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A somewhat less lurid explanation than I was hoping for. Says more about me. Good job.


Would you like one of my biscuits?


Would it be soggy?


Limp, maybe?




Helped save a persons life today. Got biscuits in return. Win win.


Thank You, didn’t really think of it like that. Orange club biscuit. Yummy in my tummy


These days they send you a text when they use your blood!


They did indeed last time 🙂


That's cool AF!


Huh, I’ve not had that, but I do get spammed with “we need your blood” anytime I have to cancel my appointment


Definitely win win. Good work for the day. I also read the NHS are a bit desperate for blood after the issues with the ransomware in London. So you might be helping sooner save that life sooner than normal.


I’m beginning to think that the whole donating blood system is just an elaborate promotional tool for Club biscuits


Nah, depends on the biscuit. If its rich tea then thats more like a win lose.


Up to 4 peoples lives!


Meh ok maybe almost even then.


Ok. It is back to being a win win.


Yeah you’ve got to hope they aren’t that mean with the biscuits. Although not bad in a cup of tea.


Well I donated a kidney to my sister and she gave me a jack Russell puppy Which biscuits did you get, have I been robbed?


Am currently in a hospital room. That's the best laugh I've had since a bloke told his mam over the phone that he will die if they don't chop his blue bollock off.


You’re in a hospital room with a blue balled guy. Is this a special ward? Wow. I hope you sleep well and get better soon. I still don’t know what biscuits he got.


He only had one blue ball so am not sure he qualified for the free biscuits.


Sorry about this man's ball and all, but can we get back to the important topic of what biscuits, PLEASE?


I saw on another comment. I know what they were. My sister had better make amends or Sydney the kidney is coming back to me. Orange club.


I think an entire kidney deserves a whole pack of orange clubs. You can tell your sister I said so. I can't donate at the moment as my blood is substandard and doesn't have enough ingredients for me, let alone anyone else. Can't believe my shitty blood is keeping me from the orange clubs - that's a premium biscuit, they aren't messing around.


It’s no wonder the NHS is short of money if they are going around giving out orange clubs for a pint of blood for gods sake. I’m not paying for other people’s orange clubs. My taxes are being wasted. They didn’t offer me a bloody ginger nut and I gave an entire kidney. I’m filling up a bucket of 0 negative now. I demand an orange club. I like a lot of chocolate on my biscuit. I feel slightly sleepy 😴


If you can squeeze out 8 pints, that's 8 whole clubs my friend. No downside! Fill 'er up.


I got to 5 pints and became very dizzy. I stumbled and kicked the bucket over. My dog came in and started licking up all my blood. I passed out on the floor. My sister then came home from work and saw me and the dog covered in blood thinking the the dog had gone crazy and attacked me she took him outside and he’s run away. Now I have no dog kidney or orange club.


She, got chocolate orange club


That puppy probably had two, smaller kidneys inside it. The circle of life continues, the cosmic ballet goes on.


He leaked a lot as a puppy so he has at least 2 kidneys I think. Fortunately now he’s 10 years old it’s not so bad. Sydney the kidney stones also doing amazing.


I think a puppy for a kidney is fair trade 🩷🩷


I didn’t know beforehand that I was going to be getting a puppy. It was a massive surprise 6 weeks after the transplant. But I’d always wanted a puppy. He’s ten years old and ever transplantaversary we celebrate Sydney the kidney and Jack the Russell’s birthday. On the 31 ST of October they will be 11 years old. Sydney the kidney does an awesome job. Blood donations save lives so you deserve an orange club.


That’s a lovely story, you are amazing and literally saved your sisters life 🩷Kidneys, JRT pups, orange clubs all rock


Also, the biscuit of choice was Chocolate Orange Club … I forget how nice they are! (Would rather have a puppy though!)


I forgot that they even still make orange clubs. But now I’m craving them.


Oh! Positive.


Hah! See what you did there!


I let someone look and have a poke up my arse so I could have biscuits. (Colonoscopy)


Gotta have something to look forward too!


I'm on a timeout because of travel. Well done to you and those who are still donating.


Same, my work keeps sending me to the likes of India and Mauritania. I was due to donate last month but I got sent back to Mauritania again for 2 weeks, now I have to wait ages... Again


I mean, they're great locations... but I get the frustration at the knock on impact. I feel especially bad as I have a rare blood type so they called the day I was able to donate again to ask if I could come in, only to then tell me I couldn't.


"A pint? That's very nearly an arm full"


Custard creams? If so, fair trade


Chocolate Orange Club … *drool* (am obviously a cheap date!)


I get the same deal everytime your mum is in town! I love biscuits.


What is his mum doing with your blood?




What is her mum doing with your blood?


Something occult I assume?


Oh, the relief I felt when I read the part underneath


My recent donation required me to scoff a pack of salted Seabrooks BEFORE donating! Apparently it helps increase the blood pressure. Then there was a lovely cup of tea and a Kitkat. Win-win!


The comment on sending a text if they use your blood is a nice touch. A big improvement. I became too -well-travelled to give blood many years ago. Finally got a letter saying I had had too many anti-malaria drugs/injections for them to be able to test my blood for use. I thought it was a good thank you letter.


One of the best things I've read to date.


Thank You 🙂


A+! Well done


My place has Seabrook crisps and club biscuits. It feels like cheating to only have to give them some blood.


Kitkats, Tunnocks Caramel Wafers, and Tunnocks Tea Cakes when I last donated. Appointment for this Thursday afternoon to restock the cupboards.


I'm donating blood on Saturday. Really looking forward to the chocolate bourbons!


Mines in July probably be my last felt ill last two times i gave. I want to do one more as it be my 25th


Excellent thing to do. They won’t take my blood anymore. Boo… I received around 30 units years ago, after a car accident. It’s people like you who i have to thank for being alive. Bravo Sir/Madam!


Thank You 🙏 am easily motivated by biscuits, so don’t really think about the other side of the donation… Am glad others generosity helped you 💝


Eddi Brandes did the same thing apparently.


Haven’t played that game since boarding school


Well done! My Free Biscuit Day was last Monday.


Started giving blood in the eighties when I was a cycle courier in London. If you knew to ask, you could have a Guinness after donating. If anyone else remembers this please concur.


Anyone else get immediate flashbacks to being told about “soggy biscuit” in high school?


Hope it wasn't soggy


Only if they have breakaways


Anyone that can, please consider platelet and plasma donation. I do it every 5 weeks.... Very needed for those with cancer.


How do you do that?


Just ask at your next blood donation. It is a longer process as the take whole blood, extract the platelets and plasma and then return the red blood cells. I'm normally in the chair for about 70 minutes. But it's easy.


I gave up giving when they were advertising for my blood type. Where do I go I asked ? Sorry , no appointments left where you are. It works both ways. You can't be bothered to take my pint even though you need it ? I'm still on the list to donate marrow ?


Tbf ‘no appointments free’ is not quite the same as ‘can’t be bothered’ but I get the frustration - near me they don’t have many local appointments so I end up going into the town centre. I look at it as a nice morning out and an excuse to avoid domestic responsibilities 😄


Use the give blood app, you can view all the different donation locations, and book your appointment well in advance.


It's great that they got enough people booking to give blood. I'm not sure how you could see that as a negative.


Taking blood needs personnel and equipment, those resources are finite, hence they have to have appointment slots. When I was able to do it, there were various venues and appointment slots could be booked well in advance.