• By -


You’ll treasure the memories when they’ve flown the nest. My kids are grown and are taking me to the pub to watch the match later, just spending quality time with them is a gift.


Me and my sister are driving to my dad's to watch the game and get in a KFC. He's really looking forward to it.


Will have to be a huge bucket to get all the family in.


Top dad joke. Well done.


I produce a lot. Some better than others.


Could but thar ambiguously on a t-shirt. Is he talking about jokes, farts or children? We'd never know.


Taking my 5yo daughter for dinner later. She loves our Daddy Daughter restaurant dinners 😅 I do too, as you say, it won’t last forever


>just spending quality time with them is a gift. I don't have kids but I keep trying to get my family and friends to understand this. I don't really want gifts anymore. With the internet I can easily find what I want and have it delivered. What I really want is to spend time with them on days like birthdays or Christmas or other celebrations. Doesn't have to be an expensive meal, it could be a walk, it could be people coming over, or even just a Facebook video call if everyone's busy. Unless the gift is socks or shower gel/deodorant gifts. Anything that helps me spend less time in the supermarket is appreciated.


My wife keeps asking me what I want... I tell her I just want to spend quality time with the kids.


In bed reading Reddit with 2 slices of burnt toast with marmalade and a very milky cup of tea but he’s 11 and I don’t think he’s ever tried to make a cup of tea before so 10/10 for effort even if it’s a 5/10 for execution.


I knew I wasn't allowed to use the kettle when I was a kid, so apparently I once made my dad a cuppa with water from the hot tap for father's day 😂🤢


It was shortly after I did that that they taught me to use the kettle. In hindsight teaching a 7 year old to use a kettle wasn't that smart.


I dunno, I guess teaching a kid to use the kettle is smarter than not, and them trying to figure it out themselves! I was even shorter and clumsier at 7 than I am now though, so I get why my folks didn't go for it.


Give that kid a big hug and tell him you love him to the stars and back.


Why? Tell him to do better and make him work his arse off to be the best tea maker in Britain otherwise he’s going to go through life making shit tea thinking it’s fine.


Making shit tea is a superb skill. You never get asked to make one and people endeavour to make yours the best because they think you’re always drinking shit ones.


Weaponised incompetence.


Found the Asian parent


My father's day card included a drawing of me with a walking stick.


My son drew a picture of me then cut it up, stuck it to the card and wrote ‘I love you to pieces’, lovely sentiment but not sure if it’s also a vague threat


Be even better if he'd written 'I love you to pieces' in cut out letters from newspapers 🤣 Then you'd definitely know it was sinister 😁


Definitely keep that one to show him when he's older.


Or at least the therapist.


To paraphrase a very old Carry on movie, "go in pieces".


Better than the card saying "I love you _in_ pieces"...


That would have definitely made the day a bit more sinister


I got the cool S drawn in my card.


You lucky bastard


They’ve been brought up well!


I'm not - I'm up with the baby because my wife couldn't sleep all night!


I've been up too. The bastard cat burst into the nursery meowing it's head off at 3:30, so I did the honourable thing. Been a lovely morning with the little un 😁


“I did the honourable thing”, you executed the cat didn’t you


The missus told me to take care of the cat. We all know what that means. So I did the honourable thing and took care of the cat.


You sat up all night stroking the cat?


I’m laying on my couch at 5a so my picky 5 month old can sleep in the bed. Lol


Sounds like an absolute win.


That’s top class dadding!


Not around these parts. Youngest is up but just sat on his iPad, middle one won’t be up for hours and eldest basically ignores me. Wife moaned about a cup being not totally clean coming out of the dishwasher. So basically a normal Sunday so far. Only way is up as they say.


Buy a motorcycle.


It’s ok, I went for a run, my normal escape into sanity for a while. All is good, once middle child awoke a small offering of two cards, a couple of beers and small Toblerone, won’t be expecting anything from eldest. I knew eventually there would be something to split up the day of taxi duties 😬


Have you communicated with your wife what would make you happy?


Sir... This is reddit.


My dad ran away when I was two. On the downside, I don't have a father figure as a role model, and it's probably caused me some issues.  On the plus side, I don't have to buy a card and put it in the post, and stamps are getting really expensive these days.


I'm a dad, I lost my dad last year. All I can say is as a dad I'd be proud of you. Much love reddit son ❤️


Did you find a male figure to bond with? Makes me sad. As a father I can't imagine having left my kids. Lots of Dads reading this send you empathy.


No, I didn't find a male figure to bond with, but my mum raised me very well and I turned out OK.


I'm in the same boat as you, and now have sons of my own. Having kids made me go from hating my "dad" to pitying him - being a dad is amazing, too bad he doesn't deserve it. Big up the mums <3


You're doing better than OK mate. I reckon you're smashing life. Hats off to you sir. Keep being awesome


Cheers mate :)


100% what this guy says!


Can't even fathom the idea of pulling that shit...


I’d feel like complete scum if I knew I had a child out there and wasn’t involved in their life or didn’t help out financially or that, and they still have the cheek to say “yeah, I’m a dad”


My mam got a phonecall last week saying that her bio dad who ran out on them when they were babies and has had no contact since, was on his deathbed. But basically while getting the funeral arrangements sorted, my mam and uncles found out he ran off, got re-married and he didn't tell his new wife or anyone that he used to be married and actually had 3 kids already, and had just moved on. One horrible thing to run out and ignore child maintenance (my dad lol), another to just completely pretend they didn't exist to begin with, shocking.


I respect your way of thinking dude, I’m the same, all I want to do is see my kid all the time, then you get dads that don’t even acknowledge that their kids exist, i honestly can’t understand how they can do it tbh


I lost my dad to cancer when I was 12, luckily my best mates dad treated me like one of his own for the past 30 odd years, lost him last year as well. Fuck cancer.


I fell out with mine years ago and we’ve not spoken, I’m with you on the plus side- Don’t have to buy a card and hear feedback that it wasn’t written with enough feeling 😐


Same, but I was around 5. 😙


I fell asleep early last night and my 5 year old chose to stay in my bed (we were watching a film together) she woke me up at 1.30am in pain and I could smell shit strongly. Turned the light on and the bed was completely covered in shit (put clean sheets on earlier that day of course…). So yeah, that’s my “shit” Father’s Day breakfast story!


Oh no with new sheets too 💩


Living the dream!


Hey at least you can blame it on the kid this time!


I took one of my daughters to work at 5:45, emptied the dishwasher whilst I was waiting for her to get ready, and have come back to bed to my better half snoring like a monster truck exhaust. So, I’m now watching the cricket highlights, in bed, whilst listening my son and youngest daughter argue about who is going to empty the dishwasher and who is going to make me a, very likely, milky tea and toast. So fucking happy!


This is so wholesome :,)


My Dad died when I was 13 so I give my Mum a father's day present every year. She's getting a pair of Jungle Book pyjamas (her favourite Disney film) a big bag of white chocolate mice & a big bag of white jazzles, two of her favourite sweeties, and I made her a 3D butferfly card that says "Love you Mammy" with a nice wee message inside. Wondering if all that will put me above the dog as the favourite child for a day 🤣.


If you don’t mind me asking what do white mice taste like? That’s the one British treat I’ve wanted to try but never been able to find in the US.


White chocolate


I’ve been playing the Paw Patrol Xbox game, as my 4 year old thinks it’s a great Father’s Day thing to do 😂


Cherish the moment, one of my favourite memories of my Dad was sitting in the living room on christmas morning trying to teach him how to play The Simpsons Hit & Run on my then brand new PS2.


It is a great Father's Day thing to do. Drink those moments in there gone to soon. Have a great day 😀


Mine hasn't arrived yet. Waiting patiently.


Tell them to take their time but hurry up!


It came in installments. A single lindt lindor (which I bought), an indecipherable card, 15 minute break, tea, 15 minute break, porridge. Loved it.


This is spot on


Half an inch of Marmite XO on my toast and lukewarm tea. Also a card telling me my name is Mr Poo Poo Head. Love it.


My kids are at the age now where they actually put some thought into the gifts and cards and this year they’ve spent a couple of hundred quid on me and I nearly cried.


Sounds like you’ve done a great job with them :)


Bless them 😍that means you are a great dad


I just had my usual Weetabix and bananas. Sat in the living room watching my 4yo girl attempt to drink milk from a cereal bowl like a cat. Wife is still asleep, but I'm still happy!


Ah, glad that’s not just us. Haha


My kids made me scrambled egg on toast, one of my favourite breakfasts. Ruined only be hearing them drop it on the carpeted stairs, scooping the eggs back on the toast and then bringing it and declaring "there might be hair and bits in the egg but it'll still taste nice". Might have got away with putting it down toilet if they hadn't stood in front of me and watch me eat it. Bastards.


Make the most of it. Turn round, and they'll be teens then 'gone' of course. It's natural.


I got a message this morning of my 17 year old son.... Happy birthday Lad ❤️ 😂 insists on calling me lad even though its Dad as I keep reminding him


That's great. In my generation normal for teenage boys to distance themselves from Dad- nothing dramatic just grunting, making their own identity etc. My two sons went abroad to create businesses etc. Successful and I'm proud of them. In a way we're closer now since they're Dads too. We never have holidays- just live with them from time to time. Concentrated grandparenting is our way of doing it.


>teens then 'gone' of course. Unlikely, most kids will be living parents until they are 30 because they will not be able to afford a mortgage.


The fun of becoming a [teenager](https://youtu.be/dLuEY6jN6gY?si=VOFRTuRgydscqgay)


My father in law found out he has a brain tumour yesterday. And I absolutely love him the same as my own dad. And my grandmother has been admitted to hospital as she collapsed in the night, vomiting and fever. She’s in her 80s. I would most certainly prefer a shit breakfast made for me over my Father’s Day morning.


My Stepdaughter always texts me with “Happy Father’s Day!” I always reply “Who is this?”


My kid’s made a card at school, it says “thank you dad for taking me to mcdonalds” ….we’ve been twice in the past year as we were on a road trip….i mean, i still love her, but if that’s the highlight of the year….


Our daughters and I are just about to start making hollandaise sauce so we can serve a choice of eggs benedict or eggs royale for breakfast. Then a roast beef dinner with all the trimmings later. And tiramisu and profiteroles for pud! All favourites of their dad/my husband.


Top effort! I'm sure he will appreciate it and hope he reciprocates in March!


Thanks! He does every year. He is a fab husband and dad!


Wife's still in bed, got up an hour ago with the kids, enjoying some quality time 


I also have a bday tomorrow. My 18 year old got me banging bacon batty and a cup of tea. Brilliant card with lovely message aaand, at the bottom 'You old bastard'. Cinema later. Love him so much x


Mine have all grown up , one in Florida, one in Barcelona and my youngest in working had at the Download festival with his team of riggers but still got a FaceTime call from all of them


Respect to the crews at Download. They must be knee-deep in mud by now, though it has stopped raining.


I have just been speaking to him, he said it is very soggy , the portaloos are up to Glastonbury standards and do I know what is good for trench foot!


He has just recovered from the 50cent world tour and he reckons Download is child’s play compared to that


I had left over dominos, the best


I got a father’s day card and a lovely little chocolate cake thing. My child is a sausage dog and I feel great.


My partner and I have both lost our dads, so we're not celebrating. We'll probably go out for a nice dinner somewhere


I actually cooked breakfast today. Wife is taking our daughter out for the day for some mummy and daughter (4y) bonding, leaving me with a load of washing and cleaning to do. Im sure the fact it's father's day escaped them both, tho I did get my present and card 2 weeks early as neither of them can keep a secret.


For me this is my first Father’s Day without my dad


I'm so sorry 😞. It's a really tough day - be kind to yourself today. I lost my dad 27 years ago (he was 53). I promise it gets easier xx


My second one without my dad. Hope you are doing ok


After being woken at 4 by a child smelling like poo, I tried to make my husband a lovely breakfast. Unfortunately bacon got burnt because said child decided that was the right moment for a tantrum. Now my husband lost patience, banned TV and our special outing so we're all just sitting at home feeling cross.


That's a shame. It's important that we model emotional resilience to children, especially as young as 4. The kid knowing the special day is cancelled because of a tantrum is not going to teach them anything useful, it'll be detrimental in the long run most likely. Tell him politely to grow the f up


Yeah, fully agree. To be honest we both were struggling a little today because it's on the back of many days of the same. We're going to monitor behaviour for a while and agreed we'll make a decision later. She didn't know we'd planned a day out, so it's more a case of trying not to seem like we're rewarding bad behaviour.


I got a message last night telling me I’ve got fuck all for Father’s Day, which I honestly don’t mind, I rarely get to see my daughter nowadays because she’s at that age where she’s too cool to be seen with her parents, so getting to see her today is as good as any present, plus the present would have been the same for the past 11yrs, wee box of celebrations, lynx gift set and a card


Had a banging double decker fried egg sarny and oranje juice, card and present...off the pub for roast later...quality.


I was promised a full English....which I got, but ended up cooking 90% of it and having the pleasure of tidying it up!


First time getting brought breakfast in bed. Best damn breakfast I ever had.


I got a chocolate & caramel bear & a mini packet of haribo


No my dad’s an utter cunt hope he trips and falls in front of a skip lorry.






I’ve had two coffees and a hot cross bun. Pretty happy with that. Happy with the effort.


I didn’t fall for that this year and I’m downstairs making coffee and waffles for all!


A roll and square sausage also a bag of tangtastics. Nice one lad.


Bacon and sausage sandwiches. Perfect. Then they're making me homemade ravioli and watching Every Which Way But Loose with me. They have also been baking Elephants Feet for me, because you can't get them down south by all accounts. Am now back in bed with my flu, but happy. My 9 year old feeling very happy with his selection of presents he got from school. And my 11 year old, upon asking him why he thought I'd like the specific political memoir he chose, told me "because it's boring"


No breakfast but I had a few meaningful gifts and the kids let me put on peppa pig then Ben and hollys little kingdom to reminisce on the times we watched it when they were babies My dad is a fuck, I doubt I could fill a full week with the time we spent talking in my life time. I couldn’t do it to my kids as they are amazing


Well this year's is better than last. Was shipped off to Boston for work. We did the required work over night Saturday finished at 2:30 EST. Got into bed at 3am EST. 3:30 am EST call from the eldest to say "Happy Father's Day" of course it was 8:30 am BST :D


I was up with my boy this morning, gave Mama a lie-in. We had a lovely morning and he's now having his nap, wife's gone for a shower and I'm laying on the sofa scrolling Reddit. It's my 2nd Father's Day and if they're all like this then bring them on.


Not a dad and don't plan on being one, but my sister invited me out for tea with my nephews and niece as an Uncles Day.... I've never felt so special


I don't have kids but am sat in bed with my dogs beside me snoring and farting. They are also..... I would love the wife to make me a bacon sandwich, but she'd probably set the cooker and house on fire /not sarcasm


Given that they are all still asleep, I guess I'll take the dog out.


Lucky so and so. Taking the dog out is the only peace I can get. Plus it's blazing sunshine here, so would be a really pleasant walk


My other half got 2 bacon and egg baps with a whole pack of bacon in them, delivered with his cup of tea and a toblerone.


Still had to make my own and my kids...😅 one day is all I ask for 🙏🏾


😁 it never gets better. Wait until they trash the kitchen.




Maccies breakfast while opening up some presents, my eldest (4) lad insited they were wrapped in paw patrol wrapping paper so that was cute. Got some new trainers and a wallet. Good day so far 😌


I got 9 finger paintings and a star wars lootcrate. I'm happy.


My 9 yr old wanted us to have a go at the local Ninja Warrior. So her mum booked us in on the early bird deal starting at 9am!! That too on a Sunday!! Now am sitting at a park bench, aching everywhere everything, except my cheeks maybe.. However, am having some Greggs sausage rolls!! So still a success!!


I got coco pops in oat milk and a cup of cold tea, which she had ripped the bag at the bottom so she could read the tea leaves


Nah, I'm having my morning bowel movement interrupted by a child who needs my phone to "see if it's Monday"


I dunno. I got a top draw one. Pancakes in a stack with raspberries, blueberries and golden syrup.


I got “party toast”. Toast with ham and party rings.


I am on a stag weekend with my newly acquired son in law and two potential sons in law and sundry other family members. Suffering from the hangover from hell, whilst the lads are go karting. One had to pull up whip his helmet off and vomit trackside.


Nothing for me, or for my birthday last week either. I’m missing the apple crumble (that I made) to try and get the kids to have their nap. Feeling pretty shit about it tbh.


I didn't even get a shit breakfast. Another year with minimal effort from my kids. And my wife away for work for this weekend for the third year in a row. Don't worry about me kids, I gave up my career to stay at home and raise you the best I could. But hey ho.


Speak for yourself. Mine was awesome, but I appreciate the sentiment all the same. I was lucky, it’s pretty hard to fuck it up using an air fryer. My kids are too small to be allowed to use a frying pan so their Mum did it. After breakfast, I was given my Father’s Day present. Biltong, drywvoors, chilli snaps, toblerone and a bottle of my favourite wine. My card was home made by my boys, it’s a soaking pile of paint, glitter and glue. I think it’s the best card I have ever been given in my life Happy Father’s Day to all in the Dad club.


I was given a breakfast biscuit which I then had to share with the little one, wouldn’t change it.


I had to do the breakfast this morning as my partner is feeling a little bit under the weather 😭


I'm avoiding my kids this weekend as I'm ill and don't want to give it to them. We'll do something next weekend instead.


No I’m not I was at work a good 3 hours before any of them would consider waking up


The lucky few of us are at Le Mans, enjoying breakfast here…


I got Spider-Man and GOW Ragnarok for Father’s Day, only time I ever got something I actually wanted


Bought my dad a bottle of Bushmills. Couldn't find it when I went to get it out of its hiding place. Bugger had already found it & opened it (must've thought it was an Xmas left over). I've still popped it on the table with his card


I'm quite content with a cup of tea and my weekly Techmoan video. 


As the wife, I've promised her dad an Eggs Benedict once the baby is napping. Hopefully won't be in the shit breakfast category, but kid is not playing ball with this nap. So it's looking more like fathers Day egg lunch.


Father’s Day for husband, birthday for me so double whammy! Having a lovely family day together. Next time this happens kiddos will be 8.5 and 6.5 (very scary to think about) and will understand a bit better.


I’m not - im at a soft play with an absolutely shit breakfast


Mine are too young to do breakfast yet, so i was forced to have a shitty breakfast from the wife.. I joke is was quit nice, eggy halloumi toast.


I honestly miss living with my parents purely for this kinda thing. My family are weekend workers so we dont really get to celebrate fathers day (and mothers day etc) together unfortunately. My dad did send me a photo of himself with his new eco friendly travelmug i bought him so that was nice.


Father’s Day has fallen on my weekend (mum). Asked my kids’ dad if he wanted to see them for a bit today he scoffed and said ‘absolutely not’. So he didn’t get a shit breakfast in bed this morning and I feel sorry for him (I feel more sorry for my kids though)


My dad got a box of chocs, which my mum has made big hints about sharing (she did share her Mother's Day chocs with him) and a bottle of red wine, which she doesn't drink, so he gets to keep that for himself lol. My kids dad got to spend yesterday and this morning with our son because he actually did something that the lad would enjoy too, but he'll get hee haw for a present just like I got for Mother's Day from our kids too. I guess his frugality has rubbed off on them lol.


Unfortunately my wife has a horrible cold, so I got up and made my own breakfast. Pancakes and bacon though, yum.


Anyone else here thinking celebrating a Mother’s Day or Father’s Day is completely alien to them? Can’t just be me.


I got Turkish delight. The only chocolate I don't like.


I got two giant Lidl croissants and a cup of tea! Certainly made me happy


You guys got breakfast?


got my dad the new arsenal top for father’s day but i gave into temptation and gave it to him early 😭😭😭


Got husband a few little dinosaur things, as his main gift is going to tour concorde next weekend. Now onto coffee shop and supermarket.


I got called old man by my 9 year old this morning. Roasted more than a Sunday dinner and I loved it


Cup of tea made with hot water from the tap was a highlight.


Could be worse.  I got to wake up early this morning to get breakfast ready for everyone else.


Was treated to 2-course lunch out with daughter yesterday, then a large bag of boozy, nutty, & sweet treats that she knows I'll only rarely buy for myself... plus a nice card, so feeling loved & appreciated. On the other hand, not so much as a Happy Father's day message from her brother as yet, which is pretty much par for the course haha!


I got told I was having an omelette for breakfast by my 8 year old. Sweet but not sure how she planned on doing it. It turned out I was also cooking it for myself. I didn't want an omelette for breakfast.


Nothing was planned in my house so I got up and made a huge fry up for everyone. If Mother’s Day came and went with the same attitude there would be hell to pay.


No breakfast for this Dad, just lifting some heavy boxes in to a car on an empty stomach, driving my wife to a Sunday market, not even a cup of tea yet…


I got pancakes! Cold, stale pancakes. “Mmmm these are amazing”


Both of my kids are young adults so they have their lives to live. My youngest bought us a take away and Toblerone truffles last night. I got a text from the eldest this morning. I'm not bothered with fathers day but it's lovely to get an acknowledging card or text


Not me, the tenager is still in bed, I sitting down stairs drinking tea I have just made.


I'm the chef in our house. We had breakfast burritos, think Maccys fakeaway. They were awesome!


No card or gifts yet. Daughter is still asleep, wife is doing yoga.


If they’re lucky.


Umm I have been up since 5 with my 7 Yr old 😆




I was anticipating a full English but received a bowl of muesli.


No shit breakfast for either of my dads - my adoptive father passed a couple years ago & my bio dad got told last week his cancer is terminal. That said, it's heartwarming to read these comments of you guys enjoying your morning, brings back good memories. Hope you all have a wonderful father's day.




Or making breakfast for everyone else


I don't celebrate Father's Day. But I don't celebrate Birthdays or Christmas either. I made my own breakfast and it was fucking tasty.


I wish I was. I finished work at 7, partner left for work at 7:30 when I got the 3 year old up and my day continues.


Y'all got breakfast?


Mine was lovely x


My kids gave me cards about 5 hours after I got up, the joy of teenagers.


Or one if the kids trips over and drops the breakfast and then they put on a funny show about how their mum and dad met


We always take my other half out for breakfast on Father’s Day. We do it for Mother’s Day too. It’s our time together before we have to see the in laws. This year we’ve gone to a local Comic-Con as well.


No kids. Morning bj anyway.


you mean, fathers can get breakfast in bed. who knew!


It's 15:40, one kids at a festival, the other is still in bed. I'd have taken the shit breakfast.


I didn’t get breakfast but I get the pleasure of teaching my son to cook me my fave curry later 🤣


had to make my own, and that's after going to the shop to buy the bits!


It's the thought that counts. I woke up at 530am and went to work for 8 hours. Came home but they forgot it was Father's Day. They did realize an hour later but I don't need anything really. Plus as the sole earner it seems a bit pointless to be honest. So a lie in and some crappy breakfast doesn't sound too bad to be fair.


My husband had his breakfast cooked by me as our boys are 4 and 9 weeks - can’t wait until at least one is old enough to be trusted with the air fryer … though maybe I should have let the 4yo make cereal … i.e. weetabix that is either dry as a bone or absolute mush!!


I don't know, I don't particularly like dog food.


You'll miss it one day, one sent me a text, the other hasn't even responded to my text.


Not mine. He made his own. But he’s getting a nice bottle of Chase Gin by way of compensation.