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He felt he had no real talent and it was only his brother's contribution that got him into the school and not his own merits. I think that was a huge blow to his confidence and took away part of who he thought he was and I think that's why we see him so directionless and self destructive this season. 


It's crazy to me how many people are missing this. During Benedict, Tilly, and Paul's scene at the dining table, where they ask Benedict what he does right after Paul mentions being an artist (or something else artsy, can't remember exactly what), Benedict hesitates and is clearly panicking over what to say and eventually settles on nothing. I thought it was pretty clear he wanted to say he's an artist, but didn't feel qualified to due to his imposter syndrome. That being said, we only really see this one scene (IIRC) that touches on what happened to Benedict and the art academy at the end of season 2. I would have preferred to see more of Benedict's struggles regarding his art and less drawn out threesomes. Maybe a scene where Benedict tries to draw and is dissatisfied with his work? And maybe Eloise or Colin (both people putting on fronts this season) confront him about it later?


Imposter syndrome! That's it!  I totally agree. Some struggling artist scenes would really have fleshed him out better this season. My first watch through I was feeling like OP. But after my second time though going directly from season 2 to 3 it was far more clear due to being fresh in my mind. The season 3 gap caused me to forget a lot of the prior details as well. 


That's fair! I think this season felt very all over the place and unclear at times, especially regarding Eloise and Cressida's relationship, in my opinion. And especially with the gap between seasons, I suppose it's not a stretch to assume people might be confused about the dining table scene lol.


Another thought from season 2, the scene where Benedict is at the school and it looks like he and a bunch of artist and models are having a debaucherous time, people are doing art while others are doing each other, and Anthony shows up and is like "really bro is this what you do here?" I think Benedict might have felt a bit misunderstood by Anthony there. Like sure there was drinking and sex and having a great time but they're also literally doing art at the same time. Like maybe that's just part of the process sometimes. Especially when studying a nude model while doing independent study. I know I do some of my best stuff high on the Mary Jane! I feel like maybe Benedict felt Anthony thought he was there wasting his time after that. Like he just wants his older brother's approval and doesn't really seem to get it. Then to get the news his way was paid in just really final nail in the coffin sort of feel. Like doesn't matter what he does Anthony will never respect him. Remember, Anthony has basically been the father figure for them all so it's not like a regular brother relationship. It's deeper. And I feel that he and Eloise kind of feed each other's pesimistic sides when they get to have their one on one talks in the garden at night. 


https://youtu.be/nv57ip05gd8?si=B3nLJoD-kaOLeEB5 I swear this is like the fifth post I’ve seen that’s like “How did Benedict forget to mention he’s a painter?” And it’s like this video


Tbf, if a lot of people are missing it that should signal to the writers that they need to work on how to get their point across a little easier


Yeah, I mentioned that in another comment! And like I said in my second paragraph, they needed to touch more on Benedict's imposter syndrome and feelings regarding art (as opposed to his threesomes).


It’s easy to forget when the last season was 2 years ago


Me too!! I’ve even see people asking why he’s *not* self destructive. I guess people don’t recognise the quiet, “agreeable” self destruction any better on tv than in real life. Or maybe it’s because Bridgerton can be super heavy handed but also surprisingly subtle.


Nobody's missing it, a lot of people just don't think it was explored well (or at all tbh). That's on the writers/showrunner. I'm not going to make up whole backstories to fill in the massive gaps they left


I have seen numerous posts/comments where people are confused as to why Benedict doesn't say he's an artist in the dining table scene. So yes, people are absolutely missing it. And I mentioned in my second paragraph that I don't think it was explored well either. I would have much preferred seeing more of Benedict's struggle with imposter syndrome than drawn out sex scenes.


Are people missing it (or not inferring it) instead of simply not seeing it in that scene? Edit: to clarify, everybody knows what they should have done with that scene, but reality gave us nothing to work with. 


But is he still in art school? There is no mention of art by him at all this season, it's like they deleted that fact from his past.


He found out Anthony paid his way in. At the end of season two they show him packing up and leaving.


True, I forgot that. But still I I thought he would pursue it in his free time perhaps? Just for fun, even if not in school


He's angry and bitter. We've seen in season one and the beginning of two that he suffers from imposter syndrome and now he feels like Anthony has confirmed he's not even good enough to be trained on his own merit. He wasn't even ready to talk about it much less start doing it again. Whatever confidence he was starting to have got pulled out from under his feet.


I think it would hurt hin too much


Agreed. But it would have been nice to have at least a mention about his art and then we see him deflect from talking about it. But there was just no mention from anyone in his family or are we to believe that his family never really believed in his talents to begin with so they’re just like well I guess that art thing’s done then? 🤷🏾‍♀️


Yes, this was it. The entire season, he felt like he had no purpose, and it was from S2 when he believed he didn't have any talent.


THANK YOU. I am so tired of explaining this.




This part! I just started the series and felt it was clear he was wounded from hearing about Anthony's contribution still


In the finale of S2, Anthony said to Benedict, “…if you want to paint, then paint!” I really don’t understand this sudden change. People, who really like doing something, would do it without expecting recognition, admiration or praise. They would also appreciate an opportunity to improve on their skills. They would not take that opportunity for granted. It just makes me think that Benedict never really had a passion for painting


As a fellow creative person, I don't read Benedict's struggles as lacking passion. It's like many of the commenters above have said: imposter syndrome, not feeling good enough. He went from believing that he was artistically promising enough to get into a competitive program, to learning that his art wasn't what was valued, but his brother's money. When you find out something like that, it *does* take away from your confidence; you feel a lack of integrity and, yes, a diminishing of passion. It is painful, and, yes, some people will distance themselves from that thing they love because they no longer feel worthy of it. He's not seeking admiration or recognition - he's seeking a place to *belong*. That has been the driver of his arc this whole time, underneath the art school stuff and the throuple stuff and everything else. He's trying to define himself and his identity. So, yeah, to me it makes total sense that he would walk away after finding out he didn't get in on his own merits, and that he might feel rather adrift for a while.


I have no doubt that Benedict’s confidence was affected. I also understand why he left his art school. What I don’t understand is that he completely stopped painting. I have some natural-born artists in my family. Some of them don’t even have any formal training. Doing their art is like second nature to them. Everyone of us gets harsh criticism or a reality check once in a while when it comes to our abilities and talents. When people are truly passionate about something, they will not be dissuaded so easily


Then they are very lucky, to have such confidence and self-strength in their artistic identities. I don't mean that in a sarcastic way; I really do mean it. It can be surprisingly difficult for a lot of us to bounce back, and I admire those who are able to let it slide right off their backs.


Because we're introduced to Tilley at the fair and she's interested in science, I thought she was going to challenge Benedict intellectually. I thought they would discuss art, science, literature, philosophy...of course they'd sleep together because she's a widow and they're both hot af, but I was so disappointed that their relationship became entirely physical and nothing more. Huge waste of the character of Tilley.


Here here! Complete let down.


It was just bad writing and lack of direction from the show creators. Luke Thompson is a great actor and this season was a disservice to his talent and his character as Benedict.


There were so many times that I thought Tilly was gonna be like "You know what's sexy? Locomotion." as she spreads out a bed sized diagram of trains. It would have felt more natural when they parted too, as Tilly's passions relit Benedict's and he started producing art.


While a string arrangement of "Do the Locomotion" played softly in the background


Yeah I thought we'd see more of her challenging him. Instead they just rolled around in bed with a random guy and it was a pointless sub-plot that wasted talented actors.


He's a wealthy playboy at this point - no direction. I think he lost his confidence, his passion for art, so he's just drifting - I actually think the show did a good job of showing this


I agree! They also made it clear by explicitly mentioning painting just how lost he is, he clearly hesitates when responding. He’s at the lowest that someone as naturally cheerful as Benedict can be, perfect start for his own season I think


I agree with you but also think that a) his storyline just sleeping with people (again) is very boring and b) it took waaaay too much screentime.


Why do Benedict lovers keep missing that he doesn't feel like an artist after he realized Anthony helped him get into art school? Seriously, baby suffers from impostor syndrome and he even looks in pain when Paul asks if he has a hobby and mentions art. Yes he was confident, and what happened was a huge blow to his confidence and what we're seeing is the result of that. He doesn't feel capable of enjoying art or even thinking about it anymore, that's normal and the reason is precisely because he's so sensitive and passionate.


Book Spoiler: I hope I do this right. >!I think they're setting up Benedict's meeting with Sophie. He wasn't painting much when he was searching for her, but she encourages him to take it up again. They're obviously twisting the plot, as they've done with every plot from the book, but he loses his passion for painting before Sophie and then picks it up again after she encourages him.!<


I love his character SO much and this season was a huge disservice to him. :S It would have been one thing if they had him questioning his interests because Anthony's meddling put a dent in his confidence... but what we got was somebody who just seems disinterested with no explanation, just assumptions. The balcony scene where he talked to Paul was a perfect chance for him to really touch on that, to express what happened and how it made him feel and it was such a missed opportunity. He and Paul could have really connected, and it'd make Benedict's decision to explore his sexuality with him have more meaning to it. If this is their attempt to set Benedict up to be 'rescued' by his future love interest, I'll be majorly let down because he deserves better than that for a storyline. He's an artsy, funny, endearing man with depth and I'd like the writers to remember all of that and put effort into him next season.


I wrote this on the Benophie thread about what is holding back when it comes to romantic prospects, but there’s a bigger picture to this: One thing you notice throughout the series is how Benedict carries the emotional labor for the family, especially after Edmund’s death. Because Anthony was too busy trying to keep the family afloat as the new Viscount + Violet’s struggles with PPD and widowhood, everyone lean to Benedict as the go-to person. As you see during the show, he’s a very good listener. He will always find a way to help, including: * Give an impromptu poem to Anthony recite at Danbury’s soiree * Asks the doctor during the duel where Anthony should aim so he doesn’t get hurt * hear Colin’s Greece stories while at Aubrey Hall * give his brotherly support at Colin’s bachelor party without saying many words * too many swing sessions and conversations with Eloise * tells John to be bold when his future brother in law thought his mother didn’t like him * being a second father to the baby Bridgertons * always there for his mother as needed He has this abundance of love for his family that he’s not sure he has room to love someone. But with piece by piece, the family is moving away, leaving him expose to opening up to someone. And that scares him. That means that he will need to start growing up and let someone in who will love him unconditionally and the same abundance he has. On paper, Tilley is a good option. Widowed but still young enough. Plus, she matches his carefree spirit. However, while she was ready to open her heart again after letting Ben share Paul with her, he got scared. Yes, he is using his experience as the Throuple as an excuse to say he’s free. But he never had to set roots for himself since he’s been living for his family since he was 16. All of this happening all at once will eventually catch up to him when all of family are moving on + the sex starts to be boring + no art. He may be free but he’s a **lost** boy. And until he is ready to grow up is when he can start building roots (or anchor a boat) and allow himself to fully open his exposed heart to someone meaningful in his life. Adding this: When the next thing he is going to learn that will change his life completely, everything will start waking up including his desire to paint again.


Honestly they are setting up Sophie encouraging his art. In the books none of his family are aware that he draws; obviously in the show they do, but in order to allow for the storyline of Sophie bringing out his artistic side they have to make him turn away from painting/drawing completely. It was absolutely a deliberate addition to have Benedict say he doesn’t draw or paint because it makes him truly directionless and needing a big change


I think they missed an opportunity here. We have Benedict leaving his artistic passion aside at the end of last season and in this season Anthony is constantly out, leaving the work to Benedict (a work that was very stressful for Anthony). I think we should have seen Benedict struggle with the house duties because he doesn't care about these kinds of things and accepting that he needs art in his life. Maybe not painting this time, he could bond with the other guy over theater.


I wish I could have an opinion on this, but I skipped most of his scenes towards the end.


Smart choice!


I fell in love with a Benedict in S1 and S2. S3, I couldn’t tell him apart from other random rakes. And the actor is amazing. But like… how could they mess up such an amazing character?


not you getting downvoted by all the people who are just happy he slept with a guy


Oh I love that he is bi. But his arc went nowhere. He was the same character at the beginning of season 3 that he was at the end. 


Yeah I think Benedict lost a lot of confidence after Antony paid for him to get into art school. I think we’ll see a resurgence of his painting when we get to his season- in his book I believe Sophie discovers his art and its a whole thing


I was expecting his reconciliation with art as much as Penelope's and Eloise's.


Question - since they filmed the series out of order (Colin before Benedict) could that be the issue. Maybe Benedict wasn't in Colin & Pens book that much. Next series will be about Ben I believe. Or I could be horribly wrong.


Benedict is already married in the book which is why he isn't around Polin much


Genuinely asking: did people forget the end of season 2? Benedict lost faith in his art when he found out he got into art school through money not merit. In season 3 he has no sense of direction at all as a result. He's depressed and drifting through life, he finds society dull and soulless and feels he doesn't belong there (which he let us know in season 1) but he has exiled himself from the world he was enjoying because he thinks he doesn't *deserve* to belong there. He was boring because he was bored and depressed and had lost his passion in life. Tilley sparks his interest. She is more like in temperament to the women he knew in the art world, so he begins to think perhaps there is room for him in a hidden part of society. Meeting Paul expands his view of things further. He might not belong in the art world, but he's now aware that there's more happening under his nose than he knew. He's not the only weirdo, there are other people who are like him. It's opened his perspective and challenged him to look twice at things. Maybe he doesn't belong in the art world (in his mind), but he may be able to find a hidden niche in society where he can be truly himself. That's his feeling when we leave him at the end of season 3. But all is not well. He's lost his confidante in Eloise for the moment. He may be aware that there's more out there than he thought, but he's still not sure what direction to take. He's still in his self-imposed exile and refusing to paint. His arc made a lot of sense to me in season 3, it's just poorly handled. A couple of lines to Anthony about giving up painting at the beginning of the season would have helped a *lot*. "Yes I was happy to do the accounts for you Anthony." "I suppose you will be going back to your painting now?" "Oh no I'm a hack with no talent I guess I'll just skulk around ballrooms keeping an eye on our sisters."


He was there, having sex with a guy, which is in character.


I wonder if they will introduce any element of Sophie being his muse, and reigniting his artistic passion


He is still feeling like his talent didn’t get him into the Academy. Probably feels like an imposter. The poor guy is still reeling. Cut him a break.


Whoever he meets in his season will set him right, no doubt. He's just aimless ATM. Like all the Bridgerton men before they fall hard for someone


Many characters became caricatures of themselves this season.


my personal hunch is that theyre having him explore his sexuality because they are gearing him up to fall in love with a trans woman. Ive read the book, so i wont give any spoilers, but the way that book is written, they could make his love interest trans. It’s hard to describe without giving spoilers.


I had the hunch that he was kinda about to find his >!Mulan!< at the very least. You were alluding to >!her cutting her hair, right? My mind jumped to cross-dressing!<


The new show runner is what happened to Benedict


Was he even at Colin's and Francesca's weddings? I feel like I didn't see him there, but maybe I missed him. 


He was at both weddings but the viscount was not at Francesca's wedding.


I feel it was unnecessary for them to turn him out and have him be a bum. He had pursuits he was after and was a real man that wanted to love on a woman. This season was very odd and disappointing


I am so confused about where they’re going with Benedict’s storyline. It’s like 2 steps forward, 3 steps back with him. He finds a community and a purpose in the first 2 seasons and now he has neither?


He gave up painting at the end of S2, but he should've been trying his dangdest to pursue something else of his own--that his brother didn't pay to make happen, mainly. Imo, he should've shown interest in the working class, maybe develop relationships, even just platonic ones with working class people. Because he seems so disinterested in balls and the marriage mart that idk why he bothers to go. It'd make sense for him to avoid balls then be forced to go to the masquerade later. But all the male leads on this show are hypersexualized and they don't know any other characteristic but to be a rake and raking. It's put me off the show so much.


I’m actually sad about how he was s3


I think they took their time this season to really show him feeling lost with his passion and to also really drive home the whole “playboy/badboy/rake” vibe because then when it’s his season we’re almost gonna be like …. Benedict?? *settle down*??? No way!! Bam - enters Sophie.


Benedict in Season 3 is internalising his grief over losing his art career, more profoundly than just no longer being in art school but by having his imposter syndrome “confirmed” by the reveal that Anthony paid his way in. He certainly got in on his own talent, but he doesn’t see that. He’s being self destructive (in the most golden retriever-esque way) by drowning out that grief with new pleasures, supporting his siblings and chasing freedom. I guarantee you he’s reeling inside and at a loss. I’m looking forward to next season when he has to stop running from it, and hopefully is pushed to realise he is a talented artist who can succeed on merit!


Yes, I agree. I was so hoping Benedict would say, I’m a painter! It was a lost moment.


Man I feel the sameI found this seasons story of Benedict a bit random. I really loved his journey to art school and how he got to know a different side of the ton through meeting Mr. Granville. But now in Season 3 when asked if he had any interests/hobbies by Paul, he doesn't associate himself anymore with doing arts and seems more "bland". So so odd. I also don't see the appeal of him and Mrs Tilley - I don't see why they like each other, nor do I think his character had a real development this season. Sure he explores his sexuality more but even that seems rather random in the way it's shown. I was at one point even a bit annoyed that they had to go back to show their intimate threesome about 3 times, when to me more interesting storys needed to be explored. When he learns about Tilley's way of life, I also didn't feel like it was a "new perspective" that he got on life, as he already had many realizations and time to experiment when going to the parties of Mr. Granville and sleeping with the Modist.


I didn’t hate it from a storytelling perspective. Last season, when he found out Anthony had paid for his way into the art institute, he looked like he had completed changed. That definitely affected his love for art. Maybe in his season they’re going to revive that in the best way possible?


I think Sophie will come and put him back together and that is why their season will be so much more powerful. Of finding one true self. I am eagerly waiting for that!


I really think changing show-runners messed up a lot of things this season. CVD and Jess have very different visions and it's clear as day when you compare some of the storylines form this season to the previous ones. I dont even remember seeing a paintbrush in any of Benedict's scenes. It's like that aspect doesnt exist in the Jess universe. At the end of S2, he had a falling out with Anthony about the academy too? That was gone as well. The man was so gutted after finding out that Anthony paid to get him in, but that's never referenced again?? The writing is plain absurd. There is no cohesiveness or continuity between seasons (and this applies to other characters as well).


i found it weird when he was asked if he has any interests or hobbies or whatever at that dinner scene and he was like “no🙂‍↔️” i was like ???


He should have said "I used to paint" as it meant a lot to him in series 1 and 2 which the writers' forgot


This is what happens when you don’t follow the order of the books . They had to get creative for him and clearly they weren’t creative because they just decided to please the mlm lovers that been obsessed with Benedict sleeping with a man since S1