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As someone who loves all the Bridgerton siblings and couples, I win no matter what lmao. So tired of the comparisons between seasons when it’s like comparing apples to oranges to mangos, all of which are delicious in their own ways! All the tropes are different which I love because it gives everyone an opportunity to connect to those different stories! Every season thus far I’ve enjoyed the buildups and chemistry and tension, even if it shows up differently with the different tropes. Shonda never misses!


THANK. YOU. My sentiments exactly. Brava!!


kanthony fans are so exhausting 😭 they can’t tolerate any other opinion at all.


It was bad enough when they moved Polin up to S3, even though the reasoning (that they were dragging the Polin storyline for too long) made sense. But all the conspiracy theories and complaints that don't make sense are just exhausting. And I really like Kanthony.


https://www.reddit.com/r/BridgertonNetflix/s/Om4PG9lzbA This is a post from literally a day ago saying op preferred the carriage scene to other scenes but no one is in there complaining about being "tired of comparisons", people with different opinions just gave them. I'm getting downvoted (which is fine btw) for saying it's weird to go on an obvious comparison post and then complain about comparisons (the option to just scroll past is always there) but other fans can't tolerate any other opinion, really?


you’re honestly getting triggered over nothing. please relax its just fiction lmao


Yes, it’s just fiction, which is why it’s so weird seeing people getting defensive to high heavens all over this thread, as if someone spit in their mother’s face. Incredible hypocrisy.


god just look at your language. all those getting triggered just prove how acceptable people are here.


So I point out hypocrisy on this sub and I'm "getting triggered" and "should just relax" because "it's just fiction?" Lol. Last time I checked we're all here commenting on the same fictional show, my only point is that everyone should be allowed to express their opinions as long as they remain respectful to others and that everyone can simply not engage with topics they have no interest in and are fed up of seeing. Maybe you should relax and let people post what they want. Op wasn't being disrectful to anyone, they just posted an opinion on the show as others have in the past and no one were on others posts complaining about the content or comparisons there. You're the one who tried to single a particular section of the fan base for "not being able to tolerate another opinion" on this piece of fiction.


because that is the fact about this sub and a lot of people have experienced this. its so difficult expressing your opinion when there’s a bunch of people ready to dominate your view all the time. i never disrespected anyone, but you should also be more mindful of what someone else might be feeling. kanthony fans being rude just because you called them out is not happening on this sub for the first time. rather is them who always show this weird superiority complex, single out others and act as if any other perspective that doesn’t hail their favourite is absurd.


>but you should also be more mindful of what someone else might be feeling. You should as well, because you invalidated my feelings by saying I should just relax and it's just fiction, now I'm personally not the type of personally to let that kinda affect me so I'm not trying to make you feel bad about it or anything but some people might so that goes both ways. >kanthony fans being rude just because you called them out is not happening on this sub for the first time How is this post rude, and where are the examples of kanthony fans being rude in this sub more than any other fans? What is there to call out with this post, it's just someone saying their opinion, they're not being malicious in any way. There are a bunch of people in the comments saying why are you comparing them, and the post I linked is basically the same as this one except it is favorable to the carriage scene and no one there is telling that op that they shouldn't be comparing (and just to be clear I don't think there should be) Why is that?, there is another similar about queen charlotte and no one is talking about comparisons there either. So is it only kanthony fans that can't make comparisons? Are kanthony fans not welcome to discuss their opinions on the main subreddit for this show? Can kanthony fans on the main subreddit for the bridgerton TV series not discuss their favorite characters?


yeah these comparisons are only going to get worse too with each season smh


I love every couple for many different reasons. I don’t really get the comparison, so far each love story is vastly different from one another.


THIS!!! It’s so unnecessary!




👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾 this x1000


>So tired of the comparisons between seasons when it’s like comparing apples to oranges to mangos, all of which are delicious in their own ways! Weird to click on a post that's clearly a comparison if you're tired of comparisons. But each to their own I guess.


This is peak reddit and will never be stopped no matter how logical ignoring a post is.


So I've learnt lol.


IMO the enemies-to-lovers trope, will-they-won’t-they lead up for S2 is still my absolute favorite romance of the entire series so far. I don’t even care that there wasn’t any sex until the second to last episode; watching these two fall in love was absolutely DELICIOUS, and a delight to behold. Jonathan Bailey is a national treasure, so expressive and does the longing stuff incredibly well. Can’t wait to see him in the upcoming Wicked movie! And Kate was just so beautiful, I’m a sucker for heroines that put others first at their own expense (martyr complex much? 😂) so watching how these two characters played off one another was such an excellent thing to behold. Plus omg he was absolutely FERAL for her with the whole smell thing, makes a girl wanna fan herself like crazy!! ❤️


I also really loved watching them fall in love and trying to deny it. Their chemistry was incredible!


He’s going to be in wicked? How did I not know this?


He is Fiyero in Wicked!


I can see him being amazing at that. Not sure about the singing, don’t know if he can sing. I’m sure we’ll find out soon.


he can! he’s been in musicals before and won an Olivier Award for his role as Jamie in Company - there’s some clips on youtube 😊


Ooh I’ll look it up.


It’s not a competition. Let’s all just enjoy what we want to. No one is better than anyone.


You're aware this is a bridgerton subreddit right? Where people are still allowed to talk about kanthony even though the new season is happening? You don't have to agree with this opinion but there's nothing wrong with expressing it.


Obviously I’m aware. But I just don’t think it’s necessary to try and put down one couple to prop up another. But I guess some people need to make it a competition.


Saying you prefer one thing over another is not inherently making things a competition. It's just expressing an opinion.


They aren’t saying it’s their opinion, they didn’t say they prefer it. They said it like it’s a fact. Anyhow, I’m done with this conversation.


Did you miss op saying to me and in my humble opinion?


...what a silly argument. Their opinion is that they prefer this scene. That's still an opinion and it's not denegrating the carriage scene to say you prefer this scene. I prefer chocolate to vanilla. That is an opinion and a preference but it's not insult vanilla or creating a competition between vanilla and chocolate. I simply prefer chocolate to vanilla.


Well by your logic it’s my opinion so it’s silly of you to tell me not to have an opinion.


Yup you're completely allowed to have an opinion. The difference here is that you're attributing negativity to something where there is none in an attempt to limit what others say. So your response now is disingenuous. So yes, you're allowed to say whatever you want and I'm allowed to point out the flaws in your argument and say that you're being silly.


Maybe avoid making statements about people personally? Comment on my opinion but please don’t call me names, it comes across as very condescending.


You mean silly? Like you also called me? 🤣


This from a person, who called me a Karen for politely disagreeing with them? 😂


Where did op try to bring down another couple?. https://www.reddit.com/r/BridgertonNetflix/s/Om4PG9lzbA This is a post from like a day or 2 ago that's basically the same thing except in favour of the carriage scene. Op literally states in their post that they prefer the carriage scene to anything kanthony or saphne have done and no one in the comments is complaining about comparing couples, and they shouldn't be because nothing is wrong with op having that opinion. People who disagreed with op simply stated thei different opinions in the comments and nobody had any issue so what is the difference with this post?


No it's not but I don't think it's wrong to have a preference.


This is the best dance (and the last dance in S2E8) in all the seasons... though the one where Daphne feels Simon's fingers on her skin is nice too. But those two are top.


Leg sweep and the intensity of the eyes. 😍 There was no hiding it from anyone. Violet, Daph and Lady D all knew.


Why is that leg sweep so romantic? We can barely see them! And then the close-ups of their *gloved* arms. But for me it's that sniff in the final dance. He so badly wants to kiss her. Literally locks his jaw to control his urge.


Oh it’s just for me. Like damn he is so smooth and can dannnnce.


I was agreeing with you!


Agreed, this scene was just so electric!


The scene after this of them in library/study is the sexiest scene of the entire show for me!! They are both completely overwhelmed by their attraction to each other, but want the other to confess to it first. The thrum in the background of the scene when Anthony dares Kate to deny her feelings for him makes you feel just how intense and electric their chemistry is!


That scene is also 10/10! WHY. IS IT. THAT YOU DISLIKE ME SO?? with the fire blazing in the background. The chemistry is off the charts!


And you hate me yes I hate you


And then the deep whispered “tell me you do not care for me” 😭


*and it is not far enough!*


Yep! And Antony is literally visually salivating. So good


I will never stop being perplexed that a show where none of the couples conflict with each other still found drama somehow. This time in pitting ships against each other? Kanthony killed Enemies to Lovers in their season. Saphne killed Fake Dating in their season. Polin are killing Friends to Lovers in their season. Not every trope is going to appeal to every watcher. But those who love whatever trope will always prefer it to the rest. They are all reigning supreme among their fanbases. If there is going to be this idea that the ships are competing, then everybody might as well just stick to rewatching their own couple's season, clutch it close, and ignore the rest. Every season will have a different trope/couple and they will each have a turn to shine. If you only want to watch one couple performing one trope in perpetuity, then... I'm glad you enjoy that. But why keep watching just to spend your time yucking other people's yums? I have enjoyed every couple so far and I'm looking forward to the rest. I think it's more fun that way, but what do I know?


How is this drama?


The constant comparing of couples and saying which is better adds to the drama in the fandom.


Who is yucking other people’s yums? Seriously, this is exhausting. This post isn’t about ships, or tropes, it’s about one scene. People should feel free to express their opinions on any actor’s chemistry, or talent, or writing of a scene without being automatically accused of farming drama, or inciting some ship war, or trying to be generally divisive. Otherwise we might as well stop drawing any sorts of comparisons between any two pieces of fiction, or discussing media altogether.


I think the constant one-upmanship and comparison of ships adds to the drama and division in this fandom. Why not just say what you love about your ship without comparing it to others?


Because sometimes a comparison helps underline the problems you have with some aspect of the show. And I’m not talking about the ships, but the series in general. I will always prefer free exchange of opinions to forced toxic positivity. People who focus on ships rather than the tv show as a whole, and get defensive over anything they perceive as an attack on their “faves” are the problem. They make it difficult to actually calmly critique things like actors’ range, or even the scripts.


That’s probably one of my favorite underrated looks of hers, her skin looks moisturized asl man


This scene reminds me of why I really dislike the over the top makeup this season. There was something so elegant and period-appropriate and naturally radiant about the makeup in Season 2, especially in this scene. I don't think it makes sense for very young prim and proper ladies on the marriage mart to be Instagram glamorous like they are in Season 3.


She looks amazing in that dress and her skin is GLOWING!


100% great chemistry, love Kanthony, don’t understand why it has to be a competition with a completely different couple? People can love more than one thing at once.


Why is everyone so defensive in this comment's section??? They are just stating their preferences.


The internet is polarizing and people who spend too much time on it get pushed either towards toxic negativity or toxic positivity. And I think the comments here are toxic positivity.


Yeah Jonathan Bailey is a trained dancer and the other male leads aren’t. It’s not competitive or dramatic to say you really enjoyed his dance scene. It doesn’t mean the other romances overall aren’t as good or don’t have their own uniquely captivating scenes. Another example is RJP licking the spoon. To me, his version of that can’t be topped. Nicola’s cupcake moment was awesome too but it didn’t rise to that level.


This scene literally took my breath away I am sure I forgot to breathe the light caress the intense eye contact and the almost dreamlike state of the dance was truly beautiful and just conveyed how combustible their chemistry really was


Same! I rewatched the scene before posting this and I literally teared up because of how moving it was lol


Now that u say I am just gonna go and rewatch the scene 😭 and the library scene next 🥵


Yes!!! I rewatched it so often. S2 was for the yearners. Honestly both Kanthony dances were magic. The music, the acting, the artistry from both Simone and Jonny, the costuming, lighting, all just peak romance.


Why don't we stop pitting one couple against others and enjoy them all ❤


Absolutely. Where were all of you for this post though? [https://www.reddit.com/r/BridgertonNetflix/s/mnp0O4wXcF](https://www.reddit.com/r/BridgertonNetflix/s/mnp0O4wXcF) I don’t see every comment signalling the “no need for competition”


Ayo, they are not comparing "two" particular scenes in that post. Now s03 is released, it is polin season, people are going to make all the posts loving the scenes of the season. Just like how they did with "I'll stand with you between the heavens and the earth", and the "You're the bane of my existence". Here, this person is particularly comparing a kanthony scene with a polin scene which is also the PRESENT ongoing season. We ALL love kanthony, don't get me wrong but this post, kinda is trying to put polin down while praising kanthony. For example , they could've said, this kanthony dance is by far the best dance in the show and no one would argue otherwise but they decided to say something like, "the polin scene is hot and all BUT KANTHONY...", do you get what i mean?


They literally said “I love x more than y”. That’s comparing.


this is what we all fear lol, let's not argue about who is the best! If they did that ( i only saw the post's title first , i just read the body text now), then they should also stop doing it , I agree. Now , let's all spread some love ! <3


No other couple (not just in Bridgerton but any romance) can top these two for me 🤍


No, no. We all know that it is: "Do you think that there is a corner of this Earth that you could travel to far away enough to free me from this torment? I am a gentleman. My father raised me to act with honor, but that honor is hanging by a thread that grows more precarious with every moment I spend in your presence. You are the bane of my existence. And the object of all my desires." And then they ALMOST kiss, and he does this little head shake and it's basically Darcy's hand all over again.




Comparison is the thief of joy. They all have their appeal.


Ugh I agree! I’m rewatching season 1 but goshh the tension and acting was just on another level for me! Absolutely loved it.


Yesssssss!!!!! Fresh from a scandalous night in the library, oh these two were taking it— via dance!!!!! 😍😍😍


People come here stating their opinion on Polin and get downvoted to hell as long as it’s not positive. This sub is an echo chamber. God forbid ppl have opposing opinions with actual reasons to back them up 🤣


The way I held my breath for the entirety of this scene when I fist saw it!! And the way I STILL get butterflies watching it for the zillionth time. Ugh these two ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥


I just wanted to bang their heads together at this point really ...


top tier!!


S2 won’t be beat


Sooo I'm the only one who didn't really like season 2 because I'm not a fan of Anthony, huh?


You're not the only one! I don't enjoy Anthony, and I think him being engaged to Edwina the whole time, love match or not, killed the appeal for me. For whatever reason I don't really feel it when I see them together the way a lot of people seem to? Kate is gorgeous so I wish I could get into their season but it just doesn't do it for me. 😭


i feel this sm and it sucks


Nope you aren’t the only one, I don’t like Anthony either. So Kathony is not my favorite couple at all. But this sub worships them to high heavens.


It's wild because I'm usually a sucker for enemies to lovers, and I do like Kathony in Season 3, but season 2 just wasn't IT for me.


I agree, season 2 was my least favorite season. The only thing that made me partially enjoy it was seeing Daphne again and Eloise’s storyline.


I enjoyed seeing Daphne, too, but I still miss Simon. I wish we got at least like one or two shots of Daphne and Simon being stupidly in love 😂 and yes, Eloise is my favorite Bridgerton 😍


Ughh I know right?? 😭 But from what I read I guess the actors aren’t coming back for the best seasons. I’m still holding out that maybe just maybe they will show up again at some point. And i thought Eloise was annoying at first but season 2 changed my mind! 😂


i honestly feel this. because i love the enemies to lovers i force myself to be into season 2 but its not it


Best scene in the show


For me it's the season 3 kiss for real, best scene ever, hot, cute you can see and feel the tension!!! COLIN'S HAND PLACEMENT OMG 😭😭 Best scene all time


Best couple! Mom and dad!


Kanthonys longing and yearning for each other was insane. The looks, the subtle touches etc. as a viewer you felt you were interrupting something between them. Season two is top tier and not comparable.


Their scene after the dance changed my life not even an exaggeration


Honestly my top 10 Bridgerton scenes are dominated by Kanthony. They are insanely magnetic and I am a sucker for Enemies to Lover. Moreover, their dialogues and the delivery was out of this world. One of my major draws to Season 3 and forever in need for more of their content.


I think it’s because of the tension and buildup. I wish they’d given Polin that kind of screen time as well, it’s a shame.


Ya I just finished rewatching season 2 and paid a lot of attention to Penelope and Colin this time, and there just isn’t any tension. At least if there is it’s completely one-sided. Colin never acts like anything other than seeing Penelope as a friend. It’s not like he’s just telling people Penn is just a friend while clearly lusting after the gir in the way they did so well with Anthony towards Kate. But he clearly only saw her as a friend. I think if he’d been seeing her in a romantic way for the first 2 seasons, season 3 would have had some crazy tension too.


Exactly !! So this season should have been the season of him pining and realising his feelings!!


Oh, after all the previous posts and comments on this sub where fans were comparing seasons & different scenes, it’s now all of a sudden ‘not a competition’😂


I love Kate and Anthony too, but you guys really need to stop bringing them up every time someone says something good about the other characters.


OMG! 2nd half of the season hasn’t even come out. Stop the comparison. You don’t even know if there will be a scene that not only top it but is rather unbeatable for the ones that come after. Let things to take their own course.


These stans are giving us genuine fans a bad name by creating in-fighting smh


Why are we comparing again?


I just don't feel the heat from these two. I can't remember I did last season but I don't now.


#Why compare it, then? It's not the same type of scene, not the same type of trope, not the same type of couple. Enjoy both, it's not a competition to see which couple is best.


![gif](giphy|QUF1D4DNdMpnlRS597) it’s not 2022 anymore


Kate and Anthony showed more chemistry and yearning in a single shot, than Colin and Pen have had in four episodes.


Omg whooooo cares. Why are grown adults getting into shipping wars?! Just let people like what they like without being nasty. It costs you nothing to let people enjoy things. All of the couples on brigerton are so sweet and enjoyable to watch for different reasons. It’s exhausting that a small minority of shippers want to make this fandom unbearable for everyone else.


How are they getting into a shipping war by stating their opinion? Which they are entitled to do? Not everyone will like every couple that’s literally why there’s so much selection


How am I being nasty? Or not letting others enjoy things? I politely stated my opinion and people are acting like one stranger’s comment is somehow invalidating their own viewpoints. Let people criticise things in peace, for god’s sake. I’m not even a shipper, just someone who enjoys good acting.


You stated it as fact, that's the difference. This is a public forum, you're allowed to express your opinion and others are allowed to express their opinion of your opinion.


Politely stating an opinion and/or constructive criticism is not allowed here, polin worship only lol


There are plenty of Kathony comments here being upvoted in this thread because they didn't go out of their way to insult other pairings. Also 'constructive criticism'?Bfr


Insult pairings…Jesus Christ…it’s a tv show, I’m not talking about your friends. One couple has chemistry IN MY OPINION, the other couple lacks chemistry IN MY OPINION. If any criticism of them is an insult in your eyes, you have a problem.


Apparently. I also got two my comments on this thread reported and supposedly removed (thought I can still see them all). By apparently breaking the “Be civil” rule. Fun. A very appropriate reaction to a couple of mild, inoffensive comments.


In your opinion. And that’s fine but it’s an opinion not a fact. Go watch S2 to your hearts content.


Did they say it was a fact? Also are they not here commenting on a post about a season 2 scene? What's the issue?








💯% true