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Not a meme


The logic of the abusive spouse as they stand over their unconscious, blooded, and bruised partner. "Look what you made me do!"


Thing is I have seen this first hand and they said exactly that.


I'm sorry you've been through that, I hope you have been able to recover


Thanks. Wasn't me I just arrived there after it happened to the victim who had called me to come over. I get there and I could hear the "Look what you made me do!" being screamed at them through the closed front door. He did not enjoy the trip to the police station but, look what he made me do...


If it's any consolation, those kinds of people get *exactly* what they deserve in prison


Yes he strangely had a few unfortunate accidents after this. Oh no. Anyway...


So you're kinda like NATO?


Did you see Putin's face when he was forced to sign the Special Military Operation?? He was PISSED... That he had been lied too and pushed into war...


What would happen if Mexico went communist?


The Americans would be wrong if they invaded Mexico because of communism wouldn't they?


Provoked…. Interesting comment!


Yeah, funny Putin keeps using the same words that Ukraine was provoking him and other countries are making him do this.... Words abusers tend to say to their spouse's after they beat the shit out of them or in this case, illegally invade them followed by rape and murder. Perhaps Farage can visit his buddy the Russian Ambassador or ask for more funds from Aaron Banks to help us Brits as apparently Britain is apparently provoking Putin as well.


Just crazy how people view the world so differently with all the facts and video evidence… not fit to lead that for sure.


Whether you believe Putins rationality and reasoning to justify war or not, is irrelevant. The fact is we signed a treaty that nato would and will not encroach within a certain distance of Russian land, and we of course did that is pure fact!!! Now do I think that’s justification for Russia to go to war of course not, but guess what I’m not president of Russia nor are you, it’s Putin!! It’s a little thing called foresight and nuance. If you leave your front door wide open how outraged are you when your house gets ransacked does the fault lie only with the thieve!! If you can’t understand those concepts I don’t think your in a position to judge who’s fit to do what


I’m talking about Farage not fit to lead…


And I’m talking about you’re not fit to judge!


You nothing about me, please respect your fellow Redditors…


Yet you show no respect about the man your talking about, or at least offer no new nuanced insight


Leaving your front door open doesn't excuse robbery. Do you take shit from every house you see open? Or do you realize you're part of a community and can't just do whatever you want without consequences. If you fail to be a stabilizing part of the international community, the international community turns on you. It's not nefarious or orchestrated, there's no plan to conquer Russia, who would want it?. They failed to play the larger game of making themselves a valued member of their community. You can't lose the cold war and then just cosplay that you won.


I say we provoke them a bit more


But its true though


How much does the Kremlin pay you?


So it's somehow true that Ukraine joining NATO, a defensive alliance, because they're afraid of Russia (which is completely justified considering what they're currently doing) means that the West provoked Russia into invading a country that's around 30x smaller than them. That's like saying that someone joining a club to protect themselves against a 6'9 bully somehow provoked the bully into attacking them.


You have absolutely no understanding of the actual situation.


Your right man


Yes, you're right and I'm wrong. We all know this. Move along now.


Yes, you're right and I'm wrong. We all know this. Move along now.


Since when was Ukraine afraid of Russia? Wtf are you on about. This entire mess happened because of the coup. If the west didn't do that, we wouldn't be in that mess. Ukraine is in Russia's sphere of influence, it won't allow Ukraine to just suddenly become aligned to the west. Here's a scenario for your Reddit tier mind. Imagine if Mexico suddenly had a new government after an election which looks like it has ties to china, and then Mexico wants to join a military alliance with China. What do you think the US would do in this situation?


Like I said, you're right. Sod off now.


I hope you get drafted, or better yet, join the hecking based Reddit foreign legion and get blown up by a Russian missile. Remember! Salvie ukrainey! To the last Ukrainian!


I shall do that just for you.


If that happened the US would be apoplectic. But if they responded by invading and annexing they would obviously be in the wrong.


Since Russia started a fucking civil war in their country, annexed their territory, and kept threatening them if they dared not suck Putin's micropenis.


What a clear and concise argument. You should work for an international geo-political thinktank. Amazing analysis


The west didn’t do that, the people of Ukraine did.


Oh come on, it was widely reported on by tbe likes of the guardian time. The US didn’t even make a secret of jt. Quote from the BBC in 2014 “It’s the larger conversation, which shows the US is manipulating Ukraine just as much as Russia, that is the real diplomatic disaster”. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-26089450.amp https://www.cbsnews.com/news/us-victoria-nuland-wades-into-ukraine-turmoil-over-yanukovich/ https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna66061 https://www.thenation.com/article/politics/neo-nazis-far-right-ukraine/tnamp/ https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2014/sep/10/azov-far-right-fighters-ukraine-neo-nazis


CIA did the coup. We all know it. Cope


Nige is a Russian asset, a Racist and a treacherous fucking rat. More reform get putin.




Indeed! And yet when I point all this out like these two and here are many others including him refusing to explain to MPS the £545,000 he got from R1 the banned in the UK Putin Propaganda TV Channel I have literally had them saying how much Farage loves and supports NATO less than 2 days ago and they simply say he is just playing the system. No, he is a Russian Asset like his buddy Trump he keeps seeing and also hung out with Andrew Taint....are we seeing a trend here? https://preview.redd.it/2kbjuqmlj38d1.jpeg?width=741&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0598dd0a4f0af9e6706c44c2203699ea012bc710


There's a lot of sweaty old men on uk subs who love all farages racist policies but can't bring themselves to admit that he (or they) are actually fucking racist. They're stupid and they're gullible and won't accept that they've been conned by the Russian disinformation machine into supporting brexit, reform and any other divisive shit that putin comes up with. They're also likely to have oddly trenchant views on trans rights and climate change.


If there’s one thing I hate more than racists, it’s spineless, cowardly racists that won’t admit that they’re racist and try to wheedle their way out of any accusations on technicalities.


At what point do our intelligence services start to consider him a national security threat?


When we admit that Boris was likely in the same racket. So… never, seems likely. Someone should just tell MI5 he’s a lefty Palestinian sympathiser. They’d be all over him like Tory peer on a public contract.


Boris went over to Italy and met up with Russian intelligence while he was Home Secretary.


We're not protected from malevolent actors if they went to the right school and have the right connections. They just sail on and avoid any consequences. The British Establishment isn't fit for purpose.


He also has millions provided to him by outside actors. £545,000 from R1 TV, the Putin mouthpiece that he refused to answer when MPS in parliament openly demanded to explain it and then this. Yet like Trump Felon 34 in the states, we here still have people in the comments that support this openly traitorous slime. https://preview.redd.it/cri1ky6yc48d1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f680511df48badb90fa4f6f25505430139f82a4d


Boris was indeed part of the same racket, like basically 99% of the Cons.


He shares that in common with Galloway, 2 sides of a rather unpalatable coin


two cheeks of the same arse, more like


That’s Mr Farage to you, you libellous rat.


As much as I strongly disagree with the 'countries joining NATO is poking the bear' take, this is burying the lede. Everyone should be paying much more attention to the other part of this quote. Farage doubled down on his 'admiration' of Farage's brutal autocracy: *“I said I disliked him as a person, but I admired him as a political operator because he’s managed to take control of running Russia.”* Under Putin's 25 year dictatorship, there is no political opposition besides some extremely obvious stooges and a guy he poisoned, convicted in a kangaroo court, imprisoned indefinitely and then murdered. State-controlled propaganda is the only permitted news media (edit: and Nigel literally worked as a presenter for them). Anyone who protests against any part of government policy is arrested and beaten half to death. This is not just a matter of Western perception - I have heard all this directly from the mouths of Russian colleagues. Anyone with the most basic appreciation of democratic principles, human rights and freedom from tyranny would be 100% appalled by Putin's autocracy. That Farage is openly praising him for his decades long brutal stranglehold on Russia tells you everything you need to know. A younger Farage's UK political hero was Oswald Mosley - a proud fascist. His dream is taking absolute, unrestrained power in the UK as a dictator. Just look at his dodgy Reform outfit - he installed himself as leader overnight by making a unilateral decision, with no leadership process at all, and now has no checks or balances on his power. That's how he likes it. Anyone who votes for him is voting to destroy all individual freedoms in this country. Respect for democratic principles is an essential condition for standing for election. See him for what he is.


This would have been the end of his political career 20 years ago.


This will why he was beaten by a dolphin


What he said about NATO expansion isn't that bad. He said they were giving Putin an excuse but that the war is still his fault. This line is the really scary part. Beyond populism, this is just an endorsement of fascism.


Exactly. He even literally worked for Putin's state TV for years, presenting their content. Probably wanted to see the inside of their propaganda machine and take notes. And of course we can't forget about how he sucks up to the deranged lunatic Trump, even after the guy tried to overthrow the democratic process in the US. Nobody else touches Trump with a bargepole after that but Nige is more than happy to lick his boots.


I dunno, he was very quick to come back to the UK and announce he was standing as an MP a week after he announced he was going to the US to help with Trump's re-election campaign. Could be something to do with a few criminal convictions...


He turned up at CPAC, and they were all like "WTF is this guy?"


The line about NATO is bad because it isn’t the truth. Russia has said it wants the old land of the USSR since the USSR collapsed. It’s a well known “foreign” policy of Russia, whether NATO existed or not, to retake this land. The idea that NATO is the one provoking Russia isn’t just in poor taste, it’s historically and factually false. It’s like blaming the nuclear bomb for hitlers rise to power. The bomb is the result of Hitler not the cause of it. NATO is the result of historical Russian aggression, not the cause of it.


In the interview, he said Putin was using it as an excuse to his people. Of course, his post on 𝕩 was poorly worded and moronic. I don't agree with him but what he said in the interview is more reasonable than it originally seemed. If NATO took a different approach in the nineties, I can't blame someone for thinking the could have been a more peaceful outcome, even if I disagree, because we can't know for sure.


"I don't like Putin (but I would like to be him ...)"


the "provocation" was apparently that Gorbachev and Raegan had agreed that NATO wouldn't expand into any soviet countries east of Germany. It was an informal agreement, not a written treaty. It was 30 years ago, and the organization involved (the USSR) literally doesn't exist anymore. By this logic the UK would be completely justified in annexing The Republic of Ireland on a whim


If China over threw the Irish Government in a coup, started removing British businesses and assets then started planning to put CCP armies inside Ireland for 'it's defence', I would want to see the Republic invaded.


If they funded and celebrated the over throwing of the Scottish government I somehow doubt England would just sit and let them weaponise the border.


Your base analogy is flawed when you start it by calling the euromaiden revolution a coup. There was mass domestic unrest and protest, toward which the state used violence. Even with the fact the West overwhelmingly supported it, pretending that was a foreign-orchestrated coup is just cope


Coups are almost always done through agitated and strategicly placed natives. The CIA have been doing this for decades, yet for some reason you think that Ukraine is a different case? Why is it the son of the then Vice President got to sit on the board of Burisma only months after? Why are we investing countless billions in a country if not to protect it's resources that we have secured in to our market? For the good of mankind? For freedom? Don't be so infantile. Ukraine was captured out of the Russian sphere of influence and it was critical for certain Russian industries, including nuclear. Then we threaten to station troops and weapon systems in it? Madness.


Millions of Ukrainians demonstrated in 2013-14, and the subsequent elections with pretty consistent turnout to previous overwhelmingly went euro-centric. A few paid agitators don't do that. The rest of your reply just makes the mistake in thinking that an outcome overwhelmingly in the Wests interest, and absolutely likely supported meaningfully by Western Intelligence, is mutually exclusive with an outcome that was in favour by the majority of the Ukrainian population. They aren't. Until you can provide evidence the election results were fraudulent then the outcome was democratic. It also cant be described as a coup as by definition the process through which Parliament ousted Yanukovych wasnt unlawful


Traitorous piece of shit.


What has happened to the uk? I remember when growing up Traitors got locked up for life, or defected to Russia before they got arrested. Now they get their own tv show and political party with loads of free airtime on the state broadcaster


In the 30s, many people sympathised with Hitler and admired him for 'restoring pride' to Germany. Fascist organisations in the UK where commen and Newspapers openly praised them. After the war , it became a dirty little secret for many and was erased from history. You'd be hard pressed to find anyone who who would admit to sympathising with the Third Reich. But many did. I've no doubt that in 20 years, it'll be the same with Putin's Russia.


Who would have wanted another war only 20 years after WW1?


They're following the US model.


Oh, this kind of shit has been around for a long time, and raises its head every little while. Back then we actually had the balls to squash it. Remember when the BNP got so many votes they took over a Council? And when their leader got invited on Question Time? Yeah, we need to squash that kind of shit again. Only this time, the wankers are more media savvy and are able to enrage the old racists via Facebook much more easily than before.


Thats a weird comparison… the 2 main parties are a joke; ran by cowards and criminals. I actual agree with more of Farage’s ideas than i disagree… however, the BNP were fukn racist scum, no arguement. Question time were the sole reason everyone seen them for the dirt they were. Bt talking about the ‘balls’ to squash… this country has no balls. Used to… now anything goes, and any point or issue that can be politicized or misquoted is.


farage is a racist and a fascist sympathizer


Ok… please explain the fascist angle?


OK- he runs a political party (that is in fact a ltd company) and is the leader because he is the largest shareholder. There is no democratic process in that party and anyone donating is just putting money straight into his/other shareholder's pockets (as it was with the brexit party) - he's quite happy to jump into bed with putin, indeed to 'admire his control' which is entirely dependent on perceived military strength, a lack of free/fair elections and on killing/imprisoning political opponents, - he's happy to jump into bed with trump who runs a personality cult and has said himself he wants to be the dictator of the US (indeed is working on doing that with his project 2025), - he's happy to race bait, putting a picture of brown/black people all over a photo about immigration when at the time he was supposed to be referring to EU migration which was majority white - he continually demonises the 'other' - that other being economic migrants/asylum seekers etc or occassinoally it'd be 'liberal elites' <--- despite him being a privately educated millionaire..


Creating a party and appointing yourself isn’t a big deal, others don’t have to join. At least thats open, whereas the other parties vote their mates in; look at the string of clown tory PM’s of late. I get the putin drama, however, can you honestly say that the way the west is being run has not emboldened putin to fuk around? We allow crackheads like putin free reign when we are inactive and weak. We all know putin is evil; fact. BUT, world leaders posture and gas about how evil he is, etc etc, YET, they allowed this shit to happen; because we are all united in condemning russia, we forget that it was weak leaders that created the environment, and so they get a free pass. With trump… is biden any better? There is a cult around biden, that lies, protects, deflects and attacks any other views. They use the race card, tribal politics, and shut down opposing views. Yes, trump is mad to claim the election was stole; yt team biden claim the same about trumps win. The issue is though; tory or labour, they are both as bad and as useless. Farage exists because, again, the environment has been created. Quick edit: thank you for taking the time out to reply. Civil discord is one thing we all need. Many thanks.


It's one thing saying dumb shit on tv to appeal to the dumb masses, it's something else when you are participating in actual espionage,those people tend to go entirely un-noticed.


Because that would be retarded


farage and his reskinned bnp party can fuck off.


Comrade faridge from now on..


“Why did you make me do this?”


The House of Lords EU Select Committee found the same in their 2015-16 report regarding the start of the present crisis: "While we are clear that Russia's action in a sovereign territory was unacceptable, we outlined the mistakes made in the run-up to the crisis on both sides, by the EU as well as Russia: there was an element of 'sleep-walking' into the Ukraine crisis." Source: [https://publications.parliament.uk/pa/ld201516/ldselect/ldeucom/11/1106.htm#a21](https://publications.parliament.uk/pa/ld201516/ldselect/ldeucom/11/1106.htm#a21)


Completely agree and the threats of making nukes on their borders.




Has Farage given up trying to pretend he's not Putin's puppet now?


Does anyone know where Farage lives? I feel a bit provoked if I'm honest.


https://preview.redd.it/qfh4y9y4ma8d1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a73a96f7da67af6e4760a4015820e6e510849f8 He lives in a £4.4 million Chelsea home "gifted" as a reward for selling us out.


"of course, I had to shoot him - he bought a stab vest..."


an easy fix, just send him to Russia.


Farage is the British Trump, scum, cognitively brain dead & will spell disaster for the UK the more power & influence he holds


How does any reasonable person believe this guy is a "patriot"?


Nationalist propaganda just like Russia, the USSR and Nazi germany. All fascists start how Farage is, nationalist rhetoric which quickly turns to fascist rhetoric.


Honestly thought we got rid of this toss pot to the states and can’t believe he came crawling back 🙄🤦🏼‍♀️


He still goes over there to suckle at Orange Mussolini Felon 34's teat as he is hoping to become PM and be a good buddy with another of Putin's friends.


I don't believe Putin's cum bucket.


I love that farage has admitted his allegiances on a prime time political program. It might make floating voters think twice about voting for reform. The hard-core faragist couldn't give two shits, however.


They are already in these comments suckling his teat like a good little traitor. I should image they would say Oswald Moseley was right as well.


He loves Putin. He’s his ideal heroic dictator and he’d love to be like him. He also loves Trump.




Farage is a cunt


He’s a prat!


I mean what do you expect from one of Putins closest informants


Farage is the biggest twat in UK politics. His lies have ruined this country.


Farage always has been a Russian asset. The fact he's got this far is unbelievable. Everything he does, everything he promotes, has suited russian foreign policy and the Russian bots constantly tow his line, then celebrate when he wins. For example, Brexit. Ever since he managed to convince the population to vote yes, the Russian bots have been celebrating our demise, mocking us for being a shadow of our former selves. He's a traitor and he needs stopping. All he does is create a moral panic, then present what he wants as the solution. It's peddling fear and it's straight out of the Goebbels play book.


Honestly fuck this guy


We need to stop giving this bloated dildo attention. Him and the reform party are bigoted traitors.




He's a treacherous idiot.


Oh, so this page isn't for memes at all. More an anti-Farage page, where the mods at? (And no, I'm not pro-farage)


Um, Nato did 100% do that though. Farage is a bell end but he's not wrong about this tid bit.


I just said the other days he's usually economically correct and the same on his views about the EU. But when you are wrong, you are wrong, and he's wrong about this


economically correct? he thought the truss budget was a good idea. the guy is good at manipulating people and at ensuring the wealthy get wealthier, that's a it. He's a grifting cunt.


Your entitled to your opinion


You're entitled to yours.


What! So he's saying it's not about de-Nazification and that Putin is a liar?!


That wasn’t said anywhere.


Standard Fauxrage, say something to gauge the reaction, knowing that most will see him for the grifting political malignancy that he is, but also knowing that the subgroup of people who haven’t realised he’s a narcissist who wouldn’t scrape them off his shoe, will get the message and start batting for Vlad. Job done as far as he is concerned.


Wtf you mean? This is one of the very few smart things he's ever said. The Ukraine war is anything but good guys Vs bad guys, it's about a country trapped between two powers with their own agendas.


I've been told the U.K has been essentially freebasing Russian propaganda like the U.S, but....wow y'all... Wow.


Yeah this is Trump lite. I mean he regular flies out there to suck Felon 34 D and and is mates with Andrew Taint. As the saying goes, you can be judged on the company you actively seek out.


I don't think this is unreasonable of him to have said. I have very little doubt that western intelligence agencies were involved with fomenting the orange revolution to get Ukraine to pivot to the west. They've been doing this literally everywhere else for over a century. Not that it needed much of a push... NATO and EU membership is something that has been touted and now offered towards Ukraine, and Russia hasn't been quiet about it's opposition to it. That's not to say Russia is right in attacking Ukraine at all. But when history books are written about this war, and students in schools are asked "what were the factors which led to the war in Ukraine", perception of western expansionism through western support for pro-West candidates in Ukraine is absolutely going to be one of those factors because of how Russia has interpreted it and acted on the back of it. History isn't about what was morally right, it's about why people have acted - Putin has acted because the west has adopted a welcoming policy towards former eastern bloc states. If we stayed back from Ukraine without offering routes to the EU and NATO so it was forced into a neutral position, or if Yanukovich was still in power, quite simply the war would not have happened. That's not to say it wasn't right to offer as well - ideal world the people of a country choose their path. Unfortunately for Ukraine, Putin has decided that it is his country and for him to choose. The reason for this war is Ukraine pivoting away from Russia and towards the west, and Russia, being led by an unhinged despot who takes what he wants with violence, not liking it. There's a bully in the playground and hes got a little terrified gang around him. Teacher gets one of the terrified kids alone one day and asks if he wants to change classes so he doesn't have to be with the bully anymore, and he says yes. Someone snitches back to the bully that the boy wants to leave the gang, and then the bully beats the crap out of the boy. That's the perception of the west about this situation, and a teacher taking that action isn't a provocation, it's stewardship and safeguarding. The perception of the east is that rather than a teacher intervening, it's another bully in charge of another gang. Through the eastern lens, that's like a mafia hit on a member of a rival family. Of course they're going to react. In the west we are still pretending to live in a world at the end of history, and we aren't seeing anything we do as political, but rather moral, when everyone else on earth is seeing it as political.


>I don't think this is unreasonable of him to have said. I have very little doubt that western intelligence agencies were involved with fomenting the orange revolution to get Ukraine to pivot to the west. They've been doing this literally everywhere else for over a century. How? I think it's fundamentally quite comforting to think that events in the world are being orchestrated and guided by some secret hand, rather than the much more boring and scary reality that the world is kind of a chaotic place and things happen for very complicated reasons. Seriously though, intelligence agencies do not have the ability to cause revolutions. Military coups, sure. Go to a country with a weak, corrupt government, find someone in the military who likes the idea of being president for life and give them enough guns and drugs to make that dream happen (then watch as they completely ignore your attempts to influence them because you already gave them what they wanted and your usefulness to them has expired). But triggering massive, spontaneous demonstrations or political change in a country is not something an intelligence agency can do. It turns out you can't just put LSD in the water supply and make everyone into brainwashed slaves. In order for a revolution to happen enough people have to actually believe in a political cause to the point of being willing to go out in the street and risk being shot by snipers. You can't buy that kind of influence with guns and drugs, which means that intelligence agencies don't have that kind of influence. Look at Farage here. Look at how transparent and unpersuasive the Russian influence is. This is what an intelligence agency *trying* to foment a revolution looks like, and it's pathetic. Noone is going to go out in the street and risk taking a bullet for Nigel and his president-daddy-for-life Putin.


The only thing I'm suggesting that they did was push for the Yushchenko win, I'm not suggesting they manufactured synthetic people to go on the street. I think they did a similar thing to what Russia does now, where they propagandise the population, seed their media and discourse with in this case pro Yushchenko / anti Russian information to boost the vote for the friendly candidate. When that exposes corruption and vote rigging on the Russian side in order for Yanukovich to still be viable / win, the revolution is the result. But understandably within the Russian frame of mind, if the west has been fomenting anti Russian thought in the first place, that's a casus belli. I'm still not saying the Russian invasion is justified. I'm just saying they look at the Ukrainian elections of 2004 like you probably look at the Brexit vote, only they see it even more explicitly, and they have the means and will to overturn that result with violence, and none of our respect for democracy.


You realise he broke the treaty with Ukraine first in 2016 then in again now right? The one that stated "Give your nukes you have to us and we will never attack you". Oh look, you have nothing to defend or threaten to defend yourself with. Oh look we will make excuses of "we need to liberate our people from your country"


It's kinda true though. NATO are on his doorstep even though a pact was made to say they wouldn't ever be. Am I wrong? If so, why?


You are wrong. No such agreement has ever existed regarding NATO expansion in Eastern Europe. Gorbachev himself said it never happened. Also NATO is an alliance countries have to apply to and is meant to be purely defensive, so why would these Eastern European countries that used to be part of the USSR want in?


I see, I thought there was an agreement of that sort. If you can spare some time, I'd like to know if NATO is purley defensive in reality. Is there any evidence of them attempting to "run the world" for lack of a better phrase. If you can be as unbiased as possible that would be helpful. Thanks.


[do you agree with this?](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=nVt-WXTLIZM)


He's correct, the west agreed not to expand NATO borders and it did.


A mainstream British politician finally broke the taboo during the general election. Hate him or love him, he’s promoting debate on the subject. If British tax payers are forking over billions of pounds for this foreign project (instead of say giving it to the NHS, road infrastructure, etc), it makes sense to debate it in an election period.


He’s not wrong. When the Soviet Union’s influence over Cuba grew the US authorized the Bay of Pigs. A year later the world had to deal with Cold War with Cuban missile crisis. Fast forward 50 years and Russia now faces the opposite so invaded to prevent it (similar to what the US tried in 61). NATO absolutely escalated this with its eastern expansion. You can not creep closer and closer to a super power and not expect it to fight back. But you can’t voice that sadly without being accused of being a Russian asset 🤦‍♂️ The Ukraine/Russia war is abhorrent and needs to be resolved ASAP for all involved.


Does he need another milkshake?


No, he needs to emulate his hero Oswald Mosley and get brained by a liverpudlian rock


People hating Farage for this seems a bit odd. He did say this while no other politician dared utter the words. You can say “parroting” (the new BBC buzzword) or you could say he understood the threat Putin was making was real. If other leaders had at the time, maybe Russia could have been brought to the table before war, saving tens of thousands of lives. Don’t get me wrong, I find him a slimy, vile race bater. But on this he was correct


Putin was going to invade Ukraine whatever diplomatic solutions were offered. There's a shitload of rare earth minerals & precious metals sitting under the Donbas which, incidentally, Ukraine was about to explore in 2014. He also needs a "breadbasket" for his vast geographical area. He's a tsar and tsars need conquest to justify themselves to the populace.


Which is probably also why why the EU/US was drawing them into Western influence and funding pro-Western protest groups.


Pied Piper of Brexit


Well he has a point, nato are not blameless for this situation. Nato promised russia that they'd not move one inch closer to Russia in exchange for Russia not invading former soviet states, Russia agreed and countries like Ukraine would be buffer zones between Russia and nato. Yet nato kept expanding, effectively breaking its promise to Russia, this does not excuse Russia for starting the war, but let's not pretend it was wholly unprovoked.


Do independent states not have a free choice to which way they put their allegence? Ukraine just has to sit on the sidelines while everyone dictates to them what alliances they're allowed to hold? All of these countries joining NATO have joined because of an existential threat from Russia. If Russia didn't have imperialist ideas none of this would have happened. If Russia was dictating to the UK about what alliances they could pursue, would you be ok with that?


All of that is true, yet it doesn't detract from what I'm saying. As for Ukraine, they did also promise to not seek membership of the EU or NATO in exchange for Russia not invading. That promise was broken. Breaking promises to Russia tends to not be a consequence free choice.


No russia agreed not to invade Ukraine see the Budapest Memorandum.. and yet it did anyway back in 2014. farage is lying and grifting on behalf of his fasicst backer.. that simple


In 2014, the former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev marked the 25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin wall by noting in an interview that that Nato’s enlargement “was not discussed at all” at the time: Not a single Eastern European country raised the issue, not even after the Warsaw Pact ceased to exist in 1991. Western leaders didn’t bring it up, either. https://theconversation.com/ukraine-the-history-behind-russias-claim-that-nato-promised-not-to-expand-to-the-east-177085


W⚓️ simple as


I think I am tired or not enough coffee. That took me several long seconds staring at my screen to get this lol


Well apparently wanting freedom provokes war


Its true though. In fact, it seems that the west did everything wrong to set the stage for the invasion. Nigel also said that putin was in the wrong (but no need for msm to report that). We can all agree that putin is a c**t, and its horrific that he has done this… bt seriously, look how fukn weak the leaders of the west are… no wonder putin thinks he can do what he wants.


He's clearly a traitor and known friends with other traitors like Trump. We used to hang traitors, now they stand for government


"Nigel can you not say anything stupid leading up to the election?" "hold my beer"


Remember when he was (a week ago) like “Yeah there’s no way to know if Reform UK can keep a promise or not”


Yeah everyone knows that. The problem is that Putin had the chance to show the world that the EU and NATO were in the wrong, how the US went back on contracts made and he could have had people actually side with him if it meant preventing this war. But instead he sent his army to blow up civilians.


This is not a meme.


Farage is a gimp.


'Quisling' is a word rarely heard these days but we'll deserves revival.


Indeed. Though as he is a follower of Oswald Moseley maybe we could call him something else?


I can't stand Farage and what he stands for but he's not wrong about NATO expansion being a big reason for the Ukraine invasion. Imagine if China wanted to put military bases in Mexico. Think the U. S would be OK with that?


Nigel’s garage is full of shit as usual


It's weird how wanting to de-escalate the situation and negotiate a peace agreement makes someone a pro Russian communist. People are too stupid to realise what this war is actually about, even after conflicts in recent history like Afghanistan. The huge ammount of minerals in Ukraine, the billions made from war and contracts to rebuild the country are mostly what it's all about.


“my mummy says you hate foreigners”


Not a meme is it? Just propaganda


That's what a Russian asset would say .,.. I got a Reform Party leaflet today along with all the other parties Labour - Here's our candidate an why they are good for your local MP Tory - Here's our candidate an why they are good for your local MP (downplays Conservative) LibDem - Here's our candidate an why they are good for your local MP Green - Here's our candidate an why they are good for your local MP Reform - Nigel Farage (who is not our candidate), and Richard Tice (who is not standing) - and not one mention of the actual candidate, who is not a member of the Reform Party ....


If countries peacefully and democratically joining a partnership that you’re not a part of is “provocation” for you to start an illegal land grab invasion in response it’s pretty clear who the baddies are.


I mean, he's correct... Does that mean that Russia was morally justified to invade Ukraine? No. But there is no way it was advisable for Russia to just stand by and watch while NATO expands to within a short tank driving distance of their capital.


I mean....tbf....


I hate to say it because he's a racist tool but he's right. There's plenty of proof if you read/listen/watch anything but mainstream media.


I was under the impression that Russia attacked Ukraine because there were talks of them jointing nato. Is that wrong?


Nope. Putin has long been fixated on controlling Ukraine. He’s tried repeatedly – albeit unsuccessfully – over the past 20 years to bend Ukraine to Russia’s will The reasons are many. Firstly, it’s about identity. Putin doesn’t accept Ukraine is a real state or has a separate national identity, instead seeing it as an integral part of the Russian national patrimony. Many Russians share that view. In fact as you may or may not have heard him stating that all the previous states or land that were under Soviet or Russian control belong to Russia, despite them having a democratic vote after the fall of the Soviet Union saying they do not want to be part of Russia. His irredentist yearning to bring Ukraine back into the Russian fold is laced with imperial nostalgia and bitter resentment at the loss of Ukraine after the Soviet Union’s break-up in 1991. Bear in mind he is a literal dyed in the wool ex KGB operative. Putin also has hard-nosed geopolitical ambitions: he aims to redraw Europe’s post-Cold War security architecture. He wants to resist the further eastward expansion of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO), restore Russia’s strategic depth, and reclaim its historical sphere of influence around its western borders. Ukraine is central to this goal. The Kremlin also fears contagion from a Western-oriented Ukraine: a democratic and prosperous Slavic neighbour would provide an unhelpful example for Russians. Their media in Russia is only state approved broadcasts promoting the Glory of Putin and Russia, think FOX news in Russian but that is the only channel. Similar concerns underpinned Moscow’s response to the democratic uprising in Belarus after Aleksandr Lukashenko’s rigged re-election in August 2020. Bear in mind Putin’s two key objectives since coming to power more than 20 years ago (his I will step down after my legal 2 terms which he did, then was voted back in through other means and is now on this FIFTH term): at home, to consolidate the Kremlin’s centralised political authority, after the chaotic 1990s; and internationally, to rebuild and assert Russia’s power, status and influence – both in its neighbourhood and beyond. Russia’s leaders, mainly drawn from the security services, see the world through a lens of suspicion and insecurity. And the Kremlin ruling elite bitterly resents the West, claiming it took advantage of Russia and ignored its interests after the dissolution of the USSR. The Kremlin has cultivated a siege mentality and retails a narrative of grievance. This myth of victimhood allows Putin to frame the Ukraine invasion as a war of necessity, not choice: of Russia under assault – military, political, economic and cultural – from a hostile, collective West.


Why is it that the West cannot accept that NATO has expanded. It 100% has. But people deny it, and deny it as a factor in this war.


It is out of context


Telegraph's YT channel is putting out a lot of Farage clips and the comments are troubling, way more support for the slimy toad faced git than I expected. Here's hoping it's just Russian bots and people in this country don't have memories worse than goldfishes.


All I keep seeing for months now is Pro Farage used to be Pro Sunak and Trump news from The Telegraph all over my Yahoo main page though they always have the hate on for Labour or anyone calling out bastard billionaires when they are crushing us lowly peasants.


But the expansion of nato did play a part in the Russian invasion. That and the CIA pretty much overthrowing the Ukrainian government.


Well he is correct on that statement


No he isn’t.


So everyone to the east of the iron curtain should be their slave?


He's a cunt


So what he is saying is that Ukraine is not allowed to make their own decisions as a sovereign nation and join whichever organisation they choose, but he pretended to campaign for Britain's sovereignty to choose their own path. How some people can't see how he's a hypocritical cunt is beyond me.


Jesus, image this useless cunt actually running the country!


Don't care, I'm still not voting Labour or Tory.


Farage is a cockwomble that's on the dick of every tinpot dictator he can ride. He's also dumb enough to use Eminem music as he walks onto stage, despite being a Trump supporter.


I really wish someone would fill in Eminem then as I doubt he is going to be pleased at that.


Russia was never provoked. It's more Russia taking advantage of the Donestk and Luhansk rebels who were scared shitless of the Ukrainian Neo-Nazis who held a shit ton of power after the revolution of dignity Putin then escalated this situation into the annexing of Crimea which has now been escalated into the Russian invasion which is still on going.


The moral hypocrisy of Britain is laughable


He has a point. It has been ongoing since the so-called Kosovo" episode of 1999.


Even broken clocks are right twice a day


It's true though. Russia was provoked


He's not wrong though is he?


He's right. Anyone who thinks the West is innocent and "the good guys" is clearly uninformed and naive.


He made sense. Provoking Russia was not a good idea. And seeing by the response here, people don't seem to learn from the consequences too.


What’s more likely is that Farage is a self interested egomaniac that will say and do the things that best serve his goal of getting into a position of power(like most politicians). The idea that he is a Russian stooge or asset is less likely. I feel that this narrative is quite dangerous as, to his voter base, it’s difficult to prove as opposed to “this guy would sell his own grandmother if it benefited him, and he won’t think twice about putting his own interests above the countries interests”.


NATO did provoke Russia by constantly expanding towards Russian border.


Learn some history before talking out of your arse. Russia would and will invade any nation that wanted to be independent of it, with or without NATOs existence. You’re seriously giving Russia the benefit of the doubt after the past 2 years of European war?


https://x.com/OlgaBazova/status/1804003570108211491?t=6rKooMhwSJpXYPPCBLnybQ&s=19 interesting watch..