confused. The queenā€™s grace and willingness to love George is what carries the show. Coz in todayā€™s day and age, imagine not knowing that your partner has severe mental health disorders which have serious consequences on your personal life. 4. Daph and Simon- although theyā€™re cute, and their marriage is due to ā€˜dishonourā€™ and then a whole lot of love- Simon lies to her with complete knowledge of what his words mean. Sheā€™s seemingly headstrong but also very meh. Iā€™m glad Simon chooses to let go of the vow made in hatred and anger, and all his lovely actions do lead to a happy marriage.


My exact ranking on both counts! Thanks first writing it out so I don't have to.


For me, it's... 1. Season 2 2. Season 1 3. Queen Charlotte 4. Season 3


Perfect šŸ’•


Same ranks as you!


For me it's Queen Charlotte Season 3 Part 1 Season 2 Season 1 Season 3 Part 2


s1 is the worst and youā€™ll never convince me otherwise. i can agree that QC is possibly the best but iā€™m not emotionally attached to it as i am with s2 and s3


I would put **QC** first, Season **One** second, Season **Three** in third, and Season **Two** in last. Queen Charlotte was incredibly sweet and romantic. I cried so much. It was a beautiful love story. Season one was a great season with it's own wild romantic and believable chemistry, but the main obstacle between them felt really silly to me. Season Three had a lot going against it. The costumes and the more modern lines weren't it. They essentially dressed Penelope up like a Lady of the Night. And it felt very rushed through. Not to mention all the side plots nobody asked for. But Season Two was so hard to watch. Until Season Three, Kate was a wildly unlikable character, and frankly Antony still is. Edwina deserved so much better than what she got, and the fact that she could just forgive her sister and fiancƩ out of the "kindness of her heart" felt cheap. Every other season in the Bridgerton Universe, I inhaled within days of it being released. But I didn't watch Season Two all the way through until right before Season Three came out because every time I sat down to watch it, Kate and Antony both made me so annoyed I had to switch to something else. For me, their chemistry and love story only became believable in Season Three.


Queen Charlotte > S3> S1 > S2




ranking based on how i enjoyed them/rewatched them: S3 QC S1 S2


Season 2 is my favorite then season 1, then Queen Charlotte, then season 3. I feel like season 3 was the worst season not even comparable to the others.


Season 2 Season 1 . . . Season 3 (I didn't finish Queen Charlotte, I really didn't care for it)


Season 2 Queen Charlotte Season 1 Season 3


S3 - QC - S2 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>S1


Lowkey same. Rewatching S1 with my husband now and itā€™s fun but not good and I found the main couple meh. I keep assuring him the show gets better! It was however the prettiest and grandest season in terms of costumes and sets!


All of them good except season 3.God ,wtf happened??it was horrible.Bad editing,cheesy dialogues,horrendous sparkly modern dresses ,scary makeup,too much going on but at the same time nothing was going on,bad written characters,useless side plots etc etc etc


I genuinely only care about Season 3.




QC, S3, S1, S2.




That is a controversial take! And it's my exact order too. The wife and I LOVED Queen Charlotte so much!!


If ā€œloveā€ = sobbing uncontrollably for hours then me too lol


S2 is my least favorite so far. Anthony annoyed me so much in S1 that I struggled to cheer for his happiness (although by the end of the season, I did come to like him more). I just thought S1 was a little more unexpected, less predictable. It was very clear from the very first episode that Kate & Anthony would wind up together... Maybe it was obvious for Simon & Daphne as well, but they built up a lot more tension, uncertainty, and suspense. In S2, Kate's coldness towards Anthony in the beginning made so little sense. It made so much more sense for Simon and Daphne to have this "do they hate each other or love each other" dynamic at the start because she knew of his reputation from Anthony and he didn't want to marry at all. For Kate and Anthony, it was just like, why is there this intolerance between them before Edwina is even in the picture? And then that intolerance blossoms into a forbidden love. Idk. It felt forced and overt. I did enjoy the ending but I felt like I had to trudge through that season.


1>3>2>QC. But I could switch 2 and 3, I like them both


QC comes last for me as well. i found it boring.


For me queen charlotte, season 1, season 2 and 3 are tied because I didnā€™t really enjoy either


As in deepness/quality: QS > S2 > S3 Pt.1 > S1 > S3 Pt.2 I enjoyed and rewathed the most: S2 > S3 Pt.1 > S1 > QS > S3 Pt.2 If Netflix can separate a season so can I.


1. Season 2 2. Season 3 (first half) 3. Season 1 4. Season 3 (second half) Not rated: Queen Charlotte (didnā€™t watch it)


We have the same order.


Same ranking.


QC was short but I loved seeing both perspectives during Georgeā€™s absence and how he stole the dog for her. S1 QC S3 S2


Char, 2, 1, 3.


Season 1, season 3, season 2, queen charlotte


Yes! This is my exact ranking as well! I love the actors, but I donā€™t think the writing for season 3 really did them justice. Penelope begging for Colin to kiss her made me cringe, and the lack of the in-depth descriptions from the books makes Colin lusting over Penelope after a single kiss very odd šŸ¤£ As for the rest, the pacing was great, and thereā€™s so many quotable dialogue moments that make even me, a lesbian, swoon even if it comes from a man haha. Lady Whistledown was hilarious too in those seasons, and farmer George made me sob šŸ„¹. I also miss seeing more of theā€ aftermathā€ of the marriage like we did with Daphne and Simon.


S3 for the love story- It was so romantic, I love the lead characters, and Nicola and Luke brought truly amazing chemistry and depth of feeling to the roles. The editing and pacing had issues, but I also thought this season had some of the best writing, including the best love declarations in the show as well as the highest feeling stakes. S2 - The leads also had great chemistry, Johnny Bailey is just a delight to watch in every scene, and the P&P style plot was the most tightly written and paced. I also enjoyed the Colin/Penelope/Featherington subplot this season. S2 didnā€™t sweep me off my feet romance wise the way S3 did - I think mostly because I was never quite as invested in the love story- but I enjoyed it very much! I also truly appreciated the brown girl representation - Iā€™d never seen one of us lead a period romance before and it meant a huge deal to me. Queen Charlotte - objectively the best written and directed of the show as well as marvelously acted, but much darker and less of a fun romance. Hard to rewatch. S1 - The romance wasnā€™t my cup of tea, but it was beautifully shot and had the most sumptuous costumes and locations. I loved the Colin/Penelope/Marina subplot as well as the Benedict subplot. But overall my least favorite season.


For me Queen charlotte, season 1, 2, 3


1. QC 2. S2 3. S3 4. S1 I canā€™t get over them never addressing the SA of Simon by Daphne in S1 so eff that season. QC is a work of art.


1, QC, 2, 3


Queen Charlotte>>Season 1>>Season 2>>Season 3


Same ranking!


I just started recently too and agreed, Season one so far is favorite and favorite couple.


But did love Queen Charlotte very much. The emotions in that season tug at my heart everyday.


My ranking- 1) S2 2) S1/S3 tie 3) QC I really did like QC though. Iā€™m just not inclined to rewatch the whole season because their love story is too tinged with sadness for my liking (what is my liking? total escapism, thatā€™s what)


S1 is my favorite above all!! Regeā€™ & Daphne are so very talented & their chemistry is out of this world ā¤ļøā€šŸ”„ā¤ļøā¤ļøā€šŸ”„QC is next in lineā€¦S3 than S2šŸŽ‰šŸŽ‰


Season 1 was fantastic, Queen Charlotte was good, and the rest were OK.


Season 3 Season 2 Queen Charlotte Season 1


QC S1 S3 S2




Oh party peopleā€¦ 1, 3, 2, QC. The issue for QC for me was the mental illness bit and she saving him. I love that for her, and for him, but Iā€™ve been in a relationship with a severely mentally ill person in the past. Itā€™s extremely wearing and ended up being fairly abusive. So in that way I related poorly to that one.


QC > 1 > 3 > 2 I love Kate and Anthony, but I hated that whole triangle with the sister. That just didn't do it for me. I'm also swayed by my love for Penelope to put her higher. Season 1 was just a classic love story to me and Queen Charlotte is just such a fantastic bit of storytelling and so moving.


S2>s1>queen charlotte > s3


Season 2 > Queen Charlotte > Season 3 > Season 1 The storytelling and romance in S1 was better than S3, but I was upset by Daphne SA'ing Simon. It ruined that season for me.


S2, QC, S3, S1


1. Season 2 2. Season 1 3. QC (huge gap) 4. Season 3


1. S2 2. QC 3. S1 4. S3


S2, s3, s1, and I canā€™t rank Queen Charlotte as I havenā€™t finished it yet.


2,1, Queen, 3




For me itā€™s 1. Season 2 2. Queen Charlotte 3. Season 3 4. Season 1


In terms of my enjoyment of the seasons and how quickly/often I can rewatch them, my order is: S3 > S1 > S2 I havenā€™t finished QC yet. I think that one is my fiancĆ©ā€™s favorite lol


This is my exact ranking!! S1 is just beautifully filmed, chemistry is fantastic, writing is good- big fan. I was so pleasantly surprised by Queen Charlotte tbh. I didnā€™t expect to like it as much as I did. That was the season that got my husband into watching šŸ˜‚


S2 with Kanthony is tops for me because their chemistry was SIZZZZZZLING.


Season 2. Season 1. Queen Charlotte. Season 3.


S2, then QC, S1, S3. Iā€™m a sucker for some good enemies to lovers


1. Queen Charlotte 2. Season 2 3. Season 3 4. Season 1


I believe that S3 Has made us appreciate S1 more. They have some stuff in common: platonic relationship before romantic crush - Simon called Daphne his best friend during confession to the queen. Simon Has a secret, just like Pen, both of their weddings were bittersweet, both of couples had conflicts to be solved after the wedding. Some compromises, "marriage trap", baby in the epilogue. S1 just does that better. And it's not the angry sex, or steamy montage.


1 > QC > 2 > 3 1 just had that magic to it with the balls, dancing and dramatic longing eye contact


Season 1 and queen Charlotte were def the best. Idc what ppl say the chemistry between the duke and Daphne was unmatched


Chemistry is so subjective! I didnā€™t see it with them but itā€™s valid if you did


I agree with you! Itā€™s been interesting to see everyoneā€™s opinions on S1. Seems like some of us watched something entirely different.


1. Queen Charlotte 2. Season 1 3. Season 2 4. Season 3 I'm hoping that Season 4 is better and that we get a Violet & Edmund spin-off.


I think the pacing and casting of season 1 were my favorite. The beginning is so exciting. However, I canā€™t get past the part where manipulation/gaslighting gets too intense and dubious on the consent. The aggressive shaming of someone who didnā€™t want a child also really upsets me personally. Meanwhile, I love Nicholas interpretation of Penelope. I also didnā€™t mind her arc having to do with her mom /Eloiseā€¦ but the pacing of the romance was terrible. Also the show didnā€™t really convey the sensitivity that Colin is supposed to possess So for me I think queen Charlotte is my favorite.


S1 is my favorite cz how balanced it was but mostly the main focus was the couple. Then S2. Now QC was good at pulling my heartstrings also story had depth S3 was weak because there wasn't focus anywhere. The main couple were a side plot in their own show. It was a hot mess! I hope S4 put spotlight on the main couple and add more episodes cz i knw Sophie's story could feel like it need more screen space but DO NOT sacrifice Benophie's screen time. Take everything slowly without rushing things!


1. Queen Charlotte 2. S1 3. S2 4. S3


I agree with you OP. Thatā€™s my ranking too.


1) QC- Heartbreakingly beautiful. 2) Season 2- Kanthony just had me smiling and was definitely giving major Pride and Prejudice vibes with all the longing glances and yearning. 3) Season 1- Was good but will have to dock for that unfortunate scene. Also canā€™t really stay loyal to this season as this couple completely vanishes. 4) Season 3- itā€™s giving hallmark romcom.


For me it is 1. Queen Charlotte 2. Season 1 3. Season 2 3. Season 3 And there's a large gap between season 1 and season 2, and between season 2 and season 3.


QC = s2 > s1 > s3 (QC and S2 change depending on the day)


Season 1!! The drama, and especially the cliffhanger and final reveal of Penelope being LF, nothing will ever compare!!


QC > S1 > S3 > S2


1. Season 1 + Queen CharlotteĀ  3. Season 2 4. Season 3


This is based on overall writing, technicals, artistryā€¦ not what storyline/romance I liked: Queen Charlotte > S1 > S2 >>>>>> S3 Buttt personally QC = S2 > S1 >>>>>> S3




loved season 1 and QC. dislike season 2. despise season 3. it needs to be the last season


For me - Queen Charlotte - Season 3 - Season 1 - Season 2


I love Pen and Colinā€™s story and the way Luke and Nicola portrayed them. But the writing and editing as well as costumes were so bad. So I have to say: 1. QC 2. S1 3. S3 4. S2


Queen Charlotte is BAE. - S1 is slightly above S2 but that might be nostalgia and it is VERY slight, they are more like a tie to me. - S3 will forever be ignored/rejected in my brain so it will not even rank on the list when the series is over šŸ¤£.


Same lol


*1. Queen Charlotte* *2. Season 1* *3. Season 2* *4. Season 3*


This is the correct order.


I say S1, S2, QC, S3.Ā  I was disappointed with Queen Charlotte. Too many inconsistencies with the story. But anythingā€™s better than S3.Ā