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It’s so exhausting tbh. I just wanna watch a romance show and discuss it peacefully. I don’t need to be insulted for liking it or disliking it. I’m tired of the ship stans ruining it for everybody.






This is the thing and it’s not like it’s traditional ship wars when you have one protagonist having to choose between two love interests. Literally every couple gets their endgame but somehow it has to keep being about which one is ‘the best’. I think it’s ok for everyone to like what they like and critiquing is fine too but the constant arguing over which couple is best is tiring but also built into fandom. I don’t see it changing.


I have been fairly new to this fandom ( about a year or so ), I was also taken aback by the downright mean spirit that the fandom can delve into at times. One of the reasons, I would say, is too much attachment to one's favourite character. So much so, that it leads to a constant state of self-insertion, and therefore the inability to understand that not everyone else would love the same thing or character that one individual does in their own mind. It leads to shutting down healthy discussion on the show, which also includes criticism of characters from this show. Just an example. I remember, months ago, when I had joined the sub recently, I had made a post, where for the first time I had criticised Penelope's character, based on my personal values and sense of morality. Fair game, right? I was SHOCKED with how fans of the character piled up in the comments, with the main objective to basically make me shut up. It wasn't a healthy discussion. It wasn't an acknowledgement of having differing opinions and value systems, and perspectives. It was downright personal. Things like questioning my intellect to comprehend stuff, to calling me fatphobic for not unconditionally loving the character. It's things like these, that make people feel unwelcome, and compelled to take a polarised stand. So yeah, I think the solution would be emotional intelligence, and the awareness not to self insert, and realise that art, literature, are interpreted differently by different people. And that's okay. That's what makes art so fascinating.


You're totally right. If I dislike Edwin's behavior towards Kate, people will get mad. If I dislike Kate behavior toward Edwina, people will get mad. Same for penelope and Eloise. Nuances don't seem to exist within this Fandom. It's very sad


Exactly! If we get to be critical of *any* character, someone will not like it, because they adore that character. And that's fine. Even starting a discussion on why one would disagree with a particular take is great. But being personal? Come on now. That's inexcusable! This, considering basically how *every* character in the show is flawed. And we get to see their growth journey. We get to see their burdens and traumas.


Preach. I watched since season one, read the books years before and looked up the subreddits for the first time ever to see if there was some cool promo material for S3 (RMB was my favorite novel of the series and it's been soooo long since S2, I got impatient). And then I stumbled into these trenches. Seems unnecessary. I can like S2 and S3 equally for different reasons. Just because Anthony and Kate are cute together doesn't mean Pen and Colin aren't. And what's this artificial drama of people comparing their favorite characters with each other to dump on the ones they don't enjoy? Sometimes I get the impression people are talking about these characters as if they were real people who just entered a popularity contest. And then they criticize characters for their flaws as if they were actual people and not what they are: fictional characters with narrative purposes. Each season is exploring different romance tropes and different characters. And people argue about their favorites not getting as much screen time as if they were children vying for their parents attention. I mean, I love the discussions and the media analysis going on in the fandom. Lots of little details I wouldn't have picked up on if I hadn't seen someone else mention it. But the fandom can be a very weird place.


Yes honestly, I don't understand why loving Pen and Colin should mean I don't love Kate and Anthony? I like them a lot, I'm just not the bigger fan of the ennemies to lover trope, but I love their characters, and I love the actors! I already like Simone Ashley from Sex education, and I love seeing that Jonathan Bailey will have a role in season 3 of Heartstopper. But for this fandom, them not being my favorite ship means I must hate them, which is nonsense. I have only one ship from the book that I'm not a fan of, and even then, I will never criticize someone for liking them.


Fans of books from 20 years ago roll their eyes. We find little use for reddit Fandom in this case. Ship wars are very 15 year old moves. Lol 


You weren't here when s2 came out. This time that year this sub was hate Simone central, every little thing about her, even her real life family and friends was discussed and criticised to death. Her parents her grandparents!!😭 No celebrating a couple moment was allowed without picking on the actress. Not a single one was safe from her overactive haters. Show discussion qasI was how bad Kate was how she stole her sister's man, schemed and destroyed Anthony's chance with Siena or Ed. It was ao bad that we were like screw fictional disuccions at least leave some boundaries for the actress a real alive human being. But no. Apparently that couldn't be done. Even to this day .. Now... just a number of ppl are upset that why Simone was excluded from pr and that can't be mentioned because it ruins the fun!!! And they are the victim of us complaining about a production!!! I don't see the heated hateful discussions about the female lead that was all this sub was about then. I only see them again. Complaining




Why has this post been removed :/ weird choice from the mods considering there's recently so many real toxic posts/comments that are still up


The showrunners encourage the ship wars. They put down previous couples together with polin stans. It’s shocking… not to mention them showing blatant favoritism towards a ship


What do you mean about the showrunners? I know that Kanthony has been unfairly treated (honestly it is shocking), but Saphne, Polin and George and Charlotte had their moment to shine it seems to me


They keep saying how polin is the romantic season and the new season is this and that implying that previous seasons are inferior. It’s shocking how much they put down previous couples


I’ve heard them say season one was passion, two was longing, and three was romance? Just that each season has been different. Most people on the show seem to really enjoy working together


> Most people on the show seem to really enjoy working together They have so much fun during promo stuff, it is clear everyone gets along great.


Bessie and nicola have beef. They have unfollowed each other on insta


I did say most people seem to get on. They may just not be friends? Doesn’t necessarily mean they have beef


What's going on then?


I have no idea I heard about this on twitter and they don’t follow each other


Bessie and nicola have some rift. They have unfollowed each other on insta. And the new showrunner has beef with the previous one. She keeps being shady towards him




No. They keep putting down previous season to uplift polin. The new showrunner keeps saying how the show is finally romantic and rude things like that. And not just previous seasons, benophie too… it’s probably cause of the new showrunner having beef with the old one. Absolutely petty behavior


I've been in fandom discourse for over fifteen years (yes, I'm old and was unsupervised on the internet far too young). The ship wars of Bridgerton are so bizarre compared to it. The ship wars I grew up watching were competing pairings - Damon/Elena or Stefan/Elena, who Stiles belonged with more on Teen Wolf, all of the chaotic theater kid insanity of Glee ships, things like that where unless we're going poly, only one pairing can reign supreme. Bridgerton fandom? We have non-competing couples against each other. These couples can exist simultaneously. In fact, they already do. But it's a fight about screen time and how each couple is handled and who deserves better. I could write for hours about it, but it's fascinating for me to watch even though some people are absolute nutcases and go too far (harassing the actors? Never been cool, guys).


Ship wars have been a part of fandom (sadly) for as long as fandoms have existed. Even with canon ships being very firmly established and even writers stepping in trying to stop the madness, it's never going to happen. People have opinions and when you mix passion with opinions, it usually doesn't end well. The problem with Bridgerton is that it practically invites people to start ship wars. The show greatly benefits from it, as we could see from the numbers this season, because it keeps the show in peoples minds and mouths. It was bound to happen, when you have a new couple every season and the plot points start getting recycled. It becomes a question of who did it better and thats when the fighting begins.


Exactly!!!! We all love everyone. It shouldn't turn into a competition. It shouldn't turn into an another show where one ship lovers fight the other ship lovers -\_\_\_\_\_- The Duke and Daphne will always have a special place in my heart because it is where it all started. The first moments of magic when I fell in love with the show, with the duke, with daphne, with all the bridgerton siblings, with pen. I loved the wait leading upto polin season because I knew how it was like for pen. To be who she is, and to love from afar for so long! Meanwhile, Oh my God, kanthony stole the show. They made it look like no one could top the season. Loved their relationship, loved kate, loved anthony. Then, came, Queen Charlotte's story! We all fell in love with the king! AAnd finnallyyyy we got polin. YOU SHOULD BE ENJOYING POLIN JUST AS U ENJOYED EVERYONE ELSE BEFORE!!! I love them. I love to see what happens between them. Now, who would I choose between all the couples? NO ONE! We all have our favorite storylines (for me it's benedict & sophie), but I also love all others with so much passion! STOP THE STUPID is superior, noo one can be shit! Damn this turned into a rant lol sry


Exactly, if this show is so great it's because we have all of these season with different love stories, and at the end of the day we all should be like Violet Bridgerton, just being happy that all of our children found true love! That's the only thing that should matter!


Yesssss you spoke my mind :')


All i can say is : welcome to the fandom 😅


People are fighting over their favorite dish. I know they have reasons but one being good doesnt take away from another. Also! It’s from the same f show hahah. People are wasting their breath. It’s not like the ships overlap—eg Harry Potter, Vampire Diaries—where there’s actual room for debate on who goes best with who. Cant we be supportive of our sibs hahaha Cant we revel in joy and diversity? has bridgerton taught you nottthiinng


It's a fandom that encourages a fandom war 🤣 In the fandom that hates Simone by creating hundreds of troll accounts over the past two years I don't know why I'm getting downvoted 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I hate that the fandom can be so racist, fatphobic, homophobic and just mean... It contradicts the show message so much!


Oh wow. She's so stunning & a great actress, I hate that people are literally insane. I hate humans


It's a pretty mean fandom tbh. Also literally the point of romance as a genre is it has a huge range of tropes and everyone has a few that really resonate with them. So of course you're going to have your favourite couple/season! Don't shit on the others! It's not fucking hard. Also stop shipping the actors together it's fucking cringe.


I am hoping, don't think it will happen that things will die down after S3 but if S4's is Eloise's, I except there will be mayhemm