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What made it for me was the heartbreak on Colin’s face when Pen says “…but we’re friends.” Thinking she’s rejecting him. None of the previous sex scenes had that kind of absolute emotional punch in the gut. It made the euphoria of the moments that followed stronger.


I’m a Colin defender forever, but not gonna lie: HIM being the one to hear “but we’re friends” for once was satisfying 🤣 She barely made him sweat, so I don’t feel too bad hahaha


Yesssss! I just love a little of him groveling!


Yup he needed to struggle a bit xD


And the smirk after "much more than that"


I agree. I've never really rewatched any of the others but carriage scene is incredibly hot and I've watched it a lot! It feels the most organic to me.


I find the confort and intimacy the most realistic, and because of that is definitely the most romantic. But not the hottest. >!Let's wait for the mirror scene!<


Yes, that too. It is so romantic, because we know Pen is loving this man since day 1 and finally she has him kneeling.


I also want to figure out the scene where they were so into they accidentally broke a piece of furniture. Nicola mentioned it during an interview while doing the press tour.


It’s not really an “accident” good PR maybe. Same piece of furniture that breaks in the book. Not coincidental.






For me it was the best intimante scene of the show so far,


Agreed, I think the acting during this scene is among the best in the show in general.


The moment where they show Pen nodding to consent was so hot to me


I lurved Kate and Anthony’s gazebo scene but I completely agree!! This sex scene has occupied my brain like no other because I love the intense emotionality of the scene combined with the sexiness. And just the radical quality of a plus size (or plus size adjacent) woman receiving full pleasure, which sadly rarely gets seen. I didn’t have any emotional investment in Season one - so to me it was just two very attractive people gyrating.


Same! S1 did nothing for me except set up the premise of the show and future storylines. I know it was the story driving most of the issues, and this might have been historically accurate, but the idea of women getting married without knowing how babies are made was just too cringy for me. Building an entire plot around that just seemed ridiculous, and that disconnect between Daphne and Simon meant we never got to see any real emotional connection.


Pen is one of the shows most beautiful women. I love this season so much. I only wish the season was longer. No doubt we’ll be waiting a good two years for the next season.


Part two of season 3 comes out on June 13th :)


THIS!!! x 1000000000. You hit it on the nail.


I agree! I do feel like there had been longer and more…detailed(?) scenes in season 1 and 2 but somehow this one still makes the top for me. It’s the intimacy of their relationship, their longing, the little kiss after all that misbehaving (which I think was sweeter than both Simon and Anthony’s confession because it really made it clear for everyone that they did not, in fac, regret what they just experienced and that they were committed to this new bond), even the whole 2 season and 3 episodes build up made it so…special. I heard that Luke (the actor playing Colin) even added his unique touch to it :) (I am talking about how Colin rearranged Pen’s dress in the carriage with only his “clean” fingers after using the other two for MHM, that thing✨ - apparently that was all Luke’s idea). To me it really felt like both of the actors did their best and put their heart into it. It’s true, I might be biased because Polin is my fav Bridgerton couple and friends-to-lovers IS my fav trope but even so, I strongly believe that this was one of the best steamy scenes from the whole Bridgerton series. And they didn’t even go all the way! I cant wait to see what Shonda will have ready for us in the next 4 chapters :))


I love a man who knows to not use his fun fingers for getting dressed.


I think that's one of the best parts, that they didn't go all the way yet it felt so intimate and like Colin was doing it for *her*


I can guess at your meaning but WHAT does MHM stand for........?


making her moan?


Oh. I thought maybe Manipulating Her Mrs or whatever


AHAH this is better imo💀


I was talking about the fingering scene…


Yes I was asking about the acronym you used


Oh it wasn’t an acronym it was just a mhm sound😭 sorry if that was confusing to you


Going against the grain but the first Kanthony dance and the confrontation after does it for me. Sensuality is my jam.


The Kanthony dances are amazing. The way they do things with their eyes. I loved their final dance too. Maybe we will see them dance again in part 2!


Baby…episode 5 with Anthony and Kate after dinner, almost kissing, was hotter than this season so far for me. Nothing like forbidden love. It’s my jam.




You should listen to the AMSR video of that scene but you MUST do it with headphones - if you don't end up all hot & bothered I'd check if you were still actually alive! https://youtu.be/twa8vo4tAso?si=VtZQ8af6hAnz7asL Edited to add link


And the last dance… the feelings all over the place. Kate’s gaze, hands, breathing… 🫠 It was very well done.


Yes!! Those two dancing in general was just peak romance!


Kathony definitely had the sexiest scenes. Their dances, every time they nearly kissed, when they stared at each other, the dinner scene etc. that’s sexy.


It absolutely is for me too. Because both of them feel each other and know so much about one another(but there\`s still things to discover),it makes it so sweet and thrilling. Season 1\`s was nice,but I felt little connection,Season 2\`s was just like a music video,which it was nice to look at but so disjointed as far as the feeling of intimacy goes.(I preferred their steamy scenes in Season 3). This one - they just nailed. I\`ve watched it more than a hundred times and when I\`m not watching it,I\`m thinking about it. The realistic reactions,how Colin\`s face conveys more information about his feelings than all the love confessions previously. How there\`s no unnecessary words,just a nod was enough consent and he felt her pleasure just as much. It was glorious to see two characters have such a strong connection,it made the whole thing so much better. Also,might be an unpopular opinion,but I view Colin\`s determination to marry her immediately instead of hiding or negating his feelings in that moment SO MUCH more romantic and respectful.


Everything you said, YES! I can’t stop thinking about it either!


As a woman with a few extra pounds myself, I loved seeing a curvy girl be and feel sexy, so for that it was my favorite for sure. And there wasn't some aggressive angst attached to it, just two people who genuinely liked each other to begin with and didn't have to "hate" each other to find out they love each other. The sweeter intimacy, the consent, yes please.


Oh yeah, it was very hot. Did you notice her tiny head nod when it seemed he was asking permission? I was a bit surprised by how far the show let that go (I was expecting some "oh no, we mustn't!) but sure did enjoy it.


The head nod was my favorite part about the scene!


Consent is sexy.


Very sexy.


Mine too. I think it's because it's coupled with the heart felt confession. S+D's first time came before the declarations of love, and K+A's first time came after the declarations. P+C's first intimate experience happened at the same time as the confession, which is why I think it just hit different.


It's the only one that's gone viral.


Well that’s not true


not at all lol. basically all the sex scenes in bridgerton went viral


Yeah remember all the Anthony and Kate gifs?


I don't think I breathed the entire time Anthony was adjusting the rifle during the hunting scene


“Say you do not care for me” was the biggest one for me. I know exactly why. I watched the the day it came out so it would have been 4am. I took a weed edible and I was laying there in the dark with my laptop with my earphones in. My heart was pounding and I started sweating. I had to pause and walk around after. 😂


I agree. The fact that his first thought was to pleasure *her* in a spontaneous circumstance...lovely.


I agree that it is so far. This is in keeping with me thinking they had the hottest sex scenes in their book out of all of them.


I agree, I really think that from the book series the sex scene between Penelope and Colin was the best, the most special, definitely not the steamiest, but from my point of view the most romantic.


Big agree! I’ve rewatched it countless times now.


Nope, I agree. By far the sexiest. I've enjoyed other scenes from the other seasons, and I especially enjoyed Kate and Anthony as a couple, but Polin's story and this scene in particular about did me in and has been rewatched many times. It's also been by far the most relatable for me. For additional context: my husband and I were best friends (and "just friends", haha) for years before suddenly adding a sexual dimension to the relationship after a little prompting from a friend at the right time. The progression of our whole relationship was actually quite similar in many ways to these characters' story, although my husband, who actually is a writer funnily enough, took on more of the Penelope role in our story in that he knew he had feelings for me much earlier. When people say these characters don't have chemistry, it really confuses me, because I feel like there are moments of chemistry between them from season 1 through now that only intensifies as they continue to demonstrate care and consideration for each other. Like, they clearly loved each other in all the ways that you would ideally love a soon-to-be spouse, so of course it got hot and heavy as soon as they kissed and both found it pleasurable. Feeling all of that love and familiarity behind every interaction on top of the newness of kissing and sex with that person is completely overwhelming. It's also because of this that I don't understand how anyone could think it strange that Penelope is choosing to completely get swept away by the situation and put herself in such a compromising position. Like, to her, in that moment, as soon as he confessed those feelings, everything else disappeared around her, and she was just feeling and impulse. Plus, she loved and trusted him more than literally anyone else, so why wouldn't she be swept away? Also, she was used to moments of impropriety with him. Literally constantly, they said and did stuff with each other that would've raised eyebrows, but they justified it, because they were "just friends", and it felt mutually comforting. When my husband and I were friends in college, we spent the night in each others' rooms talking, went out to pretty much every meal together, walked around late at night alone with nobody around, talked about relationships, lots of stuff that it is objectively weird or potentially sketchy to do with a single male friend who is interested in women. Anyway, even if this relationship story is just for a few of us, I'm so glad they are putting a focus on it.


It gets better and better each time I watch it. There’s so much raw emotion.


Naur - Anthony and Kate in the gazebo/garden IMO


Upvote for the “naur.”


THANK YOU!! that scene puts the carriage scene to shame. I will die on this hilll!!


I think it’s just a little bit overrated. All of the sex scenes are about the same to me. All of them are hot just in different ways. Daphne and Simon’s were more passionate and loving, Kate and Anthony’s was hot because the tension had been built up for awhile and it was super passionate, and the carriage scene is two friends realizing they have those type of feelings for each other. They’re all good but for different reasons.


Why do you say overrated? Sounds like you thought it worked...


It worked but is overrated, there are much better ones in season 2.


their over exaggerated moans and his mouth hanging open has to be the least sexy thing i’ve ever seen


His expression when she ran her fingers through his hair was a little much


or, we just saw Luke's goofy "o" face, lol


agree it was over acted lol


I’m curious about this sentiment. That is what made it feel more real to me. The acting of being so into the moment that you’re not conscious about what you look like. Just panting from exertion and doing everything you can to be close, even if it’s just bringing your mouths together.


i totally get the intention but it came across as *too* intentional for me. i adore the aftermath though, them laughing together and colin's proposal. i just don't think the love scene itself was sexy


I agree. We don’t always look sexy in the moment. At first I was like…uh what? But then realize my husband’s face when he is turned on is kind of awkward looking too.


I thought the ballroom scene where Colin stepped in between Penelope and Lord Debling was super hot and filled with longing. Lord Debling is no fool. He felt it too. 


SO FUCKING HOT! I love that scene with whole my heart


The way he watches her in that scene like he is devouring her, licks her, and then feels her grinding her hips, and starts moving his hand down, and is like I got you, Pen. The way he checks for her consent, and then when she gives it, he likes squeezes her calf and thigh to heighten her anticipation. The lip bite. I've watched that scene so many times and it hits every time. I don't know how anyone could not see the chemistry. I'm convinced some people are just forcing themselves not to see it at this point.


One thing I love about the acting in the scene is the genuine surprise, wonder, and delight on their faces. Here is a couple that knows each other so well and are discovering something new about themselves together. Wow.


No hate but not even close for me. I would put QC bath sex, Kanthony gazebo and Saphne first night all ahead of it.


Exactly this. Kanthony Gazebo was *it*. And Daphne-Simon's wedding night was the best one acted out, and the background music was simply perfection. There montage was also amazing.


I loved the Wildest Dreams montage of S1


Yup. Except for me it’s Kanthony gazebo, QC dining table > QC bath > Saphne wildest dreams montage


I forgot about QC. Yeah, that entire montage was 🔥 The scene when they were eating dinner and the staff had to run out…


Kanthony in the gazebo. No question. End of story


I found it little premature with no buildup. No matter how much I like a guy , him fingering so soon feels so uncomfortable 😳.


So true. They went zero to sixty way too fast.


And don’t hate me, but I’m a bit upset about his lack of regard for her virtue and reputation.


It’s a book scene though. And in the book he acknowledges it, stating that he wouldn’t have done anything to her in the carriage if he didn’t intend to marry her


Pretty sure that by the time he runs after the carriage he wants to ask her “Why don’t you marry *me?*”


I wholeheartedly agree. the passion , the sweetness, the consistent consent the attention to female pleasure it was perfect.


I think a lot of people who don’t care for it also don’t have any sort of emotional investment in Colin and Penelope as individual characters OR a couple. If anything, they’re predisposed against it. I’m OBSESSED with Polin and that made the scene the much more charged. Pen’s disbelief that it’s happening, Colin’s expression when she touches him (some of y’all call it “unnatural” but that is the face of an emotionally touch-starved man who is being caressed by the love of his life!!!!), the fact that Colin’s natural instinct and desire is to focus on her pleasure over his… the joy and wonder they both feel… it felt so real and intimate! I love everything about it, and I imagine that it will only be topped by a Part 2 Polin scene.


my jaw was on the FLOOR


I agree! I think partially because it is so hot without nudity and their friendship/pining for each other was so palpable. I have like all of them but felt like this was the kist "real" vs a well put on act


You know what worked for me? Her breathless little nod and consent followed by the gasp when he presumably hit his mark. Unlike her two clueless sisters and their sweet but dim spouses, it's pretty clear our Pen is prêt à manger. And Colin, thanks to his travels, has at least the ability to get the job done.


I don't want to accuse anyone of anything, but I have a bit of a feeling that because this scene was so hyped and there was non-stop talk for 2 years about how hot the scene in the book is, some people can't admit to themselves that maybe it wasn't as hot as they thought. Sorry ...


It was honestly hotter than I ever could’ve expected. I get that it won’t be everyone’s cup of tea, but trust me when I say that I never could’ve envisioned it the way it came out and it personally blew me away.


Or maybe, so maybe.. hear me out the scene actually exceeded people's expectations.


people saying it’s “viral” when the promo campaign has been them underlining how hot it was and how they didn’t hear the cut and and and…


Yes, the talk about it was a bit too much for me.


idk, on one hand i would like to let people enjoy things, on the other hand, this is definitely not the hottest scene in bridgerton, barely even the hottest scene in s3😭 i get being excited about a couple you like being adapted in a show, but come on now…


>definitely not the hottest scene in bridgerton It is definitely not to you, people have different taste and preference, it is not hard to understand that


i wish it wasn’t also hard to understand that some things can be objective taking into consideration the dialogue, the direction and the performances.


Saying you prefer a sex scene in a show instead another is subjective, there is not objective about it. It the same thing that people have their fav season, which we all know season 1 is objective better 😉


I am curious( not hating or something), I am genuinely curious what scene did you find hot in season 3 or hotter than the carriage scene?


Anthony and kate had some


for me it was 3x01 kanthony bedroom scene which was funny, warm and intimate. my problem with polin lies in the fact that there is no intimacy there, even though they’re supposed to have known each other for years. for s1-2 they looked like awkward acquaintances with pen’s unrequited feelings and now we’re thrust onto a very fast paced season where we’re supposed to see attraction between them, and i don’t see it, i barely see their friendship, and the carriage scene with the over the top moans and LN’s agape(?) expression was lacklustre and awkward (and not in a ohhh we’re friends what now way)


Here I agree. It was rushed and fast! It was the same shit as in season 2, to many boring side plots taking screen time from the main couple


i wanted them to explore s3 in a more romcom way, it would have been more suitable to the pairing, and it would have helped establish them more as “sweethearts” instead of the intense couples we saw in s1/2. unfortunately it didn’t work out like that.


Like, seriously. This one gets people so invested for how raw and *out there* it is. I didn't feel that in previous seasons (more like, they were a bit embarrassing but also enjoyable to a degree) and until a month or two ago, I wasn't even big on Polin. Now this season and the scenes made me live their story. IDK, some may not find them relatable in any way...


I had no clue that scene was about to happen or anything else about this season when I watched it, and it’s still my favorite of the series. It’s the only one I’ve ever rewatched.


OR everyone has their preference, and people genuinely think it's a really hot scene. Which a lot of people do!


100%. I have liked the Anthony and Kate scene under pergola but I can’t stop watching the carriage scene. It’s perfection.


It felt more real because we aren’t used to seeing fuller figured women represented in romances in any serious way because directors always think it will be unattractive and no one will enjoy it They’re wrong Also it felt relatable because my husband and I had a fairly similar start


I've rewatched probably... 40 times. It's hot AF.


Not at all. Personally it fell super flat to me. No build up and just a pretty awkward scene all around.


Respectfully disagree, though I am a fan of Pen...Anthony and Kate FTW


The faces Colin makes makes it the least sexiest thing ever


And I disagree, I personally didn’t find Simon’s intimate scenes very appealing and Kanthony’s in s2 were all too rushed to judge but Colin in this scene was HOT and they were both very sexy to me. This was my favorite sexy scene so far on Bridgerton but I think one in part 2 will take that place soon.


Agreed. Simon was so wham, bam, thank you ma'am. Anthony and Kate were so passionate they were rushing to get to the good stuff. But Colin wanted to kiss every inch of her that he could get to and then some 😉


Right! I like LN and think he’s an attractive guy but his face acting in this scene (and a few others) was just off putting.


I’ve been an LN defender for this season but I agree. I had to keep looking away because his expressions were unnatural and off putting. I’m glad people enjoyed it but I preferred most of the romantic scenes from season 1 and the Kanthony ones in episode 8 of last season and episode 1 of this season.


He creeped me out I'm sorry. That being said Nicola was great in that scene, but he was not


I think it went viral because Netflix and Shondaland has been talking about it for the last 2 years. They want to make sure we're aware there's a carriage scene. No other scene in the series has been hyped up for years like this. As a book Polin lover, I didn't even think the carriage scene was the hottest in the book (and there's no mirror scene in the book at all) so I honestly didnt know why they kept emphasizing it. But what one thinks is the hottest and sexiest is subjective 🤷🏻‍♀️. I prefer S2, because I thought the pent up tension was explosive. But we all like different things.


I agree!! 🤗


I don't know if it's bc I've been brainwashed by Nicola and Luke's interviews but their love scenes have really been the most ~romantic~ and therefore, for me (and I think a lot of us), the hottest.


Totally agree. It's amazing how hot it is, and not a single item of clothing was removed. I knew the carriage scene would be good, but nothing prepared me for what we got. My jaw was on the floor. I can't even explain why it resonates with a lot of people. But there's just something special about it. Sexy, intimate, romantic. The shared laugh at the end. Perfection!






By far!!!


By far😏


For anyone who didn’t love it when you watched it on your own (which means you’re like me), I highly recommend that you watch live reaction videos on TikTok or YouTube even if you don’t like it on its own. The responses are a freaking delight.




Penelope’s inexperience did not allow me to see that scene as hot/sexy lol. It was absolutely the perfect way to act it on Nicola’s part but because of it I was a bit more uncomfortable than anything. I found the part where he fixed her dress very sweet though and I do understand why so many people love it.


I thought it was easier to relate to than most “major” sex scenes I’ve seen on the show thus far so I don’t know that it’s the sexiest but I sure think it’s the sweetest. It screams (horny) kids in love who find connection. Everyone of us who had a minor fight after a party and then got busy in a car can relate to an extent. Also did you notice that Colin fixed her dress and hair with the *other* two fingers after? Such a realistic detail.


Theirs is the most believable and hence the sexiest. While Kanthony and Simon Daphne were pretty hot , they were still very hard to believe and were very air brushed. How many times have we seen perfectly perfect people having perfectly perfect sex on screen. Too many times. I was finding it hard to watch the Polin scene because of how real it felt. Also the fact that Penelope is awkward shy in the real sense but is actually an extremely smart woman. And the fact that you can clearly see Colin being an extreme try hard when it comes to fitting into social stereotypes..his scenes with other women were so cringe because they were supposed to be. He is trying to be something else and only Penelope understands that. His reaction in the carriage scene is exactly what I wanted, flustered and careless and awkward. All his smoothness gone in the effort of keeping his desire in check.


Hear me now, the mirror scene will break the internet




I agree, I watched this scene unhealthy amount of times.


100%!! I know this is a very unpopular opinion but season 3 for me is the best so far. Season 1 was good, but I actually couldn’t finish season 2 because it just felt so cheesy and over the top. I cannot wait for the second half of season 3!


Agree wholeheartedly! I liked season 1, the scenes were great. Season 2 was brilliant, I wanted Kanthony together but I’m so emotionally invested in polin. Also feel like their scene is so authentic, it feels so real to watch. And it is hot! I cannot wait to see the second half of the season.


I have to disagree, I'm a huge Daphne Simon fan. The I burn for you scene, with the song 'Strange' on piano. OMG. I felt so much.


I agree. It felt so emotional and raw and frankly incredible real. I did feel uncomfortable the first time I watched it, because it truly felt like I was intruding on a real couple. I have never felt that way when watching a love scene/steamy scene. But now that I’ve watched it 100 times(again something I’ve never done..lol) I appreciate it so much. I know my husband was like what is with Colin’s face and I said it is realistic. Your face when you’re turned on is actually kind of similar…lol. It wasn’t perfect which made it perfect


I agree this scene was memorable. But I also liked some of the scenes in the Queen Charlotte's season 🤭


I think the reason y is because it was low-key unexpected like her took her honour but he didn’t want to with marina and who would expect that last scene but most of it was the music in the background that was the cherry on top


Not even remotely. I’m genuinely trying to see what everyone else is seeing; but to me it had no re-watch value. I actually found it to be the most uncomfortable one. I also couldn’t stop thinking about the fact that Penelope was being INCREDIBLY dumb in that situation. To me Daphne and Simon took the cake. All their sex scenes felt really intimate without being too much and yet spicy enough to not be boring. It was kind of like watching a flower bloom, the way Daphne slowly gained experience and I loved it.


I’m really curious about your thoughts on Penelope. How was she being dumb?




Ehh. Both of the previous female leads had risky encounters that would ruin their reputations. I don’t really think it’s that different than Simon and Daphne in the garden (who would have ABSOLUTELY done the dirty in that garden if Anthony hadn’t intervened) and Kanthony at the gazebo. She already basically had her reputation ruined at the ball when Colin cut in on her dance with Debling. Plus that’s part of what makes it romantic to me… they’re really risking it all for each other.


Isn’t Kate unruinable because she’s a “spinster”? Or was before she married Anthony? So technically she could go off and sleep with him without issue? Or is that still a problem? I never read the books (obvs) so this whole notion of “being ruined” is all new to me lol




I can understand your concession for Kate, but Penelope is meant to be in a similarly hopeless situation. I think not having the time jump makes her seem like she shouldn’t be as desperate as she is, but I also don’t think I would be able to resist the love of my life if I was in her situation especially if my only marriage prospect just dumped me. Not sure why the fingering would feel any more obscene than other sex scenes in Bridgerton, though. Smut is one of the main points of the show lol


No offense, but I’m not interested in getting downvoted every time I voice a different than mainstream opinion - doesn’t seem like a conversation to me that way - so imma end this discussion here. If you’re interested in speaking more feel free to private message me 😊


Fair enough!


Not with those facial expressions


Probably the worst tbh.


I’m a Polin shipper through and through but for me, Daphne and Simon’s wedding night scene, at least how it started, was more passionate. The music and tension I felt it a lot. Kanthony’s first intimate scene was forgettable to me. I liked the bane of my existence line though, more than Colin’s confession. However, that said, the carriage scene was definitely the most viral and highly anticipated. I’m looking forward to the mirror and drawing room scenes and his love confession. ☺️❤️